This Week in the News

A European Army

Euractiv wrote on November 16:

“Both Angela Merkel and Emmanuel Macron mentioned the idea of creating a real European army around 11 November. This unprecedented convergence of French and German thoughts and words, which incurred the wrath of America, marks a turning point

“The idea of creating a European army is not a new one. It has been mentioned by various European leaders, who often had Christian Democrat backgrounds… [It] was briefly mentioned by Silvio Berlusconi when he was the Italian prime minister. More recently, Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker (European People’s Party) mentioned it at the start of his mandate. He was joined by other leaders from eastern Europe, such as the conservative Czech President Miloš Zeman, former Czech social democrat Prime Minister Bohuslav Sobotka and even the Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán.

“However, no serving French official has ever raised this idea, in such precise terms… it is no longer a taboo subject. When [Macron] mentions ‘a real European army,’ he does so in this capacity. Therefore, he is not raising the idea of a simple cooperation project…”

How this idea developed and rose to new heights can be seen in this example, as mentioned by the article:

“Even in the midst of a disaster on 16 June 1940, during World War Two, France rejected a plan to have a common army. This was proposed by the British House of Commons at the instigation of Jean Monnet and Winston Churchill.”

Bild Online wrote on November 16:

“German Defence Minister Ursula von der Leyen recommended an ‘army of Europeans.'” The paper added that von der Leyen is pushing for a “much faster speed” regarding the establishment of a European Army.

An end-time European army is prophesied to occur very soon.

Europe’s Revival

Deutsche Welle wrote on November 18:

“In a speech to the Bundestag to mark Germany’s Day of Mourning for those killed in war, Macron said that Germany and France had overcome 200 years of ‘merciless wars’ to make a ‘lasting peace’… the French leader said only the two neighbors’ partnership, as part of a unified, more sovereign Europe, could help the world avoid sliding into chaos… Urging Europe to take more responsibility for its defense and security, Macron said the continent must not ‘become a plaything of great powers … and must not accept a subordinate role in world politics.'”

There is no lasting peace. The Bible warns: “For when they say ‘Peace and safety!’ then sudden destruction comes upon them, as labor pains upon a pregnant woman. And they shall not escape” (1 Thessalonians 5:3).

France24 wrote on November 18:

“During the speech, Macron urged a European revival to prevent global ‘chaos’. The French president said Sunday that Europe must grow stronger and more sovereign in order to fulfil its duty of bringing stability to global affairs.”

Please read our free booklet: The Ten European Revivals of the Ancient Roman Empire.”

Europe and Germany Threatened by Trump?

Die Welt added on November 18:

[Macron said in his speech to the Bundestag on Sunday that] “‘the German miracle’ is being manifested by a Germany which has overcome the ‘bloody demons of nationalism’… Others [obviously referring to Donald Trump] are trying to get themselves involved in the European debate in order to keep [Europe] down.’”

However, Macron also said earlier in France that the demons of nationalism are becoming stronger in Europe and elsewhere. It would be naïve and inaccurate to say that nationalism is dead in Germany or Austria.

The paper concluded: “Macron sings again the tune of a strong Europe. This and Trump’s polemics against France, Germany and the EU guarantee that Macron’s message will be heard.”

Former German Chancellor Gerhard Schröder said the following, according to ntv on November 16: “We cannot allow that we are being treated like an occupied country. When I look at the behavior of the American ambassador in Germany, I have the impression that he understands himself as an officer of an occupation force rather than the ambassador of the USA in a sovereign state.”

In response to President Trump and some extremely conservative European leaders, many Europeans and EU leaders react by supporting politics in opposition to Trump and those who agree with Trump and his views. On the other hand, when Angela Merkel spoke in Strasbourg last week, advocating a European army, some right-wing anti-Europe delegates booed in opposition. We should not forget that not all EU member states need to agree on everything, especially the euro and the creation of a European army. The Bible tells us that it will be ten nations or groups of nations that will emerge as a part of a core Europe, giving their power and authority to a charismatic economic, political and military German or Austrian leader (the “beast”) who will very soon manifest himself on the world scene.

A Two Speed Europe

Euractiv wrote on November 20:

“In Louvain-la-Neuve [Belgium], [Macron] pleaded for a ‘two or three speed Europe’, to allow frontrunners to move towards European integration in the hope that others will follow. ‘The big mistake that we have made in the past five to ten years is that we always want to decide everything at 28, maybe tomorrow at 27 after Brexit. This is not true, this has never worked this way,’ Macron said.

“To illustrate his point, the French President referred to the Schengen area of free movement and the eurozone, as well as to enhanced cooperation on defence, where different EU countries participate. He also suggested that decisions should no longer need the approval of all EU member states: ‘I am in favour of changing the treaties, we reach a point where it must be done. We should not be afraid, but we should also keep in mind that whoever is against can no longer block the others.’

“Speaking of efforts to put in place a common European defence, the French President said: ‘We have done more in a year and a half than what has been done since the 1950s.. There could be ‘no idea of a united Europe if in a corner of Europe we say “we cannot protect you, ask someone else,”’ he pleaded. ‘We also need a common foreign policy’, agreed Belgian Prime Minister Charles Michel.”

“China and the EU Are Growing Sick of U.S. Financial Power”

Foreign Policy wrote on November 16:

“When it comes to international finance, Washington sets the rules for others to follow… Unable to counteract U.S. sanctions, some countries are pushing for structural changes. The EU is in the lead. China is following, and Japan, South Korea, and India are watching closely.

“European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker has argued that the euro should become a global reserve currency to reduce financial dependence on the United States…

“It is no secret that China and Russia are actively looking to exploit the growing divide between London and Washington on sanctions.”

The Bible predicts that even the American-British friendship will cease.

Europe to Conduct Non-Dollar Trade with Iran?

Reuters and the Algemeiner wrote on November 21:

“Iran on Wednesday praised European efforts to maintain business with Tehran despite US sanctions, citing ‘constructive meetings’ with British and French officials in Tehran this week on setting up a way to conduct non-dollar trade… European diplomats said last week British, French and German attempts to establish the SPV [a “Special Purpose Vehicle” trade mechanism] were faltering because no EU country was willing to host it for fear of its banks provoking US penalties, including a ban from US markets.

“… The three big European Union powers and the EU as a whole have reaffirmed their commitment to the nuclear deal, as have Russia and China… The US special envoy for Iran warned last week that European banks and firms who engage in the SPV will be at risk from fresh US sanctions.”

Europe would not tolerate if their banks were to be banned from US markets. They would retaliate for sure, and an economic war would be the consequence.

Stocks Down, Wiping Out Yearly Gains

The Wall Street Journal wrote on November 20:

“Stocks around the world tumbled Tuesday, putting major U.S. indexes at risk of closing below their October lows and wiping out yearly gains. What started as a technology company selloff bled into other corners of the market, as investors dumped shares of everything from retailers to oil-and-gas companies…

“Selling in the European auto sector echoed similar losses in Asia… frosty trading relations between the U.S. and China have left tech stocks vulnerable…”

Crypto Collapse Accelerates, Bitcoin Plunges

Zero Hedge wrote on November 20:

“Having broken below 6k last week, and 5k yesterday, Bitcoin’s collapse is accelerating towards $4,000… the events mark a continuation of the unsettled conditions sparked Nov. 15 when altcoin Bitcoin Cash (BCH) experienced a contentious hard fork, which has since resulted in the emergence of two separate competing chains…

“FundStrat’s Tom Lee told CNBC this morning that he has lowered his forecast for 2018 year-end Bitcoin to $15,000 (though admitted his conviction was low today).”

Chaos in Britain over Brexit Deal

Der Spiegel Online wrote on November 16:

“Some 874 days after the Brexit referendum, Theresa May has reached a deal with the European Union to prevent a hard exit from the bloc. But events of recent days make clear that months of drama in Brussels pales in comparison to the one unfolding in London now…

“Those who believe the deal goes too far and those who believe it doesn’t go far enough are suddenly united in opposition to a prime minister who is growing increasingly isolated… the stage is set for a showdown the likes of which British politics has never seen before

“More than once in the past weeks, negotiators have found themselves staring into the abyss… But that is nothing compared to the storm brewing on the island, one that might sweep away May… Is disastrous defeat still avoidable?… if the deal falls through… the country would be pushed out of the EU boat without a lifejacket, with unpredictable economic and social consequences…”

Why the Brexit Deal Will Fail

The Week wrote on November 16:

“Theresa May’s government lies in ruins… This was bound to happen. The Brexit negotiations and the referendum that produced them were a farce…  The referendum itself was never supposed to have taken place. It had been promised as part of a cynical ploy by David Cameron… in the event that Conservatives won an outright majority in the 2015 general election… The Tories won their first majority since 1992 and Cameron was forced to keep his word, calling for a vote… When the result was announced, he resigned. He was replaced… by his own home secretary [Theresa May] who supported remaining in Europe while refusing to campaign for this position.

“[She] has presented her country with a deal for which there is no constituency… there is widespread agreement that if approved the deal would put Britain in the worst position imaginable. It would leave the United Kingdom in a kind of limbo, beholden to European laws and facing significant financial obligations to a body in whose deliberations it would no longer have any say. It would be exchanging membership in a supposed confederacy of nations for vassalage.

“This is why the deal is almost certain to fail in Parliament… [May] has already lost.”

£10 Billion More for Brexit Delay

The Guardian wrote on November 17:

“The latest Opinium poll for the Observer on Sunday delivers more bad news for May, with Labour opening up a three-point lead. It shows Tory Leave supporters appear to be deserting May’s party in droves. Compared with a month ago, the Conservatives have dropped five points to 36% while Labour has gained three to stand on 39%…

“May told an EU leaders summit last month that she might ask for a ‘few months’ extra time if that was what was needed to complete an EU-UK trade deal… But on Saturday night Brussels was making clear that if the UK wants an extension of the transition – during which it is tied to the EU economic system but with no say over its rules – it must last at least a further year. A year-long extension would cost about £10bn on top of the £39bn divorce bill already agreed…”

However one wants to slice it, it is prophesied that Britain will leave the EU, and Britain’s future has never looked that grim.

Spain Threatens to Vote No on Brexit Deal over Gibraltar

Deutsche Welle wrote on November 20:

“Spanish Prime Minister Sanchez said that Madrid cannot approve the deal unless changes regarding Gibraltar are made. All 27 remaining EU leaders must approve the 585-page exit…

“The tiny British overseas territory is adjacent to the Spanish mainland, and has long been a point of contention between the UK and Spain… Although 96 percent of Gibraltarians voted to remain in the EU during the Brexit referendum, it is set to leave the bloc when the UK does in 2019… Gibraltar was formally ceded to Britain in 1713 as part of the Treaty of Utrecht

“Spain is the only one of the 27 EU countries to voice opposition to the 585-page draft Brexit deal so far.”

Brexit Deal Reached? Not So Fast!

Deutsche Welle wrote on November 22:

“The EU and the UK have reached a deal on their post-Brexit relationship, European Council President Donald Tusk announced on Thursday. The [26-page] text [which is not legally binding] has been agreed to in principle by negotiators, but still requires the endorsement of the 27 remaining EU members…

“The draft on post-Brexit ties and an agreement on exactly how the UK will withdraw from the European Union will be discussed by EU leaders at a special summit on Sunday… both sides have agreed that the post-Brexit transition periodmay be extended from its current end date of December 31, 2020 ‘for up to one or two years.’

“Many observers have said it is unlikely the British Parliament will vote in favor of the Brexit 585-page deal [which would be legally binding] May presented last week…”

Daily Mail added:

“[The 26-page text] has now been sent to EU capitals ahead of a showdown summit on Sunday amid complaints from Spain over Gibraltar and France on fishing. In possible concessions to help Mrs May get the [585-page] deal through the Commons, the 26-page document makes clear that Britain will have an ‘independent trade policy’… The pact confirms that free movement will end… but also states that the UK will not discriminate between nationals from different EU countries. There would be visa free travel for all citizens making short trips, which will be a relief for holidaymakers.”

One of the hotly debated issues is the “backstop.” As the Guardian explained on October 15:

“… the backstop is a device intended to ensure that there will not be a hard border between Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland, even if no formal deal can be reached on trade and security arrangements. It would mean that if there were no workable agreement on such matters, Northern Ireland would stay in the customs union and much of the single market, guaranteeing a friction-free border with the Republic.”

The Sun added on November 20:

“The backstop will see Britain remain in the customs union for as long as necessary until an alternative way of keeping the border open is found.”

In this context, The Sun wrote on November 22:

“Tory rebels today warned Theresa May her Brexit deal has no hope of succeeding… telling [her] that the backstop – which could leave Britain tied to the EU customs union permanently – makes her deal toxic… Former minister Owen Paterson added: ‘As long as the backstop is in existence in a legally binding document, there is a danger that should talks fail the backstop becomes accepted. We would have the horror of falling into a customs union, the horror of having Northern Ireland separated from the rest of the United Kingdom.

“… The admission that Britain can trade freely around the world while keeping the Irish border open came in a draft trade agreement between the UK and the EU – and represents a big win for the PM… But a number of key issues remain apparently unresolved, with no agreement yet on fishing rights or the status of Gibraltar. And in a worrying sign for Brexiteers, it still states that the final deal will ‘build and improve’ on the customs union which stops Britain cutting trade agreements around the world…

“Andrea Jenkyns said: ‘The British people are not stupid. There will be a backlash if we deliver a deal such as this.’ A source from the European Research Group added: ‘The political declaration is not legally binding, vague, aspirational and little more than a smokescreen to cover up the fact that the permanent relationship is the customs union backstop.’…

“Negotiators have also laid down the law on so-called Level Playing Field provisions, which will see Britain effectively mirror EU legislation in key areas

“The EU has told Britain it will be shut out from the military aspects of [the satellite-system] Galileo after Brexit, while UK companies will be banned from bidding for contracts on the programme.”

Der Spiegel Online wrote: “In reading this text, one might think that the Brits want to join the EU, rather than leaving it.”

White House Approves Use of Lethal Force for Border Troops

The Daily Beast wrote on November 21:

“The White House late Tuesday authorized U.S. military troops deployed at the Mexican border to use lethal force and conduct law-enforcement operations, Military Times reports… Kelly justified the shift by writing that ‘credible evidence and intelligence’ had suggested the migrants ‘may prompt incidents of violence and disorder.’

“… the president does have the authority… ‘to use military force to suppress insurrection or to enforce federal authority.’”

Not too long ago, a spokesperson for the German right-wing anti-immigration party AfD recommended that German border guards should have authority to shoot at immigrants. This caused an outcry in Germany. Now, authorization to do so was given to American troops at the Mexican border. But where is the outcry in the USA?

Will Benjamin Netanyahu Survive?

voanews reported on November 18:

“Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman’s resignation… left the government with a majority of only one seat in parliament. That put the fate of Netanyahu’s coalition at the mercy of any of its partners, who have seen the four-term prime minister’s popularity take a rare hit in an opinion poll that showed Israelis were unhappy with him over Gaza… Only 17 percent of respondents were happy with Netanyahu’s policy toward Gaza…

“Netanyahu’s re-election chances could also be affected by a series of corruption cases against him in which Israel’s attorney-general is weighing his indictment. An election would complicate promised moves by the United States towards reviving Israeli-Palestinian peace efforts that collapsed in 2014…”

This current crisis occurred because Netanyahu is perceived too liberal and weak in the matter of Gaza. If it comes to new elections, would an even more conservative leadership come to power? What would this do for the political climate in the Middle East? But for now, the fear of early elections might be averted.

JTA wrote on November 19:

“The Israeli prime minister narrowly avoided having to call snap elections after, in a surprise turnaround, Education Minister Naftali Bennett announced that he would stand behind Netanyahu…

“At least three ministers had called for early elections to be held as soon as possible. Interior Minister Arye Deri of the Sephardic Orthodox Shas party backed down on Sunday, and Bennett followed suit the next day… On Sunday, a visibly agitated Netanyahu announced in a televised broadcast that he would personally assume the defense minister position… An unnamed senior government official told the Israeli media that he soon would appoint a foreign minister in an attempt to court allies.

“The government’s four-year term ends in November 2019. Elections are called early if a government ruling coalition falls apart, usually over a crisis, such as the recent Gaza flare-up… Recent governments have not served out their full terms. The last election was in 2015; the one before that was in 2013.”

The False “Alternative Temple Theory” Debunked

Breaking Israel News wrote on November 20:

“A conference is set to be held in Jerusalem in two weeks (on December 5) which will for the first time, educate Christians on the importance of the Temple Mount…

“John Enarson, the Christian Relations Director of Cry for Zion and co-organizer of the conference, explained the focus of the event. ‘The theme of the conference this year is going to be archaeology and the Biblical evidence for the true location of the Temple being on the Temple Mount’… They will present evidence [to] debunk the reoccurring theory among Christians that the Jewish Temples were not located on the Temple Mount… According to [that] theory, both Jewish Temples stood further south in an area now known as Ir David (the City of David). [It] further hypothesizes that the Western Wall and all of the artifacts on the Temple Mount are remains from a massive Roman fort. [The] theory was criticized for having no archaeological basis and for contradicting Temple-era historical accounts, such as that of Josephus Flavius, a first-century Romano-Jewish scholar who cited the Mount as the location of the Second Temple.

“… Despite being definitively debunked by archaeologists and Biblical scholars, the alternate Temple location theory continues to have a strong following within some segments of the Christian community… ‘Jews and Christians approach the Temple Mount from vastly different traditions but we can come together on a House of Prayer for All Nations,’ Enarson said, citing the Prophet Isaiah (56:7:) ‘I will bring them to My sacred mount And let them rejoice in My house of prayer. Their burnt offerings and sacrifices Shall be welcome on My mizbayach; For My House shall be called A house of prayer for all peoples.’

“‘Christians believe in the Hebrew Bible and to the extent they take the Biblical accounts of the Temple seriously, they should take the Temple Mount seriously,” [Enarson] said.”

The focus is not only on the Temple Mount, but also on the Temple itself. The Bible shows that a massive third temple will be built on the Temple Mount and animal sacrifices will be given at that temple prior to Christ’s Second Coming.

German-Israeli Friendship?

The Algemeiner wrote on November 17:

“The United States opposed on Friday for the first time an annual draft resolution at the United Nations calling on Israel to rescind its authority over the occupied Golan Heights, drawing praise from Israeli officials… Despite the US opposition, a UN General Assembly committee approved the draft resolution on Friday with 151 votes in favor and 14 abstentions. Only Israel joined the United States in voting no. The General Assembly is due to formally adopt the resolution next month.”

In fact, the UN General Assembly approved on Friday nine anti-Israeli resolutions. Bild Online wrote on November 18: “Germany abstained one time and approved the other eight resolutions, together with countries such as Saudi-Arabia, which were directed against the Jewish state. Is this how the German-Israeli friendship looks like?”

There has never been a true German-Israeli friendship. The Bible prophesies that any resemblance of friendship will soon cease completely, and even though Israel will look to Germany for help, they will not get it.

Anti-Semitism in Europe

 Jewish News Syndicate (JNS) wrote on November 21:

“Manfred Weber, 46, head of the European People’s Party in the European Parliament and a member of the conservative Christian Social Union in Bavaria… has been a delegate in the European Parliament since 2004 and was elected head of the European People’s Party in 2014. If the conservatives continue to maintain their majority in the European Parliament after the coming May elections, Weber will become the parliament’s president.

“In an interview with Israel Hayom… Weber warned of growing anti-Semitism in Europe. ‘The development in recent years is an absolute warning sign,’ he said… ‘In France, the number of violent anti-Semitic incidents rose by an inconceivable 69% in the first nine months of the year. In Britain, there was an increase of around 30%. In Germany, too, people are attacked for being Jews. The growing anti-Semitism makes me uneasy. Not just the public attacks but the ‘relativization’ of anti-Semitism creeping into people’s minds… My demand is that everyone rise up and oppose anti-Semitism… I would not have imagined that in certain countries in the European Union, it would be the left-wing parties that would show tolerance toward open anti-Semitism and implement anti-Israel policy. There is a genuine risk that such parties will enter the European Parliament…’”

President Trump vs. Chief Justice Roberts

ABC wrote on November 21:

“Chief Justice John Roberts rebutted President Donald Trump’s recent criticism that the recent ruling against the administration’s asylum policy on migrants was issued by an ‘Obama judge’. ‘We do not have Obama judges or Trump judges, Bush judges or Clinton judges,’ Roberts, who originally responded to the Associated Press, said via a statement issued from the Supreme Court’s press office. ‘What we have is an extraordinary group of dedicated judges doing their level best to do equal right to those appearing before them. That independent judiciary is something we should all be thankful for.’

“The president responded directly to the comments in a pair of tweets Wednesday afternoon. ‘Sorry Chief Justice John Roberts, but you do indeed have “Obama judges,” and they have a much different point of view than the people who are charged with the safety of our country,’ Trump said.  The president returned to the topic on Twitter about an hour later, calling the 9th Circuit a ‘terrible, costly and dangerous disgrace. It has become a dumping ground for certain lawyers looking for easy wins and delays…'”

On Thursday, the President continued his attacks on the 9th Circuit Court via Twitter.

Judge Bars US From Enforcing Trump Asylum Ban

The Associated Press and Newsmax reported on November 20:

“A federal judge barred the Trump administration from refusing asylum to immigrants who cross the southern border illegally. President Donald Trump issued a proclamation on Nov. 9 that said anyone who crossed the southern border between official ports of entry would be ineligible for asylum. As the first of several caravans of migrants have started arriving at the U.S.-Mexico border, Trump said an asylum ban was necessary to stop what he’s attacked as a national security threat.

“But in his ruling Monday, U.S. District Judge Jon Tigar agreed with legal groups that immediately sued, arguing that U.S. immigration law clearly allows someone to seek asylum even if they enter the country between official ports of entry. ‘Whatever the scope of the President’s authority, he may not rewrite the immigration laws to impose a condition that Congress has expressly forbidden,’ said Tigar, a nominee of former President Barack Obama.

“The Department of Homeland Security did not immediately comment on the ruling, which will remain in effect for one month barring an appeal. In issuing the ban, Trump used the same powers he used last year to impose a travel ban that was ultimately upheld by the Supreme Court…

“Tigar’s ruling notes that federal law says someone may seek asylum if they have arrived in the United States, ‘whether or not at a designated port of arrival.’

“… ACLU lawyer Lee Gelernt said that some people seeking asylum cross between official ports because ‘they’re in real danger,’ either in their countries of origin or in Mexico. ‘We don’t condone people entering between ports of entry, but Congress has made the decision that if they do, they still need to be allowed to apply for asylum,’ he said.”

Many legal experts feel that even though the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals would uphold the decision of the federal judge, the US Supreme Court would overturn it and side with President Trump.

Acosta Reinstated… for Now

The Daily Mail wrote on November 16:

“Judge Timothy Kelly said Friday that Jim Acosta’s free-press rights under the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution outweigh ‘the government’s interest in orderly, respectful press conferences.’ He declared in a stinging defeat for the president in his war on ‘fake news’ that the White House failed to give Acosta ‘due process,’ something guaranteed in government proceedings under the Fifth Amendment. And he suggested that the White House exaggerated its contention [being of “questionable accuracy”] that Acosta physically interfered with a female intern last week as she tried to reclaim a press conference microphone.

“While Kelly ordered the White House to let Acosta back in the building, he said Trump and his spokespeople aren’t obligated to call on him during press conferences or let him ask questions. He also said the White House isn’t under any obligation to host reporters at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, but it also can’t play favorites…

“There was near-unanimity in the political press corps’ backing of CNN, with more than a dozen news outlets signaling they would formally submit a supportive brief to Judge Kelly… Kelly, a Trump appointee, emphasized that his ruling was temporary, saying: ‘I have not determined that the First Amendment was violated here.’… But Kelly… noted that the government’s attorneys couldn’t tell him on Wednesday who had made the final decision to yank Acosta’s credentials, an indication that no formal process was involved…”

Trump’s war with the media, especially news outlets which he describes as “fake news” and “enemy of the people,” will continue and is bound to become more and more ugly.

The Huffington Post wrote on November 20:

“The White House announced Monday that it would [permanently] restore the press pass of CNN reporter Jim Acosta, leading the network to drop its pending lawsuit against the administration… provided he and all other journalists abide by ‘new rules’ sent out by the White House.”

Insofar, CNN wrote on November 19:

“The White House press corps… has not agreed to any new set of rules governing presidential press conferences. And Trump rarely holds press conferences anyway. The letter asserts that reporters may ask ‘a single question’ at a press conference. Follow-ups will only be permitted ‘at the discretion of the President or other White House officials.’ And reporters must ‘physically surrender’ the microphone, when directed [and they will face the revocation of their passes for not respecting the rules.]

“In practice, many reporters asked follow-up questions at the November 7 press conference. And that’s not going to change any time soon. ‘For as long as there have been White House press conferences, White House reporters have asked follow-up questions. We fully expect this tradition will continue,’ the association said. It remains to be seen if the rules are just cover for the administration’s loss to CNN in court. At the same time, the White House’s move could create a chilling effect among reporters.”

USA Will Stand by Saudi Arabia… No Matter What!

The Huffington Post wrote on November 20:

“The United States will continue to back Saudi Arabia even if Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman (MBS) ordered the murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi, President Donald Trump announced Tuesday in a bizarre statement…”

Excerpts from Trump’s statement are quoted below:

“After my heavily negotiated trip to Saudi Arabia last year, the Kingdom agreed to spend and invest $450 billion in the United States. This is a record amount of money. It will create hundreds of thousands of jobs, tremendous economic development, and much additional wealth for the United States…

“King Salman and Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman vigorously deny any knowledge of the planning or execution of the murder of Mr. Khashoggi… it could very well be that the Crown Prince had knowledge of this tragic event – maybe he did and maybe he didn’t! That being said, we may never know all of the facts surrounding the murder of Mr. Jamal Khashoggi.

In any case, our relationship is with the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia… The United States intends to remain a steadfast partner of Saudi Arabia… As President of the United States I intend to ensure that, in a very dangerous world, America is pursuing its national interests and vigorously contesting countries that wish to do us harm. Very simply it is called America First!”

President Trump’s announcement prompted severe criticism from Democrats and Republicans alike.

Haaretz reported on November 19:

“The German government says it has halted previously approved arms exports to Saudi Arabia amid the fallout from the killing of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi… Germany said a month ago it wouldn’t approve any new weapons exports to Saudi Arabia, but left open what would happen with already approved contracts.”

Negative Reaction to Trump’s Stance on Saudi Arabia

The Guardian wrote on November 20:

The 649-word statement appears to be a presidential act of defiance against the CIA, which has reportedly concluded that the Saudi prince ordered the killing, and the Senate, which is considering bipartisan legislation that would suspend weapons sales to Saudi Arabia among other punitive measures. He told reporters at the White House that the CIA ‘didn’t make a determination’ on the murder, and that they had ‘nothing definitive’ on its perpetrator. The claim is contradicted by multiple reports that the intelligence agency has concluded that Prince Mohammed ordered the hit on the former Saudi insider who had become a persistent critic… As he has in the past with Vladimir Putin, Trump put official denials of wrongdoing from Riyadh on a par with US intelligence assessments.

“… The president acknowledged that that Congress might have another view and the strength of congressional opinion soon became apparent when Republican senator Lindsey Graham – otherwise a fervent Trump fan – issuing a statement predicting ‘strong bipartisan support for serious sanctions against Saudi Arabia, including appropriate members of the royal family, for this barbaric act which defied all civilized norms. The South Carolina senator added: ‘While Saudi Arabia is a strategic ally, the behavior of the crown prince – in multiple ways – has shown disrespect for the relationship and made him, in my view, beyond toxic.’…

“[Trump’s] statement made a series of false or unsubstantiated claims, suggesting that Riyadh is buying $110bn in US weapons. The actual total of offers since Trump took office is less than $15bn, and the value of actual signed contracts is significantly lower than that. A new independent report found that US arms sales to Saudi Arabia account for fewer than 20,000 US jobs a year – less than a 20th of the employment boost Donald Trump has claimed…

“Trump’s enthusiastic support for Riyadh coincides with a drive by the crown prince to rehabilitate himself on the world stage. The Argentinian government confirmed to the Guardian on Tuesday that he is on the list of attendees at the G20 summit at the end of the month in Buenos Aires. Also on the guest list is Turkey’s president, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, who has condemned Riyadh for the murder and whose government has put out a steady stream of leaks from the investigation, pointing towards Saudi government culpability at the highest levels…”

The Guardian added on November 21:

“On Wednesday, Numan Kurtulmuş, the deputy chairman of [Turkey’s] President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s AK party, dismissed Trump’s assessment. ‘Yesterday’s statement is a comic statement,’ he [said]. ‘It is not possible for an intelligence agency such as the CIA, which even knows the colour of the fur on the cat walking around the Saudi consulate’s garden … to not know who gave this order,’ he said. ‘This is not credible either for US public opinion or the world public opinion.’”

On the other hand, the Turkish government is continuing its brutal fight against journalists and other critics of that dictatorial regime.

The Week wrote on November 21:

“The Senate Foreign Relations Committee on Wednesday ordered an investigation into Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman’s role in the murder of U.S.-based Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi after President Trump acknowledged that bin Salman may have ‘had knowledge’ about the plot, but declined to take further action against Saudi Arabia in response.”

Shocking! Half of American Voters Claim to be Nationalists

Breitbart wrote on November 16:

“About half of all likely American voters share President Trump’s nationalist worldview that the interests of the United States and its citizens should be put ahead of the interests of the globe. In a new Rasmussen Reports poll, about 50 percent of likely voters said when there are international problems, they are most interested in finding a solution that benefits the U.S. and American citizens rather than a solution that is better for the world…

“The poll reveals that not only do half of Americans share Trump’s nationalist worldview, but the vast majority of GOP voters and conservatives do as well. More than 75 percent of Republicans said the interests of Americans should come before the interests of the world, while 74 percent of conservatives said the same.

“Even a significant number of Democrats and Independent voters favor nationalism… Among Democrats, more than 30 percent said the U.S. should be put first…, while 44 percent of Independent voters agreed.”

Nationalism is absolutely wrong and violates God’s law of love towards others. Since God will not and cannot bless a country which blatantly transgresses His Word, America’s future looks more and more devastating.

Jonestown… Could It Happen Again?

Breitbart wrote on November 18:

“This Sunday marks the 40th anniversary of the massacre at Jonestown, where more than 900 American transplants ‘drank the Kool-Aid’ in the largest loss of civilian life in U.S. history until 9/11… whether Jim Jones murdered his followers or they killed themselves voluntarily remains a debated question with strong arguments on both sides.”

The Washington Post wrote on November 18:

“Charles Krause, a former Washington Post foreign correspondent, survived the 1978 Jonestown massacre. [He said in an interview:]

“‘These people followed someone who led them to destruction. They believed in this guy. He lied to them. He cheated. He was involved with the sexual abuse of boys and girls in his temple. He took their money. He really enslaved them. And then he betrayed them, and then he led them to their deaths. I wish we had learned to be more cautious about following people who promise things and then betray the trust that people have given them.

“‘… there is the potential for it to happen again. It has happened again a number of times. We’ve had Waco, and we’ve had other incidents where it’s not as many people, but it’s the same sort of situation. I feel strongly that we need to be more skeptical about political or religious leaders who promise things, who seem to be hypocritical, who talk the talk but don’t walk the walk.”

This warning is relevant. Political and religious leaders might promise us all kinds of things, and they might even seemingly deliver on some of their promises. As a consequence, we might be taken in by them emotionally and thereby lose our objective perspective.

California’s New Perils

CNN reported on November 20:

“First, the good news: Heavy rain expected this week won’t just drench Northern California’s Camp Fire. It could also snuff out the risk of new wildfires for the rest of the year. Now the bad news: Flash flooding, mudslides and rivers of debris could hit cities already devastated by the wildfire…  it could also make conditions treacherous for firefighters battling the Camp Fire, which has charred more than 151,000 acres and was only 70% contained as of Tuesday.

“The inferno has already killed 79 people and destroyed 12,900 homes. And with hundreds of residents still unaccounted for, authorities fear the death toll could rise… with heavy rain on the way, searchers feel a greater sense of urgency in finding the remains of Camp Fire victims.”

Acknowledgement and Disclaimer

These Current Events are compiled and commented on by Norbert Link. We gratefully acknowledge the many contributions of news articles from our readership. The publication of articles in this section is not to be viewed as an endorsement or approval as to contents or accuracy of the selected articles, but they are published for the purpose of pointing at worldwide developments in the light of biblical end-time prophecy and godly instruction. Our own comments are provided in italics.

This Week in the News

World Leaders Mark 100 Years Since End of World War One

Deutsche Welle wrote on November 11:

“Some 70 world leaders gathered at the famous Arc de Triomphe in the French capital to mark 100 years since the end of World War One. Commemorations in Paris had been scheduled to begin at 11 a.m. local time (1000 UTC), the time that the Armistice signed by the Allies and the Germans on November 11, 1918, went into force… The large number of countries represented in Paris reflects the widespread nature of a conflict in which an estimated 37 million people, including 10 million soldiers, lost their lives. The city of Paris itself was a key objective in the war, with the Allies fighting successfully against German efforts to capture it in 1914…

Trump and Putin greeted each other and shook hands at the ceremony, Russian television showed. The gesture comes as relations between their two countries remain strained, among other things because of alleged Russian interference in recent US elections. The US president pointedly did not extend his hand to Trudeau. Earlier this year, Trump described the Canadian premier as ‘dishonest and weak’ amid a dispute over what he alleges are Canada’s ‘unfair’ trade practices…”

The Daily Mail reported on November 11:

“The President put on a very friendly display with Putin despite both men showing up minutes after the bells had finished tolling to signal the moment guns fell silent at 11am 100 years ago. Other world leaders who arrived to the ceremony on buses also missed the crucial moment and were walking in rain-soaked line towards the Arc de Triomphe as the bells finished tolling…”

This could be symbolic. World leaders arrived late to celebrate the end of World War I—the war which was supposed to end all wars. It did not, of course, and neither will today’s world leaders prevent the outbreak of another world war. They are just too late in their endeavor to do so… even if they were wholeheartedly committed, albeit misguided, to creating peace.

America Alone

The Associated Press wrote on November 12:

“For President Donald Trump in Paris, America First meant largely America alone. At a weekend commemoration of the 100th anniversary of the end of World War I, the president who proudly declares himself a ‘nationalist’ stood apart

“On Sunday, he listened as he was lectured on the dangers of nationalist isolation, and then he headed home just as the inaugural Paris Peace Summit was getting underway… His France trip made clear that, nearly two years after taking office, Trump has dramatically upended decades of American foreign policy posture, shaking allies… Trump, who has made clear that he has limited patience for broad, multilateral agreements, sat mostly stone-faced as he listened to Macron…

“Trump was terse during some of his private conversations with world leaders… One of the people described the president as ‘grumpy.’… Trump, who ran on an ‘America First’ platform, has jarred European allies with his actions…”

American Isolationism

Foreign Policy wrote on November 9:

“President Donald Trump’s ‘America First’ platform echoes the isolationism that followed the war 100 years ago. That didn’t end well… Trump has sought to detach the United States from the world… In less than two years in office, Trump has withdrawn from several multilateral pacts, including the nuclear deal with Iran and the Paris climate agreement; announced his withdrawal from the most significant nuclear arms control accord in four decades, the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty; begun a multifront trade war with China and U.S. allies; and declared his hostility to NATO, the G-7, the European Community, and the World Trade Organization…

“It is unclear how much of the international system Trump can tear down in the next two years—or the coming six if he wins another term in 2020. It’s taken a long time to build this system up… Trump could probably do a lot to destroy it.”

Macron Denounces Nationalism

Newsmax and The Associated Press wrote on November 11:

“French President Emmanuel Macron warned against the dangers of nationalism in a speech aimed directly at the rising tide of populism in the United States and Europe. With President Donald Trump and other world leaders looking on during an Armistice Day centennial observance in Paris on Sunday, Macron said the ‘ancient demons’ that caused World War I and millions of deaths are growing stronger.

“The French leader said: ‘Patriotism is the exact opposite of nationalism. Nationalism is a betrayal of patriotism. In saying “Our interests first, whatever happens to the others,” you erase the most precious thing a nation can have, that which makes it live, that which causes it to be great and that which is most important: Its moral values.’

“Trump has proudly declared himself a nationalist. Macron has set himself up as Europe’s foil to nationalist movements that rail against global approaches, like ones that have taken hold in Hungary and Poland among other countries.”

Breitbart wrote on November 11:

“‘Patriotism is the exact opposite of nationalism: Nationalism is treason,’ Macron said, according to a Euronews translator… ‘If we think our interests may only come first and we don’t care for others, it is a treason of our values, a betrayal of all moral values,’ he said… He lamented that the spirit of revenge and humiliation after World War I sparked renewed nationalism that led to World War II….

“In an interview with CNN, Macron continued his condemnation of nationalism… ‘I would say I’m a patriot,’ he said, but added:… ‘I’m not a nationalist, which is very different for me from being a patriot.’”

Deutsche Welle added on November 11:

“Although Sunday’s ceremonies celebrate an act that brought a short-lived peace to the world, they are taking place at a time of growing nationalism and international tensions. US President Donald Trump, one of the leaders attending the event, is seen by many as undermining the Western alliance and world bodies such as the UN with his self-declared nationalism…”

As we can see from the articles in Newsmax and Breitbart, the reporting differs widely, showing how one has to be careful with “translations.” According to Newsmax and most other news outlets, Macron never used the word ”treason.” On the other hand, nationalism is wrong, and the Church of God has consistently preached against nationalism for many decades. A true Christian can be a patriot, loving his country, but he must never be a nationalist. Nationalism is defined as “identification with one’s own nation and support for its interests, especially to the exclusion or detriment of the interests of other nations” (Oxford Dictionary). Also, as “exalting one nation above all others and placing primary emphasis on promotion of its culture and interests as opposed to those of other nations” (Merriam-Webster Dictionary). This way of get (the opposite to the way of love or give) can be seen in slogans such as, “Deutschland ueber alles,” or “America above all.”

