Current Events

Britain Threatens Exodus If Juncker Becomes Next President of EU Commission

BBC News reported on May 31:

“German magazine Der Spiegel says British PM David Cameron warned that the UK could leave the EU if Luxembourg ex-PM Jean-Claude Juncker became president of the European Commission. It reported Mr Cameron as saying that the appointment could destabilise his government, which may bring forward referendum plans on EU membership.  Downing Street has not yet commented.

“Mr Juncker’s European People’s Party won the largest number of seats in the European parliament in the May polls.The centre-right party, which also includes German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s Christian Democrats, won 213 out of 751 seats in the Parliament and chose Mr Juncker as its candidate for the presidency, succeeding Portugal’s Jose Manuel Barroso. But David Cameron and several other European leaders have voiced opposition to his appointment, which has received the backing of Chancellor Merkel.

“Correspondents say Mr Cameron had made his views clear, at an informal EU summit earlier this week, that he wanted a reformer to take charge of the EU executive. Der Spiegel says the British prime minister issued the warning to Angela Merkel during the meeting in Brussels… Mr Juncker is known for his role in chairing the Eurogroup of eurozone finance ministers that had to make tough decisions about struggling debt-laden countries. Mr Juncker is not thought to be amenable to a wide-ranging renegotiation of Britain’s relationship with Brussels.”

The EUObserver added on May 30:

“Juncker was opposed even within the EPP party by the leaders of Sweden and Hungary, as well as outside the EPP group by Britain’s David Cameron and the Netherland’s Mark Rutte…

“For Juncker to become commission president, he needs a ‘qualified majority’ of member states, with bigger countries having a greater say. The UK alone, even if backed by Sweden, the Netherlands and Hungary, would not have enough votes to block the move.”

The Local added on June 2:

“‘… it’s not as though I don’t mind, for example, whether Britain is a member of the European Union or not,’ Merkel told a joint press conference with the visiting Georgian prime minister. Her spokesman had also earlier said that Britain belonged in the EU and that neither Merkel nor her government was ‘indifferent’ as to whether non-euro member Britain was part of the wider 28-nation bloc…

“Cameron is deeply wary of Juncker, an EU federalist, particularly after his party suffered a humiliating defeat to the Eurosceptic UKIP party in last month’s European elections. Besides Cameron, leaders in Sweden, Hungary and, according to several European sources, the Netherlands and Finland are also hostile to Juncker.”

Britain Must Choose

Der Spiegel Online wrote on June 3:

“Following last week’s elections for the European Parliament, Europe finds itself at a historical turning point. It faces two questions. The first is that of how seriously the European Union is about its promise to become more democratic. The second is whether Britain can remain a member of the EU.

“The extent to which those two questions are inextricably linked became clear last week when Prime Minister David Cameron refused to recognize the results of the European election and nominate winner Jean-Claude Juncker as president of the European Commission, the EU’s executive. Most countries and leaders in the European Council, the powerful body representing EU leaders, had previously agreed to this procedure. It was a significant promise to the people of Europe — they were to be provided with a greater say and they were supposed to be given a sign that their vote counts, that it has concrete effects. But Cameron threw a spanner in the works.

“The crisis in European democracy is also the consequence of an unsettled relationship. Both the EU and Britain have perceived their relations as a burden in recent years. People in Brussels suffer under a London that is constantly thwarting European unity, that has slammed the brakes on progress and has doggedly prevented a deepening of relations.

“In Britain, people suffer under the EU itself. It is a chronic suffering, one without any prospects of relief. During the May 25 European election, the anti-EU UKIP party garnered 27.5 percent of the vote, making it the strongest British party in the new European Parliament. And this, despite the fact that Britain’s other political parties — with the exception of the Liberal Democrats — are about as EU-friendly as Germany’s euroskeptic AFD.

“Great Britain and the EU are like a couple that make each other unhappy but shy away from doing anything about it.

“To be sure, it would be a tragedy if Britain were to leave the European Union — a political, economic and cultural loss. Indeed, the British are to be credited with much of that which makes the Continent so special today and of which people are so proud. They introduced democracy at a time when absolutism prevailed in Europe. They showed us the advantages of an economic liberalism that, despite all its weaknesses, ultimately transformed Europe into a prosperous Continent. At all times, the British have provided us with cultural enrichment.

“However, Great Britain has never had an appetite for European integration. The prevailing perspective in London is that the EU should be a glorified free-trade zone — at best a loose alliance of states, but don’t mention the term political union… In addition, one must not forget the fact that Britain wants to maintain a special relationship with the United States, one that is also intended to provide a counterweight to the European Union.

“Regardless, Europe has taken British sensitivities and particularities into account for long enough. The EU has allowed itself to be blackmailed and made to look like a fool time and again. It was patient to the point of self-denial. For decades England was forgiven for every veto it cast; every special wish was granted… the country is more distant from the EU today than it has ever been.

“The time has now come for a clarification. And it’s even possible the European Union will have to decide what is most important: a more democratic Europe or having Britain remain a member. This clarification must come now — with the appointment of the future European Commission president…

“This decision is due to be made at the next EU summit in June. At the summit, EU leaders must fulfill their promise and nominate Jean-Claude Juncker, even if that creates even greater difficulties for Cameron back home and even if he threatens to withdraw his country from the EU. The EU should implement the convictions of a majority and not those that are acceptable to one member state. Britain can then decide how it wants to respond to this new situation in Europe — whether it wants to go along with it or if it wants to leave.

“Britain is important to be sure. But the choice between a more democratic EU and Britain’s continued membership is clear. Europe must choose democracy.”    

The Daily Mail added on June 5:

“A former French prime minister has angrily called on Britain to leave the European Union – to stop it dying. Michel Rocard said the UK had only joined the EU to help big business – and called on it to leave before it caused further damage.

“Mr Rocard also accused David Cameron of ‘pretending’ to want to leave – and of provoking a crisis in order to serve the interest of Britain’s banks.”

“The EU Is an Anti-Democratic Monster”

On June 3, Der Spiegel Online published an interview with French right-wing populist Marine Le Pen. We are bringing you the following excerpts:

“The French want to regain control of their own country. They want to determine the course of their own economy and their immigration policies. They want their own laws to take precedence over those of the European Union. The French have understood that the EU does not live up to the utopia they were sold. It has distanced itself significantly… I want to destroy the EU, not Europe! I believe in a Europe of nation-states. I believe in Airbus and Ariane, in a Europe based on cooperation. But I don’t want this European Soviet Union…

“The EU is deeply harmful, it is an anti-democratic monster… In our glorious history, millions have died to ensure that our country remains free. Today, we are simply allowing our right to self-determination to be stolen from us… from an economic standpoint, the euro is German… Germany has become the economic heart of Europe…

“… It makes no sense that we took on 10 million foreigners within a period of 30 years… Yes, we support putting a stop to immigration… We have 1 million unemployed and cannot afford any more immigration. Where are they supposed to live? It is not viable…

“Our political class no longer has any convictions… That’s why democracy is collapsing here in France…

“I have a certain admiration for Vladimir Putin because he doesn’t allow decisions to be forced upon him by other countries. I think he focuses first and foremost on what is good for Russia and the Russians. As such, I have the same respect for Putin that I do for Ms. Merkel… there are many things said about Russia because they have been demonized for years at the behest of the USA. It is part of the greatness of a European country to develop one’s own opinion and to not view everything through the US lens. We have no lesson to teach Russia if we concurrently roll out the red carpet to Qatar, Saudi Arabia and China…

“The Americans are trying to expand their influence in the world, particularly in Europe. They are defending their own interests, not ours. I am in favor of a multi-polar world in which France once again takes its position as the leader of non-aligned states, not with the US, not with Russia and not with Germany. One should strive to be neither slave nor master.”

Unfortunately, much of what Le Pen is saying does not sound as weird and crazy to many French and even many other Europeans, as it should sound. But what she wants—“France over all”—will never happen.

Secret Meeting of Right-Wing Parties with Russian Eurasian Movement

The Local reported on June 3:

“The [Austrian] Freedom Party (FPÖ) has taken part in a secret meeting with other western European right-wing populists, as well as the leader of the Russian Eurasian movement, according to a Swiss newspaper.

“FPÖ leader Heinz-Christian Strache and chairman of the Vienna FPÖ Johann Gudenus are said to have joined the meeting on Saturday at Vienna’s Palais Liechtenstein. The Tages-Anzeiger reports that the event was hosted by the Russian oligarch Konstantin Malofeew and his foundation Saint Basil the Great. Alexander Dugin, known as the chief ideologue of the Eurasian Movement, is also said to have attended the meeting.

“Dugin has repeatedly called for a war of aggression against Ukraine. He was a professor of sociology at the State University of Moscow and is seen by some to have some influence on President Vladimir Putin’s thinking. Last month he referred to Austrian Eurovision Song Contest Winner Conchita Wurst as ‘the devil personified’.

“Members of the French National Front, Marion Marechal-Le Pen, granddaughter of the party’s founder and the niece of Marine Le Pen, also took part, along with right-wing politicians from Bulgaria and Croatia, according to the report. The official theme of the secret meeting was the historic Vienna congress, which 200 years ago aimed to provide a long-term peace for Europe by settling critical issues arising from the French Revolutionary Wars and the Napoleonic Wars.

“The invitation to the event elaborated on the theme, saying that today Europeans and Christians are once more faced with historical and geopolitical conditions which make it necessary to ‘revive the spirit of the Holy Alliance’, according to Tages-Anzeiger. There was also reportedly discussion of how Europe could be saved from liberalism and the ‘satanic’ gay lobby.”

Lithuania Last Baltic State to Join the Euro

BBC News reported on June 4:

“Lithuania is set to adopt the euro on 1 January 2015, after the European Commission said it had met the criteria for joining the single currency. It will become the 19th member of the eurozone out of 28 countries in the European Union, and the last of the Baltic states to join… The UK and Denmark are the only EU states with opt-outs from the euro. All other countries are expected to join. Estonia was the first Baltic state to become a member of the eurozone in 2011, followed by Latvia on 1 January 2014…

“Lithuanian President Dalia Grybauskaite, on a visit to Poland, welcomed the decision: ‘We’ll be in the club of the strongest, we’ll be able to take part in the decisions ourselves – currently we are on the other side of the door.’ Looking forward to dropping the existing currency, the lita, Prime Minister Algirdas Butkevicius said joining the euro also gave Lithuania added security in the face of the Ukrainian crisis.”

The European War in Ukraine

Der Spiegel Online wrote on June 4:

“Fighters from Russia’s Caucasus region have joined the separatists in eastern Ukraine, while Kiev has intensified its efforts to win back control of the region. Just 10 days after the presidential election there, the conflict is quickly turning into a war…

“After months of obfuscation, Russia’s direct involvement in eastern Ukraine is becoming visible. And last week, it became clearer than ever that Russian and Chechen mercenaries are supporting the separatists in Donetsk, fighting side-by-side with Ukrainians against troops sent by Kiev. At first, the presence of Russian fighters was but a rumor, but then, last Thursday, a column of vehicles carrying 34 coffins draped with red cloth left Donetsk heading for the border. Two-thirds of the some 50 rebels who died in heavy fighting 10 days ago were Russian citizens…

“… despite the use of artillery and air strikes, Kiev’s military does not appear to be able to regain control of the separatist regions… some 12,000 pro-Russian militants are now fighting against Kiev government forces in the area of Donetsk with an additional 5,000 in the Luhansk region. And these men are better organized and better armed than the army, secret service and police. Just on Thursday of last week, the rebels managed to shoot down a National Guard transport helicopter, killing at least 12.

“The [Ukrainian] army has no money and no fuel… it hardly even exists as a fighting force. They need helicopters for the fight against the separatists, but the generals sold most of them to Africa. The few Russian helicopters that they still possess are poorly armed and can be shot down like balloons…

“There is no functioning police force, no tax authority, no effective border control and no judiciary to speak of. The natural gas ultimatum issued by Russia has expired, though Russian state-owned gas company Gazprom on Monday allowed Kiev six more days in ongoing negotiations in Berlin. And Maidan is to be cleared and parliament dissolved…”

Spain’s King Juan Carlos Resigns

Deutsche Welle wrote on June 2:

“Spain’s King Juan Carlos has announced he has abdicated the throne in favor of his son, Crown Prince Felipe. The king said he is stepping down so a ‘new generation’ can lead the country’s monarchy… The 76-year-old king’s abdication will bring an end to an almost four decade reign. He came to power in 1975 two days after the death of longtime dictator Francisco Franco, who had named Juan Carlos as his successor. The king subsequently oversaw Spain’s transition from dictatorship to democracy.

“Juan Carlos endeared himself to many Spaniards when he helped defuse an attempted military coup in February 1981. He was also lauded for his reaction to the Madrid train bombings in March 2004, when he and his wife Queen Sofia threw protocol aside at a memorial service to personally comfort the families of some of the victims.

“In recent years, however, his popularity has dipped following a string of royal scandals. His image took a blow after taking a luxury elephant-hunting vacation in the middle of Spain’s financial crisis in April 2012. He broke his right hip during the trip and had to be flown on a private jet from Botswana back to Spain for medical treatment… The king, who has played a largely figurehead role as an ambassador for the country, has had repeated health problems in recent years.”

The Associated Press added on June 2:

“King Juan Carlos goes down a path increasingly traveled by European royalty.

“Last year Belgium’s King Albert handed over the throne of his fractious kingdom to his son, Crown Prince Philippe. Two months earlier, Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands stepped down after a 33-year reign in favor of her eldest son, who was appointed King Willem-Alexander.

“It was a break with tradition, but not as big as the decision early last year by Pope Benedict XVI to resign, a move that stunned Catholics around the world.”

No New Elections in Thailand For a Year…

Deutsche Welle reported on May 30:

“The head of the military junta that seized power in Thailand last week has said elections will not be held for at least a year. He also repeated a warning against renewed protests or dissent… He said it would take about a year to draw up a new constitution and put an interim government in place. Only when these steps are completed, he said, would the country be ready to go to the polls…

“Since the Thai military seized power on May 22, the army has moved to silence its critics, arresting more than 250 people, including members of the government it ousted, other politicians, activists, scholars and journalists. Around 70 remain under arrest.”

USA and Australia Suspend Military Ties with Thailand

Deutsche Welle added on May 31:

“Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel said the US had suspended military ties with Thailand, and was reassessing its future assistance to the country’s armed forces. Hagel condemned Thailand’s ‘retreat from democracy,’ calling for the coup leaders to ‘move immediately to restore power to the people of Thailand, through free and fair elections.’… [He was] urging the Royal Thai Armed Forces to end curbs on free speech and civil liberties – which include a ban on gatherings of five or more people – and to free scores of detainees.

“Regional power Australia also suspended military cooperation with Thailand on Saturday, with three training exercises for Thai soldiers in coming weeks being suspended. ‘The Australian government continues to have grave concerns about the actions of the military in Thailand,’ said Foreign Minister Julie Bishop. ‘In line with our concerns, Australia is reducing our engagement with the Thai military and will lower the level of our interaction with the Thai military leadership,’ she said.”

Israel on Collision Course with New Palestinian Unity Government

The Associated Press reported on May 31:

“The formation of a Palestinian unity government backed by rival factions Hamas and Fatah will be announced Monday, Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas said Saturday, adding that Israel already warned him it would take punitive steps against the new alliance.

“Abbas said Saturday that he would respond to any Israeli punitive measures, such as withholding the monthly transfer of some $100 million in taxes and customs Israel collects on behalf of his Palestinian Authority. The funds are vital to keeping the self-rule government afloat.

“The long-running Hamas-Fatah rivalry escalated in 2007 when Hamas seized the Gaza Strip from the internationally backed Abbas in 2007. Hamas, which has carried out scores of bombing, shooting and rocket attacks against Israeli targets, is considered a terror group by Israel and the West.

“After the April collapse of a US-mediated Israeli-Palestinian peace talks, the Palestinian rivals revived reconciliation efforts. Negotiators met repeatedly to agree on a government of technocrats backed by both sides that is to prepare for general elections in 2015. In recent days, there were last-minute disagreements, but Abbas’ announcement suggests the issues have been resolved… ‘The Israelis informed us today that they are going to boycott us immediately after we form the government. They are going to withhold our money,’ he said, referring to the monthly transfers. ‘This is our money, not aid from Israel, and we will not stay silent. They want to punish us because we have an agreement with Hamas, which is part of our people.’…

“Abbas said that ‘we are going to react to any Israeli action.’  He did not elaborate. However, Abbas and his aides have said in the past that they might step up efforts to gain further international recognition of a state of Palestine. The United Nations General Assembly recognized such a state in the West Bank, Gaza Strip and east Jerusalem — lands Israel captured in 1967 — as a non-member observer in 2012.

“Palestinian officials have said a state of Palestine is eligible for membership in 63 international organizations, treaties and conventions. Last month, Abbas signed membership requests for 15 conventions, and his aides have said the Palestinians planned to sign up for more in several stages. Earlier Saturday, Hamas said it will not agree to the continuation of Palestinian security cooperation with Israel once it teams up with Abbas…”

BBC News added on June 1:

“Israel has called on world leaders ‘not to rush to recognise’ a new Palestinian transitional government involving Fatah and the Islamist group Hamas… ‘Hamas is a terrorist organisation that calls for Israel’s destruction, and the international community must not embrace it,’ Mr Netanyahu told his cabinet in Jerusalem on Sunday… The US said last month it was ‘disappointed’ by the deal and warned it could seriously complicate peace efforts with Israel.”

Israel Furious With USA

The Times of Israel wrote on June 2:

“Jerusalem on Monday night slammed the United States for announcing that it will work with the new Palestinian unity government, sworn in earlier Monday. In strikingly bitter comments, officials said that rather than cooperating with a government backed by a terror group, Washington ought to be urging Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas to disband his pact with Hamas and resume peace negotiations with Israel.

“‘We are deeply disappointed by the comments of the State Department regarding working with the Palestinian unity government. This Palestinian government is a government backed by Hamas, which is a terror organization committed to Israel’s destruction,’ Israeli government officials said. ‘If the US administration wanted to advance peace, it should be calling on Abbas to end his pact with Hamas and return to peace talks with Israel,’ they added. ‘Instead, it is enabling Abbas to believe that it is acceptable to form a government with a terrorist organization.’ …

“As recently as Sunday, Secretary of State John Kerry called Abbas and… expressed concern about Hamas’s role in any such government and the importance that the new government commit to the principles of nonviolence, recognition of the state of Israel and acceptance of previous agreements with it…

“In a decision approved at a special meeting of the Ministerial Committee for National Security Affairs, Netanyahu and eight top ministers said they would not deal with the new government…”

JTA added on June 3:

“The new Palestinian unity government brought together rivals Hamas and Fatah, but it has opened a divide between allies Israel and the United States… The Obama administration’s announcement this week that it would continue working with and funding the Palestinian Authority under the new Hamas-backed unity government appears to have taken Israel aback. It represents something of a shift for the United States, which previously had voiced sympathy for Israeli concerns about the Palestinian unity government. Analysts said the sharpness of the Israeli reaction should be seen in the context of anxieties that this and other U.S. moves could leave Israel isolated on vital matters.”

How USA Betrays Israel

On June 3, The Times of Israel published the following article by its founding editor, David Horowitz:

“Mere hours after Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas swore in a government backed by the Islamic extremist Hamas group, the US State Department legitimized the arrangement, declaring that it would work with the new government because it ‘does not include members affiliated with Hamas.’

“What was saddest about Washington’s insistence on accepting Abbas’s paper-thin veneer over his government’s new nature — his ‘technocrat’ ministers were all approved by Hamas — is that it represents only the Obama administration’s latest abrogation of leadership, logic and leverage at Israel’s expense. Rather than rushing to embrace a Palestinian government in which an unreformed Hamas is a central component, what was to stop the US conditioning its acceptance on a reform of Hamas? What was to stop Washington saying that it would be happy to work with Abbas’s new government, the moment its Hamas backers recognized Israel, accepted previous agreements and renounced terrorism? Not a particularly high bar. What was to stop the US making such a demand, one of tremendous importance to its ally Israel? Only its incomprehensible reluctance to do.

“… you’d think a powerful ally would insist that a state that calls for, and works toward, the destruction of Israel be denied the capacity to achieve that goal. There is simply no justification for allowing Tehran a uranium enrichment capability. It lied to the international community about its nuclear program. It built secret facilities to advance towards the bomb… The Obama administration’s curious disinclination to use its economic leverage to achieve a deal that dismantles Iran’s nuclear program leaves Israel in real danger, undermines the security of other US interests in the region, and risks sparking a Middle East nuclear arms race — the very opposite of the president’s cherished vision of eventual nuclear disarmament…

“The peace process has collapsed and Israel is getting a disproportionate amount of the blame. Hamas, committed under its own charter to the obliteration of Israel, is now part of an internationally recognized Palestinian government. And the P5+1 nations, led by the US, are working toward a deal that will enshrine Iran’s uranium enrichment capabilities. Israel may not be a perfect ally, but we deserve better than this.”

German Prosecutor Launches Investigation Against NSA

Der Spiegel Online reported on June 4:

“After extensive review, Germany’s federal prosecutor [Harald Range] has announced he is launching formal investigative proceedings into allegations that the NSA monitored Chancellor Angela Merkel’s mobile phone. The claims have burdened trans-Atlantic relations for months… On Wednesday, Range informed the Legal Committee of the Bundestag, Germany’s federal parliament, of the pending investigation.

“The move marks the next significant chapter in the spying scandal surrounding America’s signals intelligence authority, the National Security Agency. It is also the first formal act taken by a German government agency in response to the revelations made public by NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden. The probe could further exacerbate trans-Atlantic relations that have been deeply burdened by the scandal…

“Chancellor Merkel is said to still be furious about the tapping of her phone and she complained directly to US President Barack Obama. That complaint helped convince prosecutors that the allegations of spying on her phone are credible…

“Political support for an investigation appears to be broad. In the Chancellery, it appears that anger over the spying has outweighed concerns about the negative effect proceedings might have on Berlin’s relationship with Washington. Despite several hours of talks with Obama at the beginning of May in Washington, Merkel remains indignant about the spying. During a joint press conference with Obama at the time, she said there could not and would not be a return to business as usual.

“Indeed, the German government not only appears ready to deal with anger from the US — it has also quietly been paving the way for the investigation behind the scenes… It would also be difficult to imagine Range opening an investigation without official support… ‘We should stir up as much trouble as possible for domestic policy in America,’ said Armin Schuster, the man responsible for domestic policy in parliament for Merkel’s Christian Democrats…”

Shinseki Resigned… But Will This Solve Anything?

The New York Times wrote on May 30:

“Eric Shinseki resigned as secretary of the Department of Veterans Affairs on Friday, leaving behind a sprawling bureaucracy embroiled in scandal and burdened with a decades-old legacy of overwhelmed facilities and management failures that his successor must now confront.

“President Obama announced Mr. Shinseki’s departure after a 45-minute Oval Office meeting between the two men that ended a week of mounting demands from both parties for the secretary to step down. Mr. Obama, who appeared pained at the turn of events, hailed Mr. Shinseki as having an unquestioned commitment to the nation’s veterans, but he said the political storm had made Mr. Shinseki’s continuing leadership untenable…

“Fixing the problem at the department now becomes an urgent political matter for the president, once again raising questions about whether the candidate who pledged in 2008 and 2012 to make government work efficiently has lost grasp of the government he now leads. The department’s troubles, however, remain a far more serious concern for the millions of veterans whose access to timely health care has been steadily eroding as waves of wounded soldiers from Iraq and Afghanistan have converged with those who returned from earlier wars.

“Most of the veterans now seeking treatment at department facilities are aging Vietnam-era service members, many with chronic illnesses like diabetes that require long-term care or with cancer and cardiovascular disease that require complicated and expensive treatment. Veterans of Iraq and Afghanistan are further straining the system with mental health problems like post-traumatic stress disorder…

“The effort to resolve the fundamental problems at the department will also play out in Congress, where Republicans say the problem is not a lack of money — the department’s $154 billion annual budget has more than doubled since 2006 — but rather inefficiencies in the delivery of care. Democrats say that the problem is a serious shortage of doctors and not enough hospitals…

“One immediate question is whether the departure of Mr. Shinseki will have any real impact on the agency’s deep-seated problems…”

President Obama’s Worldview—But What Exactly Is It?

The Huffington Post reported on May 30:

“In his May 28 West Point speech on foreign policy President Obama took a swipe at ‘so-called realists.’… What’s more problematic about the president speech is that it was devoid of any systematic explanation — notwithstanding that he had close to an hour — of what exactly American interests are in the 21st century and how they ought to be pursued. Obama spoke of defending the homeland and the American way of life (who could disagree with that?) and waxed eloquently about the virtues of democracy. But he offered no compelling interpretation of what we should be doing in the world, how, where, why, for how long, and at what cost.

“… there was not one word about his favorite weapon in the war against terrorism: drone strikes… they continue to take civilian lives and increase hatred toward the United States… they have made the problem worse, not better…

“The president will doubtless be excoriated from the right for presenting a foreign policy that’s wimpy and defeatist and signals American retreat and thus makes the world more dangerous and America less secure… The more serious problem is that the president failed to outline a coherent foreign policy strategy at West Point. Instead, he offered sweeping generalities that bypassed numerous specifics and took no account of America’s changing circumstances at home and abroad or of the ways in which the world has changed. In this sense, what he said was utterly banal.”

Freedom for Sgt. Bergdahl… But at What Price?

The Weekly Standard wrote on May 31:

“The Obama administration announced today that Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl, who has been held by the Taliban for several years, has been freed from his captors. Reading the stories of his newfound freedom it is impossible not to feel joy for Bergdahl and his family…

“Unfortunately, America is not the only party in this war that is committed to leaving no man behind. So are the Taliban and other al Qaeda-linked groups. But the president did not say who America exchanged for Bergdahl: five of the most dangerous Taliban commanders in U.S. custody.

“The Taliban has long demanded that the ‘Gitmo 5’ be released in order for peace talks to begin in earnest. The Obama administration has desperately sought to engage the Taliban as American forces are drawn down in Afghanistan, but those talks have gone nowhere to this point.  At first, the administration set preconditions for the talks, including that the Taliban break its relationship with al Qaeda. When it became clear that this was a non-starter, the administration decided to make the Taliban’s desired break with al Qaeda a goal, and no longer a precondition, for its diplomacy.

“There is little hope that the peace talks will be more successful now. But the president seems to believe that Bergdahl’s exchange for the Gitmo 5 (who are reportedly being transferred to Qatar) may break the ice…

“The Obama administration says that security measures have been put into place to make sure that the Gitmo 5 do not pose a threat to American national security. Let’s hope that is true; it certainly has not been the case with many ex-Gitmo detainees in the past… There are good reasons why the Taliban has long wanted the five freed from Gitmo. All five are among the Taliban’s top commanders in U.S. custody and are still revered in jihadist circles…

“Here are short bios for each of the five Taliban commanders. All quotes are drawn from declassified and leaked documents prepared at Guantanamo.

“Mullah Mohammad Fazl (Taliban army chief of staff): Fazl is ‘wanted by the UN for possible war crimes including the murder of thousands of Shiites.’ Fazl ‘was associated with terrorist groups currently opposing U.S. and Coalition forces including al Qaeda, Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan (IMU), Hezb-e-Islami Gulbuddin (HIG), and an Anti-Coalition Militia group known as Harakat-i-Inqilab-i-Islami.’ In addition to being one of the Taliban’s most experienced military commanders, Fazl worked closely with a top al Qaeda commander named Abdul Hadi al Iraqi, who headed al Qaeda’s main fighting unit in Afghanistan prior to 9/11 and is currently detained at Guantanamo.

“Mullah Norullah Noori (senior Taliban military commander): Like Fazl, Noori is ‘wanted by the United Nations (UN) for possible war crimes including the murder of thousands of Shiite Muslims.’ Beginning in the mid-1990s, Noori ‘fought alongside al Qaeda as a Taliban military general, against the Northern alliance.’ He continued to work closely with al Qaeda in the years that followed.

