This Week in the News

California Declares Nation Statehood

The Ron Paul Institute wrote on April 25:

“Bloomberg published a stunning piece on April 9th promoting the secession of California from the US… This does not mean we should normally expect some announcement by Governor Newsom that ‘The California Republic is an independent nation-state’. Yet amazingly, it has been almost verbatim said in this way…”

Will California and other American states secede from the USA? If so, then citizens of those states will have to decide rather quickly where their loyalty lies.

More Nonsense—Facemasks Required for All San Diego Residents

“All San Diego County residents will be required to wear face coverings while in public starting May 1, health officials announced Friday. County Supervisor Nathan Fletcher said a mandate would be added to the public health order that would require anyone to wear a face covering whenever you are within six-feet of a non-household member….

“The county has said that medical-grade masks should not be used but homemade masks, bandanas, scarves and neck gaiters are acceptable since the items can be washed and reused… ‘We believe this is going to be a part of life in the new normal,’ Fletcher said. Until such time as we have a vaccine or a widely available therapeutic drug, there are going to be parts of life that are going to change. And getting in the habit of having a face covering when you leave your house, that’s going to be part of that change.’”

Wearing a mask is to become part of the new normal? San Diego’s governmental instructions to wear face masks are just one example of the uninformed paranoia sweeping through this entire country. It is highly disputed whether wearing masks is helpful at all or whether it could even be harmful. The Guardian had written this on April 7:

“The WHO… maintained that… there was no evidence that wearing a mask in the community prevented healthy people from picking up respiratory infections including Covid-19… Prof David Heymann, of the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, who chaired the WHO’s scientific and technical advisory group for infectious hazards, said that unless people were working in healthcare settings, masks are ‘only for the protection of others, not for the protection of oneself’.

“… Another concern is that people may contaminate themselves when they adjust, remove and dispose of their masks. The WHO said… countries that recommended masks for the general population should set up studies to monitor their effectiveness. William Keevil, a professor of environmental healthcare at the University of Southampton, said governments felt under pressure to be seen to be doing something, even if it was a waste of time and valuable resources.”

That is exactly what California and many other states are doing… wasting our time without proper studies and requiring the wearing of masks which could prove to be dangerous for those who wear them.

This is of course not limited to Californian politicians. In general, politicians are anxious to be seen as doing “something” to guarantee their (re-)election by a gullible public. That is one of the many reasons why TRUE Christians must NEVER vote in man’s political elections.

Insane Facemasks Requirements in Germany

The Guardian wrote on April 27:

“New rules have come into force legally requiring most people in Germany to wear face masks on public transport, long-distance trains and in shops. The so-called Maskenpflicht (mask duty) was introduced in 15 of the country’s 16 states on Monday morning. The northern state of Schleswig-Holstein will on Wednesday be the last state to implement the legislation.

“Fines of between €25 and €10,000 can be imposed on those who fail to wear a mask, with rates differing widely across the country… The heftiest fines will apply to shopkeepers whose staff are caught not wearing masks…

“Authorities have been quick to insist the masks do not have to be medically approved. Scarfs or cloths over the nose or mouth are adequate… But the decision has drawn scorn from some medical experts, who say non-medical masks will have little effect in stemming the spread of the virus, and could even encourage it, if masks are worn incorrectly… Frank Ulrich Montgomery, the chairman of the World Medical Association… said the proper wearing of a mask was complicated. ‘People are in danger of contaminating themselves if they wear a mask incorrectly,’ he said…

“But as Germans sought to understand the rules… in a confusing twist car drivers were warned not to wear coverings that completely disguised their faces or risk a €60 fine. This is largely so they can still be recognised by speed cameras and police surveillance. Since October 2017 it has been illegal for people to cover their face while driving, with veils, burqas and niqabs specifically singled out. Passengers are not affected.

“In most states the mask duty applies to those aged six or seven and over. People with disabilities for whom wearing a mask would be inappropriate, such as those with breathing difficulties, are exempt… 97% of those asked saying they supported the rule and recognised the importance of keeping it to help tackle coronavirus.”

If true, then these 97% of Germans are living in an illusionary dangerous dreamworld and have become victims of nationwide propaganda. That is scary indeed.

Cancer Kills More People than Coronavirus

Daily Mail wrote on April 24:

“… we’re facing a cancer epidemic, with more preventable deaths from cancer than from Covid-19. The reason is simple – in the rush to focus on stemming the awful death toll from coronavirus, the UK’s medical experts decided to temporarily ‘forget’ about cancer victims, thousands of people who had already started treatments…

Cancer affects more people in the UK than coronavirus ever will… Four hundred and fifty people die every day from the disease – 165,000 a year. If caught early, half of those diagnosed will live for more than ten years, and great work in diagnosis and treatment is seeing survival rates increase…

“A thousand new cases of cancer are diagnosed every day – at least there were in the UK, before coronavirus diverted our attention and all the resources… I cannot imagine the horror for breast, bowel and lung cancer patients whose treatment has been mothballed. Even after lockdown ends, it could take 6 to 9 months for services to return to normal. Experts say a delay in bowel cancer scanning can be a death sentence. So why do we care more about covid-19 than a disease which could affect (and potentially kill) half of us?

“Cancer charities say donations have plummeted – all we’re thinking about is coronavirus and fund-raising for the wonderful NHS. According to leading expert Professor Karl Sikora (a former director of the World Health Organisation’s cancer programme), the NHS’s decision to stop screening, delay surgery, and postpone chemotherapy will lead to far more deaths than coronavirus – over the coming years, as many as 50,000 victims could have had a good chance of life, if they’d been diagnosed and treated swiftly. According to Professor Sikora, cancer sufferers are ‘collateral damage’ in the current war against the virus…”

Thousands upon thousands of people dying of cancer and other sicknesses because of the preoccupation with Coronavirus are now deemed to be collateral damage? This is war-talk… we fight an imagined or real enemy and accept collateral damage of the innocents and helpless. We are indeed in a war… a war with the spiritual forces of darkness which have deceived and taken captive this entire world while bombarding it with insane ideas which would ultimately lead to the destruction of this planet… if Christ were not to intervene at the last minute to stop the utter madness of man’s misguided policies.  

“Treating” Coronavirus Pathway to More Dangerous Sicknesses

The Mirror wrote on April 27:

“The coronavirus pandemic is paving the way for an increase in deadly superbugs, a scientist has warned. Ronan McCarthy, a lecturer in Biomedical Sciences at Brunel University London, has warned that there could be a surge in antibiotic resistance following the pandemic…: ‘The COVID-19 pandemic has led to huge numbers of people with compromised immune systems being admitted to hospitals, which are a known breeding ground for drug-resistant bacteria. Because of this influx, these hospital-associated bacteria will now have a much wider potential target group.’

“According to Mr McCarthy, emerging evidence suggests that many coronavirus patients are being diagnosed with secondary infections while in hospital. He said: ‘… there is some evidence that multidrug-resistant bacteria are among the germs causing these secondary infections.’ As a result, many coronavirus patients are given antibiotics, despite the fact that they won’t treat the virus itself. Mr McCarthy said: ‘This rapid increase in antibiotic use, particularly in hospitals, will apply a strong selective pressure on bacteria to evolve resistance.’”

This appears to be a real danger. It is known that even in “normal” times, the frequent use or better misuse of antibiotics can do more harm than good.

Death Certificates Have Always Been Extremely Unreliable

USA Today wrote on April 26:

“Up to 1 in 3 death certificates nationwide were wrong before COVID-19, Bob Anderson, chief of the mortality statistics branch at the National Center for Health Statistics, said in an interview with the USA TODAY Network… Experts said the inaccuracies are part and parcel of a patchwork, state-by-state system of medical examiners, coroners and doctors who have disparate medical backgrounds, and in some cases none at all.

“The problem is likely to get worse as the pandemic inundates overworked and sometimes untrained officials who fill out the forms…

“Inaccurate death reporting is a long-standing problem. A review of Missouri hospitals in 2017, for example, found nearly half of death certificates listed an incorrect cause of death. A Vermont study found 51% of death certificates had major errors. Nearly half of the physicians the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention surveyed in 2010 admitted that they knowingly reported an inaccurate cause of death.

“Death certificates regularly lack enough details to accurately pinpoint the cause of death, Anderson said. ‘For example, cardiac arrest is not an acceptable cause of death, because everybody dies of cardiac arrest,’ Anderson said. ‘That just means your heart stopped.’…

“Physicians, coroners, medical examiners, and in some states, other medical personnel, such as nurse practitioners, can legally sign death certificates…”

In light of these comments, the alleged accuracy of the figures claiming death by the coronavirus becomes even more disputable.

 Tucker Carlson on the Attack against Lockdowns

Fox News wrote on April 28:

“Tucker Carlson began Monday’s edition of ‘Tucker Carlson Tonight’ by playing a video clip posted by Dr. Daniel Erickson of Bakersfield, Calif., in which Erickson gave his analysis of the coronavirus pandemic and called for an end to shelter-in-place orders around the U.S. ‘These are serious people who’ve done this for a living for decades. They have in their hands the largest currently available data sets on this question,’ Carlson said. ‘And the question they’re asking after analyzing all of those numbers [is] “Are the lockdowns worth it?” So what is the answer to that?

“‘What’s so striking is that so many politicians, the ones enforcing the lockdowns, don’t seem at all interested in asking it,’ Carlson added. ‘Instead, they’re bullying forward as if nothing has changed… Remember what they first told us back in February and March? They said we have to take radical steps in order to “flatten the curve.” Well, six weeks later, we’re happy to say that curve has been flattened, but it’s likely not because of the lockdown,’ Carlson said. ‘The virus just isn’t nearly as deadly as we thought it was.’

“The host also mentioned the negative impact of the lockdown on hospitals around America. ‘The result of this policy? In many hospitals, entire floors have been mothballed. Doctors and nurses are being furloughed in the middle of a pandemic,’ Carlson said. ‘This is insanity. It weakens our health care system. Its effects will last for many years. That’s all from the lockdown.’

“Carlson cited the SARS virus as a reason why Americans cannot wait for a vaccine for the economy to reopen. ‘We spent millions of dollars and more than a decade trying to find a vaccine for the SARS virus. Scientists never developed one. That’s a shame. But did we hold life in the United States in response?’ Carlson said. ‘We didn’t. In fact, you may not even remember that any of that happened. The striking thing is, the science has not changed that much since then,’ Carlson added. ‘Unfortunately, American politics have changed a lot. And that’s the difference.’”

This is a very true assessment of the situation and the insanity ruling this world. Unfortunately, most still do not understand.

Trump’s “Hypocritical” Immigration Policy

The Week wrote on April 25:

“On Wednesday, Trump signed an executive order that bars [certain] forms of immigration to the United States for the next 60 days… [It] is the culmination of what has been a set of increasingly restrictive immigration policies put out by his administration since COVID-19 began. All along, Trump and his allies have defended these restrictions primarily as sensible health measures, meant only to protect Americans from infection-carrying outsiders.

“The latest… immigration decision by Trump this week took place just as he was also ramping up his latest push to end the lockdowns and reopen the American economy… The blatant hypocrisy of… using supposed health concerns as the basis for limiting immigration is trademark Trump doublespeak… If the virus is serious enough to suspend immigration, then the economy shouldn’t be reopened…

“Since early March… the Trump administration has diligently made more than a dozen changes to the U.S. immigration system…

“In justifying this week’s executive order, Trump said he was suspending immigration to protect American jobs from being taken by outside workers, a change from his earlier arguments that any immigration restrictions were designed to lessen the health threat immigrants posed to Americans. With more than 26 million Americans filing jobless claims… it’s not a mystery why Trump has shifted from a health-based justification to an economic rationale for his immigration order…

“Whether he characterizes them as deadly to American lives or destructive to the nation’s economy, Trump constantly scapegoats immigrants for America’s problems, especially those of his own making. Still, no matter how many people he keeps out of the country, it won’t do one thing to curb the sickness that is raging within.

People always need to find a scapegoat which they can blame and persecute—whether it’s professing or true Christians, Jews and now immigrants. The sickness raging within our country is most certainly not limited to coronavirus—a far more dangerous sickness is that of the soul and the mind.

Also, Vatican News reported on April 24 that the American Catholic Bishops criticized Trump’s suspension of applications for green cards for 60 days. They stated that there are not really any indications that those immigrants would take away jobs from Americans, as claimed by Trump as “justification” for his executive order. The Bishops are absolutely correct, as we pointed out in our previous Update. One must not overlook that Trump’s immigration measures are part of an agenda to destroy, step by step, our immigration laws and policies as we once knew them. Trump announced that much when he ran for president, and no one should be surprised when he carries out what he had proclaimed.

Stephen Miller—The Instigator behind the Trump Immigration Agenda

The Independent wrote on April 24:

“Donald Trump’s senior policy adviser Stephen Miller told White House supporters in a private call this week that the president’s new executive order curbing immigration will usher in the kind of broader long-term changes to American society he has advocated for years, even though the 60-day measures were publicly characterised as a ‘pause’ during the coronavirus pandemic…

“Mr Miller told the group that subsequent measures were under consideration that would restrict guest worker programs…

“The Trump administration has been trying for years to scrap the family-based US immigration model, which Mr Miller and other restrictionists call ‘chain migration.’… Although Mr Trump described his order this week as a temporary ‘pause,’ he also said it is an open-ended move that will remain in place until he decides the US labour market has sufficiently improved once the coronavirus crisis subsides…

“Mr Miller has been the leading proponent of the argument that immigrants compete for jobs with US workers and depress their wages. The argument is anathema to many economists and pro-business Republicans who argue that immigration fuels long-term US growth and keeps US industries competitive. The debate remains a significant fault line in the Republican Party, with many GOP members unwilling to support the more hard-line positions Mr Miller backs. Mr Trump’s efforts to overhaul the immigration system have floundered in Congress…

“Mr Trump acknowledged sending out the tweet before the order was written, and the version he signed Wednesday was far less sweeping than the one he had teased on social media. It does not apply to immigrants already living and working in the United States who are seeking permanent residency, nor does it apply to the spouses and children of US citizens, among other exemptions. But the measure, which took effect Thursday, does block the other immigrant visa categories Mr Trump calls chain migration,’ namely the ability for US citizens to sponsor their parents, adult children and siblings…”

These kinds of immigration restrictions are cruel and unjustifiable. In tearing apart families or preventing children from helping their old parents, they are in direct violation of God’s Word and fall under the condemnation of Jesus who chastised the Pharisees for such ungodly behavior.

Postponing Presidential Election?

AfP wrote on April 24:

“Presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden has predicted that US President Donald Trump will try to postpone the country’s November election… ‘Mark my words, I think he is gonna try to kick back the election somehow, come up with some rationale why it can’t be held,’ Biden said…

“Biden, highlighting Trump’s recent threat to veto emergency funding for the US Post Office, claimed it was an example of the president’s intention to ‘do all he can to make it very hard for people to vote.’

“While mail-in voting and absentee ballots remain methods many say could help limit voters spreading coronavirus, Trump maintains they create the potential for fraud. Meanwhile, dozens of US states have postponed their primary races, which will officially determine who will be the presidential nominee.”

The Guardian wrote on April 24:

“Under the law, no president has the power to postpone the presidential election. To change the date, Congress has to intervene. Trump has not announced plans to delay the 3 November election, but it is a concern both political parties have raised… The Covid-19 outbreak has also increased concerns about how to conduct in-person voting safely. In response, many are pushing for an expansion of voting by mail… Trump… urged Republicans to fight efforts to expand voting by mail.”

Biden may be right with his concerns regarding a “postponement” of the election…

Reviving America? Get Real!

CNN wrote on April 26:

“Another 4.4 million Americans filed first-time jobless claims last week, bringing the number of people who’ve lost work in the past five weeks to an apocalyptic 26.5 million… People who never had their hands out before are going to food banks, and the unemployment rate is suddenly approaching Great Depression territory. It’s the same story around the world.

“… even if the virus were waning across the US — which it isn’t — shops, restaurants, bars and movie theaters would likely reopen at reduced capacity. A cafe that had six waiters might need only three. And there’s no guarantee those other jobs will ever come back. That scenario will be repeated millions of times over. Fewer workers will mean fewer people with money to buy cars and go on vacation — which will mean that industries like tourism, entertainment and hospitality have a long haul. So after the battle against the coronavirus is won, the war to revive America will likely continue. We’re talking years, not months.”

America may never revive.

Schools on Saturdays in Germany?

En24 wrote on April 24:

“In view of the massive loss of teaching in the Corona crisis, [Minister of Education Anja] Karliczek is also open to teaching on Saturdays. One should ‘not rule out an option’, she said… Saturday might be needed to teach everyone three times a week.”

She also advocates a mask requirement for schoolchildren, and she spoke of a vaccine by next year. She is an “engaged” Catholic and serves under Angela Merkel, being a member of the CDU. Before her “surprise appointment” by Merkel in 2018 as Minister of Education, she was virtually unknown in Germany.

Focus wrote on April 24 that a controversial debate regarding teaching in school on Saturdays has begun in Germany. After quoting Karliczek’s comments, the magazine continued that Schleswig-Holstein‘s Minister for Education, Karin Prien (CDU), also raised the possibility of opening schools on Saturdays, but that she encountered strong resistance from the state’s labor union, as, according to leader Astrid Henke, schools on Saturdays would be to the detriment of teachers; and that therefore, the labor union rejects this option categorically.

Karin Prien is of Jewish origin and was born and grew up in the Netherlands, where her maternal grandparents had fled in the early 1930s before the emergence of National Socialism in Germany. She later moved to Germany. Prien has declared that she does not feel Jewish and that she has no relationship to the Jewish religion.

Of course, the very thought that school on Saturday violates God’s explicit command to remember His Sabbath Day does not even enter the minds of carnal people… and if it does, it is immediately rejected. The violation of the Sabbath is one important aspect of the mark of the beast.

Italian Bishops Object to Unacceptable Governmental Restrictions

Vatican News wrote on April 27:

“The Italian Bishops’ Conference… addressed the policies that would continue to restrict the Church’s ability to carry out its pastoral activity. The Bishops of Italy made it clear that any move to compromise the ‘exercise of freedom of religion’ is unacceptable… the note continues, the plan presented by Prime Minister Conte ‘arbitrarily excludes the possibility of celebrating Mass with the people’.

“… In the dialogue with government offices, the note continues, the Bishops’ Conference has stressed, repeatedly and explicitly, that as soon as the measures taken to deal with the pandemic began to be lifted, ‘the Church would demand to be able to resume its pastoral activity’.”

The Christian Churches have been cowardly quiet far too long all over the world when “dealing” with secular governments. And the waffling and backpedaling Pope does not help. Note the next article.

Pope Plays Politics… What Else Is New?

Crux Now wrote on April 28:

“Since Pope Francis began livestreaming his daily Mass from the Vatican’s Santa Marta residence, many people around the world have been grateful for the opportunity to hear the pope’s words and to participate, albeit virtually, in his liturgy, helping to break the isolation of the coronavirus quarantine. Tuesday morning, however, probably no one was more grateful than Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte.

“Conte got a badly needed favor, as the pontiff essentially hit the off switch on mounting Catholic resistance to the PM’s program for recovery by calling for ‘prudence and obedience.’ What remains to be seen is whether… the utterance was… a clever political tactic, in effect putting the Italian leader in the pope’s debt and creating capital Italy’s bishops now can spend in negotiations with the government…”

This reminds us somehow of the relationship between the (then) Pope and Mussolini.

The Craziness of Spain

The Independent wrote on April 27

“Spain’s government lifted a home confinement rule for children under 14 years old after 44 days on Sunday, ending one of the most restrictive measures of its national lockdown to rein in a coronavirus outbreak… Even Italy, with more deaths than Spain, has not kept its youngsters completely secluded.

“Spain’s 5.8 million children under 14-years-old are now allowed to take walks once a day, accompanied by a parent for up to one hour and within a kilometre of their home. Many children took out their bikes and scooters. Kids can take one toy with them, but they are not to play with other children. They can accompany a parent on shopping outings for food, medicine or a newspaper…

“Since the start of Spain’s state of emergency on 14 March, adults can only leave home for essential shopping or to make unavoidable commutes to work… Prime minister Pedro Sanchez said on Saturday that he plans to permit adults to go out for exercise next week… Parents still have no indication when schools will reopen. Only factory and construction workers are back on the job after a two-week stoppage of all industry. All non-essential retail stores are shuttered…”

This reminds one of the totalitarian regime under Franco who collaborated with Hitler.

No Brexit Extension?

The Huffington Post wrote on April 27:

Despite the likelihood of a recession this year following the lockdown, the prime minister [Boris Johnson] is sticking to his Brexit principles and refusing calls to extend the transition period beyond December 31 to give the country a breather before the upheaval of leaving the EU single market and customs union…

“The UK also believes that extending the transition will not help the UK and EU strike a deal…”

A no-deal Brexit would be catastrophic for the UK.

Trump Praises Boris

Breitbart wrote on April 23:

“Speaking at a press conference Thursday, President Trump expressed his amazement at the rapid recovery of Britain’s Prime Minister. Revealing that when he picked up the phone to Mr Johnson he expected him to sound exhausted, instead ‘he was ready to go’. President Trump said Mr Johnson was like ‘the old Boris’, with ‘tremendous energy and tremendous drive.’

“He continued: ‘I was very surprised, because he called me pretty close to when he got out of the hospital. I think he’s doing great. He was so sharp and energetic. Pretty incredible. He’s an incredible guy. He’s a friend of ours and a friend of mine…they’re lucky to have him over there.’”

Watch the triumvirate —Trump, Johnson and Netanyahu.

EU Threatens Israel

Breaking Israel News wrote on April 24:

“Rather than congratulate Israel on forming a unity government after three elections, many governments responded by warning the new alliance against annexing Biblical Judea and Samaria…

“The agreement [between Netanyahu and Gantz] also stated that the new government would bring Donald Trump’s ‘vision for peace’ to a government vote from 1 July. The plan gives Israel full military control over Judea and Samaria

“The European Union and several European states… made public statements saying that Israeli annexation of Judea and Samaria would endanger their relations with Israel…

“The announcement comes significantly the day after the Holocaust Day of Remembrance. The first stage of the genocide perpetrated against the Jews of Europe in 1939 was to restrict Jews from entering specific sections of Germany and by later deporting them. It should also be remembered that the inception of Palestinian nationalism began with an alliance between Haj Al-Amin Husseini, the mufti of Jerusalem, and Nazi Germany… March 12 marked 82 years since Adolf Hitler, a native Austrian, led Germany to annex Austria, which led to more than 65,000 Austrian Jews being murdered during the Holocaust…

“The EU said annexing Palestinian territory ‘would constitute a serious violation of international law.’ The German mission said it ‘advises against the annexation of occupied Palestinian territories’ as this would have negative repercussions on the viability of the two-state solution and Israel’s standing in the international community.

French Ambassador Nicolas de Rivière… said annexation ‘would not pass unchallenged and shall not be overlooked in our relationship with Israel.’ In stark contrast, U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said on Wednesday that annexing parts of the West Bank is ‘ultimately Israel’s decision to make.’”

Europe’s hostility towards Israel is only too obvious. Netanyahu said Sunday that he was “confident” US President Donald Trump would let him fulfill his election promise to apply Israeli sovereignty over parts of the West Bank “a couple of months from now.”

Netanyahu Jr. Speaks out

Times of Israel wrote on April 28:

“Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s elder son, Yair, on Tuesday condemned the European Union for supporting a joint Israeli-Palestinian Memorial Day event the previous evening organized by bereaved parents on both sides of the conflict. ‘Shame on you for financing a disgrace in the holiest day of the Israeli calendar! We have one day in a year to remember our fallen soldiers! And you destroy it with a “memorial” to Palestinian terrorists!’ he wrote on his Twitter account… ‘EU is an enemy of Israel, and an enemy to all European Christian countries!…’

“Last year, Prime Minister Netanyahu denounced the Tel Aviv event and ordered a halt to permits for dozens of West Bank Palestinians who were planning on attending, citing security precautions. The High Court of Justice overturned the decision, arguing that it was not legitimate to bar the attendees’ entry for security reasons… [Yoel’s] brother Eyal was killed in Operation Defensive Shield in 2002…

“The younger Netanyahu has gained a reputation as an arch-conservative… Most recently, two weeks ago, he sparked a firestorm of criticism by appearing to wish that left-wing Israelis die of the coronavirus… Yair Netanyahu’s comments drew immediate and vociferous rebuke, including from his father, whose office released a statement saying that he ‘roundly rejects the remarks.’”

Even though, the question is whether he speaks, to an extent, for his father.

Israel Condemns Egypt for TV Show

Times of Israel wrote on April 26:

“Israel’s Foreign Ministry on Sunday condemned a new Egyptian TV drama set in the year 2120 that predicts the Jewish state’s destruction, as well as the breakup of the United States… The Egyptian series ‘El-Nehaya’ — Arabic for ‘The End’ — is about a computer engineer living in a dystopian future dominated by cyborg clones…

“In the first episode, a teacher tells a class of students about ‘the war to liberate Jerusalem,’ which he says occurred less than 100 years after Israel’s founding in 1948. The teacher says Jews in Israel ‘ran away and returned to their countries of origin’ in Europe…  A holographic map of a divided US is also shown, with the teacher saying that ‘America was the central supporter of the Zionist state.’ …

“The series is produced by Synergy, one of Egypt’s largest production companies, which has strong links with the government of President Abdel-Fattah el-Sissi. The series airs on the ON television network, which is owned by a pro-government company. The show’s writer, Amr Samir Atif, told The Associated Press that the destruction of Israel ‘is a possible future in the absence of real peace and true stability in the region…’”

Only, it won’t occur in 2120, but much earlier.

Towards the Third Temple

Breaking Israel News wrote on April 26:

“In the wake of an agreement with political rival Benny Gantz, head of the Blue and White party, rumors currently abound that Prime Minister Netanyahu will appoint the current Culture and Sports Minister Miri Regev to replace Gilad Erdan as Internal Security Minister. According to media reports, if appointed, Regev will offer the position of police commissioner to the former Jerusalem District Police Commander Maj. Gen. Yoram Halevi

“Halevi’s role in helping Jews ascend the Temple Mount is professional but it also reflects his family’s Biblical role in the Temple, one which will only increase after the Temple is built. As his name implies, the police chief is from the tribe of Levi, which was charged with several key roles in the Temple including guarding the complex…”

This would be an interesting development in light of the prophecies of the Bible that a Third Temple will be built on the Temple Mount prior to Christ’s return, and that Levites will officiate at the Temple.

Erdogan Defends Top Religious Official on his Comments on Homosexuality

AFP wrote on April 28:

“Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on Monday defended a top religious official who claimed homosexuality caused diseases, corrupted people and was condemned in Islamic teaching. Ali Erbas, head of a state-funded agency called the Diyanet, which runs mosques and appoints imams, also claimed during his weekly sermon that homosexuality caused HIV.

“The Ankara bar association of lawyers accused him of inciting hatred against gay people… But Erdogan dismissed the criticism, saying  ‘an attack against the Diyanet chief is an attack on the state’ before adding: ‘What he said was totally right.’”

In Germany, spokespersons of all three major parties have condemned Erbas’ comments, stating that German schools must teach “tolerance” towards homosexuals.  

Mother Nature’s Revenge?

Breaking Israel News reported on April 26:

“Conservative pundit Ben Shapiro took to the airwaves on his Daily Wire program blasting Pope Francis for promoting what Shapiro considered pagan after the Pope commemorated Earth Day which Shapiro said was a ‘Pagan holiday.’

“The… monologue of the April 22 broadcast was as follows:

“‘I’m starting to see the pagan awakening of some… suggesting that this is nature’s revenge… Now, I have been informed by reliable sources that nature does not actually have intent. I have been informed by reliable sources on the left that God doesn’t exist, number one, and then even if God did exist, nature doesn’t have intent, right? I mean, evolutionary biology suggests that basically it’s survival of the fittest out there… Mother Nature has decided to release a virus, unleash a plague upon us [– that is] pretty pagan…

“‘So Pope Francis actually pushed this nonsense yesterday… He made an impassioned plea… for protection of the environment on Wednesday’s 50th anniversary of the first Earth Day, which again is a pagan holiday.’”

The Pope also said that while God and humans may forgive, nature does not forgive.  Stupid comments indeed.

Widespread Famine

Breaking Israel News wrote on April 26:

“The world is heading towards widespread famine ‘of biblical proportions’ due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the chief of the UN’s food relief agency warns… Over 30 developing [countries] worldwide could experience widespread famine. In 10 of those countries, over 1 million people [are] on the brink of starvation.

“The UN official connects the pandemic in the developing countries to a strain on the economy that he says is already limiting resources. ‘This is truly more than just a pandemic – it is creating a hunger pandemic,’ said Beasley. ‘This is a humanitarian and food catastrophe… this is the perfect storm.’”

End-time worldwide famine and disease epidemics are prophesied in the Bible. See also the next article.

Panam Post wrote on April 27:

“An impending ‘hunger pandemic’ will bring ‘the worst humanitarian crisis since World War II,’ World Food Programme (WFP) Executive Director David Beasley warned the United Nations Security Council. The number of starving people could exceed the number of deaths from coronaviruses at 300,000 per day within three months…

“He says that famine is ‘a very real and dangerous possibility’ in at least 36 countries because of ongoing wars and conflicts, economic crises, and natural disasters… the countries most at risk of famine are in the Middle East and Africa, the economic crisis in Lebanon, [Venezuela] the wars in Syria and Yemen, and the desert locust swarms that are destroying crops in much of East Africa have put these regions at risk of mass starvation.

“Now, the crisis is aggravated by the coronavirus pandemic and the economic paralysis it has caused…”

Meat Production in Danger

Finance Yahoo wrote on April 26:

“Plant shutdowns are leaving the U.S. dangerously close to meat shortages as coronavirus outbreaks spread to suppliers across the nation and the Americas. Almost a third of U.S. pork capacity is down, the first big poultry plants closed on Friday and experts are warning that domestic shortages are just weeks away. Brazil, the world’s No. 1 shipper of chicken and beef, saw its first major closure with the halt of a poultry plant owned by JBS SA, the world’s biggest meat company. Key operations are also down in Canada, the latest being a British Columbia poultry plant.

“… the staggering acceleration of supply disruptions is now raising questions over global shortfalls. Taken together, the U.S., Brazil and Canada account for about 65% of world meat trade… New U.S. shutdowns are hitting at a dizzying rate…

“Prices are surging. U.S. wholesale beef touched a record in the week ended April 24, and wholesale pork soared 29%, the biggest weekly gain since 2012…

“There haven’t yet been big shutdowns in Europe. The European Union accounts for about a fifth of global meat exports…

“Total American meat supplies in cold-storage facilities are equal to roughly two weeks of production. With most plant shutdowns lasting about 14 days for safety reasons, that further underscores the potential for deficits.

“Meanwhile, with slaughterhouses closing, farmers don’t have a place to sell their animals. That’s forcing some livestock producers to dispose of them… It’s been reported that a large chicken-processing company was forced to kill 2 million of its birds earlier this month because of worker shortages. That’s the latest cruel blow to supply chains, with food being wasted en masse at the same time that grocery store shelves are running empty…”

Millions of Pounds of Meat Will Disappear

CNN Business wrote on April 27:

“Tyson Foods (TSN) is warning that ‘millions of pounds of meat’ will disappear from the supply chain as the coronavirus pandemic pushes food processing plants to close leading to product shortages in grocery stores across the country. ‘The food supply chain is breaking,’ wrote board chairman John Tyson in a full-page advertisement published Sunday in The New York Times, Washington Post and Arkansas Democrat-Gazette.

“US farmers don’t have anywhere to sell their livestock, he said, adding that ‘millions of animals — chickens, pigs and cattle — will be depopulated because of the closure of our processing facilities.’… TSN which employs roughly 100,000 workers, closed its pork plants in Waterloo, Iowa, and Logansport, Indiana, last week so that workers in those facilities could be tested for the virus.”

How We Destroy Our Food

Politico wrote on April 26:

“Tens of millions of pounds of American-grown produce is rotting in fields as food banks across the country scramble to meet a massive surge in demand, a two-pronged disaster that has deprived farmers of billions of dollars in revenue while millions of newly jobless Americans struggle to feed their families…

“Images of farmers destroying tomatoes, piling up squash, burying onions and dumping milk shocked many Americans who remain fearful of supply shortages. At the same time, people who recently lost their jobs lined up for miles outside some food banks, raising questions about why there has been no coordinated response at the federal level to get the surplus of perishable food to more people in need…

“The precipitous drop in demand left many growers with no choice but to trash excess food or leave it in the fields because the cost of picking, packing and storing the crops would only put them further in the hole. Some with more resources in hand took on the cost of harvesting and donating the food themselves, but the gut-wrenching reality is that crops are being abandoned on an unprecedented scale

“The scale of produce waste is staggering. Farmers in Florida, which provides much of the fresh produce to the eastern half of the U.S. during the winter and spring, left about 75 percent of the lettuce crop unharvested, along with significant portions of the state’s sweet corn, cabbage and squash. Up to 250 million pounds of tomatoes could end up left in the fields… Florida officials estimate produce growers there have taken a half a billion dollar hit. In California, the industry is projected to lose more than $1 billion per month…

“The dairy industry, for its part, estimates that its supply is currently 10 percent greater than domestic demand, in part because of the closure of thousands of K-12 schools, which are usually significant consumers of milk. The upheaval has strained dairy processors’ ability to turn milk into more storable products like cheese… about 5 percent of the country’s milk is currently being dumped.”

The governmental unrestricted panic-driven measures in their fight against the coronavirus have been having terrible consequences for just about every area of life. 

Please view our new StandingWatch program, titled, “Worldwide Famine Is Prophesied.”  

A Decades-Old Prediction on Europe’s Destruction May Come True Soon

Express wrote on April 26:

“The BBC Panorama special, dubbed ‘If The Bomb Drops’ was broadcast on March 10, 1980, and… came at a time of heightened tensions in the so-called Cold War between the Soviet Union, and its respective allies in the Eastern Bloc, and the US and its coalition of NATO -backed countries…

“The video… cut to General Sir John Hackett, the former commander-in-chief of NATO’s northern army group, who painted a rather chilling image. He said: ‘After a nuclear war, the whole of Europe could become a vast uninhabitable desert.’”

A nuclear war is coming, and the Bible says that in that war, Europe with its (then) capital, Rome, will become “an uninhabitable desert” due to nuclear attacks by Far Eastern countries such as Russia and China.  

Germany’s Dramatic Increase in Military Expenditures

Deutsche Welle wrote on April 26:

“In Germany, [military expenditures] rose by 10% to $49.3 billion — the largest defense budget increase among the world’s top 15 states… the increase in Germany’s defense budget [is attributed to Trump’s demand to raise expenditure and] the fact that, ‘Russia is once again being considered as more of a threat.’ In 2019, almost 4% of Russia’s GDP went to military spending, amounting to $65.1 billion…

“Of the 15 countries in the world with the highest defense budgets, six are NATO members: Canada, France, Germany, Italy, the United Kingdom and the United States. Their combined military expenditure makes up for almost half of the world’s total figure. In 2019, the total military expenditure of NATO’s 29 member states was some $1.04 trillion… in 2019 the US was responsible for 38% of global military expenditure, totaling $732 billion. The increase over its 2018 budget alone amounted to the equivalent of Germany’s total expenditure in 2019.”

Still, Germany’s increased military expenditure is not just “accidental.”

The Coming Greater Depression

Project Syndicate wrote on April 28:

“The policy response to the COVID-19 crisis entails a massive increase in fiscal deficits — on the order of 10% of GDP or more — at a time when public debt levels in many countries were already high, if not unsustainable…

“… the loss of income for many households and firms means that private-sector debt levels will become unsustainable… potentially leading to mass defaults and bankruptcies… the crisis is also creating a massive slack in goods (unused machines and capacity) and labor markets (mass unemployment)…

“Populist leaders often benefit from economic weakness, mass unemployment, and rising inequality. Under conditions of heightened economic insecurity, there will be a strong impulse to scapegoat foreigners for the crisis. Blue-collar workers and broad cohorts of the middle class will become more susceptible to populist rhetoric, particularly proposals to restrict migration and trade

“Recurring epidemics (HIV since the 1980s, SARS in 2003, H1N1 in 2009, MERS in 2011, Ebola in 2014-16) [and pandemics]… will become more frequent, severe, and costly in the years ahead… any happy ending assumes that we find a way to survive the coming Greater Depression.”

“Greater” than even the “Great” Depression?

Tourism Industry in Big Trouble

Deutsche Welle wrote on April 28:

“No one can say when and how the borders will reopen for travel, said Germany’s Government Commissioner for Tourism Thomas Bareiss. ‘It is rather unlikely that German tourists will travel to Spain or Greece in summer,’ he added. It is more likely that Germans will stay in their own country or region this year…

The tourism industry’s economic situation is a disaster not only in the southern European states bordering the Mediterranean, but in Germany, too. The travel industry expects a drop in bookings of package tours of up to 70% this year. The EU Commission estimates that with a loss of 90%, cruise companies will be hit hardest…

“However, it remains completely unclear when the EU interior ministers will agree on a coordinated plan for opening the borders for tourists. Officials in the EU Commission who are supposed to draw up guidelines for travel have been reluctant. First, the individual states would have to lift domestic travel restrictions, making travel to neighboring regions possible. Then, travel between neighboring states would have to become possible, and lastly, intra-European air traffic. No one knows when tourist travel to Asia, the US and other parts of the world will be possible again…”

That is the disastrous result and outcome when men try to deal with problems of their own making.

Acknowledgement and Disclaimer

These Current Events are compiled and commented on by Norbert Link. We gratefully acknowledge the many contributions of news articles from our readership. The publication of articles in this section is not to be viewed as an endorsement or approval as to contents or accuracy of the selected articles, but they are published for the purpose of pointing at worldwide developments in the light of biblical end-time prophecy and godly instruction. Our own comments are provided in italics.

This Week in the News

Netanyahu Stays as Prime Minister

JTA wrote on April 20:

“Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Blue and White chairman Benny Gantz signed a deal Monday to form a ‘national emergency government’ that keeps Netanyahu as the prime minister for [18 months. Gantz would be prime minister-designate]. Israel has spent more than a year under a caretaker government as neither Netanyahu nor Gantz could assemble a coalition government. With the agreement, the country avoids a fourth national election in less than a year and a half.

“Monday evening… is the start of Yom Hashoah, or Holocaust Remembrance Day.”