Macron: Europe To Develop Autonomous Military Capacities

Politico wrote on November 11:

“Europe must increase military spending, but the money should go to European, not American companies, French President Emmanuel Macron said in an interview… Macron clarified his point to say that he very much wants to see European allies not only spend more but to develop their own autonomous military capabilities and to buy European-made materials. France just happens also to have one of Europe’s biggest defense manufacturing industries

“Macron also talked in the interview about the need to strength[en] the euro’s position as a global reference currency…”

Trump vs. Macron and the Fight for a European Army

Bloomberg wrote on November 9:

“President Donald Trump began a weekend visit to Paris with an attack on his French counterpart, Emmanuel Macron, for proposing Europe create its own continental military force. Trump sent a tweet calling Macron’s proposal ‘very insulting’ as the U.S. president’s plane landed Friday evening for celebrations with world leaders commemorating the 100th anniversary of the end of World War I.

“Macron this week said in a radio interview that a ‘strong and sovereign Europe’ was needed to defend the continent’s interests against China, Russia and ‘even the U.S.’ ‘We can’t defend Europe if we don’t have a real European army,’ he said. ‘We must have a Europe that can defend itself more, without just relying on the U.S.’…

“Macron and German Chancellor Angela Merkel have both publicly questioned whether Europe can depend on the U.S. to come to its aid in the event of war.

“Macron also criticized Trump’s plan to withdraw from the 1987 Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty… Trump and Macron also have extensive differences over trade and U.S. sanctions on Iran.”

Sorry, But There Was no Misinterpretation!

Deutsche Welle reported on November 10:

“US President Donald Trump and his French counterpart Emmanuel Macron held talks on Saturday after a public spat over the French leader’s suggestion that Europe should rely less on the US for its security. The US and France attempted to smooth over differences over a European defense mechanism, with Trump assuring Macron that Washington would ‘help’ Europe with its defense. Trump, however, reiterated that EU member states must pay their fair share toward NATO expenses…

“Macron’s office said Saturday that the French president’s comments about a European army had been misinterpreted. ‘He never said we need a European army against the United States,’ a statement released by Macron’s office said…”

It was suggested by the EU that Macron had been referring to computer hackers who could attack Europe from anywhere, including from inside the United States. This is ridiculous. Hackers were not part of the discussion. Clearly, Macron proposed a real European army to defend against Washington, and he did state what most European leaders feel.

EU Commission Agrees with Macron’s Initial Proposal for an EU Army

The Sun wrote on November 10:

“The presidents of the United States and France met today for talks at the Elysee Palace where Macron, 40, called Trump ‘my friend’ despite the pair openly disagreeing over the creation of an EU army… In an extraordinary attack on the US president, Macron lumped Washington together with Moscow and Beijing as Europe’s biggest foes. The arch euro federalist insisted only a fully fledged EU defence force can protect the continent against the trio’s aggression

“[Macron’s comments] were welcomed by the EU Commission, which said it has already put the wheels in motion for the eventual creation of a euro army

“But the remarks were savaged by former British Army commanders, who said the revelations showed why the UK must pull out of the EU’s defence plans. Major General Julian Thompson, who led British forces in the Falklands, told The Sun: ‘The EU Commission now openly admits it has created the preamble to an EU army…’ Colonel Richard Kemp, a commander of UK troops in Afghanistan, added: ‘This is precisely what eurosceptics have been warning about…’”

German SPD Leader Demands European Army

Bild Online wrote on November 11:

“Andrea Nahles (48), leader of Germany’s coalition party, the SPD, demands a ‘European Army.’ Her rationale: There are 28 armies, 27 air forces and 23 marines. ‘No wonder that we spend incredibly much for the military,’ she said… [Europeans] ‘should work closer together and form a counterbalance to President Trump.’”

When even the left-liberal SPD demands a European Army (albeit for different reasons), we should understand that its arrival time is near.

Angela Merkel Joins In

Deutsche Welle wrote on November 13:

“The German chancellor has addressed MEPs in Strasbourg… ‘We need to take our fate into our own hands,’ Merkel told the assembly. To that end, she said she would also propose the establishment of a European Security Council with a rotating presidency that would help to streamline European defense and security policy… In a clear show of support for [Macron’s] plans to create a European defense force, Merkel said the EU should work on a vision for a European army ‘that would complement NATO,’ and not undermine it. A European army, she said, would ‘show the world that there will never again be war between European countries.’”

She actually said, “We should work on the vision to also create one day a real European army (“eine echte europaeische Armee)” (compare Die Welt Online and Der Spiegel Online, dated November 13.)  She also said, according to the Local, dated November 13: “… only a stronger Europe is going to defend Europe.” And, according to Express, dated November 13: “… it would be a lot easier to cooperate with us if we have more than 160 different weapons systems and the US has only 50 or 60.”

President Trump tweeted before on November 13, pointing out that France was liberated by the USA at the end of World War II: “Emmanuel Macron suggests building its own army to protect Europe against the U.S., China and Russia. But it was Germany in World Wars One & Two – How did that work out for France? They were starting to learn German in Paris before the U.S. came along. Pay for NATO or not!”

Haaretz interpreted this tweet as follows, on November 13: “While the text of the tweet is cryptic, Trump appeared to be warning that Germany may invade France again without NATO and U.S. protection.”

The Guardian added on November 13:

“Guy Verhofstadtt, the chief representative for the European parliament on Brexit shot back at Trump. ‘What Trump doesn’t seem to realize is that without French money, the USA would not even exist as France financed the American revolution. They even gave you the Statue of Liberty to celebrate this!’ Verhofstadt tweeted…

“On Tuesday morning, the president’s tweetstorm continued. He said Macron was suffering low approval ratings while France suffers from high unemployment, then added: ‘By the way, there is no country more Nationalist than France…’ He finished the sequence by taunting… ‘MAKE FRANCE GREAT AGAIN!’”

The Independent wrote on November 14:

“The European Commission has said it is ‘delighted’ that the leaders of France and Germany have backed the creation of a ‘real’ EU army. A spokesperson for the commission’s president Jean-Claude Juncker said he was ‘pleased’ that the argument for the force seemed to be ‘going in our direction’…

“‘Let me clarify that the first one who spoke about the EU army four years ago was someone called Jean-Claude Juncker,’ they said…

“In 2016, then defence secretary Sir Michael Fallon said the UK would use its veto to stop the creation of any EU army. However, the UK is leaving the EU, and will therefore no longer have any say in its governance.

Bild Online reported on November 14 that its new poll revealed that 79 percent of its readers support a real European Army.

“We need a European Empire”

Handelsblatt Global wrote on November 13:

“… genuine unity – political, financial and military – is still lacking inside the European Union, according to France’s Finance Minister Bruno Le Maire… The European Union should become ‘a peaceful empire’ in order to stand up to China and the US, Le Maire argued. And although thanks to their wartime history, some Germans may find his talk of empire unattractive, Le Maire explains that, ‘I am using this phrase because, in tomorrow’s world, it’s going to be all about power … technological power, economic, financial, monetary, cultural power – all will be decisive. Europe cannot be shy any longer about using its power.’… ‘Everybody knows it takes guts to stand in the way of Donald Trump’s administration,’ Le Maire said. ‘The people of Europe… want to see action.’

“Without Germany’s support in all these issues, Le Maire will find it difficult to turn Europe into an ‘empire.’ Franco-German agreement has been the engine of European integration…”

The ancient Roman Empire is rising one more time in the form of a European Empire, as clearly prophesied in Scripture.

Germany Remembers the Kristallnacht

Deutsche Welle wrote on November 9:

“Germany is marking the 80th anniversary of attacks on Jews that foreshadowed the Holocaust. November 9 has been a fateful date for Germany… Merkel warned that racism in Germany did not end in 1945. ‘If we look at the situation today… we see a worrying anti-Semitism, which threatens Jewish life in our country.’… Merkel tied… this to the rise of populism in times of uncertainty created by political instability.”

The EUObserver wrote on November 9:

“Germans are becoming more hostile towards immigrants, people of the Muslim and Jewish faiths, and other minorities like the Roma, according to a new study…. Some 44 percent of Germans… now want a ban on Muslim immigration, compared to 36.5 percent in 2014… Anti-semitism is also on the rise in eastern Germany… [where up] to one-third… agree at least in part with anti-semitic statements…”

We should realize that anti-semitic movements are not limited to antagonism against the Jews. Martin Luther famously once wrote a book “about the Jews and all those who keep the Sabbath.”

Germany’s Future

Der Spiegel wrote on November 8:

“Merkel’s announcement that she would withdraw her candidacy for CDU leadership ahead of the party’s December party convention released a dynamic that immediately changed the entire architecture of the country’s political framework. The leadership battle in the CDU had long been simmering. Now, it has burst out into the open. For almost two decades, internal party democracy had been frozen, Merkel’s grip on leadership tight and unyielding. Now, though, there are several candidates who have thrown their hats into the ring to determine the future course of the CDU — and nobody in the party’s leadership can control what will happen next. More than that, few in the party believe that Merkel will remain chancellor for long following the CDU convention in December — no matter who emerges victorious in the race to succeed her…

“Once upon a time, a trio of men thought that it was up to them to lead the CDU out of the era of Helmut Kohl. It seemed guaranteed that Friedrich Merz, Roland Koch or Christian Wulff would take over leadership of the party and, later, of Germany. The future was clear before it had even arrived. But then came the fall of the Berlin Wall, and Angela Merkel, who cleverly took advantage of a major party donation scandal to take control of the CDU…

“Merkel… now realizes that she no longer has any influence over the direction her party will take or over how much of her legacy will remain. She also senses that her tenure as chancellor could come to a much quicker end than she would like. Back in 2004, when then-Chancellor Gerhard Schröder gave up leadership of the Social Democrats… under a similar situation to the one Merkel now faces, she blasted the move as ‘a complete loss of authority’ and ‘the beginning of the end.’ She knows that the same could now apply to her…

“Merz is the great hope for all those who would like to see the Merkel era come to an end as soon as possible. Furthermore, many see him as the one who can bring back those disgruntled CDU voters who have jumped ship in recent years for the right-wing populist Alternative for Germany. And that hope might even be justified. When Merz speaks of a ‘national identity’ and ‘traditional values,’ it doesn’t sound forced. Furthermore, his pro-European stance protects him against accusations of being a parochial nationalist…

“The only one who looks to be in a position to stop his comeback is Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer… her entire political career is at stake. Should she fail, she has said she would also give up the general secretary position… Kramp-Karrenbauer’s greatest weakness is likely her proximity to Merkel… the openly gay [Jens] Spahn recently opted to marry his partner…

“When the votes are cast on Dec. 7 in Hamburg, there will be a run-off if none of the three candidates emerge with more than 50 percent of the votes in the first ballot. It seems likely that such a run-off would pit Merz against Kramp-Karrenbauer. For Spahn, Merz’s candidacy is a significant nuisance. He even admitted to confidantes that Merz’s comeback came as a surprise. Currently, he is seen as the candidate with the weakest chances…

“The result of the election won’t just carry significant consequences for Angela Merkel. The fate of the current governing coalition could also hang in the balance and snap elections are one possible outcome

“If Merz or Spahn were to win, Merkel’s tenure would likely soon be over. It is hard to imagine a constellation of Spahn being both CDU chair and a member of Merkel’s cabinet. The two lack even the minimum amount of mutual trust that would be necessary for such a situation to work. The end would likely come even more quickly if Merz were to emerge victorious. He loathes both Merkel and her confidantes with a fervor that is rare even in politics… Should Merz win in early December, confidantes say, she wouldn’t stick around for long.

“[What] then? Swapping out a chancellor is no small thing. There is little chance that the Social Democrats, as junior coalition partner, would support Merz. He himself assumes that the SPD would move further to the left and begin looking for an excuse to end the coalition with the conservatives.

“An encounter with Merz these days… makes it clear that he has lofty goals. He didn’t reenter politics to play third fiddle to the chancellor and parliamentary floor leader… Merz doesn’t just want to become CDU party head. He wants power.”

Manfred Weber the Next President of the European Commission?

Handelsblatt Global wrote on November 9:

“A leading member of Chancellor Angela Merkel’s conservative alliance, Manfred Weber, was chosen to head the center-right ticket in the European Parliament’s elections next May. This puts him in line to succeed Jean-Claude Juncker as president of the European Commission – maybe… Weber, who is the floor leader of the European People’s Party (EPP) in the European Parliament, easily won the backing of his colleagues to head the ticket for the grouping, the largest in the legislative body. He won 79.4 percent of the vote at a special EPP congress in Helsinki. Juncker headed the ticket in 2014 and was duly appointed commission president after the party bagged the most votes.

“… Amid the political fragmentation in Europe, new far-right, far-left and hard-to-define forces are coming into play. Italy’s eurosceptic Five Star Movement, for instance, which many consider left-leaning, belongs to the same group as the UK Independence Party of Nigel Farage, who no one would consider leftist. The other radical party in Italy’s ruling coalition, the League, belongs to the far-right grouping along with French National Front leader Marine Le Pen. Greece’s ruling Syriza party is in the marginal far-left grouping.

“Weber.. has no experience in government… Weber has never even had a cabinet post… Weber is virtually unknown outside of Bavaria and Brussels. Besides his native German, he speaks only English. Neither language will help him as he campaigns in the 27 remaining EU countries taking part in the May vote. Even Martin Schulz, the longtime president of the European Parliament, had a higher profile when he became the Spitzenkandidat for the Socialist grouping in the 2014 elections. No national leader has endorsed Weber – not even Merkel, who was in Helsinki on Thursday to give him a hug on stage when he accepted the nomination to be Spitzenkandidat.”

Theresa May and the Brexit Debacle

The Huffington Post wrote on November 15:

“The British prime minister was clinging to power by the thinnest of threads on Thursday after a wave of resignations from her Cabinet and the beginnings of a political coup to oust her as leader.

“Theresa May presented her draft deal for the U.K.’s exit from the European Union on Wednesday evening in a mammoth five-hour meeting with her top ministers. In a speech after the meeting, May gave a warning to those who might oppose her…

“But by Thursday morning, just over 12 hours later, her Brexit minister, Dominic Raab, and her work and pensions minister, Esther McVey, both quit, saying they could not support May’s deal because it still requires the U.K. to follow some European Union rules. Politicians pushing for a so-called ‘hard Brexit’… don’t want any deal to tie the U.K. too closely to Brussels, arguing the U.K. should not be following any rules it no longer has a role in shaping

“She now faces a serious threat by eurosceptic politicians, who are threatening to attempt to remove her as head of the Conservative Party by sending 48 letters of ‘no confidence’ to the chair of the party’s organizing committee, which would trigger a leadership contest.

“… her deal came under a sustained attack in the Commons. Only a handful of Conservative parliament members (those in May’s party) spoke in favor of the agreement…

“The developments threaten to derail the prime minister’s Brexit strategy ahead of a crucial EU summit, which European Council President Donald Tusk confirmed would take place on Nov. 25, ‘if nothing extraordinary happens.’

“What happens next depends on whether May can survive as prime minister. Assuming she does, she still faces a huge uphill battle to get her Brexit deal through a vote in the Commons scheduled for December.

“She could withdraw the current deal and ask the EU for an extension of negotiations, but that would likely be fatal for the already embattled prime minister. If she is ousted, Britain’s already fraught political atmosphere will be further complicated by a Tory leadership battle…

“More disruptive still would be a Commons-wide vote of no confidence, which could trigger a general election…”

US Sanctions Against Nord Stream 2 Pipeline?

Oil Price wrote on November 12:

“Late last week, U.S. Energy Secretary Rick Perry said that Washington could still impose sanctions related to the building of the controversial Nord Stream 2 pipeline, which would bring Russian gas directly to Germany under the Baltic Sea. Perry made his comments in Warsaw as the Trump administration tries to convince EU members to sign LNG deals with U.S. producers to offset over reliance on Russian pipeline gas…

“When asked at a news conference whether Washington could impose sanctions on companies working on the project, Perry replied: ‘I saw no signals where we would ever get to the point where we can support Nord Stream 2’…

“In a televised meeting with reporters and NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg before a NATO summit in Brussels earlier this year, Trump said it was “very inappropriate” that the U.S. was paying for European defense against Russia while Germany, the biggest European economy, was supporting gas deals with Moscow. However, since then, Germany has indicated that it wanted to buy more LNG from the U.S., with plans to build three LNG receiving terminals. Germany also remains firm in its support for the Nord Stream 2 pipeline. The $11 billion gas pipeline will stretch some 759 miles (1,222 km), running on the bed of the Baltic Sea from Russian gas fields to Germany, bypassing existing land routes over Ukraine, Poland and Belarus…

“Russian Energy Minister Alexander Novak said in September that the pipeline would go forward even if sanctions were put in place. ‘We hope that there will be no sanctions. If U.S. restrictions are imposed, the project will be implemented anyway, the pipe laying has already started,’ Novak told reporters, adding that the plan envisions the project to be completed by the end of 2019.

Whatever Happened to the “Investigation” of Khashoggi’s Murder?

The Guardian and Reuters wrote on November 10:

“Ankara has given recordings on the killing of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi to Saudi Arabia, the US, Germany, France and Britain, Turkey’s president Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has said. Khashoggi, a critic of de facto Saudi ruler Prince Mohammed bin Salman, was killed in Saudi Arabia’s Istanbul consulate last month in a hit which Erdogan says was ordered at the ‘highest levels’ of the Saudi government

“They include the killing itself and conversations pre-dating the operation which Turkey subsequently uncovered… These had led Ankara to conclude from an early stage that the killing was premeditated, despite Saudi Arabia’s initial denials of any knowledge or involvement. Saudi Arabia’s prosecutor Saud al-Mojeb has since said Khashoggi’s killing was planned in advance, although another Saudi official said Prince Mohammed had no knowledge of the specific operation.”

Are the “investigating” powers willing to ignore and sweep the evidence of Saudi Prince Mohammed’s involvement under the carpet?

The Guardian added on November 15:

Saudi Arabia says it will pursue the death penalty for five suspects charged with ordering and carrying out the killing of… Khashoggi  in the latest effort to distance the country’s de facto ruler, Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, from the grisly murder…”

Sanhedrin Urges Candidates for Jerusalem Mayor to Prepare for Third Temple

Breaking Israel News wrote on November 8:

“Jerusalem will have a new mayor next week and more than any other election this year will decide the religious nature of Israel’s capital. The nascent Sanhedrin has addressed a letter to the two candidates emphasizing the role of the Third Temple in municipal current policy. The Jerusalem mayoral election held last week ran five candidates, but the results were so close that an additional runoff vote next week is needed to choose between the top two. Moshe Lion with 33 percent of the vote and Ofer Berkovitch with 29 percent will run off against each other – with neither achieving the 40 percent of the electorate required to win office…

“‘With God’s merciful approval, one of you will be chosen as head of the city, may it be built and made ready for its ultimate purpose,’ the Sanhedrin wrote. ‘We call on the candidates as well as the voters to make choices based on truth and on the main aspect of Jerusalem, which is the building of the Temple.’

“The Sanhedrin wrote a similar letter to U.S. President Donald Trump after he won the election, calling on him to take a role in building the Third Temple just as Persian King Cyrus helped the Jews build the Second Temple after the Babylonian exile in the sixth century BCE.

“‘Avoiding this essential issue endangers the existence of the city and its identity as the capital of Israel, thereby endangering Israel itself,’ the Sanhedrin wrote to the mayoral candidates. ‘Every Jew and all of humanity are commanded to ascend to the Temple Mount.’ ‘We expect you, as candidates, to relate to this role the city has as home of the Temple. This subject is not simply a matter of religious belief but must also be expressed in political, fiscal, and educational terms.’

“The Sanhedrin emphasized the importance of Jerusalem in the world. In the letter, they noted that the capital of Israel is frequently the focus of domestic politics and, in the case of Trump, has become an essential part of his platform. In the letter, the Sanhedrin praised Trump for moving the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem. ‘Jerusalem in its entirety is sanctified as Holy and is the spiritual center of the world, the throne of God. We urge you to make public your plans relating to this aspect of the city. There are several ways this can be accomplished, such as festivals of holiness to replace those of impurity.’

“The Sanhedrin has already begun working toward this end, holding full-dress reenactments of the Temple service before the Biblical feasts. Another glorious example of this was the World Creation Concert held the week before Rosh Hashana, which several representatives from South American countries attended.

“The Sanhedrin emphasized that the city will change when the Temple is built, requiring massive improvements to its infrastructure. ‘Jerusalem must prepare to host the millions of pilgrims who will attend the feasts when the Third Temple is built,’ the letter said. ‘We also call on the government to prepare a center for an international body to replace the United Nations and the Hague, one that will be rooted in the Bible.’”

Express added on November 9:

“Talk of a third temple being built emerged this week in response to a letter penned by the powerful Jewish assembly of rabbis known as the Sanhedrin. Jerusalem is heading into a mayoral election next week and the Sanhedrin urged both running candidates, Ofer Berkovich and Moshe Lion, to rebuild the temple.

“The first two Holy Temples of Jerusalem were constructed on the city’s Temple Mount centuries ago but were razed to the ground by the Babylonians and the Romans respectively. The Holy Temple plays a crucial role in Jewish tradition and is a central player in prophecies and tales concerning the apocalypse.”

How important or influential is the nascent Sanhedrin?

According to Wikipedia, “The 2004 attempt to re-establish the Sanhedrin was an attempt to set up a revived national rabbinical court of Jewish law in Israel… The attempt has been met with the most acceptance and the least opposition among Gedolim and Rosh Yeshivas of all previous attempts in history since the disbandment of the original Sanhedrin in the 4th century. The organization heading this attempt refers to itself as the nascent Sanhedrin or developing Sanhedrin, and regards itself as a provisional body awaiting integration into the Israeli government as both a supreme court and an upper house of the Knesset, while the Israeli secular press regards it as an illegitimate fundamentalist organization of rabbis. The organization, which is composed of over 70 rabbis (similar to the composition of the original Sanhedrin), claims to enjoy recognition and support from the entire religious Jewish community in Israel, and has stirred debate in both religious and secularist circles.”

Breaking Israel News reported on August 29, 2016, that a “significant step was recently taken towards reinstating the Temple service when the nascent Sanhedrin selected Rabbi Baruch Kahane as the next Kohen Gadol (high priest).”

The movement for the building of the Third Temple is growing, and the Bible prophesies that a Third Temple will be built before Christ’s return. For further information, please view our StandingWatch program, titled, “Netanyahu’s Announcement of a Third Temple?”

The Algemeiner and Reuters wrote on November 14:

“A religious Jewish candidate won election as mayor of Jerusalem on Wednesday in a run-off against a secular contender for a post that shapes Israel’s rule over the holy city at the heart of its conflict with the Palestinians. Moshe Lion, a skullcap-wearing bureaucrat favored by two key members of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s rightist cabinet, defeated Ofer Berkovitch, the 35-year-old deputy mayor, after neither took enough votes in a five-man contest two weeks ago to win outright.”

Earlier this year, Lion was asked about his stance on the future of the Temple Mount, but he refused to comment.

Israeli Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman Resigns

Deutsche Welle wrote on November 14:

“Israel’s hard-line defense minister Avigdor Lieberman announced his resignation on Wednesday and called for snap elections after a row over a ceasefire with Gaza’s rulers Hamas to end a two-day flare up in violence. ‘What happened yesterday — the truce combined with the process with Hamas — is capitulating to terror. It has no other meaning,’ Lieberman told journalists. ‘What we’re doing now as a state is buying short-term quiet, with the price being severe long-term damage to national security.’

“A security cabinet meeting on Tuesday ended with a statement from Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s office saying that ministers had unanimously agreed to the Egyptian-brokered ceasefire. Lieberman’s office then made a statement saying that his ‘alleged support for stopping the attacks in Gaza is fake news.’ Four other ministers, including Education Minister Naftali Bennett of the far-right Jewish Home Party, also announced they had opposed the ceasefire…

“Lieberman also said his Yisrael Beiteinu will leave the ruling coalition, an action that could prompt Netanyahu to call early elections. The departure of Yisrael Beiteinu’s five seats in parliament leaves Netanyahu with a majority of just one seat in the 120-seat Knesset… However, an official from his Likud party dismissed there would be early elections. Netanyahu, who is also foreign minister, will take over the defense portfolio, but he may come under pressure from other coalition partners for that prized ministry… Netanyahu has come under criticism from members of his right-wing government for his decision to allow Qatar to provide money to the Hamas-run Gaza Strip to pay for salaries and fuel to ease an electricity crisis.”

Unprecedented California Wildfires

Headlines like “Malibu Apocalypse” or “Armageddon” made the news.

The New York Times wrote on November 10:

Even in a state hardened to the ravages of wildfires, the infernos that raged at both ends of California on Friday were overpowering. At least nine people were killed, including several who died in their cars in a retirement community called Paradise. Malibu mansions burned. And in the neighborhood in Thousand Oaks where a gunman had killed 12 people in a crowded bar earlier in the week, survivors now fled the flames.

“The fire-prone state was battling three major fires, one in the northern Sierra and two west of Los Angeles. In the northern town of Paradise, the ruins of houses and businesses smoldered throughout the day, while in Southern California, tens of thousands of residents fled their homes and jammed onto highways…

“Officials estimated that the blaze in the north, called the Camp Fire, had destroyed a staggering 6,700 structures — most of them residential. Such vast devastation would make it the most destructive fire in modern state history

“Wildfires like these have long been a threat in California, but over the last several years they have had devastating impacts never before seen in the state. Firefighters constantly repeat that the state has reached a ‘new normal’ of nearly year-round fires…

In Southern California, the authorities ordered the complete evacuation of Malibu, the affluent community that is home to many Hollywood celebrities, as the fire raced through the hills and canyons above the Pacific Ocean. No part of the fire was under control, according to the Ventura County Fire Department. Western Ranch, a movie set that was built by Paramount Pictures and where the HBO series ‘Westworld’ was filmed [as well as ‘Dr. Quinn Medicine Woman’ and ‘The Adventures of Tom Sawyer’], burned down…

“Residents in more than 75,000 homes in Ventura and Los Angeles Counties were told to evacuate.”

ABC News added on November 10:

“President Donald Trump woke up in Paris on Saturday in the mood to make threats toward California as it deals with deadly wildfires in Northern California and hundreds of smoldering homes in Southern California. In an angry tweet, the president threatened to pull federal funding for the state if nothing is done to ‘remedy’ the situation.”

The Week added on November 11:

“President Trump has continued to argue on Twitter the fires are the result of improper forest management by California, drawing the ire of the California Professional Firefighters union.”

The Week wrote on November 14:

“At least 48 people have been killed by the Camp Fire in Northern California’s Butte County, making it the deadliest fire in state history. The Camp Fire has burned 130,000 acres, destroyed more than 8,800 homes and businesses, and is just 35 percent contained, the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection said on Tuesday. Most of the deaths were in the ravaged town of Paradise, where residents and officials continue to search for bodies. In Southern California, the Woolsey Fire has burned 96,314 acres in Los Angeles and Ventura counties, killing two people and destroying 435 structures. It is 40 percent contained.”

The Week wrote on November 15:

“More than 300 people have been reported missing in the aftermath of the Camp Fire in Northern California’s Butte County as of Thursday. At least 56 people have been killed, making it the deadliest fire in state history…”

Doctored Tape not Doctored?

The Independent wrote, sarcastically, on November 9:

“Trump denies [the] doctored Acosta video shared by White House was doctored, then threatens to ban more journalists… Donald Trump has denied a video of his altercation with CNN reporter Jim Acosta that was shared by the White House was ‘doctored’, despite evidence it had been manipulated… Mr Trump insisted the video had not been edited. ‘Nobody manipulated it, give me a break,’ he said. ‘See that’s just dishonest reporting…’”

How much is that war between Trump and the media going to escalate? It won’t end any time soon, if ever. Note the next article.

CNN Sues White House over Acosta Ban

The Daily Mail reported on November 13:

“CNN filed a federal lawsuit Tuesday against the Trump administration… The networks’ suit, filed by a team that includes former George W. Bush solicitor general Ted Olson, demands the immediate return of Acosta’s credentials… ‘The wrongful revocation of these credentials violates CNN and Acosta’s First Amendment rights of freedom of the press, and their Fifth Amendment rights to due process,’ according to a CNN statement…

“The suit names as defendants Trump, chief of staff John Kelly, White House press secretary Sarah Sanders, deputy chief of staff for communications and former Fox News executive Bill Shine, the director of the U.S. Secret Service and the uniformed officer who took away the credentials… The suit was filed by Ted Boutrous, and Olson, of the firm Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher.

“Olivier Knox, president of the White House Correspondents’ Association, said in a statement that the group ‘strongly supports CNN’s goal of seeing their correspondent regain a US Secret Service security credential that the White House should not have taken away in the first place.’”

Axios wrote on November 14:

Fox News is supporting CNN’s lawsuit against the Trump administration over the White House’s revocation of Jim Acosta’s press pass and plans to file an amicus brief in the case, according to a statement from the network’s president Jay Wallace…

Twelve other news organizations also announced they would be joining Fox in filing an amicus brief in support of CNN [including AP, Bloomberg, NBC News, New York Times, POLITICO, USA Today Network and the Washington Post].”

CNN added on November 14:

“Judge Timothy J. Kelly, a Trump appointee, has been assigned to the case. He will hold a hearing about the request for a temporary restraining order Wednesday at 3:30 p.m. But this legal battle could stretch on for a while. In the event there is no settlement, CNN is requesting a jury trial.”

CNN Business wrote on November 15:

“Judge Timothy J. Kelly heard nearly two hours of oral arguments about CNN’s request for a temporary restraining order and preliminary injunction on Wednesday… he rescheduled the next hearing for Friday at 10 a.m.…”

The law firm of Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher is one of the most prestigious law firms in the nation. According to legal experts, CNN has a very strong or “robust” legal case against the defendants, especially in light of President Trump’s public comments undermining the defense, that he may consider banning other reporters as well (who have not engaged in any alleged “physical conduct” against female interns).

More Legal Trouble for Donald Trump?

The Daily Beast wrote on November 11:

“Friday’s in-depth Wall Street Journal report suggests the U.S. Attorney’s Office of the Southern District of New York and the FBI appear to possess evidence of Donald Trump’s involvement in a criminal scheme that helped get him elected president…

“Trump played a central role in hush-money payments made to Karen McDougal and Stephanie Clifford during the 2016 presidential campaign, the Journal reports, adding more detail to the case of Michael Cohen, Trump’s former fixer-lawyer who pled guilty to federal campaign finance violations in the Southern District in August.

“Recall that when Cohen pleaded guilty in federal court, he stated under oath that he had made the payments ‘in coordination and at the direction of a candidate for federal office’—many assumed that that candidate was Trump, of course. We now know from the Journal that the person who directed Cohen in this criminal scheme was, indeed, Donald Trump. The charging document to which Cohen pled guilty states that he ‘coordinated with one or more members of the campaign, including through meetings and phone calls, about the fact, nature, and timing of the payments.’ The Journal reports that ‘[t]he unnamed campaign member or members referred to Mr. Trump, according to people familiar with the document.’

“In addition, we now know that the evidence of Trump’s involvement in this criminal scheme is not limited to Cohen… the reporters note they obtained information from ‘interviews with three dozen people who have direct knowledge of the events or who have been briefed on them, as well as court papers, corporate records and other documents.’

“… the story opens with a detailed recounting of a crucial and previously unreported August 2015 meeting between Trump and National Enquirer publisher David Pecker… during which Trump asked Pecker how he could help the campaign. Pecker reportedly offered to use his tabloid newspaper to purchase and squash the stories of women alleging affairs with Trump (which he did months later with McDougal). This conversation, on its own, establishes Trump’s direct involvement with and direction of the hush money payment… and goes to the heart of the question of Trump’s intent, namely, did he know and intend that these hush money payments would benefit his campaign for president?

“So, can President Trump be charged… with a crime of violating the federal campaign finance laws? Probably not…”

The report by the Wall Street Journal cannot be easily dismissed as left-liberal propaganda, as the Wall Street Journal is a conservative and basically pro-Trump news outlet. However, as we have repeatedly said before, President Trump will not be indicted, and he is going to be re-elected, as he is fulfilling biblical prophecy… for better or worse.

The False Teaching of Purgatory and Indulgences

Christian News wrote on November 5:

“As has been the custom for the past 50 years, Roman Catholics worldwide who pray at a cemetery between Nov. 1-8—and follow other requirements—are being offered a plenary indulgence to free their loved one from Purgatory and send their soul to Heaven…

“Nov. 1 marked All Saints Day in the Roman Catholic Church, followed by All Souls Day, which began an octave in which adherents of the religion are offered—under certain requirements—a plenary, or complete, indulgence for a deceased loved one or friend. On all other days of the year, the indulgence is only partial. While indulgences were especially common during the days of Reformer Martin Luther (1483-1546), who strongly rebuked the practice, the November offering is a more recent declaration, issued by the Vatican under the leadership of Paul VI on June 29, 1968.

“The doctrine was stated to have been solidified during the Councils of Florence (1439) and Trent (1545-1563), and Catholics further point to the apocryphal book of 2 Maccabees 12, which states, ‘It is therefore a holy and wholesome thought to pray for the dead, that they may be loosed from sins.’… the Catholic Catechism outlines that Roman Catholic leadership ‘by virtue of the power of binding and loosing granted her by Christ Jesus’ offers indulgences as a means of intervention ‘in favor of individual Christians and opens for them the treasury of the merits of Christ and the saints to obtain from the Father of mercies the remission of the temporal punishments due for their sins.’

“Each November since 1968, the Vatican has offered the living the stated opportunity to obtain plenary indulgences for the dead, so that they might be completely freed from Purgatory and go to Heaven. One plenary indulgence per day can be obtained during the eight-day period, and to obtain the indulgence, one must visit the cemetery to pray for the departed, receive communion, go to confession, and pray for the pope, with the minimum being the recitation of the Our Father and the Hail Mary. Other rituals may also be employed.”

The whole concept of Purgatory and the praying for the dead idea, as taught by the Catholic Church and uninspired apocryphal books, such as 2 Maccabees, is totally against Holy Scripture. The power to bind and to loose, which Christ gave to the ministry of His true Church, does of course not relate to teachings contrary to the Bible.

Will the Next Economic Crisis Lead to World War III?

Project Syndicate wrote on November 8:

“The next economic crisis is closer than you think. But what you should really worry about is what comes after: in the current social, political, and technological landscape, a prolonged economic crisis, combined with rising income inequality, could well escalate into a major global military conflict…

“In the United States, housing prices are now 8% higher than they were at the peak of the property bubble in 2006… The price-to-earnings (CAPE) ratio, which measures whether stock-market prices are within a reasonable range, is now higher than it was both in 2008 and at the start of the Great Depression in 1929. As monetary tightening reveals the vulnerabilities in the real economy, the collapse of asset-price bubbles will trigger another economic crisis – one that could be even more severe than the last…

“This is all the more worrying in view of the numerous other factors stoking social unrest and diplomatic tension, including technological disruption, a record-breaking migration crisis, anxiety over globalization, political polarization, and rising nationalism. All are symptoms of failed policies that could turn out to be trigger points for a future crisis. Voters have good reason to be frustrated, but the emotionally appealing populists to whom they are increasingly giving their support are offering ill-advised solutions that will only make matters worse

“Against this background, we must take seriously the possibility that the next economic crisis could lead to a large-scale military confrontation…”

Bitcoin May Boom Due to US Climbing Debt

Express wrote on November 11:

“There could be a major spike in the price of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies because of the rapidly growing level of US debt, a leading industry expert has claimed. ShapeShift CEO Erik Voorhees has said cryptocurrencies will boom during the next global financial crisis. The finance expert at the global trading firm believes the high level of US debt will cripple the economy unless more money is printed. He argues this will lead to an increase in cryptocurrency investment. He said: ‘When the next global financial crisis occurs, the world will realise organisations with $20trillion in debt can’t possibly ever pay it back. They must print it instead, and thus fiat is doomed…

“US lawmakers keep increasing the country’s debt ceiling, allowing for the federal government to take on more and more debt. His theory is the debt level of world economies is unsustainable and will put states under pressure the next time there is a financial crash. As a result, he believes quantitive easing will have to come into force, the process whereby governments print money, to help pay off the money they owe. The more money in circulation the less it is worth, meaning ordinary families could be set to see their savings decrease in value. Mr Voorhees believes this in turn could lead to more people investing in cryptocurrencies…

“However, digital currencies are also a financial risk for investors due to their history of extreme volatility. In 2017, Bitcoin’s value rocketed to more than double its value, reaching a high $19,783 in December. However, it then plunged in 2018 to a low of less than $6,000 in June. Since then the online money has stabilised and has seen no major rises or falls in its value. At the time of writing Bitcoin is worth $6,367.36.”

Express added on November 16:

“BITCOIN (BTC) experienced a sudden drop in value on Wednesday after a prolonged period of record stability, which many experts said would produce a sharp move in either an upwards or downwards direction.”

Acknowledgement and Disclaimer

These Current Events are compiled and commented on by Norbert Link. We gratefully acknowledge the many contributions of news articles from our readership. The publication of articles in this section is not to be viewed as an endorsement or approval as to contents or accuracy of the selected articles, but they are published for the purpose of pointing at worldwide developments in the light of biblical end-time prophecy and godly instruction. Our own comments are provided in italics.

This Week in the News

US Midterm Elections Result—Gridlock for Sure!

The Algemeiner wrote on November 7:

Trump and his fellow Republicans expanded their control of the US Senate in Tuesday’s midterm elections, following a divisive campaign marked by fierce clashes over race and immigration. But they lost their majority in the House, a setback for Trump after a campaign that became a referendum on his leadership. With some races still undecided, Democrats were headed for a gain of more than 30 seats, beyond the 23 they needed to claim their first majority in the 435-member House in eight years.

“The Democrats had never looked likely to win control of the Senate… The party with the presidency often loses House seats in midterm elections. Former President Barack Obama’s Democrats suffered what he called a ‘shellacking’ in congressional elections in 2010.

“With divided leadership in Congress and a president who has taken an expansive view of executive power, Washington could be in store for even deeper political polarization and legislative gridlock…”

Business Insider wrote on November 7:

“‘Welcome to gridlock,’ Paul Donovan, chief economist at UBS Wealth Management said on Wednesday morning. ‘Trump may now fall back on policy areas that do not require Congress, like trade…. Donovan’s view was issued by his colleagues in the chief investment office who note that an ‘increase in gridlock is likely, making it difficult to pass legislation.’”

There will be no meaningful cooperation between House and Senate Republicans and Democrats. Legislative gridlock appears inevitable. However, many of Donald Trump’s foreign powers are not restricted by Congress, and that is extremely worrisome to many.