“Abdul Haq Wasiq (Taliban deputy minister of intelligence): Wasiq arranged for al Qaeda members to provide crucial intelligence training prior to 9/11. The training was headed by Hamza Zubayr, an al Qaeda instructor who was killed during the same September 2002 raid that netted Ramzi Binalshibh, the point man for the 9/11 operation. Wasiq ‘was central to the Taliban’s efforts to form alliances with other Islamic fundamentalist groups to fight alongside the Taliban against U.S. and Coalition forces after the 11 September 2001 attacks,’ according to a leaked JTF-GTMO threat assessment.

“Khairullah Khairkhwa (Taliban governor of the Herat province and former interior minister): Khairkhwa was the governor of Afghanistan’s westernmost province prior to 9/11. In that capacity, he executed sensitive missions for Mullah Omar, including helping to broker a secret deal with the Iranians. For much of the pre-9/11 period, Iran and the Taliban were bitter foes. But a Taliban delegation that included Kharikhwa helped secure Iran’s support for the Taliban’s efforts against the American-led coalition in late 2001. JTF-GTMO found that Khairkhwa was likely a major drug trafficker and deeply in bed with al Qaeda. He allegedly oversaw one of Osama bin Laden’s training facilities in Herat.

“Mohammed Nabi (senior Taliban figure and security official): Nabi ‘was a senior Taliban official who served in multiple leadership roles.’ Nabi ‘had strong operational ties to Anti-Coalition Militia (ACM) groups including al Qaeda, the Taliban, the Haqqani Network, and the Hezb-e-Islami Gulbuddin (HIG), some of whom remain active in ACM activities.’ Intelligence cited in the JTF-GTMO files indicates that Nabi held weekly meetings with al Qaeda operatives to coordinate attacks against U.S.-led forces.”

Freeing a Deserter or Traitor?

Newsmax reported on June 2:

“What began as a debate over negotiating with terrorists escalated Monday into anger among many armed services members at the attention being given to Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl, a man who reportedly fled his post five years ago only to be captured by Afghan insurgents… CNN, Rolling Stone, and other media reminded Americans that at least six soldiers were killed in subsequent searches for Bergdahl in rugged Paktika Province in the ensuing days and weeks after he deserted… ‘He walked off,’ said former Pfc. Jose Baggett, a former comrade. ‘He left his guard post. Nobody knows if he defected, or he’s a traitor, or he was kidnapped. What I do know is he was there to protect us, and instead he decided to defer from America and go and do his own thing. I don’t know why he decided to do that, but we spent so much of our resources, and some of those resources were soldiers’ lives.’

“Bergdahl walked away from his base, reportedly without a weapon, in June 2009 and was captured by the Taliban-affiliated Haqqani network. Moreover, CNN reported that soldiers in his platoon said attacks seemed to increase against the United States in Paktika Province in the days and weeks following his disappearance…

“According to a 2012 report in Rolling Stone, Bergdahl, now 28, had become disillusioned with his role in America’s longest war, sending emails to his parents prior to his disappearance. ‘The future is too good to waste on lies. And life is way too short to care for the damnation of others, as well as to spend it helping fools with their ideas that are wrong,’ Bergdahl reportedly wrote his father. ‘I have seen their ideas, and I am ashamed to even be american (sic). The horror of the self-righteous arrogance that they thrive in. It is all revolting… The title of US soldier is just the lie of fools… I am sorry for everything here. These people need help, yet what they get is the most conceited country in the world telling them that they are nothing and that they are stupid, that they have no idea how to live…’

“… Bergdahl — who was promoted from private first class to sergeant during his time in captivity — is said to have become increasingly disillusioned with the war after a close friend was killed in Afghanistan…

“The five Taliban prisoners released by the United States into the custody of Qatar were described by Sen. John McCain on Sunday as the ‘hardest of the hardcore.’ … The government of Qatar negotiated the deal for the prisoner exchange and is supposed to keep the five Taliban members from leaving the country for at least a year…”

Whatever the Obama Administration seems to touch, it turns out to be a problem. Now, in a sharp departure from prior policy, they negotiated with terrorist groups and, arguably, broke the law by effecting the release of Bergdahl without congressional approval—for which “oversight” (so the White House) President Obama is now openly being compared with a “monarch” or an “emperor”  (see Daily Caller, June 3). What we see here is King Midas in reverse. Surely, this country and its government are by no means blessed by God. But we need to ask the unsettling question, Why is that? Because after all, a country is led by a government which it deserves, and the government mirrors the views and actions of the majority of the people, and vice versa.

Terrible Economic Conditions in America

MarketWatch wrote on June 4:

“Over half of Americans (52%) have had to make at least one major sacrifice in order to cover their rent or mortgage over the last three years, according to the ‘How Housing Matters Survey,’ which was commissioned by the nonprofit John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation and carried out by Hart Research Associates.

“These sacrifices include getting a second job, deferring saving for retirement, cutting back on health care, running up credit card debt, or even moving to a less safe neighborhood or one with worse schools.”

Tens of Thousands of Illegal Aliens Flood into the USA

Reuters wrote on May 28:

“Tens of thousands of children unaccompanied by parents or relatives are flooding across the southern U.S. border illegally, forcing the Obama administration and Congress to grapple with both a humanitarian crisis and a budget dilemma.

“An estimated 60,000 such children will pour into the United States this year, according to the administration, up from about 6,000 in 2011. Now, Washington is trying to figure out how to pay for their food, housing and transportation once they are taken into custody.

“The flow is expected to grow. The number of unaccompanied, undocumented immigrants who are under 18 will likely double in 2015 to nearly 130,000 and cost U.S. taxpayers $2 billion, up from $868 million this year, according to administration estimates.

“The shortage of housing for these children, some as young as 3, has already become so acute that an emergency shelter at Lackland Air Force Base in San Antonio, Texas, has been opened and can accommodate 1,000 of them…

“The issue is an added source of tension between Democrats and Republicans, who disagree on how to rewrite immigration laws. With comprehensive legislation stalled, President Barack Obama is looking at small, administrative steps he could take, which might be announced this summer. No details have been outlined but immigration groups are pressing him to take steps to keep families with children together.

“The minors flooding over the border are often teenagers leaving behind poverty or violence in Mexico and other parts of Central America such as Honduras, El Salvador and Guatemala. They are sometimes seeking to reunite with a parent who is already in the United States, also without documentation. ‘This is a humanitarian crisis and it requires a humanitarian response,’ Senate Appropriations Committee Chairwoman Barbara Mikulski said in an interview. The Maryland Democrat, a former social worker, has likened the flood of unaccompanied children to the ‘boat people’ of past exodus movements…

“Minors who escape domestic abuse in their countries have a good chance of winning a special protective status from U.S. immigration courts, even if they are caught at the border. But the law does not recognize gang activity as a reason to protect immigrant children.”

ABC added on May 31:

“After finding out busloads of undocumented immigrants were being dropped off in Phoenix, many wonder what’s happening to them when they step off the bus. A local organization is helping them by letting them use cell phones to call family in other states so they can get bus tickets out of Phoenix. Many of those bused to Phoenix are families with children. Immigration and Custom Enforcement officials say most are from Central America and were detained in Texas.

“Xiomara Maldonado told ABC15 that when she dreamed of coming to the United States, she never imagined how it would turn out. ‘They saw us like animals,’ she said about the holding facility in Texas. She and her son are from Honduras. They entered the U.S. illegally and were caught in McAllen, Texas.

“She said conditions were horrendous. ‘Everyone was packed in like sardines. Too close to sleep. They came in the middle of the night to drop off bread and bang on the doors,’ she said. They both hadn’t bathed or slept in days when they were taken from Wilcox, Ariz. and loaded onto a bus headed for Phoenix… Those who were dropped off were given court dates to check in with ICE officials to determine whether or not they’ll be deported.”

White House Without Answers to “Humanitarian Crisis”

The Washington Times wrote on June 2:

“Faced with 60,000 unaccompanied children trying to cross the border illegally this year, President Obama on Monday declared it an ‘urgent humanitarian situation’ and named a federal coordinator to make sure the children are cared for — but offered no new ideas for how to keep them from trying to enter. These ‘unaccompanied alien children’ are the latest hiccup for an administration that has asserted the border is secure, even as it struggles to balance enforcement with humanitarian concerns. The White House signaled that, at least for now, it sees the flow of children — which it predicts will more than double in 2015 — as an issue to be managed rather than a problem to be fought…

“The children are among the toughest cases in the immigration debate. Chiefly from Guatemala, Honduras or El Salvador, they are usually fleeing horrendous conditions of economic poverty or unfathomable gang violence. They brave harsh conditions and, in the case of the girls, often face being raped during their journey through Mexico and across the U.S. border…

“The Houston Chronicle reported this weekend that the flow has so overwhelmed border officials in Texas that they are shipping ‘busloads’ of immigrants to Arizona, giving them a notice to appear for eventual deportation hearings.

“Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer sent a letter to Mr. Obama on Monday demanding to know who devised the policy, which she called ‘dangerous and unconscionable.’ She said Homeland Security officials never gave state officials a heads-up. ‘I remind you that the daytime temperatures in Arizona during this time of year are regularly more than 100 degrees. Consequently, this federal operation seems to place expediency over basic humanitarian concerns,’ she wrote…”

Assad “Wins” Syrian Election

The Telegraph reported on June 5:

President Bashar al-Assad’s ‘victory’ in Syria’s election was attacked in the capitals of the West yesterday but welcomed in Moscow, Tehran and other centres of the growing anti-Western alliance. Mr Assad was said to have won 88.7 per cent of the vote on a turn-out of 73.4 per cent, according to the election commission… ‘Moscow sees the vote as an important event that safeguards the continued functioning of state institutions in Syria,’ a Russian foreign ministry spokesman said… Iran said the vote met ‘democratic standards’.

“Russia cited approvingly the findings of an observation mission perhaps unique in the history of election monitoring. It included members of the parliaments of Russia, Venezuela, Uganda and North Korea – the latter a country not known for its open electoral system.”

G7 Meeting in Brussels—Putin’s Isolation Only Partial

The Telegraph wrote on June 5:

“Putin had been scheduled to host the heads of leading industrialised nations at a summit of the G8 in the Black Sea resort of Sochi this week. But the G7 nations scotched those plans in protest against Russia’s annexation of Ukraine’s Crimea region in March, and the leaders of the United States, Britain, France, Germany, Canada, Italy and Japan held their summit without him…

“Putin’s isolation from the West is only partial. From St Petersburg he was flying to France, where he [had] supper with President François Hollande later on Thursday before taking part in D-Day 70th anniversary commemorations on Friday.

“Putin was also expected to hold separate meetings with German chancellor Angela Merkel and British Prime Minister David Cameron while in France…”

BBC News, dated June 5, added that Mr. Cameron gave Mr. Putin a “very clear and firm set of messages”. According to Der Spiegel, dated June 5, the atmosphere was “frosty,” and the two leaders “did not even shake hands when they met.”

China Cuts Off Google—Again…

The website of reported on June 4:

“The Chinese government cut off access to Google search, Gmail, Google Calendar and more of the company’s services ahead of the 25th anniversary of the Tiananmen Square protests. Google has been largely inaccessible to Chinese citizens for about four days now as the government attempts to choke off any discussion of pro-democracy protests that took place in 1989 and resulted in a government crackdown that killed up to several thousand people. (An official death toll was never released.)

“According to the New York Times the blockage affects about 90% of Chinese users, just enough for the government to claim that the problems are on Google’s end, though the company says otherwise. ‘We’ve checked extensively, and there are no technical problems on our side,’ a Google spokesperson told Mashable…

“Facebook, Twitter and YouTube, which is owned by Google, are already inaccessible throughout China, and Google’s search results there are regularly censored.

“Even international versions of Google, such as Google Australia, are inaccessible to most people in China right now.”

This is reminiscent of Hitler’s Nazi Germany and the Soviet oppression of East Germany after the war.

House Votes for Medical Marijuana and Against the Feds

The Washington Times wrote on May 30:

“The House voted early Friday to halt federal prosecutions of medical marijuana users in states that have legalized the drug’s use with a doctor’s prescription, marking the first time a chamber of Congress has approved such a broad decriminalization. The 219-189 vote wasn’t even particularly close, signaling a dramatic change in Congress on the issue of marijuana… House lawmakers approved language ordering the federal Justice Department not to interfere in any way with states’ medicinal marijuana laws… Minutes earlier, the House also voted to stop federal interference with states that want to grow industrial hemp. Both actions still need Senate approval to become law…

“Voters in two states — Colorado and Washington — have approved pot use even for recreational purposes. Friday morning’s vote, however, only prohibits federal prosecutions for medical marijuana use. It applies to the District of Columbia and the following states: Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Hawaii, Illinois, Iowa, Kentucky, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, Oregon, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Tennessee, Utah, Vermont, Washington, and Wisconsin.”

The Los Angeles Times added on May 30:

“Rep. Andy Harris of Maryland, a physician, declared during floor debate that medical marijuana is a sham. Real medicine, he said, ‘is not two joints a day, not a brownie here, a biscuit there. That is not modern medicine.’ But in a sign of how the times are changing, he found himself challenged by a colleague from his own caucus who is also a doctor. Rep. Paul Broun (R-Ga.) spoke passionately in favor of the bill. ‘It has very valid medical uses under direction of a doctor,’ he said. ‘It is actually less dangerous than some narcotics prescribed by doctors all over the country.’…

“The rise of the tea party, meanwhile, has given an unforeseen boost to the legalization movement. Some of its more prominent members see the marijuana component of the War on Drugs as an overreach by the federal government, and a violation of the rights of more than two dozen states that have legalized cannabis or specific components of it for medical use…”

The Huffington Post wrote on May 30:

“While both the amendment and the bill aren’t guaranteed to make it through the messy appropriations process, supporters said it should leave no doubt where the House stands… A number of studies in recent years have shown the medical potential of cannabis. Purified forms may attack some forms of aggressive cancer. Marijuana use also has been tied to better blood sugar control and may help slow the spread of HIV. Legalization of the plant for medical purposes may lead to lower suicide rates, according to one study.”

The Huffington Post also published the following editorial on May 30:

“The ‘Rohrabacher-Farr Amendment’ was sponsored by Republican Dana Rohrabacher and Democrat Sam Farr, both from California — the first state in the nation to legalize medical marijuana, almost two decades ago. It uses the traditional congressional ‘power of the purse’ to ban the Justice Department from spending any money on arrests, raids and prosecutions of medical marijuana providers and patients that comply with their states’ medical marijuana laws. That’s the entire Justice Department, including federal attorneys, the Drug Enforcement Agency and the Federal Bureau of Investigation.

“If the Senate follows the House’s lead, this will be the beginning of the end of the federal legal battle against medical marijuana — which is now legal at the state level in close to half of the states. Success is by no means guaranteed, however. The amendment has been attached to a budget bill, and there is no guarantee that any budget bills will make it to the president’s desk this year… The Senate may not even take up the amendment at any point. There are all sorts of ways it could be derailed, in fact…”

Breitbart added on May 30:

“Groups like Americans for Safe Access hailed the vote as a ‘game-changer’ that will help patients. ‘No longer will we have to look over our shoulder and worry when the next raid or indictment will prevent us from safely and legally accessing our medicine,’ said ASA executive director Steph Sherer.

“But critics warned passage would merely encourage more use of an addictive drug, and complicate efforts by the DEA to crack down on illicit dealers… Harris noted how other addictive drugs were not being promoted for their medicinal benefits like marijuana was, citing the example of nicotine, which has been proven helpful in treating epilepsy. ‘Why don’t we have therapeutic tobacco?’ he asked. ‘Nobody writes a prescription and says “Smoke a couple of cigarettes and cure your epilepsy.” But that’s what we are being asked to do.’”

Andy Harris clearly uses a “straw man” argument, as the smoking of tobacco is not illegal, and those who grow and use tobacco are not federally prosecuted—even though smoking tobacco has been proven to be unhealthy and is causing addiction. On an average, nonsmokers live 10 years longer than smokers, according to an article in, dated May 30. However, the passing of the medical marijuana amendment is clearly a step into the right direction.

As we have repeatedly pointed out in our weekly Updates, the lack of evidence of any health risks and negative side effects [regarding the use of marijuana with the elimination of THC–the psychoactive component of marijuana–which might cause addiction] and the existing evidence for the benefits of MEDICAL marijuana [again eliminating addictive components] for at least some patients cannot be denied. To have states allow their medical use, while the federal government prohibits it, using an outdated and fictitious scheduling system, is an untenable and deeply unsettling situation. As mentioned before, the real reasons for the federal conduct do not seem to be any health “concerns,” but they seem to be strictly of a monetary and political nature, and grounded in powerful lobbies and medical companies. At the same time, as the next article shows, the legalization of marijuana for “recreational” purposes and its unrestricted access appear to be truly problematic.

“Recreational” Marijuana?

The New York Times wrote on May 31:

“Five months after Colorado became the first state to allow recreational marijuana sales, the battle over legalization is still raging. Law enforcement officers in Colorado and neighboring states, emergency room doctors and legalization opponents increasingly are highlighting a series of recent problems as cautionary lessons for other states flirting with loosening marijuana laws.

“There is the Denver man who, hours after buying a package of marijuana-infused Karma Kandy from one of Colorado’s new recreational marijuana shops, began raving about the end of the world and then pulled a handgun from the family safe and killed his wife, the authorities say. Some hospital officials say they are treating growing numbers of children and adults sickened by potent doses of edible marijuana. Sheriffs in neighboring states complain about stoned drivers streaming out of Colorado and through their towns…

“Despite such anecdotes, there is scant hard data. Because of the lag in reporting many health statistics, it may take years to know legal marijuana’s effect — if any — on teenage drug use, school expulsions or the number of fatal car crashes…

“Proponents of legalization argue that the critics are cherry-picking anecdotes to tarnish a young industry that has been flourishing under intense scrutiny. The vast majority of the state’s medical and recreational marijuana stores are living up to stringent state rules, they say. The stores have sold marijuana to hundreds of thousands of customers without incident… Marijuana supporters note that violent crimes in Denver — where the bulk of Colorado’s pot retailers are — are down so far this year… ‘Every major institution said this would be horrible and lead to violence and blood in the streets,’ said Brian Vicente, one of the authors of Amendment 64, which legalized marijuana in Colorado. ‘None of that’s happened. The sky did not fall.’

“… despite a galaxy of legal, regulated marijuana stores across the state, prosecutors say a dangerous illicit market persists… Many of Colorado’s starkest problems with legal marijuana stem from pot-infused cookies, chocolates and other surprisingly potent edible treats… On Colorado’s northern plains, for example, a fourth grader showed up on the playground one day in April and sold some of his grandmother’s marijuana to three classmates. The next day, one of those students returned the favor by bringing in a marijuana edible he had swiped from his own grandmother…

“Regulators are… considering whether to set lower limits on the amount of THC, the psychoactive component of marijuana, that can be packed into one cookie or chocolate bonbon. Even supporters of legalization such as Mr. Vicente say Colorado needs to pass stricter rules about edible marijuana…”

British Cadbury Chocolate Bars Containing Pork?

The Washington Post wrote on June 2:

“Last month, Malaysia’s Ministry of Health found traces of pig DNA in two types of Cadbury chocolate bars. Now, the Islamic Development Department has determined the products to be pork-free.

“The initial report caused upheaval among some Islamist groups in the country, as pork is forbidden under Muslim sharia law. Organizations such as the Association of Islamic Consumers are still calling for a boycott of all Cadbury products until the Ministry of Health debunks its original report.

“The pig DNA was found during a routine testing conducted by the Ministry of Health, which works to label products as ‘halal.’ Cadbury, the world’s second-largest confectionery brand, has stood by its halal (pork-free) certification but did recall the Dairy Milk Hazelnut and Dairy Milk Roasted Almond bars.

“Even if the health ministry does say its report was erroneous, Saudi Arabia and Indonesia have also started testing Cadbury products available in their countries. It’s still a mystery as to what caused findings of pork in the chocolate bars, but for now, the candy company isn’t completely controversy-free.”

And another important question remains! What about Cadbury chocolate in countries outside Malaysia?

Catholic Church under Heavy Attack in Ireland

The Washington Times wrote on June 4:

“The Catholic Church in Ireland has come under fire after a researcher discovered a mass grave filled with the bodies of 796 babies near a former orphanage and home for unwed mothers. The home, run by the Bon Secours nuns from 1925-1961 in County Galway, saw the hundreds of children dying of malnourishment and neglect, as well as contagious diseases like measles, tuberculosis and pneumonia, reported The Daily Mail. The babies were put in what was once a septic tank, with a simple shroud and no coffins, said researcher Catherine Corless, who discovered the death records, according to reports.

“A health board report in 1944 revealed the conditions of the home, The Daily Mail reports. A 13-month-old boy was described as ‘miserable, emaciated child with voracious appetite and no control over bodily functions and probably mentally defective,’ and 31 other children in the same room were described as ‘poor babies, emaciated and not thriving.’ The gravesite was discovered by locals in 1975…”    

The Neanderthal Man—No Brute Beast

The Washington Post wrote on June 4:

“Neanderthal, according to Merriam-Webster: ‘A man who is stupid and rude.’… Neanderthals, it is said, were hairy beasts — more creature than man, more brutish than sentient, more nose than brain. They belonged to a cadre of smelly hunters who carried sticks, dwelled in caves…

“But new research suggests this is a profound misunderstanding of the Neanderthal. According to a study recently published in Plos One that examined the 11 most common Neanderthal hypotheses, there is no evidence to support that Neanderthals were stupider than anatomically modern humans or that such intellectual inferiority spurred their demise…

“Myth No. 1: Neanderthals couldn’t plan. Researchers said that’s false because evidence suggests hominids hunted in groups. In southwestern France, they were smart enough to herd hundreds of bison to their death by steering them into a sinkhole. Another Neanderthal site yielded five woolly rhinoceroses at the base of a deep ravine, indicating that they could deploy complex hunting strategies. Another myth held that Neanderthals were too stupid to fashion tools using adhesives like humans. But according to the researchers, the Neanderthals did use a purified, distilled plant resin as an adhesive.

“Neanderthals ‘were highly intelligent, able to adapt to a wide variety of ecological zones, and capable of developing highly functional tools to help them do so,’ explained  Smith, who has researched the hominids, but wasn’t involved with this research. ‘They were quite accomplished.’

“What’s more, Neanderthals exhibited traces of culture, a barometer of intellect. At Neanderthal sites, researchers have uncovered ornaments and ocher, an earth pigment likely used for body painting.”

Other evidence has shown that Neanderthals buried their dead and placed food and weapons in their graves, confirming their belief in an “afterlife.” We have long held the view that Neanderthals were modern human beings with a human spirit—belonging to the “homo sapiens” category. They were no animals or a link between animals and men.

Man Responsible for Mass Extinction

The Independent wrote on May 31:

“Humanity is responsible for speeding up the natural rate of extinction for animal and plant species by up to 10,000 times, as the planet is on the brink of a dinosaur-scale sixth mass extinction, a new study has warned. Species are disappearing around 10 times faster than is widely believed in the scientific community… researchers from Duke University in the US said.

“Although a combination of numerous factors is responsible for the acceleration in disappearance of species, the biggest is habitat loss caused by humans…

“Other major issues are invasive species introduced by humans crowding out native species… The oceanic white-tip shark used to be one of the most abundant predators on Earth, but they have been hunted so much they are now rarely seen… Other species at great risk include the Sumatran rhinoceros, Amur leopard and mountain gorilla.”

God commanded man to keep and preserve the animal and plant species. Man has miserably failed in doing so. And so, Jesus Christ will return and destroy those who destroy the earth (Revelation 11:18).

Huge Grasshopper Swarms in New Mexico

UPI wrote on June 2:

“Grasshopper swarms in Albuquerque have been so big they’re showing up on a weather radar, confusing local meteorologists. ‘Albuquerque has not seen these levels of grasshoppers since the early-mid 1990s,’ said John R. Garlisch, extension agent at Bernalillo County Cooperative Extension Service. The air is so thick with bugs, they’re appearing like rain on the weather radar, ABC News reported… ‘It is a nuisance to people because they fly into people’s faces while walking, running, and biking. They are hopping into people’s homes and garages, they splatter the windshield and car grill while driving, and they will eat people’s plants,’ Garlisch added.

“… Officials are blaming it on a drought. ‘There wasn’t enough winter to kill the egg pots. Because of the dry winter the eggs survived, hence the outbreak of grasshoppers,’ David B. Richman, professor emeritus at the Department of Entomology, Plant Pathology, and Weed Science, New Mexico State University said.”

One is reminded of Exodus 10:1-20 and Joel 1:3-4. 

Rat Plague in New York

The Los Angeles Times wrote on May 30:

“By some estimates, there are more rats than humans in this city of 8.4 million, although it’s impossible to know for sure. One thing is certain: Most New Yorkers loathe rats, and the city this year is budgeting $611,000 for a new program targeting ‘rat reservoirs,’ where the rodents congregate, in hopes of diminishing their numbers… There’s too many people and too much trash…

“City officials concede that there is only so much they can do about rats…”

Of course, rats are known to pass on serious and deadly diseases to humans. The Bible warns that in the end time, 1/4th of mankind will die by the sword, hunger, death and through the “beasts of the earth” (Revelation 6:8).

Baseball-Sized Hail, Storms and Flooding in the Midwest

The Associated Press reported on June 3:

“Homes and cars in parts of Nebraska and Iowa were pummeled Tuesday by baseball-sized hail and damaging winds as potentially dangerous storms targeted a swath of the Midwest, including the Omaha area, where flooding left dozens of drivers stranded and prompted home evacuations…

“Officials said the highest risk for severe weather was centered in parts of eastern Nebraska, western and southern Iowa, and northeast Missouri. Officials said there was the potential for a weather event called a derecho, which is a storm of strong straight-line winds spanning at least 240 miles… The storms, which are also expected to affect parts of Illinois, Kansas and South Dakota, caused heavy rain in the Omaha area….

“The bad weather impacted primary elections taking place in Iowa and South Dakota…”

New Internet-“Inspired” Demonic Activities

On June 4, the website of published the following shocking article:

“A 12-year-old girl was stabbed 19 times by two of her friends this weekend who say they were inspired by a mythical Internet creature known as Slender Man… The girls, Morgan G. and Anissa W. of Waukesha, Wisconsin, lured the 12-year-old victim into the woods on Saturday for a game of hide-and-seek after a slumber party the previous night… The victim, police say, is lucky to be alive… The girls told police they did it for Slender Man…

“Slender Man is being called everything from ‘an online horror meme’ and ‘a paranormal figure’ to a ‘fictional web site character,’ a ‘fictional demon-like creature’ and a ‘character conceived on an Internet forum.’

“Slender Man’s origin story starts with a ‘paranormal pictures’ Photoshop contest held on the Something Awful web forum in June 2009, according to the meme-tracking website Know Your Meme. A user named Victor Surge is widely credited with its creation, posting black-and-white images — with creepy captions — that showed a tall, faceless creature stalking children…

“Fans of Slender Man have created YouTube videos, long-form fiction, and an endless amount of fan art over the years. Slender Man has become a true amalgam of a horror figure that lives in the minds of millions of Internet horror fans, a boogeyman for a generation that grew up on the web. ‘There is not just one Internet site they were accessing to get this information. There are multiple websites of a similar nature that deal with the particular incident,’ Jack, the police chief, said…

“The girls told police that they committed the crime as a sacrifice to Slender Man, believing that if they killed their friend they would become one of his ‘proxies.’ When asked why, the girls reportedly said they had to do it — or ‘he’ would kill their families.”

We can expect these horrible demonical activities to increase.