Israel Today wrote on April 19:

“Benjamin Netanyahu again showed his political genius and expertise… Many are having trouble believing that Netanyahu will keep his word and step down in another year-and-a-half…

“What is certain is that Netanyahu has come out on top… Benjamin Netanyahu has proved time and again that he is the most savvy and experienced politician in Israel. Despite the tireless efforts to remove him from power, he is here to stay…”

Please view our new StandingWatch program, titled, “Netanyahu Is Here to Stay… Why?” .

Al-Aqsa Mosque Closed

Breaking Israel News wrote on April 20:

“Prayer at the Al-Aqsa mosque in Jerusalem’s Old City will be banned during the Muslim holiday of Ramadan in order to help stop the spread of the coronavirus, Muslim clerics said on Thursday. This is the first recorded closure of the mosque since its construction in 692 CE.

“The Jordan-appointed Waqf council that oversees Jerusalem’s Islamic sites called the decision ‘painful,’ though said it was ‘in line with legal fatwas [Islamic religious rulings] and medical advice,’ according to Reuters. The decision extends an already existing suspension of prayer at the site that has been in effect since March 23.

“Muslims should ‘perform prayers in their homes during the month of Ramadan, to preserve their safety,’ said the council.”

When the Al Aqsa mosque can be closed that easily during a health crisis, it is no longer so far-fetched to see how it can be replaced in a bigger war-like crisis.

New Protestant Bible with Glaring Omissions

Breaking Israel News reported on April 20:

“… the Danish Bible Society just published a revised translation of the New Testament. The new edition has many surprises… the word ‘Israel’ is only used once in the ‘Bible 2020’, which is the name of the new edition. In all other passages, the word ‘Israel’ is either replaced with ‘Jews’, ‘the land of the Jews, or not replaced with any alternative term…

“Posts on social media suggested that the change may have been politically motivated as an anti-Israel statement… the new edition has already been downloaded to more than 90 countries… the Danish Bible Society is run by the Evangelical Lutheran Church…

“It should be noted that the term ‘Israel’ is used a total of 73 times in the New Testament… The word ‘ Israel’ appears over 2,200 times in the Torah, Writings, and Prophets…”

First, the Catholic Church changed the calendar from Saturday to Sunday, by designating the first day of the week (Sunday) as the seventh day of the week, the biblical Sabbath. Now, the Protestant Church changes Israel to Jew, or omits it altogether. One wonders what will be next.

Dutch Court Approves Euthanasia

The Guardian wrote on April 21:

“Doctors in the Netherlands are able to carry out euthanasia on patients with severe dementia without fear of prosecution even if the patient no longer expresses an explicit wish to die, the country’s highest court has ruled…  ‘A physician may carry out a written request beforehand for euthanasia in people with advanced dementia.’…

“The case was seen as an important test of the law in the Netherlands, which legalised euthanasia in 2002, followed shortly afterwards by neighbouring Belgium.”

One of God’s commandments reads: You shall not kill.

EU Army after UK Has Left Europe

uwidata wrote on March 24:

“… the European Union… is pursuing numerous high-profile projects… in order to improve its defense… and sovereignty. Its strongest bet is the PESCO (Permanent Structured Cooperation)…

“It currently has 25… States and is carrying out 17 defense collaboration projects that include a medical command, maritime surveillance, cyber security and military mobility. This last point is of great importance as it suggests the possible creation of a joint force capable of acting wherever needed…

“As soon as it joined the European Union, the United Kingdom was reluctant to cede its sovereignty to Brussels, especially in the area of ​​defense. Nonetheless, it covered 25% of the EU defense budget: now the burden will fall mainly between France and Germany. The Anglo-Saxon country continuously tried to block any project to form a common defense force with Europe, always betting on NATO first, following the interests of Washington and influencing countries such as Poland, sewing distrust around the idea of a joint defense pact in the European Community…. The departure of the United Kingdom is a huge opportunity to consolidate a serious defense policy in the EU that is not blocked by a member state…

“The European Union needs to create a force capable of facing any adversity without depending on third countries. The exit of the United Kingdom from the EU is perhaps one of the most important and determining elements for the PESCO, and for the general consolidation of a common European Union defense pact, which would allow the organization to improve its defenses and gain independence from NATO and the United States. However, it must be recognized that this presents a challenging scenario for member countries that will have to adapt to the needs that such commitment and cooperation demands, relinquishing some degree of sovereignty in favor of a common effort by all member states.”

A European army is coming… and it will be a challenge to the USA.

Foreign Powers Challenge US Military

The Hill wrote on April 19:

“U.S. adversaries are probing America’s defenses as the world is preoccupied with the fight against the coronavirus pandemic. In the past two weeks, Russia, China, Iran and North Korea have all moved to test Washington in the sea, in the air and on land as U.S. forces have become more restricted in movement amid concerns over the spread of COVID-19…

“On Tuesday, North Korea launched ground cruise missiles and air-to-surface missiles from fighter jets into the sea, the first time in three years Pyongyang had launched such projectiles. That followed a slew of short-range ballistic missile tests in March as the hermit nation took part in large-scale live-fire military training.

“Then on Wednesday… a Russian fighter jet came within 25 feet of a Navy reconnaissance aircraft while inverted, putting the U.S. ‘pilots and crew at risk,’ the Navy said in a statement about the incident. That same day, 11 ships from Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps Navy repeatedly came close to U.S. Navy and Coast Guard Ships in ‘dangerous and harassing approaches’ in the Gulf.

“China, meanwhile, has been showing its force in the Pacific region, sinking a Vietnamese fishing boat in the South China Sea on April 2 and sending its aircraft carrier near Japan’s and Taiwan’s territorial waters…

“Flexing their might is not new for these rival countries, but the difference now is that the U.S. military and the nation at large seems to be preoccupied in a way it hasn’t been before as it deals with the pandemic… To combat the spreading illness, the Pentagon has restricted troop movement and on Saturday extended a domestic and overseas travel ban for service members until June 30 — more than a month past the original end date of May 11. In addition, the department has paused routine rotations and port calls, canceled war games, and curtailed individuals entering basic training…”

CNN wrote on April 20:

“A Russian fighter aircraft approached a US Navy aircraft over the Mediterranean Sea Sunday… The US Navy it said was the second time in four days that Russian pilots made unsafe maneuvers while intercepting US aircraft. ‘The unnecessary actions of the Russian SU-35 pilot were inconsistent with good airmanship and international flight rules, seriously jeopardizing the safety of flight of both aircraft,’ the US Navy said.”

The Bible prophesies a complete economic and military downfall of the USA and that it will be occupied by a foreign power, even though it will not be Russia or China or North Korea or Iran (see next article). Still, are we seeing the beginnings of these developments?

“Shoot Them Down”

Reuters wrote on April 22:

“President Donald Trump said on Wednesday [in a tweet] he had instructed the U.S. Navy to fire on [“shoot down and destroy any and all Iranian gunboats”] any Iranian ships that harass it at sea, a week after 11 vessels from Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps Navy (IRGCN) came dangerously close to American ships in the Gulf.

“Close interactions with Iranian military vessels were not uncommon in 2016 and 2017. On several occasions, U.S. Navy ships fired warning shots at Iranian vessels when they got too close. While the Navy has the authority to act in self-defense, Trump’s comments appeared to go further…

“Trump wrote [the] tweet, hours after Iran’s Revolutionary Guards Corps said it had launched the country’s first military satellite into orbit.”

Over 26 Million Americans Filed for Unemployment So Far

 Breitbart wrote on April 23:

“The coronavirus continued to ravish the U.S. economy last week, with 4.4 million of Americans filing first-time unemployment claims… The total number of Americans who have lost their jobs since claims spiked five weeks ago because of coronavirus and shutdowns rose to around 26.4 million, enough to erase all the job gains since the economy began to recover after the financial crisis

“Self-employed workers and independent contractors can now file for benefits, expanding the number of claims… Actual job losses may be higher than the most recent figures reveal. Applications in many states have been hampered by websites and phone lines failing due to the rapid rise in the volume of claims.

“Employers are slashing their payrolls to try to stay afloat because their revenue has collapsed, especially at restaurants, hotels, gyms, movie theaters, and other venues that depend on face-to-face interaction. Auto sales have sunk, non-healthcare related manufacturing has ground to a halt, and factories have closed. More than 90 percent of the U.S. population is now under stay-at-home orders, which have been imposed by most U.S. states…”

Closing the country down has brought American economy to its knees. But this outcome was prophesied to happen.

Wildfires Threaten Chernobyl Nuclear Disaster Site

Breaking Israel News reported on April 17:

“Over 1,000 firefighters are struggling to control wildfires at the Chernobyl nuclear disaster site despite high-winds that threaten to send radioactive smoke to nearby residents as well as neighboring countries. The fire has been burning since April 3. It was successfully extinguished but fires cropped up again on Tuesday. Aerial firefighting equipment including helicopters and airplanes were brought in to fight the blaze earlier this week but high-winds are preventing these elements from being utilized in new blazes that have flared up. The fires are reportedly blazing less than one mile from the remains of the nuclear power plant…

“Chernobyl was home to a Soviet nuclear power plant which exploded on 26 April 1986 during an emergency drill that was botched, leading to an explosion and the meltdown of its number four reactor. It is still considered the worst peace-time nuclear disaster in history. Though it is uncertain how many deaths can be attributed to the disaster, the estimates range from 4,000-9,000 in former Soviet states to 16,000 fatalities when assessing the total continent of Europe…”

Global radioactive threats ARE prophesied.  

Beware of Criminal Scammers

Digital Trends wrote on April 17:

“Google has revealed that on each day over the past week, its Gmail-linked computer systems detected — and blocked — 18 million malware and phishing emails related to the coronavirus, also known as COVID-19. On top of that, it also blocked more than 240 million daily spam messages linked to the virus.

“… scammers will stop at nothing to trick innocent people into handing over cash… some are impersonating high-profile bodies such as the World Health Organization… The perpetrators send the bogus emails to try to solicit fraudulent donations, or  distribute malware, which, if downloaded, could give remote access to the victim’s computer or mobile device.

“Some criminals are imitating government institutions in a bid to trick small businesses, while others are trying to exploit people working from home for the first time, sending emails pretending to be from ‘the admin department’ and asking the recipient to click on a (dangerous) link. Although Gmail and other email platforms endeavor to catch these odious emails, you should still stay alert for such content, and always take extra care when it comes to downloading attachments or clicking on links.”

In times of these, criminal scammers manifest carnal human nature at its worst.

How to Silence Dissenters

The Ron Paul Institute wrote on April 17:

“In the Soviet Union, activists were sent to state psychiatric wards. According to the state, any and all opposition to government policy was considered a form of mental illness… It is not likely German lawyer Beate Bahner will be tortured like Brodsky. However, that does not make her arrest and forced confinement in a mental institution any less egregious…

“‘Bahner had become known in the past few days with a call for nationwide demonstrations and an urgent application for the abolition of all corona protective measures,’ reports Welt. ‘The [medical specialist] lawyer from Heidelberg considers the corona rules to be excessive and advocates for them to be abolished.’… Bahner’s website was shut down at the request of the Mannheim police…

“In America… police have threatened people for attending church services and disobeying social distancing mandates… In Australia and Britain, police are fining citizens for daring to go outside… The dictator president of the Philippines, Rodrigo Duterte, has ordered police and the military to shoot and kill all in violation of an iron-fisted lockdown…

“Officialdom has warned lockdowns may be in place until a vaccine is manufactured, possibly 18 months from now. This is a sure recipe for civil unrest and violence. It is not feasible for millions of people—and billions around the world—to endure lockdown and other authoritarian measures, possibly indefinitely.

“In Germany, the state has moved to declare opposition to the destruction of civilization a mental illness. As more people resist mass house arrest… the state will undoubtedly resort to measures above and beyond locking activists up in mental institutions… The [US] military is now engaged in a PR campaign to ‘reassure the public’ that it will use the appropriate protective equipment as it prepares to put down inevitable uprisings…”

Terrible. The fear as to what might happen in Germany is very real. Please view our recent program, “Shocking Developments in Germany—Comments on News and Prophecy, April 18, 2020” 

Dr. Oz and Dr. Phil under Fire

The LAT wrote on April 17:

“Two of television’s most well-known daytime hosts are under fire for their comments questioning stay-at-home restrictions put in place to contain the spread of the coronavirus. In a Thursday appearance on the Fox News show ‘The Ingraham Angle,’ Phil McGraw suggested it was dangerous to shut down the economy in order to stop the COVID-19 pandemic…

“‘The fact of the matter is 40,000 people die a year from automobile accidents. 480,000 from cigarettes. 360,000 a year die from swimming pools, but we don’t shut the country down for that. But yet we’re doing it for this?’ said the host of ‘Dr. Phil’…

“A day earlier, Dr. Mehmet Oz expressed similar sentiments during Fox News’ prime-time programming… Both hosts faced immediate backlash on social media… The statements… come amid a growing call among conservatives to ease social-distancing measures… Fox News personalities such as Laura Ingraham have been pushing to reopen the economy…

“In the same episode of ‘The Ingraham Angle’ on which McGraw appeared, Dr. Anthony Fauci… pushed back against Ingraham’s suggestion that the virus may simply ‘disappear’ without a vaccine…”

Stuffnews added on April 17:

“Elaborating on the long-term health risks of extreme isolation, [Dr. Phil] said, ‘This is invisible. I can’t show you an X-ray of depression. I can’t show you an X-ray of anxiety…

“‘There’s a point at which people start having enough problems in lockdown that it will actually create actually more destruction and actually more death across time than the actual virus will itself.’”

The left-liberal mass media does not like “dissenters” challenging their propaganda. Note the next articles.

Anti-Trump Bill Gates Supporters Fire Back

DNYUZ wrote on April 17:

“In a 2015 speech, Bill Gates warned that the greatest risk to humanity was not nuclear war but an infectious virus that could threaten the lives of millions of people. That speech has resurfaced in recent weeks with 25 million new views on YouTube — but not in the way that Mr. Gates probably intended. Anti-vaccinators, members of [a] conspiracy group… and right-wing pundits have instead seized on the video as evidence that one of the world’s richest men planned to use a pandemic to wrest control of the global health system…

“The wild claims have gained traction with conservative pundits like Laura Ingraham and anti-vaccinators such as Robert F. Kennedy Jr. as Mr. Gates has emerged as a vocal counterweight to President Trump on the coronavirus. For weeks, Mr. Gates has appeared on TV, on op-ed pages and in Reddit forums calling for stay-at-home policies, expanded testing and vaccine development

“His disdain for Mr. Trump… has also become public… Mr. Kennedy, a son of former Senator Robert F. Kennedy, who campaigns against vaccines as a director of the Children’s Health Defense network… has said Mr. Gates pushes vaccines to feed his other business interests… Mr. Kennedy, whose Instagram followers have doubled to more than 285,000 since March, said in an interview that he was telling the truth about the ‘terrible damage’ that Mr. Gates had inflicted on the world with vaccines.

“In an April 7 tweet, Ms. Ingraham, a Fox News host, shared a conspiracy theory about nefarious motives behind Mr. Gates’s call to track and identify who had received a Covid-19 vaccine. ‘Digitally tracking Americans’ every move has been a dream of the globalists for years,’ she wrote…”

Trump Supports Protesters Who Demand End of Lock-Down

The Associated Press reported on April 17:

“Asked about the [nationwide] protesters, Trump expressed sympathy with their frustration — ‘They’re suffering … they want to get back’ … On Friday, he egged the protesters on, tweeting for supporters to ‘LIBERATE’ three states with Democratic governors: Michigan, Virginia and Minnesota.”

Breitbart wrote on April 19:

“President Donald Trump on Sunday continued to defend protesters of overbearing state lockdowns during the coronavirus pandemic. ‘These are great people … They’ve got cabin fever they want to get back. They want their life back; their life was taken away from them,’ Trump said. Trump was asked by Today‘s David Jackson if he is concerned his calls for ‘liberation’ and defending the Second Amendment are ‘inciting violence’ against some of the Democrat governors who enacted the lockdowns.

“But the president defended the protesters as patriotic. ‘I’ve seen American flags all over the place. I’ve never seen so many American flags at a rally than I’ve seen at those rallies,’ Trump said. ‘These people love our country. They want to get back to work.’”

Medical expert Anthony Fauci issued a warning to protestors, saying protests would only delay the re-opening of the country.

Small Businesses Could Not Get Funding Meant for Them

The Washington Post wrote on April 20:

“The federal government gave national hotel and restaurant chains millions of dollars in grants before the $349 billion program ran out of money Thursday, leading to a backlash that prompted one company to give the money back and a Republican senator to say that ‘millions of dollars are being wasted.’

“Thousands of traditional small businesses were unable to get funding from the program before it ran dry. As Congress and the White House near a deal to add an additional $310 billion to the program, some are calling for additional oversight and rule changes to prevent bigger chains from accepting any more money.”

 This is another example of man’s carnal selfish nature at its worst.

Facebook Works Hand in Hand with State Governments

Breitbart wrote on April 20:

“Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg says that posts and pages attempting to organize protests against stay-at-home orders will be banned as ‘misinformation’… while at the same time saying that it’s important ‘that people can debate policies.’

“A Facebook spokesman confirmed to CNN that planned protests in California, New Jersey, and Nebraska were having their pages removed from Facebook at the request of state authorities…”

Clash Between Governors and Citizens Coming

The Hill wrote on April 20:

“Governors are heading for a clash with their own citizens and local officials as they weigh how and when to reopen the country’s economy amid the coronavirus pandemic…  governors are facing growing pressure from the public in states such as Ohio and Michigan, where protests have called on leaders to quickly lift stay-at-home orders and bans on large gatherings and to allow nonessential businesses to open their doors…

“More protests are expected in the coming days in Wisconsin, Pennsylvania and Idaho, giving a public voice to the opposition to social distancing restrictions across the country. In Michigan, a crowd of demonstrators organized by a conservative group on Wednesday descended on the state Capitol to protest Gov. Gretchen Whitmer’s (D) stay-at-home order… Whitmer faces two lawsuits over her stay-at-home order, with the plaintiffs — Michigan residents and businesses — claiming the April 9 order infringes on the constitutionally protected freedom of association and due process rights…

“In New Jersey, Gov. Phil Murphy (D) has been under criticism for his decision to include churches and other houses of worship in his state’s strict social distancing guidelines. During a tense interview with Tucker Carlson of Fox News, Murphy was asked about constitutional protections after police broke up a rabbi’s funeral in early April at a synagogue in Ocean County, N.J., arresting 15 men. ‘That’s above my pay grade, Tucker,’ Murphy replied. ‘I wasn’t thinking of the Bill of Rights when we did this…’

“The landmark 1905 Supreme Court decision in Jacobson v. Massachusetts held that constitutional rights can be lawfully restricted when emergency public health measures are in place, though the precise scope of government public health power is not clearly defined. But there has not been a direct legal ruling yet on mandatory stay-at-home orders, and state and local leaders could find themselves dragged into court fights if they adopt an overly aggressive approach to enforcing mitigation measures… Governors and local officials may need to walk a tight line in enforcing restrictions…”

Abuse of Power by US Governors

Newsmax wrote on April 20:

“Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, who has been in lock-down in Italy for several weeks, on Monday said there are several U.S. governors who are showing their ‘ideological bias’ with shutdown rules and people have their ‘teeth on edge because they’re watching politicians abuse their power.’

“‘One governor, for example, said it was okay for Planned Parenthood to stay open for abortions, but it wasn’t okay for the churches to have services,’ Gingrich said… ‘Well, that’s clearly just an ideological abuse of emergency.’”

Lacking American Leadership

The New York Times wrote on April 23:

“The pandemic sweeping the globe… is shaking fundamental assumptions about American exceptionalism — the special role the United States played for decades after World War II as the reach of its values and power made it a global leader and example to the world…

“As the calamity unfolds, President Trump and state governors are not only arguing over what to do, but also over who has the authority to do it… ‘America has not done badly, it has done exceptionally badly,’ said Dominique Moïsi, a political scientist and senior adviser at the Paris-based Institut Montaigne… In the United States, it has exposed two great weaknesses that, in the eyes of many Europeans, have compounded one another: the erratic leadership of Mr. Trump… and the absence of a robust public health care system and social safety net.

“… this is perhaps the first global crisis in more than a century where no one is even looking to the United States for leadership… ‘There is not only no global leadership, there is no national and no federal leadership in the United States,’ said Ricardo Hausmann, director of the Growth Lab at Harvard’s Center for International Development…

“The current crisis, some fear, could act like an accelerator of history, speeding up a decline in influence of… the United States… Mr. Garton Ash said that the United States should take an urgent warning from a long line of empires that rose and fell. ‘To a historian it’s nothing new, that’s what happens,’ said Mr. Garton Ash. ‘It’s a very familiar story in world history that after a certain amount of time a power declines.’”

Much nonsense is included in the article, especially when it comes to the ridiculous praise of Angela Merkel’s “leadership” and of the dictatorial measures taken in Germany to fight the coronavirus, but the sections quoted above about Europe’s perspective of America’s lacking leadership are worthwhile noticing.

Crazy—US Uses Chinese Drones to Spy on Americans

Daily Wire wrote on April 19:

“An MSNBC segment from late last week sparked controversy after it shined a light on a program that some localities across the U.S. are participating in that uses Chinese-made drones to monitor American citizens in an effort to enforce social distancing. ‘The drones make it easier for police to see into certain areas where access by patrol cars is more difficult,’ MSNBC reported. ‘That includes tight spaces between buildings, behind schools, and in backyards. Failure to comply could lead to a summons or a thousand dollar fine.’… ‘The drones donated by DJI, a Chinese company, have gone to 43 agencies in 22 states, all to help enforce social distancing rules,’ MSNBC continued…

“Sen. Rick Scott (R-FL) responded to the segment by writing on Twitter: ‘Think about this for a second. This virus originated in Communist China and the Chinese Communist Party’s lies helped it spread around the world. Now we’re using drones made by a Chinese company and backed by the CCP to enforce social distancing. This is crazy!’”

Many concerns have been raised that these Chinese-made drones, which are now being used by US governments to spy on Americans, are at the same time being used by China to spy on America as well.

The Lockdown—a Big Mistake?

Ron Paul wrote on April 20 in “The Ron Paul Institute”:

“From California to New Jersey, Americans are protesting in the streets. They are demanding an end to house arrest orders given by government officials over a virus outbreak that even according to the latest US government numbers will claim fewer lives than the seasonal flu outbreak of 2017-2018.

“Across the US, millions of businesses have been shut down by ‘executive order’ and the unemployment rate has skyrocketed to levels not seen since the Great Depression. Americans, who have seen their real wages decline thanks to Federal Reserve monetary malpractice, are finding themselves thrust into poverty and standing in breadlines. It is like a horror movie, but it’s real.

“Last week the UN Secretary General warned that a global recession resulting from the worldwide coronavirus lockdown could cause ‘hundreds of thousands of additional child deaths per year.’ As of this writing, less than 170,000 have been reported to have died from the coronavirus worldwide.

“Many Americans have also died this past month because they were not able to get the medical care they needed. Cancer treatments have been indefinitely postponed. Life-saving surgeries have been put off to make room for coronavirus cases. Meanwhile hospitals are laying off thousands because the expected coronavirus cases have not come and the hospitals are partially empty…

“US states that did not arrest citizens for merely walking on the beach are not doing worse than those that did… Governments have no right or authority to tell us what business or other activity is ‘essential.’ Only in totalitarian states does the government claim this authority…”

Temporary Suspension of Some Green Card Applicants

NBC San Diego reported on April 21:

“President Donald Trump announced what he described as a ‘temporary suspension of immigration into the United States’ on Tuesday, an executive order barring those seeking permanent residency green cards but not temporary workers. Trump said he would be placing a 60-day pause on the issuance of green cards in an effort to limit competition for jobs in a U.S. economy wrecked by the coronavirus… An administration official familiar with the plans said the order would apply to foreigners seeking employment-based green cards and relatives of green card holders who are not citizens…

“Almost all visa processing by the State Department has been suspended for weeks. Travel to the U.S. has been restricted from much of the globe. And Trump has used the virus to effectively end asylum at U.S. borders, including turning away children who arrive by themselves and putting a hold on refugee resettlement…

“Trump first announced his intentions in a vague tweet Monday night. Across the country, those who could be impacted waited in suspense through the day. Chicago immigration attorney Fiona McEntee said she had been inundated with calls, emails and social media messages, including from company executives hoping to expand their business in the U.S., a person applying for a fiance visa and wondering about their wedding plans, artists seeking ‘extraordinary ability’ visas and foreign students. ‘It has created absolute panic,’ said McEntee. ‘These are people’s lives. … It is irresponsible and cruel to put out something like that without any consideration.’…”

Trump’s executive order expressly states that it does not apply, among others, to “any lawful permanent resident of the United States”; “any alien who is the spouse of a United States citizen”; or “any alien who is under 21 years old and is the child of a United States citizen.”

According to polls, about 79 percent want a full halt on immigration to the U.S. More than 80 percent of American adults call mass migration to the U.S. a “threat.”

The fear has been expressed that Trump and his anti-Immigration guru and right-wing hardliner Miller will use the “temporary” immigration “suspension” to make it permanent.

Fox News wrote on April 21: “Rep. Paul Gosar, R-Arizona, applauded the planned executive order, and suggested a total immigration suspension should continue indefinitely… ‘All immigration to the United States should halt until every American who wants a job has one!’”

Suspension of Green Card Applications Just a First Step?

Breitbart wrote on April 23:

“…the promise of Trump’s tweet was blocked amid furious closed-door lobbying by hugely wealthy Fortune 500 companies and elite investors. Their opposition was chiefly intended to stop the inflow of non-immigrant, white collar visa workers, including the roughly 900,000 H-1B workers who spike stock prices by shrinking salaries for U.S. professionals….

“That was a deep disappointment to many supporters… But Trump’s offer of a June re-match between voters and the Fortune 500 gives the public another chance to shift the nation’s economic policy towards employees, say reformers…

“Many polls show… the public strongly objects to companies hiring foreign workers before American  employees…

“But Trump’s zig-zagging between donors and voters is alienating many of those who stuck with him in 2016… ‘We knew it was best not to react to Trump’s initial claims about stopping immigration or any immigration matter because his past behavior has shown us there is an 80% chance that what he is telling us isn’t true,’ said William Gheen,  the founder of Americans for Legal Immigration PAC… ‘Trump has broken most of his key campaign promises … here once again he promises his audiences he will end all immigration for 60 days, but then guts the actual order to where it will have little impact for American workers.’”

In fact, suspending applications for permanent green card holders (most of them family-based) will have virtually NO impact on jobs for American workers. It is just a smokescreen to help Trump not to lose face completely, pacify (some) of his supporters and big companies and lobbyists, and to open the way for much severe  anti-immigration measures in the hope of wooing hard-core anti-immigrant voters as we are getting closer to the 2020 presidential election in November.  

US Travel Ban with Canada Extended

The Hill wrote on April 18:

“The U.S.-Canada border restrictions will be extended for another 30 days… The restrictions took effect on March 21, banning any nonessential travel between the two countries…

“When asked about potentially relaxing border restrictions with Canada on Wednesday, President Trump said, ‘…It will be one of the early borders to be released…’”

That does not sound good for a relaxation of the travel ban with other countries.

US Travel Ban with Mexico Extended

NPR wrote on April 20:

“The United States and Mexico are extending restrictions on nonessential travel across their shared border for an additional 30 days… The temporary closure was first put in place on March 21 and does not target the crossing of merchandise. People with temporary work visas, emergency personnel, students and those traveling for business are also still allowed to enter the U.S. However, the partial ban places stringent limits on tourism and shopping for people from California to Texas.”

No Lifting of German Travel Ban Any Time Soon

Deutsche Welle wrote on April 17:

“Foreign Minister Heiko Maas said on Friday that travel warnings aren’t going to be relaxed any time soon. ‘At the current point in time, I see absolutely no reason to lift the travel warnings,’ Maas told the mass-circulation Bild newspaper. He noted that even if Germany were to relax its measures, the curfews and other restrictions that other countries have put in place make it nearly impossible to go on holiday there.

“Germany issued a global travel warning in mid-March advising against non-essential travel abroad, particularly against travel for tourism purposes. The current warning has been extended to May 3, along with Germany’s nationwide social-distancing measures.

“The German government will reevaluate the situation from week to week and any loosening of restrictions would need to be coordinated on a European level, Maas noted. Mass warned that if people were to ignore travel warnings and try to continue with their summer vacation plans, the German government won’t fly them home from abroad this time…

“The German government launched a massive repatriation effort last month to fly home tourists who were stranded by the coronavirus outbreak. Although 240,000 people have been brought back so far, the government hasn’t been able to reach everyone just yet, Maas said. Over the next few weeks flights have been planned to bring German citizens back from South Africa, Peru, Argentina, and Pacific Island nations. Those who have since returned to Germany still likely face a bill from the government for the emergency flights.”

In an incredible article by Focus, dated April 18, titled, “Reason rather than naïve [plump] obedience… German calmness is success of democracy,” the author argues that the passive reaction of most Germans to the authoritarian measures by their government is a sign of a strong and successful democracy and can be explained by a trust in politics and acceptable arguments.

Der Spiegel took a completely different stance on April 17, writing: “Many Germans are growing impatient with the hesitant pace of efforts by the government to loosen the lockdown imposed to bring the number of coronavirus infections under control… And when will residents of Germany once again be able to exercise their constitutional rights, like going to church or attending a demonstration?”

So, who is right? Focus or Spiegel? Also, Bavaria announced that its Oktoberfest has been canceled for the first time since World War II. As Bloomberg reported on April 21, “The festival was called off twice in the past due to outbreaks of cholera, in 1854 and 1873.”

Change of Mind? Pope Warns Now Against Coronavirus Restrictions for Churches wrote on April 17 that Pope Francis warned against the consequences of a relationship with God without the church, stating that in internet services, people are together and not together.

He spoke of a danger when religious communication only occurs through the media and that one cannot just receive spiritual communion. “This is not the church,” he said.

The pope’s previous far-too-ready adherence to and even approval of the authoritarian restrictions of the governments, prohibiting church assemblies, is now backfiring, forcing him to eat his own words.

Der Spiegel wrote on April 17:

“German Chancellor Angela Merkel [conducted] a videoconference with the governors of Germany’s 16 states…

“North Rhine-Westphalia Governor Armin Laschet… clashed with other meeting participants primarily on the issue of religion. A Catholic by confession, Laschet joined Thuringia Governor Bodo Ramelow, a member of the far-left Left Party, in arguing that religious services should be permitted as long as certain measures were observed.

“Others noted that it is primarily the elderly – those who are most at risk in the coronavirus epidemic – who attend church services and that the kind of singing that takes place during church services increases the risk of transmission via exhaled particles

“The decisive argument was delivered by, of all people, [Bavarian Governor Markus] Söder… A Protestant himself, he is nonetheless head of a largely Catholic state. He pointed out that even the pope celebrated Easter mass completely on his own. Why should Germany do any different?”

Can one believe such utter nonsense as expressed by German governors (!), in regard to singing in church services? This is absolutely insane. But that happens when the pope wants to play coy and be cute. Now note the next article.

No Justification to Prohibit Religious Assemblies

Bild Online published the following commentary on April 16:

“To give up the constitutional right of free exercise of religion because of reasons of protection against the epidemic is difficult to swallow… Now stores will soon be open again, but religious services remain prohibited. With that, any semblance of proportionality has disappeared, with which we could justify such a grievous intrusion into our freedom.”

Bild has been taking a rather inconsistent approach throughout their “reporting”, reflecting the inconsistent approach of many Germans towards their government’s inconsistent handling of the coronavirus situation.  A constitutional scholar, Hans Michael Heinig, also stated that it would not be ok anymore to prohibit church assemblies in Germany, and Deutsche Welle reported on April 17 that in the German state of Saxony, church assemblies with up to 15 people plus the pastor will now be allowed. Deutsche Welle reported on April 21 that “Berlin is also set to allow church services of up to 50 people starting from May 4, according to the city’s culture minister.”

Germany’s Constitutional Court’s Incongruous Decisions

Deutsche Welle wrote on April 18:

“Germany’s Federal Constitutional Court rebuked Stuttgart city for just citing a local pandemic decree and saying ‘no’ on the phone to a person who planned to hold a 50-person demonstration on Saturday against the coronavirus-related lockdown measures in place… The government of Stuttgart, the state’s capital, argued that the decree [issued by Baden-Württemberg state] gave it no scope to even issue a legally contestable reply…

“The plaintiff approached Karlsruhe after losing a lower-court appeal before Baden-Württemberg’s top administrative court on Wednesday. The three-judge Karlsruhe panel in their ruling said the Stuttgart city administration in negotiations with the applicant could have agreed on a lower number of participants combined with physical spacing, location and demonstration timing. On Wednesday, Germany’s top court in similar fast-track provision rulings, had quashed two rejections of demonstrations in Giessen, a city in Hesse state, enabling them to proceed, but under strict safeguards.”

At the same time, as we reported earlier, the same court had found that the prohibition of RELIGIOUS assemblies and church services, even under strict safeguards, was justified. Who can understand those inconsistencies?

More German Confusion and Inconsistencies

AFP wrote on April 20:

“With small shops opening on Monday for the first time in a month, Merkel said the authorities can only allow such small cautious steps each time to avoid a devastating relapse… From florists to fashion stores, the majority of shops smaller than 800 square metres (8,600 square feet) were allowed to welcome customers again in much of Germany… But the government is facing increasing pressure from other sectors still facing curbs to move faster and let them get business back on track.

“… each of Germany’s 16 states is taking action at a slightly different pace. In eastern Saxony state, pupils taking final examinations began streaming back to classrooms, two weeks ahead of their peers in other states, where school gates will reopen only from May 4… Though not yet obligatory, the government ‘strongly advises’ wearing a mask in public. [Earlier, Merkel had strongly advised AGAINST wearing a mask in public. But now, almost all German states require the wearing of masks in public, but with inconsistent regulations.]

“… state premier of North Rhine-Westphalia Armin Laschet warned that some coronavirus restrictions could last until 2021.

“Cultural venues, bars, leisure centres and beauty salons will remain closed for the time being, and large-scale public events such as concerts and football matches have been banned until August 31. With larger shops unable to open, the German Trade Association warned Friday of a possible ‘distortion of competition’.”

Deutsche Welle added on April 20:

“Merkel has criticized excessive discussions about easing lockdown measures in Germany, warning that an ‘orgy’ of talks on when to reopen for business could jeopardize the progress made so far against the virus.”

The opposition party, the FDP, criticized Merkel sharply for her “choice of words” and her “grip of power” which she “does not have” (MSN, April 20, 2020).

Italian Insanity

Breitbart reported on April 20:

“Italian police used drones, quads, and a jeep to hunt down and fine a man thought to be spreading coronavirus by lying alone on an Italian beach.

“The City of Rimini posted a video of the police action against the sunbather on its website, boasting of the efficiency of local police in bringing the miscreant to justice.

“On Sunday, the Italian news service ANSA reported that photos of the police operation had gone viral, unleashing an unexpected avalanche of fury against the government for its ‘dictatorial’ methods, while others praised the lone bather for his exemplary ‘social distancing.’

“The Italian Interior Ministry reported Monday that 17,500 people were issued citations over the weekend for failing to comply with the…  coronavirus lockdown provisions… 8,641 were fined for traveling outside the home without sufficient justification, 74 for false declarations, and 9 for violated quarantine.”

Words fail in light of such governmental stupidity.

Extraordinary Damage for Global Economy

Money Week wrote on April 20:

“Covid-19 has wrought extraordinary damage on the global economy. Unemployment continues to soar to unprecedented levels. Companies continue to scramble for government support. We are unquestionably facing an economic slump larger than any we’ve ever experienced… Everything about this crisis has been off the charts in terms of historic comparisons…

“… there are signs that the market – in the US certainly – is… overvalued, just a month after hitting its coronavirus lows… The action taken by central banks now… will undermine our system yet further, and set up the conditions for a future blow-up…”

Killing Coronavirus with Disinfectants?

Zerohedge wrote on April 18:

“The Spanish government has just ‘authorized’ the military to prepare planes for aerial spraying of disinfectants across major metro areas

“The order was first published in the Boletín Oficial del Estado, the country’s official gazette, on Friday, that ‘authorizes the NBQ (Nuclear, Biological and Chemical) units of the Armed Forces and the UME to use biocides authorized by the Ministry of Health in disinfection efforts to deal with the health crisis caused by the coronavirus.’…

“The order continues to say ‘aerial disinfection’ missions will be conducted ‘regularly’ as long as the pandemic continues to ravage the country… Spain has deployed unmanned aerial systems and ground-based robots to spray disinfectants on the street level…[now] the government [wants] to blanket entire towns with disinfectants via airplanes…”

This is INSANE!

There Might NEVER Be a Vaccine… but It May Be Unnecessary

The Daily Star wrote on April 19:

“Professor Ian Frazer, one of the world’s leading vaccine inventors [said] that trying to immunise against coronavirus was like trying to immunise against the common cold – difficult to impossible… ‘Coronavirus doesn’t get into you, it stays on the surface cells in your lungs,’ he added. ‘All these flu viruses get into you, so the body can fight and makes T cells. ‘This virus doesn’t kill the cells, it makes them sick. At the moment we don’t know how to make a coronavirus vaccine work. That’s why there are 100 vaccines under testing using every conceivable approach. We don’t know if any of them will work.’

“On a more positive note, Prof Frazer pointed out that a vaccine was never developed for SARS following an outbreak in China in 2003, but it burnt out on its own. The virus became less effective as it passed from host to host, explained Prof Frazer – something that could feasibly happen with Covid-19 too. He added: ‘It may well be the same with this virus. It’s not very effective in making us sick. It may become less effective.’”

Vaccines a Longshot with no Success Guaranteed

Breitbart wrote on April 20:

“The government’s chief scientific advisor [Sir Patrick Vallance] admitted that vaccines for new viruses are ‘long shots’ and that ‘only some end up being successful’…

“Oxford University scientist Sarah Gilbert … raised other complications in the rollout and manufacturing of a vaccine, including that the injection may alter a person’s immune system, making contracting the Chinese virus more dangerous…”

And still, due to the panic and lucrative prospects of a vaccine for the pharmaceutical industry and its supporters and investors, we predict some kind of a vaccine will be produced and rushed through, while it will be claimed that it is safe so that it can be made mandatory for the entire globe.