Trump’s Ongoing Unrestricted Powers

Politico wrote on November 6:

“U.S. President Donald Trump will retain much of his power to shape America’s global policy… Like presidents before him, Trump has wide authority to act unilaterally on some of the issues that Europe and other countries care the most about — foreign policy, defense and trade. And Trump has displayed a broad interpretation of presidential authority and willingness to go around a gridlocked Congress…

“Trump can still quit treaties, negotiate bilateral agreements and make significant changes to U.S. priorities abroad if he so chooses. Congress can’t force the president and his aides to fill the vacant diplomatic posts that dot the globe, for example. And it can’t constrain Trump’s rhetoric about foreign countries, the United Nations or NATO…”

US Midterm Elections from a European Perspective

Deutsche Welle reported on November 7:

“… officials in Germany and other European Union countries said they do not believe the results will prompt a change in US President Donald Trump’s approach to foreign policy. ‘It would be a mistake to expect a course correction from Donald Trump now,’ German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas wrote on Twitter… Manfred Weber, a German politician who heads up the European Parliament’s center-right European People’s Party (EPP), said the results were a ‘mixed signal.’”

Even before the results of the midterm election had become known, Deutsche Welle wrote the following on November 5:

Never before have the US midterm elections attracted so much interest abroad. Many in the EU hope that the vote will weaken US President Donald Trump. However, observers say, that could prove dangerous internationally… Currently, the Republicans hold the majority in both houses of the US Congress…

“Elmar Brok, the former chairman of the European Parliament Committee on Foreign Affairs and a member of German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s Christian Democrats, told DW that it would be good for ‘checks and balances’ for the Democrats to win control of at least one chamber of the bicameral legislature — most likely the House of Representatives. Brok acknowledged, however, that such an outcome could have a downside: ‘President Trump would then concentrate entirely on foreign policy because he would no longer be able to push through any domestic reforms. That could make us even more nervous.’

The president’s attitude toward the European Union is clear. In trade matters, he regards the EU as an ‘enemy’ of the US — not a rival or even competitor, but an enemy. For example, the president’s realignment of US trade policy has resulted in fiery clashes with the leaders of almost all industrialized countries worldwide. And, after Trump imposed tariffs on steel and aluminum, he began threatening the European Union with punitive duties on cars as a measure to protect US automakers.

“… German observers of US politics fear that Trump could… [order] a military strike on Iran or North Korea… Whatever happens [on Tuesday], little would likely change for the better, Brok said. Trump is so unpredictable in his dealings with NATO allies that all conceivable scenarios in the wake of the US midterm elections are possible, Brok added.

“Braml, of the German Council on Foreign Relations, had a similar take. ‘The US, the “checks and balances,” will not do for us,’ he said. ‘We must think for ourselves: We must learn to think more confidently as Europeans.’ That has been the recurring theme in Germany and the European Union ever since Trump won the presidency in 2016, Braml said. Now, he added, the EU must come up with a coherent and credible strategy for global politics — regardless of who sits in the White House or the US Congress.”

Democrats Will Shoot at Trump

Mother Jones wrote on November 6:

“Here comes the flood. With the Democrats having won control of the House of Representatives, President Donald Trump and his crew in the White House and assorted federal agencies can expect to be hit by a wave of investigations and subpoena requests from Capitol Hill…

“The House Intelligence Committee… will certainly revive aspects of the Trump-Russia probe that House Republicans smothered. The House Foreign Affairs Committee surely will consider examining the Trump-Saudi relationship in light of the grisly murder of Jamal Khashoggi. You can bet the Homeland Security Committee will investigate the Trump administration’s family-separation policy, and the Armed Services Committee will examine whether there was any reason for Trump to send 15,000 troops to the border to deal with a migrant caravan…

“Since Trump entered office… congressional Democrats have been demanding the chance to investigate him… Republicans, though, constantly blocked them and protected Trump… Now the House Democrats have a golden opportunity—and, perhaps unfortunately for the nation, an embarrassment of riches to choose from.”

Trump Will Fire Back

The Washington Post wrote on November 7:

“President Trump threatened Wednesday to retaliate with a ‘warlike posture’ should the new Democratic House majority use its subpoena power to launch investigations into his administration, warning that any probes would jeopardize prospects for bipartisan deals…

“The president, who had demonized Democrats in apocalyptic terms and attacked Pelosi on the campaign trail, said he looked forward to working with her on ‘a beautiful bipartisan-type situation.’… But Trump said that he would react aggressively to any attempt to look into possible corruption in his administration or investigate his personal finances or conduct in office, as Democratic leaders have said they are planning to do…”

Trump Fires Sessions

CNBC wrote on November 7:

“Embattled Attorney General Jeff Sessions resigned at the ‘request’ of President Donald Trump on Wednesday after more than a year of public criticism from the president. Sessions’ chief of staff, Matthew Whitaker, will serve as acting attorney general, Trump announced. Whitaker also will assume oversight of the ongoing investigation by special counsel Robert Mueller into Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election, and possible collusion by Trump’s campaign in that meddling… Whitaker, who has publicly criticized the Mueller investigation, by law can serve as acting AG for a maximum of 210 days. He will have the power to fire Mueller ‘for cause’…

“Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein up till now has had oversight over the Mueller probe, as a result of Sessions’ move to recuse himself from the investigation in 2017… Sessions’ resignation was expected to happen sometime after Tuesday’s midterm elections, particularly given the drumbeat of the president’s repeated criticism of the attorney general… But the abruptness of the move, less than 24 hours after the close of the polls Tuesday, stunned Trump’s closest allies both inside and outside of the White House.”

Hannity’s Inappropriate Conduct

Newsmax and The Associated Press reported on November 6:

“Sean Hannity spoke from the stage of President Donald Trump’s last midterm election rally on Monday, after Fox News Channel and its most popular personality had insisted all day that he wouldn’t. Hannity appeared on the podium in a Missouri arena after being called to the stage by Trump. Another Fox News host, Jeanine Pirro, also appeared onstage with the president…

“Hannity has been rebuked by Fox in the past. In 2016, he was part of a Trump political video, which Fox said it had not known about in advance and told Hannity not to do so again. When Fox found out in 2010 that the Tea Party had advertised that Hannity would be appearing at one of his fundraising rallies, Fox said it had not approved the arrangement and ordered him back to New York… Despite Fox’s disavowal, the Trump campaign continued to list Hannity as a guest throughout Monday at the link where people could seek tickets to the event.”

The Week wrote on November 6:

“Fox News on Tuesday issued a statement saying it ‘does not condone’ the participation of show hosts Sean Hannity and Jeanine Pirro in President Trump’s Monday night campaign rally in Missouri. ‘This was an unfortunate distraction and has been addressed,’ the statement said, not detailing what consequences the pundits were handed. Before the rally, the network and Hannity alike insisted he was there in a journalistic capacity, but at the event he went up on stage with Trump and, pointing to the journalists present, told the crowd: ‘By the way, all those people in the back are fake news.’ Hannity said in a tweet midday Tuesday his appearance on stage was ‘NOT planned.’”

Especially prior to the midterm elections, both arch-liberal and anti-Trump CNN and MSNBC as well as arch-conservative and pro-Trump Fox News engaged in an unparalleled partisan advertisement approach for either the Democrats or the Republicans which had nothing to do with informative, fair and objective reporting.

Trump’s Unprecedented War with the Media

CNN Business reported on November 7:

“In a stunning break with protocol, the White House said Wednesday night that it’s suspending the press pass of CNN’s Jim Acosta ‘until further notice.’ The move came just hours after Acosta, CNN’s chief White House correspondent, drew the ire of President Donald Trump and his allies by asking multiple questions at a post-midterms news conference. Trump insulted Acosta and called him a ‘terrible’ person.

“CNN said in a statement that Acosta has the network’s full support. The revocation of his pass ‘was done in retaliation for his challenging questions at today’s press conference,’ the statement said. ‘In an explanation, Press Secretary Sarah Sanders lied. She provided fraudulent accusations and cited an incident that never happened. This unprecedented decision is a threat to our democracy and the country deserves better. Jim Acosta has our full support.’

“The removal of his pass is a sharp escalation of tensions between the Trump administration and CNN. It immediately stirred concerns within the White House press corps. Peter Baker, the chief White House correspondent for The New York Times, said on Twitter: ‘This is something I’ve never seen since I started covering the White House in 1996. Other presidents did not fear tough questioning.’ …

“Acosta has been one of the most aggressive reporters on the Trump beat, winning him huge numbers of fans but also huge numbers of critics… ‘President Trump believes in a free press and expects and welcomes tough questions of him and his Administration,’ [Sanders] said. ‘We will, however, never tolerate a reporter placing his hands on a young woman just trying to do her job as a White House intern. This conduct is absolutely unacceptable.’…

“CNN said in a statement: ‘This President’s ongoing attacks on the press have gone too far. They are not only dangerous, they are disturbingly un-American…”

Bild Online commented about the “insane Trump show”: “The President completely lost it at the press conference after the US election.” Die Welt Online added that it was Trump who provoked the fight and that the statement by the White House was untrue because the video clearly showed that Acosta did not touch the person, but only held on to the mic, and even apologized to her for not returning the mic to her. Stern Online and Spiegel Online agreed and described the incident in extremely unflattering terms for Trump.

Deutsche Welle described Trump’s attack on journalists in this way:

“He angrily attacked a White House correspondent of Haitian descent, telling her that her question about whether white nationalists might be emboldened by him labeling himself a nationalist was ‘a racist question’ and ‘insulting.’ Things were no better for foreign correspondents, with the president consistently complaining he couldn’t understand them. He had especially harsh treatment for a Japanese reporter; Trump, after asking the reporter where he was from, said ‘Say hello to Shinzo … I’m sure he’s happy about his tariffs on his cars.’…”

The upshot of the matter is that due to incidents like these, Trump’s reputation in other countries, especially Germany, went from extremely bad to unbelievably worse. 

CNN Business wrote on November 8:

“White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders seized on a misleading video… it appeared to have come from Paul Joseph Watson, an editor-at-large for InfoWars… it did not accurately portray what happened — it appears to show Acosta’s arm moving in a downward motion towards the intern’s faster than it actually did…

‘On Twitter, Watson strongly denied having edited the video in a deliberately deceptive fashion… Watson did provide a clue as to how the video may have inadvertently come to show a misleading version of the incident… He said that the basis for the video he posted was not raw footage or even a clip taken directly from a network. Instead, Watson said, he had downloaded a GIF, edited it, and exported the final product as a video. A GIF is a media file that compresses video by removing a significant number of frames from it. It allows individuals to show moving images without uploading large files…

“In a Thursday afternoon statement, Whitney Shefte, president of the White House News Photographers Association, said, ‘As visual journalists, we know that manipulating images is manipulating truth. It’s deceptive, dangerous and unethical. Knowingly sharing manipulated images is equally problematic, particularly when the person sharing them is a representative of our country’s highest office with vast influence over public opinion.’”

This is all very troublesome indeed. As has been confirmed by most news outlets, the unaltered video clearly shows that Acosta did NOT “place his hands” on the female intern. Trump’s war with the media will not end any time soon, and truth or fake news is on the line.

Merkel’s Past Influence on Germany and Europe

The Week wrote on October 31:

“It is almost impossible to convey the significance of Angela Merkel’s announcement that she will not run again for the chancellorship of Germany… No other figure in German politics born since the conclusion of the Second World War has enjoyed anything like Merkel’s influence, and it could be argued that her ultimate significance as architect of the post-9/11 European order will be greater than that of any modern politician in her country save Konrad Adenhauer, a man born at the zenith of the Hohenzollerns.

“For more than a decade Merkel has controlled the destiny of Europe. The continent in the period from the beginning of the Iraq war until now has been made in her personal image. The European Union began as many things, but in practice it has meant what Peter Hitchens has called ‘the continuation of Germany by other means,’ which is to say, the modern German desire, born long ago in the forge of Prussian ambition, to dominate Europe. It was the dream of the Kaiser, of Bismarck, of Frederick the Great, of the Hohenstaufen emperors…

“Merkel’s departure signals the end not only of the immediate post-Cold War era in German politics but the final twilight of… Christian values that she and her party embodied, however imperfectly, in a world that has moved past them… Looking at Europe now, it is hard not to be reminded of those immortal words of Wilhelm II contemplating the ruin of Germany from his exile, who saw ‘a nation of poets and musicians, of artists and soldiers’ becoming ‘a nation of hysterics and hermits, engulfed in a mob and led by a thousand liars or fanatics.’”

Reuters reported on November 7:

“More than three out of five Germans want Chancellor Merkel to step down in January and hand over the reins of government to whoever is elected chairman of the CDU at the party convention next month, according to a survey by Insa for the Bild tabloid newspaper.”

French President Macron Warns Europe

Euractiv wrote on November 1:

“French President Emmanuel Macron has warned Europe of a return to the 1930s because of the spread of a nationalist ‘leprosy’ across the continent…I am struck by similarities between the times we live in and those of between the two world wars,’ he [said,] urging people to be aware of the threats… ‘In a Europe divided by fears, the return of nationalism, the consequences of economic crisis, one sees almost systematically everything that marked Europe between the end of World War I and the 1929 (economic) crisis,’ [he was] quoted… as saying…

“‘Europe faces a risk — that of being broken up by nationalist leprosy and of being pushed around by foreign powers. And thereby losing its sovereignty,’ he said. ‘That is to say having its security depend on US choices, having China play an ever greater role when it comes to essential infrastructures, and Russia sometimes tempted to try its hand at manipulation, and have financial interests and markets sometimes play greater roles than that of states.’”

Macron Calls for “Real” European Army

The Guardian wrote on November 6:

“Emmanuel Macron has used the first world war armistice centenary commemorations to call for a ‘real’ European army, warning that rising nationalism and populism threaten the fragile peace on the continent. ‘We have to protect ourselves with respect to China, Russia and even the United States of America,’ Macron said as he visited the sites of the western front battlefields in northern France on Tuesday… ‘When I see President Trump announcing that he’s quitting a major disarmament treaty which was formed after the 1980s Euromissile crisis that hit Europe, who is the main victim? Europe and its security,’ he said in a radio interview to mark 100 years since the end of hostilities…”

Express wrote on November 6:

“Nigel Farage accused the European Union of ‘lying to us for 50 years’ after French President Emmanuel Macron called for a ‘real European army’ to reduce Europe’s dependence on the United States for defence. Nigel Farage warned a European army would be ‘very dangerous’ and ‘deeply insulting’ to the United States.”

European Defense Coalition

Reuters reported on November 7:

“A coalition of European militaries ready to react to crises near the continent’s borders was launched on Wednesday with Finland becoming the 10th country to join, amid calls by French President Emmanuel Macron for a ‘real European army’. The French-led initiative would not conflict with the almost 70-year-old, U.S.-dominated NATO alliance, proponents say, but reflects in part concerns about a more isolationist United States under President Donald Trump.

“The European Intervention Initiative took official shape in Paris after months of negotiations with Germany, who France wants at the center of the force… Germany, Belgium, Britain, Denmark, Estonia, the Netherlands, Spain and Portugal have all given their green light for the French-led move. It will see members collaborate on planning, on the analysis of new military and humanitarian crises, and on eventual military responses to those crises.

“‘In an environment where threats and upheavals of a geopolitical or climatic nature are multiplying, the initiative must send the message that Europe is ready, that Europe is capable,’ a French defense ministry official said. The imminent departure from the EU of Britain, long opposed to EU military collaboration outside NATO, has revived talk of defense cooperation – as have concerns that Trump might prove less willing than his predecessors to come to Europe’s defense in the face of a newly assertive Russia.”

The ten countries referred to in the article are: France, Germany, Belgium, Britain, Denmark, Netherlands, Estonia, Spain, Portugal and Finland. We know from the Bible that Britain will not stay in this coalition, while Italy will join soon.

Brexit—“Abandon All Hope!”

Deutsche Welle wrote on November 6:

“The Sunday Times really got our hopes up over the weekend. A Brexit deal was imminent, the paper wrote. The European Union had given in to Prime Minister Theresa May’s demands and was letting her stay in a sort of customs union in order to solve the vexed Irish border question…

“What seemed reasonable has, however, now become impossible. At a Cabinet meeting on Tuesday, May was forced to declare she would not close a Brexit deal ‘at any cost.’ Clearly the cost is too high for her Brexiteers, who want at best a time limited customs union, or to be able to leave it at any time… No new cabinet meeting has been scheduled. Ministers will come together again only after what the PM calls ‘the best deal for Britain’ has been reached. The continued stalemate scuppers May’s plan to get a deal done this week. That’s needed to call an EU summit for the end of November and push the whole thing through Parliament before Christmas…”

German Ex-Spy Chief Maassen Fired

Deutsche Welle wrote on November 5:

“German Interior Minister Horst Seehofer said on Monday that he was temporarily relieving former domestic spy chief Hans-Georg Maassen of his duties after Maassen made ‘unacceptable remarks’ in a farewell speech to representatives of international intelligence agencies. Seehofer, who has previously supported Maassen, said that a ‘cooperation based on mutual trust’ was no longer possible in view of the remarks.

“Maassen’s critical view of the government’s policy on refugees… has highlighted and contributed to rifts within Germany’s coalition over the past few months. In his address, Maassen spoke about ‘radical left-wing elements’ in the Social Democratic Party (SPD), the junior partner in the ruling coalition, who had, he said, seized gladly upon his controversial remarks about protests in the eastern city of Chemnitz in August to provoke divisions in the government. He also criticized Germany’s current policies on refugees and security as ‘naive and leftist.’

“… Maassen, 55, came under fire… when he questioned well-documented reports of far-right violence against foreigners during the Chemnitz protests. There have also been media reports that he passed sensitive information about Islamic extremism to the anti-immigration and anti-Islam Alternative for Germany (AfD) party. The outcry prompted the government to fire Maassen as the head of the BfV.  An initial compromise between Chancellor Angela Merkel’s Christian Democrats (CDU) and the SPD would have seen Maassen essentially promoted to deputy interior minister. But that deal met with such opposition both from politicians and the public that he was instead to be made a consultant reporting directly to Seehofer…

“The AfD responded to the news by offering Maassen the chance to join its ranks. ‘He would fit well into a democratic, constitutional party like the AfD,’ chair Jörg Meuthen told newspapers of the Redaktionsnetzwerk Deutschland, and also described Maassen as ‘a conscientious, excellent and thorough public official.’”

US Broad Sanctions Against Iran (and Many Other Nations)

Deutsche Welle wrote on November 4:

“All business with Iranian oil companies will be prohibited, as are insurances of any kind, including policies on oil shipments… all financial transactions with Iran’s central bank and a number of other banks will be banned

“Oil sales account for some 80 percent of all state income in Iran and since 60 percent of Iran’s budget expenditures are distributed to state-run businesses and institutions the country is extremely dependent upon the revenue they produce…

“Washington’s one-sided… implementation of unilateral sanctions have deepened the trans-atlantic divide. Now, Europe is standing side by side with Beijing and Moscow and against Washington in one of the central international questions of our day.”

Deutsche Welle wrote on November 5:

“As US sanctions against Iran came back into effect on Monday, US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo revealed that several countries secured oil import exemptions, including: India, China, Taiwan, Japan, South Korea, Turkey, Greece, and Italy… The US decided to reimpose the sanctions after US President Donald Trump withdrew from the 2015 Iran nuclear deal earlier this year.

“Pompeo told reporters that the eight countries secured temporary waivers to continue importing oil from Iran. The exemptions were granted with the understanding that the countries will seek to reduce their imports to zero. Waivers were also issued to allow European firms to continue conversion work on two of Iran’s nuclear facilities…

“Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin told reporters that he expects European nations to honor the sanctions, but that certain transactions — particularly humanitarian ones — will continue to be allowed.”

Handelsblatt Global wrote on November 5:

“German and European resistance to US sanctions on Iran appears to be failing, in an apparent victory for Donald Trump’s foreign policy… Germany’s economics ministry admitted the almost total ineffectiveness of European countermeasures to date… The new sanctions threaten any company or individual, American or not, who buys Iranian oil, invests in its energy sector, or uses Iranian banks or shipping lines. They specifically pressure financial payments systems, like the Belgian-based SWIFT network, to cut Iran from international transactions.

“When Trump announced a first round of sanctions in May, the German government and the European Union promised they would shield German and European companies from the effect of the measures… Germany and the EU have tried to circumvent the embargoes, but Berlin conceded its measures have done little to protect continued trade with Iran…

“This situation offers little immediate hope for German companies looking to trade with Iran. As a result, many large international companies, including Daimler, Siemens, Bayer, Henkel and Wintershall, left Iran earlier this year. They are fearful of legal action against their American businesses… German and European banks are spooked by American threats, and nearly all remaining German banks cut ties with Tehran. Some German companies are already unable to access funds paid by their Iranian clients…

“Still, German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas phoned with his Iranian counterpart last week and assured him that the European Union continued to ‘make intensive efforts’ to keep economic channels open.”

Europeans recognize their current inability to stand up to the USA. This will prompt and force them to unite powerfully in the not-too-distant future to be able to decide “their own destiny.”

Iranians “Respond”

The Algemeiner and Reuters wrote on November 4:

“Iranians chanting ‘Death to America’ rallied on Sunday to mark both the anniversary of the seizure of the US Embassy during the 1979 Islamic Revolution and the imminent reimposition of US sanctions on Iran’s key oil sector. Thousands of students in the government-organized rally in the capital Tehran, broadcast live by state television, burned the Stars and Stripes, an effigy of Uncle Sam and pictures of President Donald Trump outside the leafy downtown compound that once housed the US mission.

“Hardline students stormed the embassy on Nov. 4, 1979 soon after the fall of the US-backed Shah, and 52 Americans were held hostage there for 444 days. The two countries have been enemies, on opposite sides of Middle East conflict, ever since.”

Frightening Prospects for the American-Mexican Border

The Sun wrote on November 2:

“Trump-supporting Texans are taking up arms and heading to the Mexican border in a bid to head off the migrant caravan bound for the US. Up to 200 volunteers from the Texas Minutemen are heading to the Rio Grande River to join US Army troops dispatched by the president. They say they are guarding their country against drug cartels and criminals who they think are amidst the migrants marching north. But others say their involvement has raised fears of vigilantism in border towns, with the US border patrol warning residents to beware of ‘possible armed civilians’

“The Minutemen regard themselves as part of a grand tradition of Americans defending freedom… Donald [Trump] revealed this week he may send up to 15,000 soldiers, as many as are serving in Afghanistan… The militia members said they plan to bring guns and equipment such as bulletproof vests and lend a hand to the Border Patrol to protect against people unlawfully entering the country.

“Their presence has led to conflict in some cases. A militia member killed two people in 2009 during an invasion of what she thought was a drug house near the border in Arivaca, Arizona. Residents in that same city have been posting signs in recent weeks warning that militia members are not welcome… Marianna Trevino Wright, a South Texas resident who is director of the nonprofit National Butterfly Centre, said she is more fearful of the militias than the caravan. ‘We go about our business here every day in a peaceful manner,’ Wright said. ‘The idea that we could be invaded not by illegal immigrants but by militia groups … is regrettable, and it will end badly.’”

These developments are deeply unsettling indeed.

A Nation in Turmoil

The New York Times wrote on November 4:

“The tumultuous 2018 midterm campaign [has been] shaped by conflicts over race and identity and punctuated by tragedy

“There was an unmistakable dissonance between the relative health of the economy and the dark mood of a country… after a wave of attempted mail bombings and a massacre at a Pittsburgh synagogue that left 11 dead. ‘The nation is in political turmoil,’ said Representative Carlos Curbelo, a Florida Republican… ‘The economy is roaring but the mood is so sour. It’s a very sad time in this country.’…”

The Ghost of Civil War

The Daily Mail wrote on November 4:

“Spotsylvania [in Virginia is] among the most hallowed of all Civil War battlegrounds. In 1864, it was the scene of the most brutal fighting of the most brutal campaign of the conflict. When it ended, 30,000 men lay dead or wounded and the Confederacy had suffered the losses which would ultimately force its surrender… America’s Civil War ghosts are stirring again…

“The Civil War of 2018 is creating many scars… For many observers, the backdrop to these [midterm] elections has been the letter bombs posted to Democratic politicians and the Squirrel Hill synagogue shooting last weekend which left 11 Jewish people dead. But here in Virginia another bloody legacy overshadows this campaign [with] violent clashes between anti-fascists and neo-Nazis that resulted in the death of activist Heather Heyer…

“Like their forefathers 150 years ago, the warriors of both sides in the new US Civil War believe in the absolute justness of their cause.”

The Civil War Did Not End

The Guardian wrote on November 4:

“In the 158th year of the American civil war, also known as 2018, the Confederacy continues its recent resurgence

“If you are white, you could consider that the civil war ended in 1865. But the blowback against Reconstruction, the rise of Jim Crow, the myriad forms of segregation and deprivation of rights and freedoms and violence against black people, kept the population subjugated and punished into the present in ways that might as well be called war. It’s worth remembering that the Ku Klux Klan also hated Jews and, back then, Catholics; that the ideal of whiteness was anti-immigrant, anti-diversity, anti-inclusion…

“Another way to talk about the United States as a country at war is to note that the number of weapons in circulation is incompatible with peace. We have 5% of the world’s population and 35%-50% of the guns in civilian hands, more guns per capita than anywhere else – and more gun deaths, too. Is it any surprise that mass shootings… are practically daily events? Many synagogues, Jewish community centers, black churches and public schools now engage in drills that are preparations for the gunman who might arrive…”

Ongoing and increasingly violent confrontations in today’s deeply divided USA are more than just mere fiction.

Ongoing Misconceptions about Birthright Citizenship

Recently Ann Coulter, a prominent anti-immigration author, wrote the following:

Whether the children born to legal immigrants are citizens is controversial enough. But at least there’s a Supreme Court decision claiming that they are — U.S. v. Wong Kim Ark. That’s ‘birthright citizenship.’ It’s something else entirely to claim that an illegal alien, subject to deportation, can drop a baby and suddenly claim to be the parent of a ‘citizen.’  This crackpot notion was concocted by liberal zealot Justice William Brennan and slipped into a footnote as dicta in a 1982 case. ‘Dicta’ means it was not the ruling of the court, just a random aside, with zero legal significance… No Supreme Court has ever held that children born to illegal aliens are citizens…”

This conclusion is false. The Citizenship Clause of the 14th Amendment states: “All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the state wherein they reside.”

 In United States v. Wong Kim Ark, 169 U.S. 649 (1898)], the Supreme Court said by a 6-2 vote, that the 14th Amendment applied to virtually everyone born in the U.S., except for children of enemies of the U.S. or of foreign diplomats, or children born on Native American reservations, which were considered sovereign entities.

The meaning of that clause “subject to the jurisdiction thereof” is plain, decreeing that all children born in the United States are citizens of the United States [and thereby subject to its jurisdiction], with the exception of those listed above.

In Plyler v. Doe [Plyler v. Doe, 457 U.S. 202 (1982)], the court said in a footnote that “no plausible distinction with respect to 14th Amendment ‘jurisdiction’ can be drawn between resident aliens whose entry into the United States was lawful, and resident aliens whose entry was unlawful.” Even though dicta, all nine justices agreed that the Equal Protection Clause protects legal and illegal aliens alike. And all nine reached that conclusion precisely because illegal aliens are “subject to the jurisdiction” of the U.S., no less than legal aliens and U.S. citizens. It would be preposterous to say that illegal aliens are not subject to US jurisdiction. If so, the US could not hold them accountable for any crimes they commit in this country. Coulter’s comment that it is controversial enough whether children born to legal immigrants are citizens is deeply unsettling and disturbing. It reflects a mindset which is absolutely contrary to long-standing American values. Please view our recent StandingWatch program, “The TRUE FACTS about America’s Birthright Citizenship”.

The Nonsense of Daylight Saving Time… Who Came Up with this Crazy Idea?

Deutsche Welle wrote on October 27:

“In the early hours of Sunday, almost all of Europe will change the clocks… once again the public will debate whether all this makes sense or not, this time more fiercely and controversially than ever, because time could be up for changing the clocks…

“The Brussels-based authority wants to put an end to the journey through time that has been going on for 38 years. It urges that the practice be scrapped in 2019 already. Each EU member state is to decide whether it would permanently remain on summer time, or the standard winter time. However, none of this is official yet, as the European Parliament and the EU member states still have to give their approval…

“So Sunday’s changing of the clocks could be the last of its kind. Which is a good thing. For the permanent tampering with the clocks has led to nothing! The alleged advantages of saving energy? Never materialized, according to scientific studies…

“A look back at history can help us make the right decision. The idea of daylight saving time was first implemented by the last German emperor, Wilhelm II. When millions of soldiers were slaughtered in the bloody trench warfare of the First World War and German armament factories faced fuel shortages, he had the clocks switched to summer time on April 30, 1916. The aim was to save energy, in order to be able to continue the war. Germany’s opponents, Great Britain and France, followed suit during the same year. But summer time – already unpopular with contemporaries – was abolished again in 1919.

“In 1940, summer time was reintroduced by the Nazis under Adolf Hitler – for the same reason as in 1916. His dictatorial brethren, Italy’s Benito Mussolini and Spain’s Francisco Franco, followed suit with their country’s clocks, and the Nazis forced much of Europe to change as well. 1949 saw the end of that experiment. In 1980, at the time of the second oil crisis, the summertime changing of the clocks was revived in both parts of then-divided Germany. Since 1996, daylight saving time has applied in all EU member states.

“In short: a clueless emperor and a dictator with delusions of grandeur, responsible for two world wars, tampered with the clocks to facilitate their military operations. For this reason alone I say: the changing of the clocks can cease to be. Goodbye, winter time – and thanks for nothing!”

The USA followed Germany’s lead, starting with daylight saving time in 1918. It was observed for seven months in 1918 and 1919. After the War ended, the law proved so unpopular that it was repealed in 1919. During World War II, President Franklin Roosevelt, following Hitler’s lead, instituted year-round daylight saving time, called ‘War Time,’ from February 9, 1942 to September 30, 1945. From 1945 to 1966, there was no federal law regarding daylight saving time, until Richard Nixon resurrected it again in 1974 (compare Arizona and Hawaii refused to adopt daylight saving time… good for them.

“A Snake, the Temple, and the Messiah”

Breaking Israel News wrote on November 1:

“A snake wriggling out from between the stones of the Western Wall in search of a meal brought with it a message straight from Jewish mystical teachings; connecting the archetypal enemy of man with the High Priest in the Temple, and also, perhaps, serving as a harbinger of the Messiah… A Hebrew language blogger quoted by Ynet News noted the serpent made its Jerusalem appearance during a hotly contested mayoral election, connecting it to the destruction of the Second Temple

“Pointing to the pigeon that fled the snake in the video, Sod1820, a Hebrew language kabbalah site, cited Midrash [where] Israel is compared to a pigeon or dove… The site also claimed the appearance of a snake coming out of the stones of the Temple Mount could be seen as an auspicious sign… The Zohar (the basis of Jewish mysticism) explained that the evil inclination, personified by the snake in Eden, will make a resurgence in the days before Messiah… According to Jewish tradition, the curse of Eve, represented by menstrual blood and labor pains, will be canceled out in the Messianic era. Before the Messiah, God will kill the archetypal snake, removing the curse of Eve… The Zohar states that the tikkun (fixing) of the snake would be accomplished in the Third Temple by way of the breastplate…

“It does indeed seem like the Temple Mount is trying to speak to the Jewish people. About four months ago, a large piece of one of the stones weighing several hundred pounds suddenly fell, barely missing one of the women who came to pray at dawn. Another sign appeared on Hoshana Rabba, the last day of Sukkot, when a large cloud of mist began billowing up from the ground inside the Temple Mount Compound, surrounding the Dome of the rock for several minutes.”

All this superstitious nonsense has one thing in common… the Jewish belief in the building of a Third Temple on the Temple Mount prior to the coming of the Messiah. For more information, please view our StandingWatch program, “Netanyahu’s Announcement of a Third Temple?”

Large Earthquakes in California Renew Fears of the Big One

Zero Hedge wrote on November 3:

“A series of large earthquakes has rattled California over the last 24 hours, and scientists are telling us that the shaking was the result of ‘movement along the San Andreas Fault system.’ In recent months there has been an alarming amount of seismic activity all along ‘the Ring of Fire’, and there have been times when the number of global earthquakes has been way above normal… experts are telling us that we are overdue for the ‘Big One’ to hit California…

“A 2008 report by USGS described the Hayward Fault, which runs to the east of San Francisco, as a ‘tectonic time bomb’ which could threaten the city’s seven million residents. And when ‘the Big One’ does strike, it could potentially be far worse than most people have ever imagined… a recent study that concluded that a major earthquake could potentially ‘plunge large parts of California into the sea almost instantly’

The fact [is] that our planet is entering a time of unprecedented seismic activity… Down in southern California, a ‘moving sinkhole’ is now traveling up to 60 feet a day, and it is ‘destroying everything in its path’…

“Of course this is not just a west coast phenomenon.  We have been witnessing unusual seismic activity all over the world, and it has become very clear that our planet is becoming increasingly unstable. Natural disasters are going to continue to grow worse and worse, and that is going to have extremely serious implications for all of us.”

This is sadly, very true, and it is prophesied to occur in the Bible. Please view our recent StandingWatch program, Is California’s Big Earthquake About to Strike?”

The Next Generation of Deadly Weapons… Genetically Engineered Viruses

Zero Hedge wrote on November 2:

“Genetically engineered viruses could very well become the next generation of warfare. Deadly viruses modified in labs could be released eliminating entire communities of people as they infect making them a valuable asset to militaries worldwide.

“As dystopian as that sounds, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) is already working on a project called Insect Allies which will use insects to infect crops with genetically modified viruses that edit the crops’ genetic profile to make them more resilient against disease, as well as natural and manufactured threats to the food supply.

Joe Joseph of The Daily Sheeple said a quick Google search would give you enough information to let you know how horrific this kind of technology can be. ‘…and you’ll find it fascinating just at how unbelievable a weapon this could be, how unintentionally mistakes can be made that can cause irreversible damage…irreparable damage…to the human race. And I mean, FAST!’ Joseph said. ‘A gene drive…if let’s just say there’s a mistake, you could feasibly wipe out the human race in a very very short period of time. It’s an unbelievable tool at the disposal of madmen.’

“DARPA attempted to squash rising fears about their Insect Allies project and issue reassurances after German and French scientists voiced questions and concerns about the program’s efficacy earlier this month.  Those scientists also suggested that it could be ‘widely perceived as an effort to develop biological agents for hostile purposes and their means of delivery, which—if true—would constitute a breach of the Biological Weapons Convention.’

“If the know-how and means exist to transmit genetic viruses that supposedly create beneficial crop mutations, the opposite will also be possible.  DARPA will be able to use insects to deliver gene editing viruses that destroy crops, ruin harvests and adversely affect the wider ecosystem… This means that those who fear this program are not far off at all for doing so.

“Another project receiving DARPA funding involves releasing genetically modified mosquitoes in the Florida Keys area to transmit a sterilizing genetic virus to their malaria-carrying counterparts. Apart from the unknown effects upon the wider ecosystem, the knowledge gleaned from such research could one day make it possible… to accidentally or deliberately use insect vectors to unleash a variety of biological agents and genetic viruses upon an unsuspecting population.”

It is entirely possible that the use of these kinds of weapons will contribute to the fulfillment of Christ’s warning for these end times that nobody would survive unless Christ were to intervene.

AI to Replace Worship of God?

The Daily Star wrote on November 4:

“It is already predicted that AI will soon be present in all areas of the workplace, with industry experts saying it will eventually do millions of jobs currently done by people. It is thought that every field – from publishing to factory work – will eventually be dominated by intelligent robots as men and women become increasingly obsolete.

“But now experts believe more than jobs are at risk in the Artificial Intelligence revolution. Novelist Dan Brown previously warned people may no longer worship God or pray to Jesus – instead putting all their faith in an AI messiah. Speaking about the advent of this technology, the Da Vinci Code writer said: ‘Humanity no longer needs God but may with the help of artificial intelligence develop a new form of collective consciousness that fulfils the role of religion. Are we naive today to believe that the gods of the present will survive and be here in a hundred years?’

“According to Daily Galaxy, MIT physicist and cosmologist Max Tegmark also said that once this new superintelligence is vastly greater than that of a human, the fate of mankind will depend on it…”

Acknowledgement and Disclaimer

These Current Events are compiled and commented on by Norbert Link. We gratefully acknowledge the many contributions of news articles from our readership. The publication of articles in this section is not to be viewed as an endorsement or approval as to contents or accuracy of the selected articles, but they are published for the purpose of pointing at worldwide developments in the light of biblical end-time prophecy and godly instruction. Our own comments are provided in italics.

This Week in the News

Merkel Goes… Who Will Come?

Handelsblatt Global wrote on October 29:

“Eleven months ago, I called ‘the beginning of the end of Angela Merkel as chancellor.’ Today, following another poor showing in a regional election [in Hesse], Merkel has apparently moved one step further, by offering not to run again as boss of her party, the Christian Democratic Union. That does not necessarily mean she will already step down as chancellor; she could even serve out her full term. But it does mean that she has now officially launched the transition. Henceforth, she will govern as a lame duck, as all Germany and Europe will look for her eventual successor as leader of the CDU and, probably, chancellor.

“Merkel’s decision is remarkable because she has repeatedly opined that she considered it a mistake to separate the offices of party leader and chancellor (as her own predecessor, Gerhard Schröder, did in his final year as chancellor.) That in turn suggests that she feels she has lost control over her overarching objective, which is to manage an orderly succession.

“If the Social Democrats, who also suffered another drubbing in yesterday’s Hessian election, walk out of the governing coalition with the CDU and CSU, perhaps next year, then Merkel will be out as chancellor at that moment… the field [for Merkel’s successor] is suddenly wide open… This is a historic week in Germany.”

We already stated after the devastating results for Merkel in Bavaria that her days are numbered, and we announced ahead of time that the results for her in Hesse would also be grim. Please view our StandingWatch program from October 16, 2018, titled, “New German Leadership Coming—Merkel’s Days Are Numbered!” which shows you what will happen next.