Current Events

Germany’s Witchcraft Hysteria

The Local wrote on May 23:

“If there was a World Cup for witch-burnings, the Germans would be undisputed Weltmeister. While those suspected of witchcraft had been persecuted across the Holy Roman Empire as early as the 12th and 13th centuries, things really didn’t kick off until the publication of the Malleus Maleficarum, or ‘Hammer of Witches’ in 1487. This deeply misogynistic text was written by a priest called Heinrich Kramer in response to his failed attempts to persecute some ‘witches’ in the Tirol region… The Malleus Maleficarum effectively gave communities a rubber stamp for acts of mass hysteria. All it took was one person with a grudge to set a spark amongst kindling, accusing someone (usually an older woman) of cursing or hexing them…

“In 1615, local healer and grumpy old woman, Katharina Kepler (mother of one of the greatest minds of all time, the astronomer and mathematician Johannes Kepler) was accused of cursing a neighbour’s daughter. Trouble had (been) brewing for a while between her and a rival, who just so happened to be the grandmother of the neighbour’s daughter and it was only a matter of time before allegations of sorcery started flying.

“Mama Kepler was soon thrown into prison… There she was held in filth and squalor for months until Johannes (who was serving as the Holy Roman Emperor’s mathematician over in Linz) heard and came and raised hell. This kept the angry townsfolk off her back, but only for a while. In 1620 the city fathers grew brave enough to try again. This time Johannes came back and pulled every string he knew of to slow the process…

“Now, in these times, the only way someone could be punished was through a confession. In the absence of a fair, sane and reasonable legal system, most of early modern Europe figured the best way to do this was via prolonged bouts of torture with the rack, thumbscrews, fire and tongs. Katharina was lucky – she only had to look at these implements of pain before refusing to confess and being released. Other women weren’t so lucky. Thousands of women across Germany between the 15th and 17th centuries were maimed and broken before finally being consigned to the flames.

“The experience must have been traumatic for Katharina, however. Coupled with the extended periods of incarceration, Katharina ended up dying the next year, a broken woman. Compared to most, however, Katharina Kepler’s fate is fairly benign… Over a thousand people including children would be executed in the years between 1626 and 1631 [in Würzburg and Bamberg] as hysteria swept the region.

“The persecution of women as witches would only be quashed by the arrival of the Enlightenment, and even then, small pockets of hysteria would persist well into the 18th century. As late as the 1730s, children were being accused of witchcraft in Augsburg. Compared to other historical genocides, such as the Holocaust, the medieval persecution of Jews and the Spanish Inquisition, the witch trials of Europe seem relatively small scale.

“But it is important to highlight and remember the fate of these women; victims of an insidious, almost unstoppable societal force in mass hysteria. It’s a force that, much to our chagrin, we’ve still yet to conquer.”

The last remark is worthwhile contemplating about. The Bible foretells that in these end times, due to mass hysteria, many Jews and Sabbath-keeping Christians will be persecuted and killed.

Terrible Superstitions in Tanzania

The Independent wrote on May 23:

“Two witch doctors have been arrested after an albino woman was found murdered and mutilated in Tanzania. Police in the Simiyu region said the 40-year-old victim was murdered overnight earlier this month and the attackers had hacked off her left leg, the index and middle fingers of her left hand and part of her left thumb…

“People with albinism are often subjected to violent attacks in the country, where they are known as the ‘zeru zeru’ or ghosts. The condition is heavily stigmatised and families who see it as a curse have known to kick relatives out of their homes.

“But sufferers are also a target for traditional healers, who harvest body parts to make potions for wealth, success and even election victories… The two arrested witchdoctors, a 45-year-old man and 52-year-old woman, were reportedly known in the victim’s village and police are also hunting for her boyfriend.

“Police said the woman had two children and had sent her eight-year-old daughter to a witch doctor on the day of her murder for herbal medicine to treat her backache. The healer reportedly told the girl not to return home to her sick mother because it would stop the ‘medicine’ working and instructed her to stay with her aunt. That night, the woman was murdered and her grossly mutilated body was discovered outside of her home by her niece the next morning… [There is concern] that attacks will increase in the run-up to elections in October, when the demand for potions made from albino body parts is expected to increase…”

God is extremely angry about these kinds of terrible superstitions around the world—Tanzania just being one example out of many—and He will soon intervene to bring an end to man’s worship of demons and their human agents.

Women Bishops in the Anglican Church

The Associated Press reported on May 23:

“The Church of England says all its dioceses have voted to let women serve as bishops, leaving just one major hurdle to changing centuries of church practice. The issue has long divided the Anglican Communion, a Christian denomination with more than 80 million adherents worldwide.

“Anglican churches in Australia, New Zealand and the United States already have women serving as bishops. The Church of England has grappled for years with whether to admit women to the hierarchy. The church’s governing General Synod voted in February to send draft legislation allowing female bishops to its 44 dioceses. The church said Friday that all had voted in favor, with Manchester, the last to do so, deciding Thursday.

“The legislation will now go back to the Synod in July for a final vote.”

The Bible specifically FORBIDS women from serving in the ministry and preaching from the pulpit.

Pope Francis and the State of Palestine

The Telegraph wrote on May 25:

“Pope Francis prayed in silence and pressed his forehead against the wall that separates Jerusalem from the West Bank town of Bethlehem on Sunday, during a visit which Palestinians claimed as affirmation of their claim to statehood… It was an unprecedented gesture which delighted Palestinians. They were also pleased that during his various addresses in Bethlehem, Francis used the term ‘State of Palestine’.

“His decision to travel to Bethlehem by helicopter direct from Amman, where he spent the first day of his three-day visit to the Holy Land, was also interpreted by both Christian and Muslim Palestinians as tacit recognition of the fight for a Palestinian homeland. ‘The fact that he came straight from Jordan is a sign that the Pope sees Palestine as a state,’ said Ilias Abdo, 59, a Christian clergyman from Bethlehem. ‘That was a deliberate decision – it was not by chance. This is a political visit as much as a religious one. He is hinting at recognition of an independent Palestinian state.’”

Working Towards Unity Between Roman Catholic and Orthodox Churches

Deutsche Welle wrote on May 25:

“Pope Francis has met with Orthodox Patriarch Bartholomew I in Jerusalem, with the two religious leaders praying for Christian unity. The meeting was a highlight of the pontiff’s three-day Middle East trip. Sunday’s joint prayer took place at the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, revered in Christian tradition as being built on the site of the crucifixion, burial and resurrection of Jesus.

“While praying together for further unity between the eastern and western branches of Christianity, the two leaders knelt side by side on the Stone of the Anointing, where the body of Jesus is said to have been laid before burial. Earlier, Francis and Bartholomew I, the spiritual leader of the world’s Orthodox Christians, signed a landmark pledge to pursue a common dialogue reaffirming values common to the Catholic and Orthodox churches… The pledge was signed in the presence of representatives of 13 Catholic and Orthodox churches in Jerusalem.

“The meeting was billed as the main reason for the pope’s three-day trip to the Middle East. It commemorated the historic rapprochement between both branches of the Christian church 50 years ago, when Pope Paul VI met and embraced Patriarch Athenagoras. That encounter marked the first easing of tension between the Churches since the Great Schism in the 11th century, which split Rome from Constantinople, the seat of Orthodoxy.”

Navigating the Minefield of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

Reuters wrote on May 26:

“Pope Francis navigated the minefield of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and humbly bowed to kiss the hands of Holocaust survivors on Monday, the last day of a successful Mideast trip laden with bold personal gestures… The fourth pope to visit Israel, Francis had earlier became the first to lay a wreath at the tomb of Theodor Herzl, seen as the founder of modern Zionism that led to Israel’s foundation…

“A day packed with political and religious encounters began at the gold-topped Dome of the Rock, the pope taking off his shoes before walking into the Jerusalem shrine from which Muslims believe the Prophet Mohammed climbed to heaven. Francis then went to pray at the adjacent Western Wall, one (of) the Jews’ most revered shrines and a sole remnant of their sacred Second Temple, destroyed by the Romans in 70 AD. There, he, a rabbi, and an Islamic leader – both friends from his native Argentina he invited to make the trip with him – embraced in a sign of the inter-religious dialogue that Francis is convinced can be a catalyst for peace in the region…

“The pope made one of his boldest political gestures on Sunday when he unexpectedly intervened in flailing diplomatic efforts to end the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, inviting the presidents from the two sides to his Vatican residence to pray for peace. The meeting is expected to take place on June 6. Both Mahmoud Abbas and Shimon Peres, who plays no decision-making role in Israeli diplomacy and leaves office in July, accepted the offer, which came just a month after U.S.-led peace talks collapsed amid bitter, mutual recrimination… However, there was little real hope that the unusual prayer meet could break decades of mutual mistrust, and Netanyahu, the key Israeli decision-maker, made no mention of the initiative.

“Francis’s final engagement saw him celebrating Mass in the Cenacle, a vaulted hall just beyond the walls of the Old City, which is revered by Christians as the room of the Last Supper. The floor below contains what some Jews believe to be the tomb of King David…”

Praying to the Madonna

Zenit reported on May 27:

“Pope Francis made a private visit to the basilica of Saint Mary Major on Tuesday morning to thank Our Lady for the positive outcome of his apostolic visit to the Holy Land… Pope Francis arrived at Saint Mary Major at about 11am with a bouquet of flowers for Our Lady to thank her for the good outcome of his journey and to entrust to Her the fruits of his pilgrimage.

“After gathering in prayer before the image of the Madonna Salus Populi Romani, the Pope greeted the faithful present in the basilica before leaving at about 11.30am. Pope Francis made an unannounced visit to the same basilica on Friday morning before departing for his Holy Land journey. He had done the same thing before his journey to Brazil in July 2013. Today’s visit to the basilica of Saint Mary Major is his ninth since the beginning of his Pontificate.”

Israel’s Notice to the World

The Times of Israel wrote on May 27:

“Housing minister Uri Ariel (Jewish Home) said Tuesday that there would be no freeze on settlement construction in the West Bank or Jerusalem… ‘There will be just one state between the Jordan River and the sea, and that is the State of Israel,’ Ariel stated at the Merkaz HaRav yeshiva in the capital. ‘Jerusalem will not be divided again,’ he added. ‘There are no [construction] freezes and there will be no more freezes — we won’t allow it. We won’t accept delays and restrictions [on building], not in Jerusalem and not in Judea and Samaria.’…

“One of the most hawkish members of Knesset, he was elected to parliament as No. 2 on the Orthodox-nationalist Jewish Home slate, after its leader Naftali Bennett…  Several right-wing MKs led by Bennett have in recent days come out in support of annexing Jewish sites and Jewish settlement blocs in the West Bank, and have been working on legislation to that effect. The initiative has presumably come in response to Netanyahu’s comments last week in an interview with Bloomberg, in which he hinted that Israel may have to take unilateral action in response to failed negotiations with the Palestinians.

“The statements were interpreted by hawkish MK’s as a call for annexation, while more dovish elements in the government, Tzipi Livni among them, said the time may have come to consider a unilateral pullout from certain areas in the West Bank. Sources close to Netanyahu were later quoted saying he did not have unilateral withdrawals from territory in mind…”

After the “Election”–Ukraine Far Away from Peace and Stability

The Wall Street Journal wrote on May 25:

“Petro Poroshenko declared victory in Ukraine’s presidential election Sunday after exit polls showed the pro-Europe chocolate tycoon won more than half the vote, but separatists largely blocked voting in parts of the east. The shuttered polling stations across Donbas—the restive region in Ukraine’s southeast where armed pro-Russia rebels have declared a separatist republic—showed the colossal obstacle Mr. Poroshenko will have to overcome to unite Ukraine and prevent the fractured country from slipping deeper into an already-deadly civil conflict…

“The 48-year-old billionaire pledged to call nationwide parliamentary elections by year’s end. He also promised to guide Ukraine toward Europe with all the government’s power but also vowed to normalize ties with Russia, saying relations with the country’s larger neighbor are more important than they’ve been in centuries. Russian President Vladimir Putin had pledged on Friday to respect the result of Sunday’s elections and work with the new Ukrainian president. Mr. Poroshenko also said he would meet with Mr. Putin, pointing out the impossibility of ensuring security in the region without Russia’s participation…

“Despite vowing to normalize relations with Russia, Mr. Poroshenko was firm on retaining Ukraine’s boundaries. ‘Ukraine will never recognize the illegitimate referendum and occupation of Crimea,’ he said…

“Ms. Tymoshenko finished second, according to the exit polls, which said she won 12.4% to 12.9% of the vote. She gave a concession speech calling for national unity and pledging to help the Ukrainian government move toward membership in the European Union. It marked a low point in the political career of the former prime minister, who came in a close second in the 2010 presidential race against Mr. Yanukovych. She was jailed the next year on charges of abuse of office in connection with a Russian gas deal in what Ms. Tymoshenko called a political vendetta. She was released as Mr. Yanukovych fled to Russia upon his ouster.

“Exit polls also showed that Ukrainian boxer turned politician Vitali Klitschko had emerged victorious in the race for Kiev mayor. Initially he had been running for president but dropped out of the national race after allying with Mr. Poroshenko.

“One surprise in the exit polls was the rise of the third-place finisher Oleh Lyashko, a radical nationalist member of parliament who appeared to have notched between 8% and 9% of the vote. Mr. Lyashko campaigned in part by sending his alleged ‘battalions’ of armed men into the east to capture separatists, photos or videos of whom he would post online. Human Rights Watch condemned the activities…”

BBC News added on May 25:

“President Vladimir Putin has said Moscow will respect the election results. But respect is not quite the same as recognition. Russia may decide that any actions by Mr Poroshenko to put down the insurgency in the east will be unacceptable.

“We’ve also heard that Mr Poroshenko could be a man Moscow can work with. He’s a businessman with interests in Russia. The Russians have some familiarity with him…”

More Violence in Ukraine

Deutsche Welle wrote on May 26:

“Ukraine’s military has launched an airstrike on pro-Russian separatists who seized an airport in the eastern city of Donetsk… The attack was a rapid response from the military after the rebels stormed the airport earlier in the day in an apparent sign of defiance to Ukraine’s presidential election on Sunday… Fighter jets and attack helicopters strafed the area with heavy firepower, before paratroopers were flown in to recapture the airport.

“Many flights to and from Donetsk, a city of one million, were delayed or canceled on Monday, and access to the airport was blocked by police. The facility was evacuated and sealed off after gunmen claiming to be from the self-declared ‘Donetsk People’s Republic’ showed up and demanded Ukrainian troops guarding the perimeter be withdrawn…”

Ultimately, Ukraine will collaborate with Russia—NOT with the EU.

Eurasian Economic Union in the Making

Deutsche Welle reported on May 29:

“A treaty to launch the Eurasian Economic Union spanning Russia, Kazahkstan and Belarus has been signed by the countries’ presidents in the Kazahk capital. The bloc will come into being next January.

“Three ex-Soviet republics took the first step on Thursday to creating a trading bloc with a combined population of 170 million after years of tense negotiations. It still depends on approvals from the republics’ parliaments… At Thursday’s signing in Astana, Kazakhstan, Russian President Vladimir Putin said the Eurasia bloc would enable the trio to strengthen their positions in global markets – alongside the EU, US and China.

“The Eurasian deal stops short of introducing a single currency and delays the creation of a common energy market. The treaty deepens a customs union created in 2010 and is supposed to guarantee the free transit of goods, services, capital and labor, as well as coordinated economic policy… Armenia and Kyrgyzstan have said that they want to join the union later.

“The Eurasian Economic Union will base its executive body in Moscow, a high court in Belarus and a top financial regulator in Kazakhstan… Putin began the drive to create the Eurasian union after asserting in 2005 that the break-up of the Soviet Union had been the ‘biggest geopolitical disaster’ of the 20th century.”

New Security Cooperation Between China, Russia and Iran?

The Japan Times wrote on May 21:

“China’s president called Tuesday for the creation of a new Asian structure for security cooperation based on a regional group that includes Russia and Iran and excludes the U.S. President Xi Jinping spoke at a meeting in Shanghai… to a group of leaders that included Russian President Vladimir Putin…

“The proposal is the latest effort by Beijing to build up groups of Asian or developing governments to offset the influence of the U.S. and other Western governments in global affairs…”

Russia’s Deals With Iran

Breitbart wrote in May 23:

“The Russian government is planning to sign a contract to build up to eight new nuclear reactors in Iran… ‘Russia and Iran may sign an intergovernmental agreement this year on building from four to eight nuclear reactors, and, under the deal, the contract for the construction of the first two reactors as additions to Bushehr,’ the source [to Reuters] added. Bushehr, Iran’s first and only nuclear power plant and the first of its kind in the Middle East, began operating thanks to Russian construction in 2011…

“The news of potentially eight new reactors in Iran comes as the defense ministers of both Iran and Russia meet in Russia. These talks, according to the Associated Press, aim to deepen the relationship between the two countries at a time of high tension between both and the United States. Iranian Defense Minister Hossein Dehqan invited his Russian counterpart Sergei Shoigu to Tehran to send a ‘clear message to the Americans.’”

Iran: “Death To America”

The Daily Caller wrote on May 25:

“Iran’s supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, all but said on Sunday that negotiations over the country’s illicit nuclear program are over and that the Islamic Republic’s ideals include destroying America…

“In response to a question by a parliamentarian on how long this battle will continue, Khamenei said, ‘Battle and jihad are endless because evil and its front continue to exist. … This battle will only end when the society can get rid of the oppressors’ front with America at the head of it, which has expanded its claws on human mind, body and thought. … This requires a difficult and lengthy struggle and need for great strides.’…

“Three days of negotiations in the fourth round of Geneva meetings ended recently without concrete results… diminishing any hope by the Obama administration to claim victory in its approach to Iran’s nuclear ambitions, according to reports from Iran.

“The Obama administration had hoped that with Iranian President Hassan Rouhani and Foreign Minister Javad Zarif showing an eagerness to solve the nuclear issue and address the West’s concerns, there would be a possibility for a negotiated solution. An interim agreement penned last November in Geneva was touted as an ‘historic nuclear deal.’…

“The Iranian delegation last week presented new red lines that could not be crossed, including the expansion of the country’s research and development for its nuclear program, the need of the country to continue enrichment, and the fact that the country’s ballistic missile program — despite U.N. sanctions — is not up for negotiation…”

Peace Talks Between India and Pakistan?

The New York Times wrote on May 27:

“Pakistan’s prime minister, Nawaz Sharif, said on Tuesday that the foreign secretaries of Pakistan and India would meet in the near future, indicating that he sees momentum toward reviving stalled peace talks between the two nations. Mr. Sharif’s statement came after a 50-minute meeting in New Delhi with his Indian counterpart, Narendra Modi… ‘I explained to the prime minister that we have a common agenda of development, which is not possible to achieve without peace and stability,’ Mr. Sharif told reporters, stressing that it was a time for conciliation, not for ‘accusations and counteraccusations.’…

“Mr. Modi, who spoke about Pakistan in hard-line terms during his election campaign, caught many by surprise by extending invitations to Mr. Sharif and six other leaders of South Asian countries. Each of the leaders met with Mr. Modi for a bilateral discussion before flying home on Tuesday. Such a swift diplomatic move would normally prompt waves of controversy and dispute in India, including among Mr. Modi’s right-wing supporters. But his overwhelming victory in parliamentary elections afforded him an unusual degree of freedom.”

Prince Charles and the British Royal Family Under Russian Attack

The Times of Israel wrote on May 23:

“Vladimir Putin’s English-language news channel launched an extraordinary attack on the British royal family’s historical links to the Nazis, as a row over Prince Charles’s comparison of Putin to Adolf Hitler deepened. Russia Today broadcast a graphic highlighting the British royals’ links to various Nazis while its presenter asserted, ‘If anyone knows real Nazis, it’s the royal family.’

“Among the highlighted connections Russia Today showed were a picture of Charles’s great uncle, Prince Edward the Duke of Windsor, visiting Hitler at his Obersalzberg mountainside retreat in Bavaria, accompanied by the assertion that the American wife of the prince, Wallace Simpson, ‘hung out with Hitler.’ (Edward had to abdicate the monarchy in 1936 to marry her, since she was divorced.)

“The broadcast also noted that the late Princess Sophie — the sister of the current Queen’s husband — Prince Philip, the Duke of Edinburgh — was married to an SS officer; this was Sophie’s first husband, Prince Christoph of Hesse. And it screened a photograph of Charles’s son, Prince Harry, wearing a Nazi uniform at a 2005 fancy-dress party, with the commentary: ‘Prince Charles’s very own son likes to dress up like a Nazi even if it’s just for Halloween.’

“Russia Today’s Thursday assault on the royals came after Moscow demanded an official explanation for Charles’s reported comparison — not denied by the royals — of Putin’s actions in Ukraine to those of Hitler. ‘If these words were really said, then undoubtedly they are not worthy of a future British monarch,’ Russia’s foreign ministry spokesman Alexander Lukashevich said in Moscow… Lukashevich slammed Western media for using Charles’s reported words in what he said was a propaganda campaign against Russia…

“UK Prime Minister David Cameron declined to comment on a private conversation, but said: ‘Of course, everyone is entitled to their private opinions.’ Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg said the future king was ‘free to express himself.’

“Opposition Labour leader Ed Miliband went even further, saying: ‘I think he has got a point about President Putin’s actions, and I think he is absolutely entitled to say that there are real concerns about that.’…

“Former US secretary of state Hillary Clinton made a similar comparison at a private event in March… The Russian foreign ministry last month complained to the German ambassador after Finance Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble reportedly drew parallels between Moscow’s annexation of Crimea and Hitler’s aggression in Czechoslovakia on the eve of World War II.”

Who in his right mind can doubt that Prince Charles’ assessment of Vladimir Putin is correct? The same can be said about the remarks by Hillary Clinton and Wolfgang Schaeuble, reportedly echoing similar comments by Angela Merkel. The cowardly responses of some of Britain’s politicians (Cameron and Clegg) are shameful. At the same time, RUSSIA’S hypocrisy is appalling, considering Russia’s adoration of mass-murderer Stalin and his alliance with Hitler. See the next article. 

Stalin No Tyrant Before World War II?

Breitbart wrote on May 23:

“A television ad seen near Sunset and Cahuenga in Hollywood offers this compelling tagline. ‘WWI Made Stalin a Man. WWII Made Him a Tyrant.’

“The event in question is The History Channel’s The World Wars, a three-day presentation kicking off at 9 p.m. EST May 26. The teleplay covering both world wars follows ‘a 30-year global struggle. A fight that will either save the world—or destroy it,’ according to the channel’s press materials.

“So why use a misleading tagline to tease the production? Joseph Stalin’s tyrannical ways began before the start of the second World War.

“Marion Smith, Executive Director of the Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation, pins the blame on the country’s general ignorance regarding communism and its impact. ‘What [the public] knows is very far from the truth,’ Smith says.

“As for Stalin’s pre-WWII measures, consider the monstrous Holodomor in the early 1930s as a prime example of a tyrannical regime. Stalin’s Ukrainian policies resulted in massive death tolls. A country known as a European breadbasket suddenly couldn’t feed its citizens. The Soviets let some food rot while much was sold to the West to fill the government’s coffers. Stalin’s collectivist policies, combined with a ruthless enforcement policy, doomed millions.

“Smith adds that some fertile farm land was sectioned off by barbed wire so famished Ukrainians couldn’t reach the food within. Those somehow able to access the fields were shot, a ‘policy that came from the top,’ Smith says. Landowners who managed to oversee prosperous farms despite those conditions were often targeted for death by the government.

“Breitbart News reached out to The History Channel for comment and context on the ad campaign. Through a spokesperson, the channel sent this explanation:

“’THE WORLD WARS tells the story of three devastating decades of war told through the eyes of the powerful men who held the fate of humankind in their hands. We focus on men like Roosevelt, Hitler, Churchill and Stalin (among others) and how these individuals came of age in World War I before ultimately changing the history of mankind during World War II. Over the course of three nights, we take an unflinching look at these world figures and viewers will get a clear picture of Stalin’s ruthless rise to power in the Communist Party through WWI, and his vicious tyranny which grew even more despotic through WWII.’”

Chaos in Libya

AFP wrote on May 27:

“The United States is deploying an amphibious assault ship with about 1,000 marines off the coast of Libya in case the US embassy must be evacuated… The USS Bataan was to be in the area ‘in a matter of days,’ said the official, who spoke on condition of anonymity. The move was described as ‘precautionary’ in case conditions in Libya, where militia battles have plunged the country into anarchy, worsen and require the embassy’s evacuation.”

Fox News subsequently reported that all Americans are urged to leave Libya immediately.

Continuing US Retreat

The Editorial Board of the Washington Post published the following article on May 27:

“YOU CAN’T fault President Obama for inconsistency. After winning election in 2008, he reduced the U.S. military presence in Iraq to zero. After helping to topple Libyan dictator Moammar Gaddafi in 2011, he made sure no U.S. forces would remain. He has steadfastly stayed aloof, except rhetorically, from the conflict in Syria. And on Tuesday he promised to withdraw all U.S. forces from Afghanistan by the end of 2016.

“The Afghan decision would be understandable had Mr. Obama’s previous choices proved out. But what’s remarkable is that the results also have been consistent — consistently bad. Iraq has slid into something close to civil war, with al-Qaeda retaking territory that U.S. Marines once died to liberate. In Syria, al-Qaeda has carved out safe zones that senior U.S. officials warn will be used as staging grounds for attacks against Europe and the United States. Libya is falling apart, with Islamists, secularists, military and other factions battling for control.

“We hope Afghanistan can avoid that fate. But the last time the United States cut and ran from there, after the Soviet Union withdrew, the result was the Taliban takeover, al-Qaeda’s safe havens and, eventually, the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, after which everyone said, well, we won’t make that mistake again…”

New Developments in the Snowden Case

The New York Times wrote on May 28:

“Edward J. Snowden says he was not merely a ‘low-level analyst’ writing computer code for American spies, as President Obama and other administration officials have portrayed him. Instead, he says, he was a trained spy who worked under assumed names overseas for the Central Intelligence Agency and the National Security Agency. Mr. Snowden’s claims were made in a television interview to be broadcast Wednesday evening by NBC News. They added a new twist to the yearlong public relations battle between the administration and Mr. Snowden, who is living under asylum in Moscow to escape prosecution for leaking thousands of classified files detailing extensive American surveillance programs at home and abroad. ‘I was trained as a spy in sort of the traditional sense of the word in that I lived and worked undercover overseas — pretending to work in a job that I’m not — and even being assigned a name that was not mine,’ Mr. Snowden told Brian Williams of NBC News… The N.S.A., which has described Mr. Snowden as an information technology contractor, has not commented on the new claims.

“Mr. Snowden also addressed how he wound up in Russia after initially fleeing to Hong Kong. ‘The reality is I never intended to end up in Russia,’ he said… ‘I had a flight booked to Cuba onwards to Latin America, and I was stopped because the United States government decided to revoke my passport and trap me in Moscow Airport. So when people ask why are you in Russia, I say, “Please ask the State Department.”’…

“Mr. Kerry… suggested that Mr. Snowden’s refusal to return to the United States amounted to cowardice. ‘The bottom line is this is a man who has betrayed his country, who is sitting in Russia, an authoritarian country, where he has taken refuge,’ he said. ‘He should man up and come back to the United States if he has a complaint about what’s the matter with American surveillance, come back here and stand in our system of justice and make his case. But instead he is just sitting there taking potshots at his country, violating his oath that he took when he took on the job he took.’”

Secretary of State John Kerry has come under increasing attack about his highly controversial and contradictory comments in other matters, including his failed negotiations with Iran and pertaining to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. His comments about Snowden would have to be added to the list.

USA Closes Down Many Military Facilities in Europe

The Hill wrote on May 23:

“The Pentagon announced Friday it was closing down 21 military facilities in Europe, a move the Department said would save $60 million annually. The closures were part of a previously-announced effort, but the decision was somewhat unexpected in light of U.S. attempts to reassure European allies in the wake of Russia’s annexation of Crimea.