Ongoing Isolation for Athletes and the Elderly without Vaccine

The Daily Mail wrote on April 20:

“World No 1 Novak Djokovic’s opposition to vaccines could stand in the way of his return to tennis when eventually it resumes following the coronavirus pandemic. A push is growing for all players to be vaccinated when tennis starts again, provided one is produced by then…

“Professor Gilbert said her team hopes to begin clinical trials towards the end of this week… The 510 or so healthy volunteers, between 18 and 55, are currently being recruited and having health checks. Half of all the trial volunteers will get the new coronavirus vaccine and the other half will get a vaccine licensed to protect against meningitis. Volunteers will not know what they are given…

“Scientists have asked people not to pin their hopes on a vaccine. However, it’s believed that vaccines are the only way for high-risk people, such as the elderly, will be able to mingle in society in the future. Over-70s may potentially have to wait for a vaccine before going back to normal life, according to lockdown exit plans reported by the Sunday Times yesterday.”

Twelve More Months of Lockdown in Australia?

The Sun wrote on April 17:

“AUSTRALIA is thinking of extending its lockdown to a YEAR  – despite suffering just 63 coronavirus deaths. Prime Minister Scott Morrison warned life ‘down under’ could be constrained for 12 more months… And some see the proposal as a sign other countries may also be thinking of very lengthy lockdowns…

“Restaurants, bars and other ‘non-essential’ businesses have closed [in Australia] and public gatherings of more than two people are banned under the threat of fines and even prison… Ministers in Australia have already refused to rule out keeping travel restrictions in place until 2021- meaning a ban on tourism. Citizens are being advised to plan vacations in their own country when the crisis is over…”

Man Reaps what He Sows

Express wrote on April 22:

“CHINA is facing pressure for answers as the world fights the coronavirus pandemic – and science highlighting that the outbreak started via bat-to-human transmission suggests that warnings in the Bible on the consumption of ‘unclean’ meat have been ignored with fatal consequences for humanity…

“Scientists say that coronavirus is highly likely to have come from bats to humans via pangolins. This is believed to have started in China’s Hubei province and its capital, Wuhan, where the sale of bats and pangolins for human consumption is widespread and profitable. The Book of Leviticus… does warn against people eating them.

“Chapter 11 offers instructions on how to remain clean by abstaining from the consumption of certain animals. It reads: ‘These you shall detest among the birds, they shall not be eaten – the eagle, the bearded vulture, the black vulture, the kite, the falcon of any kind, every raven of any kind, the ostrich, the nighthawk, the seagull, the hawk of any kind, the little owl, the cormorant, the short-eared owl, the barn owl, the tawny owl, the carrion vulture, the stork, the heron of any kind, the hoopoe, and the bat…’

“Though bats are now considered mammals, until the Middle ages, organisms were classified into three categories, those that walked on land, those that flew through the air and those that lived in water. By this method, bats are grouped into the same category as birds.

“The passage goes on to warn that anyone who does not follow these rules will remain ‘unclean’ until they repent. Some online users have linked this extract with coronavirus… referencing Leviticus 26:14-18, which reads: ‘If you won’t listen or obey my commands and reject them and violate my covenant, then I will bring on you sudden terror, wasting diseases and fever that will destroy your sight and sap your strength. If you still disobey Me, I will punish you sevenfold.’

“One Twitter user commented: ‘If China keeps eating unclean food, God will punish you sevenfold.’ Another added: ‘Leviticus reveals the punishment for disobedience.’”

Interesting thoughts. In Leviticus, God’s punishment is mainly directed to the modern houses of Israel and Judah, and it is of course not limited to eating unclean meat (even though this is included), but God calls this practice an “abomination” and He does pronounce serious punishment on ALL who do so in the book of Isaiah (65:3-5; 66:15-17).

Acknowledgement and Disclaimer

These Current Events are compiled and commented on by Norbert Link. We gratefully acknowledge the many contributions of news articles from our readership. The publication of articles in this section is not to be viewed as an endorsement or approval as to contents or accuracy of the selected articles, but they are published for the purpose of pointing at worldwide developments in the light of biblical end-time prophecy and godly instruction. Our own comments are provided in italics.

This Week in the News

Trump vs. State Governors

The Associated Press wrote on April 13:

“President Donald Trump claimed the ‘total’ authority Monday to decide how and when to reopen the economy after weeks of tough social distancing guidelines aimed at fighting the new coronavirus. But governors from both parties were quick to push back, noting they have the primary constitutional responsibility for ensuring public safety in their states and would decide when it’s safe to begin a return to normal operations… ‘When somebody is president of the United States, the authority is total,’ Trump said at Monday’s White House coronavirus briefing. ‘The governors know that.’

“But he would not offer specifics about the source of that claim, which governors asserted was a vast power grab… The president’s guidelines have little force. Governors and local leaders have issued orders that carry fines or other penalties, and in some jurisdictions extend into the early summer. ‘We’re going to write up papers on this,’ Trump said, brushing aside questions about his claim of absolute authority to order states to reopen, adding, ‘The governors need us one way or the other.’

“Vice President Mike Pence backed up Trump’s claim, also without offering specific grounding, saying that at times of emergency, the powers of president are ‘unquestionably plenary.’…

“Trump’s claim that he could force governors to reopen their states represents a dramatic shift in tone… Trump can use his daily White House briefings and Twitter account to try to shape public opinion and pressure governors to bend to his will…”

Apart from the devastating effects on the American economy, Trump also realizes that public resistance against the authoritarian measures is growing. However, he subsequently reversed to a large extent his public position on the President’s authority. This does not have to mean that he changed his mind on the issue. 

Also, on April 16, new federal guidelines were announced which seem to change little regarding the present status quo, even though they were summarized by the President as “opening up” the country. The same can be said about new guidelines and regulations which were announced in Europe this week.  

Resistance to House Arrest Orders

The Ron Paul Institute published an article on April 7 with the following headline:

“Resistance Building to Coronavirus ‘House Arrest’ Orders… It’s About Time!”

The article continued:

“Across the country, from political leaders, to small business owners, to parents who just want to take their children to the park, resistance is growing to the authoritarians who have effectively suspended the Constitution and placed most of the country under house arrest. Lawsuits are also challenging unlawful ‘stay at home’ orders. What if all the hysteria-driven orders have actually made the virus outbreak even worse?…”

Huge Demonstration against Stay-At-Home Order in Michigan

 The New York Post wrote on April 15:

“Thousands of protesters on foot and in vehicles converged Wednesday on Michigan’s capital to rally against Gov. Gretchen Whitmer’s stay-at-home orders in the state. ‘Operation Gridlock’… created a huge bumper-to-bumper traffic jam around the Michigan Capitol Building in Lansing…

“Meshawn Maddock, an organizer for the group, said the demonstrators include Republicans, Democrats and independents. ‘Quarantine is when you restrict movement of sick people. Tyranny is when you restrict the movement of healthy people,’ Maddock told Fox News. ‘Every person has learned a harsh lesson about social distancing. We don’t need a nanny state to tell people how to be careful.’”

“Draconian” Coronavirus Lockdown Measures and Our Civil Rights

The Washington Examiner wrote on April 9:

“Attorney General William Barr said the United States would be wise to make sure measures taken to stem the spread of the coronavirus do not unnecessarily infringe on the civil rights of U.S. citizens… ‘I think we have to be very careful to make sure … that the draconian measures that are being adopted are fully justified, and there are not alternative ways of protecting people,’ he added… ‘I’m very concerned about the slippery slope in terms of continuing encroachments on personal liberty,’ Barr said…”

To Regain Religious Freedom?

The Guardian wrote on April 5:

“In executive orders issued in quick succession this week, [Florida’s governor] DeSantis designated religious services as ‘essential activities’

“Greg Abbott, the governor of Texas… this week signed his own executive order designating religious services as ‘essential’ and leaving houses of worship to make their own decisions…

“The homepage for executive orders signed by the Michigan governor, Gretchen Whitmer, includes the words: ‘A place of religious worship is not subject to penalty.’…

New Mexico banned gatherings of more than five people anywhere, with ‘churches, synagogues, mosques and other places of worship’ among the exceptionsWest Virginia’s order, meanwhile, adds specific wording to assure citizens that travel to and from a place of worship would also not be considered a violation…”

Other states, mainly run by liberal Democratic left-wing governors such as in California, did not exempt churches.

Now Witch-Hunt against Churches

The Guardian wrote on April 3:

“A California megachurch has found itself at the center of a coronavirus outbreak after public health officials connected it to 71 cases… The church is reported to be the largest Slavic congregation in the US, with 3,500 members and a total attendance at some services of up to 10,000…

“Places of worship across the county have in recent weeks found themselves in the spotlight after resisting or being slow to enforce social distancing norms. Hugs, handshakes, or passing a common donation basket can easily pass the virus from one person to the next…

“‘While we know that the church as a whole has ceased to meet and the leadership is hosting online services, we have been told by multiple sources that there are groups that continue to meet in homes, despite the public health order to not gather with anyone outside of household members…’ the health department said.”

Christian Churches Become Scapegoat

Prophecy News Watch wrote on April 4:

“A national tragedy occurs, and Christians get scapegoated. The ancient pagans of Rome, as their society fell apart, blamed Christians… Watch for the focus on churches to continue to get increased scrutiny in the press.

“New York City… Mayor Bill de Blasio has already warned pastors to shut down their houses of worship – or else.  The mayor said the police department, fire department and building inspectors ‘will force congregations to disperse if they are found holding worship services… Any congregation that refuses to comply with the mayor’s order, could face fines or have their buildings permanently closed.

“… As emotions begin to run high, don’t be surprised [about] spread [of] the mindset that if you need someone to blame other than the politicians, those Bible believing Christians are next in line…

“The New York times ran a disturbing piece last week with the title: ‘The Road to Coronavirus Hell Was Paved by Evangelicals’…”

Obviously, Satan is behind those attacks on religious freedom.

Gross Abuse of Power

 The Huffington Post wrote on April 15:

“Pastors from three California churches are suing Gov. Gavin Newsom (D) and several local officials for restricting religious gatherings during the coronavirus pandemic ― arguing that their congregations can worship in person and practice social distancing at the same time. In a federal lawsuit filed in the Central District of California on Monday, the evangelical Christian plaintiffs insist it’s unconstitutional for the state to allow some businesses to stay open ― such as grocery stores, restaurants, and laundromats ― while houses of worship are forced to close, even if they agree to abide by the government’s guidelines for social distancing.

“‘If a Californian is able to go to Costco or the local marijuana shop or liquor store and buy goods in a responsible, socially distanced manner, then he or she must be allowed to practice their faith using the same precautions,’ Harmeet Dhillon, former vice chairwoman of the California Republican Party and a lawyer representing the plaintiffs, told The Associated Press…

“The lawsuit claims Newsom’s stay-at-home order from, March 19 and similar measures by Riverside and San Bernardino local officials, are a ‘gross abuse’ of power that takes advantage of the pandemic to expand government authority ‘by unprecedented lengths.’ Newsom’s order deems as essential ‘faith-based services that are provided through streaming or other technology,’ but in-person services are not listed. 

“James Dean Moffatt, senior pastor of Church Unlimited in Indio, California,… believes it is important for Christians to ‘come together, remember, and celebrate all that Jesus has done for this world,’ the lawsuit states. The pastor also believes the Bible commands him to baptize people and pray for the sick by laying his hands on them ― two acts that can’t be done online…” 

Unqualified Pastors?

The Ron Paul Institute wrote on April 14:

“Here is a recent tweet of [a pastor]: ‘As Americans, our Man-given freedom of speech seems to have overridden our God-commanded fear of authority. We need to repent of this, as complaining against & defying God-given authority is sin (unless they tell us to do something sinful). To be clear, not uncomfortable. Sinful.’

“Freedom of speech is God-given, not man-given. The First Amendment doesn’t say that Congress grants to Americans the freedom of speech. Rather, it prohibits Congress from abridging the freedom of speech… The First Amendment restricts government from prohibiting the free exercise of religion. One of the foundations of the Christian religion is worshiping God… in churches. Is not the government prohibiting the free exercise of religion when it tells churches they have to close or limit their gatherings to ten or fewer people?…

“The First Amendment also protects from government interference the right of the people peaceably to assemble. Does this not include the right of Christians to assemble in their churches?… Christians are commanded to not forsake the assembling of themselves together (Hebrews 10:25)… The coronavirus panic and insanity that has gripped the United States is all based on government distortions and lies. Just a little reading beyond the mainstream media makes this perfectly clear… It is pastors like the one who made the ridiculous tweet that Christians should socially distance themselves from. He will be among the first to support the next government lie or government war—in the name of ‘safety’ or ‘national security’ of course.”

Not Deserving Liberty?

Breitbart wrote on April 14:

“Benjamin Franklin once said, ‘Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety.’ Today, we are seeing the very thing Franklin warned against in real-time…

“The problem today isn’t just the virus. The problem is overreaching governments that have abused power in a moment of opportunism across several local jurisdictions in this country.

“This week we have witnessed several first-hand accounts of religious discrimination, and the selective targeting of worship gatherings and religious assemblies, ostensibly for reasons of public health and safety.  

“In Greenville, Mississippi, Mayor Errick Simmons, a Democrat, along with the city council, banned churches from hosting drive-thru services. Police in Greenville also issued $500 fines to congregants of Temple Baptist Church, who were sitting in their parked cars during a Wednesday night service. This was while they were clearly abiding by CDC guidelines for safe, social distancing.

“In Kentucky, Gov. Andy Beshear, a Democrat, instructed state police to take down license plate numbers of attendees at drive-thru services and have the state health department issue a mandatory 14-day quarantine.  That order affected members of Maryville Baptist Church. 

“Similarly, in Louisville, Mayor Greg Fischer, a Democrat, called on churches to forgo Easter drive-thru services to slow the spread of the virus. For anyone paying attention, there is no mistaking the overt pattern of enforcement against religious groups by Democratic officials…

“Thankfully, Pastor Chuck Salvo of On Fire Christian Church filed a lawsuit and temporary injunction against the Louisville mayor in U.S. District Court.  Judge Justin Walker, a Trump appointee, granted the injunction and further rebuked Mayor Fischer for criminalizing religious liberty…

Churchgoers are not being protected — they are being penalized… when civil authorities go beyond safety guidelines and overreach, Christians should be ready for a fight by whatever legal means necessary… Upholding and defending religious liberty is the most patriotic and neighborly thing we can do.”

America’s Fascination with “Essential” Guns…

Deutsche Welle wrote on April 3:

“According to a memorandum issued by the federal Department of Homeland Security, the import, manufacture and sale of weapons are part of the US’s essential infrastructure… Weapons and ammunition are also in high demand… In February, the FBI ran more than 2.8 million background checks…”

Selling guns is essential. Selling recreational marijuana is essential. In some areas, the Easter bunny, abortions and assisted suicide are essential (see article below). But conducting church services is not…?

ABORTION “Essential” and Must Go On

Breaking Israel News wrote on April 7:

“The WHO released a policy statement on Saturday stating that they will continue to prioritize abortion, diverting medical assets towards what they labelled ‘reproductive health.’ ‘Women’s choices and rights to sexual and reproductive health care should be respected, irrespective of whether or not she has a suspected or confirmed COVID-19 infection,’ WHO said in the statement…

“Rabbi Yosef Berger, the rabbi of King David’s Tomb on Mount Zion, noted that… ‘This love of abortions is a replay of Pharaoh throwing babies into the [River] Nile… the situation today is twice as bad as it was in Egypt. Pharaoh only killed the male babies.’

“Rabbi Hillel Weiss, the spokesman for the nascent Sanhedrin, reacted strongly to the pro-abortion by the WHO… ‘These values they call human rights have only one possible outcome: the destruction of humanity.’”

America Will Never Be the Same Again

WND published the following commentary by Pat Buchanan on April 2:

“What a difference a month can make… What March 2020 produced and what it appears to portend is a sea change in U.S. history… If March shocked this nation… what is coming may be even more sobering.  Are millions of unemployed workers without the cash to pay for or to find medicine and groceries likely to stay indoors for weeks or months?

“All those criminals being given early release from virus-infested jails and prisons without the means to provide for themselves and their families, how will they react to weeks of mandatory sheltering in place? … Will the system gradually break down just as the second wave of the virus in the fall appears?”

National Quarantine Is National Suicide

Newsweek wrote on April 3:

“On his Fox News program Friday, host Tucker Carlson said infectious disease expert Dr. Anthony Fauci had been wrong about the current coronavirus pandemic in the U.S. ‘repeatedly’ and that his call for all states to issue stay-at-home orders would amount to ‘national suicide.’… ‘More than 10 million Americans have already lost their jobs,’ Carlson said. ‘Imagine another year of this. That would be national suicide, and yet, that is what Anthony Fauci is suggesting, at least.’

“Carlson suggested Fauci was not looking at the economic ramifications of the coronavirus response because Fauci has ‘bulletproof job security.’ High U.S. unemployment rates, according to Carlson, are ‘a far bigger disaster than the virus itself by any measure.’ ‘Our response to coronavirus could turn this into a far poorer nation,’ Carlson said. ‘Poor countries are unhealthy countries, always and everywhere. In poor countries, people die of treatable diseases. In poor countries, people are far more vulnerable to obscure viruses, like the one we are fighting now. You want to keep Americans from dying before their time? Then don’t impoverish them.’”

See the interesting article below about Dr. Fauci’s economic interest.

It Was SO Predictable—“Anthony Fauci Sets Stage for Mandatory — Lucrative! – Vaccine”

On April 8, The Washington Times published the following “analysis/opinion” by Cheryl K. Chumley:

“Anthony Fauci, America’s most-listened-to medical professional on the coronavirus… has just warned what cooler-head coronavirus watchers have suspected all along: that this country may never, no never, go back to normal. Never, that is, Fauci suggested, until a vaccine is developed. And by logical extension, that’s to say — never, until a vaccine is developed that must then be included on the required list of shots for all children to attend school

“What great news for Bill Gates who just announced his foundation is going to spend billions of dollars to help build factories for seven possible coronavirus vaccine makers. ‘Spend’ is probably the wrong word here. Invest is more like it…

“… deaths due to the coronavirus are wildly open to interpretation, wildly speculative, wildly unscientific… What do doctors consider a coronavirus death? In the United Kingdom, health officials give daily counts of deaths of those who tested positive for the coronavirus, but who might have actually died from other medical conditions. In the United States, doctor discretion reigns

“‘The World Health Organization, UNICEF, the National institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation have announced a collaboration to increase coordination across the international vaccine community and create a Global Vaccine Action Plan,’ the Gates Foundation reported in a press release. ‘The collaboration follows the January 2010 call by Bill and Melinda Gates for the next ten years to be the Decade of Vaccines.’

The ‘Decade of Vaccines?’ It’s a structured campaign. It includes a Leadership Council, a Steering Committee, an International Advisory Committee — and [more]. But here’s an interesting link. The Leadership Council ‘is comprised of … Dr. Anthony S. Fauci,’ the Gates Foundation reported. Fauci, the same guy who just set the stage for the dire need for a protective coronavirus vaccine, has a vested interest in seeing this vaccine… come to widely administered fruition…

“… for certain… insider folk, vaccines are… great economic and political investments. Especially when they come as saving grace solutions to wildly spread fears — especially when they come as required, mandated protections for global populations.”

Sebastian Kurz (33)—Austria’s very young and somewhat radical Chancellor—has announced that “unless we will have a vaccine or other successful medicines, there won’t be any freedom to travel, as we know it” (Bild Online, April 7, 2020). In spite of or maybe because of his extreme measures, Austrians love and approve of him… and so do most Germans who have, sadly, always been receptive to extreme conduct in a time of crisis. When the prophesied “beast” arrives—a political, economic and military leader of German or Austrian descent—most Germans and Austrians will greet, support and even worship him. In fact, the whole world will… at first.

Bill Gates’ Terrible History with Vaccines

Robert Kennedy Jr. is an American environmental attorney, author, and opponent of vaccination. Kennedy is a son of Robert F. Kennedy and nephew of former president John F. Kennedy. He wrote the following in “Children’s Health Defense” on April 9:

“Vaccines, for Bill Gates, are a strategic philanthropy that feed his many vaccine-related businesses… and give him dictatorial control of global health policy. Gates’ obsession with vaccines seems to be fueled by a conviction to save the world with technology… Gates took control of India’s National Technical Advisory Group on Immunization (NTAGI) which mandated… polio vaccines… to children before the age of five. Indian doctors blame the Gates campaign for a devastating… epidemic that paralyzed 490,000 children beyond expected rates between 2000 and 2017. In 2017, the Indian government dialed back Gates’ vaccine regimen and asked Gates and his vaccine policies to leave India…

“In 2017, the World Health Organization (WHO) reluctantly admitted that the global explosion in polio is predominantly vaccine strain. The most frightening epidemics in Congo, Afghanistan and the Philippines are all linked to vaccines. In fact, by 2018, 70% of global polio cases were vaccine strain.

“In 2014, the Gates Foundation funded tests of experimental HPV vaccines, developed by Glaxo Smith Kline (GSK) and Merck, on  23,000 young girls in remote Indian provinces. Approximately 1,200 suffered severe side effects, including autoimmune and fertility disorders. Seven died. Indian government investigations charged that Gates-funded researchers committed… pressuring vulnerable village girls into the trial, bullying parents, forging consent forms, and refusing medical care to the injured girls. The case is now in the country’s Supreme Court.

“In 2010, the Gates Foundation funded a phase 3 trial of GSK’s experimental malaria vaccine, killing 151 African infants and causing serious adverse effects including paralysis, seizure, and febrile convulsions to 1,048 of the 5,949 children.

“During Gates’ 2002 MenAfriVac campaign in Sub-Saharan Africa, Gates’ operatives forcibly vaccinated thousands of African children against meningitis. Approximately  50 of the 500 children vaccinated developed paralysis… Nelson Mandela’s former Senior Economist, Professor Patrick Bond, describes Gates’ philanthropic practices as ‘ruthless and immoral.’

“In 2010, Gates committed $10 billion to the WHO saying, ‘We must make this the decade of vaccines.’ A month later, Gates said… that new vaccines ‘could reduce population’. In 2014, Kenya’s Catholic Doctors Association accused the WHO of chemically sterilizing millions of unwilling Kenyan women with a ‘tetanus vaccine campaign’. Independent labs found a sterility formula in every vaccine tested. After denying the charges, WHO finally admitted it had been developing the sterility vaccines for over a decade.  Similar accusations came from Tanzania, Nicaragua, Mexico and the Philippines.

“A 2017 study… showed that WHO’s popular DTP vaccine is killing more African children than the diseases it prevents. DTP-vaccinated girls suffered 10x the death rate of children who had not yet received the vaccine. WHO has refused to recall the lethal vaccine which it forces upon tens of millions of African children annually…

“In addition to using his philanthropy to control WHO, UNICEF, GAVI, and PATH, Gates funds a private pharmaceutical company that manufactures vaccines, and additionally is donating $50 million to 12 pharmaceutical companies to speed up development of a coronavirus vaccine. In his recent media appearances Gates appears confident that the Covid-19 crisis will now give him the opportunity to force his dictatorial vaccine programs on American children.”

Deutsche Welle wrote on April 12:

“Microsoft founder Bill Gates has called on industrialized countries to invest billions in the development and distribution of a coronavirus vaccine. In an opinion piece for Germany’s Welt am Sonntag newspaper, the US billionaire said the race was on to find a vaccine to help curb the pandemic, predicting that researchers are aiming for ‘at least one of them to be ready for use in 18 months.’”

Gates also said that the flu vaccine “isn’t that effective” in older people so vaccines for COVID-19 will have to be different… The eight months hypostasis matches the “warnings” as expressed in the next article:

USA to Be Prepared for 18 Months of Shutdown?

Morning Watch wrote on April 12:

“Neel Kashkari, the head of the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis,… while acknowledging the downside of what a prolonged shutdown could mean for the economy, said the U.S., ‘barring some health-care miracle,’ is looking at an 18-month strategy of rolling shutdowns…”

It seems the mighty and rich are “strategizing” with each other…

Beware of Coronavirus Vaccine

The Ron Paul Institute wrote on April 14:

“Ron Paul… warns that people ‘should be leery about’ coronavirus vaccines that may come out. Further, says Paul, a doctor and former United States House of Representatives member… [stressed] the potential danger of a vaccine as well as the overstated threat from coronavirus… Paul describes the results of the push for people to take the swine flu vaccine [in 1976] as follows:

“‘They rushed the vaccine through. The vaccine was not properly made. It had nothing to do with the virus that was out there, so it saved nobody’s life from it. It caused a lot of harm. More people ended up dying from the inoculation than died from the flu that year… that’s about what happens when governments get involved and you do things for political reasons…’

“Paul notes that many of the people whose deaths have been blamed on coronavirus are elderly people, including people living in nursing homes, who have multiple other diseases. Further, explains Paul, doctors have ‘been instructed by [the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention] and other politicians that, when the doctors sign the death certificate, if [patients] have four different things but they happen to have a positive test for the virus that is to be put down as the major cause of death.’ ‘The numbers mean nothing,’ concludes Paul regarding the daily tabulation of coronavirus deaths… With ‘probably millions of people’ having contracted coronavirus, Paul concludes that the percentage of people who have contracted coronavirus and have died as a result ‘is probably very, very small.’”

Mandatory Coronavirus Vaccine?

Lew Rockwell wrote on April 15:

“If and when the COVID vaccine arrives…, certificates would be used to signify immunity for all those who take the shot. It would function as a license [to] circulate and travel and enter schools

“[This] is a set-up for the vaccine, and for mandatory vaccines [with a] special exemption from liability recently issued by the US Dept. of Health and Human Services. Basically, anyone associated with pharmaceutical strategies undertaken ‘against the coronavirus’ cannot be sued, regardless of ‘adverse effects’ of medicines or vaccines…”

Trump Suspends US Funding for WHO and Is Globally Condemned

Times of Israel wrote on April 15:

“The European Union’s top foreign policy representative on Wednesday denounced President Donald Trump’s decision to suspend US funding for the World Health Organization… Trump’s latest decision reflects his belief that the WHO has been biased towards China, colluding to prevent the US’ main economic rival from having to be open about the unfolding health crisis… The US is the biggest funder of the WHO, providing it $400 million last year…

Germany slammed the US decision as Foreign Minister Heiko Maas [said:] ‘One of the best investments is to strengthen the UN, above all the under-financed WHO… in the development and distribution of tests and vaccines.’…

“Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates… said Trump’s decision is ‘as dangerous as it sounds.’”

Gates stands much to lose financially if a vaccine were not to be developed.

Open Up Soon

The Associated Press wrote on April 8:

“Conservative voices… are pushing for an economic and social restart, urging Trump to overrule health officials. ‘At some point, the president is going to have to look at Drs. Fauci and Birx and say, we’re opening on May 1,’ Fox commentator Laura Ingraham tweeted. ‘Give me your best guidance on protocols, but we cannot deny our people their basic freedoms any longer.’”

The Daily Mail wrote on April 10:

“Ron Paul called on President Donald Trump’s administration Thursday to fire Dr. Anthony Fauci… after he lowered the nation’s death estimates for the coronavirus. The former Texas Republican representative accused Fauci of providing ‘bad information’ when he said Thursday that he expects about 60,000 people will die from the outbreak, down from 100,000 to 200,000, but only if social distancing continues and effectively slows the spread of the disease.

“Paul, speaking on his program, ‘Ron Paul Liberty Report,’ unleashed his criticism on Fauci, saying he was using the virus as an excuse to get ‘total control’ of the American people…Paul, 84, who has run three presidential campaigns since 1988, is also a physician…”

Paul also stated that people might die in a car accident, and doctors will say that they died of the coronavirus.

Economic Disaster and Riots

The Sun wrote on April 4:

“… the world is falling to pieces… Experts say that coronavirus will bankrupt far more people than it kills. Already we are seeing footage from Italy of desperate families with no food and no money trying to kick their way through a supermarket’s windows… When farmers can’t pick food because they don’t have the workforce and nobody could afford it even if they did, we are going to have riots.

“Governments have already promised trillions in aid. But it’s trillions they do not have. They will have to borrow the money, and to pay it back, they are going to have to tax the few of us left in work… As each day passes, the situation is getting worse until eventually, someone is going to have to admit that Donald Trump had a point when he said that ‘the cure cannot be worse than the problem’… You can cure an ingrowing toenail by removing the leg. But it’s not sensible…”

Surge in Domestic Violence

npr wrote on April 6:

“United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres [cited] a sharp rise in domestic violence amid global coronavirus lockdowns.

“… Domestic violence rates have surged in France and South Africa… Lebanon and Malaysia have seen the number of calls to help lines double… In China, the number of calls has tripled… In Australia… Google reports a 75% increase in online searches for help with domestic violence. Meanwhile, in Turkey… the killing of women has risen sharply since a stay-at-home order was issued on March 11.”

There has also been a huge surge in suicide cases. Also, the following was found on the Internet: “Weird dreams. If fear and dread have invaded your dreams, you’re not alone. Plenty of people are having vivid dreams with images such as tidal waves, lethal injections and masses of thin white worms.”

The Trillion Dollar Coins

Fortune wrote on March 25:

“How does America pay for a $2 trillion coronavirus relief bill? With two shiny coins… The minting of such mammoth mammon isn’t just a thought experiment—it’s an actual draft bill being floated in Congress…

“Under the plan, the Treasury would mint the two $1 trillion coins, then deposit them at the Federal Reserve. Forced by law to recognize the coins as legal tender, the Fed would add $2 trillion to the Treasury’s account…”

Forbes wrote already 7 years ago, on January 19, 2013:

“No doubt, you’ve heard about the latest irresponsible fiscal/monetary proposal to be floated by members of Congress… It entails having the Treasury avoid the federal debt limit by handing the Federal Reserve a single $1 trillion platinum coin.  The Fed would then credit the Treasury’s bank account with $1 trillion, which the Fed could spend on… anything it wants.

“Is there anything special about platinum? Well, yes. The coin doesn’t have to contain $1 trillion worth of platinum.  It can be microscopic for all the Fed cares as long as they can use a electron microscope to read the $1 trillion In God We Trust inscription.   But it has to be made out of platinum.  No other metal or substance… will do.  The reason is that the Treasury has the right, by an obscure law, to mint platinum coins, but only platinum coins…”

The Death of Cash… Banks Would Love It

Money Morning wrote on April 3:

“There is much talk about how Covid-19 will change the world. There is less about how it is simply accelerating trends that were already underway… One to keep a particular eye on is a theme we have been watching for some time – the death of cash… ‘card only’ signs are appearing everywhere…

“Back in 2015, Andy Haldane, chief economist at the Bank of England, made a speech in which he explained [that it would] be much easier if we weren’t allowed [cash]; that way, the Bank could have significantly more control over how and when we spent our money.”

FDIC Scared of a Bank Run?

Cyrptopotato wrote on April 5:

“The FDIC is the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. It was created by President Franklin D. Roosevelt during the Great Depression to insure any money deposited at U.S. depository institutions. As a result, all U.S. checking accounts are insured (up to $150,000) by Uncle Sam. The official Twitter account for the FDIC tweeted this message Tuesday: ‘Forget the mattress! Keeping large sums of cash at home is risky. The best place to protect your money is in an FDIC-insured bank where it’s safe and sound.’

“So if the authorities are actually this concerned that Americans will literally start hoarding cash under the mattress like in the Great Depression, then is it okay for the rest of us to go ahead and panic? Because hearing the FDIC Chair say this makes me want to drive straight to my bank to withdraw. And pull out everything that isn’t auto-paying next month’s bills…

“I am worried about the world right now, but I wasn’t afraid of money not being in the bank until the insurer of bank deposits had to go on air and assure us our money’s fine. Now I’m afraid

“The U.S. banking system prints ‘In God We Trust’ on the money, but the way the financial system acts they don’t seem to be very God-fearing. All this unsinkable ship talk of the Titanic didn’t work out so well… don’t be so certain [the U.S. financial system is] collapse proof. Especially not the way they’re riding it lately…”

Wearing Masks… Yes, No or Indifferent?

The Associated Press wrote on April 3:

“President Donald Trump announced new federal guidelines Friday recommending that Americans wear face coverings when in public to help fight the spread of the new coronavirus. The president immediately said he had no intention of following the advice himself, saying, ‘I’m choosing not to do it.’… stressing the recommendations did not amount to requirements…

Surgeon General Jerome Adams wrote on Twitter at the end of February that people should ‘STOP BUYING MASKS’ and said they were not effective in protecting the general public. On Monday, he noted that the World Health Organization does not recommend masks for healthy members of the population. Three days later, he tweeted that though there remains ‘scant’ evidence that wearing a mask… can protect the wearer, ‘emerging data suggests facial coverings may prevent asymptomatic disease transmission to others.’”

Politics Home wrote on April 3:

“Deputy chief medical officer Jonathan Van Tam… said: ‘I was on the phone this morning to a colleague in Hong Kong whose done the evidence review for the World Health Organisation on face masks. We are of the same mind that there is no evidence that the general wearing of face masks by the public who are well affects the spread of the disease in our society… In terms of the hard evidence, we do not recommend face masks for general wearing for the public.’”

Again, our medical experts seem to know next to nothing.

It’s Getting Crazier and Crazier

npr wrote on April 4:

“Dr. Deborah Birx said]… ‘The next two weeks are extraordinarily important… ‘This is the moment to not be going to the grocery store, not going to the pharmacy…’”

Subsequently, on April 6, Birx somewhat modified her prior statement, adding however that her grandchild became sick with a high fever and that she, even though a doctor, would not visit him and treat him, due to the restrictions. President Trump seemed surprised and puzzled by her public statement [Trump, in his seventies, has a minor son.] Dr. Birx’s position is very difficult to understand by a parent or a grandparent.

Big Brother in the USA and Elsewhere

CNN wrote on April 4:

“[Trump] wants to use Americans’ smartphone location data to help track and combat the spread of coronavirus. Now, a pair of US data companies are making a public pitch to show just how that kind of technology might work.

“X-Mode and Tectonix focused on a high-profile case: tracking location data from the phones of people who visited the beach in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, in March — among them spring breakers who made national news two weeks ago when they ignored warnings to practice social distancing… The results of tracking data… showed where people went after they visited the beach…

“Across the globe governments are weighing the need to contain the virus against citizens’ privacy… Israel last month deployed spy technology to track coronavirus patients and the people they may have come in contact with. And authorities in Moscow are using the city’s vast system of 170,000 surveillance camera with facial recognition technology to catch and fine people violating quarantine and self-isolation rules.

“Facebook and Google confirmed… that they were exploring ways to use… location data [as] part of a series of interactions between the White House and the tech industry…”

Deutsche Welle wrote on April 7:

“Germany is developing a smartphone app that warns people if they’re close to someone who’s tested positive for COVID-19. Similar apps are widespread in Asia, prompting Germans to rethink their data privacy laws.”

The Associated Press wrote on April 10:

Apple and Google launched a major joint effort to leverage smartphone technology to contain the COVID-19 pandemic. New software the companies plan to add to phones would make it easier to use Bluetooth wireless technology to track down people who may have been infected by coronavirus carriers. The idea is to help national governments roll out apps for so-called ‘contact tracing’ that will run on iPhones and Android phones alike.”

Of course, once this technology is in place, it can be used for other governmental purposes as well.

Restrictions on Free Expressions

Deutsche Welle wrote on April 7:

“The messaging app WhatsApp has moved to limit the increasing spread of misinformation through its platform… Governments around the world have urged social media companies to attempt to curb the spread of misinformation through tighter regulations…

“Misinformation that has been spread on WhatsApp often relates to miracle cures and so-called ‘treatments’ to cure patients of COVID-19 and to conspiracy theories regarding government or private involvement in the outbreak…

“The new limits are in place indefinitely.”

Coming… Hyperinflation in the UK?

Money Week wrote on April 10:

“During inflation, prices are going up… But in hyperinflation, the speed of the increase in prices is so extreme that measuring it is almost irrelevant… one estimate [suggests] that inflation in Weimar Germany peaked in 1923 at 29,500%… a month… Zimbabwe in 2008 was even worse… hyperinflation really describes a situation where the currency is essentially meaningless. It’s the collapse of an economy and its currency, rather than simply a tough period… to quote the title of Adam Fergusson’s history of the Weimar collapse, hyperinflation is quite literally ‘When Money Dies’…

“[For hyperinflation] there needs to be a [supply shock or a] sharp reduction in the productive capacity of the economy… In Weimar Germany, the supply shock was World War I…  Secondly, a country needs to have a lot of obligations that need to be paid in a foreign currency… This makes it impossible for a country to simply print money to get rid of its obligations… Again, if you look at historical hyperinflations, all of them involve countries or regimes with large overseas obligations. In Weimar Germany, it was reparations, denominated in gold

“Thirdly, you need a vicious circle to drive prices up and sustain them at the extraordinary levels seen in a hyperinflation. This ‘transmission mechanism’ comes in the form of rising wages. Prices soar, workers can’t pay for goods, so they demand and get pay rises, which drives up prices further…”

In Weimar, the prices got so high and the value of the currency so low that one could not even buy a loaf of bread for 1 Million Reichsmarks.  The ghost of Weimar might very well be lurking… for the UK and perhaps even for other countries.

Germany Attacks the USA… again…

The Guardian wrote on April 10:

“In the latest sign of tensions with the US, Germany’s foreign minister Heiko Maas criticised the Trump administration’s handling of the outbreak as too slow… Maas took aim at the two extremes of national coronavirus responses, contrasting China’s ‘very authoritarian measures’ with America’s decision to play down the threat ‘for a very long time’.

“‘These are two extremes, neither of which can be a model for Europe,’ Maas said… Maas said he hoped the US would rethink its international relationships in light of the crisis… Although Trump enjoyed a small bump in support at the beginning of America’s outbreak, it fell far short of the increase enjoyed by George W Bush after 9/11, and recent polls have seen his ratings fall back to pre-coronavirus levels.”

Maas is not the one who should be talking about two extremes, given Germany’s slow “response” and the subsequent authoritarian measures which Europe, including Germany, Austria, Italy and Spain, have been imposing on their citizens. The fact that even the coronavirus debacle is being used by Maas for European verbal attacks on the USA is quite remarkable… and sickening.

Prohibiting Church Services Not Unconstitutional in Germany

Deutsche Welle wrote on April 7:

“Berlin’s administrative court on Tuesday rejected an emergency application from an offshoot of one Catholic congregation that wanted a service limited to 50 persons. Berlin’s coronavirus control decree did not violate religious freedoms, judges ruled. Earlier, administrative courts in Hesse and Saxony had declared pandemic bans on gatherings as lawful, and in Hesse’s case, rejected a lone Catholic’s application.