The Guardian wrote on October 29:

“Christian Lindner, the leader of the liberal FDP party, was the first to demand Merkel’s resignation as chancellor on the back of the news, calling for her ruling conservative bloc to ‘be prepared for a real new beginning in Germany’… Preliminary final results from Sunday’s election [in Hesse, home to Germany’s financial center, Frankfurt], seen as decisive for the future of Germany’s increasingly wobbly coalition, showed the CDU slumping to 27%, the party’s worst showing in the state since 1966 and a drop of 11 percentage points since Hesse last went to the polls in 2013.

“Merkel’s coalition partner in Berlin, the Social Democrats (SPD), tanked to 19.8% [the SPD’s worst result since 1946] in a dead heat with the resurgent Green party for second place… The Hesse result will be seen as further evidence of the shrinking of the mainstream political landscape across Germany and Europe…”

The anti-immigrant, far-right party, Alternative for Germany (AfD), garnered 13.1 percent. That is three times its tally from 2013, the year it was created. It has now secured seats in all 16 German state parliaments.

The Washington Post wrote on October 29:

“Merkel is willing to remain in charge of her government until the next general elections in 2021, but the CDU may push her to resign earlier. Whoever replaces Merkel as party chairman or chairwoman has a good shot at becoming the next German chancellor. So, who are the likely contenders?…

Jens Spahn [is a] 38-year-old politician [who] represents the party’s right-wing faction and has sought to position himself as a possible Merkel successor for some time. Spahn announced Monday that he was ready to succeed Merkel as party leader… A Spahn appointment would likely result in a right-wing turn of the CDU. But it would also be seen as an affront against Merkel and a possible end of her term as chancellor…”

Spahn, an openly gay member of the Roman Catholic Church, would be an interesting choice. Deutsche Welle wrote about him on October 29:

“The 38-year-old is the youngest and most overtly determined Merkel usurper. He entered the Bundestag in 2002 and became Germany’s health minister in 2018. Spahn, who is openly gay, is popular in the CDU’s conservative wing. He opposes limited dual citizenship for young foreigners, criticized attempts to loosen laws on advertising abortions and called for banning the Burqa in public.”

It was also reported in Euractiv on October 30 that “the towering Spahn (191 cm, size 49 feet)… wants a tougher course on refugee policy and has also networked internationally on this matter, for instance with Austria’s young Chancellor Sebastian Kurz.” It was added that if Spahn “ends up in the post, it seems almost certain that [he] will use [his] new power to undermine Merkel’s authority” (Politico, October 30).

Another interesting candidate is Friedrich Merz.

Handelsblatt Global wrote on October 30:

“The devastating loss of Angela Merkel’s Christian Democrats (CDU) in Sunday’s state election in Hesse not only marked the endgame for the chancellor but also opened the door for a surprising political comeback by one of her biggest political opponents. Friedrich Merz… experienced his defining moment in politics in fall 2002 when Angela Merkel sidelined him as parliamentary floor leader of the CDU’s center-right alliance… it was the beginning of the end of his political career… [He] left the Bundestag for good in 2009.

“Merkel’s announcement to resign as CDU party leader, however, may bring the now 62-year old back to the center of power… On Tuesday, he officially announced his candidacy for the top job, saying the party needed ‘a new beginning.’ The news exploded in Berlin like a bomb…

“Merz has remained popular in the party and seems now to offer the CDU a chance to get back to its conservative roots after Merkel has steadily pushed it to the left… Merz, who has a law degree and worked as a judge in the 1980s, could be the man to bring back the voters lost on the right…

“Merz’s re-entry into politics does not bode well for Merkel’s continuing as chancellor. It is virtually impossible… to see how she could work well with Merz if party members should elect him chairman at the party convention in December. Those who know him believe Merz will be seeking the chancellorship…

“There is still a chance that Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer, Merkel’s choice for her successor, gets the nod as chair… But her star is very much tied to Ms. Merkel and it is fading along with hers. Other potential candidates for party chair are Health Minister Jens Spahn, a vocal critic of Ms. Merkel, and Armin Laschet, the prime minister of North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW), Germany’s most populous state.”

Gruesome Rape of German Woman by Several Syrian Refugees

Deutsche Welle wrote on October 26:

“Eight men were arrested in the idyllic German city of Freiburg [in the Black Forest] on Friday in connection with the rape of an 18-year-old woman. Police said that seven of the suspects were Syrian men aged 19 to 29, and one native German aged 25.

“The victim reportedly met at least one of the men at a nightclub in Freiburg’s industrial area on the night of October 14. The man is suspected of having drugged the woman’s drink. All eight men are accused of having taken turns assaulting her near the club…

“The incident is the latest in a series of violent acts since 2016 to have rocked the southwestern city known for its beautiful scenery, university and eco-friendly living. The city has had to reckon with a beating by a group of teenagers that left a middle-aged man dead, the rape and murder of a medical student [by an Afghan asylum seeker], the killing of a 27-year-old female jogger by a truck driver in the suburb of Endingen, as well as the discovery of a pedophilia ring in the nearby town of Staufen [by at least three German men, one Swiss national and one Spanish citizen].”

These incidents may explain to an extent as to why Germany’s ruling parties suffered such great losses in Hesse, and why the AfD scored strongly.

Make or Break for Europe?

Former German Foreign Minister and Vice-Chancellor Joschka Fischer wrote the following in Project Syndicate on October 30:

“It is no exaggeration to say that 2019 will be the year that makes or breaks the European Union… New presidents of the European Commission, the European Council, and the European Central Bank will be appointed, and a new High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy will be chosen. If nationalist Euroskeptic parties become the largest group in the European Parliament, these appointments could represent an abrupt break from the past…

“Needless to say, the parliamentary elections [in 2019] will have far-reaching implications for Europe’s future in a rapidly changing world. The current president of the United States has such disdain for the EU that many now talk of ‘the end of the West.’ An increasingly revanchist Russia is waging wars along the European periphery and in Syria. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan is taking his country down the path of authoritarianism. And China is demanding recognition as a global power. Worse still, US President Donald Trump’s recent decision to withdraw the US from the 1987 Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty with Russia raises the threat of a renewed arms race…

“Against this dismal backdrop, the question is what will become of Europe… I foresee next year’s elections auguring dramatic change in Europe. For better or worse, the question of Europe itself… must be decided. There will either be a rebirth of nationalism or a victory for EU-level democracy and unity. Sadly, pro-Europeans cannot hope for any help from abroad. In fact, the opposite is true: Europe must be vigilant in policing foreign interference in its affairs – including its elections…”

Ending America’s Birthright Citizenship?

The Associated Press wrote on October 30:

“President Donald Trump is making another hardline immigration play in the final days before the midterm elections, declaring that he wants to order an end to the constitutional right to citizenship for babies born in the United States to non-citizens

“Trump has long called for an end to birthright citizenship, as have many conservatives. An executive order would spark an uphill legal battle for Trump about whether the president has the unilateral ability to declare that children born in the U.S. to those living here illegally aren’t citizens…

“[Trump said] that ‘we’re the only country in the world where a person comes in and has a baby, and the baby is essentially a citizen of the United States.’ A 2010 study from the Center for Immigration Studies, a group that supports immigration restrictions, showed that 30 countries [including Canada, Mexico and Brazil] offered birthright citizenship…

“Omar Jadwat, director of the Immigrants’ Rights Project at the American Civil Liberties Union in New York, said Tuesday that the Constitution is very clear. ‘If you are born in the United States, you’re a citizen,’ he said…  Suzanna Sherry, a professor of law at Vanderbilt Law School specializing in constitutional questions, said those advising Trump that he can change the Constitution via executive order are simply mistaken…

The Citizenship Clause of the 14th Amendment states: ‘All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the state wherein they reside.’ The amendment was passed by Congress in 1866 during the period of Reconstruction after the Civil War. It was ratified in 1868 by three-fourths of the states. By extending citizenship to those born in the U.S., the amendment nullified an 1857 Supreme Court decision (Dred Scott v. Sandford), which ruled that those descended from slaves could not be citizens.

“In addition to the debate over Trump’s authority to declare that children born in the U.S. aren’t citizens, a separate question is whether Congress could pass a law to that effect, or whether only a constitutional amendment could accomplish Trump’s apparent aim of denying citizenship to U.S.-born children of those here illegally… Sen. Lindsey Graham of South Carolina, now a close ally of the president… tweeted his support for the change. ‘This policy is a magnet for illegal immigration, out of the mainstream of the developed world, and needs to come to an end,’ he said.”

Politico added on October 30:

“House Speaker Paul Ryan on Tuesday broke with President Donald Trump on whether an executive order could deny a constitutional guarantee of citizenship to babies born in the U.S. to noncitizen parents… Ryan said that the president ‘obviously cannot do that… You cannot end birthright citizenship with an executive order… As a conservative, I’m a believer in following the plain text of the Constitution, and I think in this case the 14th Amendment is pretty clear, and that would involve a very, very lengthy constitutional process…’

“[Vice President Mike] Pence… said that the Supreme Court has never ruled on whether the 14th Amendment ‘applies specifically to people who are in the country illegally.’… Amending the constitution or passing laws to limit birthright citizenship is popular among congressional Republicans, particularly those that are close to the president even though it would be incredibly difficult to do…”

NBC wrote on October 30:

“An NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll released in September 2017 found that 65 percent of Americans believe the U.S. should continue granting citizenship to all children born in the country. Only 30 percent said this should be changed so children of undocumented immigrants aren’t automatically granted citizenship…

“Many legal scholars believe the issue was settled by an 1898 decision of the U.S. Supreme Court [United States v. Wong Kim Ark, 169 U.S. 649 (1898)], involving a man born in the United States to Chinese parents who lived here legally. After a trip abroad, Wong Kim Ark was blocked from re-entering the country on the grounds that he was not a citizen. He fought back and won. By a 6-2 vote, the court said the 14th Amendment applied to virtually everyone born in the U.S., except for children of enemies of the U.S. or of foreign diplomats, or children born on Native American reservations, which were considered sovereign entities.

“Nearly 100 years later, in 1982, the Supreme Court used language that seemed to indicate the protection applied to children of illegal immigrants as well. In ruling in Plyler v. Doe [Plyler v. Doe, 457 U.S. 202 (1982)], Texas must provide a free public education to undocumented children, the court said in a footnote that ‘no plausible distinction with respect to 14th Amendment “jurisdiction” can be drawn between resident aliens whose entry into the United States was lawful, and resident aliens whose entry was unlawful.’”

The Week added on October 31:

“President Trump is insisting that it would be constitutional for him to end birthright citizenship by executive order. In a tweet Wednesday, the president claimed that ‘so-called birthright citizenship,’ which grants citizenship to people born in the U.S., is ‘not covered by the 14th Amendment.’ He pointed to the words ‘subject to the jurisdiction thereof,’ a phrase in the amendment that some have pointed to as justification for restricting birthright citizenship (other legal experts  fiercely disagree )… White House counsel reportedly warned Trump that he likely doesn’t have the authority to bypass Congress. Regardless of the legality of an executive order, Trump pledged that birthright citizenship will be ended ‘one way or the other.’”

Even though the purported rationale for ending birthright citizenship is directed at illegal aliens, one must not overlook the fact that if birthright citizenship was abolished, it would go far beyond them. For instance, Fox News wrote on October 31: “Critics of birthright citizenship say that the amendment was never intended to apply to children of two non-citizens — and particularly those who have come to the country illegally.”

Trump’s War with the “Fake News Media” in Light of Violence in America

The New York Post wrote on October 29:

“President Trump on Monday continued his assault on the ‘Fake News Media’ by continuing to accuse them of stoking rage. ‘There is great anger in our Country caused in part by inaccurate, and even fraudulent, reporting of the news. The Fake News Media, the true Enemy of the People, must stop the open & obvious hostility & report the news accurately & fairly,’ he wrote on his Twitter account.

“‘That will do much to put out the flame of Anger and Outrage and we will then be able to bring all sides together in Peace and Harmony. Fake News Must End!,’ the president posted, just two days after 11 people were gunned down by a man yelling ‘all Jews must die’ at a Pittsburgh synagogue. The tweets also come three days after Cesar Sayoc was arrested for sending 14 pipe bombs through the postal system to a number of prominent Democrats – including former President Barack Obama, his Vice President Joe Biden, and Trump’s 2016 presidential opponent Hillary Clinton – all outspoken critics of Trump’s.

“GOP Sen. James Lankford of Oklahoma said Trump can’t be blamed for the actions of a ‘hate-filled individual’ at the synagogue, but urged the president to tamp down his rhetoric because it ‘doesn’t help the basic dialogue.’… Anthony Scaramucci, the former White House communications director, said Trump doesn’t need to go to ‘war with the media.’… Trump condemned the synagogue shooting as ‘anti-Semitic’ and ‘pure evil.’ ‘There must be no tolerance for anti-Semitism in America or for any form of religious or racial hatred or prejudice,’ Trump said during a rally Saturday in Illinois.”

Unfortunately, too much violence is happening in the USA, which is no surprise, because Satan, the pure evil god and ruler of this world, is a murderer and a destroyer, and his wrath is great because he knows that his time is short.

Casting a Spell on the Media?

The Daily Mail wrote on October 29:

“President Donald Trump borrowed a serpent staff from a child at the White House Halloween event on Sunday to wave in the direction of the media as he and first lady Melania Trump distributed chocolate bars and twizzlers to the children of military families before once again attacking the press on Twitter. ‘Do you know what I’m doing,’ he asked the two little girls, who were dressed in Egyptian style costumes as the first lady chuckled at his antics.

“He waved the staff up and down and all around, as if he were casting a spell… Harry Potter theme music played, a fog machine pumped spooky smoke, pumpkins abound on hay bales, and the columns of the White House were decorated as corn stalks for the event.”

Halloween is an evil celebration of the forces of darkness, and pretending to cast a spell, especially in front of children, is not a harmless joke.

Economic Chaos Ahead?

Newsmax wrote on October 26:

“Investment guru Peter Schiff warns that the U.S. economy is on the brink of a collapse that will trigger total financial chaos. ‘All the signs are already there. Look at what’s happening out there. The stock market is falling, look at homebuilders, the housing stocks, the financials, the retailers – all these are the same things that were happening in 2007 leading to that crisis,’ the CEO of Euro Pacific Capital [said]…

“The economist urged people be prepared for not only an economic crisis, but a political crisis as well… ‘The dollar is going to be the biggest casualty along with the American standard of living,’ he said…

“A recent study by JPMorgan Chase & Co. indicated the U.S. economy has a greater than 50-50 chance of tipping into a recession in the next two years…”

We know from Scripture that sometime in the future, the USA will be hit by a devastating economic crash leading to terrible consequences for the American people.

Brazil’s new Leader—a Figure like Donald Trump

The Algemeiner wrote on October 29, 2018:

“He has vowed to drain the swamp, slash regulations and get tough with China. Evangelicals and gun-rights advocates love him. He has denounced the media as ‘fake news.’ Political foes? Lock ’em up. Brazil’s new president-elect, Jair Bolsonaro, is an ardent admirer — and shrewd imitator — of his US counterpart Donald Trump. And that could usher in one of the warmest bilateral relationships in the Western Hemisphere.

“Trump called to congratulate Bolsonaro on Sunday night, shortly after the far-right congressman scored a resounding victory at the polls, winning 55 percent of the vote following a mud-slinging campaign with a leftist rival. Bolsonaro and Trump spoke of ‘a strong commitment to work side-by-side’ on issues affecting Brazil, the United States and beyond, the White House said… in Bolsonaro, Trump will find a doppelganger whose world view and pugnacious style are strikingly similar to his own. ‘Just like he wants to make America great, I want to make Brazil great,’ Bolsonaro, a former army captain, said in a televised interview in July…

“Bolsonaro… has said he will move Brazil’s embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, following the lead of the United States. And similar to Trump, Bolsonaro is rethinking his country’s membership in multinational organizations and treaties that he thinks might not be in Brazil’s best interest, including the Mercosur trade bloc, the BRICS group of large emerging economies and the Paris climate accord… Bolsonaro is also questioning Brazil’s relationship with China, which he views as a predatory economic partner. The Asian giant is Brazil’s biggest foreign buyer of soybeans, iron ore and other commodities. But Bolsonaro is alarmed at a spate of Chinese purchases of Brazilian energy and infrastructure companies. ‘The Chinese are not buying in Brazil. They are buying Brazil,’ Bolsonaro has warned repeatedly…

“Still, trade is likely to remain a sore point between the United States and Brazil, whose steep tariffs on imported goods make it one of the most closed economies in the world… Even if trade issues remain thorny, Bolsonaro’s gaze is directed north. He is an avid supporter of the National Rifle Association and vows that once he takes office on January 1, he will roll back Brazil’s strict gun laws and let citizens take up arms to defend themselves from criminals… Brazil is beset by appalling levels of street crime.

“In the past few years, a sprawling corruption investigation has revealed epic levels of corruption at the highest levels of government. One former president is in jail and another was impeached and tossed from office. The economy was hit by the worst downturn in decades and has yet to regain its luster; more than 13 million Brazilians are unemployed. Hungry for change, voters responded to Bolsonaro’s bold promises to crack heads and clean up the mess.

“Former Trump adviser Steve Bannon said he sees echoes of his old boss, who rode a similar wave of discontent. ‘It takes those types of crises, and Brazil is going through that type of crisis now,’ Bannon told Reuters recently. ‘I think that Bolsonaro, he’s a figure like Trump.’”

India-Japan Partnership

Deutsche Welle wrote on October 28:

“Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi has hailed a ‘special strategic and global partnership’ with Japan, the second-largest economy in Asia. Japan is aiming to expand free trade relations amid US’ protectionist policies…

“Shinzo Abe became the first Japanese leader to visit China since 2011 when he arrived in Beijing on October 26, 2018. Ties between the two countries have been fragile since diplomatic relations resumed in 1972. There are still plenty of issues to be resolved, but the relationship is at a ‘historic turning point’… India and Japan are set to hold their first joint military exercises next month.”

The Bible shows that in the end-time an economic and military power bloc will be forming in the Far East, which appears to include countries such as China, Russia, India and Japan.

“Freedom” in Saudi Arabia?

 The Mirror wrote on October 31:

Seventeen women, all Filipina expats, were arrested after hosting a Halloween party in Saudi Arabia. It is not known what charges they face however the foreign ministry reiterated that Saudi laws prohibit unattached men and women from being seen together in public.

“Adnan Alonto, the Philippine ambassador in Riyadh… has since issued an advisory reminding the Filipino population in Saudi Arabia to ‘refrain from organising or attending events or gatherings that are unsanctioned or without permission.’ He said: ‘In addition, everyone is reminded to avoid mixed crowds, consuming liquor, and holding public practice of traditions that are associated with religions other than Islam, such as Halloween, Valentines and Christmas.’

“… The public worship of any religion other than Islam is banned in Saudi Arabia – despite the fact at least two million of the country’s expatriates are non-Muslims… The country also has strict laws restricting women from making a great deal of important decisions themselves. Women were only recently allowed to drive.

“Women in Saudi Arabia are unable to marry without permission of their guardian, and must seek permission from the ministry of interior to marry a foreigner. They are also prohibited from opening bank accounts, travelling alone, and in some cases even leaving the house alone.”

Acknowledgement and Disclaimer

These Current Events are compiled and commented on by Norbert Link. We gratefully acknowledge the many contributions of news articles from our readership. The publication of articles in this section is not to be viewed as an endorsement or approval as to contents or accuracy of the selected articles, but they are published for the purpose of pointing at worldwide developments in the light of biblical end-time prophecy and godly instruction. Our own comments are provided in italics.

This Week in the News

Germany Stops Arms Exports to Saudi Arabia; US, UK and France Don’t!

Deutsche Welle wrote on October 22:

“Chancellor Angela Merkel said on Sunday that Germany would put arms exports to the kingdom on hold for the time being, given the unexplained circumstances of dissident journalist Jamal Khashoggi’s death… German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas, of the Social Democrats — junior partner in Merkel’s coalition government — had already called for weapons exports to the kingdom to be halted. Germany is the fourth largest exporter of weapons to Saudi Arabia after the United States, Britain and France

“Merkel said Germany would discuss further ‘reactions’ to the case with its international partners, though some German companies have already made gestures: on Monday, Siemens CEO Joe Kaeser cancelled an appearance at an investors’ conference in Riyadh that was to begin on Tuesday…

“Amid calls across the world for arms embargoes against Saudi Arabia, US President Donald Trump has said his country would be ‘punishing itself’ if it halted weapons sales to the country… The US president has repeatedly said he does not want to stop a proposed $110 billion arms sale to the Saudis because too many US jobs depend on it.”

The Washington Post wrote on October 21:

“President Donald Trump… repeatedly displayed a realpolitik way of viewing the Middle East, praising Saudi Arabia for buying arms from the United States, reiterating the importance of oil prices and trashing Iran, saying: ‘We’ve got nobody else over there’ to help protect Israel… If the United States stops selling arms to Saudi Arabia, Trump said China and Russia would benefit.”

The EUObserver added on October 22:

“Germany has announced a unilateral arms embargo on Saudi Arabia, but France, the UK, and the US have not followed suit, posing questions for Western unity in the Middle East.”

Canada’s Justin Trudeau says he is unlikely to cancel Saudi armored vehicles sale.

The EUObserver added that Spain and Sweden did not follow suit either, stating: “Saudi Arabia is Sweden’s most important export market in the Middle East.”

Deutsche Welle had reported on October 19:

“Saudi Arabia is Germany’s second-best weapons customer… after Algeria

“Arms sales to Saudi Arabia are also contentious because they may contravene a clause in the coalition agreement signed by Germany’s governing parties stating that no weapons exports may be approved to any country ‘directly’ involved in the war in Yemen. However, the agreement does exempt countries that had made weapons deals with Germany before the current government took power.”

These entire sales of weapons for the sole purpose of killing people are appalling.

USA and Russia to Increase Production of Nuclear Weapons

Newsmax wrote on October 22:

“President Donald Trump said Monday the United States military will ramp up its arsenal of nuclear weapons to pressure both Russia and China to curb theirs… ‘Russia has not adhered to the agreement. This should have been done years ago. Until people come to their senses, we have more money than anybody else by far. We will build it up.’

“The deal was originally signed by former President Ronald Reagan and Mikhail Gorbachev… It ordered the elimination of all short- and intermediate-range nuclear and conventional missiles by both countries.”

The Week added on October 21:

“NATO has confirmed Russian missile tests in the past decade likely violate the treaty.”

AFP wrote on October 24:

“President Vladimir Putin warned Wednesday of a new arms race if America pulls out of weapons treaties, and said Russia would respond ‘in kind’ to any new US missiles placed on European soil… Putin warned that abandoning the treaty… would… put Europe in danger… Putin said any European countries agreeing to host US missiles would be at risk of a Russian attack.”

NATO Launches Big War Games–Germany’s Dubious Role

Deutsche Welle wrote on October 25:

“NATO launched its biggest exercises since the end of the Cold War on Thursday in Norway. The Trident Juncture war games involve around 50,000 troops, 10,000 vehicles, 250 aircraft and 65 ships from all 29 alliance members, plus Sweden and Finland. The maneuvers will take place for two weeks in Norway and the air and sea spaces around the country.

“The goal of the exercises is to test and train NATO’s Very High Readiness Joint Task Force and follow-on forces. The rapid reaction force is designed to spearhead a defense against an attack on an alliance member within days… [It] was established by the alliance in 2014 as a deterrent in response to Russia’s annexation of the Crimean Peninsula from Ukraine and Moscow’s support for separatists there…

“The German military is participating in the maneuvers with around 10,000 troops and 4,000 vehicles, as well as Tornado and Eurofighter jets and three ships. That makes it the second largest participant after the United States. At the beginning of 2019, Germany will take over command of the Very High Readiness Joint Task Force for a year.”

Explosive Devices Sent to Obama, Clinton and Other Public Figures

Deutsche Welle wrote on October 24:

“US authorities on Wednesday intercepted explosive devices sent to prominent politicians who are often targeted by President Donald Trump. Those targeted included former President Barack Obama, former President Bill Clinton, ex-State Secretary Hillary Clinton, former Attorney General Eric Holder and ex-CIA Director John Brennan. The devices targeting Brennan were sent to the New York offices of CNN.

“All of the packages had a return address of the office of Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz, who led the Democratic National Committee, the party’s executive body. Police have also sent in bomb-defusing robots to deal with suspicious packages sent to Schultz.

Trump immediately issued a statement condemning the ‘acts or threats of political violence,’ saying they ‘have no place in the United States.’ But opposition lawmakers said it wasn’t enough. Democratic leaders accused Trump of fueling politically-motivated violence, saying he ‘condoned physical violence and divided Americans with his words and actions.’…

“The FBI has warned that the situation may not be over… New York police commissioner James O’Neill described the package sent to Brennan in care of CNN appeared to be a ‘live explosive device.’ Some US media has described the explosives as potentially-lethal pipe bombs.”

Further explosive devices were sent, among others, to former Vice President Joe Biden and actor Robert De Niro. The political climate in the USA becomes more and more divisive. Some have even warned a while back that a new violent civil war could break out in large parts of the country.

Merkel “Defies” Trump, Disagrees with China

Deutsche Welle wrote on October 19:

“German Chancellor Angela Merkel has rebuked the ‘America First’ approach to free trade of US President Donald Trump. [She] defended free trade at a summit of European and Asian leaders in Brussels on Friday, rejecting the protectionist rhetoric and policy of… Trump…

“The German chancellor’s comments directly contradicted Trump’s zero-sum approach to trade and disregard for multilateralism… Fighting back against that doctrine, the EU and Singapore signed a free trade deal later on Friday on the sidelines of the summit…

“Disagreements nevertheless emerged between Europe and China appeared on Friday, with China refusing to admit wording in a final communique that would have called for the end of state subsidies… Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz told reporters when it comes to China’s trade practices, Europe expects trade rules to be upheld… The EU and the United States have criticized China for distorting international trade by subsidizing national companies and promoting oversupply in international steel and aluminum markets.

“European leaders also face challenges in [maintaining] good trading relations with Asian countries that have poor human rights records… Merkel acknowledged those difficulties in her speech on Friday, admitting that European leaders would ‘have to bring up questions of human rights and values in bilateral talks.’”

The relationship between Asian countries and the European power bloc will deteriorate.

Trump Pushes Japan into China’s Arms

Deutsche Welle wrote on October 24:

“Japan and China are economic, political and military rivals vying for influence in the Asia Pacific. But US President Trump’s contentious policies are forcing them to put their rivalry aside and cooperate. When Japan’s PM Shinzo Abe shakes hands with Chinese President Xi Jinping in Beijing on Friday, it will mark the first bilateral Sino-Japanese summit since 2011. The meeting comes shortly after the 40th anniversary of the 1978 Treaty of Peace and Friendship between the two nations. Abe’s three-day China trip is the culmination of a rapid rapprochement between the two sides that began in the spring with the resumption of their economic dialogue.

“China is Japan’s biggest trading partner and many Japanese companies have invested large sums in China… the Chinese leadership for years… showed little interest in revitalizing the relationship between the world’s second and third-largest economies. Beijing has heaped scorn on Abe’s attempts to strengthen and reform the Japanese military. China also distrusts Japan’s foreign policy… Abe’s efforts to draw a line under Japan’s horrific World War II legacy and pull a veil over the brutal war crimes have repeatedly drawn consternation from Beijing…

“But China’s ongoing trade dispute with the US, with both sides imposing tariffs on each other’s products, prompts the leadership in Beijing to reconsider their approach toward Tokyo. Fearing international isolation, President Xi has sought to join forces with the European Union, Russia and, also, Japan…  Trump’s approach to global trade has put tremendous pressure on not just China, but also Japan…

Defense is likely to be another field of Sino-Japanese cooperation. The chief of the Japanese armed forces is expected to visit China for the first time since 2008. In addition, Japan is considering receiving high-ranking Chinese military officials. Both sides are also working on the details of setting up a hotline between their militaries…”

The Bible predicts close economic and military cooperation between Far Eastern countries, including Russia, China and Japan.

US Sanctions and Europe’s “Response”

Lobelog wrote on October 19:

“This week, the Trump administration announced a new set of sanctions against some of Iran’s major industrial companies and financial institutions… The designations signal the onset of a far broader economic war against Iran… and are intended to show that all business with Iran… carries with it the risk of sanctions

“Europe has… signaled its intent to create a special purpose vehicle (SPV) to facilitate permissible trade between Europe and Iran. Europe has also invited other JCPOA participants—such as China and Russia—to use the SPV on an as-needed basis… Enforcing its sanctions against the will of the international community, the United States risks engendering alternative payment channels over which Washington has little leverage…

“But none of these items establishes a line in the sand that the Trump administration must not cross—or else… Right now, the Trump administration is winning the battle over Iran. It is creating just enough risk to foment an ongoing exodus of international companies from Iran and rendering the country a commercial pariah… [Europe] must make clear to the Trump administration that there will be severe consequences for any sanctions imposed on European companies.

“… Otherwise… Europe will stand humiliated on the world stage, and a new war in the Middle East will begin to rage.”

The bold language regarding what Europe must do towards the USA is quite interesting, and would not have been heard several years ago.

Germany Warns Its Citizens Visiting Turkey

The Algemeiner wrote on October 24:

“Germany has warned citizens visiting Turkey to be extra cautious about their social media feeds in response to a spate of cases of Germans arrested for online criticism of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s government. The updated travel advice, published by the Foreign Ministry on Tuesday, highlights how Berlin’s attempts to repair relations with Ankara have so far delivered little for dozens of German citizens imprisoned there since the failed coup in 2016…

“With Germany home to 3 million people of Turkish background, relations [between] the two countries have always been complicated, but they hit rock bottom in the wake of the post-coup round-up. A flurry of diplomatic activity, including a state visit by Erdogan to Germany, has so far yielded little in the way of reduced tensions, with Berlin deeply concerned at Ankara’s influence over Germany’s Turkish community.

“The ministry added that even private comments could be risky. ‘Non-public comments on social media can be forwarded to Turkish authorities via denunciations,’ it said. ‘A conviction for “insulting the president” or “spreading terrorist propaganda” can lead to many years’ imprisonment.’

“Social media have become the primary platform for political opposition in Turkey, where traditional media are saturated with positive coverage of Erdogan and his ministers. Turkish authorities have detained people who criticized a military operation in Syria on social media and those who posted comments about the economy ‘in a provocative way,’ as the lira tumbled against the dollar this year.

“Germany… has a large and growing community of exiled critics of Erdogan, many of whom Ankara wants to see extradited on terrorism charges. Some complain they are subject to surveillance by Turkey’s intelligence services.”

Erdogan’s dictatorship vs. Saudi Arabia’s dictatorship. Which one is worse? This may be difficult to say.

Halloween’s Costumes Controversy

The Huffington Post wrote on October 24:

“NBC host Megyn Kelly issued an on-air apology Wednesday after she defended white people who wear blackface while discussing Halloween costumes on her show a day earlier. ‘I want to begin with two words: I’m sorry,’ Kelly said at the start of ‘Megyn Kelly Today’ on Wednesday. ‘You may have heard yesterday that we had a discussion here about political correctness and Halloween costumes. And that conversation turned to whether it is ever OK for a person of one race to dress up as another.’

“She continued: ‘I defended the idea, saying as long as it was respectful and part of the Halloween costume, it seemed OK. Well, I was wrong and I am sorry.’ The former Fox News host drew heated backlash after questioning what is racist about white people darkening their skin while dressing up for Halloween or the reverse…

“Kelly apologized for her comments in an internal email to NBC staff, stating that she had rethought her views after ‘listening carefully’ to her friends and teammates. ‘I realize now that such behavior is indeed wrong, and I am sorry,’ Kelly wrote in the email. ‘The history of blackface in our culture is abhorrent; the wounds too deep.’”

One can take sensitives too far, for sure. Megyn Kelly might have even lost her job over this “discussion.” But the real issue is not as to what costumes to wear or not to wear on Halloween, due to real or imagined insensitivities and political correctness, but as to whether we should keep Halloween in the first place. And the answer is a resounding, “NO!” Please view our new StandingWatch program, entitled, But Isn’t Halloween just Harmless Fun…?”

The Caravan of Refugees

On October 18, 2018, Patrick J. Buchanan wrote the following on

“Our mainstream media remain consumed with the grisly killing of Washington Post columnist Jamal Khashoggi in the Saudi consulate in Istanbul, and how President Donald Trump will deal with Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman. Understandably so, for this is the most riveting murder story since O.J. Simpson and has strategic implications across the Middle East.

“Yet far more critical to the future of our civilization is the ongoing invasion of the West from the Third World… a caravan of 4,000 refugees without visas [on Monday, it had grown to 7,000 or 8,000 people] had crossed from Honduras into Guatemala and was heading toward Mexico… Unwanted mass migration is the issue of our time, as there is no foreseeable end to it before it alters America irremediably.

“As these migrants are almost all poor, not highly skilled, and do not speak English, most will join that segment of our population that pays no income taxes but qualifies for social welfare benefits like food stamps, medical care and free education in our public schools. They are thus a net drain upon the resources of a nation that is already, at full employment, running a deficit of $779 billion a year…

“If Donald Trump was elected on any one issue, it was immigration and his promises to secure the border, build the wall and halt the invasion…”

The Editorial Board of the Washington Post wrote on October 22:

“… the president seems more inclined to exacerbate the problem — by cutting off U.S. aid to Central America, thereby deepening insecurity and misery there. Those are the very factors that have driven the recent spike in migration, especially by parents and children… That’s a prescription for more migration, not less. Even in war-torn and impoverished places, people leave their homes and communities reluctantly, abandoning their property, familial roots and sense of belonging only under extreme economic or physical duress… The cuts would diminish economic opportunity and reduce the ability of ordinary people to feel safe in their neighborhoods from drug gangs and crime… rest assured: Many more Central Americans will seek a better life in the United States.

“An additional severe blow is the administration’s decision to cancel temporary work permits and legal status for about 250,000 Salvadorans and Hondurans living in the United States, forcing many of them to leave or be deported over the coming year, thereby stanching the flow of funds they send home to their families. A more rational policy would double down on U.S. aid programs, with a focus on crime-fighting and security, while allowing would-be migrants to apply and be screened for asylum in their home countries…”

Migration is truly a serious problem for the USA, and there is really no human solution in sight.

Narrow Definition of Gender by Trump Administration

The Seattle Times wrote on October 21:

“The Trump administration is considering narrowly defining gender as a biological, immutable condition determined by genitalia at birth… A series of decisions by the Obama administration loosened the legal concept of gender in federal programs… The policy prompted fights over bathrooms, dormitories, single-sex programs and other arenas… Conservatives, especially evangelical Christians, were incensed….

“‘Sex means a person’s status as male or female based on immutable biological traits identifiable by or before birth,’ the department proposed in the memo… ‘The sex listed on a person’s birth certificate, as originally issued, shall constitute definitive proof of a person’s sex unless rebutted by reliable genetic evidence.’

“The new definition would essentially eradicate federal recognition of the estimated 1.4 million Americans who have opted to recognize themselves — surgically or otherwise — as a gender other than the one they were born into… Judge Reed O’Connor of the U.S. District Court in Fort Worth, Texas, a George W. Bush appointee… has held that ‘Congress did not understand “sex” to include “gender identity.”’

God created humans as male and female… and there is no room for a designation in between. Please read our free booklet, “God’s Teachings on Sexual Relationships.”

No Confidence in Washington and Governmental Institutions

CNBC wrote on October 23:

“Former Federal Reserve Chairman Paul Volcker, who has reached legend status in the world of central banking, isn’t optimistic about current conditions. When Volcker looks around now, he sees ‘a h… of a mess in every direction,’ including a lack of basic respect for government institutions, a current Fed that seems to be following a completely arbitrary benchmark and a ‘swamp’ in Washington run by plutocrats…

“‘There is no force on earth that can stand up effectively, year after year, against the thousands of individuals and hundreds of millions of dollars in the Washington swamp aimed at influencing the legislative and electoral process,’ he writes… He said the Fed is just one of the institutions in which people have lost confidence.”

The Fed Could Bankrupt America

Mike Burnick’s Wealth Watch (a division of Agora Financial, LLC) wrote the following on October 24:

“The Federal Reserve has set out on a dangerous course that could bankrupt the U.S. in a few years if they’re not very careful… Minutes from the Fed’s September meeting, released last week, made it crystal clear they intend to keep raising rates well into 2019… Also, the Fed confirmed its intent to unwind the central bank’s balance sheet by unloading $600 billion per year worth of Treasury bonds and mortgage backed securities. This adds more upward pressure on long-term interest rates in the U.S., which are already the highest of any developed nation…

“Total U.S. national debt is a staggering $21.6 trillion today and growing fast. That’s a debt burden of $177,499 per U.S. taxpayer. The Federal budget deficit is now $824 billion and also growing. This thanks to the fact government spending is up 132% since 2000, or more than $4 trillion today.

“The problem is as interest rates rise so do the debt service payments on all that debt. In fact, during the last fiscal year American taxpayers shelled out more than half-a-trillion dollars to service the national debt alone. If government debt continues to rise as it has the U.S. debt burden will reach $25 trillion in a few years. If interests rates also continue to rise too. [A]s The Fed has indicated, the 10-Year Treasury yield could easily reach 4%. That means $1 trillion in yearly debt service payments alone.

“That’s unsustainable debt burden! Financial stress like that would make the 2008 crisis look like a picnic in comparison.”

Stocks Plummeting

CNBC wrote on October 24:

“Stocks plummeted on Wednesday as a sharp drop in tech shares and worries about corporate earnings added fuel to this month’s steep pullback. The [Dow Jones] dropped 608.01 points… and erased all of its gains for 2018

“Stocks have taken a beating this month… Worries about a slowing economy under pressure from rising interest rates grew after the Commerce Department said new home sales fell to a two-year lowBank shares fell on fears of slowing growth for mortgage and other loans.”

The Week added on October 24:

“October has brought major losses; it has been the worst month for the S&P since May 2010. Technology, media, and communications stocks accounted for much of the selling on Wednesday.”

Bringing Back Sigmar Gabriel and Martin Schulz?

Focus wrote on October 19:

“SPD Member of Parliament, Florian Post, sees his party in a deep crisis and demands that former SPD leaders Sigmar Gabriel and Martin Schulz should be given again leading functions, stating that it was a mistake to send the most popular Social Democrats into the desert, and that they are needed now more than ever.”

No Conclusions from Defeat?