“The closures are comprised mostly of recreational and housing facilities at U.S. and NATO military bases across Europe, such as a skeet shooting range, a hotel and a golf course. But some munitions storage facilities will also be shuttered… Pentagon Press Secretary Navy Rear Adm. John Kirby said at a press briefing Friday…  it is just the first round of such closures, which are taking place in Germany, Italy, Denmark, Greece, the United Kingdom, and Belgium, and that more would follow…

“Lawmakers and some defense experts have criticized the Pentagon for pulling several combat brigades out of Europe over the past year, a move that they say renders the United States less able to protect allies in the face of resurgent Russian aggression.

“A Pentagon statement announcing the move acknowledged that the U.S. military’s forward presence is one of the nation’s ‘most visible indicators of support to our European allies, providing assurance and demonstrating tangible commitment to our collective defense.’ However, it also said that ‘U.S. dedication to our NATO security responsibilities is beyond doubt; ongoing infrastructure adjustments simply ensure that we are best-positioned to fulfill those responsibilities given changing circumstances. None of these adjustments affects existing force structure or military capabilities, and the efficiencies will further enable U.S. European Command to resource high priority missions,’ Kirby said in an earlier statement.”

Come again? How does this Pentagon statement make any sense? But what Europeans are taking from this is that America cannot be relied upon as a power willing and able to defend its allies, forcing the Europeans to build their own mighty military “defense” system.

The Results of the European Votes—Sending Shock Waves Through Western Europe

Deutsche Welle reported on May 25:

“According to official estimates published by European Parliament, center-right parties have won 211 of the total 751 seats. The EPP top candidate, Jean-Claude Juncker, immediately claimed the right to head the executive European Commission. The socialists are in second place with 193 seats, liberals third, followed by the Greens and the far left. Euroskeptc parties are seen as winning a total of 129 seats…

“In France the far-right National Front has become the strongest party, sending shock waves beyond the country’s borders. Its leader, Marine Le Pen, has already demanded fresh national elections. France’s center-right opposition Union for a Popular Movement (UMP), meanwhile, came in second and the ruling Socialist party of President Francois Hollande was trailing in third place.

“Early results out of Greece had the country’s anti-austerity radical leftist party Syriza leading the polls with the radical right ‘Golden Dawn’ party winning around 9 to 10 percent. In Austria, too, the far-right FPÖ saw strong gains at 20 percent, compared to the 7.3 percent they garnered in 2009. Belgium’s Flemish nationalist N-VA party made strong gains and in Denmark the anti-immigration Danish People’s Party is set to take the biggest share of the Danish vote, while Britain saw a surge in support for Britain’s euroskeptic UKIP party, bringing them up to 30 percent.

“In the Netherlands, however, Geert Wilders’right-wing Euroskeptic Party for Freedom fell short of expectations, dropping from second to fourth place…

“German projections showed Chancellor Angela Merkel’s conservative CDU/CSU party leading in the European elections with 36.1 percent of the vote, ahead of their center-left junior coalition partners the SPD at 27.6 percent. The Green party was at 10.9 percent, the Left party at 7.8 percent and the euroskeptic AfD at 6.5 percent – giving the party seats in parliament for the first time…

“The gains for euroskeptic and far right parties could lead to changes in EU policy in areas ranging from border control and immigration to the trade and investment agreement being negotiated with the United States.”

The Times of Israel added on May 26:

“Far-right and Euroskeptic parties made sweeping gains in European Parliament elections Sunday — triggering what one prime minister called a political ‘earthquake’ by those who want to slash the powers of the European Union or abolish it altogether…

“European Commission head Jose Manuel Barroso called Monday on pro-EU groups to come together, after partial results were announced. ‘Standing together as Europeans is indispensable for Europe to shape a global order where we can defend our values and interests,’ Barroso said…

“Pro-European parties ‘have to take very seriously what is behind the vote,’ said Martin Schulz of the Socialist group in parliament. Guy Verhofstadt, leader of the Liberal caucus in the European Parliament, conceded as much but said even after the vote, two-thirds of the European lawmakers would be ‘people who are in favor of the European Union.’

“Despite the Euroskeptic gains, established pro-EU parties were forecast to remain the biggest groups in the parliament…

“Nigel Farage, leader of the fiercely Euroskeptical UKIP party, believed he was on track for a historic victory. ‘It does look to me (like) UKIP is going to win this election and yes, that will be an earthquake, because never before in the history of British politics has a party that is seen to be an insurgent party ever topped the polls in a national election,’ he said. ‘I don’t just want Britain to leave the European Union,’ he added. ‘I want Europe to leave the European Union’…

“Despite the gains, unity may be hard to find in the fractured Euroskeptic camp.”

Britain’s Political Establishment in Shock

The Express wrote on May 26:

“BRITAIN’S political establishment was in shock last night after the UK Independence Party [Ukip] romped to a spectacular euro election victory… The result was a hammer blow for all three mainstream Westminster parties with less than a year to go before next year’s general election.

“The Tories slumped to a humiliating third place, behind Labour, in a national election for the first time in the party’s history… The stunning success of Ukip brings a referendum on ­Britain’s membership of the EU a step closer. It was also a huge boost to the Daily Express crusade for a vote to quit the EU.”

Thailand’s Coup Leaders Dissolve Senate, Assume Lawmaking Powers, Get Backing from the King

The Associated Press reported on May 24:

“Thailand’s coup leaders say they are dissolving the country’s Senate and will assume all lawmaking power. Saturday’s announcement, which was read out on television, strips away the last democratic institution in the country two days after the military seized power.

“The junta suspended the constitution and dissolved the lower house of Parliament on Thursday. It had left the Senate in place, presumably in hopes the upper house might later approve some of its measures and provide a vestige of democracy…

“The military says it took power to prevent more turmoil in Thailand’s protracted political deadlock, which pits supporters of the elected populist government against establishment-backed protesters who accuse the deposed government of corruption. It’s the country’s 12th coup in eight decades.”

Deutsche Welle added on May 26:

“Thailand’s king has formally endorsed coup leader General Prayuth Chan-ocha to govern the nation. The army seized power on May 22 after months of political turmoil. In a televised press conference in the Thai capital Bangkok… Gen. Prayuth threatened to ‘intensify law enforcement’ if anti-coup protests flared up again..

“The Thai military seized power on May 22 after months of violent protests against the government of Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra. The Senate was then dissolved, the media were censored and critics of the military were arrested. Since the takeover, the military has detained high-ranking political figures including former Prime Minister Yingluck, most of the deposed government’s Cabinet, and dozens of politicians and activists.

“However, Yingluck has since been permitted to go home under military supervision. Early on Monday, her main opponent, ex-lawmaker Suthep Thaugsuban, who had led the demonstrations against her government, was also released.”

Thailand’s Dictatorship

Deutsche Welle reported on May 26:

“Thailand’s military has intensified its restrictions on the media and freedom of opinion. Many journalists and intellectuals have gone missing ever since the military junta took over the government in last week’s coup.  Just an hour after Thai army chief General Prayuth Chan-ocha declared that the military was taking over the reins of power on May 22 – following failed talks among rival political factions – DW spoke with Pravit Rojanaphruk. The Thai journalist and blogger was quick to condemn the coup and predict the arrest of hundreds of activists, journalists and dissidents who dared to criticize the army’s actions. Three days later, Pravit himself went missing after being ordered to report to military headquarters. His last tweet in English read: ‘On my way to see the new dictator of Thailand. Hopefully the last.’

“But Pravit’s story is no exception. After being summoned by the military, an increasing number of journalists and well-known critics of the military coup are being taken into custody. Although some people have been released, many remain locked away with no news of their whereabouts or conditions. Human Rights Watch (HRW) reports that the military is holding people in unofficial places of detention, such as undisclosed military camps, without access to their families and lawyers. After talking to experts and fellow journalists on the ground, DW has learned there is a growing sense of fear and intimidation in the Thai capital, Bangkok. Many citizens fear for their safety…

“Martial law also grants military authorities the power to censor or shut down newspapers and broadcasters. Following the coup, Thai TV and radio stations were ordered to stop their regular programs and link their broadcast to the army TV Channel 5 for almost 24 hours. Although these TV stations have resumed regular program, they have to strictly follow the junta’s order not to air any information critical of the military intervention…

“Although only Thai nationals have so far been arrested, foreign journalists have told DW they have been forced to delete photo and video material. Furthermore, members of non-governmental organizations, foundations and international organizations fear they might lose their residence permit in the country and risk deportation.”

Earthquakes Strike Israel, Greece and Turkey

The Times of Israel reported on May 24:

“Israelis across the country reported experiencing a minor earthquake on Saturday morning, less than two hours before an earthquake beneath the sea shook northern Greece and western Turkey, with more than two dozen injuries reported on a Turkish island. The 4.1-magnitude earthquake hit Israel at 10:26 a.m., causing no damage but making houses shake, eyewitnesses said. Less than two hours later, just after midday, a stronger earthquake struck parts of Greece and Turkey, causing residents to flee their homes in panic…

“The Institute of Geophysics at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki said the temblor announced a magnitude of 6.3; the U.S. Geological Survey… reported a magnitude of  [6.9].”

Huge Wildfire in Arizona

ABC News reported on May 24:

“Firefighters say a wildfire burning through forested hillsides in a scenic northern Arizona canyon could dramatically expand as crews scramble to get the upper hand in less rugged terrain. Wild land fire teams are going to allow the flames to burn through flatter lands and into a sort of catcher’s mitt to the north and the west… That means the fire could grow to nearly 36 square miles, nearly tripling in size.

“The goals for fire managers are to protect the 300 structures threatened in Oak Creek Canyon, keep the fire from pushing into the communities of Forest Highlands and Kachina Village to the east, and minimize the potential for flooding. Fire managers said the blaze has cost $2.2 million to fight as of Friday and might take up to 10 more days to fully control…

‘The human-caused Slide Fire started Tuesday and by Friday had burned more than 11 square miles in and around Oak Creek Canyon, a scenic recreation area along the highway between Sedona and Flagstaff that normally would be filled with tourists as Memorial Day approaches…”

It was also reported on May 26 that a huge wild fire broke out in Alaska, and that 30% of America is facing “drought conditions.” The focus was especially on drought-stricken Arizona, Texas and especially California which is the “top agricultural producer of the USA,” according to a telecast by CBS.

Current Events

Russia’s Cooperation with China at All-Time High

The website of wrote on May 19:

“Russian President Vladimir Putin has said his country’s cooperation with China has reached its all-time best and that the two sides were ready to expand ties in numerous spheres… China is currently Russia’s largest trading partner, with the trade volume between the two countries nearing 90 billion U.S. dollars in 2013. The two countries aim to raise the trade volume to 100 billion dollars in 2015 and to 200 billion dollars in 2020… Moscow and Beijing have also been cooperating closely to reduce trade reliance on the external market, Putin said, adding the two sides were now implementing 40 major projects worth 20 billion dollars…

“Speaking of 2015 when Russia and China will jointly celebrate the 70th anniversary of the defeat of the Nazis, Putin said that the two countries are unanimous in opposing attempts to distort the World War II record… ‘Next year, we will organize a series of events to jointly celebrate the 70th anniversary of victory in both bilateral form and within the framework of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization,’ he said, adding the two sides would focus on engaging the young people into the activities.”

One needs to ask who is distorting the World War II record, when Russia is still celebrating mass-murderer Stalin as one of their war heroes.

The China-Russia Alliance

The Huffington Post wrote on May 19:

“A specter is haunting Washington, an unnerving vision of a Sino-Russian alliance wedded to an expansive symbiosis of trade and commerce across much of the Eurasian land mass — at the expense of the United States. And no wonder Washington is anxious. That alliance is already a done deal in a variety of ways: through the BRICS group of emerging powers (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa); at the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, the Asian counterweight to NATO; inside the G20; and via the 120-member-nation Non-Aligned Movement (NAM).

“Trade and commerce are just part of the future bargain. Synergies in the development of new military technologies beckon as well. After Russia’s Star Wars-style, ultra-sophisticated S-500 air defense anti-missile system comes online in 2018, Beijing is sure to want a version of it. Meanwhile, Russia is about to sell dozens of state-of-the-art Sukhoi Su-35 jet fighters to the Chinese as Beijing and Moscow move to seal an aviation-industrial partnership.

“This week should provide the first real fireworks in the celebration of a new Eurasian century-in-the-making when Russian President Vladimir Putin drops in on Chinese President Xi Jinping in Beijing. You remember ‘Pipelineistan,’ all those crucial oil and gas pipelines crisscrossing Eurasia that make up the true circulatory system for the life of the region. Now, it looks like the ultimate Pipelineistan deal, worth $1 trillion and 10 years in the making, will be inked as well. In it, the giant, state-controlled Russian energy giant Gazprom will agree to supply the giant state-controlled China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC) with 3.75 billion cubic feet of liquefied natural gas a day for no less than 30 years, starting in 2018. That’s the equivalent of a quarter of Russia’s massive gas exports to all of Europe.

“China’s current daily gas demand is around 16 billion cubic feet a day, and imports account for 31.6% of total consumption… If you want to know why no key country in Asia has been willing to ‘isolate’ Russia in the midst of the Ukrainian crisis — and in defiance of the Obama administration — look no further than Pipelineistan…

“And then, talking about anxiety in Washington, there’s the fate of the petrodollar to consider, or rather the ‘thermonuclear’ possibility that Moscow and Beijing will agree on payment for the Gazprom-CNPC deal not in petrodollars but in Chinese yuan. One can hardly imagine a more tectonic shift, with Pipelineistan intersecting with a growing Sino-Russian political-economic-energy partnership. Along with it goes the future possibility of a push, led again by China and Russia, toward a new international reserve currency — actually a basket of currencies — that would supersede the dollar (at least in the optimistic dreams of BRICS members).

“Right after the potentially game-changing Sino-Russian summit comes a BRICS summit in Brazil in July. That’s when a $100 billion BRICS development bank, announced in 2012, will officially be born as a potential alternative to the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank as a source of project financing for the developing world. More BRICS cooperation meant to bypass the dollar is reflected in the ‘Gas-o-yuan,’ as in natural gas bought and paid for in Chinese currency. Gazprom is even considering marketing bonds in yuan as part of the financial planning for its expansion. Yuan-backed bonds are already trading in Hong Kong, Singapore, London, and most recently Frankfurt…

“The Russia-China gas deal is inextricably tied up with the energy relationship between the European Union (EU) and Russia. After all, the bulk of Russia’s gross domestic product comes from oil and gas sales, as does much of its leverage in the Ukraine crisis. In turn, Germany depends on Russia for a hefty 30% of its natural gas supplies…

“There’s a consistent rumble in Brussels these days about the possible cancellation of the projected 16 billion euro South Stream pipeline, whose construction is to start in June. On completion, it would pump yet more Russian natural gas to Europe — in this case, underneath the Black Sea (bypassing Ukraine) to Bulgaria, Hungary, Slovenia, Serbia, Croatia, Greece, Italy, and Austria.

“Bulgaria, Hungary, and the Czech Republic have already made it clear that they are firmly opposed to any cancellation. And cancellation is probably not in the cards… Nonetheless, such EU threats, however unrealistic, only serve to accelerate Russia’s increasing symbiosis with Asian markets. For Beijing especially, it’s a win-win situation. After all, between energy supplied across seas policed and controlled by the U.S. Navy and steady, stable land routes out of Siberia, it’s no contest…

“In April, when President Xi Jinping visited the city of Duisburg on the Rhine River, with the largest inland harbor in the world and right in the heartland of Germany’s Ruhr steel industry, he made an audacious proposal: a new ‘economic Silk Road’ should be built between China and Europe, on the basis of the Chongqing-Xinjiang-Europe railway, which already runs from China to Kazakhstan, then through Russia, Belarus, Poland, and finally Germany. That’s 15 days by train, 20 less than for cargo ships sailing from China’s eastern seaboard. Now that would represent the ultimate geopolitical earthquake in terms of integrating economic growth across Eurasia…

“The Pentagon has its own version of this, directed not so much at Russia as at China, which, its think tank on future warfare claims, is already at war with Washington in a number of ways. So if it’s not apocalypse now, it’s Armageddon tomorrow…

“Russia runs a sizeable trade surplus. Humongous Chinese banks will have no trouble helping Russian banks out if Western funds dry up. In terms of inter-BRICS cooperation, few projects beat a $30 billion oil pipeline in the planning stages that will stretch from Russia to India via Northwest China. Chinese companies are already eagerly discussing the possibility of taking part in the creation of a transport corridor from Russia into Crimea, as well as an airport, shipyard, and liquid natural gas terminal there. And there’s another ‘thermonuclear’ gambit in the making: the birth of a natural gas equivalent to the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries that would include Russia, Iran, and reportedly disgruntled U.S. ally Qatar.

“The (unstated) BRICS long-term plan involves the creation of an alternative economic system featuring a basket of gold-backed currencies that would bypass the present America-centric global financial system. (No wonder Russia and China are amassing as much gold as they can.) The euro — a sound currency backed by large liquid bond markets and huge gold reserves — would be welcomed in as well.

“It’s no secret in Hong Kong that the Bank of China has been using a parallel SWIFT network to conduct every kind of trade with Tehran, which is under a heavy U.S. sanctions regime. With Washington wielding Visa and Mastercard as weapons in a growing Cold War-style economic campaign against Russia, Moscow is about to implement an alternative payment and credit card system not controlled by Western finance…

“On the other side of the Atlantic, President Obama and his top officials show every sign of becoming entangled in their own pivoting — to Iran, to China, to Russia’s eastern borderlands, and (under the radar) to Africa. The irony of all these military-first maneuvers is that they are actually helping Moscow, Tehran, and Beijing build up their own strategic depth in Eurasia and elsewhere…

“Whatever Washington may want or fear or try to prevent, the facts on the ground suggest that, in the years ahead, Beijing, Moscow, and Tehran will only grow closer, slowly but surely creating a new geopolitical axis in Eurasia…”

An economic and military alliance between China and Russia and other countries, including, apparently, Iran, is prophesied. Current Events show the steady fulfillment of this prophecy, which also predicts the downfall of the USA and the rise of Europe.

Russia and China Sign 30-Year Gas Deal

Deutsche Welle reported on May 21:

“Russia has signed a long-term deal to supply natural gas to China. The agreement comes after more than a decade of negotiations that had repeatedly stalled over the price. Gazprom said on Wednesday that the Russian gas company had inked a long-awaited 30-year contract to supply natural gas to China. Gazprom spokesman Sergey Kupriyanov confirmed the deal had been signed, but he declined to give any further details. China’s state news agency, Xinhua, described the supply contract as a ‘multi-billion dollar deal.’ The gas deal is a financial and diplomatic boost for Moscow, which has been targeted over the Ukraine crisis.”

The Washington Post added on May 21:

“Announced after meetings between Chinese President Xi Jinping and Russian President Vladimir Putin at an Asia security conference, the 30-year deal is worth an estimated $400 billion, according to comments in Russian media by Gazprom chief executive Alexei Miller… On a symbolic level, the deal also provided China and Russia a chance to reaffirm their strategic alliance against the United States, their shared global rival.

“Putin called it a ‘watershed event’.… ‘This is the largest contract in the history of the gas industry of the former USSR and the Russian Federation,’ he told reporters in Shanghai…”

Prince Charles: “Putin Behaves Just Like Hitler.”

Mail Online wrote on May 21:

“Prince Charles has sensationally likened Vladimir Putin to Adolf Hitler. In a withering verdict on the actions of the Russian president in Ukraine, he told a woman who lost relatives in the Nazi Holocaust: ‘And now Putin is doing just about the same as Hitler.’

“The prince’s extraordinary intervention is certain to cause international controversy. It is likely to be seen as a criticism of the West for failing to confront Mr Putin over his seizure of Crimea. The annexation was the first by a major power in Europe since 1945. Observers have compared the crisis in Ukraine with Hitler’s takeovers of Czechoslovakia and Poland…

“Former US secretary of state Hillary Clinton sparked uproar in Washington recently when she said very much the same as the heir to the throne. Lashing out at Moscow’s plan to issue passports to ethnic Russians in Crimea, she said: ‘Now, if this sounds familiar, it’s what Hitler did back in the 1930s.’”

Europe’s Far Right and Far Left Admire Russia

The New York Times wrote on May 20:

“While the European Union has joined Washington in denouncing Russia’s annexation of Crimea and the chaos stirred by pro-Russian separatists in eastern Ukraine, Europe’s right-wing populists have been gripped by a contrarian fever of enthusiasm for Russia and its president, Vladimir V. Putin… Pro-Russian sentiment remains largely confined to the fringes of European politics, though Mr. Putin also has more mainstream admirers and allies on both the right and the left, including Silvio Berlusconi, the former Italian prime minister, and Gerhard Schröder, the former German chancellor…

“Even among far-right groups, the sympathy for Russia and suspicion of Washington are in part tactical: Focused on clawing back power from the European Union’s bureaucracy, they seize any cause that puts them at odds with policy makers in Brussels and the conventional wisdom of European elites. But they also reflect a general crumbling of public trust in the beliefs and institutions that have dominated Europe since the end of World War II, including the Continent’s relationship with the United States. ‘Europe is a big sick body,’ said Alain de Benoist, a French philosopher… de Benoist said Russia ‘is now obviously the principal alternative to American hegemony’…

“Some of Russia’s European fans, particularly those with a religious bent, are attracted by Mr. Putin’s image as a muscular foe of homosexuality and decadent Western ways. Others… are motivated more by geopolitical calculations that emphasize Russia’s role as a counterweight to American power… Ms. Le Pen has also expressed admiration for Mr. Putin and called for a strategic alliance with the Kremlin, proposing a ‘pan-European union’ that would include Russia. Something like what this could be leading towards [what] happened in 1939 with the Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact, which allowed the USSR and Nazi Germany…

“This convergence has pushed the far right into a curious alignment with the far left. ‘Russia has become the hope of the world against new totalitarianism,’ Mr. Chauprade, the National Front’s top European Parliament candidate for the Paris region, said in a speech to Russia’s Parliament in Moscow last year. Russia offers the prospect of a new European order free of what Mr. Chauprade, in his own speech, described as its servitude to a ‘technocratic elite serving the American and European financial oligarchy’…

“The view that Europe has been cut adrift from its traditional moral moorings gained new traction this month when Conchita Wurst, a bearded Austrian drag queen, won the annual Eurovision Song Contest. Russian officials and the Russian Orthodox Church bemoaned the victory — over, among others, singing Russian twins — as evidence of Europe’s moral disarray. At the National Front’s pre-election rally, Mr. Chauprade mocked the ‘bearded lady’ and won loud applause with a passionate plaint that Europeans had become a rootless mass of ‘consumers disconnected from their natural attachments — the family, the nation and the divine.’”

Interesting developments…

Russia’s Acquisition of Massive Fortunes

The New York Times wrote on May 17:

“When Russia seized Crimea in March, it acquired not just the Crimean landmass but also a maritime zone more than three times its size with the rights to underwater resources potentially worth trillions of dollars.

“Russia portrayed the takeover as reclamation of its rightful territory, drawing no attention to the oil and gas rush that had recently been heating up in the Black Sea. But the move also extended Russia’s maritime boundaries, quietly giving Russia dominion over vast oil and gas reserves while dealing a crippling blow to Ukraine’s hopes for energy independence.

“Russia did so under an international accord that gives nations sovereignty over areas up to 230 miles from their shorelines. It had tried, unsuccessfully, to gain access to energy resources in the same territory in a pact with Ukraine less than two years earlier.”

We are told in Scripture that when the modern Medes (Russia and Ukraine) will invade Europe, they will not care for modern Babylon’s gold (Isaiah 13:17)—apparently, because they will have enough themselves. For more information, please read our free booklet, “Biblical Prophecy—From Now Until Forever.” 

NATO Helpless

Der Spiegel Online wrote on May 19:

“If Russia were to engage in military aggression in the Baltics, NATO would be unable to defend the region using conventional means…

“At its core, the Western defense alliance consists of a promise that the 28 member states make to each other in Article 5 of the NATO treaty: An attack against one or several members is considered as an attack against all. The article states that if the so-called mutual defense clause is applied, each member state, to the best of its ability, must rush to the aid of the NATO partner under attack. Most recently, Turkey considered invoking Article 5 and requesting assistance after several rocket attacks from neighboring Syria in late 2012. Since then, two German batteries of Patriot air defense missiles have been stationed in Turkey as protection.

“So what happens if the Baltic nations invoke Article 5? What if Russia attempts to destabilize the Baltics with threatening military gestures? And what if it violates its borders with Estonia and Latvia?…

“Elmar Brok, a member of Germany’s center-right Christian Democratic Union (CDU) and a longstanding expert on European Union foreign policy, puts it… directly: ‘When the Baltic countries were accepted into NATO, Russia did not pose a military threat. The alliance complied with the agreement with Russia and did not station any troops east of the Elbe River. But now that Putin’s policy seems to be changing, NATO must come up with a response. At present, the alliance could not protect the Baltic countries with conventional military means.’

“That is the most important sentence, and officials at the German defense and foreign ministries in Berlin agree…”

The Bible predicts that a powerful Europe will emerge and that its leader—the “beast”—will feel threatened by Russia and China and other Far Eastern nations. “But news from the east and the north shall trouble him; therefore he shall go out with great fury to destroy and annihilate many” (Daniel 11:44).

Push for Strong European Military Presence

The Telegraph wrote on May 17:

“The European Union must pull closer together and establish a strong military presence, so it can act as a ‘moral anchor’ to the United States, the economist Kenneth Rogoff has warned. Speaking ahead of next week’s European elections, Mr Rogoff, a former chief economist of the International Monetary Fund, said the EU should strive to become more ‘like a single country’. ‘For the sake of the world we need Europe to integrate, to counterbalance the United States, to be able to step in in geopolitical terms,’ he told The Telegraph.

“‘You can’t just depend on the US to do everything, especially as China rises, as Russia rises.’ He also argued that the EU needed its own military capability, adding: ‘The events in the Ukraine are kind of frightening from that point of view.’… Mr Rogoff, who now teaches economics and public policy at Harvard, added: ‘By becoming more integrated, Europe has more weight in the world, and that is a good thing for everyone.’”

Sadly, Mr. Rogoff, as so many others, seem to have no clue as to what they are talking about. Europe will indeed become a strong military power, but this is most certainly not good for everyone.

The Chinese Spy on Spying America

BBC News wrote on May 19:

“The US has charged five Chinese army officers with hacking into private-sector American companies in a bid for competitive advantage… China denied the charges and warned the case would harm US-China relations… The US acknowledges that it conducts espionage but says unlike China it does not spy on foreign companies and pass what it finds to its own companies… China has already announced the suspension of co-operation with the US on an internet working group. And once it has had time to digest this loss of face, it is likely to consider more serious retaliation…

“In Washington on Monday, Mr Holder said a grand jury had laid hacking charges against the Chinese nationals, the first against ‘known state actors for infiltrating US commercial targets by cyber means’. He identified the alleged victims as Westinghouse Electric, US Steel, Alcoa Inc, Allegheny Technologies, SolarWorld and the US Steelworkers Union… It’s no coincidence that four of the six groups named in the prosecution are in the metal industry, business figures say.”

Reuters reported on May 20:

“China summoned the U.S. ambassador after the United States accused five Chinese military officers of hacking into American companies to steal trade secrets, warning Washington it could take further action, the foreign ministry said on Tuesday… The indictment is likely to further roil relations between China and the United States… China’s Ambassador to the United States… also ‘made solemn representations’ to the State Department on Monday… China’s defense ministry summoned the American military attaché on Tuesday to protest…

“China is the United States’ biggest foreign creditor. As of February, China held $1.27 trillion in U.S. Treasury bonds, according to Treasury Department data… The majority of China’s Internet users are now furious because they think the United States has ‘double standards’ on spying…

“Skeptics said U.S. authorities would not be able to arrest those indicted because Beijing would not hand them over. Still, the move would prevent the individuals from traveling to the United States or other countries that have an extradition agreement with the United States…”

When we misbehave towards others, we ought not to be surprised when they misbehave towards us.