“On Tuesday, constitutional jurist Horst Dreier told Düsseldorf’s Rheinische Post newspaper that banning church services was ‘very problematic.’… Protestant and retired TV presenter Peter Hahne accused Protestant leaders of rushing last month to obey secular authorities. ‘Beverage stores are open, the church is not. Whom do you want to explain that to?’ said Hahne, telling the Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung newspaper that not being allowed to physically attend services struck at the ‘core’ of church practice…”

The highest court subsequently confirmed this decision. Sadly, the history of the big two Churches in Germany has been such that they have far too often worked hand in hand with the state and thereby compromised their respective positions. The Catholic and the Protestant churches’ collaboration with Hitler and Mussolini are prime examples. If they would have taken a stance now, maybe the courts would have decided differently.

Most ridiculous and inconsistent regulations have been enacted in Germany and elsewhere which even the mainstream German press acknowledges. But sadly, over 50% of Germans are in agreement with the restrictions or even think that they should be stronger, and they are opposed to revoking them at this time. Further, police have been patrolling Germany from the air with helicopters and drones, as well as on the streets and in parks. Many zealous Germans have been reporting “violators ” to the authorities. All of this reminds one of Germany’s dark days during the Hitler era and during the Communist rule in Eastern Germany. The following development even more:

Die Welt reported on April 10 about statements by Saxony’s Social Minister Petra Koepping (SPD) to the effect that someone can be institutionalized in a psychiatric clinic, under police surveillance, if he or she violates private quarantine. An attorney of the Green party in Leipzig, Juergen Kasek, also supports such a measure, as long as it is “proportionate.”

In addition, note the outrageous comments by the GERMAN Head of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen saying that the European “bloc’s elderly may have to be kept isolated until the end of the year to protect them from coronavirus. ‘I know it’s difficult and that isolation is a burden, but it is a question of life or death, we have to remain disciplined and patient. Children and young people will enjoy more freedom of movement earlier than elderly people and those with pre-existing medical conditions,’ she said” (Deutsche Welle, April 12). She has warned EU nationals against booking their summer vacation just yet. “I advise people to delay such plans. No one can make reliable predictions for July and August at the moment,” she told German newspaper Bild am Sonntag.

Why isn’t there an OUTCRY in Europe and all around the world against such authoritarian and dictatorial stupid concepts to imprison the helpless innocent elderly—all under the DISGUISE of wanting to “protect” them? Simply because we are moving towards the Satanic climax and the end of this rotten evil world, as prophesied in the Bible. Satan is holding this entire world captive, having bombarded it and its politicians and leaders with his ideas, having made it and them “drunk,” and his wrath is great, knowing that he has but a short time left.

And note the next articles which are a perfect example of the kind of panic-driven propaganda in Germany which is sadly so prevalent today.

German Propaganda

Deutsche Welle reported on April 8:

“‘Right-wing extremists are trying to capitalize on the crisis,’ Stephan Kramer, president of Thuringia’s office for the protection of the constitution, told German news outlet RND. ‘They criticize the government and the EU for apparent failures [and] are asserting that the coronavirus serves as a means to set up a police state.’

“Kramer also warned that some right-wing extremists were… offering assistance and carrying out community work… Bavaria’s interior minister, Joachim Herrmann, also warned that members of the right wing-extremist party Der Dritte Weg (the Third Way) have been particularly active. Members have been offering assistance in everyday life or going shopping for people during the crisis, in order to win new supporters. They were using the crisis to present themselves as a social organization ‘that takes care of them or the problems of the “little” people,’ said Herrmann…”

Pretty soon, everyone who is questioning the extreme measures imposed by the German government may be labeled as a “right-wing” extremist.

“Germany to Lead EU ‘Coronavirus Presidency”

Deutsche Welle reported on April 13:

“Berlin has vowed a robust response to the health emergency when the country takes over the EU’s rotating presidency in July. Foreign Minister Heiko Maas also called for the strengthening of the WHO and vaccines… Germany has promised strong leadership to help EU countries to overcome the coronavirus pandemic…

“When Germany takes over the presidency [on July 1], Maas said one of the first tasks would be to ‘gradually lift the restrictions on travel and the internal market in an incremental and coordinated manner.’… Maas said if EU leaders learn from the coronavirus crisis, the bloc will come out ‘stronger’ and ‘more unified’ than ever before…

“He added that strengthening the United Nations and the ‘underfunded’ World Health Organization (WHO), especially in the development and distribution of tests and vaccines, is ‘one of the best investments in the fight against the pandemic.’”

Note our articles on vaccines above.

No Major Events in Germany for a Long Time

Deutsche Welle wrote on April 16:

“Germany’s latest lockdown measures now include a ban on major public events until August 31. Although Oktoberfest is due to start after the current cut-off, Bavaria’s state premier said the festival will probably not take place this year. ‘I am very very skeptical. And based on the current situation, I can hardly imagine that such a large event would even be possible at that time,’ Markus Söder [said]…

“Oktoberfest is the world’s largest beer festival… This year’s festivities are scheduled to start on September 19 and run until October 4.”

September 19 is also the Feast of Trumpets. September 28 is the Day of Atonement, and the Feast of Tabernacles and the Last Great Day are from October 3 until October 10.

Volcanos Erupt

Deutsche Welle wrote on April 11:

Indonesia says the volcano continues to spill lava, hours after the initial eruption… Indonesia’s Anak Krakatau volcano spewed a column of ash 500 meters (1,640 feet) into the sky… Friday’s eruption came two years after a huge flare-up caused a tsunami along the coasts of Sumatra and Java, killing 430 people. Thousands were injured…

“Anak Krakatau, which means Child of Krakatau, is located between the islands of Java and Sumatra and was created after the legendary eruption of Krakatau volcano in August 1883. The eruption was so violent that the volcanic island that had existed until then sank into the sea. More than 35,000 people lost their lives.

“The sea between Sumatra and Java, like the rest of the island nation, sits on the Pacific Ring of Fire, the most geologically active zone on earth where volcanic eruptions and earthquakes are frequent.”

The Guardian wrote on April 10:

“Volcanic activity is escalating in a region of Iceland that has not erupted for 800 years, with scientists warning it could cause disruption for centuries to come. Since 21 January, the Reykjanes peninsula south-west of Iceland’s capital, Reykjavik, has experienced more than 8,000 earthquakes and about 10cm of land uplift due to magma intrusions underground…

“Situated close to the town of Grindavík and the popular Blue Lagoon tourist attraction, and only nine miles (15km) from Iceland’s international airport, the region last erupted about 800 years ago (though there have been more recent eruptions offshore). Geological evidence shows the area is fed by five volcanic systems, which seem to come to life in a coordinated way roughly every 1,000 years.

“The last period of volcanic activity on the peninsula began in the 10th century and continued until the 13th… ‘The worst-case scenario is if lava flows towards the town of Grindavík,’ said… the Icelandic Meteorological Office. ‘There is also other important infrastructure in the vicinity including a geothermal power plant…’”

Waves of Earthquakes

Breaking Israel News wrote on April 13:

“The earth seems to be waking up as seismic activity is being reported around the globe. Last month, a 6.5 magnitude earthquake shook Idaho, generating a multitude of avalanches. The quake was the largest in the region since a 6.9 quake hit in 1983. There have been 238 earthquakes in Idaho in the last week… Five of those have been substantial in size rating 4.0 to 6.5…

“Two weeks before Idaho felt the earth move, Salt Lake City, Utah, approximately 340 miles away from the Idaho epicenter, was hit by a 5.7 magnitude earthquake. Since that earthquake, there have been 886 smaller earthquakes and aftershocks in the Salt Lake area.

“The belly of the country is clearly rumbling as the University of Utah Seismograph Station mapped a total of 980 tremors throughout Idaho, Utah and Wyoming since March 18… Though the epicenter in Idaho was over 200 miles distant from the Yellowstone caldera, Yellowstone experienced 111 earthquakes in March…

“Although the probability of an eruption at Yellowstone may (or may not) be small, the results of such an event would be catastrophic in the extreme. Yellowstone Park is seismically active with more than 10,000 thermal features of which more than 500 are geysers. The Yellowstone caldera is listed as the most dangerous supervolcano in existence and as such, is the most monitored volcano in the world…”

Tornadoes in the USA and the Coronavirus

The Guardian wrote on April 12:

“A tornado strike destroyed homes and left a trail of devastation across large parts of the US south on Sunday… The storm provided a dilemma for public safety officials trying to find a balance between wanting people to stay in lockdown for the coronavirus pandemic and wanting them to leave their homes for shelter

“The American Meteorological Society [said:] ‘Do not let the virus prevent you from seeking shelter in a tornado… If a public tornado shelter is your best available refuge from severe weather, take steps to ensure you follow CDC [federal] guidelines for physical distancing and disease prevention.’ Community shelters, the meteorological society said, should be a last resort.”

Animals Take Over

Newsmax wrote on April 3:

“The coronavirus pandemic has cleared the streets in some of the world’s largest cities… [and] various wild animals are reclaiming the streets… In east London, a herd of 100 deer… settled in at a housing estate in Harold Hill. Deer also moved into the ancient Japanese capital of Nara, where around 100 deer were seen casually walking around the city… Spotted deer were also seen wandering along a road in the [Indian] city of Tirupati… during the nation’s lockdown of 1.3 billion people.

“In the north of Italy, wild boar have been seen roaming regions such as Bergamo… Paris, too, has drawn a pack of wild boar while the city is on lockdown.

“In the Chilean capital Santiago, Puma were seen on the streets of the city… Fox News reported hordes of starving monkeys were spotted in the streets of Thailand, fighting over food scraps, due to the pandemic.”

Deadly Asian Giant Hornets Invade Washington

WSU wrote on April 6:

“More than two inches long, the world’s largest hornet carries a painful, sometimes lethal sting and an appetite for honey bees. It is also the newest insect invader of Washington state. The Asian giant hornet, Vespa mandarinia, is unmistakable…

“WSU scientists are bracing for the giant hornet’s emergence this spring. Sighted for the first time in Washington last December, the hornet will start to become active in April… In the first-ever sightings in the U.S., WSDA verified two reports of the Asian giant hornet late last year near Blaine, Wash…  It is not known how or where the hornet first arrived in North America… At home in the forests and low mountains of eastern and southeast Asia, the hornet feeds on large insects, including native wasps and bees. In Japan, it devastates the European honey bee, which has no effective defense… Multiple stings can kill humans, even if they are not allergic…”

The Sun added on April 9:

“The insects, which can kill with a single sting, may have a devastating impact on the already dwindling honeybee population in the U.S…. Experts estimate the pests may cause America a staggering $29.3 million [a year] as they invade.”

Locusts More Destructive than the Coronavirus?

The Associated Press wrote on April 10:

“Weeks before the coronavirus spread through much of the world, parts of Africa were already threatened by another kind of plague, the biggest locust outbreak some countries had seen in 70 years. Now the second wave of the voracious insects, some 20 times the size of the first, is arriving. Billions… are winging in from breeding grounds in Somalia in search of fresh vegetation springing up with seasonal rains.

“Millions of already vulnerable people are at risk… Some people will even tell you that the locusts are more destructive than the coronavirus… The U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization has called the locust outbreak… ‘an unprecedented threat’ to food security and livelihoods… Favorable breeding conditions through May mean there likely will be another new round of swarms in late June and July, coinciding with the start of the harvest season…”

Taliban Breaks Off Talks in Afghanistan

Deutsche Welle wrote on April 7:

“The Taliban broke off talks over a prisoner exchange with the Afghan government Tuesday. The exchange was a key step in the peace talks brokered by the US after it agreed a troop withdrawal pact with the militant group. The Taliban’s technical team would no longer participate in ‘fruitless meetings,’ spokesman Suhail Shaheen wrote on Twitter shortly after midnight on Tuesday. ‘Unfortunately, their release has been delayed under one pretext or another,’ he wrote…

“The US signed a peace deal with the Taliban in February, but the success of the pact is dependent on talks between the Taliban and the Afghan government… There are concerns that the talks breaking down could lead to a further escalation in violence.”

Acknowledgement and Disclaimer

These Current Events are compiled and commented on by Norbert Link. We gratefully acknowledge the many contributions of news articles from our readership. The publication of articles in this section is not to be viewed as an endorsement or approval as to contents or accuracy of the selected articles, but they are published for the purpose of pointing at worldwide developments in the light of biblical end-time prophecy and godly instruction. Our own comments are provided in italics.

This Week in the News

President Trump Passed Historic Bill 

MarketWatch wrote on March 27:

“President Donald Trump on Friday signed a $2 trillion stimulus bill that would cut $1,200 checks to many adults, expand unemployment insurance payments and extend loans to businesses, all in an effort to combat the coronavirus outbreak’s toll on the economy…”

Until recently, the national debt was above 23 trillion dollars. With the rescue package of 2 trillion dollars and more money needed in the future, the national debt will most likely soon exceed 26 trillion dollars. Some analysts fear we might see a national debt of over 30 trillion dollars within the next two years.

Clearly, this country is being brought down to its knees as NEVER BEFORE.

Pastor Arrested for Conducting Church Services in Florida

CNN wrote on March 30:

“Rodney Howard-Browne, a Tampa Bay area pastor, has been arrested following two large services at his church over the weekend…

“Hillsborough County Sheriff Chad Chronister said Howard-Browne has been charged with two counts: unlawful assembly and a violation of health emergency rules. Both are second-degree misdemeanors… Last week Hillsborough County issued an order directing residents to remain at home effective March 27 except for ‘essential services’… ‘His reckless disregard for human life put hundreds of people in his congregation at risk,’ Chronister said at a news conference on Monday, ‘as well as put thousands of residents who may interact with them in danger.’

“… one of [the pastor’s] attorneys issued a statement Monday challenging the logic of the county’s stay-at-home order and saying the River church took extra health precautions for its services Sunday. The church gave each attendee hand sanitizer, had its staffers wear gloves and enforced a six-foot distance between family groups in the auditorium, attorney Mat Staver said… ‘the actions of Hillsborough Country and the Hernando County Sheriff are discriminatory against religion and church gatherings.’…

“‘I’m not… negating that people are dying from the coronavirus,’ [Rodney Howard-Browne] said. ‘We’re not saying that, just saying that the thing is blown totally way out of proportion…’

“In a statement posted March 22 on its website, the church claims that closure orders violate religious freedom. ‘…By what authority does the government declare the church non-essential?… The Church is a place where people turn for help and for comfort in a climate of fear and uncertainty. In a time of crisis, people are fearful and in need of comfort and community, more than ever before.’”

Focus reported on March 31 that Pastor Rodney Howard-Browne surrendered voluntarily to the police after learning that a warrant for his arrest had been issued; and that after posting bail in the amount of $500.00, he was released within less than an hour. His arrest appears to be unreasonable and overbearing. 

Police Attack on Baptist Church in Baltimore, Maryland

The Baltimore Sun wrote on March 31:

“A prominent pastor is vowing to hold worship services this Sunday and beyond after Baltimore police tried to shut down a service at his church amid increasing coronavirus-related constraints on social gatherings… Alvin Gwynn Sr. said he was delivering a sermon Sunday to 10 worshipers when four patrol cars containing ‘eight or nine officers’ pulled up in front of the Friendship Baptist Church and several tried to enter the building.

“Gwynn, the longtime senior pastor of the church on Loch Raven Boulevard, said security guards prevented the officers’ entry until he had finished his sermon. ‘You should have seen it, man, it looked like a police raid on a drug deal,’ he said… When he asked officers to explain why they were there, Gwynn said, they looked ‘bewildered,’ declined to answer, and called a superior. Lt. Suzanne Fries had advised the officers on the scene to ‘shut down the gathering,’ according to an incident report supplied by the Baltimore Police Department. ‘At this point, the church service ended and the crowd dispersed,’ the report continued. That, Gwynn said, was when the patrol cars departed and his congregants left.

“Gwynn, 74, also serves as president of the Interdenominational Ministerial Alliance of Metropolitan Baltimore, a group that includes the leaders of more than 50 churches. He said he limited the size of the gathering to 10 — the church’s five security guards were stationed outside the sanctuary — and ensured that those present had at least 6 feet of space between them, in compliance with guidelines issued by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and the state health department…

“A police spokeswoman, Detective Chakia Fennoy, said officers were responding to a report of a gathering in violation of the governor’s orders… ‘We encourage residents to call 311 with any nonemergency calls related to improperly open businesses or unlawful gatherings of crowds,’ the department said in a statement. ‘Any officer that observes a business that is in violation of the governor’s executive order must investigate the complaint.’…

“Gwynn… argued that under the Bill of Rights, the government cannot restrict either the size of gatherings for worship or a citizen’s right to attend a service… The [governor’s] order requires all those living in Maryland to stay home unless it’s to participate in ‘essential activities,’ regardless of the size of the gathering… A statement from the governor’s office of legal counsel seemed to support ‘minimal’ activity at houses of worship… the governor’s communications director, Mike Ricci, tweeted a response to a question about whether a group of five people would be in compliance if they assembled in church to record a pastor’s sermon for online use. ‘Yes. Churches may have those kinds of minimal operations,’ Ricci replied.

“Gwynn pointed to a 2018 federal directive that appears to contradict [governor] Hogan’s decision to classify churches as ‘nonessential.’ In June of that year, the CDC issued guidelines on how governments should respond in the event of widespread contagion. ‘The collaboration of faith-based agencies with public health agencies will be essential in protecting the public’s health and safety if and when an influenza pandemic occurs,’ it reads…

“Police Commissioner Michael Harrison… said Tuesday that the department is prepared to enforce the stay-at-home order… ‘When we find that people are not voluntarily complying, then the instructions will be to make a physical arrest,’ he said…”

These events are taking place in the democratic USA with a Constitution guaranteeing the unrestricted RIGHT and FREEDOM of worship and religious assembly. 

More State vs. Church Battles in Louisiana

CBS News reported on April 1:

“Buses and cars filled a Louisiana church parking lot for another service Tuesday evening as worshippers flocked to hear a Louisiana pastor who is facing misdemeanor charges for holding services despite a ban on gatherings…

“A few protesters turned out, too, including a man shouting through a bullhorn against those gathering at the Life Tabernacle Church in the city of Central…

“[Pastor Tony] Spell… compared going to church to going to the hospital, but for spiritual healing…

“The order from Gov. John Bel Edwards prohibits gatherings of more than 10 people… Each violation carries a maximum penalty of six months in jail and a $500 fine… The governor has urged church leaders instead to continue their services online or in smaller groups to lessen the risks.”

Spell posted this on Facebook: “This is a government overreach. They are asking us as a government to stop practicing our freedom of religion. And we have a mandate from God to assemble and to gather together and to keep doing what we’re doing.”

All of this could boil over very soon, as more and more church services will be conducted in open and sometimes provocative defiance of any order by state governors.  To enforce such orders might prove to be extremely counterproductive. On the other hand, the appearance of vocal anti-church demonstrators might also lead to violence. If politicians are not very careful, they may lose the support and the votes of the evangelical communities. 

Texas Governor: “Church Services ARE Essential”

 Breitbart reported on April 1:

“Texas Gov. Greg Abbott has signed an executive order that makes churches an ‘essential service’… Abbott included language to encourage online worship services and told church leaders and parishioners to practice ‘social distancing’” to prevent the spread of the virus if they do gather for services

“There has been controversy, particularly in the Houston area, over church closures in response to the coronavirus pandemic. Pastors are in court challenging a stay-at-home order that Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo announced a week ago that restricts churches to online-only services. To that end, Abbott’s latest executive order supersedes ‘any conflicting order issued by local officials.’…

“The executive order… comes one day after Fox News guest commentator Dr. Steven Hotze and three Houston pastors asked the Texas Supreme Court to declare unconstitutional a March 24 order from Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo barring in-person religious services. ‘The circumstances presented by coronavirus do not excuse unlawful government infringements upon freedom,’ Hotze argued in the emergency petition for writ of mandamus filed with the state’s high court on Monday…

“[One Texas pastor] alleged… that a Houston police officer threatened him with jail and a $1,000 fine ‘if he did not stop preaching the gospel to his congregation,’ according to the petition.”

More Totalitarian Measures in the USA

Insider wrote on March 28:

“The National Guard assisted Rhode Island police with house-to-house searches on Saturday to seek out anyone who has traveled from New York and force them to self-isolate

“The National Guard was deployed to all 50 states in the wake of the coronavirus outbreak. The Trump administration stressed that the deployment did not equate to martial law, and that the troops served as an additional resource that governors could assign…”

Newsmax added on April 1:

“The National Guard can be used to enforce individual states’ stay-at-home orders as the coronavirus pandemic forces nationwide closures and restrictions, Defense Secretary Mark Esper confirmed… ‘That would be an option for the governors,’ Esper said.”

Something similar seems to happen in Germany and in many other countries where the military is being employed more and more to “help” the governments, the “public” and the police in their fight against the coronavirus. In addition, it was posted by the Drudge Report that two U.S. states — Alabama and Massachusetts — have begun providing the addresses of those known to have been diagnosed with COVID-19 to the police.

Ending Democracy?

The Week wrote on April 1:

“…regimes around the world are using new powers to protect themselves from public scrutiny while claiming to be protecting the public…

“In this battle, [the state] has no legitimate basis for limiting press freedom, restricting public criticism, or otherwise interfering with the process of public accountability…”

Order to Bring Former Troops Back to Active Duty

Newsmax reported on March 28:

“President Trump issued an order Friday night that permits the Pentagon to bring former U.S. troops and members of the National Guard and Reserve back to active duty to augment forces already involved in the military’s response to the coronavirus pandemic…

“Former active-duty and reserve service members… are commonly considered out of the military and rarely recalled…”

But in times of crisis, extraordinary measures are being employed and largely accepted by most people. 

Order to Produce More Ventilators

Newsmax also reported on March 27:

“President Donald Trump on Friday ordered General Motors Co. to make ventilators for coronavirus patients, invoking a federal law that gives him vast powers over industry in crises

“Trump said in a statement that he had signed a memorandum ‘directing the secretary of Health and Human Services to use any and all authority available under the Defense Production Act to require General Motors to accept, perform, and prioritize federal contracts for ventilators’…”

Trump Extends Guidelines… After All That Talk!

Breitbart wrote on March 29:

“President Donald Trump on Sunday said that guidelines for Americans fighting the coronavirus will be extended to April 30… acknowledging that his hopeful Easter deadline for loosening restrictions was shattered…”

Newsmax wrote:

“Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, said in an interview with CNN: ‘… we argued strongly with the president that he not withdraw those guidelines after 15 days, but that he extend them. And he did listen.’”

The Algemeiner added:

“Asked during the briefing if floating the idea of lifting restrictions by mid-April had been a mistake, Trump called it ‘just an aspiration’ and said he now believed the country could be on its way to economic recovery by June 1.”

Trump also remarked that limiting the number of deaths to 100,000 or 200,000 would constitute a “good job,” according to Deutsche Welle.  Doctors or so-called “experts” rule—even though they admit that they do not know much about the virus.

For instance, Austria has made face masks mandatory for people shopping and in all other settings where people can come into close contact. In following her medical experts, Angela Merkel responded by saying that Germany will not proceed in this way, stating that masks are counterproductive and could even be dangerous in that they are becoming virus-carriers within a short period of time.

Now, the discussion about the feasibility of wearing masks has reached the USA. And this, after medical “experts” have proclaimed time and time again that face masks are ineffective for the “ordinary” citizen and should be reserved for doctors and nurses. This proves again how little “experts” know… but rulers and governmental officials follow blindly medical experts whom they choose, no matter what, and the mass-media and the public “stand in awe.”

Financial Disaster

The Week wrote on March 31:

“… stocks… capped off their worst quarter since the 2008 financial crisis as a result of the novel coronavirus pandemic. The S&P 500 finished the quarter down 20 percent, its largest decline since 2008, while the Dow Jones Industrial Average plunged 23 percent. The downturn was global in scope — Stoxx Europe 600 had its biggest quarterly drop since 2002, and Japan’s Nikkei Stock Average fell to 2008 levels, as well…”

According to Newsmax, dated April 1, “The Dow Jones tumbled more than 700 points on Wednesday as investors fled to safe-haven assets after new orders for U.S.-made goods plunged to an 11-year low and private payrolls fell for the first time since 2017.”

The Week wrote on April 1:

“… the latest plunge came after President Trump warned the next two weeks would bring some of the most ‘painful’ fallout yet. DoubleLine Capital CEO Jeffrey Gundlach predicted the market lows of March will be surpassed by new lows in April.”

Staggering Numbers of Unemployment

 Deutsche Welle wrote on April 2:

 “The unemployment rate in the US surged to a new record high on Thursday, with the US Labor Department reporting that 6.6 million people filed unemployment claims just last week alone. The latest figures far surpass the previous week’s record of 3.3 million.

 Efforts to curb the COVID-19 pandemic by implementing strict social distancing measures and shuttering businesses and restaurants have led to mass layoffs across the country — prompting the unprecedented spike in US unemployment…

 “During the Great Depression from 1929 to 1933, the US unemployment rate peaked at 24.9% — a figure that economists and officials fear could now be topped due to the coronavirus pandemic… the Federal Reserve estimated that the unemployment rate in the US could rise to 32.1%… Some economists estimated that by the end of April, as many as 20 million people in the US will have lost their jobs.”

In light of all this, one would hope that people wake up and examine their spiritual condition and their relationship with the true God. Sadly, this does not seem to be true at all for the overwhelming majority. 

The Next Financial Crisis: A Collapse of the Mortgage System

Politico wrote on March 27:

“The U.S. mortgage finance system could collapse

“When individuals stop making payments on their home mortgages, the companies that handle the loans and process those payments, so-called mortgage servicers, are still on the hook: They’re legally obligated to keep sending money to insurers and investors in mortgage-backed securities…”

Low Oil Prices… a Mixed Blessing?

Money Morning wrote on March 30:

“The oil price has collapsed this year…

“… the market is being flooded with more oil than ever before… The US is currently the world’s top oil producer, ahead of Saudi Arabia. But that might not last if the country is forced to slash production as low oil prices continue. The other massive problem is on the demand side. Coronavirus means that people have virtually stopped flying… People have stopped driving too…

“Another problem is that we are running out of storage space for the spare oil. Analysts suggest that at current storage capacity we have months or perhaps weeks before storage space is full. That leads to the idea that we could even at some point see a negative oil price – where people are literally paying others to take it off their hands…”

Half of Canadians on the Brink of Insolvency, Due to Coronavirus Restrictions 

Financial Post wrote on March 30:

“The coronavirus crisis is delivering an unprecedented financial shock to Canadians at a time when their personal finances were already fragile.

“… half of Canadians… surveyed are now on the brink of insolvency, saying they are $200 or less away from not being able to meet their debt obligations each month. A quarter of these said they are already unable to meet those obligations…”

Mass Quarantine Not Sustainable over a Long Period of Time

Deutsche Welle wrote on March 27:

“More than a billion humans around the globe are trying — hard — to endure… various symptoms of self-isolation. Expect many to fail.

“… Shutting schools has added to the pressures… Some people will develop psychiatric conditions, mental health conditions. There will be a rise in depression… Some people develop, particularly health professionals… an increase in the rate of post-traumatic stress disorder… there will be an increase in psychiatric disorders…”

Violence might be a result as well. Note the next article. 

Chinese Citizens Furious with their Government

Breitbart wrote on March 28:

“A huge protest march swept out of China’s Hubei province on Friday, with thousands of angry residents pouring across a bridge into neighboring Jiangxi province and clashing with police

“The Hubei residents streaming across the bridge are clearly angry after weeks of the coronavirus lockdown, which in theory is being lifted… Evidently the protesters are infuriated by how the government has treated them during the crisis…”

A preview as to what is to come in other countries as well, including the USA?

Divorce Rates Climb Due to Quarantine

Newspunch wrote on March 31:

“Divorce rates in China have soared because couples are spending too much time together’ during coronavirus quarantine…

“Shaanxi Province in northwestern China have seen an unprecedented rise of divorce appointments since re-opening on March 1, with people queueing around the block to file divorce papers, reports say. Young people are spending a lot of time at home. They tend to get into heated arguments because of something petty and rush into getting a divorce,’ Mr Lu  explained…”

This is the fruit of human attempts to fight one problem—reaping many more problems as a consequence.

Moment of Truth for Merkel

Politico wrote on March 27:

“Just when it looked like Angela Merkel was going to ride quietly into the sunset, fate intervened. Two weeks ago, the German leader’s biggest worry was finding a successor and a life after politics. Now she finds herself in the center of what many consider the most serious global crisis since World War II

“For better or worse, Merkel is the only European leader with either the experience or stature to take charge… For the woman who steered Europe through the financial panic that nearly brought down the euro and the refugee crisis of 2015, this might seem like familiar territory. It’s not. This time around, the scope of the crisis and the consequences of failure are much greater than anything Merkel has ever dealt with…

“In Europe, it’s up to each individual country to decide if and when to stop listening to the epidemiologists and public health officials arguing for extended lockdowns… Yet given Merkel’s political influence and the importance of Germany’s economy to the rest of Europe, many are likely to follow her lead…”

None of this sounds very promising or encouraging for Europe. It is obvious that very soon, a core Europe will have to form and a strong, powerful and totalitarian leader must arise. We have felt for many years that this would happen, in all likelihood, in a time of crisis. And totalitarianism is already a sick phenomenon that permeates Europe. 

Totalitarianism in Hungary

Axios wrote on March 30:

“Hungary’s parliament passed a law Monday to allow Prime Minister Viktor Orbán almost unlimited power, for an indefinite period, to fight the coronavirus outbreak…

“Hungary has taken a sharply authoritarian [turn] over the past decade under Orbán, and it’s likely that he and other strongman leaders around the world will seek to maintain powers they gain during the current crisis long after it’s over.”

This is indeed the fear and the anticipation, but most are asleep at the wheel and do not comprehend the dangers of such authoritarian powers which they are willing to accept, until it is far too late.  

Deutsche Welle added on March 30:

“The [law] includes the introduction of jail terms of up to five years for people who spread ‘fake news’ about the virus or measures against it, raising anxieties about freedom of press in Hungary.”

Totalitarianism in Serbia

The National wrote on March 29:

“Serbia has sentenced a man to three years in jail for breaking self-isolation orders… It was the first such sentence in Serbia…

“Serbia has introduced some of the most restrictive measures including a 12-hour police enforced curfew and a 24-hour ban on leaving the home for those older than 65. Authorities say at least 112 people are in detention in Serbia for ignoring orders to stay at home and are awaiting trial…”

Jews Blamed for the Coronavirus

Breaking Israel News wrote on March 27:

“… anti-semites of all sorts are echoing the blood libels from 700 years ago when the Jews were blamed for the Black Death that killed over 100 million people…

“During the Black Death in Europe from 1348 to 1351, Jews were blamed for the pandemic that killed over 100 million people, nearly half the population of Europe. This led to countless pogroms and at least 510 Jewish communities were destroyed in this period. In many cities, the civil authorities either did little to protect the Jewish communities or actually abetted the rioters. The pogroms motivated by the plague continued until 20 years after the plague disappeared.”

Will we be seeing a massive repeat of such atrocities due to panic and the search for a “scapegoat”? 

Israeli Government Escapes to Underground Bunker

Breaking Israel News wrote on March 26:

“Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu announced that future cabinet meetings will be held in an underground bunker in the Jerusalem hills…

“Called the National Management Centre, the hardened underground complex includes living quarters and command facilities. ‘This [bunker] is another tool for managing, controlling, oversight and tracking’ the coronavirus…’ [according to an unidentified source.]

“Some Israeli officials tried to joke off the move… Energy Minister Yuval Steinitz said in an interview with Tel Aviv radio station 102 FM that the bunker had limited usefulness in the current crisis as ‘it protects from bombs, but not from microbes.’…

“Construction on the $240 million underground bunker began in 2007. Designed to withstand a nuclear bomb, it can house the Prime Minister’s Office, military commands centers and the necessary civil authorities to run the country.”

The whole world seems to be in a state of panic, leading to most unreasonable and sometimes even laughable decisions—if the entire situation would not be so terribly serious. More than 1 million Israelis or more than 24% of the workforce are now unemployed. 

Panic Galore 

On March 29, The Mail on Sunday published the following article by one of its journalists, Peter Hitchens:

“As I watched the Prime Minister [Boris Johnson] order mass house arrest on Monday night, I felt revulsion, anger and grief – as anyone brought up when this was a free and well-governed country would. I also felt terribly alone. You could not have known, from anything broadcast that night or printed the following day, that anyone was unhappy with these events. But they were.

“… I now suspect this dark season might get still worse before we see the clear, calm light of reason again. The greater the mistake we have made, the less willing we are to admit it or correct it. This is why I greatly fear worse developments… When I predicted roadblocks in my column two weeks ago, which I did, I did so out of an instinct that we were entering on the craziest period of our lives since the death of Princess Diana…

“But even I would not have dared to predict the mass house arrest under which we are all now confined… Perhaps we will emulate the French or Italian states, which have returned to their despotic origins.

“…as a former resident of the USSR, I can tell you that this sort of endless meddling by petty authority in the details of life… is normal in unfree societies – such as we have now become for an indefinite period. It is, by the way, also a seedbed for corruption… The vast majority develop very mild symptoms or none at all. Millions may already have had it…

“Many people will die with coronavirus. But this does not mean that they died of it… John Lee, a recently retired professor of pathology and a former NHS consultant pathologist, writes in The Spectator this weekend that by making Covid-19 a notifiable disease, the authorities may have distorted the figures.

“‘In the current climate, anyone with a positive test for Covid-19 will certainly be known to clinical staff looking after them: if any of these patients dies, staff will have to record the Covid-19 designation on the death certificate – contrary to usual practice for most infections of this kind. ‘There is a big difference between Covid-19 causing death, and Covid-19 being found in someone who died of other causes. Making Covid-19 notifiable might give the appearance of it causing increasing numbers of deaths, whether this is true or not. It might appear far more of a killer than flu, simply because of the way deaths are recorded.’”

Very true, but in our panic-driven media-propagated hysterical societies, who wants to hear words like these?

A Former Supreme Court Judge Speaks out against Mass Hysteria 

Express wrote on March 30:

“Lord Sumption, a former UK Supreme Court judge, has criticised the emergency measures taken in response to the coronavirus pandemic as proof of ‘hysteria-driven Government policy’. He called the current Government measures ‘symptoms of collective hysteria’ and warned that the ‘cure was becoming worse than the disease’… [He] branded the widespread confinement to houses as imprisonment and called the Derbyshire police force ‘disgraceful and shameful’ for their overreach.

“Lord Sumption told the BBC’s World at One programme:

“‘When human societies lose their freedom it is not usually because tyrants have taken it away, it is usually because people have willingly surrendered their freedom for protection against some external threat… Anyone who has studied history will recognise the symptoms of classic collective hysteria… Hysteria is infectious. We are working ourselves up as we exaggerate the threat and stop asking ourselves whether the cure is worse than the disease. We have to recognise that this is how societies become despotisms.

“‘The symptoms of coronavirus are clearly significant for those with other underlying health conditions, especially if they are old. There are exceptional cases when young people are struck down. But, in Italy, only 12 percent of deaths can be clearly tied to coronavirus being the main cause of death. Yes this is serious but is it serious enough to warrant placing the entire population under house imprisonment, wrecking our economy for an indefinite period, destroying businesses that honest and hard-working people have taken years to build up, saddling future generations with debt, inflicting depression, stress, suicide and unbelievable distress on millions of people who are not especially vulnerable.’ 

“He criticised the press for ‘amplifying and echoing’ the public’s sense of panic before ripping into the conduct of the police – singling out Derbyshire Police for criticism. Derbyshire Police have garnered controversy recently for dumping black dye into a picturesque blue lagoon to stop people posing for photographs during the lockdown. Last week, the same police force shamed dog walkers and ramblers after tracking them through the hillsides with drones.”

Deutsche Welle reported on March 29 that “The lockdown in the United Kingdom could continue for up [to] six months.” The UK will NEVER be able to recover economically. And the developments, as pointed out in the next article, do not help at all. 

UK-EU Post-Brexit Negotiations to Be Suspended? 

The Telegraph wrote on March 27:

“Boris Johnson faces escalating pressure to suspend all post-Brexit trade negotiations… the prime minister has been urged to pause talks until parliament returns and the crisis is under control… the Welsh and Scottish governments [also] called on the prime minister to halt the negotiations over the UK-EU’s future relationship…

“Downing Street has repeatedly insisted that there will be no extension to the 11-month transition period.”

The EU indicated that they would be willing to extend the negotiations. 

Places of Worship “Essential” in Brazil wrote on March 27:

“Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro decreed Thursday that places of worship are ‘essential services’ that must be exempted from coronavirus confinement orders… The decree… adds religious activities of any kind’ to the list of exempted services, alongside supermarkets and pharmacies… The president, who has called the reaction to the pandemic overblown,’ says such measures are unnecessary and will wreck Latin America’s biggest economy…

“Last week, the influential evangelical pastor Silas Malafaia, a Bolsonaro ally, called confinement measures ‘a tactic by Satan… Satan works with fear,’ he said.”

Passover Sacrifice on the Temple Mount?

Breaking Israel News wrote on March 31:

“… the Sanhedrin is preparing for an actual sacrifice fully consistent with Biblical requirements, brought on the Temple Mount… The Sanhedrin has issued a formal request [to] the leaders of Israel and the U.S. to allow this to happen…

“The vessels have been prepared and merely need to be immersed in a ritual bath to be purified. Kohanim (Jewish men descended from Aaron the priest) are registered for service and their Biblically mandated clothes are ready. Wine and oil, prepared to the strictest requirements, are ready. A red heifer is being raised but lacking one, the halacha (Torah law) permits time-bound public sacrifices like the Korban Pesach and the Korban Tamid (twice daily offering) to be brought in impurity

“Rabbi Hillel Weiss, the spokesman for the Sanhedrin… [said:] ‘The only thing preventing the Jewish People from performing the Passover sacrifice is the Israeli government.’

“The Passover sacrifice can only be offered in one place; on the Temple Mount. The sacrifice does not require an actual Temple structure but it does require an altar that is built to adhere to the Biblical requirements. Such an altar was constructed last year and stands ready… The material was ruled to be fit for use in the Temple…”

Even if the government were to allow this one-time Passover sacrifice on the Temple Mount, it would not mean, of course, that therefore the prophesied end-time daily sacrifices would have begun. 