Handelsblatt Global wrote on October 23:

“Chancellor Angela Merkel warned against drawing any conclusions about her future from the state elections in Hesse later this month, where her Christian Democrats are likely to suffer losses. ‘You can’t turn every state election in a mini-federal election,’ she said.”

Whether Angela Merkel likes it or not, her upcoming defeat in Hesse will most certainly lead to drastic conclusions about her and the current government. Please view our recent StandingWatch program, New German Leadership Coming—Merkel’s Days Are Numbered!” 

Sebastian Kurz and Austria’s Position of Power

Newsweek wrote on October 17:

“For the first time in 100 years, since the end of the Habsburg Empire—when Austria ruled much of Europe for close to 500 years—the country finds itself in a position of power. The economy is growing, and unemployment is down. In September, the neoliberal daily Die Presse praised Kurz’s appearance at the United Nations as a show of strength ‘from the new small superpower.’…

“Kurz sees a chance to fill the void on the world stage. And notably, Austria seems united behind him, regardless of age… Kurz’s supporters refer to him as a bridge builder. But he might just be the consummate poker player, adept at flipping back and forth between ultra-conservative and conservative opinions…  liberals… fear the worst, accusing Kurz of ‘expertly using a putsch to come to power’ and eroding parliamentary democracy…

“The rise in far-right extremism has effectively fueled Kurz’s political career. One of his immigration policies, for example—forcing migrants to hand over valuables and cellphones—has ­uncomfortable echoes of Nazism. Kurz has also joined Hungary’s Orbán in rejecting Germany’s proposal of distributing refugees across the EU. Refugee relocation, he has said, ‘isn’t working,’ and Europe must protect its ‘Christian culture.’…

“Just a few days before the summit in June, he staged provocative army exercises at the border of Slovenia to show he was ready for any migrant-related activity. It was a highly irregular move for a country ostensibly aligned with Germany, a champion of open borders and averse to military action…

“Vienna did not begin to question the Nazi leaders remaining in power until 1986, when it was discovered that former U.N. Secretary-General and Austrian President Kurt Waldheim had been an intelligence officer for Nazi Germany’s armed forces, the Wehrmacht. Instead of reckoning with being the birthplace of Adolf Hitler or welcoming the arrival of his troops in Vienna, Austria embraced the opinion of the Allied powers in the late 1940s… The Allied powers called Austria a victim, and the country obviously accepted that because no one wants to be one of the perpetrating countries…

“All signs suggest the Kurz administration is just getting started… Like many in Britain who oppose the looming Brexit, or Americans enraged by the populism of the Trump administration, the feeling among anti-populist Austrians is one of helpless consternation.”

Austria was most certainly not just a victim, and Kurz is someone we should watch.

No Freedom of Speech to Call Mohammed a “Paedophile”

The Daily Mail wrote on October 25:

“The European Court of Human Rights has ruled a woman convicted by an Austrian court of calling the Prophet Mohammed a paedophile did not have her freedom of speech rights infringed. The woman… was said to have held two seminars in which she discussed the marriage between the Prophet Mohammad and a six-year old girl, Aisha… the marriage was consumated when Aisha was just nine years old, leading Mrs S. to say to her class Mohammad ‘liked to do it with children’. She also reportedly said ‘… A 56-year-old and a six-year-old? … What do we call it, if it is not paedophilia?’…

“Mrs S. was later convicted in February 2011 by the Vienna Regional Criminal Court for disparaging religious doctrines and ordered her to pay a fine of 480 euros plus legal fees. After having her case thrown out by both the Vienna Court of Appeal and Austria’s Supreme Court, the European Court of Human rights backed the courts’ decision to convict Mrs S. on Thursday…

“In a statement on Thursday the ECHR said: ‘The Court found in particular that the domestic courts comprehensively assessed the wider context of the applicant’s statements and carefully balanced her right to freedom of expression with the right of others to have their religious feelings protected, and served the legitimate aim of preserving religious peace in Austria.’

‘It held that by considering the impugned statements as going beyond the permissible limits of an objective debate, and by classifying them as an abusive attack on the Prophet of Islam which could stir up prejudice and threaten religious peace, the domestic courts put forward relevant and sufficient reasons.’

“Mrs S. had complained to the European court that the domestic courts failed to address the substance of the impugned statements in the light of her right to freedom of expression.”

Mrs. S., who held the seminars on behalf of Austria’s coalition party FPÖ, can appeal this clearly political judgment within 3 months.

Australia’s Move of Embassy to Jerusalem in Doubt

JTA wrote on October 21:

“Australia’s potential move of its embassy to Jerusalem was left in doubt after the Liberal government lost its one-seat majority following a defeat in a special election for Parliament.

“Dave Sharma, the former ambassador to Israel, was beaten Saturday in the vote to fill a vacant House of Representatives seat near Sydney. Independent Party candidate Kerry Phelps, a convert to Judaism, won the Wentworth seat…

“Days before the election, Prime Minister Scott Morrison had announced that he was considering officially recognizing Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and moving the Australian Embassy there. Morrison had credited Sharma with suggesting the embassy move, a major departure from Australia’s foreign policy on Israel.”

Hawaiian Island Erased by Powerful Hurricane

The Guardian wrote on October 24:

“A piece of the United States has been dramatically wiped off the map after an island in Hawaii [East Island, a remote spit of gravel and sand that sat atop a coral reef] was washed away by a powerful hurricane. Scientists have confirmed the disappearance of the 11-acre island…

“East Island was, at about half a mile long and 400ft wide, the second largest island in the French Frigate Shoals, an atoll in the far western reaches of the Hawaiian archipelago. Until 1952, it hosted a US Coast Guard radar station.

“Despite its size, the island played an important role for wildlife, including the critically endangered Hawaiian monk seal, a species that numbers just 1,400 individuals, with many of the seals raising their young on East Island. Green sea turtles, which are also threatened, and seabirds such as albatrosses, which often had their young preyed upon by circling tiger sharks, also depended on the island….”

Homosexuality in Catholic Priesthood Responsible for Sex Abuse?

The Daily Mail wrote on October 19:

“The Vatican ambassador who accused Pope Francis of rehabilitating a disgraced ex-American cardinal is doubling down on his attack, claiming that the ‘scourge of homosexuality’ in the priesthood is responsible for sex abuse and that the Vatican is being hypocritical in refusing to acknowledge it.

“Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano… has accused Francis of effectively rehabilitating [ex-cardinal] McCarrick, 88, from restrictions imposed during Pope Benedict XVI’s papacy because of allegations he pressured seminarians to sleep with him. He has called for Francis to resign over the McCarrick scandal, which has sparked a crisis of confidence in the U.S. and Vatican hierarchy.

“Francis has responded to the McCarrick allegations by removing him as a cardinal, over an allegation he molested a minor, and by ordering a Vatican investigation into its archives to determine how McCarrick rose through the ranks despite allegations he also molested adults. Pre-empting the outcome, Cardinal Marc Ouellet, who heads the Vatican’s bishops’ office, penned a letter on October 4 saying he had gone through his archives and found no evidence of any formal canonical sanctions signed by any pope.

“In his new missive, Vigano accurately noted that Ouellet actually confirmed the core of his allegations: that McCarrick was placed under some form of restriction – not necessarily formal sanctions – because of alleged sexual misconduct. Refuting Ouellet’s claim that the Vatican only had heard rumors about McCarrick, Vigano listed all the letters that had reached the Vatican starting in 2000, when a priest from a New Jersey seminary first wrote relaying concerns from seminarians invited to McCarrick’s beach house and into his bed.

“Vigano said he was shocked that Ouellet omitted any reference in his letter to McCarrick’s victims, or to what he said was the ‘principal cause of so many sexual abuses: homosexuality.’ ‘It’s hypocrisy to refuse to admit that this scourge is due to a grave crisis in the spiritual life of clergy, and to not take measures to remedy it,’ he wrote.”

Pope Francis Wearing a Rainbow Cross?

Life Site News wrote on October 19:

“Pope Francis’ Vatican invited another public relations debacle Wednesday when photos came out in Vatican News of the Pope wearing what many thought to be a ‘Pride’ cross decorated in the colors of the rainbow. The rainbow cross promptly garnered reaction on social media as a nudge-and-a-wink endorsement of the LGBT movement…

“The photo of Francis wearing the rainbow cross was also provocative given its timing amid widespread apprehension that the Youth Synod is being used to advance the normalization of homosexuality within the Church.”

Acknowledgement and Disclaimer

These Current Events are compiled and commented on by Norbert Link. We gratefully acknowledge the many contributions of news articles from our readership. The publication of articles in this section is not to be viewed as an endorsement or approval as to contents or accuracy of the selected articles, but they are published for the purpose of pointing at worldwide developments in the light of biblical end-time prophecy and godly instruction. Our own comments are provided in italics.

This Week in the News

Merkel’s Debacle in Bavarian Election

Politico wrote on October 14:

“The Bavarian wing of Angela Merkel’s center-right bloc suffered its worst result in nearly 70 years in a state election as voters abandoned Germany’s ruling parties for alternatives on both the left and right, sending a clear signal to Berlin that growing numbers of Germans are displeased with the country’s direction… the result delivered an unvarnished rebuke to the ‘grand coalition’ between Merkel’s bloc and the Social Democrats (SPD), which has been beset by infighting and controversy since it took office in March. With its support diminished, there is growing doubt over whether the government will survive its full term until the fall of 2021, at least in its current form…

“The big winners of the night were the far-right Alternative for Germany (AfD)… and the Greens… The two parties’ success underscored the ongoing polarization of German politics as well as the continued resonance of the 2015 refugee crisis. One-third of voters cited migration and the integration of foreigners as the biggest problem facing the state… While the AfD attracted many disgruntled former CSU supporters upset over Merkel’s liberal approach to asylum, the Greens drew in centrist voters put off by the CSU’s often-harsh rhetoric on migration…

“The Bavarian result… is bound to fan speculation about Merkel’s own future as chancellor. She faces a further challenge at the end of October with another regional election in the state of Hesse…  A poor showing in Hesse could force Merkel to relinquish the chairmanship of the CDU at a party congress in December…”

AFP wrote on October 14:

“‘Debacle for CSU and SPD,’ ran the online headline of Bild daily, while Der Spiegel called it a ‘bitter defeat’ for Bavaria’s traditional ruling party… The anti-immigration Alternative for Germany (AfD), which rails against Muslims and demands that ‘Merkel must go’… entered the 15th of Germany’s 16 state assemblies…”

The Telegraph wrote on October 14:

“The results will… add to growing calls within [Merkel’s] own party for the veteran chancellor to stand down…”

Deutsche Welle wrote on October 15:

“The latest debacle could very well spell the end for a coalition that none of the parties really ever wanted in the first place and that in the eyes of many voters is muddling through rather than shaping crucial policies, ranging from immigration to pensions.

“… if the CDU and the SPD experience another drubbing, all bets are off on the grand coalition surviving. That could mean new elections, a CDU-run minority government, or another attempt to form a Jamaica coalition, made up of the CDU, the CSU, the pro-business Free Democrats and the Greens and so named because of the parties’ respective colors: black, yellow and green.

“None of the options are really palatable and what’s keeping the coalition together, albeit tenuously, is a lack of clear alternative.”

Deutsche Welle wrote on October 15:

“This election changes a lot, and not just in Bavaria… Many CSU voters in Bavaria defected to the [EU-loving] Greens because the party seems to take the Christian aspect (specifically love-thy-neighbor in matters of migration) more seriously than the conservatives… many voters still seem unwilling to be persuaded that the fear of ‘Islamization’ should outweigh reason or compassion.

“The other winner, the right-wing populist Alternative for Germany (AfD), is no surprise… It is a vote in protest of the mistakes made by the CSU… the Bavarian party followed a maxim of its father figure, Franz-Josef Strauss, who once said there must be no ‘democratically legitimate party’ in German politics to the right of the CSU… This worked for decades, until its leaders panicked and started copying the AfD’s policies in 2018…”

Germany’s Mainstream Parties Sound Asleep

The EUObserver wrote on October 15:

“‘The Bavarian result further destabilises Merkel and her government,’ Heinrich Oberreuter, a German academic, told The New York Times newspaper. ‘Society has changed, Bavaria has changed, and Bavarian voters have changed, but the mainstream parties have slept through that change,’ he said.”

Premature End of Grand Coalition More Likely

Der Spiegel wrote on October 15:

“The most important outcome of the election in Bavaria… is the fact that it has made the premature end of the Merkel’s governing coalition much more likely. The leaders of all three coalition partners could lose their posts in the coming weeks and months while the result has shown just how fragile the major parties’ foundations have become. Together, the CSU and SPD lost more than 20 percentage points. Meanwhile, the conservatives and the SPD together have only a razor-thin majority in recent nationwide polls.

“Germany’s governing coalition, of course, was beset by uncertainty even before the election in Bavaria. Since its start in March of this year, it has been distracted by a seemingly never-ending debate over migration and constant provocations from the CSU, which spent months campaigning on an anti-Merkel, anti-migration platform…

Many SPD members and officials want their party to leave their unloved coalition with the CDU as soon as possible. That pressure is now likely to increase…”

The grand coalition will soon fall apart, and Angela Merkel’s days as CDU party leader and German Chancellor are numbered. The real and clear alternative will manifest itself in the very near future.

The Brexit Fiasco

The Week wrote on October 15:

“It’s been two years since Britons voted to leave the EU. Why don’t they have the details worked out yet?…

“The Leave campaign said abandoning the EU would bring a financial windfall, but it’s now clear there will be large costs… Financial firms in London, and other service industries, which account for nearly 80 percent of British GDP, are expected to lose $47 billion a year once Brexit goes through. All told, 44 percent of British exports go to the EU, while just 8 percent of EU exports go to the U.K. With the U.K. desperate to preserve some kind of viable access to EU markets, the EU is in a much stronger bargaining position and has so far refused to yield at all on its core demands…

“The EU has already demanded, and won, a pledge that Britain will pay the $51 billion it owes in EU officials’ pension costs and other obligations. It is adamant that Britain cannot have unfettered access to the vast EU single market unless it adheres to all of the EU’s ‘four freedoms’ – free movement of goods, services, capital, and people. The EU says it can’t allow Britain to choose just one or two of those four commitments, lest Brexit set a precedent for other restless countries that might wish to strike their own bespoke bargains. Most importantly, the EU has taken the side of its member state Ireland in insisting that the border between the Irish Republic and the U.K. province of Northern Ireland remain open and free for travel and trade after Brexit…

“The U.K. is scheduled to leave the EU on March 29, 2019. With no trade deal in place, customs checks would have to begin on all goods crossing the British border both ways. Since the U.K. doesn’t have the infrastructure to do that, trucks would back up for miles. The just-in-time supply chains that British stores and manufacturers use would be disrupted, causing shortages of food and other goods. British financial firms would lose their right to sell their services in the EU. Companies would lay off workers. The pound would plummet…

“Some British leaders… are calling for… a second referendum that would be held if Parliament rejects the final Brexit terms. May has absolutely ruled that out… Even if her government were somehow persuaded, it’s by no means clear what the outcome of such a vote would be… A… recent poll found that if given the choice now to stay in the EU or take whatever deal May strikes, 40 percent would vote Remain, 39 percent would vote Leave, and the rest are undecided…”

The Brexit is predestined to happen, and it will be extremely bad and costly for Britain.

EU Summit and Brexit

Deutsche Welle wrote on October 18:

“British Prime Minister Theresa May on Thursday hinted at her openness to extending a so-called transition period ‘for a matter of months’ after Britain leaves the European Union… An extension could buy negotiators time to resolve the impasse over the Ireland-UK border, but the suggestion immediately courted criticism from within May’s own party…

“To enable an extension, Britain would have to request it and then the other 27 member states would have to agree to it… The transition period for the UK and EU is only expected to come into effect if some form of preliminary deal is struck before the UK’s scheduled EU exit in late March. In the event of a ‘no-deal Brexit,’ any transition period plans are liable to disintegrate…

“Angela Merkel’s spokesman said that members also discussed cybersecurity, migration, and the continued development of the Eurozone. Reuters also reported that EU leaders would discuss support for free trade, the Iran nuclear deal and combating global warming, but also forging relationships on these topics with China, Japan and Russia as a counterbalance to a more protectionist United States.”

Putin: Russia Will Use Nuclear Weapons Only in Retaliation

ndtv wrote on October 18:

“Russians will ‘go to heaven’ as martyrs in the event of nuclear war because Moscow will only ever use nuclear weapons in retaliation, President Vladimir Putin said Thursday. ‘We have no concept of a preemptive strike,’ Putin told a forum of international experts…

“‘In such a situation, we expect to be struck by nuclear weapons, but we will not use them’ first, he said. ‘The aggressor will have to understand that retaliation is inevitable, that it will be destroyed and that we, as victims of aggression, as martyrs, will go to heaven…

“Putin last year unveiled ‘invincible’ new weapons that would render Western missile defence systems obsolete. In 2016 he called for the country to reinforce its military nuclear potential.”

In our free booklet, “The Mysteries of the Book of Revelation,” we explain in detail that a coming nuclear war between Russia and the West is going to happen.

EU Hostile towards USA?

Deutsche Welle wrote on October 14:

“US President Donald Trump on Sunday again railed against the trans-Atlantic trade relationship, claiming that ‘nobody treats us much worse than the European Union.’ ‘The European Union was formed in order to take advantage of us on trade, and that’s what they’ve done,’ Trump said in a televised interview on CBS…

“Trump said his hard-handed tactics against the EU were not hostile toward America’s allies. ‘You know what’s hostile? The way they treat us. We’re not hostile,’ Trump told CBS journalist Lesley Stahl after she suggested the administration was behaving in a hostile manner toward US allies.”

From now on, there will be no more peace between these two power blocs.

USA Wants to Negotiate Separate Trade Deals with the EU, the UK and Japan

Deutsche Welle wrote on October 17:

US officials formally notified the Congress on Tuesday of their intent to negotiate separate trade deals with the EU, the UK, and Japan… Under American law, the Office of the US Trade Representative is obliged to notify the lawmakers about its goals at least 30 days before the talks begin. The three accords aim to fix ‘chronic US trade imbalances’ and barriers presented to US exporters abroad…

“The move comes just weeks after the US, Canada, and Mexico renegotiated the NAFTA trade deal following opposition from US President Donald Trump. After Trump rallied against the original deal and claimed it was unfair to the US, the accord was renamed as UMSCA and tweaked in areas such as labor rights and rules of origin.

“However, striking deals with other trading partners might prove to be more complicated. French President Emmanuel Macron has said he won’t support EU trade talks with countries outside the Paris climate agreement. Trump has pulled the US from the deal last year, making it the only country in the world to formally oppose it. (Though it’s worth noting that more than a dozen signatories to the deal, including major emitters like Russia and Turkey, are yet to ratify it.) The UK is locked in tense Brexit talks and would not be able to formally negotiate any deals before defining its relationship with the EU.

“Trump’s election campaign relied heavily on promises of balancing global trade and returning manufacturing jobs to the US. However, the US trade deficit has continued to grow since he took office following the 2016 election. In August 2018, the monthly deficit reached $38.6 billion (€33.4 billion) with China and $8.7 billion with Mexico, both of them historic highs.”

Europe Needs a Finance Minister

Handelsblatt Global wrote on October 16:

“The euro is the world’s second-leading currency, but it still lags far behind the US dollar. Two-thirds of all loans issued by local banks in foreign currencies are denominated in dollars, compared to just 20 percent in euros. Similar proportions apply to global foreign-exchange reserves. European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker is eager to change this.

“Last month, he declared it [is] ‘absurd’ that ‘Europe pays for 80 percent of its energy import bill – worth €300 billion a year – in US dollars,’ even though only about 2 percent of the EU’s energy imports come from the US. He then called for the euro to become ‘the instrument of a new, more sovereign Europe,’ and promised to ‘present initiatives to strengthen the international role of the euro.’

“Mr. Juncker is not alone among European leaders in recognizing how powerful a tool the single currency can be when it comes to projecting power. German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas has proposed that the European Union establish its own international payments system. But these proposals, while ambitious, may overlook what is really needed to elevate the euro’s status…

“If Mr. Juncker’s vision is to be realized, the ECB (European Central Bank) will have to… adopt a (US) Fed-style role as international lender of last resort… The ECB… lacks a single political counterpart akin to the US Treasury Secretary for the Fed. With no euro-zone finance minister to coordinate with in times of crisis, a decision by the ECB to help third countries – even EU countries – could be met with strong resistance…  euro-zone leaders should complete the reforms of the currency union’s architecture and provide a political counterpart to the ECB (i.e., a European finance minister).”

The Austrian “Wunderkind”

The Atlantic wrote on October 16:

“Although the CSU ended up performing terribly in Sunday’s election, the party’s choice to bring in [Austria’s Chancellor Sebastian] Kurz to bolster the final days of its difficult campaign made perfect sense. Ever since last October, when Kurz and his rebranded Austrian People’s Party (ÖVP) recovered from dismal polling numbers to overtake the far-right Freedom Party (FPÖ) in the polls and win Austria’s parliamentary elections, Kurz has been hailed as a political wunderkind whose success could serve as an example for ailing center-right parties across Europe. The Kurz electoral playbook—a combination of personality-driven, Emmanuel Macron–style ‘movement’ rhetoric and a sharp turn to the right on immigration—represents one view on how such parties can fight off (and, in Kurz’s case, ultimately work in harmony with) their far-right populist challengers.

“One year later, that assessment still looks valid: Kurz remains popular among the Austrian electorate and, were another election to be held today, polls indicate that his ÖVP may even fare better than it did last October. What’s more, the coalition Kurz built with the far-right FPÖ last December is remarkably stable despite a string of scandals implicating top FPÖ ministers and politicians… there’s little sign the ÖVP-FPÖ relationship will break down anytime soon…

“It helps that, on what is perhaps the dominant political issue in Austria these days—migration—the ÖVP and FPÖ are essentially in lockstep. Over the course of the year, they’ve proposed initiatives and discussed the issue on the European level in a way that makes it clear they are in agreement… the speed with which [controversies] blew over is a sign that, like in the United States, such scandals have become increasingly normalized—and as a result, Kurz’s coalition looks stable for the foreseeable future…”

More Homosexual Judges

Life Site News reported on October 12:

“Another homosexual judge with ties to a LGBT legal group is among President Donald Trump’s latest batch of judicial nominees, this time to the influential Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals. The White House announced a handful of federal appointees Wednesday, including assistant U.S. Attorney Patrick Bumatay… Bumatay would also be the nation’s second openly homosexual federal appeals court judge… The White House’s press release also notes that he’s a member of the Tom Homann LGBT Law Association, an organization dedicated to the ‘advancement of gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender issues throughout California and the nation.’

“The Homann Association has staked out a number of left-wing positions, including disappointment that the Supreme Court upheld Christian baker Jack Phillips’ right to refuse to make a cake for a same-sex ‘wedding,’ and ‘unequivocally denounc[ing]’ the Trump administration’s ban on transgender military service…

“Bumatay follows Judge Mary Rowland, an open homosexual who has ties to the left-wing Lesbian & Gay Bar Association of Chicago and Lambda Legal Defense & Education Fund, as the second appointee whose background raises doubts as to whether he would separate his homosexuality from his jurisprudence.”

Newsmax added on October 16:

“The three individuals Trump intends to nominate — Patrick Bumatay, Daniel Collins and Kenneth Kiyul Lee — each have Republican ties. Bumatay and Lee are members of the conservative Federalist Society, and Collins clerked for the late Justice Antonin Scalia and worked in the George W. Bush administration.”

Why the US-Saudi Alliance Must End

The Week wrote on October 11:

“Saudi Arabia is no friend of democracy, liberty, or even common decency… Back in the early 20th century, as European empires crumbled, the basic structure of the Saudi kingdom was established as a bargain between the House of Saud and local hardline clerics. The Saudi kings got political power, while the clerics were allowed great religious authority… [establishing] a tyrannical absolutist monarchy akin to the Papal States of centuries past. But gigantic oil strikes — the largest and most easily accessed in the world — allowed the Saudi government to basically purchase the quiescence of the citizenry and the goodwill of Western power. Oil kept the system tottering along — and the clerics exporting their violent, extremist version of Islam around the globe.

“As a result, most of the 9/11 hijackers were Saudi

“The new Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman came to power in 2017, casting himself as a liberal reformer… Since then, it has become starkly obvious that bin Salman was just setting himself up as a ruthless absolute dictator. His domestic opponents have been reportedly kidnapped, extorted, and even tortured. A Twitter account closely associated with the government baldly threatened Toronto with a 9/11-style attack, after the Canadian government criticized the Saudis for arresting a women’s rights reformer with a Canadian family… Saudis have been arming, paying, and recruiting al Qaeda as part of bin Salman’s quasi-genocidal war in Yemen…

“[America] should very obviously ditch the alliance with Saudi Arabia immediately. That kind of despicable, murderous authoritarianism has no place in the community of nations.”

Saudi Arabia’s track record has truly been appalling for a long time. The US-Saudi alliance will indeed end, in order to be replaced with a (temporary) alliance between Saudi Arabia and Europe. For more information on Saudi Arabia’s future, please read our free booklet, “Middle Eastern and African Nations in Biblical Prophecy.

Saudi Arabia Denies Involvement…

The Guardian wrote on October 16:

“Some areas have been repainted at the Saudi consulate where missing Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi was last seen alive, the Turkish president, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, has said [and that] police had found evidence of toxic materials

“In giving credence to the prince’s claims of having been unaware of what happened in the Istanbul consulate, [US secretary of state Mike Pompeo] was echoing Donald Trump who had gone on Twitter to reveal he talked to the crown prince during the meeting and said Bin Salman ‘totally denied any knowledge of what took place in their Turkish Consulate’… Later in the day, the US president claimed the Saudi royal family was being treated unfairly in the widespread assumption that it was behind Khashoggi’s disappearance from the Saudi consulate…

“Later on Tuesday, the New York Times reported that four of the Saudi suspects had links to the security detail of the crown prince, citing social media profiles, leaked records and use of facial recognition software… However, the US president said on Monday, without offering evidence, that Khashoggi could have been murdered by ‘rogue killers’, prompting speculation that the White House may be willing to protect the House of Saud, a key political and trade ally, from blame for the diplomatic crisis.

“But Senator Lindsey Graham, an influential Republican ally of Trump, described the crown prince, known by his initials as MBS, as ‘toxic’ and accused him of ordering Khashoggi’s death. ‘Nothing happens in Saudi Arabia without MBS knowing it,’ he told Fox News, warning that Congress would ‘sanction the h… out of Saudi Arabia’ over Khashoggi’s disappearance…

“Turkish officials allege they have video and audio evidence that proves Khashoggi was interrogated, tortured and murdered by a 15-man hit squad sent from Riyadh. Saudi Arabia says the claims are false, although it has offered no alternative version of events…

“Khashoggi wrote extensively for the Washington Post about Saudi Arabia, criticising its war in Yemen, the recent diplomatic spat with Canada and its arrest of women’s rights activists after the lifting of Saudi Arabia’s driving ban for women…”

Where there is smoke, there is fire; and when a bird walks like a duck, talks like a duck, eats like a duck and sleeps like a duck, there is reason to believe that the bird is not a horse.

Fox News published the following interesting statement on October 17:

“A Saudi contribution of $100 million to U.S.-backed stabilization efforts in Syria arrived in American accounts Tuesday, just as State Mike Pompeo touched down in Riyadh to discuss the missing Saudi journalist…”

The Hill wrote on October 15:

“Former U.S. Ambassador to Saudi Arabia Robert Jordan on Monday warned President Trump against accepting the Saudi government’s denials about the disappearance of a Washington Post columnist. ‘Let’s remember, this is the same King Salman who told me after 9/11 that the 9/11 attacks were an Israeli plot,’ Jordan said…”

“Why Is President Trump Letting the Saudis Push Him Around?”

The Week wrote on October 17:

“President Trump famously hates to look weak. So why is he letting Saudi Arabia push him around?

“The alleged murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi by Saudi intelligence agents would seem to provide ample justification for a harsh rebuke, if not something stronger. Khashoggi was an American resident, and he appears to have been killed within the Saudi consulate in Turkey. A more blatant violation of diplomatic norms would be hard to imagine. If the Saudis can just get away with that, the White House would seem to be saying they can get away with anything.

“… there’s a long tradition of American obsequiousness toward the Saudi kingdom: President George W. Bush didn’t break with them over 9/11, nor did President Barack Obama over their support for ISIS…

“The Saudis initially refused to even take seriously international concerns about Khashoggi’s fate. And as the conversation turned to sanctions, the kingdom’s swaggering Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman leveled pointed threats to retaliate by turning off the oil spigot and sending the world economy into recession…

“Saudi Arabia is neither a powerful enemy nor a vital ally. It’s a client, dependent on American protection for its very survival. If America were to deny it arms, it couldn’t simply switch to Chinese or Russia suppliers, because our weapons are not inter-operable. Saudi Arabia’s brutal and failing war in Yemen — which looks likely to trigger the worst famine in that country in a century— is far more serious than the murder of a single journalist and is being prosecuted with active American support for the Saudi air force. But that war serves no American interest at all; indeed, our support was originally provided — by the Obama administration — to placate the Saudis, who feared an American tilt to Iran after the nuclear deal… America is no longer dependent on Gulf oil as we were in decades past…

“What’s at issue isn’t ultimately America’s moral authority. It’s our practical authority — whether we or Saudi Arabia are the dominant player in our relationship. That’s a language Trump of all people should clearly understand. The Trump administration has put a lot of chips down on the relationship with Saudi Arabia. But those are Trump’s chips, not America’s. And he’s supposed to put America first.”

Trump: Very Severe Consequences if Saudis Did It

On October 18, Breitbart reported the following:

“While speaking to reporters on Thursday, President Trump… [was] asked if he thinks Khashoggi is dead. Trump said, ‘It certainly looks that way to me. It’s very sad.’ He later added that he’s waiting on the results of various investigations.

“When asked about the consequences the Saudis will face if they are responsible for Khashoggi’s death, Trump stated, ‘Well, it’ll have to be very severe.’”

Trump Threatens to Call US Military to Close Southern Border

Fox News reported on October 18:

“The U.S. military will ‘CLOSE OUR SOUTHERN BORDER’ with Mexico if officials there don’t soon stop the northward push of a massive migrant caravan, President Trump warned Thursday, amid reports the procession had swelled in size to about 4,000 people…

“Trump tweeted Thursday morning…: ‘In addition to stopping all payments to these countries [Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador], which seem to have almost no control over their population, I must, in the strongest of terms, ask Mexico to stop this onslaught – and if unable to do so I will call up the U.S. Military and CLOSE OUR SOUTHERN BORDER!’

“The caravan… is persistently inching toward the Mexico-Guatemala border, where Mexican officials have sent 500 additional federal police officers ahead of the procession’s arrival… Mexico has said anyone with travel documents and the correct visa will be allowed to pass, and some others in the group can apply for refugee status. But officials also cautioned those who try to cross in an ‘irregular manner’ could be detained and deported…  The AP added that none of the migrants its reporters spoke to were carrying passports, which all but assures a high-stakes showdown with Mexican border officials in the coming days…

“Since 2015, the U.S. government has sent more than $2.6 billion in foreign assistance to the Northern Triangle countries of Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador. Trump has repeatedly threatened to cut off that aid if the mass migration continues. The caravan set off last Friday from San Pedro Sula, Honduras’ second-largest city and a place widely considered to be one of [the] most dangerous in the world when judged by homicide rate…”

Australia May Move Embassy to Jerusalem

The Guardian, Australian Edition, wrote on October 16:

“Australia’s prime minister, Scott Morrison, is reported to be considering moving Australia’s Israel embassy to Jerusalem… Morrison [also] declared he was ‘open-minded’ on… recognising Jerusalem as the capital… the prime minister said Australia would also review the Iran nuclear deal.

“The prime minister… insisted Australia remained committed to a two-state solution… Morrison, an evangelical Christian, credited the Liberal party’s Wentworth byelection candidate Dave Sharma, a former Australian ambassador to Israel, with raising the issue, and suggesting a way forward… Wentworth… has a large Jewish community and voters will go to the polls this weekend

“Even if Australia did not move the embassy it should ‘at least consider recognising Jerusalem as Israel’s capital without prejudice to its final boundaries or potential status as capital of future Palestinian state,’ [Sharma] wrote on Twitter in May… ‘The idea that west Jerusalem would not be part of Israel in a two-state solution is ludicrous,’ he said…

“So far only the US and its ally Guatemala have moved their embassies to Jerusalem…

“Labor slammed the flagging of a possible change of policy on Israel and Palestine. The shadow foreign affairs minister, Penny Wong, blasted the move. ‘Foreign policy, and Australia’s national interest are far too important to be played with in this fashion,’ she said.”

The announcement of the prime minister is causing strong repercussions in Australia and in other countries. Many assume it is because of a by election next Saturday which the government must win to maintain a majority of one seat, and the electorate has a high Jewish enrolment.

As mentioned in the article, the contending Liberal party candidate, Dave Sharma, was previously Australia’s ambassador to Israel and is a very intelligent Jew. Australia’s new treasurer is also Jewish. Benjamin Netanyahu announced that Scott Morrison and he had discussed the move of the Australian embassy to Jerusalem and that he thanked the Australian Prime Minister for his remarks.

Muslims and Arabs Upset

Breitbart added on October 17:

“Australia’s recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital would strike a ‘really big blow’ that ‘will affect bilateral relations’ with neighbouring Indonesia [described in the article as “the world’s largest Muslim-majority country”], according to a message exchange between Foreign Minister Marise Payne and her Indonesian counterpart… She was joined in her condemnation by 13 Arab ambassadors in Australia who called the suggestion regrettable and asked Mr. Morrison to reconsider… In a statement seen by the Sydney Morning Herald, a spokesman said Senator Payne and her Indonesian counterpart had a ‘constructive discussion’ about the announcement and Australia was aware of Indonesia’s perspective on the Arab-Israeli conflict.

“Minister Payne emphasised that there had been no change to Australia’s commitment to the Middle East peace process and to a durable and resilient two-state solution that allowed Israel and a future Palestinian state to exist side by side, within internationally recognised borders… Australia could still support a two-state solution and recognise Jerusalem as Israel’s capital…

“Some of Judaism’s holiest sites are located in the West Bank and eastern Jerusalem, including the Temple Mount and Western Wall in Jerusalem; the Tomb of the Patriarchs and Matriarchs in Hebron; and Joseph’s Tomb in Nablus.”

Eastern Jerusalem Consulate Will Merge with US Embassy

JTA wrote on October 18:

“The U.S. consulate in Jerusalem, which primarily serves Palestinian-Americans, will merge with the U.S. embassy, U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo announced. The consulate on Agron Street in the center of western Jerusalem will merge operations with the new Israeli embassy in Arnona, on the eastern-western seam of the 1967 lines that divided the city… Pompeo said that he asked U.S. Ambassador to Israel David Friedman to ‘guide the merger.’…

“The statement added that the merger ‘does not signal a change of U.S. policy on Jerusalem, the West Bank, or the Gaza Strip,’ but rather is driven by ‘our global efforts to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of our operations.’ Pompeo emphasized that ‘the United States continues to take no position on final status issues, including boundaries or borders.  The specific boundaries of Israeli sovereignty in Jerusalem are subject to final status negotiations between the parties.’”

Israel and US Postal Services Issue Joint Hanukkah Stamp

JTA wrote on October 18:

“The stamp also is meant to celebrate 70 years since the establishment of diplomatic relations between Israel and the United States, Israel Post said in a statement. The new stamp design was launched simultaneously in the Touro Synagogue in Newport, Rhode Island, the oldest synagogue in the United States, and at the American Center in Jerusalem.

“‘Today’s joint stamp issue is a symbol of the shared values and the cultural affinity between the United States and Israel,’ U.S. Ambassador to Israel David Friedman said at the Jerusalem ceremony. Postal Service Judicial Officer Gary Shapiro said in Rhode Island: ‘Starting today, this work of art celebrating the Jewish Festival of Lights will travel on millions of letters and packages, throughout America and around the world.’

“The stamp art features a Hanukkah menorah created using the technique of papercutting, a Jewish folk art, by artist Tamar Fishman. Behind the menorah is a shape that resembles an ancient oil jug representing the miracle of the oil that burned in the candelabra in the Holy Temple in Jerusalem after its sacking and recapture for the eight days necessary to resupply. Additional design elements include dreidels and a pomegranate plant with fruit and flowers.

“The stamp is being issued in the United States as a Forever stamp, which will always be equal in value to the current first class mail one-ounce price. It will sell in Israel for 8.30 shekels, the cost of a regular first-class stamp. Hanukkah begins at sundown on Dec. 2.”

Why Pope Benedict Resigned

Bild Online wrote on September 20:

“Five years ago, Pope Benedict XVI (91) resigned… Now shocking letters written by the retired Pope have surfaced that will be highly interesting to church historians. The letters… show that Benedict XVI is deeply concerned about the state of the Church…

“There had indeed been papal resignations in the past, Benedict wrote. One example was Pope Pius XII (1876-1958) who, in 1944, aimed to avoid being ‘arrested by the Nazis’ by stepping down. What is interesting is the comparison to a Pope threatened by the Nazis. Who did Benedict feel threatened by? ‘Pray for me that I may not flee for fear of the wolves,’ Benedict XVI said at his inauguration. Who are the wolves?

“Professor of Philosophy and Vatican expert, Armin Schwibach (53), told BILD: ‘By “the wolves”, he probably meant the network of high-ranking Church dignitaries who have created a system of power, and abuse of power, in the Vatican, and whom he felt unable to cope with.’

“Was Benedict even concerned about being poisoned by henchmen of this network? The ‘Spiegel’ reported in May 2015 that, in October 2012, the president of the Bavarian State Office of Criminal Investigations allegedly travelled to Rome to review gaps in the food preparation for the Pope. Even more interesting: When, given the bewildered state of the Church following the Pope’s resignation, [a] cardinal criticized by the Pope wrote back: ‘May the Lord help his Church’, Benedict replied once more – and with a remarkable sentence. He wrote: ‘Let us rather pray, as you did at the end of your letter, that the Lord will come to the aid of his Church.’ So did the former Pope think that the Church had entered a crisis under his successor, and that only praying would help in this crisis?