Catholic Women Plead with the Pope for Abolition of Mandated Celibacy

The Telegraph wrote on May 18:

“A group of 26 Italian women who claim to be having affairs with Catholic priests have written a joint letter to Pope Francis begging him to end the Catholic Church’s ban on priests having sex and getting married. The women, who met through a Facebook campaign, wrote to the Pope requesting a meeting to put forward their case, claiming they were just ‘a small sample’ of the many partners of priests ‘living in silence’…

“Debate is growing on the merits of ordering priests to abstain from sex and marriage, which is designed to allow nothing [to] interfere with their close relationship with God. Some 6,000 parish priests who have left the priesthood to wed now live in Italy, compared to a total of 33,000 parish priests currently in service.

“Pope Francis has previously supported the tradition of celibacy, but has suggested his position might waiver… He has argued that celibacy is more Church tradition than hard and fast dogma, pointing out that up until 1100, some priests choose it while others did not…

“In one example supporting the anti-celibacy campaigners a prior at a Cistercian abbey near Milan has told how he was advised by his fellow monks to keep an affair he was having under wraps when he revealed he was in love with a woman…”

It is interesting that the pope admits that mandated celibacy for priests is Church tradition and not a “dogma.” In fact, the Bible nowhere commands it.

The Pope’s Anticipated Visit to Israel

The website of wrote on May 18:

“Pope Francis will take part in an unprecedented joint prayer in Jerusalem next weekend with representatives of all the main branches of Christianity in a bid to put aside old rivalries. The ceremony in the Church of the Holy Sepulchre — venerated as the place of Jesus’s crucifixion and resurrection — is seen by the Vatican as the highpoint of the papal visit to the Middle East…

“But there are also pitfalls — as shown by recent protests and anti-Christian vandalism by Jewish religious nationalists over rumours about a deal with the Vatican for the management of holy sites. The Shiite Hezbollah movement has also complained about a planned trip by Lebanese Maronite Patriarch Beshara Rai to Jerusalem to see the pope since Lebanon and Israel are still officially at war…

“In the city [of Jerusalem], [the pope] will meet Patriarch Bartholomew I — a key Orthodox leader who also attended Francis’s inauguration last year — and the two will attend the joint prayer with other Christian clergymen. ‘There has never been a public ecumenical prayer in a central place for the Christian faith,’ Vatican spokesman Federico Lombardi said at a briefing. ‘It’s a historic event.’ On May 26th, the pope will visit the Temple Mount and meet the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem Mohammed Hussein…”

The Financial Times added on May 18:

“A plan by Pope Francis to celebrate mass in a Jerusalem room believed by Christians to have hosted the Last Supper has brought criticism, controversy and conspiracy theories worthy of a Dan Brown novel. The pope’s first official visit to the Holy Land this month was meant to showcase interfaith tolerance and the improved ties between Israel and the Holy See. But the plan to hold mass in the room, known as the Cenacle, has sparked an ugly disagreement that is threatening to undermine the visit.

“The Cenacle is on the upper floor of a Crusader-era building that is holy to all three monotheistic faiths. Not only was it a mosque in Ottoman times but it is also directly above the site revered by some Orthodox Jews as the burial place of King David.

“This has led to protests from some Jews, who say the planned mass would contravene an agreement in place since the days of the British Mandate under which different faiths have access to the site, but are mostly barred from holding religious rituals there.”

On May 19, Israel National News wrote the following:

“Palestinian Authority (PA) and Arab Christian sources are already celebrating Pope Francis’s visit to Israel starting next Sunday, saying his choice to begin the trip directly in PA-held Bethlehem is meant to ‘recognize Palestine’ and ‘oppose the occupation.’… The claims that his trip will begin in a ‘recognition of Palestine’ comes amid reports from February by Rabbi Sergio Bergman, a member of the Argentinian parliament and close friend of Pope Francis, who said that the pope intends to define himself as the ‘Che Guevera of the Palestinians’ and support their ‘struggle and rights’ during his visit.”

Pope Picks Jordanian Baptism Site

The Washington Post wrote on May 21:

“Christians believe that Jesus was immersed in the waters of the Jordan River by John the Baptist, who wore a cloak of camel’s hair and lived on locusts and honey in the desert wilderness. But the Gospels are not precise about which side of the river the baptism took place on — the east bank or the west. Although it might not matter much to a half-million annual visitors who come to the river for sightseeing or a renewal of faith, it matters very much to tourism officials in Israel and Jordan, who maintain dueling baptism sites, one smack-dab across from the other, with the shallow, narrow, muddy stream serving as international boundary.

“On Saturday, on his first trip to the Holy Land as leader of the Roman Catholic Church, Pope Francis will visit the baptism site at Bethany Beyond the Jordan — on the eastern, or Jordanian, side of the river. Jordanian officials are hoping to capitalize on Francis’s trip and highlight Christian pilgrimage sites across their country to market Jordan as ‘the other Holy Land.’… Francis will be the third pope to visit since 2000, when John Paul II made the first modern papal pilgrimage to the baptism site as part of a jubilee tour, signaling the Vatican’s blessing upon Bethany Beyond the Jordan as the likely site of Jesus’s baptism.

“Yet Jordanian officials grumble that… Bethany languishes in the shadow of Qasr al-Yahud, or the Castle of the Jews, a better-known, more popular and Israeli-marketed site across the river, in the Israeli-occupied West Bank. The Israeli Tourism Ministry describes Qasr al-Yahud as ‘the traditional spot where the New Testament narrative of the baptism of Jesus took place.’

“Saar Kfir, the manager of the site for the Israeli parks agency, believes it more likely that Jesus was baptized on the west bank, as he arrived here from Nazareth…

“The Israeli site may be more popular because entry is free and it’s an hour’s drive from Jerusalem or Bethlehem. Going to Jordan requires some travelers — including Americans — to obtain a visa… Also, unrest in the region, especially in Syria, continues to discourage Western tour operators from venturing to Jordan…

“In addition to the baptism role of the Jordan River, tradition says this is where the Jews crossed into the Land of Israel and where the prophet Elijah ascended to heaven. Sleuths searching for the baptism site who favor Jordan point to pilgrim diaries dating to the early church, Roman road markers and a 6th-century mosaic map on the floor of St. George’s Orthodox Church in Madaba, Jordan.

“Jordanian archaeologists say the definitive evidence linking Bethany to Jesus’s baptism came in the form of a 4th-century monastery devoted to Elijah, which may have been commissioned by Helena, mother to Roman emperor Constantine, to mark the site of the baptism… ‘We have over 36 sacred Christian sites and 2,000 years of pilgrimages as our credentials,’ says Nidal Qatamin, Jordan’s tourism minister, pointing to Mount Nebo, the summit where Moses is said to have gazed upon the promised land, and Machaerus, the castle where John the Baptist is said to have lost his head to an angry King Herod.

“Through the efforts of King Abdullah II, Jordan is awarding free plots of land along the river to Christian denominations to encourage the country’s budding pilgrimage industry. This year saw the completion of a cavernous Russian Orthodox guesthouse and a Lutheran church and pilgrimage center, adding to the Coptic, Russian Orthodox and Greek Orthodox churches already there. A centerpiece will be a Catholic church set to be one of the largest in the region when it opens in 2016…”

Pope Faces Serious Health Issues

Newsmax reported on May 22:

“As Pope Francis begins a trip to the Holy Land on Saturday with a rigorous schedule that could be challenging even for the healthiest person, Vatican insiders are raising questions about the pontiff’s health. Some in the Holy See are beginning to openly discuss concerns about Francis’ condition… Less than two years into his papacy, the 77-year-old Pope has been on a remarkable whirlwind of activity that a man half his age might find difficult to keep up with. But close observers are noting that the Pope’s physical body may be failing to keep up with his youthful energy and vigor, especially considering he only has one fully functioning lung…

“Some close to the Pope have said they notice he has difficulty breathing, and during the 14 months of his papacy has gained a significant amount of weight, perhaps as much as 20 pounds. ‘It’s a very serious condition,’ Dr. Peter Hibberd told Newsmax in discussing the Pope’s single lung. ‘If you are 20 years old and have one lung, you wouldn’t notice it because all humans have a large reserve capacity in their lungs,’ said Hibberd, a 30-year hospital and emergency medicine specialist who writes for

“Hibberd noted that as they age, people ‘lose lung function,’ which in turn makes the extra or ‘reserve’ capacity of the lung more critical in keeping the blood well oxygenated while allowing the body to exchange gases. ‘His repeated fatigue reports and weight gain suggest he may be slipping into a form of chronic heart failure common among victims of significant lung disorders such as COPD,’ Hibberd suggested… He noted that patients with chronic lung conditions require an inhaler and nighttime oxygen to breath comfortably.”

Israel Strives for Less Dependency on Europe

The Jerusalem Post wrote on May 18:

“The [Israeli] government on Sunday approved a three-year NIS 50 million plan to strengthen its economic ties with at least five Latin American countries, meant to help Israel decrease its dependency on Europe as the primary trading partner. The plan focuses on Costa Rica and the four countries that make up the Pacific Alliance – Columbia, Mexico, Chile and Peru…

“‘We are making a very concentrated and focused effort to vary our markets, from our previous dependence on the European market, to the growing Asian and Latin American markets, in which Israel needs to take a small market share and bring about growth, employment and social welfare in the State of Israel,’ Netanyahu said at the start of Sunday’s weekly cabinet meeting.”

Military Takeover in Thailand

The Washington Post wrote on May 22:

“On Thursday, Secretary of State John Kerry released a sternly worded statement on Thailand’s military takeover, explicitly labeling it a coup. Here’s how it began: ‘I am disappointed by the decision of the Thai military to suspend the constitution and take control of the government after a long period of political turmoil, and there is no justification for this military coup.’

“That’s a remarkable contrast to the considerable lengths Kerry went to avoid describing last year’s military takeover in Egypt as a coup. Remember the comments he made… shortly after it happened? ‘The military was asked to intervene by millions and millions of people, all of whom were afraid of a descendance into chaos, into violence. And the military did not take over, to the best of our judgment so, so far. To run the country, there’s a civilian government. In effect, they were restoring democracy.’

“The Obama administration ultimately side-stepped the decision on whether Egypt was a coup or not entirely. There seems to be a disconnect there, and it clearly wasn’t lost on reporters at Thursday’s State Department briefing

“So what exactly is different about Thailand and Egypt? According to Jay Ulfelder, an American political scientist who focuses on political instability, not as much as the State Department hopes… ‘Under all the major definitions used by political scientists, both today’s events in Thailand and last summer’s events in Cairo qualify as successful coups. So based on the facts alone, there’s no coherent way to conclude that the two cases wind up in different categories.’…

“There’s another big factor here of course: Foreign aid. Section 508 of the Foreign Assistance Act says that the U.S. is required to suspend foreign aid to nations that undergo a military coup, though the language of that law leaves it open to interpretation. Thailand is a major non-NATO ally for the U.S., but receives nowhere near the $1.5 billion in foreign aid that Egypt does…”

Questionable Egyptian “Justice”

Deutsche Welle reported on May 21:

“Egypt’s deposed president, Hosni Mubarak, has been convicted on corruption charges by a Cairo court, being sentenced to three years in prison. His two sons have also been found guilty on the same charges… They were all accused of embezzling more than 100 million Egyptian pounds (around 10 million euros) earmarked for the maintenance of presidential palaces. Instead, the money was spent on upgrading the family’s private residences…

“Mubarak had been under house arrest at a military hospital since August pending retrial in a case of complicity in the killing of protesters during the 2011 uprising that ended his rule. It was not immediately clear if the three years Mubarak and his sons had already spent in jail would count toward this latest sentence and, if not, whether Egypt’s former president would return to hospital or be sent to prison.”

Ridiculous Texas “Justice”

Breitbart reported on May 20:

“On Thursday 19-year-old Jacob Lavoro made his first court appearance for allegedly making and selling pot brownies… Lavoro is being charged with a first degree felony, which in Texas is a, ‘Crime which results in severe body harm to a victim and possibly death.’

“If convicted, the punishment for a first degree felony according to the Texas penal code is a, ‘Jail term of no less than five years, and no more than 99.’ According to Sullo & Sullo LLP, in Texas, other crimes that carry a first degree felony charge are, aggravated sexual assault, solicitation of capital murder, and trafficking of children under the age of fourteen.

“It is unclear whether anyone was harmed by eating the brownies. However, the Huffington Post reports that [there] are no known instances of a marijuana related death. Additionally, a smoker would have to consume 20,000 to 40,000 times the amount of THC found in a joint in order to risk death.

“KHON 2 reports the brownies were made with hash oil, a concentrated form of cannabis that can be used for cooking. While the alleged amount of THC used to make the brownies was well within a misdemeanor level, the state allows prosecution to count the weight of all the other ingredients including sugar, butter, and cocoa to determine the weight of the drug. By this logic, beer could be considered 100% alcoholic if hops and barley were counted as alcohol in the measurement.

“Lavoro’s attorney, Jack Holmes, a former police officer with 22 years of legal experience, told KHON 2 reporters, ‘I was outraged…I’ve never seen anything like this before.’ The report adds that the 19 year old defendant has a clean record, and that both Lavoro and his attorney are, ‘Prepared to fight.’”

55 Percent of Americans in Favor of Gay Marriage

The Washington Times wrote on May 21:

“Support for gay marriage is hitting record-level highs, with fully 55 percent of Americans saying it’s quite OK for homosexuals to trade government-sanctioned wedding vows. The Gallup poll said the… level of approval is… the highest since the question was first posed, back in 1996.

“Those in the under-30 crowd were the most likely to support the same-sex unions, with 78 percent of those between the ages of 18 and 29 saying they’re on board. And 42 percent of those age 65 and older support gay marriage, too. Back in 1996, the figures were switched: 68 percent opposed gay marriage…

“The South, however, still stands somewhat steadfast in its opposition to gay marriage. That’s where “traditional marriage advocates still hold a majority of support,” Gallup found…”

Californians Ought to Prepare for One of Its Worst Wildfire Seasons

ABC News reported on May 18:

“All evacuation orders were lifted Sunday as firefighters gained the upper hand on the remaining four of nearly a dozen blazes that tore through Southern California last week — while the governor warned the state was gearing up for what could be one of the drought-stricken region’s worst wildfire seasons…

“Unusually high temperatures, low humidity and gusty winds set conditions last week for the string of wildfires that broke out in San Diego County, causing more than $20 million in damage… The first blaze started Tuesday and was caused by a spark from construction equipment, according to state officials. It could take months to get to the bottom of the most damaging fires.”


70,000 Fish Turn Up Dead

The Website of reported on May 19:

“Authorities are trying to determine what caused tens of thousands of fish to turn up dead in the waters off Marina del Rey over the weekend… The first report came in just after 9 p.m. Saturday at the A-Basin in the 13000 block of Tahiti Way, officials said. When Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department deputies arrived, they discovered an estimated 70,000 dead anchovies floating in the water, along with other sea life, including sting rays and angel sharks… On Sunday afternoon, workers hauled away about 175 garbage bags worth of fish, weighing an estimated 7,000 pounds.”

Hosea 4:3 comes to mind: “… Even the fish of the sea will be taken away.”

Honesty to Be Admired

The Local reported on May 21:

“A 66-year-old man has been praised by police after he found €18,000 on the street and handed it in. The man came across the cash in a bag on a street in Stuttgart (Germany) on Monday at 12.15pm and headed straight to the police station with it. Later on that day a 33-year-old tradesman phoned to say he had lost €18,000. He had left the bag with the money inside on the roof of his car and drove off without realizing he had lost the cash. Police described the 66-year-old man as an ‘honest finder.’”

Severe Balkans Floods

Deutsche Welle reported on May 19:

“Flooding and landslides are the major problems being tackled by rescue teams and volunteers as the Balkans struggle with the consequences of the worst flooding in southwestern Europe in more than a century… Russian cargo planes carrying boats, generators and food joined rescue teams from around Europe and thousands of local volunteers in evacuating people and building flood defenses after the River Sava, swollen by days of torrential rain, burst its banks…

“In Bosnia, there are growing concerns over the possible outbreak of disease as temperatures rise. There is a lack of drinking water and electricity, water is polluted and dead animals lie on flooded land… infectious diseases such as enterocolitis, typhus, and hepatitis were the major threats in stricken areas. The towns of Doboj and Samac were particularly badly flooded. Access to some areas can only be made by air as landslides and sinkholes have closed dozens of roads in Bosnia.”

The EUObserver added on May 20:

“A dozen EU countries have sent equipment to Bosnia and Serbia to help them deal with ‘the incredible force of nature’ of springtime floods… The member states offering assistance include: Austria; Belgium; Bulgaria; the Czech Republic; Croatia; France; Germany; Latvia; Lithuania; Luxembourg; Slovenia; and the UK. The US and Russia have also sent help… Heavy rainfall in the region began on 13 May, with the two Balkan states formally filing for EU assistance four days later.

“The flooding has affected 1 million people in Bosnia and 300,000 in Serbia, with some 500,000 evacuated from their homes and at least 47 killed. In Serbia, the water also threatens to damage the country’s biggest power plant, the Nikola Tesla complex near Belgrade. Bosnia is said to have about 120,000 unexploded landmines in more than 9,400 sites dating from its 1992 to 1995 war. Many of them were buried near river banks and have already killed some 600 people and wounded 1,110 in accidents over the past 20 years. ‘Water and landslides have possibly moved some mines and taken away mine warning signs … [people] must be extremely cautious when they start cleaning their houses, land, or gardens as the remaining mud could hide mines and other explosive devices brought by rivers,’ Sasa Obradovic, from Bosnia’s Mine Action Centre told AFP.”

Divine Punishment?

The Telegraph wrote on May 23:

“… several church leaders have now claimed the recent devastating flooding across the Balkans, which was the worst in a century and left over 50 people dead, was ‘divine punishment’ for [bearded transvestite] Conchita [Wurst’s] victory [at the Eurovision 2014]. ‘This [flood] is not a coincidence, but a warning,’ Patriarch Amfilohije of Montenegro said… ‘God sent the rains as a reminder that people should not join the wild side.’

“Patriarch Irinej, the spiritual leader of Eastern Orthodox Serbs, reportedly said the floods were ‘divine punishment for their vices’ and that ‘God is thus washing Serbia of its sins’. The Russian Orthodox Church has previously described Conchita as an ‘abomination’ and that his victory was ‘one more step in the rejection of the Christian identity of European culture’”.

Huge Dinosaur Found

CNN wrote on May 19:

“They may be the biggest boys on any block — any block, ever. In fact, the dinosaurs unveiled Saturday by Argentina’s Museo Paleontologico Egidio Feruglio may be the largest to grace the Earth. At about 130 feet (40 meters) long and 180,000 pounds (80,000 kilograms), it’s no wonder, then, that these colossal creatures are dubbed titanosaurs — titan being a nod to the giants of ancient Greek mythology. ‘It’s like two trucks with a trailer each, one in front of the other, and the weight of 14 elephants together,’ said Jose Luis Carballido, a dinosaur specialist at the Argentinian museum who played a big part in the discovery…

“These herbivores dated back to about 95 million years ago, in the late Mesozoic Era. In 2011, scientists exploring a remote swath of Argentina’s Patagonia some 160 miles (260 kilometers) from the city of Trelew came across a site with 200 fossils — a find that the museum characterized as ‘a dinosaur cemetery.’…

“According to a news release from the museum… experts were able to piece together seven specimens of titanosaurs out of this. The belief is that they died together there, perhaps from dehydration or being stuck in the mud.”

The German magazine Focus added on May 18 on its website that the remains had to be covered very quickly to be preserved, for instance through “a Flood.” According to the Bible, God created dinosaurs long before He created man. Through the rebellion of Satan, the earth became void and empty, and all living things on earth died—including the dinosaurs. After the destruction of the pre-Adamic world, when the earth was covered by water, God restored and renewed the surface of the earth and created man and “modern” animals and plants. Noah’s flood occurred much later. Please read our free booklet, “The Theory of Evolution—a Fairy Tale for Adults.” 

Current Events

US Democrats….

The Washington Post wrote on May 8:

“On the West Coast to raise millions of dollars for his party, President Obama spent the second half of this week preaching to rich supporters about why Democrats are better than Republicans. It sounded like a conventional stump speech in the windup to the midterm battle… Listen closely, however, and you could hear the president making a much more dramatic statement about the importance of this year’s elections…

“He described the public’s dissatisfaction with Washington as nearly at a tipping point, where working-class Americans see leaders as unresponsive to their most basic concerns. If that were to continue, he said, more middle-class Americans could dismiss the political process completely…

“The president rejected the idea that America was in decline, but he said it could happen if the right steps weren’t taken to invest in the economy… what was striking about his comments this week was that he described the stakes for the midterm elections in almost catastrophic terms… Obama’s remarks suggest that, despite the progress made since the financial crisis and recession from 2008 to 2009, he sees the country as deeply vulnerable if gridlock endures…”

President Obama recognizes that Democrats are in big trouble. But so are Republicans, as the next article shows.

… vs. Republicans

The Washington Times wrote on May 9:

“Gay marriage and abortion, divisive issues within the Republican party, have flared again at the RNC’s meeting here, with Nevada’s delegation firing back at criticism of its April decision to remove anti-abortion and anti-gay language from its state platform.

“Angered by an email from Oklahoma Republican National Committee member Carolyn McLarty… the Nevada delegation sent a stinging rebuke to the 168-member national committee. ‘The removal of two social issues from our platform does not mean that “we” as individual people are “for” gay marriage or “for” abortion, the email said… The delegation also took issue with Mrs. McLarty, an evangelical Protestant and staunch opponent of abortion, calling its action an ‘attack on God and family.’…

“Grass-roots Republicans themselves are divided over whether abortion should be banned nationally by a constitutional amendment or whether it’s a matter of states’ discretion.”

A house divided cannot stand. Both Democratic and Republican voters are hopelessly confused, as are their representatives. And most deny the undeniable—that America IS in decline and facing its inevitable downfall. No amount of sugarcoating can hide this basic truth, and no baseless hope in the “American Way” can delude the realization that America’s sins separate the people from God.

“Voting” in Eastern Ukraine

Deutsche Welle reported on May 11:

“Pro-Russian separatists in Ukraine’s eastern industrial regions said turnout for their referenda Sunday was ‘overwhelming’… That was rejected by Ukraine’s Western-backed interim administration in Kyiv, which described the balloting as a ‘criminal farce.’ Presidential chief of staff Sergei Pashinsky said no voting was taking place in wide parts of eastern Ukraine – a sprawling region with 6.5 million inhabitants. They were being asked to approve a declaration of so-called sovereign people’s republics in the Donetsk and Luhansk regions…

“Sunday’s referenda went ahead despite appeals by Western powers for a Ukrainian presidential election on May 25 and a call by Russian President Vladimir Putin for the rebels to postpone their ballot… Officials in battle-scarred Mariupol said there were merely eight polling centers for half a million voters. At several locations, ballot boxes were seen outdoors, among other places in Mariupol and at the village of Ternovoe (pictured) in the Luhansk region.

“Polling lacked international monitors. Western correspondents said balloting was similar to the March referendum in Crimea, which was annexed by Russia days later. Ballot papers used on Sunday were printed without safeguards against duplication and voter registration was patchy.”

Bulgaria—in the Kremlin’s Grip

Der Spiegel Online wrote on May 12:

“Concerns are growing within the German government that the European Union’s most impoverished member state, Bulgaria, could fall into the grips of Moscow’s influence…

“Bulgaria is an easy target for the Kremlin because the country is almost entirely dependent on energy imports from Russia to survive. One third of its economic output is either directly or indirectly controlled by Moscow… Bulgaria’s governing coalition — of the Bulgarian Socialist Party and the Movement for Rights and Freedoms party, which represents the country’s Turkish minority — is considered closely aligned with Moscow. It includes an illustrious group of former Communist Party members, intelligence service workers and Bulgarian oligarchs who do business with Russian President Vladimir Putin’s minions…

“Relations are so close that Russia apparently even has direct influence on Bulgarian lawmaking…

“Bulgarian President Rosen Plevneliev, an independent politician who is fighting openly with his government because he wants to keep Bulgaria on a course toward the West… warned of dangerous developments across the entire region. He fears Putin could destabilize Bulgaria and the Balkans and seek to bring it under its sphere of influence…

“In Berlin, the Bulgarian president pushed for a more determined stand against Russia in the EU. ‘We are currently experiencing a historical moment in which Europe should not be using calculators to add up the consequences of sanctions,’ Plevneliev said…”

The Powerful Resurgence of Putin’s Russia

The New York Times wrote on May 9:

“Putting his personal seal on the annexation of Crimea, President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia arrived in the naval port of Sevastopol on Friday, where he used the anniversary of the victory over Nazi Germany to assert that Moscow had the right to take over the Black Sea peninsula.

“Over the past decade, Mr. Putin has gradually turned Victory Day into a celebration of resurgent Russian power and nationalism. The visit to Sevastopol, in southwestern Crimea, the historical home of Russia’s Black Sea Fleet, was a potent manifestation of his goal of reviving Russia as a global power.

“The West reacted to the annexation in March with sanctions against Mr. Putin’s closest circle of advisers and a few significant companies. By going to Sevastopol, the Russian president was effectively telling Western leaders that Moscow would do as it pleased…

“The annexation provoked the worst tensions between Russia and the West since the height of the Cold War…

“The secretary general of NATO, Anders Fogh Rasmussen, condemned Mr. Putin’s visit as ‘inappropriate.’ Speaking in Tallinn, the capital of Estonia, Mr. Rasmussen said that NATO considers the annexation illegal, The Associated Press reported. Mr. Rasmussen also said that NATO had ‘no visible evidence’ that Russia was withdrawing its 40,000 troops from the border with Ukraine, as Mr. Putin said he would on Wednesday…

“Mr. Putin’s visit came just hours after a thundering Victory Day parade, a lengthy review of Russia’s refurbished military and advanced hardware, rolled through Red Square in Moscow… In the parade, the tribute to the annexation of Crimea was not subtle, as the first vehicles to enter the square behind row after row of tightly choreographed marching soldiers made clear. The first vehicle, an armored personnel carrier from a Black Sea Marines brigade, flew a big Crimean flag.”

 Deutsche Welle added on May 9:

“President Vladimir Putin has led parades in Moscow’s Red Square – to mark the ex-Soviet Union’s defeat of Nazi Germany – and then in Crimea… During his televised Red Square address in Moscow, Putin said May 9 remained Russia’s ‘most important holiday’…

“Despite Western sanctions and condemnation of Russia’s annexation in March of the southern Ukrainian peninsula of Crimea, it emerged on Thursday that Putin was likely to be welcomed to Normandy, France, next month… The June 6 commemoration will mark the 70th anniversary of the US-led Allied D-Day landings in France in 1944 that opened a western front against occupying Nazi forces while Soviet troops advance on Nazi Germany from the east…”

The cowardly behavior of the West is incredible. The barbaric and murderous actions of Stalin’s invading Russian army, causing havoc in Germany at the end of World War II, is nothing to be proud about. Even though Russia is celebrated today for fighting Nazi Germany, Stalin was no better than Hitler. 

Recasting Russian Superiority—Trouble for the Future

The Christian Science Monitor wrote on May 9:

“Victory Day, Russia’s annual homage to the 27 million Soviet citizens who died in the colossal struggle to defeat Nazi Germany, has always been more than a day of remembrance. Both Soviet and Russian leaders have sought to enhance their own legitimacy by bathing in the reflected light of that triumph, and blatantly used the annual parade of tanks, troops, and intercontinental missiles to advertise continuing military prowess.