Pope Benedict Accused of Plotting Downfall of Pope Francis

Express wrote on March 30:

“POPE BENEDICT is ‘plotting the downfall of Pope Francis’…

“Many cite Benedict as one of the key traditionalists within the Catholic church is pushing against Francis’ wish to allow sweeping changes at the Vatican… Expert Lynda Telford… fears that Benedict… is leading a charge of angry traditionalists within the Vatican who do not want to see… modern ideals as part of a new Catholicism mandate…

“Benedict and Francis’ relationship has been difficult over the course of his tenure at the Catholic church’s helm. Benedict resigned seven years ago, claiming poor health and growing mental pressures within the chief position. It was the first time such a move was made since the 1400s, and has seen Benedict continue to exert his authority and influence over some of the church’s most staunch traditionalists.

“Some argued that Francis’ decision to not allow a move that would have seen married men allowed to become priests in the Amazon regions, in a bid to combat a worrying decline of clergymen in the most remote areas, was due to Benedict.”

Perhaps, we still might not have heard the last word about Benedict. 

Large Earthquake in Idaho

The Associated Press wrote on April 1:

“A large earthquake struck north of Boise Tuesday evening… The U.S. Geological Survey reports the magnitude 6.5 temblor struck just before 6 p.m…

“The earthquake added stress during an already tense time for the region… the Idaho region has an earthquake of about this size every 30 or 40 years… Tuesday’s quake appeared to be on an unmapped ‘strike-slip fault’

“The area [has] already recorded five aftershocks within the first hours after the 6.5 earthquake.”

Acknowledgement and Disclaimer

These Current Events are compiled and commented on by Norbert Link. We gratefully acknowledge the many contributions of news articles from our readership. The publication of articles in this section is not to be viewed as an endorsement or approval as to contents or accuracy of the selected articles, but they are published for the purpose of pointing at worldwide developments in the light of biblical end-time prophecy and godly instruction. Our own comments are provided in italics.

This Week in the News

Quarantine in US States

As of Sunday night, a statewide lockdown was declared in New York (after the governor had stated for days and weeks that he would NOT issue such an order) California (in a convoluted order by the governor), Illinois, Connecticut, New Jersey, Ohio and Louisiana.

Subsequently, Massachusetts, Texas, Florida and others joined the club of panic-stricken governors as well who have severely limited the individual freedoms of US citizens.

The Guardian reported on March 22 that this means that “Nearly one in three Americans was under orders on Sunday to stay home.”

 This is totally insane.

Ending the Pain of the Shutdown?

Reuters reported on March 23:

“President Donald Trump is… expressing concern at the damage the coronavirus shutdown is doing to the U.S. economy and is debating whether it can be safely reopened…

“In a tweet late on Sunday, Trump tweeted: ‘We cannot let the cure be worse than the problem itself,’ adding that at the end of the 15-day shutdown period [by the end of March], ‘we will make a decision as to which way we want to go.’…”

Breitbart added:

“On Monday, the president also shared messages on Twitter thanking him for the suggestion. ‘If Trump saves us from the Depression everyone else was leading us into by reversing the country’s course on this, I am going to build a statue to him in my front yard…,’ lawyer Robert Barnes [see the article from Barnes below] wrote on Twitter. Trump wrote: ‘Robert, we will end up stronger than ever before. Thank you!’”

Newsmax wrote:

“Axios pointed out that such a policy would almost certainly result in strong disagreement with the health experts, who are expected to push for a longer period of social distancing and quarantining across the nation…”

On March 23, Trump repeated publicly in a press conference that he is thinking of easing the restrictions soon. He said: “Our country wasn’t built to be shut down…”

When asked whether he had received the endorsement of physicians for his plan, he answered that they are in consultation, but if it were up to the doctors, the whole world would stay in quarantine for two years and they would never open the world. He repeated the same assessment on Tuesday and said he would like to open it up by Easter so that Churches could have live assemblies again. Medical “experts” and the mass media reacted with anxiety, rejection and sometimes even with furor.

Others, politicians and doctors alike, have likewise expressed their objections to the lockdowns and have been heavily attacked by the mainstream press as a consequence. Let us hope and pray that President Trump will carry out what he expressed and make an end to the unconscionable measures of quarantining healthy people, leading to their personal destruction and the sure destruction of the entire economy.

Shutting Down our Economy

On March 24, Newsmax published the following article by Patrick Buchanan, which was titled, “Can We Afford Killing the Economy to Kill the Virus?”

“… all ‘nonessential businesses’ are being closed and their workers sent home to shelter in place and to keep ‘social distance’ from friends and neighbors to minimize the risk of spreading this easily transmissible virus. Unfortunately, what is ‘nonessential’ to some – bars, restaurants, hotels, stores, cruise ships, tourist sites, shops, malls – are places of employment and indispensable sources of income for millions of other Americans.

“Close the businesses where these Americans work and you terminate the paychecks on which they depend to pay the rent and buy the food and medicines they and their families need to shelter and live. And if the salaries and wages on which workers depend are cut off, how are these millions of newly unemployed supposed to live?…

“Many Americans can survive on what they have on hand for two or four weeks. Far fewer can survive without income for two or four months. If we shut down the economy, what will we have when the medical crisis passes, be that in May, June, July, August or September?…

“At some point, the country is going to have to open up the supply chains and take the risks to let the market work to provide food – or people will engage in panic buying, hoarding and using any means to get what they need for themselves and their families. Reports of folks in this heavily armed nation stocking up on guns and ammunition suggest a widespread apprehension of what may be coming…”

And if we don’t get back to “normal” pretty soon, we will have destroyed our economy completely.

Many Negative Reactions in USA

AP wrote on March 20:

“Solar Tactical… urged customers to call local police to protest the effort to close… ‘Your 2nd Amendment right is no longer considered essential during forced shelter in place,’ the shop said…”

This is just one example of many others who are VERY upset about the stay at home orders. As we mentioned in the previous Update, the sale of firearms has astronomically increased, and there is a REAL DANGER of civil unrest and civil war breaking out in the USA.

When Breitbart published the stay home order by Governor Newsom in California (the first US state declaring a lockdown), readers responded with furor. Here are some excerpts:

California is a New Venezuela in the making… Politicians don’t have the authority to violate your Constitutional rights, period. Once you give up your rights it takes guns to get them back… The street people and illegals have more rights than working Americans apparently, so Newsom is locking up the working public to do more unnecessary damage to the economy… the incarcerated are being freed while law-abiding citizens are being locked in their homes. Sounds like Communism to me…

“Thousand are killed & raped each year by illegals – He sets killers loose on streets in his sanctuary state, yet he’s worried about Corona?… Most of us need to go out to work just to keep the roof over our heads. Staying home and waiting for things to get better is guaranteed homelessness… I need to take care of my family… He did announce the abortions will continue… 22,000 DEAD! In the USA! Oh wait. That’s just the normal flu since last August. Never mind…”

US Constitution Quarantined

On March 22, the Drudge Report linked to an article of RT in which they published an opinion piece by Robert Barnes, an American constitutional lawyer (mentioned above), as follows:

“Do we really think ‘it can’t happen here’ in America? Could we quarantine the constitution? Are we doing it already?

“Panics from pandemics unleash unchecked governmental power. The very premise of popular films like V for Vendetta reveal this: a group uses a virus to seize power and create a totalitarian society. Anyone could witness this from far-off lands, watching the news about China locking people up in their own homes and then removing them screaming from those homes whenever the state wanted. World War I and the Great Depression birthed virulent forms of governments with leaders like Hitler, Mao, Mussolini and Stalin.

“Governments across America already used the pandemic, and the media-stoked panic around the pandemic particularly, to limit, restrict or remove First Amendment freedoms of speech and free association, with officials complaining about the potential restraints the freedom of religion imposed upon them. Others denied or declared the right to deny Second Amendment rights of gun purchase for personal safety… They want to coordinate with tech companies to surveil and spy on your everyday movements and activities, in violation of the Fourth Amendment and potentially waive, unilaterally, your medical right to privacy in multiple contexts. Stay-at-home orders deprive you of your profession, occupation, business and property, without any due process of law at all beyond an executive fiat in violation of the Fifth Amendment right to due process.

“Governments request the authority to involuntarily imprison any American on mere fear of infection without any probable cause of crime or clear and present danger of harm by that person’s volitional conduct, deny access to personal counsel in an unsupervised, un-surveilled manner in violation of the Sixth Amendment, and act as judge, jury and executioner in violation of the Seventh Amendment right to a trial by jury, as jury trials themselves get suspended around the country in the nation’s quieted courts and fear-muted public…

“Our founders were intimately familiar with pandemics, viruses and plagues, yet they did not allow any to suspend our Constitutional liberties. Not one word in the Constitution about plagues or pandemics to exempt the government from any of our Bill of Rights. Why do our current courts allow it? Because the public is asleep at the wheel. Think the pandemic threatens to kill us all? A review of the data shows the pandemic is more panic than plague.

“Time to wake up… Only when an awake public asserts their human liberties to protest the loss of their liberties will, then, governments quit using public health crises to seize power that does not belong to them…”

Very well expressed and VERY true. We see the deprivation of individual liberties and freedoms all over the world.

Trampling on the Constitution  

Fox News reported on March 26:

 “… growing segments of the U.S. population say state and federal governments are trampling on freedoms central to American life in the name of protecting public health… Laws spelling out what steps a state can take during a pandemic can be complex and difficult for judges to sort through.

“Some haven’t been updated in decades… And they also differ state to state…

 “A few Americans are already fed up and have taken their grievances to court by suing their respective states. But a relative trickle of legal challenges will likely become a flood if lockdowns drag on for weeks and frustrations mount…”

Totalitarianism in “Democratic” Societies—UK Becomes Totalitarian

The Sun wrote on March 20:

“PEOPLE suspected of being infected with Covid-19 could be held for up to six weeks under new powers being proposed by the Government. Patients would be initially detained for 14 days, but that can be extended if doctors still have concerns

“The sweeping laws give the [government the] power to order [people] not to attend work or to stay in isolation, or ban them from travelling. And they will face a £1000 fine if they don’t comply… Officials will be able to suspend all plane and ship arrivals at airports or ports… The emergency powers will be able to be ‘switched on’ and ‘switched off’ if and when needed – for up to two years

Deutsche Welle reported on March 24:

“The UK imposed a three-week lockdown, with the possibility of an extension. People may only leave their homes to go to work, buy groceries, visit the doctor, or for exercise. Gatherings of more than two people are not allowed.”

Upday added on March 26:

 “Places of worship for services [are prohibited], with the exception of funerals, which are to be attended only by the immediate family… Police will be given the power to impose fines on people who do not adhere to the new measures…” 

Live in Sin to Fight Coronavirus

BuzzFeed News wrote on March 24:

“Couples in the UK have been told they must either start living together or not see each other in person for what is potentially several weeks… deputy chief medical officer Jenny Harries said couples should consider the ‘strength of their relationship’ and commit to either spending the lockdown period together or apart…”

Pleading for a World Government

 Breaking Israel News wrote on March 26:

 “The United Kingdom’s former Prime Minister Gordon Brown has called on world leaders to form a ‘temporary’ global government to resolve both the medical and economic crises caused by the coronavirus pandemic… that could enjoy executive powers to execute the response…

 “Highlighting the differences between the 2008 economic collapse that he dealt with and the current crisis, Brown added ‘This is first and foremost a medical emergency and there has to be joint action to deal with that. But the more you intervene to deal with the medical emergency, the more you put economies at risk.’”

Totalitarianism in Australia, France and Spain

Deutsche Welle reported on March 24:

“In Australia, traveling to foreign countries will be banned. Weddings can go ahead with no more than five people and funerals can go ahead with no more than 10 people.

“In France, people exercising may still go outside, but runners and walkers may only go out for up to an hour a day and must remain within a kilometer of their homes. Most marketplaces have been required to close. Since French President Emmanuel Macron put the country on lockdown a week ago, people have only been allowed to leave home for necessary reasons, as in the UK.”

Spain also closed its external borders with its European neighbors. People are limited to only leaving their homes to go to the pharmacy and grocery shopping. [The same is true for Italy.] Outdoor exercise is also banned, except for taking a dog on a walk. Hundreds of thousands of police and military personnel are enforcing the lockdown.”

Dictatorships on the rise… in our “free” world. But not in Sweden… for now.

Deutsche Welle wrote on March 24:  “While other European countries are adding to growing lists of restrictions on public life, Sweden has kept schools, bars and restaurants open and is encouraging its citizens to go out for some exercise. Gatherings of up to 500 people are still allowed in Sweden…  Swedish authorities believe harsher restrictions aren’t worth the impact on society…”

What does Sweden understand that most other countries don’t? But it may not last for long.

Sweden “Re-Thinks”

 The Daily Mail wrote on March 26:

 “Sweden is considering cutting off Stockholm from the rest of the country after a spike of coronavirus deaths in the city… Sweden has so far  resisted following other European countries – including neighbours Norway and Denmark – into full lockdowns, but the latest figures have spooked politicians into a re-think… Now there are concerns that people living in the city could spread it to previously-unaffected parts of the countryside as they visit holiday homes during the Easter break…

 “As a result, ministers are drawing up plans to isolate Stockholm from the rest of the country to try and contain the spread. However, state epidemiologist Anders Tegnell advised these are only plans and stressed ‘we are not there yet.’ It marks a dramatic shift from where Sweden was just 24 hours ago – with schools and bars open, and people being encouraged to go outside for fresh air.

 “Prime Minister Stefan Lofven, in a televised speech on Sunday, urged people to ‘take responsibility’ and follow the government’s recommendations.

“Those include working from home if you can, staying home if you feel sick, practice social distancing, and stay home if you belong to a risk group or are over the age of 70. Gatherings of more than 500 people have been banned – compared to more than two people in Britain and Germany – and the government has advised secondary schools and universities to close their facilities and conduct classes online.”

Germany Becomes Totalitarian

Deutsche Welle wrote on March 20:

“The mounting coronavirus crisis has led to speculation that the German government will impose a state of emergency (“Notstandsgesetze”) for the first time ever…

“The German government… is already using powers… to limit some constitutionally-mandated freedoms during an epidemic: Namely, the freedoms of movement, assembly, and the inviolability of the home.

“However, if stronger powers are deemed necessary, then a state of emergency can be implemented… it also allows for the restriction of certain freedoms… citizens may be obliged by law to join ‘civilian services for defense purposes, including the protection of the civilian population.’… the right to the privacy of mail and telecommunications can also be restricted… the federal government can… effectively take over their police forces. As in a natural disaster, a threat to the free democratic order may also be used as a reason to deploy the armed services.”

Deutsche Welle wrote on March 19:

“The German military is preparing for a long-term operation inside the country… soldiers may also be used to maintain public order. Germany has around 180,000 soldiers in its standing army, plus 120,000 military reservists…”

In addition, the German media points out that police officers may be used more and more to enforce Merkel’s new convoluted “social-distancing” restrictions (see below), demanding for example of citizens walking on the street to identify themselves, which might constitute a violation of the German Constitution (compare t-online, dated March 22). But will the government care about this breach of the law? Note the next article.

Deutsche Welle wrote on March 22:

“The northwestern state of Lower Saxony has instituted a new wave of restrictions, including a ban on social contact, to hinder the spread of the coronavirus. Police in Hanover, Oldenburg, Braunschweig, Goslar and Göttingen have increased police presence to enforce the new restrictions.”

The ”free state” of Bavaria (“Freistaat Bayern”) became the first German state to impose lockdown measures. Other German states such as Saarland followed.

It has been reported that after a public debate in recent weeks on the authority of the German federal government vs. the German states, German Health Minister Jens Spahn (who has ambitions to become chancellor and whom Merkel praised as doing a good job) wants to get a law enacted to the effect that the federal government will take over the authorities of the German states in the attempt to fight the coronavirus. The German states would have to agree to voluntarily surrender their powers and to give their authority to the German federal government under the lead of Spahn.

Merkel in Self-Quarantine after Announcing New Convoluted Restrictions

npr wrote on March 22:

“German Chancellor Angela Merkel has put herself under self-quarantine after learning that her doctor who had vaccinated her against pneumonia on Friday has tested positive for COVID-19… The news of Merkel’s quarantine came soon after her government imposed new social-distancing rules that limit public gatherings to two people, not including families. [That’s the interpretation of what Merkel announced, which was in really poor German and also as equally convoluted as the announcement by the Governor of California.]…

“From now in Germany, when people do go outside, they are being told to keep a distance of four feet (1.5 meters) from anyone else… Germany is just one of many countries limiting crowds… The U.S. government has said that no more than 10 people should gather in one place [but some US states have been restricting this further], while Switzerland says people in groups of fewer than five must stay at least two meters apart or face a fine.”

Deutsche Welle wrote on March 24:

“Unlike other European countries, Germany has so far stopped short of ordering its over 80 million population to remain at home — instead opting for strict social distancing measures which were issued on March 22. Public gatherings of more than two people are banned, except for families and those who live together…”

Deutsche Welle added:

“In the event that [Merkel] becomes too ill to work, her cabinet would continue to function without her. There are plans for such an event, too. Article 69 of the Basic Law, or constitution, features a simple sentence: ‘The federal chancellor nominates a minister from the cabinet as deputy.’”

It was subsequently announced that Merkel tested negative initially, but that more tests are needed to establish that she did not contract the coronavirus.

And the People Want It So

Politico wrote on March 20:

“Despite having the most severe restrictions imposed on their liberty since World War II, polling suggests that people across Europe are largely behind their leaders…

“In times of crisis, leaders often benefit from a ‘rally around the flag’ effect, meaning that support for government rises, provided the situation is not obviously mishandled…

“In Italy, which was the bloc’s first country to introduce a nationwide lockdown on Tuesday last week, two-thirds of citizens said this week they are satisfied with the government’s response… In Belgium, which this week also imposed far-reaching restrictions on public life… 66 percent of participants… said they back the measures…

“[In] Germany… almost half of people are satisfied with the crisis management of their federal state… In Austria… [s]upport increased from 63 percent last week to 88 percent this week…”

Due to ongoing propaganda to the effect that certain measures must be taken to save lives, the approval ratings from European citizens for the dictatorial methods of their governments and the apparent unquestioned willingness to surrender their individual liberties and freedoms are frightening. When the beast arises in Europe, the same thoughtless reaction will be seen… and much worse.

Totalitarianism in Hungary

The Tiroler Tageszeitung reported on March 20 that the Hungarian government placed 140 companies under military supervision. According to n-tv, Hungary is also preparing for enacting emergency laws.

Totalitarianism in Israel — Netanyahu Uses Coronavirus to Stay in Power

The AP wrote on March 20:

“In recent days, Netanyahu and his surrogates have shut down the court system, approved the use of sophisticated phone-surveillance technology on the general public and temporarily suspended the activities of parliament… He has ordered people to stay indoors, ordered tens of thousands of people into home quarantine and virtually sealed its borders

“… his hand-picked justice minister all but closed the court system in a middle-of-the-night order just two days before Netanyahu’s trial on corruption charges was to begin. In another overnight move, Netanyahu’s Cabinet authorized the Shin Bet security agency to use phone-tracking technology to retrace the movements of infected people and identify those who had come into contact with them…

“Then, on Wednesday, Parliament Speaker Yuli Edelstein abruptly suspended activities at the Knesset… Edelstein rejected the public uproar and said he was committed to reconvening parliament.”

Subsequently, Israel’s Knesset Speaker Yuli Edelstein resigned rather than accede to a Supreme Court order to call a vote on his replacement.

Breaking Israel News wrote on March 23:

“The Israeli Army is preparing for an increased role in assisting the national effort to stem the spread of the Coronavirus. If a nation-wide quarantine [lockdown] goes into effect, Israeli troops in tandem with police units are readying to patrol the streets and enforce regulations.”

Austria’s Sebastian Kurz thanked Benjamin Netanyahu for his radical measures in his fight against the coronavirus, stating that this prompted him to do the same in Austria.

Now Billions in Lockdown

 AFP wrote on March 24:

“India ordered its billion-plus population on Tuesday to stay inside for three weeks, bringing a third of the world under lockdown as the coronavirus pandemic forced Japan to postpone the Olympics until next year… Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s ‘total lockdown’ call doubled the number of people around the globe under some form of movement restriction to more than 2.6 billion people

“Nearly 130 million Americans, or 40 percent of the population, are under or will soon come under some lockdown order, including in the largest state of California…

“The extraordinary measures being imposed around the world have radically altered daily life and have also revealed horrifying tales. Soldiers in Spain reported finding abandoned elderly people — some dead — at retirement homes. Younger people have been warned not to visit elderly loved ones to avoid spreading the virus to the most vulnerable.”

This is indeed a horrible testimony of man’s incompetence.

Coronavirus—Overwhelmingly Only Mild Symptoms and Mass Recovery

The Associated Press wrote on March 20:

“For most people, the new coronavirus causes only mild or moderate symptoms, such as fever and cough. It can cause more severe illness, including pneumonia, for some people, especially older adults and those with existing health problems. [This is true for every flu.] Most people recover — those with mild illness in about two weeks, while those with more severe illness may take three to six weeks…

Of the currently 530,000 pending cases of people who had been diagnosed with the virus, about 24,000 have died (many times of or in combination with other underlying illnesses), while about 121,500 have totally recovered (as of, March 26, 2020).

By comparison, the World Health Organization has determined that the flu kills between 250,000 to 500,000 people each year. About 10% of U.S. residents get influenza each year. About 36,000 Americans die each year from complications of the flu. So far, about 700 Americans have died of the coronavirus. The world’s deadliest infectious disease is tuberculosis. Each year, on average, 1 million people die of it.

The Week wrote on March 25:

“A plurality of COVID-19 cases in New York City are among those aged 18 to 44… 95% of people who have died so far [worldwide] had an underlying health condition.”

Downfall of the Economy

The Hour wrote on March 20:

“The U.S. economy is deteriorating more quickly than was expected just days ago, as extraordinary measures designed to curb the coronavirus keep 84 million Americans [by now, the number is even much higher] penned in their homes and cause the near-total shutdown of most businesses… Already, it’s clear that the initial economic decline will be sharper and more painful than during the 2008 financial crisis.

“Next week, roughly 3 million Americans will file first-time claims for unemployment assistance, more than four times the record high set in the depths of the 1982 recession… That’s just the start of a surge that could send the jobless rate spiking to 20 percent from today’s 3.5 percent… Estimates of the pandemic’s overall cost are staggering. Bridgewater Associates… says the economy will shrink over the next three months at an annual rate of 30 percent.

“… keeping friends and co-workers apart is a recipe for crippling the consumer spending that drives 70 percent of the $21 trillion economy… The sudden turnaround in U.S. economic fortunes is without historic parallel. As 2020 began, the U.S. had been growing without interruption since the middle of 2009… Now, the economy is screeching to a halt…”

The Atlantic wrote on March 20:

“No one alive has experienced an economic plunge this sudden…

“… we’re in a recession and everyone knows it. And what we’re experiencing is so much more than that: a black swan, a financial war, a plague…  What is happening is a shock to the American economy more sudden and severe than anyone alive has ever experienced… the unemployment rate seems certain to reach heights not seen since the Great Depression or even the miserable late 1800s

“None of that is surprising. Planes have been grounded, conferences canceled, millions of Americans told not to leave their homes except to get groceries and other necessities. Because of the emergency measures now in place, businesses have had no choice but to let workers go. The list of employers laying off workers en masse includes cruise lines, airlines, hotels, restaurants, bars, cabinetmakers, linen companies, newspapers, bookstores, caterers, and festivals…

“The markets are not normal, either. The stock market lost 20 percent of its value in just 21 days–the fastest and sharpest bear market on record, faster than 1929, faster than 1987, 10 times faster than 2007. The financial system has required no less than seven emergency interventions by the Federal Reserve in the past week…

“Yet in the real economy, everything has halted, frozen in place. This is not a recession. It is an ice age.”

CNBC wrote on March 20:

“The Dow is down more than 24% for March and is currently on pace for its biggest one-month fall since September 1931.”

It picked up on Tuesday in response to Trump’s declaration of intent to lift the lockdown shortly, and with hope that a stimulus package would be approved soon. But the roller-coaster will continue. This man-made Satan-inspired catastrophe is without precedence.

UK Agriculture in Big Trouble without EU Workers

Forbes wrote on March 24:

“The U.K. organization for farmers, landowners and businesses in rural England and Wales has said labor shortages caused by coronavirus could be devastating for this years’ harvest. They are calling for a ‘land army’ of local labor to be recruited to assist the sector, which expects to see its labor supply cut by 75% as EU workers who normally come to the U.K. to work for the harvest season are prevented from coming.

“The U.K. agriculture sector was already in trouble, heavily reliant on EU workers as it is. Since the Brexit referendum in 2016, when the U.K. voted to leave the European Union, labor supply from the mainland has been dwindling, and the government’s recent immigration stance emphasizing high-skilled migration has provided little comfort.

“… the agriculture sector usually uses around 60,000 seasonal laborers per year to complete the harvest, and they expect only around 25% of that amount this year. Factor in a 20% coronavirus infection rate… they estimate some 80,000 people will need to be mobilized to protect Britain’s harvest…

“Crucially the government have classified agricultural workers as ‘key workers’, meaning under the new lockdown measures announced by Prime Minister Boris Johnson, they will be allowed to travel to work. But first you need to find them… without EU labor, the situation is dire for U.K. agriculture…”

Another example of how a country destroys itself.

US Nuclear Bombs to Stay in Germany

Deutsche Welle wrote on March 26:

“The US has stored nuclear bombs across Europe… including in Germany…”

“In the case of a nuclear strike, the American soldiers who guard the bombs located on the German air base… would attach the bomb to German fighter jets and activate the code. Then German crews would embark upon what insiders refer to as a ‘strike mission’ — delivering the American bombs to their destination… This agreement — American bombs guarded by American soldiers on a German base but flown by crews and planes of Germany’s military forces, the Bundeswehr — dates back to the Cold War and NATO’s nuclear deterrence strategy aimed at keeping the Soviet Union at bay…

“While the precise number of American bombs stored in Europe is unknown, estimates put them at roughly 150. Germany, Belgium, the Netherlands and Italy are all part of the sharing agreement. With the exception of those on Italian soil, all of the bombs are located within a few hundred kilometers of each other…

“In March 2010, Germany’s parliament, the Bundestag, passed a cross-party resolution urging the government to ’emphatically’ work towards getting its American allies to withdraw all nuclear weapons from Germany… But, a decade on, that goal seems ever more elusive, following Russia’s annexation of Crimea in 2014 and investment in nuclear-capable medium-range missiles. Now, rather than working towards the bombs’ withdrawal, the US military is set to modernize and upgrade them…

“For now, however, despite a clear majority of its citizens firmly opposed to nuclear weapons, Germany seems unlikely to withdraw from the deal any time soon. Rather, it is set to receive modernized bombs… The modernization program, which will see the old bombs being dismantled and new ones delivered to American military sites in the US and across the world, is extremely expensive…

“The new bomb — the B-61-12 — will have ‘significantly enhanced capabilities‘… It is equipped with a tail kit, which enables it to be delivered and hit its target much more accurately… The current bombs are simply dropped from the plane, rather than like ones with tail kits, which guide themselves once released…

“It remains unclear when Germany will actually receive the bomb, as there has been a delay in the production of the bombs in the US, due to problems reproducing components… But… first tests for the integration of the weapon onto German Tornado jets are set to happen this year…”

Quite remarkable in the light of biblical prophecy.

Religious Nonsense

Deutsche Welle wrote on March 20:

“The Vatican has announced that the sins of faithful Catholics who have been struck down by the coronavirus will be forgiven… provided they say a certain number of prayers and read the Bible ‘for at least an hour.’”

Words fail…

Acknowledgement and Disclaimer

These Current Events are compiled and commented on by Norbert Link. We gratefully acknowledge the many contributions of news articles from our readership. The publication of articles in this section is not to be viewed as an endorsement or approval as to contents or accuracy of the selected articles, but they are published for the purpose of pointing at worldwide developments in the light of biblical end-time prophecy and godly instruction. Our own comments are provided in italics.

This Week in the News

Worldwide Lack of True Leadership

Politico wrote on March 16:

“Welcome to politics’ darkest hour. If the coronavirus outbreak has taught us anything beyond the necessity of careful hygiene, it’s that the first victim of a pandemic is leadership. At no time in the past 75 years… have global leaders so utterly failed to deliver.

“… Few may have expected inspired leadership from U.S. President Donald Trump… Even so, his fumbling of a national address on the emergency, followed by his trademark blame-shifting… will be remembered as a low point in American political leadership

Boris Johnson… has sounded more like the Grim Reaper. ‘Many more families are going to lose loved ones before their time,’ he said in a televised address on Friday, insisting that his government has ‘a clear plan.’ Trouble is, the strategy underlying that plan… appears to have unnerved more people than it has reassured, fueling fears that Johnson has no plan at all…

“The German chancellor [Angela Merkel]… left management of the pandemic to her youthful health minister, Jens Spahn… The government’s response to the crisis has been marked by crossed wires and confusion…”

The leaders of this world have been failing miserably.. .and not only in regard to the coronavirus. Very soon, a strong charismatic political military dictator will arise in Europe… and the world will blindly follow and even “worship” him.

Worldwide Economic Destruction

Newsmax wrote on March 17:

“Goldman Sachs Group Inc. and Morgan Stanley economists… declare[d] that the coronavirus has triggered a global recession, with the debate now focusing on its likely length and depth… The outlook could darken even further if the virus lasts longer than anticipated, or wields greater economic pain — given factories, schools, restaurants and shops are closing around the world…”

Reuters wrote on March 17:

“As governments in the United States and Europe start shutting restaurants and schools, as well as asking people to stay home, several investors are concerned the current crisis could snowball into something bigger than a recession, including a credit crisis, or even a depression.”

We have warned of the possibility of a coming global depression for quite some time.

Destruction of U.S. Economy

Politico wrote on March 16:

“The early signals from the coronavirus crisis point to a scale of damage unseen in the modern U.S. economy: the potential for millions of jobs lost in a single month, a historic and sudden plunge in economic activity across the nation and a pace of sharp market swings not seen since the Great Depression…”

The Drudge Report wrote on March 18 that the Dow Jones closed at 19,804 on the day when Trump was sworn into office, and that the index crashed below that on March 18, meaning all the gains since the Trump inauguration were wiped out.

Restrictions of Free Movement of Americans

CNN wrote on March 16:

“The White House advised all Americans to avoid groups of more than 10 and urged older people to stay at home altogether in a set of new guidelines… ‘We’ll see what happens, but they think August, could be July, could be longer than that,’ Trump said of the time when life might return to normal in the United States… The guidelines… will remain in place for 15 days, officials said.

“Included in the new guidance was a recommendation for all Americans to stay away from bars, restaurants and food courts and to avoid discretionary travel. The guidelines also suggest closing schools and canceling all social visits in homes. Some officials have warned that further attempts to limit Americans from traveling domestically could have a dire effect on the economy. Those arguments have been countered by health officials… Still, the guidelines issued on Monday were only recommendations and not mandates…”

Politicians follow the guidance of “health experts,” who have been admitting time and again that they really don’t know anything specific about the virus either. When the blind follow the blind…

Martial Law in the USA

Newsmax wrote on March 18:

“President Donald Trump announced Wednesday that he will invoke a federal provision not used since the Korean War that allows the government to marshal the private sector in response to the coronavirus pandemic…

“Trump and Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau jointly announced that the U.S.-Canada border would be closed, except for essential personnel and for trade…

“Trump likened the effort to the measures taken during World War II and said it would require national ‘sacrifice.’”

ABC7 wrote on March 16:

“Gov. Gavin Newsom is calling for all California bars to close amid the coronavirus emergency and asking all Californians age 65 and older and those with chronic conditions to isolate themselves at home… Newsom’s call for the shutdowns was described as ‘guidancerather than a legal order by the government…”

What an incredible “guidance” or, as other papers termed it, “encouragement” by a governor.

But it may get much worse. Fox News reported on March 18 that California is preparing for the worst case scenario, considering imposing martial law which “would take the extraordinary step of replacing the usual laws with military authority, with the possible suspension of civil liberties like freedom of association and movement.”

Our world is becoming—quite literally—a global prison camp. Spiritually, we have been imprisoned or held captive by Satan from the time of Adam and Eve’s sin.

Schools to Stay Closed

Politico wrote on March 17:

“California’s schools will likely stay closed for the rest of the academic year over coronavirus concerns, Gov. Gavin Newsom said Tuesday in a jaw-dropping prediction for families barely settling into new weekday routines with children at home… If it holds true, more than 6 million California public school students would remain home for an unprecedented length of time unless the state finds alternatives.

“Nearly 99 percent of the state’s schools have closed, though Newsom has not issued a state mandate requiring them to do so, citing concerns about the impact on low-income families… Earlier Tuesday, Kansas became the first U.S. state to officially close schools for the remainder of the academic year.”

It can be expected that the rest of the country will follow these panic-stricken examples. What a nightmarish scenario.

Hopeless Ignorance

Daily Mail wrote on March 18:

“The Surgeon General [Jerome Adam] warned on Wednesday that it could take longer than 15 days to slow the spread of coronavirus but that Americans must ‘pitch in’ and do their part now to stay home and self-isolate if they want the deadly disease to die… Some… are calling for harsher action, like a two-week national shutdown to force people indoors.

“There has not been a clear cut answer on how long Americans will have to continue living in this current state of crisis. New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio has said the current state of crisis could last nine months, whereas experts overseas say it could even longer…”

This is just one example to show the hopeless ignorance when it comes to the virus, and the futile attempts to deal with it.

Americans Prepare for Social Unrest and Civil War

The Guardian wrote on March 16:

“Sales of guns and ammunition are soaring across the US as fears of possible social unrest amid the coronavirus crisis are prompting some Americans to turn to firearms as a form of self-protection

“Larry Hyatt, owner of one of the country’s largest gun shops… the Guardian that the scenes of mass buying at his store were virtually unprecedented. ‘This is only the second time in my 61 years of business that we’ve seen anything like this,’ he said, adding that the first occasion was the aftermath of the mass shooting at Sandy Hook elementary school in Connecticut in 2012.

“Hyatt said that the type of guns being bought was reflective of the fear prevalent among customers. There was almost no interest in hunting rifles. Instead, people were opting for target guns and there was big demand for AR-15 semi-automatic assault-style rifles. Asked why he thought the spike was happening, Hyatt replied: ‘Financial meltdown, pandemic, crime, politics … you throw it all into the pot, and you have one hell of a mess.’…

“Firearms are already the second most prevalent killer of children in the US after car crashes. In the 14- to 17-year-old bracket, gun injuries are the highest single cause of death…”

It seems like, people are getting mad in an attempt of self-destruction.

Restriction of Free Movements of Brits

Express wrote on March 15:

The Sun reported on June 17 that Boris Johnson, in employing “war-time” measures, asked that OVER a million people should stay inside their homes for 12 weeks and everyone else must avoid going out… The over 70s, those who are pregnant, and anyone with underlying health conditions (around 20million Brits) should try not to leave their homes if they can, and avoid crowded spaces immediately.”

The website of reported:

“People aged over 70, pregnant people, and people with underlying health conditions are being asked to stay at home and avoid unnecessary, close contact with other people for up to 12 weeks by 21-22 March.”

Europe Closes External Borders

Deutsche Welle wrote on March 18:

“All 27 EU member states on Tuesday evening committed to implementing travel restriction measures… EU member states have said they will temporarily restrict non-essential journeys to travelers from [other] countries to the bloc… The purpose of the new restrictions is to keep individual EU states from closing their national borders…

“Several EU member states have already closed their national borders. The commission hopes the new restrictions will encourage them to lift internal border control measures.”

This is such a juvenile approach, and it is also, in part, in obvious retaliation of Trump’s European travel ban directed towards the European Schengen zone as well as the UK and Ireland. In response, on March 19, the US State Department issued the highest (level four) international travel warning and urged Americans not to travel abroad under any circumstances and to return home if they are already abroad.

Frightening Developments in Europe

The Guardian wrote on March 17:

“The EU has endorsed the strictest travel ban in its history as France joined Italy and Spain in full lockdown… some member states, including Austria, Hungary, the Czech Republic and Poland, unilaterally began imposing border checks… Charles Michel, the president of the European council, said: ‘We are confronting… a long and difficult crisis…’

“Emmanuel Macron… said on Monday night the country was ‘at war’, announcing that the army would help move patients to hospitals and 100,000 police would check the new regulations were being observed…  Anyone leaving their home must complete a legal document downloaded from the interior ministry’s website, or written out by hand, declaring on their honour that they are out for one of the permitted reasons…

“The struggle against the coronavirus was an ‘economic and financial war’ that will last for some considerable time, [French finance minister Bruno] Le Maire said. ‘It will be lengthy and it will be violentthis war will require us to mobilise all our forces,’ he said.”

Terrible images of dictatorial countries and their inhumane actions from the past and present are coming to mind.

Also, the following was reported by Breitbart on March 18:

“The Prime Minister of France warned that if the United Kingdom doesn’t enact stricter measures to combat the spread of the COVID-19 virus, Britons will be banned from travelling to France.”

Europe’s hostility towards the UK will increase.

Nation of Israel Asks Vatican to Restore Temple Vessels

Breaking Israel News reported on March 15:

“… the Nation of Israel requests that the Vatican immediately return to Jerusalem the Temple vessels that have been stored in Rome for nearly 2000 years… Josephus Flavius, a first-century Roman-Jewish scholar of priestly descent, reported that the Temple artifacts were indeed taken to Rome and placed in Vespasian’s Temple of Peace, completed in 75 CE.

“Since that time, there have been several unverified sightings of the Menorah in the Vatican… In the second half of the 12th century, a Spanish Jew known as Benjamin of Tudela… claims in his journal that the Jews of Rome knew that the Temple vessels were hidden in a cave in the Vatican…

“It should be noted that on Sunday, the Waqf (Muslim authority) ordered the silver-domed al Aqsa Mosque and the gold-domed Dome of the Rock closed until further notice. Jews are still visiting their holiest site, the Temple Mount.”

The relationship between Israel and the Vatican, which was never good, will dramatically deteriorate.