“Benedict’s successor, Pope Francis, is currently facing accusations of having supported a powerful US cardinal despite knowing that Benedict had punished him for sexual offences. The editor-in-chief of the Katholische Nachrichtenagentur (Catholic News Agency, KNA), Ludwig Ring Eifel (58), told BILD: ‘The letters allow for fascinating insights into Benedict XVI’s thinking – he is obviously very concerned about the state of the Church.’ Benedict’s private secretary, Arch Bishop Georg Gänswein (62), did not want to comment on the letters to BILD. He recently chose to compare the situation of the Church – shaken by abuse scandals and systematic cover-ups – to the terror attacks of September 11 in New York. The Church, he said, is currently experiencing ‚its own 9/11‘.“

Beware of “Gentle” Demons

Vatican News wrote on October 12:

“Pope Francis celebrated Mass Friday morning at the Casa Santa Marta in the Vatican, saying that when the devil cannot destroy head on with vices, wars or injustices, he does so subtly with guiles, gradually leading people into the spirit of the world, making them feel nothing is wrong… When the devil takes possession of a person’s heart, the Pope said, he makes it his home not wanting to leave, and tries to ruin the person and harm him even physically…

“The Pope said [the devil] make us feel comfortable that we are Christians, Catholics who go to Mass and pray.  We do have our defects, our sins, but everything seems to be in order…  Working silently, [demons] make friends and persuade you on the road to mediocrity, making you ‘lukewarm’ with worldliness… [The Pope] urged Christians to watch out against falling…  ‘into this spirit of the world’, which ‘corrupts us from within’.”

Satan pretends to be an angel of light. Many times, he is very subtle by using his evil devices in deceiving and taking hold of unsuspecting people.

Witches on Display

CNS News reported on October 11:

“Witches plan to place a public hex on Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh through an occult ritual on Oct. 20 in New York City, an event sponsored by Catland Books, which describes itself as ‘Brooklyn’s premiere occult bookshop & spiritual community space.’ The planned ritual has been advertised on Facebook… It further states that 50% of the event proceeds will go to charity: 25% to the Ali Forney Center and 25% to Planned Parenthood.

“The Ali Forney Center is a homeless shelter and help center for LGBTQ youth. Planned Parenthood is America’s largest abortion provider. It received $543.7 million in taxpayer funding for the year ending June 30, 2017, reads its latest annual report…

“According to the Oxford English Dictionary, to hex, as a verb, means to ‘cast a spell on; bewitch.’ As a noun, hex means ‘a magic spell; a curse.’”

We know, of course, that witches cannot cast a spell on or bewitch someone successfully UNLESS the person believes that it is possible. Then, he opens himself up to evil influences from the dark spirit world.

What Causes Nightmares?

Fox News reported on October 13:

“Trauma survivors — specifically those suffering from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) — are more likely to experience nightmares. In fact… up to 90 percent of those with PTSD have reported ‘disturbing dreams with some degree of resemblance to the actual traumatic event’…  Separately… more than 50 percent of Vietnam War veterans with PTSD said they experienced nightmares ‘fairly often,’ while only 3 percent of civilians reported the same…

“Nightmares can also be associated with other psychiatric diagnoses, such as depression or insomnia, and can similarly affect children… children’s nightmares are typically triggered by losing a pet or moving away from friends… Others who suffer from sleep paralysis… have been known to experience horrifying, dream-like hallucinations while falling asleep or waking up…

Sleep deprivation has been linked to a variety of health issues, such as weight gain, high blood pressure, negative impacts on both short and long-term memory, mood changes, poor balance, among other side effects. In extreme cases, frequent nightmares can ‘dramatically increase the risk of suicide’…”

In a sidebar, Fox wrote: “Once people start paying attention to their dreams, a whole world opens up. …Dreams can be a parallel to how people see their lives.”

Dreams can be very deceptive when we pay close attention to them. We might even fabricate a “dream world” for ourselves which we believe to be real, while it is nothing but an illusion. Another major reason for nightmares is the watching of horror movies and the involvement with the occult and the demonic world during waking hours. While Satan cannot attack us when we sleep, he most certainly can do so when we are awake, and our brain keeps working when we sleep.

Interesting View Points by American Evangelicals

Christianity Today reported the following on October 16:

“A majority of US adults (59%) say that the Holy Spirit is a force, not a personal being.”

This is good news, as the Holy Spirit is NOT a Being, but indeed God’s power emanating from the Father and the Son.

A few additional concepts are also understood correctly by a majority of evangelicals, such as:

“… salvation is found in Christ alone (62%, up from 53% in 2016) and… Jesus Christ will return to judge the world (64%, up from 55% in 2016).”

“On abortion… a ‘slim majority’ of Americans believe that the procedure is a sin (52% vs. 38%), including 57 percent of those ages 18 to 34.”

However, other concepts in which most American evangelicals believe, are clearly wrong and also quite inconsistent, such as:

“God accepts the worship of all religions (51%)

Jesus was the first and greatest being created by God the Father (78%)

“97 percent of evangelicals do believe that ‘there is one true God in three persons’…

“… more Americans agree than disagree that ‘the Bible’s condemnation of homosexual behavior doesn’t apply today’ (44% vs. 41%)…”

Acknowledgement and Disclaimer

These Current Events are compiled and commented on by Norbert Link. We gratefully acknowledge the many contributions of news articles from our readership. The publication of articles in this section is not to be viewed as an endorsement or approval as to contents or accuracy of the selected articles, but they are published for the purpose of pointing at worldwide developments in the light of biblical end-time prophecy and godly instruction. Our own comments are provided in italics.

This Week in the News

Leading Historian Compares USA with Nazi Germany

Vox wrote on October 5:

“Usually, comparisons between Donald Trump’s America and Nazi Germany come from cranks and internet trolls. But a new essay in the New York Review of Books pointing out ‘troubling similarities’ between the 1930s and today is different: It’s written by Christopher Browning, one of America’s most eminent and well-respected historians of the Holocaust. In it, he warns that democracy here is under serious threat, in the way that German democracy was prior to Hitler’s rise — and really could topple altogether.

“Browning, a professor emeritus at the University of North Carolina, specializes in the origins and operation of Nazi genocide. His 1992 book ‘Ordinary Men’, a close examination of how an otherwise unremarkable German police battalion evolved into an instrument of mass slaughter, is widely seen as one of the defining works on how typical Germans became complicit in Nazi atrocities…

“Browning’s essay covers many topics, ranging from Trump’s ‘America First’ foreign policy — a phrase most closely associated with a group of prewar American Nazi sympathizers — to the role of Fox News as a kind of privatized state propaganda office. But the most interesting part of his argument is the comparison between Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and Paul von Hindenburg, the German leader who ultimately handed power over to Hitler…”

These parallels are truly remarkable.

The Coming Economic Crash

Lobelog reprinted on September 20 the following article from Focus:

“The stock market reached its all-time high at the end of August. In its second quarter this year, U.S. economic growth was 4.1 percent. Unemployment remains below 4 percent, and inflation remains moderate. Even wages are going up…

“… it’s never if there will be a bust but when. On the tenth anniversary of the financial collapse of 2008, it’s worth looking at the potential pinpricks that will… send America crashing back to earth.

“… The deficit for this year will rise to $890 billion… The shortfall in government expenditures will rise above $1 trillion next year… Total household debt reached a new high in August: $13.3 trillion. That includes a record amount of student debt ($1.5 trillion), an ever-growing amount of mortgage debt ($9 trillion, which is perilously close to the $10.5 trillion it reached during the mortgage crisis in 2008), and an overall credit card debt that just surpassed $1 trillion for the first time.

“… This summer, corporate debt hit a new high of $6.3 trillion. Worse, the cash-to-debt ratio, which was 14 percent in 2008, has dropped to 12 percent: that’s $1 in cash for every $8 of debt… all this debt is like the termites eating away at the foundation of your house…

“Currently, the U.S. government owes $21 trillion, which is slightly more than the household and corporate debt combined. The owners of U.S. debt include federal agencies like Social Security…, the Federal Reserve…, mutual funds, and banks. Foreign countries also hold about a third of the debt… The big player… is China, and right now the Trump administration is escalating its trade war with China. Trump just announced tariffs on another $200 billion in Chinese imports after targeting $50 billion of goods in the first round. If China retaliates with more tariffs of its own, the Trump administration is threatening a third round  sanctioning all Chinese imports… China could retaliate in other ways, such as devaluing its currency. A potentially more devastating action would be to follow Russia’s example and sell its stake in Treasury bonds… At a certain point, foreign creditors will no longer support unsustainable U.S. spending…

“For much of the post-World War II era, international transactions have been conducted in dollars… But that situation is changing… As of July, it was used in 39 percent of transactions. The euro was in second place at 35 percent. Further down the list came the pound, the yen, and the yuan. The fall of the dollar anticipates an eclipse of U.S. global economic hegemony.

“It’s hard to predict when all of these indicators will converge. Hedge fund manager Ray Dalio expects a major economic downturn in the United States in two years, after the impact of the tax cuts disappears and the government finds itself short on money… This will be no ordinary downturn. Irrational exuberance has pushed up stocks above their value, sent household and corporate debt into the stratosphere, and burdened the government with debt it will have greater difficulty covering. Interest rates remain low, so there’s no real option to lower rates to stimulate the economy… if the United States goes down, it will drag much of the global economy with it. After all, U.S. debt is only part of a larger problem. As Walden Bello explains:…  There is a consensus among economists along the political spectrum that this debt build-up cannot go on indefinitely without inviting catastrophe.”

Project Syndicate wrote on September 13:

“… by 2020, the conditions will be ripe for a financial crisis, followed by a global recession… Unlike in 2008, when governments had the policy tools needed to prevent a free fall, the policymakers who must confront the next downturn will have their hands tied while overall debt levels are higher than during the previous crisis. When it comes, the next crisis and recession could be even more severe and prolonged than the last.”

Sooner Than Expected?

Express wrote on October 11:

“Global markets have been plunged into chaos today with stocks plummeting in Europe and Asia following Wall Street’s worst day since February. Shares sank into a sea of red as world markets slumped to their lowest level in eight months…

“… in Europe, the market has…  felt the ripple effects of the ongoing fallout between Italy and European Union chiefs over Rome’s deficit budget proposal… Markets also sunk this morning in Asia, with Japan’s benchmark Nikkei 225 losing 3.9 per cent, its biggest daily drop since March. China witnessed its lowest stock market level in almost four years…

“The turbulent start for investors comes after the US stock market tumbled…

“The crumbling of global markets comes following concerns from investors surrounding global economic growth and rising interest rates. The Federal Reserve is raising interest rates which makes it more expensive for companies to borrow and harms share prices… President Trump described the Fed as having ‘gone crazy’…”

Explosive Situation in the Middle East

Reuters wrote on October 10:

“U.S. President Donald Trump increased pressure on Saudi Arabia on Wednesday to provide information on what happened to missing Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi [a US resident working for the Washington Post] and said he wanted to get [to] the bottom of what he called ‘a very serious situation.’… Pressure appeared to be building worldwide on close U.S. ally Saudi Arabia on the whereabouts of Khashoggi, a prominent critic of Saudi policies, who was last seen entering the Saudi consulate in Istanbul to get documents for his planned marriage… Turkish sources said they believe Khashoggi was killed inside the building and removed, allegations that Riyadh dismisses as baseless…”

Bloomberg added on October 11:

“Allegations that Saudi agents flew into Turkey and murdered one of the kingdom’s leading critics would have sent shock waves through bilateral relations at any point. But with the two countries already on opposite sides of some of the Middle East’s defining rifts, the accusations… are potentially even more explosive. Each chilling leak about the possible fate of journalist Jamal Khashoggi, and the resultant international condemnation, makes a behind-the-scenes compromise that much harder…

“Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said he can’t remain silent over Khashoggi’s fate, adding to growing differences between the countries. Those disagreements run deep and extend far: from Turkey’s support for a leading Islamist group that Saudi Arabia has designated as terrorists, to relations with Shiite power Iran and the Saudi-led boycott of Qatar…”

These developments are of high significance for the USA, as both Turkey and Saudi Arabia belong to America’s close allies.

Hurricane Michael’s Devastation

Deutsche Welle wrote on October 11:

“Hurricane Michael has caused widespread damage across the Florida Panhandle. The Category 4 monster was among the most powerful hurricanes in half a century to strike the mainland United States.

“The storm blew ashore early Wednesday afternoon near Florida’s Mexico Beach as a Category 4 hurricane. It was just short of being categorized as level 5. With winds surging to 155 mph (250 kph), Michael wreaked havoc on the Florida Panhandle, leaving a devastating trail of destruction along the Gulf coast…

“… Michael was… the most powerful hurricane to hit the Florida Panhandle…

“Some 375,000 people had been urged to leave their homes for stronger shelters in Florida, but many residents were trapped after they were caught surprised by the storm doubling in strength as it approached land. By Wednesday night, more than 400,000 people in Florida, Georgia and Alabama were without power… [The figure rose to over 900,000 homes and businesses without power by Thursday.]

“The governors of North and South Carolina urged residents to prepare for heavy rain and winds, which come less than a month after Hurricane Florence battered the mid-Atlantic coast… In the past year, several massive stormsbattered the US coasts, including Irma, Maria and Harvey. Houston’s metropolitan area suffered a record-equaling $125 billion (€108 billion) in damage…”

Many blame climate change for the increased hurricane activities. Whatever the truth, it is clear to us that Satan, the prince of the power of the air, is the real instigator of these devastating developments, but God allows them in His attempt to wake America up.

What if Trump Refuses to Leave?

 Politico wrote on September 20:

“What if, after having moved into the White House and gotten comfortable, Donald Trump refuses to check out when his term ends?… Who’s to say that Trump’s legal advisers might construct some pretext — a national security crisis or charges of election fraud — that would place him above the constitution and cement his place in the Oval Office?

“The fear that a president might not go at his appointed time has a precedent. President Franklin D. Roosevelt… contemplated taking dictatorial powers at the beginning of his first administration, but then reconsidered… Nixon intimates began to believe that he was contemplating some sort of a coup d’état to maintain power.

“… half of all Republicans surveyed favored postponing the 2020 election until new standards made it certain that only eligible American citizens could vote… This isn’t the first time the idea of postponing the federal election has surfaced. In 2004… Congress… passed a resolution, 419-2, declaring that nobody could shelve an election. So if Trump couldn’t postpone an election, could he just ignore it? The nation would erupt, of course…

“The president’s cheerleading for anti-democratic authoritarians like Vladimir Putin, Rodrigo Duterte, Xi Jinping and Abdel Fattah el-Sissi and the mutual admiration pact he’s signed with North Korea’s Kim Jong Un does not bode well for an orderly transition of power in 2020 or 2024 or whenever…”

As we have proclaimed from the outset (when Donald Trump announced his presidential candidacy) that Trump would become America’s 45th President, we have also stated time and again that we believe strongly that Trump will be America’s last President.

Brett Kavanaugh Sworn in as USA Supreme Court Justice

The Guardian wrote on October 8:

“Donald Trump, speaking at a triumphalist White House ceremony, has made the baseless claim that the new supreme court justice Brett Kavanaugh was ‘proven innocent’ of allegations of sexual assault. In what he acknowledged was a break from tradition, the US president told a packed East Room on Monday: ‘On behalf of our nation, I want to apologize to Brett and the entire Kavanaugh family for the terrible pain and suffering you have been forced to endure. Those who step forward to serve our country deserve a fair and dignified evaluation, not a campaign of political and personal destruction based on lies and deception.’

“… The president added: ‘…I must state that you, sir, under historic scrutiny, were proven innocent…’

“The judge was found neither guilty nor innocent of allegations brought by research psychologist Dr Christine Blasey Ford that, when he was 17 and she 15 in the 1980s… Kavanaugh’s furious, politically charged denials before the Senate judiciary committee raised questions over his judicial temperament and independence…

“Laurence Trib‏e, a constitutional law professor at Harvard University, tweeted: ‘I pity the Justices who had no realistic option but to attend and serve as props for the partisan display. Only Thomas, clapping with gusto, looked like he was really pleased to be there. The others looked like polite hostages. A grim and tasteless spectacle.’…”

Nevertheless, the appointment of Kavanaugh as Supreme Court Justice constitutes a big victory for Donald Trump, which might also have some relevance for the upcoming midterm elections.

Cannabis Reform Coming?

Fox Business News reported on October 11:

“The White House is planning on tackling cannabis reform after the midterm elections, according to Rep. Dana Rohrabacher, R-Calif.. Rohrabacher tells FOX Business that the Trump administration has made a ‘solid commitment’ to fix marijuana regulation… ‘I have been reassured that the president intends on keeping his campaign promise.’

“Rohrabacher says the president has spoken in support of legalizing medical marijuana on the federal level – and leaving the question of recreational marijuana use up to the states… ‘It could be as early as spring of 2019, but definitely in the next legislative session.’”

It is high time that the ridiculous condemnatory federal designation of medical marijuana is changed. Patients who truly NEED medical marijuana should be allowed to use it. At the same time, we strongly reject recreational marijuana in any manner, shape or form.

Merkel Warns Trump

AFP wrote on September 30:

“German Chancellor Angela Merkel on Sunday warned US President Donald Trump against ‘destroying’ the United Nations. ‘I believe that destroying something without having developed something new is extremely dangerous,’ Merkel said… The veteran leader… added that she believed multilateralism was the solution to many of the world’s problems.

“Trump failed to see the possibility for win-win solutions, she said, instead seeing only one winner from any international negotiation. In his second appearance before the UN’s annual gathering last week, Trump told the General Assembly that he and his administration ‘reject the ideology of globalism, and we embrace the doctrine of patriotism’. ‘Global governance’ is a form of ‘coercion and domination’ that ‘responsible nations must defend against’, he charged.

“Merkel’s opposing view to the US leader puts her in the same camp as UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres, who warned before Trump took the podium in New York Tuesday that ‘today, world order is increasingly chaotic’”.

Europe Defies Trump over Iran

Handesblatt Global wrote on October 4:

“Defying Trump, EU plans to support trade with Iran. The EU is rushing to set up a payments system to bypass US sanctions against Iran. The move is likely to deepen the rift between the US and Europe. The European Union, China and Russia, battling to salvage the nuclear deal with Iran after the United States withdrew from it in May, plan to create a system of export loans to stop US sanctions crippling trade with Iran… The planned Special-Purpose Vehicle (SPV) to process trade payments with Iran is to be furnished with a banking license as soon as possible in addition to the bartering system already being discussed, government sources said.

“German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas met with his US counterpart Mike Pompeo in Washington on Wednesday but both statesmen failed to find common ground on Iran… Crucially, Washington has warned countries they face penalties if they disregard those sanctions…

“Washington has taken note of the new US strategy outlined by Mr. Maas in August when he became the first post-war German foreign minister to suggest that America should be treated as a strategic rival in central political questions, and that Mr. Trump’s unilateralism must be countered. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo… said last week he was ‘disturbed and indeed deeply disappointed’ at the planned special payment system. ‘This is one of the most counterproductive measures imaginable for regional global peace and security,’ he told a conference. “By sustaining revenues to the regime, you are solidifying Iran’s ranking as (the) No. 1 state sponsor of terror.’’

The differences between the USA and Europe over Iran became also highlighted during Merkel’s recent visit in Israel, when Netanyahu took America’s side against Europe. It is also remarkable that Trump’s worldwide unpopularity is not shared by most Israelis who agree with Trump on many issues, including his stance on Iran.

Are Merkel’s Days on a “Sinking Ship” Numbered?

The Local wrote on September 26:

“The news that a key ally of Angela Merkel lost his post as the CDU’s parliamentary chief dropped like a political bomb in Berlin… It was a shock that no one saw coming. On Tuesday Volker Kauder, who has headed the parliamentary group of Angela Merkel’s CDU and Bavarian allies CSU for 13 years, lost in a re-election battle to challenger Ralph Brinkhaus, a relative unknown… The surprising result came a day after Merkel was forced to admit mistakes in her handling of a row surrounding Germany’s outgoing domestic spy chief. Political observers and opponents called the vote a slap in the face for the chancellor, who had campaigned hard for Kauder’s re-election…

“An opinion piece published by Die Zeit on Tuesday said: ‘The Chancellor’s power is dwindling at an alarming rate. If Merkel’s chancellorship were a ship, the water would now be up to the engine room.’… Sueddeutsche Zeitung called the defeat a ‘humiliation’ for Merkel… Earlier on Tuesday, Spiegel Online had said that a win by Brinkhaus would mean that ‘Merkel should really clean out her office in the chancellery immediately – his election would be nothing short of a vote of distrust against the leader of the government.’

“… Voter anxiety over the policy swelled support for the far-right Alternative for Germany (AfD) party…”

The ongoing infighting within the ruling grand coalition (GroKo) between the CDU, Bavaria’s CSU and the SPD has taken its toll. The government is perceived as not acting, but only as reacting to the problems of their own making. The right-wing anti-immigration and pro-military AfD party is of course profiting from such incompetent rule. According to polls, the AfD has now become the second-strongest party in Germany, following the CDU but in front of the SPD [see article below]. However, the government is not interested in new elections, rightly fearing that the AfD would even receive more votes than in the previous election.

Concerns regarding the AfD are well–founded. A leader of the AfD has made outrageous and ridiculous statements, including the preposterous allegation that Hitler was “forced” to invade Poland. He also called Count Stauffenberg a coward. As recently prominently pictured in the movie, “Valkyrie” with Tom Cruise, Stauffenberg tried unsuccessfully to assassinate Hitler in 1944.

However, time for Merkel is running out, and upcoming state elections might very well decide her fate. The youth group within the CDU recently demanded more recognition and support for the German military (perhaps to counter the AfD), and Merkel reacted again, by endorsing the request, rather than leading in the first place. The patriotic and pro-military stance of many Germans is also noteworthy, as post-war Germany used to be known for its pacifistic stance in the past. But times have most certainly changed.

The AfD and National Socialism

Project Syndicate wrote on October 9:

“By adopting a program based on ‘identity and solidarity,’ Germany’s far-right AfD is harking back to classic National Socialism. It is likely to be a winning formula in this month’s state elections in Bavaria and Hesse… If opinion polls counted as elections, large parts of Germany would already be governed by the far right. In several eastern German states, the Alternative für Deutschland (AfD) has established itself as the strongest political force. Almost everywhere else in the country, the party currently ranks second – on par or just ahead of the struggling Social Democrats (SPD) and behind only Chancellor Angela Merkel’s Christian Democrats (CDU).

“In coming weeks, matters could get even worse. In regional elections in Bavaria on October 14 and in Hesse two weeks later, the AfD is poised to enter the two last remaining regional parliaments without far-right representation… The AfD has always been a political chameleon, cleverly exploiting mismanaged issues… much will depend on how Germany’s center responds… But this will be difficult to do for the CDU and the SPD. Locked in an unpopular grand coalition,… an ideological realignment would make finding common ground in the government increasingly challenging and could well result in an early federal election. And such an outcome would only further strengthen the AfD.”

AFP added on October 9:

“German historians on Wednesday accused far-right leader Alexander Gauland of paraphrasing Adolf Hitler in a newspaper column taking aim at a ‘globalised class’ that he claimed threatens all that is good in his ‘homeland’. The co-leader of the far-right AfD rejected allegations of parallels with a 1933 speech by Hitler, but the latest episode is yet another controversy raising questions over his anti-migrant party’s views on the Nazi-era…

“Historian Wolfgang Benz, a prominent researcher on the Nazi era, noted… that Gauland’s commentary was strikingly similar to a speech made by Hitler in 1933. ‘It’s a paraphrase that looks like the AfD chief had the Fuehrer’s speech from 1933 on his desk when he was writing his column for the FAZ,’ wrote Benz in Tagesspiegel daily…”

Deutsche Welle wrote on October 9:

“Germany’s far-right AfD wants to set up online portals across the country where schoolchildren can denounce teachers who speak against the party… Teachers groups and politicians from other parties have spoken out against the idea. ‘They are organizing open denunciation — these are all building blocks toward totalitarianism,’ said Winfried Kretschmann, state premier of Baden-Württemberg, on Tuesday…

“For many Germans, the concept of informing on other people is reminiscent of dark chapters in the country’s history, such as the Nazi era or the communist German Democratic Republic, when denunciation was actively encouraged. Thuringia’s education minister, Helmut Holter, said the AfD move was reminiscent of ‘the darkest chapter in German history.’ Christian Piwarz, the culture minister from Saxony, echoed Holter’s view, saying the AfD was displaying a ‘disgusting’ snooping culture that was known to Germany from the Nazi dictatorship or the East German Stasi.”

Catholic Church Disappearing in The Netherlands

Dutch News reported on September 17:

“More than half of the Netherlands Catholic bishops and cardinals were aware of cases of sexual abuse between 1945 and 2010, the NRC reported at the weekend, on the basis of its own research. The paper accuses the Church of covering up the abuse, allowing the perpetrators to make more victims after making an inventory of the known and less-well known abuse cases which have come to light since 2010…  The church told the paper in a statement that the story by and large is accurate…

“Meanwhile, the AD reports that the Catholic church is disappearing from the Netherlands at high speed… Although the Netherlands officially has 3.5 million Catholics, few are regular churchgoers and the average number of attendees at mass has fallen to 173,500 in total…”

Massive Child Abuse in German Catholic Church

Evangelical Focus reported on September 13:

“As many as 1,670 priests in Germany have been accused of sexually abusing children in the last seven decades. An internal report commissioned by the Roman Catholic Bishops Conference reveals that 25% of the cases would have happened in church buildings. Around 38,000 documents have been analysed by criminologists, gerontologists and psychologists of three universities (Giessen, Heidelberg and Mannheim), which describe cases between 1946 and 2014. The number of priests accused of sexual abuse represents 4.4% of the Catholic leadership in the time investigated. Most of the 3,677 victims were male and 13 years old or younger. Every sixth case involved a rape, and three in four victims knew the perpetrator through the church…

“According to German magazine Der Spiegel, the first in publishing the report, 4% of the priests accused of abuse in the research are still working for the Church… The Bishops Conference lamented that the report was leaked to the media…

“According to German website Deutsche Welle, ‘accused priests were often quietly transferred to other parishes, without providing the affected communities with information about the abuser. The church pursued only one-third of abusers, who submitted themselves to church law. However, they received either minimal sanctions or their charges were dismissed altogether’…”

These despicable actions appear to be just the tip of the iceberg.

Blame it on the Devil

Reuters reported on October 8:

“The devil is alive and well and working overtime to undermine the Roman Catholic Church, Pope Francis says. In fact, the pope is so convinced that Satan is to blame for the sexual abuse crisis and deep divisions racking the Church that he has asked Catholics around the world to recite a special prayer every day in October to try to beat him back… The Church has recently been hit by one sexual abuse scandal after another, from Germany, to the United States, to Chile. At the same time, a deepening polarization between conservatives and liberals in the Church has played out on social media.

“Francis’ use of the term ‘the great accuser’ to describe Satan hit a raw nerve with one of the pope’s harshest conservative critics, Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, the Vatican’s former ambassador to Washington. In an 11-page statement published on Aug. 26, Viganò launched an unprecedented broadside by a Church insider against the pope and a long list of Vatican and U.S. Church officials. He accused Francis of knowing about sexual misconduct by a former U.S. cardinal with male adult seminarians but not doing anything about it…

“Francis…  has enlisted the aid of… Michael the Archangel… Catholics are being asked to recite the rosary daily in October and conclude it with a prayer to St. Michael that was said after Mass until 1964 but then fell into disuse.”

Letters by former Pope Benedict have surfaced, suggesting that he resigned because of the economic and homosexual powers within the Vatican and also because of devious sexual conduct by high-ranking Catholic priests which had come to his attention. To pray to an angel is of course prohibited in the Bible.

Pope Condemns Abortion as “Contract-Killing”

AFP wrote on October 10:

“Pope Francis on Wednesday compared having an abortion to hiring a ‘contract killer’. ‘Interrupting a pregnancy is like eliminating someone,’ Francis said in an address to worshippers in the Vatican. ‘Getting rid of a human being is like resorting to a contract killer to solve a problem,’ he added…

“In his address, the Argentine pontiff complained of a ‘depreciation of human life’. He cited wars, exploitation and what he called a culture of wastefulness, as well as abortion. ‘How can an act that suppresses innocent life be therapeutic, civil or even human?’ he asked.

“Francis this year opposed a bill that would have legalized abortion in Argentina. In August a lay campaign group said thousands of Argentine Catholics had renounced their membership of the church to protest against his opposition to the bill.”

Deutsche Welle reported on October 11:

German family minister Franziska Giffey slammed Pope Francis on Thursday for his recent comments on abortion… Minister Giffey said the pope’s comments were unacceptable, saying no women take lightly the decision to abort…

“Germany’s professional association of gynecologists was also outraged, saying abortions are performed out of necessity. ‘They do not carry out abortions because they are unscrupulous, but because they feel obliged to help, especially for reasons of conscience,’ association president Christian Albring said.”

Abortion is wrong. The Bible DOES call it MURDER. Abortions are NOT performed out of necessity. This is a ridiculously stupid comment.

Acknowledgement and Disclaimer

These Current Events are compiled and commented on by Norbert Link. We gratefully acknowledge the many contributions of news articles from our readership. The publication of articles in this section is not to be viewed as an endorsement or approval as to contents or accuracy of the selected articles, but they are published for the purpose of pointing at worldwide developments in the light of biblical end-time prophecy and godly instruction. Our own comments are provided in italics.

This Week in the News

European Leaders Alarmed!

The Los Angeles Times reported on September 12:

“Warning against the danger of intensifying nationalism across Europe, Chancellor Angela Merkel of Germany and European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker said in separate appearances Wednesday that the rise of populism and the far-right represents an existential threat to the European Union’s future.

“In their respective speeches at the German Reichstag in Berlin and the European Parliament building in Strasbourg, France, the two powerful leaders raised alarm over burgeoning right wing movements in several member countries amid the arrival of large numbers of refugees and migrants. They also lamented waning cohesion in the EU, which grew out of efforts to unite European nations in the decades following the devastation of World War II…

“Merkel, in her address in Berlin, condemned right-wing mob attacks that erupted two weeks ago against foreigners in the eastern city of Chemnitz. Protests turned violent after two refugees were arrested in connection with the fatal knife attack on a German man, a crime that reignited a national debate on Merkel’s decision to let in more than 1.5 million foreigners since 2015…

“A far-right party, the Alternative for Germany (AfD) has been gaining strength from month to month with strident opposition to Merkel’s pro-refugee policies, which President Trump has also criticized.

“‘The fundamental dispute is also taking place across Europe,’ said Merkel, currently Europe’s longest serving leader, noting that European parliamentary elections next year would be a battleground over the issue of migration…

“In Strasbourg, Juncker took aim at far-right nationalism and growing intolerance that has caused tensions in EU countries, none of which has taken in as many refugees as Germany. In his state-of-the-union address, the former Luxembourg prime minister, who will retire next year, recalled how Europe was caught off guard a little more than a century ago with tensions that led to the outbreak of World War I.

“‘I am not suggesting that we are on the verge of a similar catastrophe in Europe,’ said Juncker. ‘The EU is a guarantor of peace. Let’s be happy that we live on a continent that enjoys peace thanks to the EU. Let us show more respect to the EU. Let’s not sully its image. Let us defend our life, our way of being. Let’s embrace the kind of patriotism that is not directed against others’ and look for ‘solutions that allow us to coexist better.’”

Leaders like Merkel and Juncker who call for restraint are NOT winning the battle. Already, unrest in the EU nations is surfacing more and more. The Bible reveals that new leadership will soon emerge, and that it will not be at all conservative!

2019 EU Elections—What Direction?

Deutsche Welle wrote on September 11:

“European nations must stand together to fight extremism and avoid sliding back into the past, Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras told EU parliamentarians in Strasbourg on Tuesday as he looked to the upcoming EU elections in 2019.

“The politician from the left-wing Syriza party, who had been invited to the EU parliament to speak about the future of Europe, described next year’s vote as ‘more than just one more election.’

“‘It will be a fight of basic principles and values to defeat extreme neo-liberalism and far-right populism,’ the Greek leader said. He called on the bloc’s pro-European and democratic forces to unite and ‘stand side by side on the same side of history.’

“The European Union currently faces a broad range of challenges, including migration management, the UK’s departure from the bloc, and the rise of right-wing populism, which have led to internal disagreement among its 28-member states and could significantly impact its future direction.”

This call for resistance against far-right extremism will not stop the groundswell of activities growing throughout Europe! Note the following articles:

Chemnitz Worse than Assumed

Deutsche Welle reported on September 8:

“German authorities are investigating reports that neo-Nazis attacked a Jewish restaurant in Chemnitz last month as far-right protests erupted in the city, according to Die Welt am Sonntag. The newspaper reported that a group of around a dozen masked individuals stormed the kosher eatery ‘Schalom’ on August 27, shouting ‘Get out of Germany you Jewish pig.’ The assailants allegedly threw stones and bottles at the restaurant, damaging the building’s facade and shattering a window. The owner, Uwe Dziuballa, was also reportedly injured after being hit on the shoulder with a rock…

“The German commissioner for anti-Semitism, Felix Klein, called on police and prosecutors to bring the perpetrators to justice and show that ‘anti-Semitic offenses will be swiftly punished. If the reports are true, then we are dealing with a new level of anti-Semitic crime… It calls to mind the worst memories of the 1930s,’ he added, referring to the rise of the Nazis and their murderous campaign to wipe out millions of Jews across Europe…

“There have been almost-nightly rallies in the eastern city. Sometimes the marches have turned violent, with reports of attacks on police, journalists and people perceived to be migrants. There have also been confrontations in the streets between right-wing protesters and counterdemonstrators… The unrest has triggered a nationwide debate about right-wing extremism and xenophobia in parts of German society. It has also exposed an apparent rift between Chancellor Angela Merkel and security officials.

“Merkel said the images from Chemnitz ‘very clearly’ showed hate and ‘the persecution of innocent people.’ Hans-Georg Maassen, the head of Germany’s VfS domestic intelligence service based in Cologne, sparked controversy on Friday when he voiced skepticism over reports that right-wing extremists had ‘hunted’ down foreigners, suggesting that an internet video depicting such behavior could have been faked. He was contradicted Saturday by Dresden senior public prosecutor Wolfgang Klein, who told the online outlet of the newspaper Die Zeit: ‘We have no indication that the video could be a fake.’”

More Attempts to Downplay Chemnitz Violence

Deutsche Welle reported on September 7:

“The president of Germany’s domestic intelligence agency, Hans-Georg Maassen, has expressed doubts about reports that right-wing extremists were chasing down non-Germans during demonstrations in Chemnitz… Referencing one of the videos posted online showing far-right protesters chasing after people who looked non-German, Maassen said: ‘There is no evidence to suggest that the video of this alleged incident circulating online is authentic.’…

“Maassen has recently come under fire for unexplained meetings with members of the anti-immigration Alternative for Germany (AfD) party. A book by a former AfD member has even alleged that during one such meeting, with former AfD chairwoman Frauke Petry, Maassen gave tips for avoiding monitoring by the BfV

“It was unclear exactly which video Maassen was referring to… as several videos depicting similar assaults surfaced during the protests — and he did not provide further evidence backing up his claim that at least one video was faked…

“Contrary to Maassen’s findings, journalists and social media verification experts have said there is no evidence to suggest that the videos were faked, reported German public broadcaster ARD. Journalist Lars Wienand and others were able to confirm the time, date and location of one the most-shared videos of far-right protesters.

“On Friday, German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s spokesman Steffen Seibert told reporters in Berlin that Maassen hadn’t spoken with the government about possible misinformation concerning the Chemnitz protests. The Interior Ministry also said that it hadn’t received any reports from the BfV concerning the protests…

“Reactions to Maassen’s comments were split on Friday, with the center-left Social Democrats (SPD), Greens, the business-friendly Free Democrats (FDP) and the Left harshly criticizing the intelligence chief’s remarks. ‘I don’t expect any trustworthy assessments from Mr. Maassen any more,’ said Katrin Göring-Eckardt, the parliamentary party leader for the Greens. ‘The fact that he only commented on a video, but not on the acts of violence and the public displays of anti-constitutional symbols in Chemnitz, shows me that Mr. Maassen is not up to the job.’

“Members of Merkel’s center-right Christian Democrats (CDU) as well as the German Federation of Journalists (DJV) called for Maassen to provide evidence for his claims. ‘The term “deliberate misinformation” is a very serious accusation that places the media under suspicion of manipulation,’ DJV head Kajo Döhring said in a statement, adding that whoever makes such claims must be able to back them up.

“Maassen did receive support from other conservative lawmakers, particularly from the Christian Social Union, the Bavarian sister-party to Merkel’s CDU. ‘It’s his job to inform the public about where his facts stand on this,’ CSU parliamentary party leader Alexander Dobrindt said, defending Maassen’s decision to speak to the press before informing the German government.”

The EUObserver wrote on September 6:

“German chancellor Angela Merkel contradicted Thursday her interior minister Horst Seehofer [of the Bavarian Christian Social Union], who said on Wednesday that migration was ‘the mother of all problems.’ ‘I say it differently,’ she replied in an interview on RTL television. ‘Migration presents us with challenges and here we have problems, here we also have successes,’ she said.”

Sweden –Far Right Makes Gains

Deutsche Welle wrote on September 10:

“Sweden faces weeks of a stalemate after its traditional center-left and center-right blocs tied, with neither holding a majority. The far-right made gains on a hard-line anti-immigration platform…

“The parliamentary election was one of Sweden’s most important because the far-right, anti-immigration Sweden Democrats — who rose from the white supremacist and neo-Nazi fringe — were expected to gain significant strength and change the landscape of Swedish politics.

“… An initial allocation of parliamentary seats gave the center left 144 seats, compared with 143 for the center-right Alliance bloc. The far-right Sweden Democrats gained 13 seats to hold third place, with 62. 175 seats are required to form a majority in the 349-seat Riksdag…

“Meanwhile far-right leaders in Austria, Italy and France hailed the Sweden Democrats’ results. “Sweden, birthplace of multiculturalism and model for the left, has finally decided to change after years of wild, uncontrolled immigration,” Italy’s far-right interior minister, Matteo Salvini, said on Twitter.

“…Analysts said that it will be difficult to form a stable government without some kind of support from the Sweden Democrats unless the blocs break away from their traditional alliances. Parliament opens on September 25. If the prime minister is ousted after a mandatory vote on whether to replace him, the speaker is permitted to give a maximum of four PM candidates the opportunity to form a government. If they all fail, fresh elections will be called.”