“But there were some fresh notes this year that suggest the Kremlin may be recasting Soviet nostalgia and a sense of Russian superiority into a new doctrine: one that would gather ethnic Russians and other former Soviet ‘compatriots’ into a new Moscow-dominated empire that will once again challenge the West. This idea, combined with a renewed taste for military expansionism that was test-driven in Crimea, may spell more trouble in future…

“In his speech after signing the treaty to join Crimea with Russia, Mr. Putin spoke evocatively of Russia’s humiliation at being treated like a vanquished country after the cold war ended, and of his anger at how the West exploited Russia’s weakness to expand NATO eastward into former Soviet territory. The final straw, he said, was US and European encouragement of a street revolt in Kiev that brought a pro-Western government to power that did not represent the interests of millions of Russians and compatriots in Ukraine’s east…

“That kind of talk clearly works with Russia’s public. Putin’s popularity ratings have soared since the Ukraine crisis began, especially after the annexation of Crimea. A late April survey by the independent Levada Center found a near-record 82 percent of Russians approved of Putin’s job performance. Russian media commentators have consistently claimed that the pro-Western interim government in Kiev is dominated by fascists, making the clear suggestion that Moscow’s pushback against the new Ukrainian regime is in some way a continuation of the Soviet Union’s war against Nazi Germany. The same thought seemed to lurk between the lines of Putin’s Victory Day speech as well.”

Bild Online reported on May 9 that former German Foreign Minister and Vice-Chancellor, Joschka Fischer, warned of Putin’s militaristic and violent ambitions and stated that if Ukraine falls, more will fall. The Bible says that once the European Beast is in power, troubling rumors from the East will motivate him to attack Russia and China. What we are experiencing now might give us a hint as to how these developments will come about. See the next article.

Russia and China

Bloomberg reported on May 9:

“Russian President Vladimir Putin plans to open the door to Chinese money… Putin is turning to Asia as financing from the U.S. and EU tightens and capital outflows surge… Russia has been building trade ties with China, including long-term oil deals worth hundreds of billions of dollars… China is Russia’s largest trading partner with $95.6 billion of business in 2012…  Russia will develop ties with China and the two countries’ union will be a ‘significant factor’ affecting the architecture of modern international relations, Putin said…

“Putin’s decision, coming as competition from U.S. and European financing slows, may offer China a good opportunity to gain access to Russia’s economy. Joining existing resource projects will probably be more appealing than starting from scratch… Russia is also seeking China’s help to build a bridge to the annexed Crimean peninsula…

“Russia’s relations with China are developing steadily…”

Talmud to Become Israel’s Law?

Israel National News wrote on May 9:

“Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu reportedly revealed at a Likud conference on Wednesday some remarkable facets of the Basic Law he submitted last Thursday, which would enshrine Israel’s status as the nation-state of the Jewish people… he intends to make the Hebrew calendar, which is based on Jewish law, the official calendar of Israel… The new law also would establish the Talmud, the core work of Jewish law, as an official basis for Israeli state law…

“Netanyahu stressed the law would not restrict the rights of non-Jewish citizens of Israel… ‘They want a Palestinian national state to be built beside us, and to turn the State of Israel, meanwhile, into a bi-national state, Jewish-Arab, within our restricted borders,’ Netanyahu argued, saying the new Basic Law would prevent such a situation.”

If adopted, this would not make many nations happy.

Satanic Black Mass Celebration at Harvard University

CBS wrote on May 8:

“A reenactment of a Black Mass celebrating Satan is scheduled to take place at Harvard University on Monday evening. It has outraged the Catholic Church, but the group holding the event says it’s educational. The Harvard Extension Cultural Studies Club is hosting the Satanic Temple from New York…

“In a recent statement, Pope Francis warned of the danger of being naïve about or underestimating the power of Satan, whose evil is too often tragically present in our midst…

“Harvard University says it supports the rights of students and faculty.”

This is plain foolishness and blasphemy. Left-liberal Harvard University should be ashamed of itself for allowing, under the disguise of liberty and freedom, the open worship of Satan and his most blatant idolatries.

Subsequently, wrote on May 12:

“Although the Harvard Extension School Cultural Studies Club dropped its sponsorship of a reenactment of a satanic ‘black mass’ ritual earlier in the night, members of the New York-based Satanic Temple gathered for what appeared to be a black mass on the second floor of the Hong Kong restaurant and lounge shortly after 10 p.m. Monday. About 50 people, mostly dressed in black and some wearing face makeup, were present for the ceremony. A consecrated host, believed by Catholics to be the body of Christ, was not used in the ritual…

“The ritual came after the cancellation of a black mass reenactment organized by the Harvard Extension School Cultural Studies Club, which had the event scheduled for Monday evening in Cambridge Queen’s Head Pub in Memorial Hall. Shortly before the planned starting time, the club said that it was moving to an off-campus site, citing in an email that ‘misinterpretations about the nature of the event were harming perceptions about Harvard and adversely impacting the student community.’…

“The club emphasized in the 5 p.m. email that Harvard had not asked them to move the event from its previous location, the Cambridge Queen’s Head Pub in the basement of Memorial Hall, and commended the University for affirming its members’ rights to free speech and assembly. ‘Harvard always demonstrated that it understood its responsibility to defend protected student speech. That was always made clear to us,’ the club wrote in a second email.”

The Devil IS Real!

The Washington Post wrote on May 10:

“A darling of liberal Catholics and an advocate of inclusion and forgiveness, Pope Francis is hardly known for fire and brimstone. Yet, in his words and deeds, the new pope is locked in an epic battle with the oldest enemy of God and creation: The Devil.

“After his little more than a year atop the Throne of St. Peter, Francis’s teachings on Satan are already regarded as the most old school of any pope since at least Paul VI, whose papacy in the 1960s and 1970s fully embraced the notion of hellish forces plotting to deliver mankind unto damnation…

“Since its foundation, the church has taught the existence of the Devil. But in recent decades, progressive priests and bishops, particularly in the United States and Western Europe, have tended to couch Satan in more allegorical terms. Evil became less the wicked plan of the master of hell than the nasty byproduct of humanity’s free will. Even Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI, a lofty German theologian, often painted evil with a broad brush.

“Enter the plain-talking first pope from Latin America, where mystical views of Satan still hold sway in broad areas of the region. During his time as cardinal of Buenos Aires before rising to the papacy, Francis was known for stark warnings against ‘the tempter’ and ‘the father of lies.’…

“Vatican officials talk about a resurgence of mystical rites in the church, including exorcism — or the alleged act of evicting demons from a living host. Cardinals in Milan; Turin, Italy; and Madrid, for instance, recently moved to expand the number of exorcists in their dioceses to cope with what they have categorized as surging demand… ‘The sad truth is that there are many bishops and priests in our church who do not really believe in the Devil,’ said the Rev. Gabriele Amorth, the 89-year-old priest who is perhaps the closest thing the church has to a Hollywood-style exorcist…

“In a rare glimpse of an official exorcism last week, in a white-tiled room outfitted with images of Jesus Christ and the Virgin Mary, Amorth wrapped his purple sash around a Neapolitan housewife in her 40s who said she was afflicted by multiple demons. He then began chanting in Latin, commanding the devils inside her to reveal themselves.”

According to the report, the housewife was possessed by five demons who were “cast out” by the Catholic priest. We do not believe that true exorcisms can be accomplished through the superstitious hocus-pocus implemented by the Catholic Church, but we do believe, of course, that the Devil and demons exist.    

Pope Francis’ Political Ambitions

Fox News wrote on May 9:

“Pope Francis has spent a year on the Throne of Peter. In that time, his modest style and high-minded ideals have ignited a new optimism and fervor among Roman Catholics, including those who left because of disagreements with some of its teachings. Francis has gone out of his way to voice support for the world’s poorest citizens, rightly noting that their plight is too often ignored or brushed aside. Until this week, his statements have called for voluntary action by wealthier countries and individuals as the right way to relieve economic inequality. He appealed to our better selves, and in so doing, made us all ask if we could be kinder and more generous. The answer, of course [is, that we should be.]

“On Friday, however, Francis chose a meeting with – of all people — officials of the United Nations to endorse what he called ‘the legitimate redistribution of economic benefits by the state, as well as indispensable cooperation between the private sector and civil society.’ By appearing to sanction what amounts to forced redistribution, Francis grievously exceeded his authority and became what amounts to a robe-wearing politician. He also exposed his Church, one of the wealthiest institutions in the world, to inevitable charges of hypocrisy…”

Vatican Announces Jesus Is Not Coming Back?

The Examiner reported on May 2:

“A spokesperson for the Vatican officially announced that the coming of the Lord may not happen. They stated from the looks of it, Yashua, the only begotten Son of God will not return per John 14:1-3. Cardinal Giorgio Salvadore told WWN [Waterford Whispers News] reporters that Jesus may have been drinking (perhaps from the last Supper with his disciples) when he uttered the statements of his return. He rationalized that people make promises they can’t keep when they’re drunk…

“Yes, people should stop ‘waiting’ on a future return of Christ. His presence arrived almost two thousand years ago when he came in judgment upon the city of Jerusalem in 70 A.D. These were the days of vengeance upon Jerusalem for persecuting and murdering the Son of God, the apostles and saints…”

WWN also wrote on April 18:

“The Vatican defended Jesus’ broken promise, claiming ‘he was probably drinking wine’ at the time when he made the comments. ‘Having the ability to turn water into wine had its ups and its downs,’ added Cardinal Salvadore. ‘We all make promises we can’t keep when we’re drunk. Jesus was no different.’ The church said it will now focus attentions on rebuilding its reputation around the world, but will keep an optimistic mind for the savior’s second coming.”

There has been quite a discussion on the Internet as to whether the above-quoted comments were actually made, due to the fact that apparently no mainstream paper or news agency reported them. But this is not conclusive, as our new StandingWatch program, “Does the Vatican Question the Return of Christ?,” points out.

Male Syphilis Explodes in the USA

Breitbart wrote on May 12:

“The sometimes-deadly disease syphilis is exploding in the United States, with most of the increase since 1995 among men who have sex with men (MSM), according to a new report from the Atlanta-based Center for Disease Control (CDC).

“As recently as 2000, researchers believed the total elimination of syphilis was within reach. The recent dramatic increases in infections, coupled with the observation that syphilis closely tracks with other diseases like AIDS, have the medical and scientific community deeply concerned. The CDC report considers ‘the increase in syphilis among MSM is a major public health concern.’… The report also says that ‘men contributed an increasing proportion of cases, accounting for 91.1% of all primary and secondary syphilis cases in 2013.’

“Most of the increases came from men who have sex with men, which were responsible for 77% of cases in 2009 but 83.9% in 2012, what the report calls ‘the vast majority of male… syphilis cases.’ The report warns that the numbers in the new report are likely far less than the true number because only 34 states and the District of Columbia fully report sex of sex partners…”

Austrian Transvestite Wins European Song Contest

Mail On Line reported on May 11:

“Bearded Austrian drag queen Conchita Wurst wins… the Eurovision Song Contest 2014… Pushing the boundaries of gender identity is nothing new at Europe’s annual song contest, which is known for its eclectic, sometimes unlistenable lineup of techno beats, love songs and pop tunes.

“Prior to her performance, the transvestite has faced a barrage of homophobic and transphobic attacks from within her own country and from other countries including Russia, Armenia and Belarus, who branded the contest a ‘hotbed of sodomy’, the BBC has reported…

“The annual competition is supposed to be completely removed from politics. Still, every time Russia got votes from mainly neighboring countries, many in the audience of 10,000 booed. And when Moscow gave its respective 8, 10 and 12 points to Armenia, Azerbaijan and Belarus – all former Soviet republics – more boos were heard.”

BBC News added on May 10:

“Collecting her trophy on stage the singer said: ‘This night is dedicated to everyone who believes in a future of peace and freedom. You know who you are – we are unity and we are unstoppable.’

“Speaking backstage later, Wurst said she felt Europe had taken a stand by voting her the winner. ‘I dream of a world where we don’t have to talk about unnecessary things like sexuality, who you love. I felt like tonight Europe showed that we are a community of respect and tolerance,’ she said.”

The Local wrote on March 11:

“Austria won, and they deserved to, too – it was a victory for vulnerability, emotional songs and also for the right of men in beards to wear dresses if they want to.”

The Local added on May 12:

“American photographer David LaChapelle has designed a provocative poster for this year’s Life Ball in Vienna – depicting the transgender model Carmen Carrera, pictured nude, as both a man and a woman. Carrera appears under the slogan: ‘I am Adam – I am Eve – I am me’. The image is designed to communicate a message of tolerance and acceptance, according to Life Ball organiser Gery Keszler…

“Vienna’s annual Life Ball is the biggest charity event in Europe supporting people with HIV or AIDS. This year it takes place on 31st May. LaChapelle’s poster will be on display around Vienna… Conchita Wurst’s victory at the Eurovision Song Contest is a happy coincidence, Keszler said. She will perform ‘Rise Like A Pheonix’ live on the main stage at the Life Ball.”

The signs of the time…

The Powerful European Parliament

Der Spiegel wrote on May 8:

“European voters generally pay little attention to [the] European Parliament, but over the years, the body has become increasingly powerful. Already, a representative in Brussels wields more influence than one in Berlin. And the gap is growing…

“At the beginning of the 1950s, when the EU was still the European Coal and Steel Community, there was nothing but the ‘Common Assembly,’ which had little more than consultative duties. Once the Treaties of Rome went into effect in 1958, the body wanted to rename itself the European Parliament…

“The first direct elections didn’t take place until 1979 and only in 1987 was the European Parliament allowed to adopt its current name. The Treaty of Maastricht, signed in 1993, granted parliament a role in lawmaking for the first time. Subsequent treaties — Amsterdam (1997), Nice (2003) and Lisbon (2009) — expanded the body’s power to include a say in almost all areas of policymaking…

“Members of the traveling circus that is the European Parliament would be pleased by a further gain in power. It would finally put them at the center of power in Europe.”

While Europe is uniting—and a charismatic political leader cannot be that far off to rule the continent—anti-American feelings are growing there. Stern Online reported on May 8 that one third of Austrians desire the return of a “Fuehrer.” And the same magazine wrote on May 7 that Putin takes ice-cold advantage of the crisis in Ukraine, but that America’s negligent politics are to be blamed for the crisis.

Several Fires Burn in San Diego County

The Associated Press reported on May 14:

“A fast-moving wildfire ignited hillsides and destroyed more than two dozen homes Wednesday in the coastal city of Carlsbad as weary firefighters scrambled to control multiple blazes in Southern California on the second day of a sweltering heat wave. Flames were shooting up along canyon ridges as thick black smoke darkened blue skies over the small city, about 30 miles north of San Diego, known for its Legoland California amusement park that was closed Wednesday because of a power outage.

“Mandatory evacuations were in progress, and more than 11,000 notices were sent to homes and businesses… The blaze was one of several wildfires that firefighters in San Diego County were battling amid hot, dry and windy conditions…

 “Another wildfire further north, forced the evacuation of residents in military housing at Camp Pendleton, and the closure of an elementary school on the Marine Corps base. A third fire spread from a burning vehicle on coastal Interstate 5 to roadside brush near the northwest corner of the Marine base. Earlier, authorities reported 25 percent containment of a 2.42-square-mile fire that broke out Tuesday and forced thousands of people to flee the Rancho Bernardo area of San Diego. In Santa Barbara County, a 600-acre blaze near the city of Lompoc was 50 percent contained.

“State fire officials say triple digit temperatures and the drought were setting conditions for an unusually busy firefighting season…”

The fire season has just started. This might become a very hot summer.

“Scientists Slam Latest Doomsday Climate Report”

Newsmax wrote on May 11:

“Climatologists and other experts are blasting a new climate change report from the Obama administration, calling it a ‘litany of doom’ that objective scientists won’t take seriously.

“The National Climate Assessment (NCA), an 840-page report compiled by 300 scientists and experts that was released at a White House event on Tuesday, warns that climate change is a clear and present danger. ‘Climate change, once considered an issue for a distant future, has moved firmly into the present,’ according to the report. Rising temperatures, it asserts, will be responsible not only for more drought, wildfires, flooding, and sea level rise, but also an increased risk of heat-related deaths…

“Heartland Institute Senior Fellow James Taylor declared: ‘Leading authors of this report include staffers for activist groups like the Union of Concerned Scientists, Planet Forward, the Nature Conservancy, and Second Nature. Few objective climate experts will take this report seriously. Even those scientists who are not overtly affiliated with environmental activist groups were almost uniformly on the record as global warming alarmists before being chosen to write this report.’

“Mark Morano offered a round-up of reactions to the global warming report on his Climate Depot website.

“Former Colorado State University climatologist Dr. Roger Pielke Sr.: ‘That much of the media accepted the NCA without questioning its findings and conclusions either indicates they are naïve or they have chosen to promote a particular agenda and this report fits their goal.’

“Dr. Judith Curry, chairwoman of the School of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences at the Georgia Institute of Technology: ‘The report effectively implies that there is no climate change other than what is caused by humans, and that extreme weather events are equivalent to climate change. Worse yet is the spin being put on this by the Obama administration.’

“Competitive Enterprise Institute Senior Fellow Marlo Lewis: The report is ‘designed to scare people and build political support for unpopular policies such as carbon taxes. Alarmists offer untrue, unrelenting doom and gloom.’

“Dr. Roy Spencer, principal research scientist at the University of Alabama in Huntsville: Part of the report ‘is just simply made up. There is no fingerprint of human-caused versus naturally-caused climate change.’

“Weather Channel Co-founder John Coleman: The report is a ‘litany of doom,’ a ‘total distortion of the data and an agenda-driven, destructive episode of bad science gone berserk.’

“Climate Depot’s Morano said: ‘By every measure, so-called extreme weather is showing no trend or declining trends on 50-100-year timescales. Droughts, floods, tornadoes, hurricanes are not increasing due to man-made global warming. Why does the report now call “global warming” a new name, so-called “climate disruption”? Simple answer: Due to earth’s failure to warm — no global warming for nearly 18 years — another name was necessary to attempt to gin up fear. This report is predetermined science.’”

Der Spiegel Online added on May 12:

“Meteorologist Lennart Bengtsson has long been considered a cool head in the often heated conflict over global warming. In an interview, he defends his decision to join an organization that is skeptical of climate change.

“The debate over climate change is often a contentious one, and key players in the discussion only rarely switch sides. But late last month, Lennart Bengtsson, the former director of the Hamburg-based Max Planck Institute for Meteorology, one of the world’s leading climate research centers, announced he would join the academic advisory council of the Global Warming Policy Foundation (GWPF).

“GWPF, based in Britain, is a non-profit organization and self-described think tank. Conservative politician Nigel Lawson founded the organization in 2009 in order to counteract what he considered to be an exaggerated concern about global warming… [Bengtsson said:] ‘It is frustrating that climate science is not able to validate their simulations correctly. Since the end of the 20th century, the warming of the Earth has been much weaker than what climate models show… the scientific report… does not bring up the large difference between observational results and model simulations…’”

Man-Made Climate Change or Global Warming–or Neither? You’ll be the Judge.

Current Events

The Fear of War

BBC News wrote on May 5:

“Four Ukrainian soldiers have been killed and an army helicopter shot down by pro-Russian militants near the eastern city of Sloviansk, Kiev says… Pro-Russian militants have seized government buildings in a dozen or more Ukrainian cities in the east. Kiev accuses Moscow of supporting and arming the gunmen – a claim denied by the Kremlin…

“On Sunday, Ukrainian Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk accused Russia of executing a plan ‘to destroy Ukraine and its statehood’. He was speaking two days after dozens were killed in violence in the southern Ukrainian port city of Odessa. ‘Russia’s aim was to repeat in Odessa what is happening in the east of the country,’ he said, insisting Kiev had not lost control of the region.

“The clashes on Friday left more than 40 dead, mostly pro-Russian separatists killed in a building fire.”

The Local added on May 6:

“‘There is a threat of a point of no return, a moment when the escalation can no longer be stopped and we will literally stand on the threshold of war in Eastern Europe,’ [German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter] Steinmeier said in a letter published by the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung on Tuesday.”

Bild Online asked on May 6:

“How close is war?” The tabloid concluded: “We don’t know the answer, but the fear of war escalates day by day.”

Christ warned: You will hear of wars and rumors of wars; and that this is part of the beginning of sorrows.    

Putin a Fascist, Not a Communist?

Der Spiegel Online wrote on May 2:

“Some like to idealize Vladimir Putin as the ideological successor to the left-wing Soviet leaders, but that’s sheer nonsense. His speeches offer clear evidence that his points of reference originate in fascism…

“There remains a tendency to view the Kremlin’s foreign policy primarily from a geopolitical perspective — namely that the country is seeking to recover some of the territory it lost when the Soviet Union dissolved. But when Putin speaks of the enemy of the Russian people, he is speaking about something deeper and more basic. The forces against which he has declared war are not only seeking to expand their influence further and further into the East — they are also going after the Russian soul. That’s what he means when he says that Russia must put up a fight against the West…

“Even today, many are having trouble recognizing the true nature of a man who is currently in the process of turning the European peace order on its head. Perhaps we don’t have the courage to make the right comparisons because they remind us of an era that we thought we had put behind us. Within Germany’s Left Party and parts of the center-left Social Democrats, Putin is still viewed as a man molded in the tradition of the Soviet party leader, who stood for an idealized version of Socialism. The old knee-jerk sense of solidarity is still there. It is based on a misunderstanding, though, because Putin isn’t post-communist. He’s post-fascist.

“A search for the right historical analogy should focus on the events of Rome in 1919 rather than Sarajevo in 1914. It won’t take long… to identify traits that were also present at the birth of fascism. There’s Putin’s cult of the body, the lofty rhetoric of self-assertion, the denigration of his opponents as degenerates, his contempt for democracy and Western parliamentarianism, his exaggerated nationalism.

“Enemies of freedom on the far right in Europe sensed the changing political climate early on. They immediately understood that, in Putin, someone is speaking who shares their obsessions and aversions. Putin reciprocates by acknowledging these like-minded individuals…

“When they were first introduced one year ago, people also failed to recognize the true meaning of Russia’s new anti-gay laws. But today it is clear that it marked the emergence of the new Russia. What began with an anti-gay law is now continuing at another level: The logical progression of the belief that certain groups are inferior is the belief in the superiority of one’s own people.

“And when Putin evokes the myth of Moscow as a ‘Third Rome,’ it is clear he is assigning the Russian people with an historic mission. Responsibility is falling to Russia not only to stop Western decadence at its borders, but also to provide a last bastion for those who had already given up hope in this struggle. But he is also saying that Russia can never yield. ‘Death is horrible, isn’t it?’ Putin asked viewers at the end of his television appearance. ‘But no, it appears it may be beautiful if it serves the people: Death for one’s friends, one’s people or for the homeland, to use the modern word.’ That’s as fascist as it gets.”

Based on our own observations, Putin’s popularity is growing among the German people. They are viewing and admiring him as a strong man and can hardly hide their wish for the rise of someone like him in Germany. 

No Cursing in Russian Movies

CNN reported on May 7:

“Thinking about making a film? Better leave out the foul language if you want it to be seen in Russia. The same goes for plays. Even rock stars will need to leave their potty mouths at home. Russian President Vladimir Putin signed off on a new law Monday that bans swearing at arts, cultural and entertainment events in the country. Any new film containing obscene language won’t be granted a distribution certificate, so there’s no chance of seeing it at the movie theater.”

This is of course good at first sight, as is his strong stance against homosexual conduct, but even these developments show striking parallels with the Hitler regime which enforced “good things” for their ulterior plans.

The West Is Helpless

Deutsche Welle wrote on May 2:

“With Russia uninterested in a negotiated deal and the West unable to sway events on the ground, the situation in eastern Ukraine could inadvertently spiral out of control, an Oxford University Russia expert [Neil MacFarlane] tells DW:

“‘The Ukrainian interim government is seeking to legitimize itself through elections later this month. It is not, I gather, in Russia’s interest to see that government legitimized, therefore, you mess up the elections. If the elections can’t be properly held in the east then the elections are partial and you can claim that they are not fully free and fair…

“The larger point, leaving eastern Ukraine aside, is that Russia claims a right to protect its interests and its citizens. But what does this mean not just in Ukraine, but also in Georgia or for that matter in Kazakhstan or… in the Baltics…[?]  As to what the West can do, the question should be phrased: What is the West willing to do and is there a West as an identity? It’s pretty clear that the Americans have a more forthright or robust approach on sanctions. It’s also clear that there is resistance to more robust sanctions in Europe, not least because of our economic ties with Russia and the business interests that would be potentially damaged…

“‘NATO has said that it is willing to slightly reinforce its NATO allies in the region, but in very small numbers, but nobody has said anything at all about substantial military support for Ukraine itself. Basically we have an asymmetry here: the Russians are perfectly willing to give logistical and military support to people in Ukraine who are unhappy and we are not willing to do that. There is really very little we can do. We can increase sanctions, but sanctions have an effect in the longer term – not immediately. I think we are pretty stuck here. I don’t think we have enough consensus on what to do, and I don’t think we have as much will as we would need to stand up to the Russians in eastern Ukraine.”    

When the Blind Lead the Blind…

The EUObserver wrote on May 5:

“Nato has changed its assessment of the Ukraine crisis, saying Russia is more likely to foment rebellion than to invade. The alliance’s military commander, US general Philip Breedlove, told a conference in Ottawa on Monday (5 May): ‘Today I would tell you I don’t think that’s [invasion] the most likely course of action … I think now that [Russian leader Vladimir] Putin may be able to accomplish his objectives in eastern Ukraine and never go across the border with his forces.’… He noted that Russian special forces are probably operating in east and south Ukraine, however. ‘Remember that Putin denied their presence and now he has admitted to their presence in Crimea. The same thing will come out of Ukraine as time rolls out.’

“With the US and the EU saying they will not impose economic sanctions on Russia unless there is a full-scale invasion, Breedlove added: ‘In that case, I think it’s the most troublesome for Nato because if the forces do not come across the border, my guess is that many will want to try to quickly go back to business as usual.’ He also told press in a separate meeting with Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper that ‘Russia’s aggression in Ukraine has caused a paradigm shift’… Harper, for his part, described events in Ukraine as ‘a slow-motion invasion on the part of the Putin regime’…

“The Russian foreign ministry… published a file describing the February revolution in Ukraine as a ‘coercive rebellion’ carried out ‘under the influence of extremists from ultranationalistic and neo-Nazi forces, and with the active multidimensional support of the USA and the European Union and its members’…”

NATO’s and the West’s willful blindness and ignorance are shocking…

Germany Angry with US Republicans

The Local wrote on May 2:

“German lawmakers fumed on Friday over ‘vicious’ criticism by senior US senators of Chancellor Angela Merkel’s stance on Ukraine… John McCain, a former Republican candidate for the White House, on Thursday accused Merkel of standing in the way of firmer measures against Russia over its actions in Ukraine due to Berlin’s lucrative business ties with Moscow… Republican Senator Jeff Sessions echoed the rebuke, saying there needed to be ‘a clearer, more focused, more unified position, and Germany is right there in the middle of it.’

“The remarks sparked outrage in Berlin, with top-selling newspaper Bild saying McCain had ‘attacked’ Merkel with ‘crass’ comments. A leading MP from Merkel’s conservative Christian Democratic Union, Karl-Georg Wellmann, told news website Spiegel Online that McCain’s accusation that industry called the shots for the German government was ‘vicious nonsense’… In a parting shot, he added: ‘McCain would do better to ensure that the closest allies are no longer spied on,’ referring to revelations that the US National Security Agency snooped on foreign leaders including Merkel.

“The Social Democrats, junior partners in Merkel’s grand coalition government, also took umbrage at McCain’s comments. ‘It’s poor form,’ parliamentary deputy Rolf Muetzenich told Spiegel. ‘McCain feels insecure because his Russia policy of containment and military build-up is very controversial, even in the US.’… Germany, Europe’s top economic power, gets about one-third of its oil and gas from Russia and has strong trade ties with Moscow.”