Israel Government Still in Limbo

Times of Israel wrote on March 16:

“Blue and White chairman Benny Gantz vowed on Monday to cobble together a coalition ‘within days’ after President Reuven Rivlin tasked the centrist alliance leader with forming a government…

“The ceremonial tapping of Gantz to form the government came hours after Rivlin hosted the Blue and White leader along with Netanyahu for a three-way summit Sunday evening in an effort to encourage the two men to form an emergency unity government amid the coronavirus outbreak… Rivlin’s proposal this time was based on the previous offer, but reportedly gives Netanyahu a full year as prime minister before handing the baton to Gantz…”

Much could happen within a year. Also, Netanyahu announced on March 19:  “The government will approve tonight emergency regulations to limit movement. You are ordered to stay at home… This isn’t a request, this isn’t a recommendation, but a binding requirement that will be enforced.”

This emergency declaration has been strongly condemned  in Israel, as have been newly-rolled out regulations that allow the government to track mobile phones of individuals with coronavirus or suspected of being infected.. 

Syrian War Has Caused Death, Misery and Ruin

Deutsche Welle wrote on March 15:

“… the ongoing war in Syria entered its tenth year to little fanfare on Sunday… the decade-long conflict has displaced 11 million people, killed more than 384,000, including 116,000 civilians, and created an international humanitarian crisis with no end in sight… Last week, the UN wrote on Twitter that ‘a decade of fighting has brought nothing but ruin and misery. There is no military solution…’’

While the world is occupied with the coronavirus, millions of people suffer from displacement, ruin, misery and death in war. The world ignores this serious problem and stands idly by.

The Jerusalem Post wrote on March 17:

“Turkey sends flights to evacuate its own citizens [from the EU] while it denies health care to [140,000] asylum seekers who flee to Greece amid unprecedented EU closures.”

Locust Plague Coincides with Coronavirus

Times of Israel wrote on March 16:

“A plague of locusts the likes of which have been unseen for over 30 years is about to hit Africa and the Middle East. Adding to the perfect biblical storm, the current coronavirus pandemic is affecting travel of international experts and in-country gatherings for training to combat the locust threat…

“The Desert Locust… ‘is the most destructive migratory pest in the world,’ according to the Locust Watch website. As depicted in the Book of Exodus, when the highly mobile swarms of Desert Locust form, ‘they are ravenous eaters who consume their own weight per day, targeting food crops and forage’…

“The current widespread breeding in Kenya, Ethiopia, and Somalia represents ‘an unprecedented threat to food security and livelihoods at the beginning of the upcoming cropping season,’ writes the Locus Watch website… It appears that the hardest hit countries will include Kenya, Ethiopia, Somalia, Iran, Pakistan, and Sudan…

“Not all regions of the Middle East will be affected, however. Despite the proximity to the Jewish holiday of Passover… it appears that the swarms will not hit Israel or the country’s crops.”

Pandemics and worldwide famine are prophesied.

What Religious “Scholars” (Don’t) Know

The Washington Post wrote on March 17:

“This is not the end of the world, according to Christians who study the end of the world… Could this be a sign of the apocalypse? It sure might feel apocalyptic. But not if you ask Christian writers and pastors who have spent years focusing their message on the Book of Revelation — the New Testament’s final book.

“… many evangelical leaders interpret it to mean that Jesus will return to Earth, believers will be raptured to heaven and those left behind will suffer seven dreadful years of calamities… Jeff Kinley, a writer of books on biblical prophecy… pointed… to Jesus’ words about the events before the end times in Luke 21:11: ‘There will be great earthquakes, famines and pestilences in various places, and fearful events and great signs from heaven.’ ‘I think he’s referring to a future time,’ Kinley said. ‘I don’t think this is an actual fulfillment of that.’ The Bible is very specific about what will happen before the End Times, Kinley says, and those events haven’t all unfolded yet. For one major thing, the ancient temple in Jerusalem is supposed to be rebuilt first.

“Gary Ray, a writer for the prophecy website Unsealed, agreed: He and his fellow evangelical End-Times writers are focused on what is happening with holy sites in Israel, not disease… In Ray’s opinion, these portents should send non-Christians rushing toward the Bible, so they can convert while there is still time before the Christians are raptured and everyone else has to endure the wretched seven years

“One reason for all these relatively rosy assessments from people who might otherwise be doomsday prophesiers? It might be… the president, who is very popular among evangelical Christians…

“James Beverley, a professor at Tyndale Seminary in Toronto, said he found… that charismatic and Pentecostal prophets, who normally think the End Times are near, have been less likely to forecast doom during the Trump administration. ‘Some are saying that Satan is the source of evils like the virus, but the doom and gloom message is missing. There is such a positive view on Trump and such strong wishes for his reelection that there is deep hope that the virus will die out, a strong economy will return and Trump will defeat the Democratic nominee,’ Beverley wrote in an email. ‘It is stunning how optimistic charismatic prophets are since Trump won in 2016.’”

As it is almost always the case, the article reflects the opinions of biblical “scholars” which might include some few parcels of truth with a whole big bag of errors. Try to pick out for yourself where you can find the small pieces of truth and the many huge errors in the article.

Mind Control in Our “Free” Societies

Daily Mail published on March 14 the following article by one of their journalists:

“It was a bright, cold day in Oxford and everywhere I looked, rainbow flags flapped and fluttered in the sharp wind. They flew from the ancient colleges along the High Street. They flew from the Town Hall…

The mere act of suggesting that there is anything oppressive about these banners will ensure that I am convicted of ‘homophobia’… It is startling to recall walking down the same street more than 50 years ago, when nobody had ever thought of rainbow flags and this was still a free country…

“A huge change in sexual morality of all kinds was cleverly presented as mainly being the liberation of homosexuals from persecution… Britain is full of people who have never wholly agreed with the great sexual revolution which has overtaken us in the past 30 years, and is now embraced by the Conservative Party and the churches.

“But even in private they hesitate to say so… For they know a terrible thing. If they are denounced, they could lose their livelihoods… We also have an embryonic Thought Police patrolling Twitter. And we have increasingly ferocious official lying…

“Some sort of national emergency – a major terror attack, an economic collapse, perhaps even a devastating epidemic – will at some point speed up our descent into a semi-totalitarian dusk. The Civil Contingencies Act already gives government astonishing powers to rule by diktat if it can think of a good enough excuse…

“There is no barricade of law which stands between us and the introduction of an unfree society. There is no major party which can be relied [on] to oppose such a change, provided it can be dressed up as being in the interests of ‘security’, of ‘equality and diversity’ or of not offending people…

“How long before students all over Britain will note the appearance of rainbow flags each February, and think that it has always been so, and that there never was another opinion?”

Biblical standards are disappearing in our societies… and woe to those who want to uphold them.  

Acknowledgement and Disclaimer

These Current Events are compiled and commented on by Norbert Link. We gratefully acknowledge the many contributions of news articles from our readership. The publication of articles in this section is not to be viewed as an endorsement or approval as to contents or accuracy of the selected articles, but they are published for the purpose of pointing at worldwide developments in the light of biblical end-time prophecy and godly instruction. Our own comments are provided in italics.

This Week in the News

Trump Bans Travel from Europe, but…

The messages from the White House and the Trump Administration have been as confusing as ever.

The Week wrote on March 11:

“In an address to the nation Wednesday night from the Oval Office, President Trump said because of the coronavirus pandemic, he is suspending all travel from Europe to the United States for 30 days, with the restrictions not applying to the United Kingdom. The action will go into effect Friday at midnight. Trump did not say why the UK, which has 460 confirmed cases of the COVID-19 coronavirus, is exempt. Trump… criticized the European Union, saying it ‘failed to take the same precautions and restrict travel from China and other hotspots. As a result, a large number of new clusters in the United States were seeded by travelers from Europe.’

“After Trump’s address, Acting Homeland Security Deputy Secretary Ken Cuccinelli said the travel suspension does ‘not apply to American citizens or legal permanent residents or their families.’”

But consider this, from ABC News, dated March 11:

“The new travel restrictions affecting Europe… will include exemptions for the United Kingdom and Americans who have undergone appropriate screenings.”

And then, here is this “clarification,” as reported by the AP, dated March 11:

“Trump said… the U.S. would monitor the situation to determine if travel could be reopened earlier.

“Homeland Security officials later clarified that the new travel restrictions would only apply to most foreign nationals who have been in the ‘Schengen Area’ at any point for 14 days prior to their scheduled arrival to the United States [see below].”

The Sun wrote on March 11:

“He singled out the UK as an exemption to the ban – but there was confusion as a later statement from the Department of Homeland Security said only countries in the Schengen area of free movement would be barred, therefore meaning Ireland was also exempt.

“The Schengen Area is the term given to the 26 European states which allow passport-free travel through their borders. The Department of Homeland Security subsequently issued this statement:

“‘Several countries in the Schengen Area will be impacted by the travel ban.

“‘President Donald J. Trump signed a Presidential Proclamation, which suspends the entry of most foreign nationals who have been in certain European countries at any point during the 14 days prior to their scheduled arrival to the United States.

“‘These countries, known as the Schengen Area, include: Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, and Switzerland. This does not apply to legal permanent residents, (generally) immediate family members of U.S. citizens, and other individuals who are identified in the proclamation.’…

“DHS Acting Secretary Chad F. Wolf said… he intends to implement a Notice of Arrivals Restriction which requires that US passengers who’ve been in the Schengen Area ‘to travel through select airports’ for enhanced screening procedures.”

Deutsche Welle added that, allegedly, the restrictions do not apply to “Any lawful permanent resident of the US and any foreign national who is the spouse of a US citizen or lawful permanent resident. Foreign nationals who are parents or legal guardians of a US citizen or lawful permanent resident. Foreign nationals who are siblings of a US citizen or lawful permanent resident, and who are under 21 years old and unmarried. Foreign nationals who are foster children of a US citizen or lawful permanent resident. Any member of the US armed forces.”

Panic at the Airports

Reuters wrote on March 12:

“Bleary-eyed and stressed, travellers scrambled at European airports to board flights to the United States on Thursday after U.S. President Donald Trump announced sweeping travel restrictions… Trump’s announcement has disrupted the travel plans of tens of thousands of people and hit airlines already reeling from the coronavirus outbreak… ‘It caused a mass panic,’ said 20-year-old Anna Grace, a U.S. student at Suffolk University who was on her first trip to Europe…

“A Delta crew member said Trump’s travel ban had caught the airline off-guard. ‘It’s going to be a big mess,’ said the crew member, who asked not to be named. ‘We were not expecting something like that…’”

Trump’s New Travel Ban Condemned

Daily Mail added on March 12:

“Vice President Mike Pence said on Thursday morning that all Americans returning from Europe would be asked to quarantine [for 14 days] when they return

“The State Department also warned Americans against all non-essential travel abroad, raising the prospect of mandatory quarantines and further bans that could leave people stranded…

“The announcement was quickly met with criticism from a range of industries. Dr Margaret Harris from the World Health Organisation was among those criticizing the travel ban…

“The Association of Flight Attendants was also quick to criticize Trump, branding his travel ban ‘irresponsible‘ and saying it is ‘about politics, not public safety’. ‘There is no explanation for how this will help fight the spread of the virus,’ a statement said. ‘It makes little sense when the virus is already in the United States. The President expressly stated the United Kingdom is not included in the travel ban and yet the UK health minister herself has the virus.’

It’s all politics… sadly. The Bible warns us that figurative “children” would run the USA.

Trump Has Declared War on Europe

CNBC wrote on March 11:

“Calling coronavirus a ‘foreign virus,’ Trump attacked Europe for not taking the same actions to control the disease that he had…

“Trump… later clarified in a tweet [the Daily Mail calls it an “astonishing clarification”] that cargo and goods would not be affected by the ban.”

He had originally said in his speech that the ban would apply to people AND CARGO. The White House later “clarified” that he had “misspoken.”

Reports alleged that the speech was written by right-wing hardcore anti-immigration guru and senior advisor to the President, Stephen Miller, and that Trump, unusually nervous as he was backtracking virtually everything that he had said earlier about the virus, gave the address by just reading from the teleprompter, without seemingly understanding himself WHAT he was saying (hence the subsequent numerous clarifications). His words of “foreign virus” sound like Miller’s handiwork. But this does not excuse Trump for what he said.

Those who are familiar with the history of the Worldwide Church of God after Herbert W. Armstrong’s death are reminded of the sermons and “speeches” by successor Joseph W. Tkach, who had received the scripts written by Mike Feazell and read those, without comprehending what he was saying, only to clarify later what he “meant,” but by that time, the damage had already been done.

Europe Responds

The Guardian wrote on March 12:

“The EU has condemned Donald Trump’s unilateral ban on travel from 26 European countries… In a joint statement, the presidents of the European commission and European council defended Europe’s record in managing the pandemic and sharply criticised the White House for its failure to consult its allies.

“… global markets reeled after Trump imposed sweeping restrictions on travel from the passport-free Schengen zone on Wednesday night, battering airlines and further straining ties with Europe.”

Trump’s action could be compared with that of an autocratic dictator. A NUCLEAR WAR between the US and Europe is prophesied!

Trump Failed Completely

AFP wrote on March 12:

“President Donald Trump had one job to do in a primetime address on coronavirus: reassure an anxious nation, a panicking stock market and divided world. Instead, he left many confused and more scared… Trump’s short speech late Wednesday featured a tired-sounding president responding to the global coronavirus pandemic and resulting economic fallout with a mix of bluster, blaming and a jaw-dropping error [regarding cargo and goods]…

“If Americans watching television might have been confused, investors were in shock. The White House quickly issued a clarification that no, trade was not being halted between the European Union and the United States. But the damage was done. The first sign that things were going wrong was when Wall Street stock futures nosedived the minute the cameras switched off. Less than 12 hours later, on Thursday morning, trading had to be stopped when the Dow Jones plummeted seven percent, mirroring 10 percent falls in European markets…

“Also, what Trump did not explain in his speech was that only European countries in the EU Schengen visa-free area are on the list. He said it wouldn’t include Britain, but this also means that 22 other non-Schengen countries are exempted. Questions were immediately raised over how this would prevent spreading of a virus already present in the United States. And why would travelers from Britain, for example, be any less likely to be infected?… As Politico noted drily, there was another ‘convenient side effect’ to Trump’s partial travel ban. ‘They exempt nations where three Trump-owned golf resorts are located.’”

Trump Sounded Incompetent and Markets Are Freaking Out

The Money Week wrote on March 12:

“Markets are having another bruising day. The specific catalyst today is Donald Trump’s somewhat garbled and last-minute decision [and “panicky pronouncement”] to shut the US to passenger air traffic from Europe… Basically, he sounded incompetent

“Are all these things we’ve been vaguely worrying about – carry trades, exchange-traded funds backed by illiquid underlying assets, massively overvalued private companies – going to blow up? And when and if they do blow up, what else might they take with them? Coronavirus might be the pebble (OK, the massive boulder) that starts an avalanche elsewhere in markets. That’s why markets are freaking out…”

Trump—a Lethal Combination

The Guardian wrote on March 12:

“Trump in a time of coronavirus is a lethal combination. Everything about the president… make him the worst person imaginable to hold the world’s most powerful job in the face of pandemic.

“Confronting the threat requires global cooperation, perhaps more than at any time since the second world war. But Trump and his junior imitators around the world have taken a sledgehammer to the very notion of international solidarity.

“America’s closest allies were given no [prior] notice… The EU mission in Washington only found out about it when journalists started calling.

“The president has dealt with coronavirus the same way he approached every other challenge in his administration, first trying denial – and when that failed, blaming outsiders… It came as little surprise that his speech had been written by Stephen Miller, the author of the administration’s cruelest anti-immigration policies.

One can only imagine what will happen under Trump when a military challenge develops between Europe and the USA, which is prophesied. 

Man’s Attempts to Deal with the Coronavirus Outbreak

The Associated Press wrote on March 9 about events PRIOR to Trump’s convoluted announcement:

“Stocks took their worst one-day beating on Wall Street since the global financial crisis of 2008 as a collapse in oil prices Monday combined with mounting alarm over what the coronavirus could do to the world economy… The drop was so sharp that it triggered the first automatic halt in trading in more than two decades…

“Together, the sell-offs reflected growing anxiety over the potential global economic damage from the coronavirus… prompting factory shutdowns, travel bans, closings of schools and stores, and cancellations of conventions and celebrations big and small…

“The market slide came as Italy, the hardest-hit place in Europe, began enforcing a lockdown against 16 million people in the north, or one-quarter of the country’s population, and then announced that travel restrictions would be extended nationwide [affecting 60 million people—an absolutely unparalleled and “unprecedented step for a democratic country” (The Week, dated March 9), and a highly controversial and extremely dubious measure with no guarantee for success] … The turmoil in Italy… is expected to push the country into recession and weigh on the European economy.

“Elsewhere around the world, Ireland went so far as to cancel St. Patrick’s Day parades, and Israel ordered all visitors quarantined [for 14 days] just weeks before Passover and Easter, one of the busiest travel periods of the year.”

The government of India has “strongly advised” to refrain from traveling to France, Spain and Germany. Saudi Arabia banned all travels to such countries.

Breitbart added on March 11, 2020 that on Wednesday, the Dow Jones plummeted again by 5%, and that “Many investors worry that a delay of several weeks could mean any economic stimulus could come too late to keep the U.S. economy growing. Some economists think that we may already be in a recession.”

As mentioned above, the Dow Jones and stock markets in the USA and Europe plunged again on Thursday, following Trump’s speechA worldwide economic upheaval was prophesied, but it is amazing how man’s panic-stricken shortsightedness contributes to such catastrophic developments. Many times, our economic downfall is man-made. The reaction to the coronavirus is a prime example. Even prior to Trump’s ill-conceived speech, conflicting messages from governments, with advising against air travel or cruising (thereby completely destroying the airline and the cruise ship industries), combined with radical measures of cancellations of schools and universities and prohibitions of gatherings (such as sports events and music festivals) in the USA and in European countries led by Italy and now France and Germany (as well as Spain, for example, which closed all schools in and around Madrid) do little to install confidence and instead accelerate uncontrolled catastrophes and economic upheavals.

German Health Minister Jens Spahn (39), perhaps far too young and inexperienced to make such drastic decisions (but “old age does not protect against foolishness” either), asked for cancellation of all events with more than 1,000 participants. This includes soccer games. With that, Spahn sacrificed Germany’s “holy cow.” Bild Online wrote, “A soccer game without fans is a dead game. It is no more a soccer game. Without fans in attendance, soccer will die.” And that means, politicians recommending or ordering such measures may not survive either.

Spahn also said people should refrain from unnecessary travel to Italy, and also North Rhine-Westphalia, in the west of Germany. Angela Merkel said that 60 to 70% of Germans will be infected by the virus. German health experts say that this is unlikely and that in any event, the symptoms for most would be mild or negligible. Merkel also praised Spahn, saying that he does an excellent job. Austria closed all schools. France prohibited visits to all state health-care facilities for the elderly and recommended against visits to all such private institutions. Axios reported that “Google issued one of the most sweeping cautionary edicts, recommending on Tuesday that all its employees in North America work from home until at least April 10 amid the novel coronavirus outbreak.”

The NBA announced it had called off the rest of its season after Utah Jazz player Rudy Gorbert tested positive for the virus just before tip-off. Teammate Donovan Mitchell has also tested positive. Oregon and California have also banned gatherings of more than 250 people state-wide, with smaller gatherings only permitted if a minimum distance of 6 feet can be guaranteed between people.

A Mad World Held Captive by Satan Is Shutting Down

Here are some more highlights from news articles which appeared on March 12:

CNBC wrote: “Stocks plummeted once again on Thursday after President Donald Trump and the Federal Reserve both failed to quell concerns over the economic slowdown stemming from the coronavirus, leading to a historic drop for the U.S. markets. The Dow Jones Industrial Average closed 2,352.60 points lower.”

 AP wrote:

“France, Ireland, Denmark, Norway, Lithuania,  Algeria and Slovakia joined the growing list of countries shutting down their school systems, and Europe’s most successful soccer team, Real Madrid, put all its players into quarantine after one tested positive… A rite of spring, college basketball’s NCAA tournament was canceled, while the NBA and NHL (National Hockey League) also decided their pros won’t play at all for now. Major League Baseball canceled spring training and postponed opening day for at least two weeks.”

The MLS (major league soccer) season has also been suspended. All of this will have an additional MAJOR impact on the economy.

The Week wrote:

“Starting Thursday, [Norway] announced measures… which involve practically shutting down the entire country.”

 Sacramento Bee wrote:

“The governor of Kentucky, a Bible belt state, has asked churches and other religious institutions to temporarily cancel services.”

Deutsche Welle wrote:

“Walt Disney Co will close its Disneyland and California Adventure theme parks in California through the end of March over coronavirus fears… The Vatican ordered all Catholic churches in Rome to be closed due to the coronavirus pandemic. The measure has been described as unprecedented in the modern era.”

 It was also reported that Maryland and Ohio are closing all schools. France closed all schools. Spain closed all harbors. Princess Cruise cancelled all cruises for 60 days.

The Guardian reported:

Spain became Europe’s second worst-affected country with 2,968 cases and 84 deaths. Both houses of parliament are suspended and every cabinet member is being tested… Slovenia, Norway and Austria suspended teaching at schools and colleges, although the Austrian chancellor, Sebastian Kurz, said working parents will still be able to drop off children for supervision. The Netherlands banned gatherings of more than 100… The Canadian prime minister, Justin Trudeau, is self-isolating while his wife Sophie Gregoire Trudeau awaits results from a coronavirus test. India… has barred all foreign tourists for one month… The Philippines halted domestic travel to and from the capital, Manila, and banned mass gatherings and closed schools for a month.”

Project Syndicate wrote on March 6: “[President Trump] and his supporters don’t trust experts, and the man appointed to lead the fight against the coronavirus, Vice President Mike Pence, is skeptical about science. But science, not prayers, will be needed to contain a disease that threatens the globe.”

With this kind of an arrogant and blasphemous recommendation of trusting “experts” rather than God, the way into the abyss would be unavoidable.

Dr. Anthony Fauci, a member of the White House’s coronavirus task force, stated that the coronavirus is allegedly 10 times more lethal than the ordinary flu. Fauci also advised older people not to fly anymore at all. 

Human Race in Grave Danger

The Daily Star wrote on March 11:

“The human race is in grave danger. Thousands of people are showing severe symptoms already and there is no known cure. No, not coronavirus, but sheer… stupidity. Never have so many brain cells been sacrificed on the altar of toilet paper fever

“Those efficient German types actually have a word for panic buying – hamsterkauf… Hamsters hoard stuff in their cheeks. They also have very small brains. Go figure… if you’re one of those… who have cleared the shelves of stuff to decontaminate your hands with, you’re depriving everyone else. Which means they’ll be wandering around happily infecting us all…

“Even worse are those who have purchased every painkiller they can get… people are ill with other stuff, especially little kids… this applies to almost every aspect of this latest panic pandemic. Rather than all the deliberately scaremongering headlines and ­reports I’d love to see a story telling me how many people who have contracted coronavirus survive. Thousands.

“Respiratory diseases are responsible for killing thousands of Brits every year. In 2017-18 the Office for National Statistics recorded 50,100 excess winter deaths in England and Wales which they attributed to the strain of flu that year, an ineffective vaccine and weather. Yet did that send you into a tailspin of bog roll and pasta? No. So can we all stop being hysterical… and get a grip. Just wash your hands first, okay?”

This convincing article shows indeed the absolute stupidity man is able to display.

The Fear of the Black Death

New Statesman America wrote on March 6:

“When a ship sailed into one of the ports along England’s south coast in the summer of 1348, its unwitting crew also delivered ashore the most deadly cargo to ever reach the British Isles: Yersinia pestis, a bacterium causing bubonic plague. Having erupted out of Asia, the disease had travelled along the Silk Road and torn through Europe via rats roaming merchant ships.

“The symptoms of such a virulent infection, which would devastate England’s infrastructure, were as dramatic as its spread. First a fever, cold and general flu-like symptoms, followed by blackening buboes forming in the joints, most commonly the groin or the armpits. It was these buboes that would later give the disease its nickname: the Black Death. Sometimes people survived this stage, but usually the infection would reach the bloodstream and death was inevitable – and swift.

“Over the next few months the highly infectious disease ravaged the south of England, wiping out entire towns such as Bristol, and reaching London in November 1348. By New Year’s Day 1349, the mood was apocalyptic. The panic, fear and hysteria surrounding the Black Death were unprecedented…

“Following the 1348 Black Death, three decades of recurrent epidemics halved the British population from around five million to 2.5 million, until the infection eventually slowed in 1377. There was no cure for the Black Death… The plague returned in varying degrees over the next three centuries, until its final shattering year in 1665, when it devastated England yet again, acquiring the name the Great Plague. In London alone, almost 70,000 people died…

“After 800 years of enlightenment, medical advancement, antibiotics, vaccines and information, coronavirus has resurrected our dormant fear of the Black Death.”

These 800 years of so-called “enlightenment” have not prevented ancient and modern pandemics. The Bible indicates that even the Black Death will return.

Global Arms Trade Helps Destroying the World

Deutsche Welle wrote on March 9:

The world is in turmoil, and the global arms trade is flourishing. No country exports more military equipment than the United States. And no country buys more weapons than Saudi Arabia… since 2015, 61% more weapons have been sold to the Middle East than in the preceding five years… more than a third of all weapons traded worldwide are now manufactured in the US

Russia is still the second biggest arms dealer in the world, but the gap is increasing…  France has established itself as the third-biggest arms dealer, exporting 72% more military equipment from 2015-2019 than in the previous five-year period…

Germany continues to rank fourth among the world’s most important suppliers of arms, making it one of the five countries whose exports account for more than three-quarters of global trade in military equipment. Despite this, the German government likes to say it pursues a ‘restrictive’ arms export policy. However, between 2015 and 2019 Germany’s exports rose by 17%… NATO-member Germany is also supplying significant quantities of arms to non-NATO countries, or so-called third countries…”

Shame on those who profit from killing others. God’s intervention is coming soon, and His retribution will be swift and just.

Biden’s Victory

The Associated Press wrote on March 11:

“Joe Biden decisively won Michigan’s Democratic presidential primary, seizing a key battleground state that helped propel Bernie Sanders’ insurgent candidacy four years ago. The former vice president’s victory there, as well as in Missouri, Mississippi and Idaho, dealt a serious blow to Sanders and substantially widened Biden’s path to the nomination…

“Now it is Sanders… who must contemplate a path forward. He said at a news conference in Vermont on Wednesday afternoon that he will stay in the race and plans to appear at the Democratic debate against Biden on Sunday. The Democratic National Committee also said that Sunday’s debate between Sanders and Biden would be conducted without an audience.”

 It appears that Biden will become the Democratic nominee, but he will be defeated by Trump.

Why Netanyahu Won… and Still Might have Lost

Breaking Israel News wrote on March 8:

“As last week’s third round of elections approached, it became clear that every mandate was crucial to form a majority coalition. It seemed clear that fringe right-wing Otzma Yehudit was not going to pass the minimum threshold to earn a seat in the Knesset but their votes could earn Likud another vital two seats. With that in mind, Netanyahu tried to persuade Otzma Yehudit’s leader, Itamar Ben Gvir, to drop out of the race in January…

“Less than one week before Israelis headed for the ballot boxes, Ben Gvir [revealed] the condition that would persuade him to drop out of the race and put his power behind Netanyahu.  Most prominent among those conditions was the removal of the Waqf’s authority on the Temple Mount, thereby paving the way for a Jewish return to their holiest site.

“Netanyahu refused and Likud went on to win 36 seats. Their rival, Blue and White, won 33. As expected, Otzma Yehudit did not pass the threshold, winning a mere 20,000 votes. But those votes, if applied to other right-wing parties or to Likud, would have enhanced Netanyahu’s ability to form a right-wing coalition. It now seems doubtful that this will happen…

“Netanyahu admitted that his rejection of Ben Gvir’s offer hurt the party… But Netanyahu revealed that the Temple Mount condition was indeed the deal-breaker that led him to reject Ben Gvir’s offer. ‘But he had one condition that I permit Jewish prayer on the Temple Mount… this would have ignited the Middle East and brought down the anger of one billion Muslims on us…’

“The Sanhedrin weighed in… ‘The People of Israel were commanded by HaShem, the Creator of the universe, God of Israel to sacrifice the Passover lamb on the appointed time according to the Torah and on the very site designated to do so according to our traditions,’ wrote Rabbi Dov Stein, Secretary of the Sanhedrin… ‘The Deal of the Century signed between Israel and the United States contains a pledge to support the protocols of each religion on the Temple Mount…

“‘Thus, the Jewish People, represented here by the Court of the Sanhedrin, are expecting you, Mr. Netnayahu, to allow us to sacrifice our Passover lamb on the 14th day of Nisan (April 4, 2020) in the afternoon on a suitable altar we will build on-site near the site where the Jewish Temples once stood. This is in the hope that at some time in the future the Temple itself will be built in its full glory and the entire Jewish Nation can celebrate according to the Passover Laws.’…

“‘Mr. Netanyahy turned his back on the Temple Mount knowing that it would be his downfall. And it was. The only hope Mr. Netanyahu has is to act as a leader of Israel should and to open the doors to the Temple Mount… The same will be true of Donald Trump. His ability to resist all of the forces that have come up against him is to continue to pave the way for the Third Temple.’”

The Third Temple is at the forefront of the minds of many in Israel and elsewhere. And it appears that Trump will help in building the Third Temple, and THEN, Christ will return.

Catholic Church in Germany Supports Ecumenism  

CAN wrote on March 10:

“The new president of the German bishops’ conference [Bishop Georg Bätzing] has emphasized his support for… intercommunion with Lutherans… Bishop Bätzing also claimed Pope Francis supported the controversial process…

“Asserting that ecumenism is ‘on the right track’ in Germany, Bätzing reiterated his support for a document [promoting] non-Catholics receiving the Eucharist at Catholic Mass. Bätzing also suggested in future, Christians of any denomination should simply decide on their own, individual accord if – and when to receive [communion].

“Cardinal Kurt Koch, president of the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity, has dismissed the document, saying it was based on [a wrong] ‘assumption… that the Catholic Eucharistic celebration and the Protestant last supper are identical.’”

The position of the Pope is less than clear, seemingly playing to both sides of the “debate.”

Acknowledgement and Disclaimer

These Current Events are compiled and commented on by Norbert Link. We gratefully acknowledge the many contributions of news articles from our readership. The publication of articles in this section is not to be viewed as an endorsement or approval as to contents or accuracy of the selected articles, but they are published for the purpose of pointing at worldwide developments in the light of biblical end-time prophecy and godly instruction. Our own comments are provided in italics.

This Week in the News

New Invasion of Refugees Threatens Europe

Reuters and Algemeiner wrote on February 28:

“Refugees in Turkey headed towards European frontiers on Friday after an official declared that borders had been thrown open in response to the escalating war in Syria, a day after 33 Turkish soldiers were killed by Russian-backed Syrian government troops… ‘We have decided, effectively immediately, not to stop Syrian refugees from reaching Europe by land or sea,’ a senior Turkish official told Reuters on condition of anonymity… ‘All refugees, including Syrians, are now welcome to cross into the European Union,’ the official said, adding that police and border guards had been stood down…

“Greece and Bulgaria said they were immediately reinforcing their frontiers. Bulgaria’s prime minister said the prospect of a new migration crisis was even more of a threat when European countries were struggling to respond to the coronavirus

“A million civilians have been displaced since December inside Syria near the Turkish border in desperate winter conditions, perhaps the worst humanitarian crisis of a war that has already made half the country homeless. Turkey, already home to 3.7 million Syrian refugees, says it cannot take more…”

The Revival of the European Migration Crisis?

The Associated Press wrote on March 1:

“Thousands of migrants and refugees massed at Turkey’s western frontier Sunday, trying to enter Greece by land and sea… Greek authorities said they stopped about 10,000 crossing attempts Saturday, and another 5,500 on Sunday…

“In Istanbul, a steady stream of buses, taxis, cars and minibuses were ferrying hundreds more throughout Sunday to Edirne, a town near the border with Greece. The vehicles weren’t part of any regular bus route. Those boarding the buses — the vast majority Afghans — said they were heading to Greece and eventually hoped to get to Germany…”

Deutsche Welle wrote on March 3:

“The images from the Greek-Turkish border are shocking… Some refugees hold signs asking for help from German Chancellor Angela Merkel. After all, the chancellor rescued refugees in Hungary from a similar situation by letting them come to Germany. Refugees on the border with Greece are now hoping for the same.

“But Germany in 2020 is not the country it was in 2015. Looking back, Merkel acknowledges there was a ‘loss of control.’ The chancellor has since described the open borders that allowed hundreds of thousands of people to pour into the country as a ‘mistake’ that should not be repeated.

“Many things have happened since 2015. The far-right Alternative for Germany (AfD) has become increasingly popular in Germany and right-wing terrorism appears to be on the rise… ‘We are seeing refugees and migrants who are being told on the Turkish side that the route to the EU is now open — and of course it is not,’ Merkel’s spokesman Steffen Seibert underscored at a press conference on Monday in Berlin…

“Friedrich Merz, who is gunning to lead Merkel’s center-right Christian Democrats (CDU), spoke out against accepting more refugees from Turkey. He said Berlin needs to send a clear signal: ‘There is no point in coming to Germany. We cannot take you in.’… The AfD [called] for the immediate closure of Germany’s borders.”

And so, refugees at the border are again becoming pawns in a political game of the mighty. But this could prove costly for the survival of Germany’s grand coalition. Note the next article.

German Protestors for Open Borders

Deutsche Welle wrote on March 4:

“Thousands of protesters gathered in Berlin on Tuesday in front of German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s official residence to demand the opening of the border between Turkey and the European Union… similar protests were held in Hamburg and Potsdam…

“The protests come as German politicians are put under increased pressure to deal with the situation at the Greek border… The German chancellor (Angela Merkel, CDU) has so far remained firm that the EU’s borders are closed… German Interior Minister Horst Seehofer (CSU) also tweeted on Tuesday evening in Arabic… ‘Europe’s borders are not open to refugees from Turkey, and this applies to our German borders as well.’”

“More protests are planned for later in the week.”

Major Companies Cancel Conferences in the USA

MSN wrote on February 29:

“Major companies are beginning to cancel conferences and travel plans within the United States due to the coronavirus, which analysts warn will have cascading impacts on the country’s hotels, airlines and convention centers.

International travel — particularly to Asia — has so far been the hardest-hit part of the industry, though analysts say that could soon change as fears of the coronavirus spread to Europe and North America. Hotels around the country have begun reporting a rise in group cancellations…

Workday called off a sales conference in Orlando scheduled for next week, while Google and Facebook canceled multiple events in California and Nevada between March and May. Amazon this week told employees to put off ‘nonessential travel’ in the United States…

“Shares of hotel companies and airlines plunged this week, as coronavirus-related fears led global markets to post their worst weekly losses since the Great Recession. Shares of Marriott and InterContinental Hotels Group fell about 9 percent apiece, while American Airlines and Jet Blue posted declines of more than 20 percent.”

Airlines Being Hit

USA Today wrote on February 29:

“The Trump administration is urging Americans to avoid travel to parts of Italy and South Korea amid growing concern about the spread of coronavirus… Vice President Mike Pence announced that the U.S. has raised the travel warning to level 4 – its most severe warning – regarding travel to affected areas of Italy and South Korea…

American Airlines late Saturday announced plans to cancel its flights to Milan through April 24…”

The Sun wrote on March 1 that “DELTA is suspending its daily flight between New York’s JFK airport and Milan Malpensa Airport for two months amid coronavirus fears.”

AFP wrote on February 29:

“Due to the ‘accelerated spread of the coronavirus’ [Lufthansa] said it would have to cut the numbers of its short- and medium-haul flights by up to a quarter and ground 23 of its long-haul planes. [This also includes a 40% reduction of flights to Italy]…[The German press reported that Lufthansa will cancel more than 7,000 flights in March. This includes at least 3,700 flights from and to the Frankfurt  Airport.]

“Lufthansa’s share price plummeted by close to 21 percent on the Frankfurt stock exchange this week as investors panicked over the effects of the virus. The International Civil Aviation Organization has said that the virus outbreak could mean a $4-5 billion drop in worldwide airline revenue…”

British Airways announced that they will cancel all return-flights during the month of March from England to Italy and some Asian countries. Deutsche Welle wrote on March 2 that “the airline industry is facing the worst downturn since the 2008 financial crisis.”

Italy announced that until mid-March, all schools and universities will be closed. German Health Minister Jens Spahn said on Wednesday that the coronavirus has become a “global pandemic,” warning that “worse was still to come” (The Local, March 4), and that there would be “restrictions on everyday life,” according to Deutsche Welle. The article added that “earlier on Wednesday, the German government had banned the export of medical gear and adjusted a national travel advisory to warn of an ‘elevated quarantine risk’ associated with cruise ship travel.”

Israel Severely Restricts Entry from Europe

 AFP wrote on March 4:

 “Israel on Wednesday imposed tough new travel restrictions on five European nations due to fears of coronavirus, barring entry to almost all non-residents of the Jewish state arriving from these affected countries.

“Israel had earlier in the day ordered all citizens and residents returning from the five countries — France, Germany, Spain, Austria and Switzerland — into 14-day home quarantine upon entering the country.

“The measures come on top of restrictions previously imposed on arrivals from mainland China, Hong Kong, Thailand, Singapore, Macau, South Korea, Japan and Italy.

“Guidelines issued by the health ministry on Wednesday afternoon declared that foreigners from the affected European countries ‘will not be able to enter Israeli territory unless they can prove they have a place to stay in quarantine’.

“The interior ministry issued a statement in the evening saying tourists from these countries ‘will not be able to enter Israel from Friday at 8:00 am (0600 GMT)’.”

Gloomy Prediction for Global Economy

The Week wrote on February 28:

“The end of a very rough week for U.S. markets brought a worrying prediction… Nouriel Roubini, a New York University business professor and market prognosticator who foretold the housing bubble burst, told Yahoo Finance on Friday to expect ‘severe’ consequences as the coronavirus continues to rattle markets… predicting ‘global equities to tank by 30 to 40 percent this year.’

“He said people… don’t realize the ‘simple math’ tells us that realistically, a squeezed Chinese economy will mean downturns around the globe. ‘This crisis will spill over and result in a disaster,’ said Roubini.

“Though the week just saw a 3,500-point drop for the Dow Jones Industrial Average, Roubini warned: ‘It is far from being over.’”

The Week reported on March 2:

“The Dow Jones Industrial Average closed up 1,293 points for a 5.1 percent gain on Monday, rebounding from a slump stemming from coronavirus fears. It’s the Dow’s biggest points gain of all time and its biggest percentage gain since 2009. The rise comes ‘on hopes that central banks will take action to shelter the global economy’ from the coronavirus’ effects, The Associated Press reports… Last week was the Dow’s worst since the 2008 financial crisis with a loss of more than 3,000 points.”