Italy Bans Sunday Shopping wrote on September 12:

“The new Italian government will introduce a ban on Sunday shopping in large commercial centres before the end of the year.

“The right-leaning government will move to tighten trading rules in an effort to defend family traditions, deputy Prime Minister Luigi Di Maio said on Sunday…

“’This liberalisation is in fact destroying Italian families,’ said Di Maio, who is head of the anti-establishment 5-Star Movement.

“’We need to start limiting opening and closing times again,’ he said.

“Earlier this year, Poland restricted Sunday shopping as the conservative government in Warsaw pushed ahead with what it said was a return to Roman Catholic values.

“The Italian and Polish initiatives run against a slow liberalisation of Sunday shopping hours throughout Europe, where retailers face pressure from a boom in online shopping.

“Small shopkeepers in Italy have long sought to overturn Monti’s reform, saying their businesses face unfair competition from the big malls.”

Russia and China—A Show of Force

The Guardian reported on September 11:

“Russia has launched what it has called its largest ever military drills, with hundreds of thousands of troops joining Chinese soldiers in a show of force condemned by Nato as a rehearsal for large-scale conflict.

“Vladimir Putin, the Russian president, is expected to attend the exercises after hosting an economic forum in Vladivostok where his Chinese counterpart, Xi Jinping, is a guest.

“The week-long exercise, known as Vostok-2018 (East-2018) ‘have kicked off’ in far-eastern Russia, the defence ministry said on Tuesday.

“Taking part in the drills are around 300,000 Russian soldiers, 36,000 military vehicles, 80 ships and 1,000 aircraft, helicopters and drones, as well as 3,500 Chinese troops.”

Further Problems for Brits with Brexit

Handelsblatt Global wrote on September 7:

“Brexit will affect thousands of Germany-based firms that adopted British forms of incorporation. Shareholders risk being made personally liable for the companies unless they convert to German corporate forms… The German government wants to help the estimated 8,000 to 10,000 companies that are incorporated under British law but are based in Germany. ‘Many small companies and people who set up their own business, have in the past, opted for the British Limited (a form of incorporation) which is simple to set up,’ Justice Minister Katarina Barley told Handelsblatt. Such companies are active in Germany but can use European laws to suit their business needs. ‘Brexit poses a serious challenge for them. We want to help them.’ Brexit could deprive firms organized as a ‘private company limited by shares’ or a ‘public limited company’ of their legal status. That could have serious consequences for shareholders, according to a justice ministry spokesman. It could mean that shareholders become personally liable with their private assets, also for the company’s old debt.

“Ms. Barley, who has a British father, wants the new law to enable firms to convert to German forms of incorporation. One option is for companies to become a limited partnership (Kommanditgesellschaft), in which a German limited liability company, which is known here as a GmbH; or an entrepreneurial company with limited liability (Unternehmergesellschaft) could take a stake as a personally-liable shareholder. That would spare companies having to come up with the €25,000 ($29,060) needed as minimum capital to set up a GmbH in the six months left before Brexit, the justice ministry said.

“The transformation will remain optional but the ministry made clear it won’t provide guarantees for firms that fall victim to the corporate legal implications of Brexit. To do so would place other firms at a disadvantage, it said. That means people who don’t bother changing the legal status of their firms risk automatically finding themselves saddled with major new liabilities. Companies that take up the offer will be able to do so before Britain leaves the EU or before the end of any transition period that Britain and the EU agree to.”

“President For Life? Why Donald Trump May Never Leave the White House.”

The Week wrote on September 11:

“The degree to which Trump has saturated American media is unprecedented… No public figure in the history of this or any country has ever figured so prominently in the lives of its citizens, not even in the great authoritarian regimes of the 20th century, as President Trump… [W]ill the institution of the presidency, with its undreamed powers and numberless prerogatives, and the man in whom it is vested achieve a kind of total monopoly over law-making, first by fiat, then by custom, and eventually as a matter of settled law? I think the answer is yes…

“America is now a kind of elective monarchy in which Congress clings, like the Roman Senate, to its antique ceremony as its formal powers… become increasingly irrelevant. Meanwhile the Supreme Court is headed in the direction of an almost limitless deference toward administrative autonomy.

“I don’t think it’s reasonable to dismiss the possibility of a third term for this president as idle speculation. The 22nd Amendment can be repealed like any other, and both geography and math favor Republican attempts at amendment… I do not know a single supporter of the president who opposes the idea, at least in theory, of Trump serving more than eight years. The man himself has entertained it openly, praising Xi Jinping for getting rid of term limits in China…”

Now No Paraguayan Embassy in Jerusalem?

The Algemeiner wrote on September 7:

“US Vice President Mike Pence urged Paraguay’s new president to stick to his predecessor’s decision to move its embassy in Israel to Jerusalem, Pence’s office said on Thursday after Asuncion announced plans to shift the diplomatic mission back to Tel Aviv… Most countries do not recognize Israeli sovereignty over the entire city.

“Pence, who played a main role in President Donald Trump’s decision to move the US embassy to Jerusalem from Tel Aviv, spoke on Wednesday to Paraguayan President Mario Abdo, who was elected on Aug. 15. Pence ‘strongly encouraged’ Abdo to follow through with Paraguay’s commitment to move the embassy to Jerusalem ‘as a sign of the historic relationship the country has maintained with both Israel and the United States,’ Pence’s office said in a statement. Former Paraguay President Horacio Cartes opened the new embassy in Jerusalem on May 21, just days after the United States and Guatemala did. Hours after Paraguay announced its change on Wednesday, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu responded by ordering the closure of Israel’s embassy in Paraguay… Abdo on Wednesday defended his decision as part of an effort to support ‘broad, lasting and just peace’ among Israelis and Palestinians.”

Red Heifer Heralds Construction of the Third Temple?

The Daily Star wrote on September 8:

“The Temple Institute announced the birth of an entirely red female calf that ‘brings the promise of reinstating Biblical purity to the world’. The cow’s birth and sacrifice is said to proceed the construction of the Third Temple in Jerusalem. And the Third Temple’s construction – following the destruction of the previous two – heralds the arrival of the Jewish Messiah…

“Rabbi Chain Richman, director of the Temple Institute, hailed the red heifer’s birth as suggestions the time could be right for the Third Temple

“The cow went under ‘extensive examination by rabbinical experts’ who confirmed she is a ‘viable candidate for the Biblical red heifer.’ They admitted however the cow could be disqualified through natural causes… It is claimed there have only been nine true red heifers – and the 10th will herald the construction of the Third Temple. The Temple Institute believes a red heifer will be needed to be scarified to complete the ritual of purification for the temple – heralding the coming of the Jewish Messiah.

“Red heifers have previously been found by the organisation – who have then disqualified them for not meeting prophetic standards.  One was found in 1999, but was disqualified for being male – and a second was born in 2002, which was found to have a patch of white hair…

“Evangelical Christians believe the construction of the Third Temple all herald their own end times prophecy…”

The Bible does not necessitate the appearance of a red heifer, but many Jews and some Christians believe it is necessary as a prerequisite for bringing animal sacrifices and building a third temple. For more information, please read our Q&A, “Can you shed some light on the significance of a ‘red heifer’ to be born prior to the coming of the Messiah?” Please also read our free booklet, “The Fall and Rise of the Jewish People.” 

A Catastrophe Coming for the Internet?

The Verge reported on September 12:

“The European Parliament has voted in favor of the Copyright Directive, a controversial piece of legislation intended to update online copyright laws for the internet age…

“The fallout from this decision will be far-reaching, and take a long time to settle. The directive itself still faces a final vote in January 2019 (although experts say it’s unlikely it will be rejected). After that it will need to be implemented by individual EU member states, who could very well vary significantly in how they choose to interpret the directive’s text…

“Despite these disagreements, what’s clear is that if the Copyright Directive receives final approval by the European Parliament in January, it will have a huge, disruptive impact on the internet, both in the European Union and around the world. Exactly how the legislation will be interpreted will be up to individual nations, but the shift in the balance of power is clear: the web’s biggest tech companies are losing their grip on the internet.”

Acknowledgement and Disclaimer

These Current Events are compiled and commented on by Norbert Link. We gratefully acknowledge the many contributions of news articles from our readership. The publication of articles in this section is not to be viewed as an endorsement or approval as to contents or accuracy of the selected articles, but they are published for the purpose of pointing at worldwide developments in the light of biblical end-time prophecy and godly instruction. Our own comments are provided in italics.

This Week in the News

Trump Bash at McCain Funeral

The Associated Press reported on September 1:

“John McCain’s daughter opened his memorial service by posing her father’s legacy as a direct challenge to President Donald Trump, setting a tone that echoed the senator’s own fighting spirit as former Presidents Barack Obama and George W. Bush eulogized him Saturday at the Washington National Cathedral. Bush and Obama, both challenged by McCain in their bids for the White House, drew on the senator’s legacy at home and abroad to talk of the nation’s values in remarks that at times seemed a clear rebuke of Trump and his brand of politics.

“Obama spoke of the long talks he and McCain would have privately in the Oval Office and the senator’s understanding that America’s security and influence came not from ‘our ability to bend others to our will’ but universal values of rule of law and human rights. ‘So much of our politics, our public life, our public discourse can seem small and mean and petty, tracking in bombast and insult and phony controversies and manufactured outrage,’ Obama said in another not-so-veiled nod to Trump. ‘It’s a politics that pretends to be brave and tough but in fact is born in fear. John called on us to be bigger than that. He called on us to be better than that.’

“Bush said one of the great gifts in his life was becoming friends with his former White House rival. He said they would in later years recall their political battles like former football players remembering the big game. But mostly Bush recalled a champion for the ‘forgotten people’ at home and abroad whose legacy will serve as a reminder, even in times of doubt, of the power of America as more than a physical place but a ‘carrier of human aspirations.’…

“Trump was not on hand for the ceremony, after McCain’s family made clear he was not invited. But Meghan McCain made sure Trump was part of the memorial in another way, leveling pointed criticism at the president in her eulogy. ‘We gather here to mourn the passing of American greatness — the real thing, not cheap rhetoric from men who will never come near the sacrifice he gave so willingly, nor the opportunistic appropriation of those who lived lives of comfort and privilege while he suffered and served,’ she said, her voice first choking back tears then raising to anger. Later, she said to applause, ‘The America of John McCain has no need to be made great again because America was always great.’

“In another clear swipe at Trump, she said some resented her father for being ‘a great fire who burned bright’ and what he revealed about their own characters. Those critics, she said, still have an opportunity to emulate her father’s legacy.

“Those gathered Saturday morning to eulogize the six-term senator included three former presidents, scores of members of Congress, current and former world leaders and family and friends. Among those in the front row were Barack and Michelle Obama, George and Laura Bush, Bill and Hillary Clinton, as well as Dick Cheney and Al Gore… ‘His death seems to have reminded the American people that these values are what makes us a great nation, not the tribal partisanship and personal attack politics that have recently characterized our life,’ said former Sen. Joe Lieberman of Connecticut, a longtime friend and fellow global traveler who McCain once considered as his vice presidential running mate…

“Two of [Trump’s] top aides, White House chief of staff John Kelly and Defense Secretary James Mattis, flanked Cindy McCain as she placed the wreath at the memorial and [joined] the service. Trump’s daughter Ivanka Trump and son-in-law Jared Kushner [also] attended…”

Also, Trump’s national security adviser, John Bolton, attended; and others spoke as well, such as former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger and Republican Senator Lindsey Graham, who gave a short address by quoting a passage from the Bible. Especially Graham made recent headlines when he criticized Trump for the “disturbing” way with which he “remembered” McCain after his death, stating, according to Newsmax, dated August 30: “You’re going to have to be a big man in a big office. John McCain was a big man, worthy of a big country. Mr. President, you need to be the big man that the presidency requires.”

In an obvious reply to Meghan McCain’s [questionable] comment that America always was great and does not need to be made great again, Breitbart pointed out on September 3 that Ronald Reagan used the phrase, “Make America Great Again,” on Labor Day 1980: “Ronald Reagan kicked off his 1980 campaign for the presidency on the banks of the Hudson River, overlooking the Statue of Liberty, on Labor Day in 1980 with a promise to ‘make America great again.’ Standing side-by-side with the father of Poland’s Solidarity movement, Lech Walesa, Reagan proclaimed that ‘where free unions and collective bargaining are forbidden, freedom is lost.’ Reagan wrapped up his speech with words that will sound familiar today: ‘Let us pledge to each other, with this Great Lady looking on, that we can, and so help us God, we will make America great again.’”

On a lighter note, here are some funny excerpts from former Sen. Joe Lieberman’s speech:

“Personally, I can tell you that [he] was a real friend in accommodating what were to him my unusual practices as a religiously observant Jew, whether it was walking with me on a Saturday to an important meeting [orthodox Jews don’t use their cars or public transportation on the Sabbath, but they rather choose to walk] or turning down a popular Friday night dinner invitation at the Munich security conference we went to every year because it was too far to walk, we would stay in the hotel and have what John learned to call our shalom dinners. With John they weren’t that peaceful. John naturally in doing these wonderful acts of friendship grumbled all the way about what I was putting him through, you know. Right now I think he is probably deriving some pleasure from the fact it turned out his funeral was held on a Saturday and I had to walk to get here. I’m sure if he were here now, he would tell me that was divine justice.

“He ultimately as he did with so much of his life turned these interfaith interferences into a truly hilarious comedy routine. It began with a solemn pronouncement by John that he was converting to Judaism. Then he explained less solemnly ‘I do this not because of any particularly liking for the religion, it is just that for so many years I had to go along with all of Joe’s religious nonsense, I might as well convert and get the benefits.’”

The problem is, of course, that Joe Lieberman’s “religious nonsense” was and is not in accordance with biblical injunctions or teachings.

Trump vs. Woodward

Deutsche Welle wrote on September 5:

“Veteran journalist Bob Woodward’s new book that describes scenes of chaos in the White House left US President Donald Trump fuming on Wednesday. The book draws on hundreds of hours of taped interviews with current and former aides and officials to paint a damning portrait of the Trump administration. Excerpts from the 420-page book, to be released next week, have been published by various US news outlets. In the book, Woodward reports:

“Top administration staff enacted an ‘administrative coup d’etat’ by frequently hiding documents, or secretly preventing Trump from acting on impulses and causing disaster. Chief of staff John Kelly doubted the integrity of Trump’s mental faculties, declaring during one meeting, ‘We’re in Crazytown’ and calling Trump an ‘idiot.’ Trump wanted to order the assassination of Syrian President Bashar Assad. Defense Secretary James Mattis assured Trump he would get right on it but then told a senior aide they’d do nothing of the kind. Mattis told ‘close associates that the president acted — and had the understanding of — a fifth- or sixth-grader,’ after Trump raged about the cost of the US military presence in South Korea. Trump’s former lawyer in the Russia probe, John Dowd, thought the chances of Trump perjuring himself during an interview with special counsel Robert Mueller were so high that he told him not to testify. ‘Don’t testify. It’s either that or an orange jumpsuit,’ Dowd is quoted as saying. He later called Trump ‘a… liar.’ Trump called Attorney General Jeff Sessions ‘mentally retarded’ and ‘a dumb southerner.’

“Trump insisted he’s ‘the exact opposite’ of the book’s portrayal of him, complaining on Twitter that people can ‘get away with’ such depictions and suggested changing libel laws. He later [said:] ‘It’s just another bad book. He’s had a lot of credibility problems.’ He then suggested Woodward could have made the whole thing up. Several officials quoted in the book issued denials, with Kelly calling the book ‘total BS’ and Mattis labeling it ‘fiction.’ Dowd denied saying Trump would end up in an orange jumpsuit. The US ambassador to the United Nations, Nikki Haley, cast doubt on the account about Assad. Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said: ‘This book is nothing more than fabricated stories, many by former disgruntled employees, told to make the president look bad.’

“In a statement to The Washington Post, Woodward said, ‘I stand by my reporting.’

“… Woodward is one of America’s most respected journalists, with his reporting on the Watergate scandal bringing down President Richard Nixon. Trump himself had previously endorsed his credibility, saying in 2013 ‘Only the Obama WH can get away with attacking Bob Woodward.’… Several damaging accounts of chaos in the White House have been published in recent months, most notably Michael Wolff’s ‘Fire and Fury.’ But Woodward’s account will be particularly difficult to counter as it is based on recorded interviews and comes from a highly respected investigative reporter… The book, titled Fear: Trump in the White House, is scheduled for release on Tuesday, September 11.”

The Week added on September 5:

“President Trump pushed back against excerpts of veteran Washington journalist Bob Woodward’s new book, Fear, claiming statements from Defense Secretary James Mattis and White House Chief of Staff John Kelly ‘refuted and discredited’ the book. ‘Their quotes were made up frauds, a con on the public,’ Trump tweeted. He also denied saying Attorney General Jeff Sessions was ‘mentally retarded’ with the accent of a ‘dumb Southerner.’ Kelly and Mattis denied calling Trump an ‘idiot’ and a ‘liar’ with little grasp of global affairs. The book also quotes Trump as saying that condemning white supremacists was his ‘biggest… mistake’ as president, and telling Mattis he wanted to… ‘kill’ Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.”

Reuters and The Algemeiner wrote on September 5:

Israel’s intelligence minister said on Wednesday he had no knowledge of close ally US President Donald Trump ever ordering the killing of Syria’s President Bashar al-Assad… While formally neutral on the 7-year civil war in neighboring Syria, Israel has carried out scores of air strikes against suspected attempts by Assad’s Iranian and Lebanese Hezbollah allies to set up permanent posts or advanced arms.

“Under decades of Assad family rule, Syria has maintained a Cold War-style hostility toward Israel. Katz said Israel did not see a better alternative to Assad among Syrian rebel groups…”

Don’t Confuse God’s Kingdom with Today’s Politics

Christianity Today wrote on August 31:

“In a Monday meeting with evangelical leaders at the White House, President Trump reportedly warned of violence against conservative Christians if the GOP loses in November. As evangelicals, we would do well to correct the president on this point. If an election can cause us to lose everything, what is it exactly that we have in the first place?… the church does not preach the gospel at the pleasure of any administration or decline to preach it at another administration’s displeasure…

“Something tremendous is at stake here: whether evangelical Christians place their faith more in Caesar and his kingdom than in Christ and his reign. On that one, we do have everything to lose—this November and every other election cycle…

“Let’s face it. Liberal and conservative, Catholic and Protestant, have courted political power and happily allowed themselves to be used by it. This always happens when the church confuses the kingdom of Christ with the kingdoms of this present age…

“At his trial, Jesus told Pontius Pilate that he was indeed a king—but the heir to a greater throne than the Roman prefect could imagine… every New Testament command on the subject calls us to love and pray for our enemies… In his Great Commission, Jesus gave authority to the church to make disciples, not citizens; to proclaim the gospel, not political opinions; to baptize people in [better: into] the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, not in the name of America or a political party; and to teach everything that he delivered, not our own personal and political priorities

“Anyone who believes, much less preaches, that evangelical Christians are ‘one election away from losing everything’ in November has forgotten how to sing the psalmist’s warning, ‘Do not put your trust in princes, in human beings, who cannot save’ (Ps. 146:3).”

We completely agree with the above-quoted statements and observations.

Displacing the US Dollar

Project Syndicate wrote on September 3:

“The benefits [of the US dollar] are diminishing with the rise of the euro and China’s renminbi as competing reserve currencies. And now US President Donald Trump’s misguided trade wars and anti-Iran sanctions will accelerate the move away from the dollar… The euro is the dollar’s main competitor, with the renminbi coming in a distant third.

“The US gains… important economic benefits from the dollar’s key currency role. [One] is the ability to borrow abroad in dollars. When a government borrows in a foreign currency, it can go bankrupt; that is not the case when it borrows in its own currency…

“America’s monetary stewardship has stumbled badly over the years, and Trump’s misrule could hasten the end of the dollar’s predominance… Just as Brexit is undermining the City of London, Trump’s ‘America First’ trade and financial policies will weaken the dollar’s role and that of New York’s role as the global financial hub…

“Germany’s foreign minister, Heiko Maas, recently declared Germany’s interest in establishing a European payments system independent of the US [calling it] ‘indispensable.’…

As we have announced for many years, the euro is predestined to become the strongest currency in the world. We have also stated very clearly that President Trump was placed in charge of the USA to accelerate its downfall.

Chemnitz Symptom for Growing Polarization in Germany over Merkel’s Immigration Policy

The New York Times wrote on August 31:

“Waving German flags, with some flashing Nazi salutes, the angry mob made its way through the streets, chasing after dark-skinned bystanders… A Syrian refugee and father of two… watched horrified from a friend’s fourth-floor balcony. They were hunting in packs for immigrants just like him, he said. ‘Like wolves.’

“For a few perilous hours over two days this week, the mob owned the streets of Chemnitz where anger exploded after word spread that an Iraqi and a Syrian asylum seeker were suspected in a knife attack that killed a German man early Sunday.

“Chemnitz, a city of some 250,000 in eastern Germany, has a history of neo-Nazi protests. Usually they draw a few hundred from the fringes of society… The crowd this time was 8,000-strong. Led by several hundred identifiable neo-Nazis, it appeared to be joined by thousands of ordinary citizens

“The city had never seen anything like this — and, to some degree, neither had post-World War II Germany. The rampage now stands as a high-water mark in the outpouring of anti-immigrant hatred that has swelled as Germany struggles to absorb the nearly one million asylum seekers who arrived in the country after Chancellor Angela Merkel decided to open the borders in 2015.

“That decision sharply divided Germany, with critics soon arguing that Ms. Merkel’s administration had lost control of the situation. Three years later, what the government is struggling to control is an anti-immigrant backlash. Neo-Nazis are growing bolder and stronger, and they are better organized…”

The Associated Press wrote on September 2:

“Germany’s foreign minister [Heiko Maas] told his fellow countrymen Sunday they’re too lazy when it comes to battling racism and fighting for democracy… ‘Our generation was given freedom, rule of law and democracy as a present. We didn’t have to fight for it; (now) we’re taking it too much for granted.’

“Maas’ comments followed Saturday’s demonstrations by about 4,500 far-right protesters in Chemnitz, who were rallying against migration… 4,000 leftist protesters also marched through the city in a counter-protest, and 1,800 police officers were deployed to keep the groups apart…

“The tension that has built up over the past week in Chemnitz, reflects the growing polarization over Germany’s ongoing effort to come to terms with an influx of more than 1 million refugees and migrants seeking jobs since 2015…”

The clashes between extremists from the right and from the left remind us of the violent situation in Germany when Hitler was coming to power. Some commentators in the international press have already pointed out this frightening parallel. Note the next articles as well.

Downplaying the Chemnitz Debacle?

Deutsche Welle reported on September 5:

“Saxony’s state premier Michael Kretschmer [a member of Chancellor Angela Merkel’s Christian Democrats (CDU)] has claimed that reports of mob violence at anti-immigrant protests in the city of Chemnitz were exaggerated… ‘One thing is clear. There was no mob, there was no hunt and there were no pogrom in Chemnitz,’ said Kretschmer… [He] condemned the way events in the city had been characterized by media outside Saxony, saying it was ‘astonishing that those who are so far away have passed a particularly sweeping and harsh judgment on this city.’

“… Chancellor Merkel appeared to contradict her party colleague’s assessment of the situation. ‘We saw pictures that very clearly revealed hate and thereby also the persecution of innocent people. One must distance oneself from that,’ said Merkel… Meanwhile, the state premier’s comments drew direct criticism from political opponents. Ralf Stegner, deputy leader of the Social Democrats (SPD), told Germany’s mass-circulation Bild newspaper that Kretschmer was pandering to the right. ‘The CDU in Saxony has apparently not understood that there is no use in playing up to the right. If Mr. Kretschmer still doesn’t understand that, then he is beyond help.’

“Annalena Baerbock, co-leader of Germany’s Green party, accused Kretschmer of not taking the situation seriously enough. ‘By downplaying this, Mr. Kretschmer is just continuing to look the other way, which is exactly what led to Chemnitz. There is obviously a serious problem with the right wing,’ Baerbock told Bild.”

The Good and Bad Germans

Politico wrote on September 4:

“When right-wing mobs marauded through the east German town of Chemnitz last week, attacking foreigners and doing the Hitler salute, Germans elsewhere made sure to put things into context. ‘Saxony again!’ they said, wrote and tweeted. The conservative daily Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung asked, ‘Is Saxony still a part of Germany?’ Der Spiegel put the word ‘Saxony’ on its cover, with big letters turning into brown, old-German type (translation: Nazi type). A leftist columnist for the magazine suggested sarcastically that Saxony should secede from the country.

“At a time when right-wing populism is on the rise across Germany, the eastern state of Saxony has gotten a particularly bad name. Chemnitz is only the latest in a series of attacks. The towns of Heidenau, Freital and Bautzen have all acquired notoriety for similar reasons…

“Three decades after the fall of the Berlin Wall, the rift between the east and west Germany is still palpable — and it keeps evolving. East Germans who struggled after 1989 have long mourned the end of the socialist German Democratic Republic. But lately Ostalgie, the eastern yearning for life under socialism, has found its match in a new variety of Westalgie, a western yearning for a Germany stripped of the east…

“The good Germans in the west… are deeply confused by the rise of right-wing violence… they blame the easterners. They will admit grudgingly that some right-wing violence occurs in western states as well — and then add that Saxony or Mecklenburg-Vorpommern are far worse. The Federal Republic of Germany, they say, would have been better off if the country had not been reunified. That’s wishful thinking. After three decades, the lives of people in the east and west are far too interconnected to allow for such a distinction…

“The notion of a good and a bad Germany is pretty old. It’s found in oft-made juxtapositions: Goethe and Goebbels, Heine and Hitler, Beethoven and Buchenwald. The implication is that the Germans are a special people, capable of extreme good as well as of extreme bad. That may be true. But any suggestion that a good Germany can be found in the west and a bad Germany somewhere further east is stupid. If more and more east Germans embrace the idea that they are the bad Germans, things will get much worse — and not just in Saxony…”

In addition, please note this article by Deutsche Welle, reporting on September 6:

“A survey in Germany reveals… a marked difference between Germany’s western states and those in the east on whether concerns about migration were being taken seriously by the German government… Worries about the government’s approach to migration were high across the board, with 49 percent of Germans overall feeling that the matter was not being properly addressed… 46 percent of respondents in the former West German states and 66 percent of respondents in the former East German states [were] saying they were not satisfied.”

Controversial Verdict against Afghan Murderer of German Teen

Deutsche Welle reported on September 3:

“An asylum-seeker, thought to be from Afghanistan, has been given an 8-and-a-half-year prison sentence for the murder of a teenage German girl… in the town of Kandel in December last year. The murder had been seized upon by many opponents of Chancellor Angela Merkel’s refugee policy to support their anti-immigration stance…

“Fifteen-year-old Mia V. was stabbed to death in a drugstore by her ex-boyfriend Abdul D… The teen was stabbed seven times with a kitchen knife that had a 20-centimeter (7.9-inch) blade. According to prosecutors, the two dated for several months until Mia V. ended the relationship in early December. After the breakup, both she and her parents went to the police about Abdul D.’s harassing and threatening behavior. Prosecutors believe he acted out of jealousy and was seeking revenge for the breakup.

“Abdul D. entered Germany in the spring of 2016 and was registered as an unaccompanied minor. He first lived in a juvenile care institution in the Germersheim district in the state of Rhineland-Palatinate. He was later transferred to a supervised living group in the town of Neustadt and attended school in Kandel, where he met Mia V. As authorities believe Abdul D. was underage at the time of the attack, he was tried as a minor. The maximum penalty for murder under German juvenile law is 10 years.

“However, prosecutors have cast doubt over Abdul D.’s age. Although he says he was 15 when the stabbing occurred, an expert medical assessment ordered by the public prosecutor’s office said that he is likely between 17 and 20 years old… When asked why Abdul D. was convicted of bodily harm along with the murder charge, the court’s press spokesman… said he couldn’t give any further information about the case at this time, as it was closed to the public due to the defendant’s status as a minor…

“The case sparked several months of anti-immigrant rallies and counterprotests in Kandel, a small town near the French border. The population of around 9,000 has been regularly swelled since January as demonstrators from leftist and right-wing groups have descended on the town. Hundreds of people took part in right-wing protest on Saturday… Dozens of counterprotesters from leftist… groups as well as local residents were also present. The focus of the right-wing protests has… become platforms for anti-refugee and anti-Islam sentiments, with demonstrators blaming the media and German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s government.”

Bild wrote on September 3:

“These are the verdicts which make people doubt judges and the justice system… and that justice is pronounced in our name. The guilt of Mia’s murderer has been proven without a doubt. The court even found that Abdul D. stabbed the 15-year old girl with malice and evil motives. Our laws do not know worse crimes. It is totally incomprehensible why a more serious punishment was not given.

“Even though Abdul D. was, in reliance on a medical assessment, in all likelihood 20 years old, and lied to and deceived this country about his true age in order to gain admission…his deed was tried based on juvenile law. He is a murderer, a liar and he even attacked an official in the court house… How and on what basis the judges could find mitigating circumstances, we will never know. The judgment will not be published because of juvenile law. Maybe that is better this way, because nobody would understand it anyhow.

Sweden’s Upcoming Election in Light of Wildfires and Refugee Crisis

The Local wrote on September 5:

“Sweden is heading for a general election on September 9, with… pressing political issues driving the agenda… More than 50 wildfires raged across Sweden during the summer of 2018 – the warmest summer since 1756… The gravity of the situation brought environmental questions to the fore…

“But the event most defining these elections is the refugee crisis. In the autumn of 2015, Sweden opened its doors to asylum seekers from Syria and elsewhere, taking in more than 100,000 people over a period of just a few months. Managing the influx of people proved difficult… This effectively closed down Sweden’s southern border with Denmark and temporarily suspended the Schengen agreement, which allows free movement through continental Europe…

“The refugee crisis has had a major impact on Swedish politics… The political field has been divided into those who are in favour of a more generous immigration approach (Social Democrats, the Left, the Greens and the Centre Party) and those who prefer a stricter policy (the Conservatives, the Christian Democrats, the Sweden Democrats and to some extent, the Liberals). Disagreements over immigration may even lead to a split within the centre-right Alliance that held power in two consecutive governments (2006-2010 and 2010-2014), with the Centre Party defecting from the group position to embrace a more restrictive immigration approach…

“Integrating non-EU migrants into the labour market has been a slow process. And, if you add into the mix the generous welfare benefits traditionally provided by the Swedish state (long parental leave, free education at all levels, subsidised healthcare), the dilemma faced by Swedish politicians is evident. The biggest issue of this (and coming) elections will really be the future of the welfare state. Parties must either find creative solutions to finance public services – or propose cutting some of them.”

Big Brother: Google, Amazon and Facebook in Cahoots with Your Bank!

Gizmodo wrote on August 31:

“… until recently, you could live without fear that some multibillion-dollar Silicon Valley giant would buy up your banking data in order to serve you more effective ads. Based on new details about an apparent arrangement between Google and Mastercard, those days are over…

“This is a… bombshell… Thanks in part to heavy government regulation, your credit card and banking data has long been private. If you wanted to spend $98 at Sephora on a Tuesday afternoon, that transaction was between you, your bank, and Sephora. It now appears that Google has found a way to weasel its way into the data pipeline that connects consumers and their purchases…

“But when you consider everything else that Google knows about you, the proposition becomes more Orwellian. Google told Gizmodo in a statement, also shared with Bloomberg, that it encrypts and anonymizes the credit card transaction data that it’s using with the new ad tool. There’s no getting around the fact that Google becomes a more powerful, all-seeing ad engine when it can see specific details about people’s spending habits, even if they’re anonymized and used in aggregate, as Google says the data it gets from Mastercard is. This future—one where your email, your search history, your social connections, and now, your spending habits—is one that we should really be scared of

“It’s not so much that Google has been using credit card data to help advertisers run more effective ads. It’s that Google is doing these things on a tremendous scale, and the full nature of what it’s been doing was kept secret. The reported arrangement between Google and Mastercard immediately drew comparisons to the recent saga of Facebook reportedly meeting with banks in an attempt to gain access to its users’ private financial data. According to the Wall Street Journal, Facebook wanted detailed financial information, like checking account balances and even individual transactions. Sources said that Facebook wanted to build chatbots for Messenger so that people could ask a robot simple banking questions, like their current checking account balance. Realistically, Facebook could be doing a lot more with that kind of data…

“Amazon certainly knows a lot about the things we buy, and we learned earlier this year that the online retail giant was exploring the possibility of getting into the banking business itself. The Wall Street Journal has also reported that Amazon, like Facebook and Google, has had conversations with banks about gaining access to personal financial information…”

It is truly appalling what is going on behind the scenes, and to what extent BANKS are again “participating villains” in this despicable SECRET scheme with Silicon Valley giants.

Greatest Crisis for Pope Francis

The Guardian wrote on September 3:

“Ever since he was elected as the leader of the world’s Roman Catholics, Pope Francis has been the target of conservative adversaries deeply opposed to… his efforts to reform the church. But in the past week, the war at the heart of the Vatican has exploded into the open, plunging Francis into the worst crisis of his five-year papacy. Cardinals and bishops have openly fired shots; accusations of lies, treachery, score-settling, character assassination and fake news have engulfed the global church…

“Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, 77, a former Vatican ambassador to the US and a conservative within the church, said the pope knew that Theodore McCarrick, the former archbishop of Washington, ‘was a corrupt man, [but] he covered for him to the bitter end’. Viganò named a string of cardinals and archbishops who he said also knew about the McCarrick claims. ‘Corruption has reached the very top of the church’s hierarchy’; Francis should resign, he said…

“Viganò’s claims – timed when Francis was already vulnerable – unleashed opposing forces within the church. The old guard of the Curia – the Vatican’s governing bodies, a hotbed of power struggles, intrigue and paranoia – bitterly resents Francis’s efforts to root out what they view as centuries of clerical tradition and he sees as hypocrisy, narcissism and ‘spiritual Alzheimer’s’… Francis loyalists leaped to his defence and lambasted the former diplomat… But others said Viganò’s allegations must be taken seriously…

“In the coming weeks, Cardinal Daniel DiNardo, president of the US bishops’ conference, is expected to travel to Rome to press for an Apostolic Visitation – a high-level Vatican inquiry – into the McCarrick case… Any such inquiry is bound to investigate who knew what and whenright up to the Vatican and the [pope] himself. But scepticism about the integrity of a Vatican investigation that could uncover wrongdoing at the pinnacle of the church is inevitable.

“The pope has said little apart from appealing to people to make their own judgment. According to his secretary of state, Cardinal Pietro Parolin, his mood is ‘serene’ in the face of raging controversy…”

These events are highly remarkable. It remains to be seen as to how this pope’s future role will unfold.

Catholic Church for Unified Europe

On September 1, 2018, Deutsche Welle quoted the following comments by German Cardinal Reinhard Marx, Archbishop of Munich and Freising and Chairman of the German Roman Catholic Bishops’ Conference:

“Faith tells us we belong to a human family. Patriotism is good, but nationalism is not Catholic. I agree with Franz-Josef Strauss, who has always said: Bavaria is our home, Germany is our fatherland, Europe is our future.

“The path we have taken in the last 50 or 60 years since the Treaty of Rome was also morally connoted. That is why the church has always viewed the unity of Europe positively, even today. The work of unification began with a longing for peace and reconciliation. Let us not forget: Nationalism is one of the biggest causes of war… the church must never cease working or doing something for the unity of Europe.”

The Catholic Church has been heavily involved, from the very outset, in helping to revive, one last time, the ancient Holy Roman Empire in Europe.

Bavarian Conservative Manfred Weber Next Head of European Commission?

Euractiv wrote on August 30:

“Angela Merkel has given her backing to fellow German conservative Manfred Weber’s bid to front the centre-right’s campaign in next year’s European Parliament electionsIf other member parties follow the chancellor in backing Weber… he would be front-runner to succeed Jean-Claude Juncker as head of the European Commission. That would make the 46-year-old Bavarian the EU’s day-to-day leader as it attempts to navigate a world in which a Donald Trump-led United States is seen as an unreliable partner, it faces a stiff challenge from Russian and Chinese rivals and reinvents itself following Britain’s departure from the bloc

“It has been decades since a German has headed the Brussels-based Commission, whose 30,000 staff draft and enforce legislation and has been instrumental in driving the process of European integration since the bloc’s beginnings in 1957… While Weber is an ally of Merkel, his Bavarian Christian Social Union (CSU) party is well to her right on social policy, and he is seen as an ally of strongman East European leaders like Hungary’s Viktor Orbán…

“Weber holds fast to conservative values and is simultaneously pushing for an ‘aggressive and positive Europe policy’ from the CSU…Weber has aligned with a majority in the EPP against Nord Stream 2, despite the fact that the government in Berlin strongly backs this project to bring Russian gas to Germany under the Baltic Sea. Conversely, Weber is a strong backer of the Southern Gas Corridor, a project to bring Azeri gas via Turkey to Europe.”

Euractiv added on August 31:

“Blessed by Chancellor Angela Merkel and backed by big national delegations, Germany’s CSU heavyweight Manfred Weber is expected to soon confirm his candidacy for the post of the new European Commission president, with migration emerging as the top issue on his agenda… Migration is a top concern for… [Austrian] Chancellor Sebastian Kurz, whose country is chairing the EU’s rotating presidency.

“Weber advocated for giving ‘billions of dollars’ in aid to North African countries to cooperate on the migration issue, as Europe already did with Turkey. The goal would be to set up centres in third countries to see who is entitled to asylum protection…

“Weber could have the support of EPP [European People’s Party] members from Germany, Spain, Ireland, Croatia and France, among others… Candidates can throw their hat into the ring between 15 September and 16 October. The party will pick its Spitzenkandidat at a congress in Helsinki in early November.”

In a Fit of Rage, Putin Admitted Russia’s Responsibility for Ukrainian Uprising

Business Insider wrote on September 3:

“Russian President Vladimir Putin became so enraged during a shouting match with Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko that he revealed he was lying about Russia’s role in a military uprising in eastern Ukraine, former French President Francois Hollande wrote in a book published earlier this year about his time in office.