Yes, the truth hurts and its rejection may make one angry. The fact that Merkel did accomplish absolutely nothing during her visit in the USA regarding the NSA spying scandal does not make the Germans happy, either.    

Bulgaria Caught in the Middle

Deutsche Welle wrote on April 27:

“Tensions between Russia and Ukraine have highlighted a split in Bulgarian society, with its historical ties both east and west. Responses range from sympathy for the Russians, to fear of Putin’s power games. Bulgarians remain bound to Russia by alphabet, religion, and history. Although the southeastern European country with its 7.3 million inhabitants doesn’t share a common border with Russia, it continues a long and complicated relationship with its ‘big brother.’…In the official Bulgarian version of history, Russia was the ‘ liberator from the Turkish yoke,’ since Bulgarian statehood was reestablished after the Russo-Turkish War in 1877-88.

“But historian Plamen Tzvetkov sees this as a propaganda cliché uncritically repeated in history books and by the media. ‘Most Bulgarians don’t even know that the peace treaty of 1878 had nothing to do with their “liberation,'” Tzvetkov told DW. ‘Rather, it sealed the Russian army’s long-term occupation of Bulgaria, and served to push through Russian power interests in the Bosphorus…’

“Bulgaria came under the Soviet sphere of influence after World War II, taking its place among other Eastern Bloc nations as a USSR-aligned communist regime until the fall of the Iron Curtain in 1989. Public opinion in Bulgaria is deeply split on whether Russia was a liberator or an occupier…

“Although Bulgaria is a member of the European Union and officially supports the EU position on Ukraine, it is also dependent on Russian gas, and is being governed by a cabinet dominated by traditionally Russia-friendly socialists. But quiet – or loud – support for Putin goes beyond history and energy supplies. Many citizens of the EU’s poorest member state have been disappointed by EU membership, and are almost gratified by the new hostilities between the Kremlin and Brussels…

“Thousands of Russian citizens own property in Bulgaria, Russian lobbyists are very active in Bulgaria’s economy and media, and it’s feared that the old Eastern Bloc networks could experience a revival…

“Now Bulgaria stands between West and East once again, being yanked back and forth between Moscow and Brussels. Where once Bulgarians pinned hope on EU membership, today many are disappointed. At the same time, observers doubt that the nation could fall back into Moscow’s direct sphere of influence. And yet there is clearly an anti-European mood in the country…”

China Plans for North Korean Regime Collapse

The Telegraph wrote on May 5:

“China has drawn up detailed contingency plans for the collapse of the North Korean government, suggesting that Beijing has little faith in the longevity of Kim Jong-un’s regime… the Chinese report says key North Korean leaders should be detained in special camps where they can be monitored, but also prevented from directing further military operations or taking part in actions that could be damaging to China’s national interest.

“The report suggests ‘foreign forces’ could be involved in an incident that leads to the collapse of internal controls in North Korea, resulting to millions of refugees attempting to flee. The only route to safety the vast majority would have would be over the border into China. The Chinese authorities intend to question new arrivals, determine their identities and turn away any who are considered dangerous or undesirable…

“The release of the study comes just days after Beijing issued a thinly veiled warning to Pyongyang, ahead of a fourth anticipated nuclear test, that China would ‘by no means allow war or chaos to occur on our doorstep.’ China, which is North Korea’s sole remaining significant supporter, also refused to export any crude oil over its border to the North in the first three months of the year.”

Reuters added on April 30:

“China said on Wednesday it would conduct joint naval drills with Russia in the East China Sea off Shanghai in late May, in what it called a bid to deepen military cooperation… The Beijing government… is swiftly ramping up military spending… China and Russia have close diplomatic, security and economic ties, and regularly carry out military exercises together.”

New Dictatorship and Totalitarianism in Egypt

APF wrote on April 29:

“An Egyptian court sentenced 682 alleged Islamists and Muslim Brotherhood leader Mohamed Badie to death on Monday, a lawyer and prosecutor said, after two brief sessions the defense partly boycotted. The same court in the southern province of Minya also reversed 492 of 529 death sentences it passed in March, commuting most of those to life in prison. The court, presided over by judge Said Youssef Sabry, had sparked an international outcry with its initial sentencing last month amid an extensive crackdown on supporters of ousted Islamist president Mohamed Morsi…

“Under Egyptian law, death sentences are referred to the country’s top Islamic scholar for an advisory opinion before being ratified. A court may choose to commute the sentences, which can later be challenged at an appeals court…

“The Brotherhood urged the world to act against ‘gross human rights violations and injustice committed by the military junta in Egypt against its own people’… Amnesty International condemned Monday’s death sentences.”

These political sentences, which were apparently reached after just 10 minutes of “trial,” show the new emerging totalitarianism of a country and a people presently unfit for true democracy. The evil seeds of the Arab Spring are now being harvested.    

Iraq in Turmoil

The Washington Times wrote on April 28:

“Amid increasing violence by a resurgent al Qaeda, Iraqis will vote this week in the first parliamentary elections since the departure of U.S. troops in 2011 as the country edges closer to outright sectarian warfare and the government moves closer to Iran… Although the U.S. provides military support to Iraq, Washington’s influence… is waning as Mr. al-Maliki develops close ties with Iran… Conflict between Shiite and Sunni Muslims has ignited a ferocious cycle of violence. Iraq is experiencing its worst bloodshed since the height of the sectarian conflict that nearly tore the country apart from 2006 to 2008…”

Another failed American “experiment.”    

Asteroid Hurtles Past Earth

The Independent wrote on May 6:

“Unbeknown to most of us here on Earth, a huge asteroid the size of a double-decker bus hurtled past our planet over the weekend… Days after it was spotted by astronomers, the space rock passed within 186,000 miles (300,000 kilometres) of Earth… And although it may sound like a large distance, the asteroid travelled within the Moon’s orbit, which on average takes the satellite 238, 855 miles (384,399 kilometres) away from Earth.

“The asteroid, known [as] HL 129, was about 7.6 metres (25 feet) wide and made its closest approach to Earth at 4.13am EDT (8.13am GMT) on Saturday… Nasa scientists and researchers across the world keep a constant look-out for potentially dangerous asteroids that could crash into Earth – with deadly consequences. Former astronaut Ed Lu said earlier this year that it was only ‘blind luck’ that the planet had not suffered a catastrophic hit from an asteroid.

“He told ‘While most large asteroids with the potential to destroy an entire country or continent have been detected, less than 10,000 of the more than a million dangerous asteroids with the potential to destroy an entire major metropolitan area have been found by all existing space or terrestrially-operated observatories…’ In 2013 over 1,000 people were injured after an asteroid exploded above the Russian city of Chelyabinsk.”

Polio Health Emergency

BBC News wrote on May 5:

“The World Health Organization (WHO) has declared the spread of polio is an international public health emergency. Outbreaks in Asia, Africa and Middle East are an ‘extraordinary event’ needing a co-ordinated ‘international response’… It recommends citizens of affected countries travelling abroad carry a vaccination certificate. It says Pakistan, Cameroon, and Syria ‘pose the greatest risk of further wild poliovirus exportations in 2014.’… Polio mainly affects children under five years old. The virus is transmitted through contaminated food and water, and multiplies in the intestine. It can then invade the nervous system, causing paralysis in one in every 200 infections. It is capable of causing death within hours…

“The WHO also lists Afghanistan, Equatorial Guinea, Ethiopia, Iraq, Israel, Somalia and Nigeria as ‘posing an ongoing risk for new wild poliovirus exportations in 2014.’ It is only the second time in the WHO’s history it has made such a declaration, the first being during the swine flu pandemic of 2009… Syria, which was polio-free for 14 years, was re-infected with the virus from Pakistan.  Refugees are still pouring out of Syria, to Jordan, Lebanon and Turkey, and checking whether all of them have been vaccinated will be impossible…”

MERS in the USA

The Associated Press reported on May 3:

“Health officials on Friday confirmed the first case of an American infected with a mysterious virus that has sickened hundreds in the Middle East. The man fell ill after flying to the U.S. late last week from Saudi Arabia where he was a health care worker… Saudi Arabia has been at the center of a Middle East outbreak of MERS that began two years ago…. Overall, at least 400 people have had the respiratory illness, and more than 100 people have died. All had ties to the Middle East region or to people who traveled there.

“Experts said it was just a matter of time before MERS showed up in the U.S., as it has in Europe and Asia… MERS belongs to the coronavirus family that includes the common cold and SARS, or severe acute respiratory syndrome, which caused some 800 deaths globally in 2003. The MERS virus has been found in camels, but officials don’t know how it is spreading to humans. It can spread from person to person, but officials believe that happens only after close contact.

“Not all those exposed to the virus become ill. But it appears to be unusually lethal — by some estimates, it has killed nearly a third of the people it sickened. That’s a far higher percentage than seasonal flu or other routine infections. But it is not as contagious as flu, measles or other diseases. There is no vaccine or cure and there’s [no] specific treatment except to relieve symptoms.”

Antibiotic Resistance with Worldwide Devastating Implications

Reuters wrote on April 30:

“The spread of deadly superbugs that evade even the most powerful antibiotics is no longer a prediction but is happening right now across the world, United Nations officials said on Wednesday. Antibiotic resistance has the potential to affect anyone, of any age, in any country, the U.N.’s World Health Organisation (WHO) said in a report. It is now a major threat to public health, of which ‘the implications will be devastating’. ‘The world is headed for a post-antibiotic era, in which common infections and minor injuries which have been treatable for decades can once again kill,’ said Keiji Fukuda, the WHO’s assistant director-general for health security…

“Drug resistance is driven by the misuse and overuse of antibiotics, which encourages bacteria to develop new ways of overcoming them… One of the best known superbugs, MRSA, is alone estimated to kill around 19,000 people every year in the United States – far more than HIV and AIDS – and a similar number in Europe.”

More False Signs and Wonders

The Telegraph wrote on April 28:

“When doctors told preacher Todd Burpo his four-year-old son was going to die from a burst appendix he railed against God for taking him to heaven too soon. What he did not expect was that little Colton would not only survive his near-death experience on the operating table but would come back full of stories of the angels and rainbows he had seen while unconscious. He told his parents that while visiting heaven he met John the Baptist and the Virgin Mary, and sat at Jesus’ knee. And now his extraordinary claims have been turned into a film, Heaven is for Real, which has become a huge word of mouth hit across America and is due to open in Britain next week.

“It was only when the little boy described in detail watching his father as he shouted in despair at God in a hotel anteroom, something he could not have known about, that Mr Burpo began to believe he was dealing with more than a little boy’s drug-induced hallucinations. Colton went on to recognize a photograph of a great-grandfather he had never met and talked about a sister he said told him she had ‘died in their mother’s tummy’. The family had never discussed the baby his mother Sonja lost to a miscarriage a year before Colton’s birth, or told him about his father’s rant against God as he lay on the operating table. These details helped to convince them that Colton’s claims were true, and Mr Burpo went on to write a book about his experiences.

“Also called Heaven is for Real, it became an unlikely bestseller, spending three years at the top of the charts. Now, 10 years after Colton’s brush with death on a hospital operating table, it has been made into a film starring Greg Kinnear as Todd Burpo. Opening on Easter weekend, the movie was an instant hit, taking $22.5 million (£13.4 million) in its first three days…”

It is clear to us that these events, if indeed real, have nothing to do with any godly revelation. Rather, they would constitute false “signs and wonders” initiated by demons to deceive a naive world in rejecting the truth of the Bible and instead believing a lie. We can expect increasing occurrences of such nature. The false concept of reincarnation or “near-death” experiences (if not just caused by the ongoing working of the brain) is clearly of Satanic origin.

Vatican Guilty of Torture

The Washington Times wrote on May 4:

“The Vatican is a signatory to the anti-torture and child protection treaties, both of which require periodic reports about efforts to implement policies and promote change… The Vatican’s report stated that ‘the Holy See condemns the use of torture as a grave violation of the Commandment “You shall not kill” and works towards its abolition. The Holy See condemns other acts of cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment, which may not amount to torture but are equally contrary to the inherent dignity of the human person and his or her integrity and identity.’

“Advocates for abuse victims, however, see hypocrisy between the church’s proclamations and its practices… Siding with survivors network, the World Organization Against Torture said that by allowing rape and other sexual abuse, ‘the Holy See has failed its duties to prevent torture and other acts of ill-treatment within its jurisdiction, thereby violating [the Convention Against Torture].’”

Even though serious, the Bible’s description of the Catholic Church’s history of blatant torture—as well as future prophecies yet to be fulfilled—are of so much greater proportions.

Current Events

Catholic Superstitions

Deutsche Welle wrote on April 27:

“On Sunday morning, Pope Francis declared two former popes, John XXIII and John Paul II, saints before a crowd of hundreds of thousands in Vatican City’s St. Peter’s [Square.] The double-canonization, which was attended by Pope Francis’ predecessor, Pope emeritus Benedict XVI, was a first in the Catholic Church’s 2,000 year history… In a Latin prayer, Pope Francis said ‘we declare and define Blessed John XXIII and John Paul II be saints and we enroll them among the saints, decreeing that they are to be venerated as such by the whole church.’… Relics of the two new saints were then brought to the altar. Blood from John Paul II was brought by Costa Rican woman Floribeth Mora, whose recovery from a brain aneurism in 2011 was declared the miracle required for John Paul’s canonization. The relic for John XXIII was a small piece of his skin…
“Along with the multitudes of pilgrims, leaders from more than 90 nations were due to attend the canonization celebrations, according to the Vatican. These included the Zimbabwe President Robert Mugabe, former Polish president and Solidarity leader Lech Walesa and the kings of Spain and Belgium… Leading the Catholic Church from 1958 to 1963, John XXIII called the Second Vatican Council, which changed many aspects of church life including allowing Mass to be held in local languages instead of just Latin. He also encouraged greater dialogue with followers of other faiths, in particular Jewish people… John Paul II was pontiff from 1978 to 2005 and became known for helping to hasten the end of the Cold War and bring down communist rule in Eastern Europe. He also established the popular World Youth Days. His canonization will be the fastest declaration of sainthood in modern history… Earlier this week, critics questioned the appropriateness of declaring Pope John Paul II a saint, citing an abuse scandal linked to an order of priests which he and his closest advisors had strongly supported…”

Big Business Sponsors Catholic Church Event

NBC News wrote on April 26:

“He has railed against the ‘tyranny’ of global capitalism and the ‘idolatry of money, but even Pope Francis needs a little corporate coin sometimes – as proven by the list of sponsors for Sunday’s canonizations. An oil and gas giant, several banks and Switzerland—based food megacorp Nestle are among more than a dozen financial backers of the Rome event…

“The Catholic Church sits upon enormous assets – the Vatican Bank manages $8 billion worth of worldwide investments as well as 33,000 accounts for clergy and parishes – but its governing body, the Holy See, made a loss of $18.4 million in 2011.”

Pope Francis’ Clever Move

Deutsche Welle wrote on April 27:

“The two former popes canonized on Sunday (27.04.2014) by their successor represent opposing positions in the Catholic Church. Pope Francis’ move has placed him squarely between the two poles – a clever diplomatic chess move ahead of important decisions he will have to make.

“John Paul II, sometimes called the ‘Pilgrim Pope’ because of his many travels abroad, distinguished himself during the political unification of Europe. At the same time, he set the Church on a conservative track. Pope John XXIII, meanwhile, ‘tore doors and windows open to let a fresh wind into the Church,’ as one Catholic historian put it. He initiated the Second Vatican Council, with all the reforms it brought, and opened the Church to the people.

“Any canonization reflects on the pope who does the canonizing – even if he did not initiate the process himself. It reveals something of his interpretation of his office. The Polish conservative on the one hand, the Italian reformer on the other: Pope Francis is positioning himself between the two… This is clever a move, and it is the only way that Francis can build the bridges so vital to a Church facing a number of expectations. Following the election of the modest but charismatic Francis a year ago, a stubborn tug-of-war between reformers and traditionalists has been going on behind the scenes at the Vatican – and not only there…

“Sunday’s double-canonization shows that Pope Francis remains an ambiguous figure. But as anyone can now see, he has left all his options open.”

Peace Talks Suspended

JTA wrote on April 25:

“President Obama said it may be time for a pause in Middle East peacemaking in the wake of a breakdown in Israel-Palestinian talks… The crisis began March 29, when Israel failed to meet a deadline to release the final 26 of 104 Palestinian prisoners it had pledged to release at the outset of renewed talks last July. It escalated within days when the Palestinians violated their own pledge not to apply to join international agreements while talks were underway.

“The crisis deepened on Wednesday when the Palestinian Authority signed a unity agreement with Hamas, the group controlling the Gaza Strip that has been designated as terrorist by Israel, the United States and the European Union. Israel suspended the talks formally on Thursday… Netanyahu’s security cabinet ‘decided unanimously that it will not negotiate with a Palestinian government that incorporates Hamas, a terrorist organization that seeks the destruction of Israel.’”

John Kerry Blames Israeli and Palestinian Leaders

The Daily Beast wrote on April 27:

“If there’s no two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict soon, Israel risks becoming ‘an apartheid state,’ Secretary of State John Kerry told a room of influential world leaders in a closed-door meeting Friday. Senior American officials have rarely, if ever, used the term ‘apartheid’ in reference to Israel, and President Obama has previously rejected the idea that the word should apply to the Jewish state. Kerry’s use of the loaded term is already rankling Jewish leaders in America—and it could attract unwanted attention in Israel, as well.

“It wasn’t the only controversial comment on the Middle East that Kerry made… Kerry also repeated his warning that a failure of Middle East peace talks could lead to a resumption of Palestinian violence against Israeli citizens. He suggested that a change in either the Israeli or Palestinian leadership could make achieving a peace deal more feasible. He lashed out against Israeli settlement-building. And Kerry said that both Israeli and Palestinian leaders share the blame for the current impasse in the talks.”

The New York Times added on April 28:

“Secretary of State John Kerry issued an unusual statement Monday evening expressing his support for Israel after a controversy erupted over a politically charged phrase [see above] he used in a private appearance… During his push for a comprehensive peace agreement, Mr. Kerry has repeatedly warned that Israel could face economic pressure from European nations as well as Palestinian violence and a demographic time bomb at home — meaning Jews could become a minority in Israel and the territories they control — if Israel did not negotiate an agreement that led to an independent Palestinian state…

“[Kerry] said that he had been a staunch supporter of Israel during his years as a senator and had spent many hours since working with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and other Israeli officials… Mr. Kerry added that he did not believe that Israel was an ‘ partied state’ or intended to become one. Mr. Kerry did not dispute he had used the phrase but said it had led to a ‘ misimpression’ about his views. ‘If I could rewind the tape, I would have chosen a different word to describe my firm belief that the only way in the long term to have a Jewish state and two nations and two peoples living side by side in peace and security is through a two state solution,’ he said.

“J Street, a pro-peace Jewish organization,  defended Mr. Kerry. ‘Instead of putting energy into attacking Secretary Kerry, those who are upset with the secretary’s use of the term should put their energy into opposing and changing the policies that are leading Israel down this road,’ it said in a statement.”

Regardless, the Bible indicates that Israel WILL become an “apartheid state”; that is, it will become more and more isolated and without any true supporters.

Rise of the Hungarian Far-Right

Reuters reported on April 27:

“Tens of thousands of Hungarians joined a protest march on Sunday against anti-Semitism, three weeks after the far-right Jobbik party won nearly a quarter of votes cast in a national election.

“Budapest’s annual ‘March of the Living’ has drawn an increasing number of participants in recent years to commemorate the deaths of around half a million Hungarian Jews during the Holocaust in World War Two.

“The marchers, many holding European Union and Israeli flags, attended the inauguration of a Holocaust monument on a bank of the Danube where Jews were executed during the war. They then marched in silence through the city to an old railway station from which trains departed 70 years ago for Nazi death camps…

“Jobbik denies being anti-Semitic but does little to dispel its reputation for intolerance. Its followers are often openly hostile to Jews and other ethnic and religious minorities.

“‘Anti-Semitism has risen. You can feel that in all segments of society: in politics, in media, in schools and in social intercourse,’ said another marcher, Gyorgy Burjan, a retired engineer, adding that Jobbik had capitalized on that.”

US and EU Sanctions of Little Consequence

The Washington Post wrote on April 29:

“The sanctions on Russian President Vladimir Putin’s inner circle were supposed to roll back the chaos besetting eastern Ukraine. But here in Russia’s blossoming capital, such a retreat is nowhere to be seen. Some targets of the sanctions are sitting down for softball interviews on Kremlin-controlled TV channels. Moscow’s stock market rebounded Tuesday for the second day in a row after the latest round of sanctions turned out to be weaker than expected. Chaos is spiraling in eastern Ukraine, where pro-Russian separatists stormed a regional government building in the roiling city of Luhansk on Tuesday. And tens of thousands of Russian troops remain arrayed on Ukraine’s border…  some of the targets have rolled their eyes, saying the United States and Europe are only inflicting wounds on themselves…

“But sanctions targeting individuals rather than industry sectors are unlikely to have a big effect on behavior, said Kirill Rogov, a senior researcher at the Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy in Moscow. ‘No one will stop buying oil or gas because of these sanctions,’ he said.”

In Germany, the mood of the German people is sympathetic towards Mr. Putin, while the official newscasts and the mainstream press struggle to paint a somewhat negative picture. The embrace of former Chancellor Schroeder and Putin and their celebration of Putin’s birthday have caused some initial consternation among politicians, but they were quick to put a spin on it, indicating that Schroeder might have spoken in private to Putin to encourage him to pursue a more peaceful action… which appears rather doubtful.

Merkel Says No War!

The Globe and Mail reported on April 30:

“German Chancellor Angela Merkel on Wednesday ruled out military intervention in the dispute with Russia over Ukraine and said she was counting on a diplomatic resolution to Europe’s worst crisis since the Cold War ended.

“In a speech to about 1,200 people in Frankfurt, Germany’s financial capital, ahead of the European parliamentary elections next month, Merkel said the lessons of two world wars in the last century could not be forgotten…

“’I’ll continue working towards a good partnership with Russia,’ said Merkel.

“’We will not resolve our conflicts in Europe with military means. Military solutions can be excluded,’ she added to loud applause.

“Germany, which relies heavily on Russia for natural-gas supplies, has been trying to defuse tensions over Ukraine and is seen in the West as reluctant to ratchet up sanctions against Moscow.”

Russia Accuses West of Wanting to Control Ukraine

The Associated Press reported on April 25:

“Accusing the West of plotting to control Ukraine, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov declared Friday that the pro-Russia insurgents in eastern Ukraine will only lay down their arms if the Ukrainian government clears out the Maidan protest camp in Kiev. ‘The West wants — and this is how it all began — to seize control of Ukraine because of their own political ambitions, not in the interests of the Ukrainian people,’ Lavrov said. He added the pro-Russia insurgents will disarm and vacate buildings ‘only if Kiev authorities get down to implementing the Geneva accords, clear out that shameful Maidan and liberate the buildings that have been illegally seized.’

“Ukraine’s reaction was swift. ‘The world has not yet forgotten the second World War, but Russia is already keen on starting a third world war,’ acting Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk retorted.”

Gauck vs. Errdogan

The Local wrote on April 29:

“Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Errdogan on Tuesday rejected criticism from Germany’s president who said he was ‘scared’ by the Turkey’s recent spate of rights abuses. ‘I think he still thinks of himself as pastor,’ Erdogan told parliament, a day after he met with German President Joachim Gauck who is on a four-day visit to Turkey.

“Gauck, an outspoken former Lutheran pastor, gave a harsh indictment of recent actions by the Turkish government during speeches in Ankara on Monday – particularly efforts to ban Twitter and YouTube and increase control over the judiciary in response to protests and a corruption scandal. ‘I must confess that these developments are scaring me,’ Gauck said in a speech at the Middle East Technical University.

“He added that the rule of law was in danger from efforts to muzzle the opposition. ‘I ask myself if judicial independence is still guaranteed if the government purges so many prosecutors and police, and prevents them from shedding light on crooked developments… or manipulates decisions in its favour,’ Gauck said during his four-day visit to the country.  But Erdogan said Gauck’s approach ‘upset’ him.”

That Turkey has become a dangerous country regarding personal liberties and freedoms, there can be no doubt. President Gauck’s criticism was more than justified, and Errdogan’s reply was more than weak. What diminishes Gauck’s credibility substantially is his personal lifestyle—living together with another woman, while still being married.

Britain No Longer a Christian Country

BBC News wrote on April 27:

“Britain is now a ‘post-Christian’ country, former Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams has said… Lord Williams said Britain was not a nation of believers and that the era of widespread worship was over… It comes after Prime Minister David Cameron said people in Britain should be confident of its status as ‘a Christian country’…

“Lord Williams, who retired from being the leader of the Church of England in 2012, said: ‘If I say that this is a post-Christian nation, that doesn’t mean necessarily non-Christian. It means the cultural memory is still quite strongly Christian.’

“He added: ‘But [Britain is] post-Christian in the sense that habitual practice for most of the population is not taken for granted. A Christian nation can sound like a nation of committed believers and we are not that. Equally, we are not a nation of dedicated secularists. It’s a matter of defining terms. A Christian country as a nation of believers? No…”

Don’t Quote Churchill in Britain

The Washington Times wrote on April 29:

“Quoting Winston Churchill’s opinions on Islam contributed to a U.K. politician’s arrest — and possible imprisonment of up to two years. Paul Weston, chairman of the party Liberty GB, was making a speech Saturday outside the Winchester Guildhall in Hampshire, when he quoting the famous prime minister, the Independent reported.

“After a member of the public complained, Mr. Weston was subsequently arrested for religious harassment when he did not comply with officers’ orders to leave the area. The text that contributed to Mr. Weston’s arrest came from Churchill’s book ‘The River of War: An Account of the Reconquest of the Sudan,’ written by the former prime minister in 1899 during his time as an Army officer in Sudan.

“Mr. Weston read the following passage, among others, by Mr. Churchill, the Blaze reported: ‘The fact that in Mohammedan law every woman must belong to some man as his absolute property, either as a child, a wife, or a concubine, must delay the final extinction of slavery until the faith of Islam has ceased to be a great power among men. Individual Moslems may show splendid qualities – but the influence of the religion paralyses the social development of those who follow it. No stronger retrograde force exists in the world. Far from being moribund, Mohammedanism is a militant and proselytizing faith.’”

To get arrested for quoting Winston Churchill’s comments on Islam is another example for the inevitable downfall of Great Britain.

1 In 7 Americans Couldn’t Survive a Week Without a Job

Newsmax wrote on April 26:

“Fourteen percent of Americans, or about one in seven, say they would experience ‘significant financial hardship’ within a week if they lost their job, a Gallup survey reveals. Another 29 percent say they would face financial troubles within a month if they no longer received a paycheck, while 26 percent wouldn’t survive financially more than four months without a job. Just 17 percent could survive for up to one year, and 14 percent could last more than a year, according to Gallup’s poll of adults employed full-time or part-time in all 50 states.

“And among those with an annual household income of less than $50,000, 45 percent could not last one month and 25 percent could not last even a week… More than 60 percent of adults ages 18 to 34 could go only one month or less before experiencing hardship…

“Gallup concludes: ‘With long-term unemployment a serious problem in recent years, many U.S. workers are not in a position financially to go a month, or even a week, without finding a new job if laid off. That underscores the economic hardship that unemployment of any length can bring on U.S. families, particularly for younger and lower-income workers.’”

Current Events

NATO’s Half-Hearted Response

Newsmax wrote on April 17:

“The Obama administration is sending ground troops to Poland in response to Russia’s moves in Ukraine… The move… was agreed to as part of an expansion of the NATO presence in the region. The New York Times, meanwhile, said the troops would participate in small exercises in Estonia as well as Poland… The Army exercise is far short of what Poland Foreign Minister Radoslaw Sikorski suggested earlier this month, when he said he wants NATO to deploy two combat brigades with as many as 5,000 troops.”