The Associated Press wrote on March 3:

“Fear and uncertainty continue to control Wall Street, and stocks fell sharply Tuesday after an emergency interest-rate cut by the Federal Reserve failed to reassure markets wracked by worries that a fast-spreading virus will cause a recession.

“The Dow Jones Industrial average sank 785 points, or 2.9%. It had surged 5% a day earlier on hopes for aid from the Fed and other central banks.”

The Dow Jones did very well on Wednesday, following the “Super Tuesday” results, but as fears of the coronavirus continued, notice what happened on Thursday:

CNBC wrote on March 5: “Dow tanks more than 950 points [on Thursday] as Wall Street’s roller-coaster week continues.”

Our shaky economy is built on hopes and dreams… which seem to change by the day. Roubini might be right with his prognostication regarding the disastrous financial consequences of the virus. He also said that because of it, Trump will not be reelected. On that he is dead wrong. Trump will be reelected for sure.

Sound Advice

Deutsche Welle reported on March 1:

“Four years ago, the Bonn-based Federal Office of Civil Protection and Disaster Assistance (BBK) published a checklist of long-lasting foods it recommends stockpiling for emergencies… It advises Germans to stockpile food and drink for about ten days.

Specifically, the checklist states that one person needs 14 liters of liquid a week, and recommends stocking mineral water and fruit juice in particular. Even so, the BBK warns against panic buying, advising Germans to stockpile only foods and drinks ‘that you and your family would consume anyway’…

Bulgarian daily 24 Tschassa… praised the advice provided by German authorities, saying that in most cases ‘consumers just hoard all kinds of products – without a proper idea how long they will come in useful or whether they might need them at all.’ The paper said… ‘it makes no sense to buy excessive amounts of supplies.’”

“Stop Buying Face Masks, but Follow Other Recommendations!”

CNN wrote on March 2:

“The United States’ top doctor has one simple request: Stop buying face masks. US Surgeon General Dr. Jerome Adams’ message, posted to Twitter on Saturday, was a response to face mask shortages as people stocked up due to coronavirus concerns. ‘Seriously people,’ he began, and though it’s a tweet, you can almost hear the exasperation in his plea. ‘STOP BUYING MASKS!’ ‘They are NOT effective in preventing general public from catching #Coronavirus, but if healthcare providers can’t get them to care for sick patients, it puts them and our communities at risk!’ he continued…

“The tweet comes during what has become a mask boom… [But] if these masks run out, they won’t be available to the medical professionals who are at the highest risk for disease transmission… Meanwhile, stores across the country have run out of masks

“The CDC recommends the following to prevent the spread of any respiratory disease:

“Avoid close contact with people who are sick. Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth. Stay home from school or work when you are sick. Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, then throw the tissue in the trash. Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces using a regular household cleaning spray or wipe. Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially after going to the bathroom, before eating, and after blowing your nose, coughing or sneezing. If soap and water are unavailable, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol. Always wash hands with soap and water if hands are visibly dirty.”

This advice should be heeded.

Obscure Sect Partially Responsible for Coronavirus Outbreak in South Korea

Christianity Today wrote on March 2, 2020:

“An apocalyptic sect whose leader claims he is an angel of Jesus [or, according to other reports,  that he is Christ Himself or the Second Coming of Christ, and that he is immortal] has become the biggest cluster of coronavirus infections in South Korea, which now leads the world in cases of COVID-19 disease outside of China… More than 400 of those infected have been directly linked to a single house of worship, a Daegu branch of the Shincheonji Church of Jesus, Temple of the Tabernacle of the Testimony—viewed as a cult by mainstream Korean Christian organizations—where a woman in her 60s attended two services before testing positive for the virus…

“A petition asking Korea’s president to dissolve Shincheonji gathered more than 750,000 signatures in four days… However, church leaders worry such a move could give the government an excuse to do the same to regular religious groups later…”

It was also reported that “Seoul’s city government has asked prosecutors to press charges, including murder, against the founder of a secretive religious sect for failing to cooperate in containing the spread of the deadly coronavirus” (ibtimes, dated March 2). This charge has been strongly denied by the group, claiming that they cooperated with governmental agencies from the time they found out about the sick member.

Worldwide Devastating Pandemics Coming!

The Week wrote on February 29:

“Picture a new viral disease like the Wuhan coronavirus, now called COVID-19, that passes easily from person to person and spreads rapidly around the globe. But unlike COVID-19, which kills perhaps 2 or 3 percent of its victims, this virus kills 20 percent of those infected. Or 40 percent. It might sound like a disaster movie premise… but viral disease experts are in wide agreement that such a pandemic is coming, and that it will inflict unimaginable devastation. The only question is when it will hit…

“The most likely scenario is a pathogen that jumps from animals to humans and can spread through the air. The outbreak of COVID-19 was traced to a live-animal market in Wuhan, China, where a bat virus appears to have added some genetic material from a soldierfish. Many viral diseases have been traced to animals, including HIV (which originated in chimpanzees), MERS (camels), SARS (probably bats and civet cats), and Ebola (unknown, but probably bats). Last year researchers at Johns Hopkins ran a simulation of a hypothetical coronavirus emerging from a Brazilian pig farm: The result was 65 million dead within 18 months. Another concern is a familiar very deadly virus that mutates, allowing it to spread more easily… The intentional or accidental release of a manmade pathogen is another threat; new genetic engineering tools have made them far easier to create…

“Human population growth. People are encroaching on previously wild areas where unknown viruses and bacteria lurk in animals; those who become infected carry the pathogens back to densely packed cities, where disease is easily spread. The 1998 emergence of the Nipah virus, for example, was linked to deforestation in Malaysia that displaced fruit bats and put them near pig farms. Pigs became infected, and the virus then spread to farmworkers. In the past 50 years, more than 300 pathogens have emerged or re-emerged, including Zika and yellow fever…  The surge in international travel allows viruses to spread around the globe quickly…

“Are we prepared for a major pandemic? Not at all. A report released last October by the Global Health Security Index found glaring gaps in readiness; out of 195 countries surveyed, not one was judged fully prepared to handle a major event… Experts say the U.S. and other countries need to spend vastly more money on pandemic preparedness…

“Epidemics have been a fact of life… The earliest on record dates to 430 B.C., when a pestilence that may have been typhoid fever took root in Athens, killing up to two-thirds of the city’s population. In A.D. 541, the Justinian plague spread through the Mediterranean world; recurrences over the next two centuries would kill more than 25 percent of the world’s population. In the 14th century, another outbreak of plague, called the Black Death — driven by fleas that live on rats but can bite humans — claimed over 75 million lives, including some 60 percent of the population of Europe, whose cities were piled with reeking corpses. In the 16th and 17th centuries Native Americans were ravaged by smallpox and other diseases brought by European conquerors and colonists; in some areas as much as 90 percent of native populations were wiped out. The pandemic with the greatest number of casualties in history was the Spanish flu of 1918. It infected some 500 million people worldwide — a third of the population — and killed as many as 100 million.”

Worldwide pandemics are prophesied to happen very soon.

A Nightmare Scenario

The Week wrote on March 2:

“Here is a scenario… President Trump… uses the threat of a pandemic to severely restrict international travel to the United States and institutes stringent new limits on U.S. citizens’ ability to travel abroad — perhaps mandatory medical testing, biometric data collection, or vaccination before you leave; extended interviews with Customs agents to vet the reasons for your trip; or even a near-complete embargo on visits to China and other countries where coronavirus outbreak coincides, in Trump’s mind, with an economic threat to America

“This would not be the first time a crisis has been used to fundamentally change global mobility: Just over a century ago, the passport system we now take for granted did not yet exist. In the decades before the first World War, international travel was generally unhindered… A train might cross multiple borders in Europe within a single day… travelers could typically travel whenever, wherever, and for whatever reason they wanted.

“During World War I, the Triple Alliance nations (Austria-Hungary, Germany, and Italy) began requiring passport use, and both Triple Entente states and neutral countries soon followed suit. After the war, the United Nations’ precursor, the League of Nations… held the first passport conference in Paris. Its aim… was to restore the pre-war regime of freedom of movement… That aim was not achieved… Further attempts to return to pre-war travel freedoms also failed…

“Permanent, serious strictures on our freedom to travel may seem unlikely at the moment… wouldn’t such repressive measures, particularly those affecting U.S. citizens, be widely unpopular? Yes, but what would people do about it?… And anyway, passports were once widely unpopular, too. The 1926 passport conference observed that the public desired ‘a resolution contemplating the abolition of passports at the earliest possible date.’ It was a desire unmet.

“… as the coronavirus crisis is used to curtail international travel — there’s already a ban on U.S. entry by foreign nationals who have been in China in the previous two weeks and a mandatory quarantine for U.S. citizens returning from Hubei province — we would do well to take care from the outset that measures are as minimal as possible and firmly bounded by expiration dates.

Draconian travel restrictions are not an inconceivable outcome here, and, if history is any guide, once done, they won’t be easy to undo.”

It is interesting that Germany, Austria/Hungary and Italy invented the passport system. And prophetically, the concerns raised in the article are not out of the realm of possibility.

Four More Years of Trump—Europe’s Security At Risk

Project Syndicate published on February 27 an article by Joschka Fischer, former German Foreign Minister and Vice Chancellor from 1998-2005:

“The re-election of President Donald Trump could spell the end of the liberal world order and the system of alliances that America has fostered since the 1940s… Should Trump win in November, he will have a mandate to wreak havoc for another four years…

“Make no mistake: it makes a big difference whether Trump is in office for eight years rather than just four. In addition to Americans, Europeans would be the first to feel the consequences of a second Trump term…

“In 2020, no one will make the same mistake again. But nor can anyone claim not to know what they are getting with Trump. He… has stayed mostly true to his campaign promises.

“… If Trump is re-elected, he will most likely behave even more radically and without restraint. He will be fully convinced that he is the ‘chosen one.’

“… Europeans should be preparing for the worst… Europe’s very security and sovereignty are now at risk. The EU must ask itself if it is prepared to do what is necessary to remain an independent player, united in the common interest of all Europeans…”

And all of this is exactly what is prophesied.

The Democrats’ Super Tuesday

Drudge Report linked on March 3 to the following article by “Reason”:

“As Super Tuesday finally transfigures the Democratic presidential nomination process into a binary choice between two old, occasionally problematic white men whose enduring popularity is consistently underrated by a baffled mainstream press, it’s worth reflecting on just how poorly the media’s preferred candidates performed in the 2020 race.

“In the end, The New York Times‘ dual Democratic presidential endorsements—bestowed upon both Sens. Elizabeth Warren (D–Mass.) and Amy Klobuchar (D–Minn.)—… just didn’t matter.

“Nor did the media’s fawning over South Bend Mayor Pete Buttigieg, early flirtation with Beto O’Rourke, and absolute worship of Sen. Kamala Harris (D-Calif.) resonate with the millions of Americans living outside the Acela corridor.

“Instead, Democratic voters indicated over and over again that they were most interested in the popular former vice president and the iconoclastic but well-respected runner-up from the 2016 Democratic race. Before the actual primaries, Biden consistently led in polls and Sanders performed well—and then the eventual voting followed this pattern, with early wins for Sanders and a comeback surge from Biden. The idea that any other candidate had a particularly likely shot at the nomination was always pundit-driven misdirection from a class of commentators demanding more interesting, intersectional characters, because the commentators themselves are more interested in identity-based diversity than the rest of the country.

“Indeed, the media stumped for Warren so hard that Vox‘s Matt Yglesias recently had to write a post explaining to people why she was losing… outside the Vox bubble, there was little interest in the kind of cultural progressivism represented by Warren.

“At present, Biden and Sanders are locked in a battle for delegates. Both men have a good shot at the nomination. But this was true a year ago as well. They were both better-known and better-liked than many in the media seemed to grasp, and an endless series of magazine covers, fluff pieces, and editorial board endorsements aimed at other candidates couldn’t make any difference whatsoever.”

NPR wrote on March 4:

“The Democratic presidential contest is now a two-man race. Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders went into Super Tuesday the front-runner, but it was Joe Biden’s night. The former vice president rode a surge of momentum out of his big win in South Carolina on Saturday and established himself squarely as the principal alternative to Sanders.

“Biden won a majority of states, including Texas, Tuesday night. Sanders is projected to win California, but with votes still being counted there it’s unclear which candidate will emerge with a delegate lead. That sets up what looks to be a sharp fight over the next two months between candidates with very different ideologies — Sanders paints in bold colors and wants radical change; Biden believes in progress accomplished by working with Washington’s competing interests.”

Axios reported on March 4 that “Michael Bloomberg, who spent hundreds of millions of dollars to self-fund his 2020 presidential run, announced Wednesday that he is suspending his campaign after a poor performance on Super Tuesday  and will endorse Joe Biden.”

JTA wrote on March 5:

 “Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren, who drew strong support from Jewish progressives, has dropped her bid for the Democratic presidential nomination.”

At this point, she has not endorsed Biden or Sanders. But no matter who the Democratic nominee will be, he will not become the next President.  

“Peace Treaty” Between USA and Taliban?

The Associated Press wrote on February 29:

“The United States signed a peace agreement with Taliban militants on Saturday aimed at bringing an end to 18 years of bloodshed in Afghanistan and allowing U.S. troops to return home from America’s longest war.

“Under the agreement, the U.S. would draw its forces down to 8,600 from 13,000 in the next 3-4 months, with the remaining U.S. forces withdrawing in 14 months. The complete pullout, however, would depend on the Taliban meeting their commitments to prevent terrorism.

“President George W. Bush ordered the U.S.-led invasion of Afghanistan in response to the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks. Some U.S. troops currently serving there had not yet been born when the World Trade Center collapsed on that crisp, sunny morning that changed how Americans see the world.

“It only took a few months to topple the Taliban and send Osama bin Laden and top al-Qaida militants scrambling across the border into Pakistan, but the war dragged on for years as the United States tried [to] establish a stable, functioning state in one of the least developed countries in the world. The Taliban regrouped, and currently hold sway over half the country.

“The U.S. spent more than $750 billion, and on all sides the war cost tens of thousands of lives lost, permanently scarred and indelibly interrupted. But the conflict was also frequently ignored by U.S. politicians and the American public…

“The Taliban harbored bin Laden and his al-Qaida network as they plotted, and then celebrated, the hijackings of four airliners that were crashed into lower Manhattan, the Pentagon and a field in western Pennsylvania, killing almost 3,000 people…

“Trump has repeatedly promised to get the U.S. out of its ‘endless wars’ in the Middle East, and the withdrawal of troops could provide a boost as he seeks re-election in a nation weary of involvement in distant conflicts…

“The prospects for Afghanistan’s future are uncertain. The agreement sets the stage for peace talks involving Afghan factions, which are likely to be complicated. Under the agreement, 5,000 Taliban are to be released from Afghan-run jails, but it’s not known if the Afghan government will do that. There are also questions about whether Taliban fighters loyal to various warlords will be willing to disarm…”

To think for one moment that one can make a successful peace treaty with terrorists is absolutely illusionary and ludicrous. We don’t think that even the Trump administration seriously believes in its success either. The main reason for this treaty is a justification to withdraw American troops from Afghanistan, with a view to the elections in 2020, but as a consequence, Afghanistan will continue to experience further and even more violence and chaos.

“Bibi Is Back”—Netanyahu’s Strong Win

The Jerusalem Post wrote on March 2:

“Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu succeeded in winning [58] seats for his bloc of right-wing and religious parties in Monday’s election…

“Netanyahu spoke to the heads of the parties in his camp immediately after the exit polls were announced and agreed to form a strong nationalist government as soon as possible.”

However, lacking the needed majority of 61 seats, Netanyahu is forced to enter into difficult coalition talks with other parties.

Times of Israel wrote on March 5:

“… the Central Elections Committee on Thursday confirmed Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s party as the largest after Monday’s general election, with final results giving it 36 seats to rival Blue and White’s 33. The full results… confirmed, however, that the right-wing bloc of parties supporting Netanyahu had won 58 seats, three short of a majority needed to form a coalition.

Reuters added:

 “That could spell further deadlock and another snap election to follow Monday’s vote, which was Israel’s third in a year.”

Jordan-Israel Peace Treaty at Risk

JNS wrote on March 4:

“Relations between Jordan and Israel are at their lowest ebb since the signing of the 1994 peace treaty between the two countries, and the treaty itself is now ‘at risk,’ Jordanian Prime Minister Omar Razzaz said on Monday…

“According to Razzaz, Jordan is angry about Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s pledge to extend Israeli sovereignty to the Jordan Valley and parts of Judea and Samaria as set forth in the US ‘Prosperity to Peace’ plan, and about Israeli ‘violations of the sanctity of Muslim and Christian endowments in Jerusalem.’

“In January, Jordan’s King Abdullah told France 24 News that Israel’s relationship with his country ‘has been on pause for the past two years’…”

Third Temple Could Have Been Built already in 1967

Breaking Israel News wrote on March 3:

“Rabbi David Katz, the author of ‘Laws of Ger Toshav,’ notes… ‘The Temple could have been built in 1967. The objective reality was that there were IDF soldiers on the Temple Mount.

“The Third Temple could have been built but the rabbis decided not to. In 1967 we had everything we need to move forward for everything, the Third Temple, the Kingdom of David, and we still do.’”

And this time, it will be built very soon.

Putin: Marriage between a Man and a Woman

Deutsche Welle wrote on March 3:

“Russian President Vladimir Putin on Monday submitted a proposal to establish a ban on same-sex marriage in the country’s constitution. The draft amendment enshrines the mention of Russians’ ‘faith in God’ and states that marriage is between ‘a man and a woman’… The Russian president has long aligned himself with the Russian Orthodox Church and actively promoted distancing his country from liberal Western values. Last month, he said Russia would not legalize same-sex marriage as long as he remains president.

“Putin has said he is not prejudiced against gay people, but has asserted that homosexuality and gender fluidity are out of step with traditional Russian values. A federal law signed by Putin in 2013 already considers the ‘public promotion of homosexuality’ as a crime. Currently, only heterosexual couples can adopt children. Prior to that, homosexuality in Russia was officially criminalized until 1993 and considered a mental illness until 1999.”

Insofar as his definition of marriage is concerned, Putin is right. Note, by contrast, the following article.

Outlawing Conversion Therapies in the USA

ABC News wrote on March 4:

“Virginia became the 20th state in the country to outlaw conversion therapy for LGBTQ minors… ‘Conversion therapy sends the harmful message that there is something wrong with who you are,’ [Governor] Northam said…  The other states that have banned conversion therapy for minors are California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Hawaii, Illinois, Maryland, Massachusetts, Maine, Nevada, New Jersey, New Hampshire, New Mexico, New York, Oregon, Rhode Island, Utah, Vermont and Washington.

“The Virginia bill outlaws any health care provider in any profession licensed by a regulatory board of the Department of Health from engaging in conversion therapy… Del. Patrick Hope, who sponsored the bill, called the practice dangerous and destructive. ‘We should be supporting and celebrating our LGTBQ youth, not putting them in harm’s way,’ he said.”

God in His Word condemns the practice of homosexuality. But in this evil world ruled by Satan, God’s Word means nothing to most people.

Germany’s Mandatory Measles Vaccinations

Deutsche Welle wrote on March 2:

“A law requiring mandatory measles vaccinations  came into force on Sunday in Germany. The law, which was passed last year, stipulates that kindergartens and schools can only accept new children if they have been vaccinated. Under the new law, kids must be ‘verifiably’ inoculated against measles. If the child’s immunization is not documented, schools will be required to notify the local public health office.

“For children already enrolled in schools, proof of vaccination will have to be presented by July 2021, while parents who refuse to vaccinate their children will face fines of up to €2,500 ($2,760).”

These kinds of governmental mandatory measures are just the beginning and do have a bearing on the biblical warning that an authoritarian power bloc will arise in Europe, led by Germany, dictating to the people how to live, how and when to buy and sell, and how and when to work and to cease from working.

The Popes and Fascism

The Guardian wrote on March 1:

New light will be shed on one of the most controversial periods of Vatican history on Monday when the archives on Pope Pius XII— accused by critics of being a Nazi sympathizer—are unsealed. A year after Pope Francis announced the move, saying ‘the church isn’t afraid of history’, the documents from Pius XII’s papacy, which began in 1939 on the brink of the second world war and ended in 1958, will be opened, initially to a small number of scholars.

“Critics of Pius XII have accused him of remaining silent during the Holocaust, never publicly condemning the persecution and genocide of Jews and others. His defenders say that he quietly encouraged convents and other Catholic institutions to hide thousands of Jews, and that public criticism of the Nazis would have risked the lives of priests and nuns…

“David Kertzer, an American expert on the relationship between the Catholic church and fascism… said there were ‘signs of nervousness’ at the Vatican about what would emerge from the archives… ‘On the big question, it’s clear: Pius XII never publicly criticised the Nazis for the mass murder they were committing of the Jews of Europe – and he knew from the very beginning that mass murder was taking place. Various clerics and others were pressing him to speak out, and he declined to do so. Although there is a lot of testimony showing that the church did protect Jews in Rome, when more than 1,000 were rounded up on 16 October 1943 and held for two days adjacent to the Vatican [before deportation to the death camps], Pius decided not to publicly protest or even privately send a plea to Hitler not to send them to their deaths in Auschwitz…’

“Pius – whose birth name was Eugenio Pacelli – was Vatican secretary of state under his predecessor, Pope Pius XI, and a former papal nuncio, or envoy, to Germany. In 1933, he negotiated a concordat between the Catholic church and Germany. After he was elected pope, six months before the outbreak of war, the Vatican maintained diplomatic relations with the Third Reich, and the new pontiff declined to condemn the Nazi invasion of Poland on 1 September 1939.

“In December 1942, Pius XII spoke out in general terms about the suffering of the Jews, although he had known for several months about the Nazi extermination plans. In 1943, he wrote to the bishop of Berlin, arguing that the church could not publicly condemn the Holocaust for fear of causing ‘greater evils’.”

An interesting work by the above-quoted author, David I. Kertzer, titled, “The Pope and Mussolini” (copyright 2014), shows the inner workings of the Vatican and the close cooperation and sometimes infighting between the Catholic Church under both popes (Pius XI and Pius XII) and Mussolini and Hitler. The Hitler-Mussolini era constituted, in collaboration with the Roman Catholic Church, the sixth revival of the “Holy Roman Empire”–the “woman riding the beast.”

Acknowledgement and Disclaimer

These Current Events are compiled and commented on by Norbert Link. We gratefully acknowledge the many contributions of news articles from our readership. The publication of articles in this section is not to be viewed as an endorsement or approval as to contents or accuracy of the selected articles, but they are published for the purpose of pointing at worldwide developments in the light of biblical end-time prophecy and godly instruction. Our own comments are provided in italics.

This Week in the News

The Temple Tax—Preparing for the Third Temple

Breaking Israel News wrote on February 21:

“In preparation for the upcoming holiday of Purim, Jews around the world will be reading the section of the Torah that describes the giving of the sanctified half-shekel silver coin to the Tabernacle… From the time of the Tabernacle until well after the Temple was destroyed, every Jewish man was required to give one half-shekel weight of silver, approximately eight grams of silver (worth about $4 today), as a mandatory tax to support the Temple… Each man was obligated to give the same amount, regardless of his economic condition, with collection beginning on the first day of the month of Adar…

“Rabbi Hillel Weiss, spokesman for the Sanhedrin, explained… ‘As the preparations for the Temple move forward, the need for that tax is reemerging. Without the half-shekel right now, there can be no Third Temple.’

“It is towards that end that the Sanhedrin minted a coin specifically for the current era. Mordechai Persoff who established the Mikdash Educational Center, a non-profit organization for education about the Temple, is marketing the coin… ‘[We are minting a series of coins to reflect a prophetic process that is unfolding right now,’ Persoff said. ‘Just as Cyrus paved the way that enabled the Jews to build the Second Temple, President Trump began a similar process’…

“Rabbi Weiss noted that the first coin issued by the Sanhedrin featuring Donald Trump and an image of King Cryus was wildly popular. ‘Unfortunately, that popularity came at a price,’ Rabbi Weiss said. ‘Other sources began minting and selling counterfeit versions of the coin… ‘Most of the counterfeiters were from China and Asia where the copyright laws are not as stringently enforced,’ Rabbi Weiss said. ‘It is no wonder that the coronavirus plague originated in a region that stole from the holy half-shekel.’

“Proceeds from the sale of the coin will be used in reenactments of Temple services as well as in other educational and practical endeavors that help prepare for the Third Temple. Should the need arise, the proceeds will be used for the actual building of the Temple.”

On one side of the new coin, it pictures Donald Trump and Benjamin Netanyahu with the American and Israeli flags, including the words in English and Hebrew, “War of the Sons of Light against the Sons of Darkness,” and on the coin’s reverse side, it pictures King Cyrus, the second Temple, a lion with a sword and under it the words “Persian Empire,” and the words, “The Temple Coin” in Persian, Hebrew and English, together with the words “Half Shekel 2020”; and “Cyrus is My Anointed King Isaiah 45” in English and Hebrew.

Final Destination—the Third Temple

Haaretz wrote on February 22:

“Once annexation is achieved, the messianic prize awaits: the gradual takeover of the Temple Mount, in stages. First by allowing Jewish prayer on the Mount and ultimately by establishing a holy temple and renewing ritual sacrificial slaughter.. the final destination of this train is the Temple Mount…

“From the Temple Mount blows a fascist wind unique to Jewish nationalism, and it will not be calmed until the injustice of Al-Aqsa is obliterated and a holy temple is rebuilt…

While Haaretz is against all of this, their statements are nevertheless revealing.

Eating Unclean or Living Animals!

Breaking Israel News wrote on February 19:

“Many of the early headlines in the international press link the appearance of the virus to the sale, in food markets in China, of many kinds of non-kosher animals, including live foxes, crocodiles, wolf pups, salamanders, snakes, rats, peacocks, porcupines and live koalas… Eating part of a living creature is one of the most severe sins from the Torah, even for non-Jews…

“In Jewish thought, the prohibition against eating from a live animal teaches a deeper lesson. If we tear a limb from a live animal to eat, not only is it cruel, but it also reflects another base character trait. Someone who grabs what they want and eats immediately is focused only on their animal desires. They lack the willpower and refinement to properly prepare their meal before indulging in it.”

Even the very thought of eating such unclean animals like the ones described above or eating parts of a living animal (clean or unclean) is absolutely revolting, disgusting and appalling.

Coronavirus a Serious Problem

Deutsche Welle reported on February 23 [the numbers in the article have been changed as to reflect the status on Wednesday evening]:

“Several Italian towns have taken urgent measures to stop the virus from spreading following the deaths of [by now at least 11] people and more than [320] infections.

“Venice has called off its Carnival celebrations due to the outbreak… The spike in cases also prompted regional authorities to order the closure of schools, businesses and restaurants in Veneto and Lombardy, as well as the cancelation of religious services until further notice…

“Iran has reported [at least 139 infections and 19] deaths, and now Turkey and Pakistan have responded by closing their borders with the Islamic Republic. Afghanistan has suspended air and ground travel to Iran.”

Newsmax added on February 23:

“Concern about the reach and rapid spread of the coronavirus also grew in Europe and the Middle East… Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Iraq and Turkey imposed travel and immigration restrictions on Iran, while Oman on Sunday urged its citizens to steer clear of countries with high infection rates and said arrivals from those nations would be quarantined.”

The Guardian wrote on February 23:

“The world is fast approaching a ‘tipping point’ in the spread of the coronavirus, according to experts who warn that the disease is outpacing efforts to contain it… experts say the situation will soon reach a critical threshold.”

The Drudge Report linked an article of the Associated Press on February 25 with the headline, “World on Lockdown.” Bild wrote: “Mailand (Italy) is becoming a ghost town.” ARD stated that the German Bundespost (German mail) has suspended deliveries to affected areas in Italy.

In the meantime, more cases in Austria, Croatia, Spain and Switzerland have been reported as well, while three infected tourists from Germany, Italy and Britain were detected in the Canary Islands and in Mallorca. As of Wednesday, there are 19 cases in Germany, 13 cases in Great Britain and 12 cases in France, amongst others. [It was reported on Wednesday that one person died of the virus in France.]  China has reported more than 80,000 infections, but the actual figure might be much higher.

The death toll in China as of February 26 was over 2,700. Some experts have stated that it is already too late to avoid a pandemic, and that the pandemic is already here. The WHO seems to want to downplay the matter, stating that the virus has “pandemic” potential, but is not here yet. The WHO seems to be terribly wrong. And the USA might not be spared. See the next articles.

Here are some further updates as of Thursday evening:

Deutsche Welle reported on February 27:

“Italian cases surge… [Italy’s number now stands at 650, and 17 people have died from the respiratory virus.] EU countries said borders will remain open. Germany’s health minister said the country is facing a ‘coronavirus epidemic.‘”

 The Associated Press wrote on February 27:

“The testing in western Germany came after a 47-year-old man with the virus was hospitalized in serious condition in Duesseldorf. The man’s wife, who works in a kindergarten, was also confirmed to have contracted the virus. A soldier in the German air force who had contact with the hospitalized man also has tested positive… [He is the] acting head of the German military hospital in Koblenz.”

Bild Online reported that in Germany, the confirmed cases of people who are infected with the virus have tripled within the last 24 hours, and that over 1,000 people are in quarantine.

The Week wrote on February 27:

 “More than [8,400 people] are being monitored for the coronavirus in California, and 33 people have tested positive… The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said Wednesday that a person who tested positive for the coronavirus in California might be the first U.S. case of community spread, as they hadn’t recently traveled out of the country or come into contact with anyone who had the virus.”

USA in Danger

Breitbart wrote on February 25:

“As of Tuesday, 57 coronavirus cases have been confirmed in the U.S., which includes the 40 American citizens repatriated from the virus-stricken Diamond Princess cruise ship in Japan.”

The Washington Post wrote on February 25:

“Health officials in the United States warned Tuesday that the spread of the novel coronavirus in the country appears inevitable… as global travel disruptions continued to worsen…”

The Sun added on February 25 an article with the following headline:

“Killer Virus Chaos. Americans warned ‘bad’ coronavirus outbreak [a] case of ‘when not if’ as San Francisco declares emergency.”

The article continued:

“The move comes as officials predict hospital overcrowding and less cops on the streets… [The official] cited widespread school closures, a decrease in cops, overloaded hospitals, and deaths as possible outcomes of the outbreak…

“Secretary of Health and Human Services Alex M. Azar II… said the US will need as many as 300 million masks for health care workers, as well as more ventilators for hospitals to prepare for the deadly disease – but the country only stockpiled 30 million N95 surgical masks.”

Our whole health-care system, fragile as it is anyway, can break down in a heartbeat when confronted with a pandemic for which no one is prepared and no vaccines exist.

How the Virus Spreads

MSN wrote on February 24:

“Italy’s experience… shows how the virus can slip onto a new continent undetected, only to then erupt as a sudden crisis, while bringing with it the interruptions and fears that once seemed far away.  Four days ago, Italy had only three confirmed cases of the virus. Now, it has the largest known outbreak outside Asia, pushing the world closer to a pandemic, in which epidemics spread across multiple countries and continents at the same time…

“Some infectious-disease experts have speculated that the virus was already in Italy for weeks, carried by one or more people with negligible symptoms, before it was detected… ‘Half of Italy in quarantine,’ a headline in one of the country’s major newspapers, La Repubblica, said Monday.”

Despite so-called “precautions,” the global spread of the coronavirus is unstoppable. This will have terrible consequences for air travel, and could also adversely affect members and ministers of the Church of God for the upcoming Passover season.

At the Brink of Recession?

CNN wrote on February 23:

“Markets closed out last week on an anxious note. It’s not difficult to see why: the coronavirus continues to spread, and there are signs that some of the world’s top economies could slide into recession as the outbreak compounds pre-existing weaknesses.

“Take Japan: The world’s third-largest economy shrank 1.6% in the fourth quarter of 2019 as the country absorbed the effects of a sales tax hike and a powerful typhoon. It was [the] biggest contraction compared to the previous quarter since 2014.

“Then there’s Germany. The biggest economy in Europe ground to a halt right before the coronavirus outbreak set in, dragged down by the country’s struggling factories…

Hong Kong is in recession and Singapore could soon suffer a similar fate. Fourth quarter GDP data from Indonesia hit a three-year low, while Malaysia had its worst reading in a decade… Meanwhile, engines of growth like China and India slowed in 2019…

“All of this brings to the fore concerns about the global economy’s ability to withstand a shock from the coronavirus. [It] is poised to make matters worse…

“Even the United States may not be in as strong a position as previously thought… [The] US services sector contracted in February, with the reading hitting a 76-month low. It’s the first time the sector has contracted in four years.”

The Dow Jones dropped by more than 1,000 points on Monday morning, because of fear of the spread of the virus. This was its worst day in two years. On Tuesday, February 25, the Dow dropped a little bit under another 900 points. The 10-year Treasury yield fell to a record low as coronavirus fears of a global pandemic will slow the world economy.

The Week reported on February 27: 

“The Dow Jones Industrial Average closed Thursday down almost 1,200 points [the worst point drop in US history, according to CNN], or over 4.4 percent, while the S&P 500 and Nasdaq Composite were each off 4.4 percent and 4.6 percent, respectively. President Trump has sought to reassure investors that the coronavirus outbreak, which has affected countries around the world, is only a small worry for the stock market… The Dow has lost more than 3,000 points this week.”

All of this shows how quickly our entire somewhat artificial economic system can collapse because of widespread fears and uncertainties.

Tomb of Romulus Found?

AFP wrote on February 21:

“An ancient tomb thought to belong to Rome’s founder Romulus was presented to the world on Friday… The 6th century BC stone sarcophagus, with an accompanying circular altar, was discovered under the Forum in the heart of Italy’s capital over a century ago — but experts could not agree on whether or not it belonged to the fabled figure.

“According to legend, Romulus founded the city after killing his twin brother Remus. The brothers had been raised by a she-wolf — the symbol of Rome shows them sucking at her teats — but later fell out over where to build the new metropolis. Historians have long been divided not only over whether the pair actually existed, but if so where Romulus’ body — which was reportedly dismembered after his death by angry senators — may have been buried.

“… archaeologists called for caution, saying it was impossible to scientifically confirm — and no bones were found inside the sarcophagus… Legend has it he went on to establish the Roman senate and rule as the city’s first king for nearly 40 years… Romulus acquired a cult following, making it more than plausible that the ancient city built a shrine to its beloved — and possibly mythical — founder.”

Regarding the history of ancient Rome, Herman L. Hoeh wrote the following in the Good News magazine in April of 1958:

Nimrod was the first who totally turned aside after the flood… Later, Nimrod was killed, so they introduced the custom of mourning 40 days in his honor… The ancient Romans celebrated Nimrod’s birthday on December 25…

“After years of oppressing the people for his selfish interests, Shem (according to ancient records) forced Nimrod to flee… to [what became known as] ROME! The ancient name of Rome was ‘Saturnia’… It means the dwelling place of ‘Saturn.’ And the inhabitants of ancient Italy called Nimrod ‘Saturn,’ meaning ‘the hiding one’ — because he ‘lay hid’ from his pursuers… A pagan shrine was later set up on Vatican hill to commemorate this event…

“And the birthday of Nimrod — December 25 — was called the Saturnalia by the Romans. Saturnia fell into decay. A new city, Rome, was later built on the same site — named after Romulus, according to Latin writers.”

The Catholic Church and the Vatican… Compromise upon Compromise

Breaking Israel News wrote on February 21:

“A meeting between the Chinese Foreign Minister and his Vatican counterpart last week resulted in a ‘secret agreement’ that will bring the Chinese government into the process of appointing Catholic Bishops… the agreement… was initiated and approved by Pope Francis… The agreement allows for the Chinese government to pre-approve the Vatican’s appointment of Chinese Bishops… ‘With a view to sustaining the proclamation of the Gospel in China, the Holy Father Pope Francis has decided to readmit to full ecclesial communion the remaining ‘official’ Bishops, ordained without Pontifical Mandate,’ [the Vatican announced]… in return, Beijing would recognize some, though not all, of the bishops previously appointed by the Vatican…

“Retired Hong Kong cardinal Joseph Zen Ze-kiun has long been a critic of Pope Francis’ relations with the Chinese government… Zen issued a statement criticizing the deal, accusing the Vatican of ‘selling out’ mainland Chinese Catholics in order to normalize ties with Communist China. ‘With a totalitarian regime, there’s no possibility of any talk or bargaining…,’ [Zen said].”

This reminds us of the compromise of the Catholic Church when entering into covenants (“concordats”) with Hitler and Mussolini. And as the Church lost in the aftermaths of the bargain, so they will lose again with trying to make a bargain with China.

Trump in Office Beyond 2024?

Inqusitr wrote on February 21:

“At a rally in Las Vegas on Friday, Trump for at least the 28th time said that he planned to remain in office beyond the end of his term… Trump twice alluded to what appears to be his desire to remain in the White House… beyond 2024 — the last full year of his second term…

“In what seemed to be an off-the-cuff monologue in which he congratulated himself for his role in bringing the 2028 Olympic Games to Los Angeles, California… Trump said that there was a ‘distinct possibility’ that he would still be in office by the time of those Olympics.”

We have been saying that Trump will be reelected in 2020 and that he will be the last President of the USA. But this does not have to mean that he could only stay in office until the end of 2024. Note the next article.

The Atlantic wrote on February 22:

“If he is reelected, then, barring other circumstances…, his administration will terminate… in 2025… Trump would cease to be president immediately upon the expiration of his term. But what if he won’t leave the White House?

“The American Constitution spells out how the transfer of power is supposed to work. Article II provides that the president ‘shall hold his office for the term of four years.’ The 20th Amendment says that the president’s and vice president’s terms ‘shall end at noon on the 20th day of January … and the terms of their successors shall then begin.’ Of course, a president may be reelected to a second four-year term, but under the 22nd Amendment, ‘no person shall be elected to the office of president more than twice.’

“… the former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee tweeted, President Trump ‘will be eligible for a 3rd term due to the illegal attempts by Comey, Dems, and media , et al attempting to oust him as [President] so that’s why I was named to head up the 2024 re-election.’… Huckabee is not the first person to suggest that Trump might not leave when his presidency ends.

“In May, the faith leader Jerry Falwell Jr. tweeted an apparent reference to the completed investigation of Special Counsel Robert Mueller into Russian election interference. ‘I now support reparations,’ he wrote. ‘Trump should have 2 yrs added to his 1st term as pay back for time stolen by this corrupt failed coup.’ Trump retweeted Falwell’s post.