“In 2014, Russia illegally annexed Crimea from Ukraine and began to support separatists in the eastern part of the country through information warfare, direct shipments of weapons, and the deployment of Russian fighters posing as Ukrainian separatists… Russia denied responsibility…

“But in a heated argument with Poroshenko at the 2015 talks to form the Minsk Agreement… ‘Poroshenko and Putin constantly raised their voices with each other. The Russian president was so worked up, that he started threatening to decisively crush his counterpart’s forces… This showed that there are Russian troops in eastern Ukraine. Putin suddenly realized, and got a grip on himself,’ Hollande wrote…

“Fighting continues in eastern Ukraine, with more than 10,000 dead. Russia still denies any official involvement in the fighting and remains under the sanctions imposed in 2014.”

This is interesting, as everybody should have known that Putin was lying when he denied Russia’s illegal involvement in Ukraine.

Terrible Atrocities by Myanmar Military

Reuters reported on September 3:

“A Myanmar judge on Monday found two Reuters journalists guilty of breaching a law on state secrets and jailed them for seven years, in a landmark case seen as a test of progress toward democracy in the Southeast Asian country… The verdict comes amid mounting pressure on the government of Nobel laureate Aung San Suu Kyi over a security crackdown sparked by attacks by Rohingya Muslim insurgents on security forces in Rakhine State in west Myanmar in August 2017. More than 700,000 stateless Rohingya Muslims have fled into Bangladesh since then, according to U.N. agencies.

“The two reporters, who were investigating the killing by the security forces of Rohingya villagers at the time of their arrest, had pleaded not guilty… U.S. ambassador Scot Marciel said the ‘deeply troubling’ verdict could undermine the confidence the Myanmar people had in the justice system… British ambassador Dan Chugg, speaking on behalf of EU members, said the verdict had ‘dealt a hammer blow for the rule of law’. France said it deplored the prison sentences and that the convictions represented a serious violation of press freedom and the rule of law.

“In Bangladesh, Iqbal Sobhan Chowdhury, a media adviser to the prime minister, said it was ‘an open secret’ that anyone exposing ‘atrocities of the Myanmar army’ would be persecuted… A U.N mandated fact-finding mission said last week that Myanmar’s military carried out mass killings and gang rapes of Muslim Rohingya with ‘genocidal intent’ and called for top generals to be prosecuted. Myanmar rejected the findings. The International Criminal Court is considering whether it has jurisdiction over events in Rakhine, while the United States, the European Union and Canada have sanctioned Myanmar military and police officers over the crackdown.”

Apart from being accused of mass murders, gang rapes and now a corrupt court system, it is appalling to contemplate that Myanmar’s leader had received the ‘honor” of being a “Nobel laureate,” showing the irrelevant mockery of these institutions.

Turkey—the “Sick Man of Europe”—Returns

Project Syndicate wrote on August 28:

“One of the great geopolitical issues in nineteenth-century Europe was the so-called Eastern Question. The Ottoman Empire, then known as the ‘sick man of Europe,’ was rapidly disintegrating…

‘[Now, modern] Turkey is quickly reclaiming its title as ‘the sick man of Europe.’ Given its strategic location and economic and human potential, the country should be moving toward a brilliant twenty-first-century future. Instead, it is marching backward toward the nineteenth century, under the banner of nationalism… Erdoğan, who assumed the presidency in 2014… failed… [He] has squandered a unique opportunity for both Turkey and the Muslim world generally. His country is now beset by a currency crisis… and it could even face the prospect of national bankruptcy… he risks destabilizing the Middle East even further…

“And yet Turkey’s strategic importance to Europe remains. Millions of EU citizens are of Turkish origin, and the country will continue to bridge the gap between East and West, North and South. Under Erdoğan’s regime, Turkey is no longer a prospective candidate for EU membership… a destabilized Turkey is the last thing Europe needs… Europe’s own security depends heavily on Turkey…”

And so, Europe will overlook dictator Erdogan’s many terrible atrocities, while collaborating with Turkey against Israel, as the Bible predicts.

African Swine Fever Coming Back

The Guardian wrote on September 3:

“In 1957, [African swine fever (ASF)] was introduced into Portugal, reportedly after infected airline food was fed as swill to pigs near Lisbon airport. The disease spread to Spain and France and took until the 1990s to eradicate through concerted surveillance and culling. In southern Spain, where ticks acted as an additional reservoir, old-fashioned farm buildings were destroyed and replaced with modern facilities to keep ticks out…

“This time the spread has been far more rapid… The current outbreak in central and eastern Europe began in January 2014, when cases were first reported in Lithuania, swiftly followed by outbreaks in Poland in February, and in Latvia and Estonia in June and September that year.

“Cases were also confirmed in the east of the Czech Republic in June 2017, and in Romania and Hungary earlier this year. More outbreaks have also been reported in Russia, Ukraine and Moldova. In recent weeks outbreaks have been reported in China, home of more than half the world’s pigs, which produces twice as much pork as the EU, and five times more than the United States.

“In Germany, farmers have called for a cull of 70% of the wild boar population, which is thought to be hundreds of thousands strong… They’re very successful animals with a range right across Asia and Europe. They can swim as well… In Denmark, a fence is planned along the border with Germany to prevent the migration of wild boars… it is only a matter of time until the disease reaches Denmark, a major pork exporter…

“ASF presents no risk to humans, but for pigs it is often fatal. With no effective treatment or vaccine, farmers can only guard against outbreaks using tight biosecurity measures and by adding anti-virus drugs into feed. Once it has been diagnosed, entire herds are preventatively culled. In both 2016 and 2017 more than 300,000 pigs were culled in attempts to control the spread of the disease.

“Transmission occurs only through direct contact with infected animals (alive or dead) or meat – the virus is not airborne. However, it is hardy. It can survive for up to 1,000 days in frozen meat and can persist for long periods in boar carcasses, on clothing, boots and soil…”

Of course, pigs were not created by God for human consumption. But in our God-defying world, one can easily contemplate the serious global economic consequences as ASF spreads.

Acknowledgement and Disclaimer

These Current Events are compiled and commented on by Norbert Link. We gratefully acknowledge the many contributions of news articles from our readership. The publication of articles in this section is not to be viewed as an endorsement or approval as to contents or accuracy of the selected articles, but they are published for the purpose of pointing at worldwide developments in the light of biblical end-time prophecy and godly instruction. Our own comments are provided in italics.

The Week in the News

German Mandatory Community Service Even for Refugees?

Deutsche Welle reported on August 24:

“Members of Angela Merkel’s conservatives say a year of community service would help integrate refugees. The proposal comes against the backdrop of a larger debate about reinstating mandatory service for Germans.

“A year of [mandatory or voluntary] community service would help refugees and asylum-seekers integrate and promote their acceptance by the public, the general secretary of German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s conservatives said Saturday. The Christian Democratic Union (CDU) ignited nationwide debate earlier this month when it brought up the idea of reinstating mandatory military service or a year of community service…

“Military conscription was scrapped in 2011 after Berlin opted for a professionalized army. Prior to this decision, all young men were obliged to either serve in the nation’s military, the Bundeswehr, or perform an alternative service for a limited period of time in civilian areas such as emergency management or medical care… Kramp-Karrenbauer said the CDU would discuss four models for reinstating a community service year for men and women at the party conference in December.”

The sad and crazy idea of mandatory conscription gains more and more attention in a once “pacifistic” country.

German Military Entices Minors

Reuters reported on August 24:

“To help attract new recruits, the [German] military has targeted youngsters with slick online video campaigns, drawing criticism from… child welfare advocates…

“But the campaigns are paying off. In 2017, 2,128 people under 18 joined the German army, up 11.4 percent from 2016 and accounting for 9 percent of new recruits… With lively music and scenes showing the lives of young soldiers, the Bundeswehr’s shows on YouTube… have attracted more than 64 million views. In October, traffic at the Bundeswehr jobs website increased 60 percent during a six-week broadcast of ‘Mali’, a YouTube series centered on eight soldiers serving in the U.N.’s peacekeeping mission in the West African country.

“The Bundeswehr Exclusive YouTube channel has over 330,000 followers and its latest production portrays the lives of a group of young paratroopers. The army is also active on other sites such as Facebook, Instagram and Snapchat. According to a… survey of 20,000 school students across the country, the military is now considered Germany’s third most attractive employer

“Overall, the army spent about 35 million euros ($40 million) on recruitment last year… More than 30,000 people signed a letter delivered to German Defence Minister Ursula von der Leyen a year ago that urged the Bundeswehr to stop recruiting minors. ‘This is embarrassing and sends a wrong signal to the world,’ said Ralf Willinger from rights group terre des hommes… ‘It weakens the international 18-year standard, encouraging armed groups and armies from other countries to legitimate the use of minors as soldiers.’

“Recruits under 18 in Germany undergo military training like other adult trainees, but they have special provisions such as not being allowed to participate in guard duty or foreign missions, and weapons are only used for educational purposes. Ilka Hoffmann, a board member at the GEW union… that represents about 280,000 teachers, social workers and education workers, [said:] ‘In no other profession does one learn to kill, and is one confronted with the danger of dying in war. That is the one difference.’”

Young people had better be aware as to what the military is “offering” them.

Huge Dangerous Fire Near Berlin

Deutsche Welle wrote on August 24:

“Three villages were evacuated in the northern German state of Brandenburg as 400 hectares of forest went up in flames outside Berlin… Germany has been suffering under a massive heatwave and drought for weeks, leaving forests and fields extremely dry…

“The German state of Brandenburg, which surrounds Berlin, was dealing with one of the biggest forest fires in the postwar history… The fire produced so much smoke that people in Berlin 60 kilometers away phoned emergency services on Friday morning, while Brandenburg locals heard explosions in the forest as old World War II munitions was set off…

“State Premier Dietmar Woidke [said that] munitions dumped in the forests during World War II and subsequently by the Soviet Army, which once used the surrounding countryside as a training ground, posed a ‘huge danger’ to the firefighters… ‘We in Brandenburg are in a very special situation here,’ he said. ‘We have areas of around 100,000 to 120,000 hectares all around Berlin that have old munitions in the ground…’”

One wonders where else old munitions—and what kind—are still buried throughout Germany and beyond.

Violence in Chemnitz, East Germany

The EUObserver wrote on August 28:

“Far-right activists clashed with police and leftist protestors for a second day in the eastern German city of Chemnitz, demanding foreigners to leave Germany. Monday’s events were a continuation of Sunday’s protests, which were triggered by a stabbing of a 35-year old German. A Syrian and an Iraqi remained under arrest on suspicion of the lethal attack. German chancellor Angela Merkel warned that ‘vigilante justice’ would not be tolerated.”

Der Spiegel wrote on August 28:

“Chemnitz is the third-largest city in the eastern state of Saxony and initially, over a thousand people had gathered on Monday to protest the kind of right-wing violence seen here on Sunday. Later, several thousand participants in a right-wing rally gathered at the city’s iconic monument to Karl Marx. The two camps were separated only by a single road and handful of law enforcement officers. The mood was tense – and turned violent once darkness began to fall. Fireworks were set off and the two groups began throwing projectiles at each other. There were several injuries.

“Later, the police would say that they had underestimated the number of people that would be participating in the two demonstrations. That they were caught off guard. But given the events in the city just one day earlier, that seems unlikely…”

Deutsche Welle added on August 28:

“In response to the events, most lawmakers echoed Merkel’s sentiments in a blanket condemnation of racism and violence… Interior Minister Horst Seehofer, who has been in a highly-publicized feud with Merkel over his desire to curb immigration, was more muted in his disavowal of the far-right, and focused instead on the stabbing: ‘My deepest sympathies are with the loved ones of the knife attack victim…but I want to say clearly, that nothing justifies the call to violence or violent riots.’

The Alternative for Germany (AfD) party was split down the middle, with some inside the party distancing themselves from the right-wing demonstrators and calling off their own planned rally, and others suggesting that the media had blown the situation out of proportion…”

German Police in Chemnitz Under Fire

The Guardian wrote on August 29:

“The leak of an arrest warrant to far-right groups has heightened widespread suspicions of links between German police and xenophobic demonstrators. Authorities have confirmed reports of the leak after the arrest warrant – containing the full name of the main suspect in the murder of a 35-year-old man, which triggered violent anti-foreigner protests in the eastern city of Chemnitz – was tweeted by Lutz Bachmann, the founding member of the far-right protest group Pegida. The suspect is a 22-year-old Iraqi man…

“The police were accused last week of standing up for Pegida protesters after stopping a camera team from the state broadcaster ZDF from filming a demonstration in Dresden for 45 minutes after complaints by a protester, who it later emerged was a police employee. They faced further accusations on Wednesday that they had lied over their claim to have underestimated the numbers who would attend the Chemnitz demonstration, after it emerged that Saxony’s office for protection of the constitution had warned them in advance that a large number of extremists from across Germany – including neo-Nazis, as well as football hooligans and martial artists with a known far-right background – were expected in the city…”

No-Deal Brexit Could See Brits in EU Lose Access to their UK Bank Accounts

The Local wrote on August 23:

“The British government released a list of 25 ‘technical notices’ on Thursday, revealing that Brits living in the European Union could lose access to their UK bank accounts in the event of a no-deal Brexit

“Meanwhile, consumers buying products from the EU would face slower and more expensive credit card payments, and businesses were told that in the event of a no-deal ‘the free circulation of goods between the UK and EU would cease.’”

This is almost too fantastic to believe, and the British government did not give any details as to why Brits, living in the EU, would lose access to their bank accounts in the UK in case of a “no-deal Brexit.” But this news is truly alarming. According to the EUObserver, dated August 28, “French prime minister Edouard Philippe instructed his ministers on Monday to prepare measures in case of a no-deal Brexit.”

Brexit Breakthrough?

The Daily Mail wrote on August 29:

EU negotiator Michel Barnier finally conceded he would have to offer Britain a unique deal on Brexit today… In remarks that sent the pound soaring up against the euro and the dollar, Mr Barnier promised a ‘partnership with Britain such as has never been with any other third country’.

“Mr Barnier has repeatedly insisted Britain must choose from an existing model used by either Norway or Canada – a deal the UK say[s] [is] unacceptable. The Brussels chief still insists Britain cannot have an ‘a la carte’ choice of benefits from the EU single market. Brexiteers welcomed his ‘more optimistic tone’ but warned that actions speak louder and urged the EU to get on with coming up with a new offer… Government sources said they would look at the comments but played down the shift, suggesting Mr Barnier had made ‘similar’ remarks before

“In other developments today, [new Brexit Secretary] Dominic Raab admitted that a Brexit deal could be delayed until after the October (18 or 19) deadline – amid fears the UK could crash out without an agreement… His words are a shift in tone from the Government, which yesterday was still stressing that it is working towards the October deadline.

“Mr Davis quit… in protest at Theresa May’s Chequers proposal – a compromise deal which would mean the UK sticks to EU rules for goods but leaves the single market and customs union. The proposal sparked outcry from Brexiteers and Tory activists who warned it would leave the UK stuck half inside the Brussels bloc and hamper the country’s ability to strike free trade deals globally. And the EU also greeted the plan with scepticism – and it emerged yesterday that Mr Barnier threatened to boycott Brexit talks if Mrs May insisted on basing a deal on her Chequers plans.”

Dramatic U-Turn?

Express reported on August 30:

“Michel Barnier has made a dramatic U-turn and warned the European Union to prepare for a no-deal Brexit only a day after insisting the bloc was preparing to offer the UK a deal like no other third country.”

Deutsche Welle reported on August 30:

“Berlin and Brussels showed a united front on Wednesday delivering a single message to London: There will be no cherry-picking when it comes to the single market…

“[German Foreign Minister Heiko] Maas professed that the ‘last big hurdle’ was the question of the border between the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland. ‘We are firmly convinced that the exit agreement must guarantee that Brexit must not lead to a hard border in Northern Ireland,’ said Maas. ‘It is important that this guarantee must be valid regardless of how the EU and Britain will shape its new relationship.’

 Should no deal be reached by then, Britain will be subject to the World Trade Organization rules, which include many types of customs and border regulations for any trade with the EU.

“In contrast to all this harmony on the continent, the strife between Barnier and his main counterpart in the UK remains palpable… As if to illustrate this trouble on the high seas, French and British fishermen are currently in the middle of a maritime dispute of their own. Reuters news agency reported on Wednesday that French boats had rammed British scallop dredgers they believed had encroached on their seabed in the Baie en Seine…”

Could America Suffer Outright Military Defeat?

The National Interest wrote on August 25:

“America taunts China by taking needless risks, provokes Russia with military operations on their border that in no way improves our own security, extends military guarantees to small countries that could drag us into a war we should never fight, and engages in active combat operations in scores of countries where no U.S. security interests are at stake.

“…great powers frequently fell because they came to believe they could not be defeated. Without question, we have the greatest air force and navy the world has ever known. We are the dominant global power, both militarily and economically. Much of America’s dominance is based on our modern weapons and the technology that empowers them. Our reliance on technology, however, is a double-edged sword.

“Should an adversary one day use space-based weapons to strip away our navigation and intelligence satellites, we would suffer a substantial and immediate loss of military capability. Many of our precision weapons would be useless, our ability to navigate on the land, in the air, and on the oceans could be temporarily crippled. Communications would be hampered. Even at the tactical level, much of our ground-combat power is predicated on an ability to disperse units and mass fires—all of which requires uninterrupted ability to communicate across great distances…

“We must expect that one day another world power is going to develop a new class of weapon or capability that has never been seen which will allow them [to] either neutralize our greatest offensive weapons or against which our best defenses will be inadequate…

“Maintaining the status quo… will continue the erosion of our strength and increase the chances we may one day suffer outright military defeat.”

The Bible prophesies that the USA WILL suffer outright military defeat, and that the world power bringing this about will be a united core Europe under German leadership (“the beast”).

EU and USA—No Tariffs at All?

Fox Business News wrote on August 30:

“Although European Union officials have said they are supportive of lowering tariffs on automobiles to zero if the U.S. reciprocates, President Trump believes this is not a stand-alone issue or trade deal… Trump wants to see all tariffs removed on all industries, including agriculture, steel aluminum and medical equipment…

“‘We are willing to bring down even our car tariffs to zero, all tariffs to zero, if the U.S. does the same,’ European Trade Commissioner Cecilia Malmstrom told members of the European Parliament on Thursday in Brussels. But… Malmstrom has said that agriculture would not be included in this deal, and because of this, the White House is not celebrating the comments made today by Malmstrom.”

Europe Supports Turkey against the USA

The EUObserver wrote on August 24:

“The Turkey-US trade spat has led to EU leaders backing Turkey against the US administration’s policies. This not only shows the extent of economic interdependence between Europe and Turkey, but also signals the development of a common stance in the face of a bullying trade partner.

“When US president Donald Trump took to Twitter to celebrate the downward trajectory of the Turkish lira against the US dollar, Europe was concerned about the potential spillover of rapidly growing economic turmoil in Turkey. In particular, Germany, Turkey’s biggest trading partner, came to Turkey’s defence… In Italy, decision makers were equally concerned about contagion from Turkish markets…

“Meanwhile, the European Parliament declared the tariffs as illegitimate and urged the US to solve its problems with Turkey with ‘constructive diplomatic engagement.’ French economy minister Bruno Le Maire vowed to ‘strengthen economic ties between France and Turkey’ signalling that France and Turkey would work together to take a stance against the US

“In the past 12 months alone, the tension between Europe and the US escalated like never before… the US and Europe have found themselves on the opposing sides of global conflicts and major foreign policy issues… There is a growing sense in Europe that collective action is needed for dealing with the US administration… A foreign policy based on ‘America first’ is likely to result in further isolation for the US to the extent that it undermines the US’ major allies across the world.”

Turkey will be aligned with Europe and Arab nations against Israel (the state of Israel as well as the USA and the UK), according to biblical prophecies, and America will become more and more isolated on the world scene.

Trump’s Terrible Week

The Guardian wrote on August 25:

“[On Tuesday, in] New York, Trump’s longtime lawyer and ‘fixer’ Michael Cohen implicated the president in a crime to influence the 2016 presidential election. Pleading guilty to dodging taxes and campaign finance violations, he alleged that Trump directed him to pay hush money to prevent two women – a Playboy model and pornographic actor – speaking out about extramarital affairs.

“In Alexandria, Virginia, Paul Manafort, Trump’s former campaign chairman, was found guilty of eight tax and bank fraud charges and could now spend the rest of his life behind bars – unless Trump chooses to pardon him.

“… But the day from hell [August 21] was far from done. The Republican congressman Duncan Hunter and his wife were indicted on corruption charges, namely converting more than $250,000 in campaign money to pay for personal expenses… In 2016, Hunter was the second member of Congress to endorse Trump for president. Earlier this month the first, Chris Collins of New York was indicted for insider trading. The third [member of Congress who endorsed Trump]? Jeff Sessions, now Trump’s out-of-favour attorney general…

“And then, in one more dose of humiliation, the candidate Trump endorsed for governor of Wyoming, Foster Friess, lost the Republican primary to the state treasurer, Mark Gordon…

“Then there was Wednesday… the president gave an interview to Fox News which, as always, had sought to play down the firestorm. He denied instructing to Cohen to commit a crime… He also claimed that he did not find out about the payments until ‘later’, contradicting earlier statements. For the first time, the Washington Post’s factchecker said the president was lying rather than merely misleading or false…

“On Thursday there was no let-up. It emerged that David Pecker, chairman of American Media Inc, which owns the pro-Trump National Enquirer, had been granted immunity to provide information about Cohen and Trump’s involvement with payments to the two women who allege sexual affairs. The Associated Press added fuel to the fire by reporting that the Enquirer kept such secrets locked in a safe…

“On Friday… attention turned back to Trump’s legal crisis as the Wall Street Journal reported that Allen Weisselberg, his longtime financial gatekeeper, was granted immunity by federal prosecutors for providing information about Cohen…”

Just about Cohen? Many feel that the alleged “investigation” regarding “collusion with Russia” has far exceeded its claimed legitimate legal justification and that it does constitute a political witch-hunt of unparalleled historical proportions. At one time, Trump said that if special counsel Robert Mueller should begin to investigate Trump’s or his family’s private financial affairs, he would have crossed the red line. Constitutionally, Trump can’t probably fire Mueller himself or through his Attorney General Sessions who recused himself, after he took the job, without telling Trump ahead of time. But Trump could fire Sessions (which many, such as evangelical leader Jerry Falwell Jr., a religious adviser to Trump, believe is long overdue) and/or insist that Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein fire Mueller, and if he refuses [he had told Congress he would fire Mueller only for clear misconduct and he gave him great latitude regarding the “investigation”], Trump could fire him too until he finds someone who carries out his demands.

Politico pointed out on April 17, 2018, that this man might be Solicitor General Noel Francisco: “Under Justice Department rules, Rosenstein’s successor should be the department’s third-ranking official, the associate attorney general. But the last occupant of that job, Rachel Brand, departed in February and has not been replaced [Presently, Jesse Panuccio is serving as the Acting Associate Attorney General; while the Trump administration has put its search for the Justice Department’s No. 3 official on hold]. Next in line is Francisco, 48, a former George W. Bush White House and Justice Department lawyer whom Trump last year named to be U.S. solicitor general, representing his administration and the U.S. government before the Supreme Court.”

It might not be “politically correct” for Trump to fire Mueller in the way described above, and the Democrats will and many Republicans might revolt and cry foul, but they still may not dare to impeach Trump, as many American citizens would be on his side, going beyond just his loyal base, since he would truly have begun, in the minds of many, to drain the swamp which he had promised to do. After all, many congressional Republicans were never his friends to begin with, nor are they his friends today, and now we see that some of Trump’s long-time loyal “friends” are receiving immunity while turning against him.

Impeach Trump, and the American People Will Revolt

The Washington Post wrote on August 24:

“‘I think impeachment would be totally horrible,’ Giuliani said, later adding, ‘You could only impeach him for political reasons, and the American people would revolt against that.’ On this point, Giuliani is largely correct.

“First, impeachment is indeed a purely political process… it’s also probably true that there would be a revolt of some significant form against an effort to impeach Trump… ‘Revolt’ is a strong word, and ‘the American people’ is overly broad. But a substantial number of Americans would certainly take strong issue with an impeachment effort against Trump…

“We talk a lot about Trump’s base of support, how broadly steady it is and how enthusiastic it is. Talk to Trump supporters and a common theme is that they feel the need to stand with him because he’s constantly embattled by the outside forces of Democrats and government investigators…”

Trump won’t be impeached.

Trump Like Cyrus Helping to Build the Temple?

The Huffington Post wrote on August 30:

“[Roger E.] Olson, a professor of Christian theology… said many evangelicals don’t necessarily believe that Trump is a man of faith. But they view him like Cyrus, the biblical Persian emperor who helped to free the Hebrew people and rebuild their temple in Jerusalem despite not being Jewish himself.

“‘They regard [Trump] as a person who is not one of God’s own people (Jewish or Christian), but an instrument of God to deliver Israel and American evangelical Christianity from persecution…’”

Trump’s role in the building of the Third Temple prior to Christ’s return will be interesting to observe. Please view our StandingWatch program, “Netanyahu’s Announcement of a Third Temple?”

John McCain and His Farewell Message

The Week wrote on August 27:

“The passing of Sen. John McCain marks the end of an era in American political life… Americans are always hungry for heroes, and McCain served admirably in that role for many years. His service, sacrifice, and suffering as a prisoner of war during the Vietnam War was genuinely awe-inspiring and worthy of profound… respect…

“Honor, nobility, courage, public-spiritedness — he esteemed them all and did his best to embody them in his life. That… is the source of the heartfelt tributes that have flowed forth from so many at the news of his death. His life was a reminder of an older, elevated notion of politics that places country before party and self-sacrifice before self-interest. That such displays of public virtue can still move so many, even at such an otherwise tawdry time in our history, is powerful evidence that they grow out of and touch something deep and ineradicable within the human soul.”

JTA wrote on August 28:

McCain reserved two paragraphs in his posthumous farewell for a warning about the dangers of hypernationalism, alluding to the rise of the ‘alt-right,’ the white supremacists whom he reviled. And he invoked a slogan that predates the Nazis, but that was made popular by them: blood and soil… ‘We are citizens of the world’s greatest republic, a nation of ideals, not blood and soil… We have helped liberate more people from tyranny and poverty than ever before in history. We have acquired great wealth and power in the process… We weaken our greatness when we confuse our patriotism with tribal rivalries that have sown resentment and hatred and violence in all the corners of the globe.’

“It was not the first time McCain had referenced the term ‘blood and soil,’ which the Nazis used to justify their theories of racial purity. Last October, receiving the National Constitution Center’s Liberty Medal, he used the term to warn against the white supremacism that had led to violence and murder in Charlottesville, Virginia just two months earlier.

“‘To fear the world we have organized and led for three-quarters of a century, to abandon the ideals we have advanced around the globe, to refuse the obligations of international leadership and our duty to remain “the last best hope of earth” for the sake of some half-baked, spurious nationalism cooked up by people who would rather find scapegoats than solve problems is as unpatriotic as an attachment to any other tired dogma of the past that Americans consigned to the ash heap of history,’ McCain said then. ‘We live in a land made of ideals, not blood and soil.’…

“McCain was furious with President Donald Trump for equivocating following Charlottesville, when the president insisted both sides were to blame for the violence and… declared that there were ‘very fine people’ on both sides. And McCain’s final statement segues from a warning about the term to an indictment of Trump’s policies, particularly the president’s anti-immigrant postures.

“‘We weaken it when we hide behind walls, rather than tear them down,’ McCain said, an allusion to the wall Trump hopes to build along the border the United States shares with Mexico, and which runs through Arizona… Trump despised McCain and had to be pressured into honoring the senator’s memory.”

Earthquake in Southern California

The Los Angeles Times reported on August 29:

“Parts of Southern California were rattled by a 4.4 magnitude earthquake Tuesday evening that was centered near La Verne but felt over a wide area… the epicenter was three miles from San Dimas, four miles from Claremont and five miles from Glendora.

“… Victor Flores, who lives in a two-story house in the hills of La Verne, said the shaking was ‘extremely violent.’ ‘It was moving the whole house,’ he said. ‘It shook hard for what seemed like 10 to 20 seconds, and then it just kept going. It was really loud too, kind of like thunder. It just hit really hard and quick.’ Flores, his wife and daughters ran to their backyard, but when they saw the water in their pool swaying back and forth, they ran back inside…

“Rochelle Puente was watching her 7-year-old son’s football practice at Bonita High School in La Verne when she felt the shaking. She and at least 100 other people at the field looked up at the tall trees and swaying poles. Puente heard people scream… ‘It felt way stronger than a 4.4,’ Puente added.

“The… quake was widely felt, either as a sharp jolt near the epicenter or a rolling motion farther away. It shook buildings for several seconds in downtown Los Angeles.”

Please view our StandingWatch program,  Is California’s Big Earthquake About to Strike?

Further Outrageous Conduct by Bank of America

Miami Herald wrote on August 30:

“Saeed Moshfegh woke up earlier this month to discover the strangest thing: though he had plenty of money in his Bank of America account, he couldn’t access it. An Iranian getting his Ph.D in physics at the University of Miami, Moshfegh used the account for everyday transactions. All he had to do to maintain the account was show proof of legal residency every six months. Moshfegh… has lived in the U.S. for the past seven years. He recently married an American.

“That Thursday, Moshfegh went to his local branch near South Miami. He was told that the documentation he had provided could not be accepted. Bank officials insisted he produce a different form, according to Moshfegh. The bank was wrong, he maintains, because the form he had supplied was the correct one based on his current status as a student nearing graduation. ‘This bank doesn’t know how the immigration system works, so they didn’t accept my document,’ said Moshfegh, 36.  Locked out of his account, Moshfegh couldn’t pay his rent, which was due that week. Credit card payments were suddenly rejected.

“His case isn’t unique. In recent months, Bank of America has been accused of freezing or threatening to freeze customers’ accounts after asking about their legal status in the U.S. In July, the Washington Post reported that multiple customers had been locked out of their accounts after Bank of America questioned whether the account holders were U.S. citizens or dual citizens.

“According to the Post, Kansas-born Josh Collins received an unusual-looking letter purportedly from the bank asking about his citizenship status. He said he thought the mailer was spam and ignored it—only to have his account frozen a few weeks later. After Collins’ story was first reported locally, he and his wife received messages from others who had been locked out of their accounts for weeks, the Post reported.

“Tennessee native David Lewis says he received the same suspicious-looking letter as Collins. In an interview with the Miami Herald, Lewis said he has maintained an account with Bank of America for about 30 years. In the letter, the bank inquired about his citizenship, income, and Social Security number. When he called Bank of America, he was told his account would be frozen if he did not fill out the forms. That phone conversation led him to cancel his account, he said…

Proof of citizenship is not required to open a bank account in the U.S., according to Stephanie Collins, a spokesperson for the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, the federal agency that supervises branch banking. Banks are merely required to identify and report suspicious transactions and maintain and update customer information, she said…

“Paulina Gonzalez, executive director of the California Reinvestment Coalition, told the Herald: ‘…We have Bank of America customers who we’ve spoken to who have never been asked this before last year…’ In recent months, her group has received several complaints about being asked for proof of citizenship; almost all have come from Bank of America customers, she said. An article in American Banker magazine also highlighted Bank of America as the one institution specifically facing backlash for its policies

“For Moshfegh, the Miami physics student, it was not until he’d had conversations with multiple Bank of America officials that he was able to convince them to let him withdraw all his funds; Bank of America would not let him keep the account.”

This is truly appalling. For more information, please view our StandingWatch program, “Do Banks and the Government Control You?” 

Another Change in Australia’s Government

The Telegraph wrote on August 25:

“Australia’s new prime minister Scott Morrison, a staunch conservative and devout evangelical Christian [who opposes same-sex marriage], yesterday pledged to heal the ruling Liberal party after a week of infighting that outgoing leader Malcolm Turnbull said left his nation ‘dumbstruck and so appalled’. Following a brutal party brawl, Mr Morrison emerged victorious as leader in a 45-40 party-room vote against Peter Dutton, a hardliner who led a coup against Mr Turnbull.

“Mr Morrison, formerly the treasurer, equivalent to Chancellor of the Exchequer, was sworn in on Friday by the Governor-General, the Queen’s representative, to become Australia’s sixth prime minister in eight years. Mr Turnbull, a former investment banker who became leader after toppling Tony Abbott in 2015, was ousted by a group of right-wing MPs who mistrusted his progressive views, even as he veered rightward on issues such as climate change, the republic and same-sex marriage…

“The toppling of Mr Turnbull means that no Australian leader has served a full term since John Howard after the 2004 election… Adding to the turmoil, Mr Turnbull said he planned to leave parliament, which would require a by-election that could threaten the ruling Liberal-National Coalition’s one-seat majority. This could force an early general election, which is currently due by May.

“Mr Morrison, a father of two and faithful member of an American-style mega-church, did not support the move to topple Mr Turnbull. He was elected after a three-way contest against Mr Dutton and Julie Bishop, the foreign minister, who was defeated in the first round of voting.

“On Friday night US President Donald Trump congratulated Mr Morrison. Trump tweeted, ‘There are no greater friends than the United States and Australia!’ Mr Morrison soon responded, writing on Twitter: ‘Had a great discussion with @realDonaldTrump this morning. We affirmed the strength of the relationship between the US and Australia…’ Known as a shrewd political operator, Mr Morrison developed a reputation as a tough but capable minister after overseeing Australia’s efforts to stem the flow of asylum seekers by boat. This involved detaining refugees on remote offshore islands and towing boats back to Indonesia, measures condemned as unlawful and inhumane by the United Nations.”

If there are no greater friends than the USA and Australia, where do the UK and Israel fit in? The Bible says that God is not pleased with a country’s national sin manifested by the fact that its leaders change constantly and quickly (Proverbs 28:2 says in the Luther Bible 1984: “Because of the sin of the land its leaders change often…”).

Deadly Side Effects of Prescription Medications

ABC News wrote on August 27:

“The authors collected health information of over 23,000 children 19 years and younger using [a survey] from 2003 to 2014. Nearly one in five children and adolescents used at least one prescription medication; approximately 7.5 percent used two or more and the use of prescription medications was the highest among adolescent girls (28 percent) and boys ages 6 to 12 years (26.5 percent).

“Among those using multiple medications, one in 12 was at risk for a major drug interaction, and the vast majority of these potential interactions involved antidepressants. Adolescent girls were at a higher risk of interacting drug regimens compared to other groups, largely because of their higher rate of medication use… side effects related to medications remain a leading cause of injuries and death among children and adolescents in the United States… approximately 200,000 children and teens visit emergency departments each year because of side effects related to medication…”

Hatred for the Bible?

The Los Angeles Times wrote on August 17:

“Would you believe it if I told you the mere sight of the Bible is offensive to some people?… Apparently, in our intolerant culture, we no longer can display the Bible in public…

“Harvard, Yale and a number of the other original nine colonial colleges in America were established by people who believed in the Bible. The Salvation Army, which has helped countless vulnerable people, was started by a man who believed in the Bible and lived accordingly. The abolitionist movement was led by men and women who believed the words in the Bible and took them to heart. And let’s not forget Martin Luther King Jr., whose celebrated speeches, which in many ways were really sermons, are now enshrined in our collective consciousness. And yet, here we are, having to tiptoe around some who find it offensive.

“We can find Bibles in nearly every hotel room in America, and most Americans have at least one Bible in their home. In fact, 47% of American adults, including 50% of college graduates, believe the Bible is the inspired word of God. At the same time, there is a significant disconnect. Half of those who claim to read the Bible aren’t able to name the four Gospels in the New Testament…”

The situation in Europe, especially Germany, is much worse. Anyone who dares to read the Bible in public (including in public transportation) is being considered by most as being weird, strange, abnormal or a religious fanatic. You can read any book you want in public, but woe to you if you read the Bible! We need to understand that the author of such hatred for God’s Word is none other than Satan the Devil.

Separation of Catholic Church and State in Italy?

Evangelical Focus reported on August 20:

“The state funeral in Genova for the victims of the Morandi bridge, which killed at least 41 people, was not attended by all the victims. About half of the relatives decided not to take part in the ceremony held on August 16th

“The state funeral followed a Roman Catholic rite… Among those who did not attend the state funeral were the parents, siblings and friends of Stella Boccia (24). They decided to do their own funeral the day before… Francesco Boccia, brother of the victim, is an evangelical pastor of an Assemblies of God…

“This is not the first time a state funeral in Italy is officiated in accordance to the Roman Catholic liturgy, even when those honoured include people of other faiths and non-believers. According to the Italian Evangelical Alliance (AEI), the state funerals after the earthquakes of Aquila (2009) and Amatrice (2016) followed a similar religious framework. ‘The state funeral is delegated to the Catholic church as if the state could not “handle death” apart from “mother” church’, Vice President of the AEI, Leonardo De Chirico, told Evangelical Focus. Therefore, the state funeral becomes ‘actually a Catholic funeral. The distinctions between state and church are blurred… It assumes that everyone is Catholic and that the Catholic Church acts on behalf of the state’…”

We need to note as well that Roman Catholicism was recognized under Mussolini as the state’s official and only religion, and this declaration in a treaty between church and state was never revoked. The same “blurred distinctions” can be observed in other European countries in which Catholics constitute a majority of the people, including Austria, Germany, France and Spain.  

Pope Francis—Change of Mind or Damage Control?

The Guardian wrote on August 27:

“The Vatican has rolled back on a recommendation by Pope Francis that parents seek psychiatric help for children who show homosexual tendencies. The pope made the comments to journalists as he was flying back to Rome from Ireland, but the Vatican later removed his phrase from its official account, saying he had not meant to suggest that homosexuality was a mental illness.

“The pope was asked by a journalist what he would say to parents who observe homosexual traits in their children. ‘When it shows itself from childhood, there is a lot that can be done through psychiatry, to see how things are. It is something else if it shows itself after 20 years,’ he said. He added that ignoring a child who showed homosexual tendencies was an ‘error of fatherhood or motherhood’

“The pope’s trip to Ireland was fraught with controversy amid accusations that he ignored sexual abuse allegations against prominent US cardinal Theodore McCarrick.”

It was even alleged that he knew and covered up alleged sexual abuses of children. The pope has refused to comment to such allegations.

Acknowledgement and Disclaimer

These Current Events are compiled and commented on by Norbert Link. We gratefully acknowledge the many contributions of news articles from our readership. The publication of articles in this section is not to be viewed as an endorsement or approval as to contents or accuracy of the selected articles, but they are published for the purpose of pointing at worldwide developments in the light of biblical end-time prophecy and godly instruction. Our own comments are provided in italics.

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