“One of Trump’s former confidants, Michael Cohen, has suggested that Trump won’t leave. In his congressional testimony before heading to prison, Trump’s former attorney said, “Given my experience working for Mr. Trump, I fear that if he loses the election in 2020, there will never be a peaceful transition of power.”

“Trump himself has joked about staying in office beyond his term, and even for life. In December, Trump told a crowd at a Pennsylvania rally that he will leave office in ‘five years, nine years, 13 years, 17 years, 21 years, 25 years, 29 years …’ He added that he was joking to drive the media ‘totally crazy.’ Just a few days earlier, Trump had alluded to his critics in a speech, ‘A lot of them say, “You know he’s not leaving”… So now we have to start thinking about that because it’s not a bad idea.’ This is how propaganda works. Say something outrageous often enough and soon it no longer sounds shocking.

Refusal to leave office is rare, but not unheard of. In the past decade, presidents in democracies such as Moldova, Sri Lanka, the Democratic Republic of Congo, and Gambia have refused to leave office, sometimes leading to bloodshed. In 2016, Joseph Kabila decided not to step down after three five-year terms as the president of Congo, announcing that he would delay the election for two years so that a census could be conducted. His decision was met with mass protests in which 50 people were killed by government security forces. Still, he followed through and an election took place in 2018. He left office thereafter.

Elected officials in the U.S. have also refused to step down, albeit from lower offices than the presidency… The closest thing to a refusal to leave office that the U.S. presidency has experienced was Franklin D. Roosevelt’s break with tradition by seeking a third term. Roosevelt rejected the norm set by George Washington, and followed by successive presidents, to step down after two terms. FDR was elected to a third and even a fourth term, but concern about a permanent executive led to the ratification of the 22nd Amendment in 1951, limiting presidents to two terms…”

“… if Trump should fail in his final duty as president to transfer power peacefully, the nation’s laws, norms, and institutions will be responsible for carrying out the will of the electorate. Should those fail too, then the American experiment’s greatest achievement will come to a grinding halt…”

Of course, the Constitution can always be amended. In a time of war, when a president in power is perceived as strong, while his “successor” would be looked upon as weak and timid, everything could be possible.

Democratic Primary Race a Mess

The Huffington Post wrote on February 26:

“Most of the Democratic field stepped into the debate hall here Tuesday night needing a clear win to upend a messy 2020 presidential primary race. None of them got it.

“In less than a week, South Carolina voters will cast their ballots in the fourth election day of the 2020 presidential cycle — the first race in which African American voters will make up the majority of the electorate. And in exactly a week, 14 states, American Samoa and Democrats abroad will follow suit on Super Tuesday, by the end of which 40% of the American population will have voted.

“But no candidate stepped up to claim a victory, and instead the five men and two women on the debate stage engaged in a shambolic mess of a debate that seems unlikely to have a significant effect on the state of the race, which currently favors Sen. Bernie Sanders. The other candidates chasing him…  didn’t deliver the type of major moment necessary to vault themselves past Sanders in polling. 

“Sanders was the debate’s center of gravity, but the candidates also took plenty of time to jab at candidates who weren’t leading the race ― a telling sign of just how divided the field remains and a look at how Sanders can continue to exploit that division to rack up delegates without becoming a clear front-runner.”

During this chaotic debate, some of the candidates shouted that Sanders and others could not beat President Trump. We agree. None of the candidates will beat Trump. It is a given and pre-ordained that Trump will be reelected. One reason is that he will be used to help in building the prophesied Third Temple. Another reason is to bring this country down, perhaps to the point of civil war, and to totally destroy America’s formerly somewhat friendly relationship with its European allies, which will lead to World War III and the beginning of the Great Tribulation. Note the next article.

USA and Europe … Worlds Apart

CNN wrote on February 17:

“What will a second Donald Trump presidential term look like…? That was the thought in many delegates’ minds as they gathered over the weekend in the southern German city of Munich for a security conference…

Attacking Trump has become something of a hobby at this annual Bavarian gathering. It is symptomatic of how many in Europe feel that America, and Trump in particular, is withdrawing from the post-World War II world order… Germany in particular has drawn Trump’s ire

“But for anyone thinking a Democrat may be different… America’s isolation is not a Trumpian thing… it had begun under Obama, the last President’s policies in the Middle East being an example of that… Europe may find America has grown out of love with its Western roots and moved on…”

Controversial US Ambassador to Germany new US Intelligence Chief

The Local wrote on February 21:

“US President Donald Trump’s administration insisted Thursday that new US intelligence chief and Germany ambassador Richard Grenell would serve without a partisan agenda…

“The 53-year-old former political advisor, who has no directly relevant background or top-level management experience, will supervise 17 agencies including the CIA. He has been unusually outspoken for an ambassador in criticizing the country where he serves… His outspoken behaviour… has led some German politicians to demand his expulsion…

“The longtime media commentator and former US spokesman at the United Nations will be the first openly gay US cabinet official… Avoiding a potentially contentious confirmation fight, Trump named him acting director, meaning he can serve for 210 days without approval from the Senate…

“Grenell has cheered on the rise of right-wing populists in Europe, including hailing Austria’s ultra-conservative chancellor, Sebastian Kurz, as a ‘rock star.’ He previously drew controversy as a spokesman for Mitt Romney’s 2012 presidential campaign

“Senior congressional Republicans were muted in their response to the nomination. But Representative Matt Gaetz, a conservative who backs gay rights, praised the historical importance of the appointment. ‘Fifty years ago a gay man or woman couldn’t work in the intelligence community,’ he said.”

The New York Post added on February 22:

“[His] new job… makes Grenell the highest serving openly gay man to hold federal office in United States history.”

Some achievement! Grenell has been extremely unpopular in Germany, but his “sexual orientation” had nothing to do with it.

Brexit News

 Bloomberg wrote on February 27:

 “U.K. Prime Minister Boris Johnson told the European Union he’ll walk away from the negotiating table in June if it’s not clear he’s going to get a Canada-style trade agreement with the bloc…”

 The Guardian added:

 “The UK is to abandon a crucial tool used to speed up the transfer of criminals across borders with other European countries. Acting against the warnings of senior law enforcement officials, the government said it would not be seeking to participate in the European arrest warrant (EAW) as part of the future relationship with the European Union… The UK’s loss of the EAW became inevitable after Brexit; the treaty only applies to EU member states…

 “When Britain left the EU on 31 January, three EU countries – Germany, Austria and Slovenia – announced they would stop surrendering their nationals to British law enforcement…”

It is feared that Britain may become the harbor for European criminals.

Trump Administration Enforces Public Charge Rule against Legal Immigrants!

Breitbart wrote on February 24:

“President Trump’s administration on Monday started implementing the federal regulation geared toward stopping likely welfare-dependent legal immigrants from permanently resettling in the United States.

“After the U.S. Supreme Court gave the green light for the regulation, the Trump administration has now begun applying what is known as the ‘Public Charge’ rule—a rule whereby legal immigrants are less likely to secure a permanent residency in the U.S. if they have used any forms of welfare in the past, including any cash benefits for income maintenance, Supplemental Security Income (SSI), Temporary Assistance to Needy Families, Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)– otherwise known as food stamps, Medicaid, and certain taxpayer-funded housing programs.

“The rule will now apply nationwide…”

A horrible and ungodly rule, and even though many in this country might support it, as Breitbart claimed in their article,  it only shows why God is so angry with America’s government and its people. The next article shows even more why we are saying this.

Incredible US Supreme Court Decision

npr wrote on February 26:

“A sharply divided [U.S. Supreme] court first ruled that the parents of a Mexican boy shot and killed by a U.S. border patrol agent cannot sue the officer who killed their son… In 2010, 15-year-old Sergio Hernandez and his friends were playing chicken at the U.S. Mexican border, running up and touching the border fence and then running away and hiding. Video of the scene shows Sergio peeking out from behind a railroad trestle on the Mexico side, as Agent Jesus Mesa Jr. points a gun, fires, and kills the boy.

“When the U.S. government declined to prosecute the agent or turn him over to Mexican authorities to face murder charges there, the boy’s parents sued the agent for damages, contending that he violated the U.S. Constitution by depriving Hernandez of his life. The suit was brought under a 1971 Supreme Court ruling that allowed such damage claims against officers who act in bad faith.

“The panel of the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals found that no reasonable officer would have done what Agent Mesa did under the circumstances, but the full appeals court said that it didn’t matter whether Mesa had acted unreasonably because Hernandez was standing on the Mexican side of the border when he was shot, his parents couldn’t sue.

“On Tuesday, the Supreme Court threw out the suit entirely and went much further… The vote was 5-to-4 with the court’s conservative justices refusing to allow damage suits for cross-border shootings…

“Mexico filed a brief in the case saying the U.S. should ‘hold the agents accountable’ and pointing out that the U.S. ‘would expect no less if … a Mexican government agent, standing in Mexico and shooting across the border, had killed an American child standing on U.S. soil.’”

No matter what the legalese and the concocted arguments, if there are any, the Supreme Court came up with, this ungodly decision decries any sense of justice. We are facing a grim future of our country with these kinds of unconscionable decisions of our highest court.

Mubarak Died

Deutsche Welle reported on February 25:

“Former president of Egypt, Hosni Mubarak, has died at the age of 91… Mubarak, who had ruled Egypt for three decades and was ousted by mass protests in 2011, died of health complications at a Cairo hospital where he had undergone an unspecified surgery… The former strongman and his two sons were convicted to a three-year sentence and ordered to pay millions of dollars in fines for embezzlement of state funds… Egypt’s current president, Abdel Fattah el-Sissi, mourned the death of ousted Mubarak as a ‘military leader and war hero’ and offered the government’s condolences to his family…

“A former bomber pilot, Mubarak came to power after his predecessor Anwar Sadat was gunned down standing next to him at a military parade. Throughout his rule, Mubarak was a staunch US ally, fought back against Islamic militancy and promoted Egypt’s peace with Israel. But in 2011, tens of thousands of young Egyptians rallied against him for 18 days of unprecedented street protests in Cairo’s central Tahrir Square that drew the participation of millions of people.

“Mubarak’s downfall was a stunning development that marked the Arab Spring movement. But his overthrow plunged Egypt into years of instability and set the stage for a power struggle between the country’s military and the Muslim Brotherhood.”

The Algemeiner added on February 25:

“‘On behalf of the citizens and government of Israel, I would like to express deep sorrow on the passing of President Hosni Mubarak,’ Netanyahu said in a statement. ‘President Mubarak, my personal friend, was a leader who led his people to peace and security, to peace with Israel.’…

“Mubarak… was widely respected in Israel for his preservation of the peace treaty signed in 1979 by his assassinated predecessor Anwar Sadat.”

The Week reported:

“Mubarak was Egypt’s longest-serving leader in 150 years, and his violent crackdown on the protests led to his arrest and life imprisonment. He was released in 2017 after a higher court acquitted him of most charges.”

Some might recall Herbert W. Armstrong’s highly publicized friendly relationship with Anwar Sadat and his visit with Mubarak after Sadat’s murder.

Germany’s Uncertain Political Future

According to new polls, only every 5th German would like to see Angela Merkel stay in power. Local elections in the city of Hamburg (the second-biggest city of Germany), which has been traditionally SPD-friendly, have also shown another defeat for Merkel’s CDU, with the historically lowest numbers of only about 11.2%. The Green party gained, while the AfD barely made the 5% hurdle. The FDP did not even qualify. The SPD has maintained its status as the biggest party in Hamburg, but it too registered substantial losses. The CDU wants to elect their new leader on April 25. This leader would then also normally become the successor to Angela Merkel as the candidate for Chancellorship.

Germany Allows Assisted Suicide

Deutsche Welle reported on February 26:

“Germany’s highest court has overturned a section of the criminal code forbidding all forms of assisted suicide… The law was adopted in 2015 by Germany’s parliament, the Bundestag, to prevent associations or individuals from turning suicide into a kind of business. Specifically, the law states that ‘anyone who, with the intention of assisting another person to commit suicide, provides, procures or arranges the opportunity for that person to do so and whose actions are intended as a recurring pursuit incurs a penalty of imprisonment for a term not exceeding three years or a fine.’

“Legal experts have since hotly debated whether the law also criminalizes consultations — or merely mentioning, for example, that one may end one’s life by foregoing food… The Protestant and Catholic churches in Germany reject all forms of assisted suicide…

“The country‘s top court on February 26 ruled that paragraph 217 is incompatible with the constitution, making assisted suicide once more possible in Germany… The verdict opens the door to legislation that would allow doctors to counsel patients about this option and provide them with lethal drugs, yet not administer them. The court found that individuals have a right to ‘self-determined’ suicide, including the freedom to take one’s own life and to enlist organized services provided by third parties…”

Suicide is always wrong. It violates God’s commandments. In German, the word for suicide is “Selbstmord”—that is, murdering oneself. And so, assisted suicide is helping another person to kill or murder him- or herself, which is of course also wrong. Even though man’s courts and laws might allow such conduct, this does not mean that a Christian should or could engage in such practices.

Daredevil Wanted to Prove that the Earth Is Flat and Died in the Process

The Los Angeles Times wrote on February 22:

“Mike Hughes, the self-made engineer who billed himself as the ‘world’s greatest daredevil,’ was killed Saturday outside Barstow during a launch of a homemade rocket gone wrong… Hughes, who went by the nickname ‘Mad Mike,’ was captured on video as he rode a rocket into the sky, failed to activate a parachute and then plummeted to his death… The daredevil had been hoping to use Saturday’s launch to reach a height of 5,000 feet… None of Hughes’ backup parachutes activated, either…

“Before that launch, Hughes told the Associated Press that he believed Earth is flat – or, in his words, ‘shaped like a Frisbee’ – and that he wanted to fly into space to make sure… the flat Earth argument helped drum up publicity and sponsors for Hughes, who made his rockets at his home in Apple Valley… [Hughes also] did have some governmental conspiracy theories…”

Bild Online added that he wanted to reach space “high-up” with a self-made rocket to “prove that the earth is a disc.” The flat earth theory is total nonsense. We don’t know whether any relationship exists between some of his stupid ideas and his death.

Acknowledgement and Disclaimer

These Current Events are compiled and commented on by Norbert Link. We gratefully acknowledge the many contributions of news articles from our readership. The publication of articles in this section is not to be viewed as an endorsement or approval as to contents or accuracy of the selected articles, but they are published for the purpose of pointing at worldwide developments in the light of biblical end-time prophecy and godly instruction. Our own comments are provided in italics.

This Week in the News

Europe’s “Need” for Military Power

Deutsche Welle wrote on February 14:

“German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas… called on his country and all of Europe to take on a greater international security role… ‘For too long, we Europeans have shut our eyes to the uncomfortable reality of what a withdrawal of the US from military engagement and from international treaties means for us,’ Maas said… Mass called for the ‘construction of a European security and defense union…’

“Striking a similar tone earlier in the day as he opened [this year’s three-day Munich Security] conference, German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier criticized the US for neglecting its international duties and warned of an ‘increasingly destructive dynamic in world politics.’…

“Macron pushing for Europe to become more independent from the United States…”

And this is exactly what will happen… and not in a peaceful way.

Needed—European Strength

Deutsche Welle wrote on February 15:

“The French president projected a vision of a Europe with new military power… As the only nuclear power in the EU, he also foresaw greater European sovereignty. ‘We cannot always go through the United States, no, we have to think in a European way as well,’ French President Emmanuel Macron said… as he continued a theme of his presidency: projecting bold European sovereignty onto the international stage.

“He was referring specifically to Europe’s nuclear assets… Macron has already invited Germany to take part in a strategic dialogue over France’s nuclear weapon policy… Macron said he was ‘convinced that we need a much stronger Europe in defense.’

“… he said it was clear that Europe and the US also had different interests… ‘Mediterranean policy: that is a European thing, not a trans-Atlantic thing, and the same goes for Russia — we need a European policy, not just a trans-Atlantic policy.’

“The theme of European strength was taken up in Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer’s speech on Saturday. The German defense minister said she ‘completely agreed’ with Macron. She even proposed one way in which this might be brought about: a joint EU military strategy for the Strait of Hormuz, independent of the US policy of ‘maximum pressure’ on Iran… German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas also insisted that now, with the growing confrontation between the US and China, it was more vital than ever that the EU ‘speak with one voice’…”

While everybody seems overly anxious to emphasize the need and importance for Europe to act within NATO and to be a pillar of NATO, the reality is that Europe is striving to become a military power on its own—with or without NATO and especially without China, Russia or the USA.

Newsmax wrote on February 16: “Europeans are already feeling uneasy about the state of NATO.”

On February 14, Wallstreet Online wrote about the former SPD-Chief and President of the EU Parliament, Martin Schulz, as saying that while he is supporting NATO, Germany must become more active militarily in foreign countries. He also criticized strongly the conduct of US President Donald Trump, stating, “The US is not willing to enter into a covenant.” He said that Trump takes the position, “Who is not with me, is against me. And those who are against me will be neutralized.” He said that Europe has to free itself from the embrace of a president who is able to cause chaos for the entire world. He also criticized Macron who had rejected the concept that European partners have a say in the French use of nuclear weapons.”

Just don’t forget Martin Schulz! He was not termed the “German Donald Trump” without a reason.

US and Europe… No longer Friends

Deutsche Welle wrote on February 16:

“Friend or foe?… Tensions had been simmering for a long time, and now they’ve come to the fore: At the Munich Security Conference, the deep cracks in the trans-Atlantic relationship have become more apparent than ever. US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo’s reply to German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier’s opening speech showed that Europe — or at least Berlin, and even more so Paris — is further away from Washington than ever

“One thing is certain: There will be no return to the heyday of close trans-Atlantic ties… There is much talk of Europe becoming a sovereign, strategic, political power. There are demands that Germany once again learns the language of power

With regard to future trans-Atlantic relations, three positions have emerged. Firstly, the French vision of European independence. Secondly, the prevailing position — especially in Eastern Europe — that one should be closely connected to Washington, no matter what. And thirdly, Germany’s indecision between these positions. However, one can predict with some certainty that if Donald Trump wins a second term in the White House in November, the French vision will get a massive shot in the arm — including from Berlin.

“President Emmanuel Macron… brings incredible dynamism to the European debate. He fights for European independence. He wants a common foreign and defense policy. And if that does not work for all 27 remaining EU members after Brexit, then Paris would be happy to work with those that do support the idea repeatedly advocated at the conference, to create a Europe capable of action in the face of the ‘rivalry of the great powers.’”

And so, the concept of a core Europe or a Europe with two speeds is again brought to the forefront. And that is exactly what is prophesied to happen. The Bible speaks of ten nations or groups of nations under a powerful leader. Please view our new StandingWatch program, “Europe and America–No Longer Friends.” 

US and EU in Parallel Universes

Politico wrote on February 16:

“For decades, the Munich Security Conference served as a powerful symbol of the strength of the Western alliance. The 2020 installment offered a testament to its accelerating decline.

“If the three-day event, which drew to a close on Sunday, illustrated anything, it was that the divergence between the U.S. and the dominant European powers — Germany and France… — is greater than ever

“The two sides aren’t just far apart on the big questions facing the West (threats from Russia, Iran, China), they’re in parallel universes. Most alarming: The biggest disconnect concerns the U.S. commitment to Europe, the very essence of the transatlantic alliance itself.

“In speech after speech, whether in public or private, European leaders lamented what they perceive as the U.S.’s disengagement from both the region and the world at large…”

The relationship between the USA and the EU will not be cured, but will get worse and worse.

The EU-USA Fight Over China

“On February 16, Newsmax published the following article:

“The fight between the U.S. and Europe over Chinese technology is threatening to split the transatlantic military alliance.

“With the U.S. defense establishment identifying China as its No. 1 priority, a bi-partisan delegation headed by Secretary of State Michael Pompeo and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi rammed home their concerns about the use of equipment from Huawei Technologies Co. at the Munich Security Conference over the weekend. The officials warned that installing Huawei kit could undermine cooperation with U.S. allies as Donald Trump’s hardball trade tactics started to infect his administration’s relationships on defense. ‘Republicans and Democrats agree on this,’ said Republican Senator Lindsey Graham, a close ally of President Donald Trump. ‘If you go down the Huawei road you are going to burn a lot of bridges.’

“European leaders have been hunkering down amid the Huawei storm as they try to maintain their critical relations with both sides in the U.S.-China trade war… Europe’s exports to China have become a critical plank in its economic model and the Chinese have threatened retaliation on European companies if the bloc follows Trump in banning one of its flagship technology companies.

“The U.S. was on the back foot throughout because their strong arm tactics have conspicuously failed to bring the Europeans into line… Even the U.K., which has been energetically courting the White House as it begins life outside the EU, opted to use Huawei kit. ‘We have a tech Cold War right now that’s on display…,’ said Ian Bremmer, president and founder of political risk consultancy Eurasia Group. ‘There’s never been such a rift with how Americans and Europeans define the security threat as right now.’…”

Axios added on February 16:

“Pelosi’s hawkish stance marks a rare area of agreement with the Trump administration, which believes Huawei is a national security threat because the Chinese government may be capable of accessing its equipment for espionage.”

And if that would not be enough, note the article below about another bone of contention.

The Fight for and against the Nord Stream 2 Gas Pipeline

Bloomberg wrote on February 15:

“President Donald Trump’s top energy official [U.S. Energy Secretary Dan Brouillette] said he’s confident that Russia won’t be able to complete the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline in the Baltic Sea — and signaled that the U.S. will press forward with its opposition to the project… ‘It’s going to be a very long delay, because Russia doesn’t have the technology,’ Brouillette said…

“The pipeline, which would pump as much as 55 billion cubic meters of natural gas annually from fields in Siberia directly to Germany, has become a focus for geopolitical tensions across the Atlantic. Trump has assailed Germany for giving ‘billions’ to Russia for gas while it benefits from U.S. protection. Nord Stream 2’s owners had invested 5.8 billion euros ($6.3 billion) in the project by May 2019…

“U.S. sanctions in December forced Switzerland’s Allseas Group SA, which was laying the sub-sea pipes, to abandon work, throwing the project into disarray…

“Even as he spoke, signs emerged that Gazprom’s attempts at completion may be underway. A Russian pipe-laying vessel, the Akademik Cherskiy, left the port where it had been stationed in Nakhodka on Russia’s Pacific coast last Sunday. Russian Energy Minister Alexander Novak last year mentioned that vessel as an option to complete the pipeline in Denmark’s waters. The vessel is now expected to arrive in Singapore on Feb. 22…

“One of the pipeline’s financial backers, Austrian gas and oil company OMV AG has predicted that the Russians will follow through… The pipeline was just weeks away from completion, with 94% already constructed, when U.S. sanctions halted work. There’s a small section in Denmark’s waters that needs to be finished. Before the halt, Nord Stream 2 hoped to finish construction by the end of 2019 or in the first few months of this year. That would allow gas deliveries in time to supply Europe by winter 2020-2021. Besides OMV, Nord Stream 2’s other European backers are Royal Dutch Shell Plc, Uniper SE, Engie SA and Wintershall AG.”

Whatever the final outcome, strong frictions between the USA and especially Germany over the issue will continue.

“EU and Britain Will Rip Each Other Apart”

The Guardian wrote on February 16:

“Britain and the European Union are going to rip each other apart in talks over a future trade deal, the French foreign minister, Jean-Yves Le Drian, has predicted… He added that on his desk in his office he had massive files showing the issues of contention between the UK and France, including over fishing rights

“France and several other countries want to be able to keep fishing in British waters, while London wants full autonomy and limited access for European fishermen… Nearly 30% of the turnover of French fishermen relies on access to British waters.”

Much more than just fishing rights is involved. The EU and Britain will turn out to become bitter enemies.

EU Warns Israel and Rejects Trump’s Peace Plan

Breaking Israel News wrote on February 14:

“The European Union’s top diplomat, Josep Borrell, sent a message to Israel on Tuesday not to annex the Jordan Valley in the West Bank or else Palestinians could resort to violence. ‘This may happen. … You can be sure it’s not going to be peaceful,’ Borrell told the European Parliament…

“Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu announced on Tuesday that he plans to annex the valley if he wins re-election in the March 2 elections.

“Borrell also made clear his rejection of parts of U.S. President Donald Trump’s new peace plan… ‘The proposals… clearly challenge the internationally agreed parameters. It is difficult to see how this initiative can bring both parties back to the table,’ Borrell said…”

It is to be anticipated that Israel will annex the valley, and Europe might react strongly.

Far-Right Terrorist Attack in Germany

Deutsche Welle wrote on February 20:

“A gunman… is thought to have killed nine people and injured at least four in two shisha bars in the city of Hanau, not far from Frankfurt. [The clientele at the bars were thought to be predominantly Kurdish.] He then went home where he is suspected of killing his mother before killing himself…

“Ahead of the attack, he is suspected of having spread racist, xenophobic and anti-Semitic hate speech and conspiracy theories online. Federal prosecutors are now investigating whether he had any contact with other far-right terrorists…

“The attack is a clear indication: Far-right terrorism is on the rise in Germany…

“Just last week, German police conducted raids on 13 apartments across the country and dismantled a terror cell that was allegedly planning to plunge Germany into a ‘state of civil war’ by committing ‘as yet undefined’ attacks on politicians, asylum-seekers and Muslims. Four suspected would-be attackers were arrested, as well as another eight individuals suspected of supporting them.

“At first glance, it would seem that the police, security services and prosecutors were able to stop a terrorist group with fixed plans. But the challenge facing investigators is now to provide evidence that is sufficiently convincing that the suspected plotters are put on trial. The difficulty of doing so is well illustrated in the case of Franco A., a lieutenant in the Bundeswehr, Germany’s armed forces. Franco A. was suspended and arrested in 2017 after being charged with the ‘preparation of a serious act of violent subversion.’ He spent seven months in pre-trial custody, accused of wanting to commit attacks on famous politicians, including now-Foreign Minister Heiko Maas and Vice-President of the German Bundestag, Claudia Roth.

“Although there was evidence that he had stockpiled weapons and explosives and the names of potential victims were known, the Frankfurt Higher Regional Court dropped the charge that he was planning a terrorist attack on the basis that there was ‘insufficient evidence.’ The court found that he had a ‘racist ethno-nationalist and anti-Semitic attitude’ but said that it was also ‘highly probable’ that he had not yet made a ‘firm decision’ to carry out any attacks.

“The Federal Court of Justice — Germany’s highest criminal court — has since instructed the Frankfurt Higher Regional Court to open criminal proceedings, but no trial date has been set. The tug-of-war shows how high the legal hurdles can be in Germany despite numerous adjustments to the law. It is thus not at all certain that the 12 detained last week will end up on trial…”

This is a terrible dilemma. When you act too early, the suspected criminals might go free. If you act too late, many innocent victims might be killed. Only the just government of Jesus Christ, after His Return, will end such nonsense.

Satanic Possession?

The Guardian added on February 20:

“Angela Merkel has said the murder of nine people in a shooting rampage by a suspected rightwing extremist has revealed the ‘poison’ of racism and hate in Germany. The man… carried out attacks at two shisha bars in Hanau… before killing his mother, bringing the death toll up to 10, and himself, police said.

“Investigators said he [has] a ‘deeply racist mindset’, citing a video and a lengthy manifesto he had posted on social media. Authorities said they were treating the attacks as an act of domestic terrorism

“In a 24-page manifesto and a video, Rathjen outlined his racist theories including his belief that certain races should be eliminated and foreigners who could not be deported from Germany should be ‘destroyed’. He said he had been driven by voices in his head since birth and followed by secret agents…

“One expert said domestic intelligence agents believed there were 24,000 rightwing extremists in Germany, 13,000 of whom were considered potentially dangerous…”

This seems to be a case of serious mental sickness and of demonic influence, if not possession.

The Algemeiner wrote on February 20:

“In a statement on Thursday, World Jewish Congress President Ronald Lauder said his organization was ‘extremely concerned about the rising threats against minorities in Germany from both sides of the political landscape in Germany.’”

This reminds us of the situation in Germany after the first World War, when right- and left- extremists were fighting each other. 

Merkel and German Government Heavily Criticized

Deutsche Welle wrote on February 16:

“A leading contender to succeed German Chancellor Angela Merkel on Sunday criticized her for taking too long to respond to a French proposal on a post-Brexit reform of the European Union. ‘We take too long to react,’ Armin Laschet, North Rhine-Westphalia’s state premier, said at the Munich Security Conference. ‘I would like to apologize on behalf of the German government,’ the co-vice-chair of the ruling Christian Democrats (CDU) added…

“A day earlier, Macron said that he was ‘impatient’ with Germany’s reluctance to take up his offer to cooperate on implementing EU reforms. He added that Merkel’s Christian Democratic Union (CDU)- and SPD-led government has not lived up to the promise in their 2018 agreement to create a ‘fresh start; for Europe’…

“Laschet, who is seen as a compromise figure between the CDU’s conservative and centrist wings, is one of three [now four] potential contenders [the other two are Friedrich Merz and Jens Spahn, and now Norbert Roettgen, see below] to lead the party and become its candidate for the chancellery…”

Merkel has become a lame duck… nationally and internationally.

A Fourth Candidate for German Chancellorship—Dr. Norbert Roettgen

Business Day wrote on February 18:

“As head of the parliamentary foreign affairs committee, Roettgen has carved out an international profile, speaking out on issues from Brexit to China’s Huawei. However… few political analysts rate his chances.

Merkel sacked him as environment minister in 2012 after he lost an election in the state of North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany’s most populous state…

“Other CDU leadership contenders are right-wing health minister Jens Spahn, and Armin Laschet, premier of North Rhine-Westphalia, a centrist widely seen as a continuity candidate although he sharply criticised Merkel’s Europe policy on Sunday [as well as former parliamentary group leader Friedrich Merz].”

Dr. Roettgen studied law in Bonn and subsequently worked as an attorney before entering politics. He is Roman Catholic, married, with two sons and one daughter. His biggest defeat was in 2012 when his party scored the worst results ever in a state election and was dismissed by Merkel as environment minister. Shortly thereafter, he also lost his office of vice-president of the CDU. His surprise announcement of his candidacy resulted in an unexpected approval of Bild Online readers. In an initial poll, Roettgen received more votes than Merz, and he also received more votes than Spahn and Laschet combined.   

Is Germany Ready for Spahn?

On February 15, Bild Online published an article about Jens Spahn (39) with the following headline: “Are we ready for a male Mrs. Chancellor?” (“Sind wir bereit für ’ne männliche Kanzlerin?“)

In the article, they said that the future belongs to Spahn, but that he has to become more likeable; that he stands for a departure from Merkel’s asylum policy; that as Health Minister, he introduced compulsory measles vaccination [for children and employees of kindergarten and schools and a ban of a “therapy” to convert homosexuals under 18 or “coercing, deceiving or threatening anyone older into such treatment”]; that he is a friend of Austria’s Chancellor Sebastian Kurz; and that he is supported by President of Parliament Wolfgang Schäuble. The article also points out that Spahn, [who is a Roman Catholic and openly gay], is “married” since December of 2017 with Burda-Manager Daniel Funke (38). Both may consider adopting a child in the future.

Spahn had to face several defeats and strong criticism in his political career.

Wikipedia writes: “ In 2018, Merkel stated her intention not to seek re-election for the CDU party leadership. Immediately, Spahn announced his intention to stand for election as her successor in December 2019, but he was eliminated in the first round of voting…

“In April 2008 Spahn voiced his opposition to grand coalition plans to increase pensions… This brought him strong criticism, especially from the Senior Citizens Union (Senioren-Union). Spahn received many insults and threats in the form of anonymous letters, inter alia, and complained of this in the media. The Senior Citizens Union announced it would do everything to prevent his re-election, but Spahn received the support of former president of Germany Roman Herzog.”

Major Pete Buttigieg vs. Rush Limbaugh on Homosexuality

The Huffington Post wrote on February 16:

“Pete Buttigieg on Sunday shrugged off Rush Limbaugh’s… remarks regarding his marriage, saying he isn’t going to ‘take lectures on family values’ from the right-wing radio host… ‘Well, I love my husband,’ Buttigieg told [CNN]… ‘I’m faithful to my husband,’ he continued…

“Limbaugh referred to the openly gay Democratic presidential candidate kissing his husband Chasten Buttigieg at least five times during his show on Wednesday… ‘A gay guy, 37 years old, loves kissing his husband on debate stages,’ Limbaugh said…

“Limbaugh… announced earlier this month that he has advanced lung cancer… Limbaugh also promoted the… conspiracy theory that former President Barack Obama was not born in the U.S…. also embraced by Trump in 2011… Trump earlier this month awarded Limbaugh the Presidential Medal of Freedom― the highest civilian honor given by a U.S. president…”

We omitted the hate-filled anti-Limbaugh polemic in the article, but rather chose to quote where we can agree with Limbaugh. The Bible terms the practice of homosexual relationships an abomination; and there are still many lingering unanswered questions about Obama’s birthplace.  

Finland to Prosecute for Biblical Statement on Homosexuality

The Jerusalem Post wrote on February 19:

“The head of an Evangelical Lutheran diocese in Finland and a member of the Finnish parliament could face criminal charges after police began investigating them last week regarding the publication and distribution of an [24-page] anti-LGBTQ booklet… which was published in 2004… Helsinki Police questioned them for five hours as part of the investigation.

“According to the state prosecutor-general,… the booklet ‘incites hatred’ against the LGBTQ community… As a result, both [the author and the publisher] could face charges of ‘ethnic agitation,’ a crime of racism in the Finnish Penal Code. Despite intending to only cover ethnic and racial discrimination, legislation in 2011 added discrimination against sexual orientation to the charge…

“[The publisher] said that the LGBTQ lifestyle ‘is contrary to God’s order of creation and a transgression against His will. If one is not allowed to teach this publicly, the message of sin and grace will be left without a foundation, and freedom of religion will decline.’…

“This is not the first time that [the author] – a former Finnish interior minister, leader of the Christian Democratic Party and a sitting MP since 1995 – has made headlines for anti-LGBTQ controversy. He is well-known for being a Conservative voice outspoken in defending traditional Christian views on numerous ethical issues such as abortion and marriage.”

This is Satan’s world, and Satan will do everything he can to destroy Christian values. We can expect worse things to happen until his power will be broken through the return of Jesus Christ.

Did the Coronavirus Start in a Chinese Laboratory?

Daily Mail wrote on February 16:

“Did [the] coronavirus originate in [a] Chinese government laboratory? Scientists believe [that the] killer disease may have begun in [a] research facility … [which] is just 300 yards from the seafood market and is adjacent to the hospital… [one of the 605] bats [kept in the facility] – which are linked to coronavirus – once attacked a researcher and ‘blood of bat was on his skin.’”

We suggested from the outset that it might be possible that the virus was created in Chinese laboratories. There is no end to the stupidity of man.

Axios wrote on February 19:

“We may be ‘at the brink’ of a global pandemic, warns a top U.S. public health official, as cases continue to spread despite containment efforts. Meanwhile, the global economy is being affected, including the tech manufacturing industry.

COVID-19 has now killed more than 2,000 people and infected over 75,000 others, mostly in mainland China, where… 136 new deaths [were announced] since Tuesday.”

Locust Plague Impossible to Stop

AFP wrote on February 19:

“… millions of yellow locusts rise into the northern Ugandan sky, despite hours spent spraying vegetation with chemicals in an attempt to kill them…  The locusts arrived in South Sudan this week after hitting Ethiopia, Somalia, Kenya, Djibouti, Eritrea, Tanzania, Sudan and Uganda…

“One swarm in Kenya reached around 2,400 square kilometres (about 930 square miles) — an area almost the size of Moscow — meaning it could contain up to 200 billion locusts… A swarm that size can consume food for 85 million people per day…”

“[A tragedy for especially South Sudan is in the making, with] concerns already high of a humanitarian crisis in a region where 12 million are going hungry… One swarm of 40 to 80 million can consume food for over 35,000 people in a day… eggs laid across the migratory path will hatch in the next two months, and will continue breeding as the rainy season arrives in the region… Since 2018 a long period of dry weather followed by a series of cyclones that dumped water on the region created ‘excessively ideal conditions’ for locusts to breed…”

We hear more and more about unparalleled plagues, earthquakes, volcanoes, bad weather conditions, as well as wars and rumors of wars, with one nation rising against another nation, and one kingdom against another kingdom.

Second Storm Hammers Britain

ABC News wrote on February 16:

“Storm Dennis hammered Britain Sunday, bringing a month’s worth of rain in just 48 hours to parts of South Wales, which bore the brunt of the country’s second severe storm inside a week. Rivers across Britain burst their banks… Dennis has been so intense that England posted a record number of flood warnings and alerts and a rare ‘red warning’ for extremely life-threatening flooding was announced for South Wales… Flood warnings could remain in place for a while since much of Britain is still saturated from last week’s Storm Ciara, which left eight people dead across Europe…

“There were transport disruptions too, with hundreds of flights cancelled due to the high winds while train services were repeatedly disrupted by flooding. Tens of thousands of passengers were being affected on what is a major travel weekend for British families as many schools close for a mid-winter break.”

Neanderthals Buried Their Dead

The Guardian wrote on February 18:

“A Neanderthal skeleton unearthed in an Iraqi cave… is providing fresh evidence that they buried their dead… and conducted funerary rites with flowers.

“Neanderthals inhabited Eurasia from the Atlantic coast to the Ural Mountains… The two species [allegedly, the Neanderthal man and modern man or homo sapiens] interbred, with modern non African-human populations bearing residual Neanderthal DNA.”

Business Insider added:

“‘In recent years we have seen increasing evidence that Neanderthals were more sophisticated than previously thought, from cave markings to use of decorative shells and raptor talons,’ [archeologist Emma] Pomeroy said. ‘If Neanderthals were using Shanidar cave as a site of memory for the repeated ritual interment of their dead, it would suggest cultural complexity of a high order,’ she added.”

Much nonsense has been written and taught in schools about the Neanderthal man. For the truth, please read our free booklet, “Heavens and Earth… Before and After the First Man.”

Acknowledgement and Disclaimer

These Current Events are compiled and commented on by Norbert Link. We gratefully acknowledge the many contributions of news articles from our readership. The publication of articles in this section is not to be viewed as an endorsement or approval as to contents or accuracy of the selected articles, but they are published for the purpose of pointing at worldwide developments in the light of biblical end-time prophecy and godly instruction. Our own comments are provided in italics.

©2025 Church of the Eternal God