The “Tentative” Agreement

The Washington Times wrote on April 17:

“Secretory of State John F. Kerry reached a tentative agreement Thursday with Russia’s foreign minister to de-escalate the crisis in Ukraine by disarming militias, but tensions remained high as three pro-Russian separatists were killed in clashes and Russian President Vladimir Putin accused Kiev of plunging the country into an abyss.

“In the first such talks since Russia annexed the Crimea region of Ukraine last month, the diplomats in Geneva agreed that all sides would refrain from violence and that all ‘illegal armed groups will be disarmed.’ Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov called the agreement ‘  compromise of sorts’…

“The document didn’t address the 40,000 Russian troops who the U.S. says are massed on Ukraine’s eastern and southern borders. President Obama expressed skepticism that the agreement would hold… Mr. Putin scoffed at the renewed threat from the West. ‘They badly want to bite us, but their opportunities are limited,’ Mr. Putin said. ‘If they try to punish us by putting us into a corner on our knees like naughty children, they will cut the branch they are sitting on.’”

What Putin Really Wants

The New York Times wrote on April 17:

“Even as the world’s top diplomats were gingerly drafting a tentative accord to ‘de-escalate tensions’ in Ukraine, President Vladimir V. Putin was on national television here, brashly declaring Russia’s historical claims over Ukrainian territory, reiterating a threat to use military force and generally sounding a defiant, even mocking, tone toward the United States. Mr. Putin, appearing cool and confident during a four-hour question-and-answer show, referred repeatedly to southeast Ukraine as ‘new Russia’ — a historical term for the area north of the Black Sea that the Russian Empire conquered in the 1700s. And, he said, only ‘God knows’ why the region became part of Ukraine in the 1920s, signaling that he would gladly correct that error… Mr. Putin pointedly asserted that he had the authority to invade Ukraine, but added that he hoped it would not be necessary.”

Breitbart wrote on April 17:

“Russia has achieved a strategic psychological victory over NATO in the Ukraine with the announcement by Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov in Geneva that an agreement had been reached with Ukrainian and NATO member diplomats to ease tensions in the country…

“Over the last few weeks, NATO has been shown to be economically unstable, fully dependent on Russian energy, and lacking a meaningful military deterrent. Russia has brutally humiliated NATO and has strategically reemerged as the dominant nation in Europe… After succeeding in annexing the Crimean peninsula from the Ukraine by popular demand, Moscow sought to bait the Ukrainian government into violent reprisals against pro-Russian protestors and government building occupiers in eastern and southern Ukraine. But unlike the Crimea where the support for Russia was overwhelming, eastern pro-Russian protests were often met with large pro-Western counter-demonstrations. Without the supportive political conditions to welcome a military intervention, Russia fostered the maximum amount of turmoil in the hope the Ukraine military would violently retaliate against both paramilitary groups and civilians.

“The Ukrainian government did begin an ‘anti-terrorism’ campaign in eastern Ukraine in an attempt to drive out mobs of pro-Russian forces that had barricaded themselves inside federal buildings near the Russian border, demanding the government disarm… Russia has succeeded in stopping any further talk of Ukraine joining NATO and must be ecstatic with the state of paralysis in the nation that was already facing financial insolvency and default. The International Monetary Fund had already approved a loan in March that required politically painful austerity spending reforms. Those reforms include doubling of residential natural gas prices and adopting a floating currency exchange rate that will devalue the buying power of worker’s salaries and pensions.

“With a highly contentious Ukraine presidential election coming on May 25th, Russia will be able to criticize the legitimacy of the vote count and feed bitter historic antagonism against politicians in the western Ukrainian capital city of Kiev. If continuing protests cause the elections to be delayed, Russia can push for a break-up of the country or a decentralization of power. Either event would strengthen Russia’s position and humiliate the credibility of NATO as a friend and ally to other Eastern European nations.

“President Vladimir Putin is enjoying a 75% approval rating at home since the beginning of his muscular response to Ukraine. As a former KGB operative, Putin has the luxury of choreographing events in a way that emphasizes his defiance of perceived Western meddling in other nations’ internal affairs. Fearing a scenario like the Ukraine, I expect a number of countries to move away from NATO and re-establish ‘ harmonious relationships’ now that Russia has reemerged as the dominant power in Europe.”

One People Before God?

Deutsche Welle wrote on April 20:

“In an interview with NBC’s ‘Meet the Press,’ Ukrainian Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk has warned that Russian President Vladimir Putin dreamed of restoring Moscow’s former geopolitical and territorial power. According to excerpts of the interview released ahead of Sunday’s broadcast, Yatsenyuk said: ‘President Putin has a dream to restore the Soviet Union. And every day, he goes further and further. And God knows where is the final destination.’…

“Pro-Russian activists remain in control of government buildings in more than a dozen eastern cities. They have rejected the terms of Thursday’s Geneva deal, in which Russia, the US, the EU and Ukraine agreed that activists must lay down their arms and end their occupation of administrative offices. The separatists insist they will remain where they are until the ‘illegitimate’ government in Kyiv – established after the fall of pro-Kremlin president Viktor Yanukovych – steps down. They have also reiterated calls for a referendum on joining the Russian Federation.

“… proof that tensions remain high came from religious leaders on opposing sides of the conflict, who delivered deeply political Easter Sunday messages. The head of Ukraine’s Orthodox Church condemned Russian ‘aggression’ and said ‘evil’ would be defeated. ‘God cannot be on the side of evil, so the enemy of the Ukrainian people is condemned to defeat,’ Patriarch Filaret told worshippers in Western-friendly Kyiv. Across the border in Moscow, Russian Church Patriarch Kirill, called on God to put ‘an end to the designs of those who want to destroy Holy Russia’. He said that while Ukraine was ‘politically’ separate, spiritually and historically’ it was at one with Russia, and he prayed that it would benefit from authorities that are ‘legitimately elected’. ‘We are a single people before God,’ he added.”

Russia Fortifies in the Far East

RIA Novosti reported on April 18:

“Russia will build more than 150 military facilities on the Iturup and Kunashir islands, part of the Kuril chain disputed by Japan, a senior military commander told reporters Friday.

“’All decisions on the construction of military stations on the Iturup and Kunashir islands have been made and approved,’ said Col. Gen. Sergei Suvorkin, the head of Russia’s Eastern Military District.

“’All essential facilities, more than 150, will be built before 2016,’ he added.

“The government endorsed the decision to revamp Russia’s troops on the Far Eastern Kuril Islands in 2011. A territorial dispute with Japan over the island chain, in addition to the island of Sakhalin, prompted Russia to tighten its grip on the territories…

“The four disputed islands — Iturup, Kunashir, Shikotan and Habomai — were given to Soviet forces at the end of World War II and are still claimed by Japan.

“The two countries never signed a permanent peace treaty following the end of World War II because of the row over the islands, which Russia calls the Southern Kurils and Japan calls the Northern Territories.”

Japan’s Defensive Concerns

Reuters wrote on April 19:

“Japan began its first military expansion at the western end of its island chain in more than 40 years on Saturday, breaking ground on a radar station on a tropical island off Taiwan.

“The move risks angering China, locked in a dispute with Japan over nearby islands which they both claim.

“Japanese Defense Minister Itsunori Onodera, who attended a ceremony on Yonaguni island to mark the start of construction, suggested the military presence could be enlarged to other islands in the seas southwest of Japan’s main islands.’

“‘This is the first deployment since the U.S. returned Okinawa (1972) and calls for us to be more on guard are growing,’ Onodera told reporters. ‘I want to build an operation able to properly defend islands that are part of Japan’s territory.’

“The military radar station on Yonaguni, part of a longstanding plan to improve defense and surveillance, gives Japan a lookout just 150 km (93 miles) from the Japanese-held islands claimed by China.”

Pakistan-China Military Exercise

Xinhuanet reported on April 20:

“Two-week long Pakistan-China joint military exercise started Sunday near the garrison of Rawalpindi, Pakistan’s military said.

“Flags of both countries were hoisted and national anthems played to mark the opening of the joint military exercise in a ceremony, a statement from the army’s Inter-Services Public Relations said. ‘The joint exercise is aimed at sharing mutual experience and information in [the] medical field through a comprehensive training program in near real time environment,’ it said…

“The exercise will also provide an opportunity to exchange latest technological advancement in [the] medical field to improve medical operations during peace and war.

“The joint military exercise ‘Peace Angel 2014’ will certainly pave the way for further cementing the existing bilateral relations between the armies of the two countries.”

Sweden Reacts to Russia wrote on April

“Sweden’s centre-right government coalition announced plans on Tuesday to pump more funds into the military if the four parties win the September elections, with an emphasis on more fighter jets and submarines.

“In an article published in the newspaper Dagens Nyheter (DN) the four party leaders wrote about the crisis in Ukraine and how Russia had now ramped up both its military and propaganda machines.

“The leaders said they had previously welcomed Russia’s attempts to embed itself deeper in the global community, despite harbouring fears that the tide could turn at any point.

“‘What we see today is a Russia that acts in a way that confirms and surpasses the fears we had then,’ the leaders of the Moderate, Liberal (Folkpartiet), Centre and Christian Democrat Parties wrote.”

Hitler and the EU

Express wrote on April 17:

“The EU was HITLER’S idea and it proves Germany WON the Second World War, claims [a] new book. “THE ‘fascist’ EU was inspired and designed by the NAZIS and is proof Hitler won the Second World War, an outrageous new book is claiming.

“’The EU: The Truth About The Fourth Reich – How Hitler Won The Second World War’ argues the single currency, the free market and even the phrase ‘United States of Europe’ were all dreamt up by high ranking Nazis, including the Fuhrer himself… It also claims the only country which benefits from the EU is Germany – just as Hitler planned.

“A spokesperson for the Liberal Democrats – which its leader Nick Clegg describes as the ‘party of in’ when it comes to the EU – dismissed the authors of the book as ‘peddling outlandish myths’.

“The book, co-written by Daniel J Beddowes and Falvio Cipollini, says: ‘What is the EU for? Who really benefits? And the answer is of course Germany… We may think we won the Second World War. But we lost. It is no surprise that we are all living in the Fourth Reich. Knowingly or not those who support and defend the European Union are supporting the Nazi legacy.’…

“Under a chapter heading ‘The EU was inspired [and] designed by Nazis’, the authors claim: ‘Hitler was the man who gave bones to the dreams first expressed by Charlemagne and Napoleon but the finishing touches to the EU as we know it were put in place during World War II by a man called Walther Funk, who was President of the Reichsbank and a director of the Bank for International Settlements…’ The book argues it is no coincidence that the EU is so close to Hitler’s plan for post-war Europe.

“According to the authors: ‘In 1945, Hitler’s Masterplan was captured by the Allies. The Plan included details of his scheme to create an economic integration of Europe and to found a European Union on a federal basis. The Nazi plan for a federal Europe was based on Lenin’s belief that ‘federation is a transitional form towards complete union of all nations’. It is impossible to find a difference between Hitler’s plan for a new United States of Europe, dominated by Germany, and the European Union we have today.’…

“It is not the first time the EU has been described as a German plot to take over Europe. In 1990, Cabinet Minister Nicholas Ridley – a close ally of Margaret Thatcher – was forced to resign after he described proposed Economic and Monetary Union as ‘a German racket designed to take over the whole of Europe’ and said that giving up sovereignty to the European Union was as bad as giving it up to Hitler.”

False Signs and Wonders

The Telegraph wrote on April 23:

“A woman whose ‘miraculous’ recovery from an inoperable brain aneurysm paved the way for the late Pope John Paul II to be declared a saint at a ceremony at the Vatican this weekend has described how the Polish pontiff appeared to her in a vision. Floribeth Mora Diaz, from Costa Rica, will be a guest of honor at the ceremony on Sunday, when Pope Francis will canonise two of his predecessors – John Paul II and John XXIII, the Italian pontiff nicknamed ‘the Good Pope’ who initiated reforms to the Catholic Church in the 1960s.

“Three years ago, Mrs Mora was told by doctors in her home country that her condition was hopeless and that her death was only a matter of time. Partially paralysed, she was on pain medication and lying in bed at home on May 1, 2011, clutching a magazine with a front cover photograph of the former Polish pontiff, when he purportedly appeared before her in a vision. It was the day that John Paul II was beatified at a grand open-air ceremony in St Peter’s Square – the first step towards him being made a saint.

“‘Floribeth, get up, what are you doing here? Why don’t you go into the kitchen and see your husband?’ the vision said to her. The late Pope’s hands seemed to reach out towards her from the cover of the magazine, she said. ‘And I responded, now I feel fine, I’m going, I’m going,’ the 50-year-old mother-of-four told Il Messagero, an Italian daily, on Wednesday. She insisted that from that day on, she was completely cured…

“Even her neurosurgeon seems to be convinced. ‘If I cannot explain it from a medical standpoint, something non-medical happened,’ said Alejandro Vargas Roman. “‘[I] can believe it was a miracle.’ Since her recovery, she has become the object of almost cult-like devotion, with the faithful and people suffering from illnesses flocking to her home in a middle-class neighborhood in the town of Dulce Nombre de Cartago, 12 miles outside the capital of Costa Rica, San Jose… Her cure, which the Vatican insists cannot be explained by science, was declared a miracle last July by Pope Francis, in a move which gave the final approval for John Paul II to be canonized.

“The first miracle attributed to him was the apparent healing of a French nun, Sister Marie Simon-Pierre. Her recovery from Parkinson’s disease after praying for the late Pope’s ‘intercession’ in 2005 had no medical explanation, the Catholic Church maintains.”

We can expect to hear more about such false signs and miracles within the Catholic Church. Biblically, these occurrences are NOT in any way connected with the working of the true God.

Jews Don’t Keep Unleavened Bread According to the Bible

JTA wrote on April 23:

“On Wednesday, just hours after observant Jews ended their eight days of Passover-mandated abstinence from all things leavened, the New York Times gave them something to chew on: an entire Dining section devoted to bread.”

The interesting thing is that observant Jews keep their own traditions, while transgressing God’s commandments (Mark 7:6-9, 11). According to the Bible, Passover had to be kept this year on Sunday evening, April 13, but the Jews kept it one day too late, while confusing it with the Night to Be Much Observed—the beginning of the first Day of Unleavened Bread in the evening of April 14. Then, the Days of Unleavened Bread were to be kept for seven days, ending on Monday evening, April 21. Somehow, observant Jews managed to keep the allotted time for eight days and ended the period one day late—in the evening of Tuesday, April 22. While God gave the Jews the responsibility to faithfully maintain the Hebrew calendar, which they did, He does not approve of their unfaithfulness in misapplying God’s laws… for example, in keeping each annual Holy Day for two days, while rejecting to observe the entire eight days of the Feast of Tabernacles and the Last Great Day (they only keep four days of the entire time span).

Current Events

Virtually No Conscientious Objection in Israel

The Telegraph reported on April 14:

“Israeli teenagers risk being sent to prison by refusing to join the army… Draft-age pupils in Israel have defied the law and Benjamin Netanyahu by telling him they will not join the army after leaving school… All men and women are obliged to join the Israeli Defence Forces at age 18, although exemptions exist for Arab citizens and ultra-Orthodox Jews engaged in religious studies.”

We can be thankful that the USA does not have similar restrictive laws, prohibiting religious freedom of sincerely held beliefs against fighting in war. Also, to compel women to fight in war is extremely troublesome.

American Companies Flee Overbearing Tax Liabilities

The Financial Tines wrote on April 13:

“Walgreen has come under pressure from an influential group of its shareholders, who want the US pharmacy chain to consider relocating to Europe, in what would be one of the largest tax inversions ever attempted. At a private meeting in Paris on Friday, investors owning close to 5 per cent of Walgreens’ shares lobbied the company’s management to use its $16bn takeover of Swiss-based Alliance Boots to re-domicile its tax base…

“Existing rules mean that a US company can forgo its domestic tax status through a deal that transfers more than 20 per cent of its shares to foreign owners. A tax inversion by Walgreens would be likely to face strong political resistance in the US, where the practice has become increasingly popular during the past two years…”

With ridiculous American tax laws, those practices should surprise no one. As usual, America is digging its own grave in so many different ways.

Ukraine Crisis Escalates

AFP wrote on April 13:

“The UN Security Council has held emergency talks after Ukraine declared a ‘full-scale’ military operation against pro-Russia forces, amid deadly clashes in its restive east. Russia and the West locked horns over the escalating crisis in Ukraine with Russian ambassador Vitaly Churkin saying ‘there has already been bloodshed and a further escalation must be swiftly stopped’…”

“Ukraine’s Interior Minister Arsen Avakov announced the launch of a counterstrike against the armed separatists in the eastern Donetsk region early on Sunday morning… US ambassador Power urged Russia to explain why 40,000 of its forces are massed on the Ukrainian border and find constructive ideas to stop armed attacks on government buildings in eastern Ukraine.”

This crisis will not end any time soon…

Russia’s Preparations For Ukrainian Occupation

AFP wrote on April 16:

“Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev on Tuesday said Ukraine was on the verge of civil war as Kiev authorities launched a military operation against pro-Kremlin militants in the separatist east. ‘I will be brief: Ukraine is on the brink of civil war, it’s frightening,’ the country’s former president was quoted as saying by Russian news agencies.”

The Local added on April 16:

“Russian President Vladimir Putin warned Chancellor Angela Merkel that Ukraine was on the verge of civil war after the Kiev government sent in the army against separatists in the east of the country, the Kremlin said on Wednesday.”

Apparently, Russia is preparing the occupation of Ukraine and providing the West with a “justification” for their anticipated actions. One should not be fooled by Russia’s promises to cooperate with the West in regard to Mr. Putin’s militant separatists.

Global Military Spending

Deutsche Welle reported on April 14:

“Global military spending totaled $1.7 trillion (1.23 trillion euros) in 2013, a decrease of nearly 2 percent from the previous year. However, the drop in overall investment in the armed forces was by no means a sign of countries across the globe of nations slowing down military development, the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) said on Monday… the  major cause of the 2-percent drop stemmed from changes the United States’ military budget, the top spender in the world. Washington-approved budget cuts led to a 7.8 percent drop year-on-year, down to $640 billion. The withdrawal from Iraq and the winding down of operations in Afghanistan also contributed to the decrease in spending.

“Meanwhile, China, Russia and Saudi Arabia sharply increased their spending between 2012 and 2013. Beijing invested 7.4 percent more in its armed forces, bringing its total budget to $188 billion. Saudi Arabia rose from seventh to fourth in the world. In 2013, its military expenditures totaled $67 billion, an increase of 14 percent from the previous year…

“France, Britain, Germany, Japan, India and South Korea were among the top spenders. The SIPRI report also noted stark growth in Africa, Asia, Eastern Europe, Latin America and the Middle East as the West spent less.

“SIPRI ranked Russia number three on its list, noting that it had invested a greater percentage of its GDP in its military in 2013, beating out the US for the first time in a decade. Moscow spent 4.1 percent of its GDP on its armed forces, barely overtaking Washington, which spent only 3.8 percent of its GDP on the same sector…

“Moscow’s deployment of troops along its southwestern border with Ukraine has worried Western leaders, who are trying to de-escalate tensions between Russian President Vladimir Putin and the transitional government in Kyiv. The SIPRI report noted that the perceived threat of Russian military aggression could also have an influence on EU military spending, which has dropped in the face of the eurozone crisis.”

These statistics are highly significant, in light of biblical prophecy, which predicts the military decline of the USA, and the rise of military spending in Russia, China and Europe.

Germany Warns of War in Europe

The Local wrote on April 14:

“Germany warned of war in Europe on Monday, with vice chancellor Sigmar Gabriel stating the continent was being ‘dragged’ into a ‘smoldering conflict’ with Russia over Ukraine… He said that good news several months ago from Ukraine – including an end to bloody violence against protesters – had since given way to ‘an ongoing military confrontation’ and the realization that ‘Russia is apparently willing to let tanks cross European borders. Suddenly, we are being dragged from the observer’s position into a long smoldering and incendiary conflict, which is also demanding a price from Europe in the form of sanctions against Russia,’ he said.

“Foreign minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier meanwhile, called the danger of Europe splitting a ‘ dal one’…

“He told the paper that he believed Russia was testing the West through it’s handling of Crimea. ‘ [It] cannot be, seven decades after the end of the second world war and 25 years after the end of the cold war, that we start changing borders based on ethic, linguistic or religious factors.’ Berlin also said it saw indications Russia was supporting pro-Kremlin militias who seized government buildings in eastern Ukraine.

“Christiane Wirtz, spokeswoman for Chancellor Angela Merkel said: ‘There are many signs that the armed groups active in eastern Ukraine are receiving support from Russia,’ she said, adding that Merkel had discussed the crisis with British Prime Minister David Cameron by phone on Monday morning. ‘A look at the appearance, uniforms and weaponry of some of these groups hardly suggests that they are defense forces spontaneously formed by civilians,’ she said.”

NATO Reacts to Russia’s Threats

AP wrote on April 16:

“NATO is strengthening its military footprint along its eastern border immediately in response to Russia’s aggression in Ukraine, the alliance’s chief said Wednesday.

“Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen said NATO’s air policing aircraft will fly more sorties over the Baltic region west of Ukraine, far from the tensions in the eastern part of the country. He said allied warships will also deploy to the Baltic Sea, the eastern Mediterranean and elsewhere if needed.

“NATO’s supreme commander in Europe told reporters that ground forces could also be involved at some point, but gave no details.

“NATO members Poland and the Baltic countries Lithuania, Estonia and Latvia have been wary following Russia’s annexation of the Ukrainian Crimean Peninsula, demanding a more robust military posture to counter neighboring Russia.’
“Rasmussen said the new NATO deployments are about ‘deterrence and de-escalation” in the face of Russia’s aggressive behavior in Ukraine, which is not a member of the 28-nation alliance…

“Air Force Gen. Philip Breedlove said multiple nations have approached him with offers of ground forces that will be included in a plan of operations he will give to NATO later Wednesday or Thursday.

“Breedlove said the package of new military moves is designed to remain in place through Dec. 31.”

One certain outcome from Russia’s gamesmanship is the awakening in Europe to the fact that their military strength must increase! The US has proven itself to be weakened and can no longer be looked to as their first line of defense.

Signs in the Heavens?

The Daily Mail reported on April 14:

“Popular televangelist claims four blood moons are sign of ‘world-shaking event… Four complete lunar eclipses will appear in the sky starting on April 15. Pastor John Hagee, of Texas’ Cornerstone Church, believes God is trying to communicate with humans through these celestial signs….

“Bestselling author and televangelist Pastor John Hagee claims the four blood moons that will soon appear in the skies over America are evidence of a future ‘world-shaking event.’ The blood moons are part of a tetrad, a set of complete and consecutive lunar eclipses that will begin on April 15 and continue in roughly six-month intervals until October 2015…

“The April 15 event happens during Passover. On Oct. 8, the blood moon will occur during the Feast of Tabernacles. Another blood moon will occur during Passover on April 4, 2015. The last will happen on Sept. 28, 2015, another Feast of the Tabernacles.”

Technically, all the predictions don’t match the times of God’s Holy Days. In 2014, the Passover was already in the evening of April 12. It is true, however, that the Days of Unleavened Bread fall from the evening of April 14 until sunset of April 21. Further, the Feast of Tabernacles 2014 BEGINS at sunset—at the end of October 8. In 2015, Passover will be in the evening of April 2, and the Days of Unleavened Bread will begin with sunset of April 3. In 2015, the Feast of Tabernacles will be celebrated, according to the Hebrew calendar, from the evening of September 27 until October 5. Even though close, Hagee’s dates are not completely accurate.

In any event, we must be careful not to assign “heavenly signs” to events like the ones described by Hagee. The biblical heavenly signs will cause tremendous catastrophes… they involve much more than just inconsequential visible constellations or eclipses. Also, from a time sequence standpoint, the heavenly signs will occur AFTER the BEGINNING of the Great Tribulation. The Great Tribulation did not begin with Passover of 2014, and it is not to be expected that it will begin in 2015 either.

Current Events

Putin Defies Obama in Syria

Bloomberg wrote on April 3:

“President Vladimir Putin, condemned by NATO for annexing Crimea, is now defying the U.S. in Syria by sending more and deadlier arms to help Bashar al-Assad score a string of advances against insurgents, military experts say. Assad’s army, seeking to end a three-year civil war that’s killed 150,000 people and displaced 9 million, started using longer-range Russian Smerch and Uragan rockets for the first time in February… ‘Russia is now doing everything to ensure that Assad wins convincingly,’ Alexei Malashenko, a Middle East analyst at the Moscow Carnegie Center, said by phone. ‘If Russia can show it’s capable of carrying out its own foreign policy, regardless of America’s wishes, it will be a major achievement for Putin.’” 

Russia Meddles in Ukraine

The Washington Post wrote on April 5:

“First, Russia took over a chunk of their country. Now, to the astonishment of many Ukrainians, Moscow is telling them how to run the rest of their nation. The lectures do not sit well here. Russia has been insisting that Ukraine adopt a federal form of government that would give regions nearly boundless authority. It’s a means to make the regions vulnerable to Russian interference, Ukrainians say, and eventually tear the country apart. And, they point out, Russia would never tolerate such a system itself… ‘The issue of federalization is absolutely artificial,’ said Yuriy Yakymenko, a political expert at the Razumkov think tank in Kiev. ‘It’s part of Russia’s plan to impose control over Ukraine and prevent it from integrating with Europe.’…

“Russian President Vladimir Putin has steadily built a top-down system he calls the ‘vertical of power.’ And Russia, which snapped up Ukraine’s Crimean Peninsula after arranging a March 16 referendum in favor of annexation that violated Ukraine’s constitution, has shown no tolerance for separatism at home.

“A declaration of independence by Russia’s southern region of Chechnya in 1991 led to two wars with Moscow that were fought with exceptional brutality and bloodshed. Although a Kremlin-installed strongman has extinguished most of the violence, Chechnya remains unpredictable. Last week, four Russian soldiers were killed and seven were wounded when their armored vehicle drove over an explosive device in Chechnya during what the Interior Ministry described as a reconnaissance mission. And Islamist separatists have taken the struggle to neighboring Dagestan, where shootouts kill hundreds of police and militants every year.

“Ukraine is tranquil by comparison. Although some pro-Russian crowds in eastern Ukrainian cities have clashed with pro-Ukrainian crowds since the fall of Yanukovych, Ukraine authorities say Russian agents provoked the disorder. But Russia has described what it calls ‘atrocities’ against Russian-speakers, issuing warnings that suggest it is building a case to send troops into eastern Ukraine as it did in Crimea…”

Unrest in Eastern Ukraine

Deutsche Welle wrote on April 7:

“Arseniy Yatsenyuk has said that unrest in eastern Ukraine is part of a plan to destabilize the country and bring in Russian troops. Pro-Russian demonstrators have seized government buildings in several cities. The interim prime minister described the protest organizers as a ‘group of radicals who coordinate themselves with intelligence services from foreign countries.’

“Pro-Russian protesters on Sunday night seized official buildings in the cities of Kharkiv, Luhansk and Donetsk, calling for referendums on the regions joining the Russian Federation. In Donetsk on Monday, protesters were quoted by Interfax Ukraine as proclaiming the creation of a sovereign ‘people’s republic’ independent of Kyiv’s rule. Interfax reported that the men pledged a referendum on joining Russia no later than May 11.

“Yatsenyuk also said on Monday that Russian troops remained within a 30-kilometer (19-mile) zone near the border with Ukraine – contradicting earlier reports of a Russian withdrawal from the border. Chancellor Angela Merkel’s spokesman, Steffen Seibert, said on Monday in Berlin that the German government was ‘alarmed’ by the most recent tensions in eastern Ukraine…”

USA Backs Militarization of Japan

Reuters wrote on April 5:

“U.S. Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel said he welcomed the possibility of Japan giving its military a greater role by allowing it to come to the aid of allies under attack… [This] represents the clearest U.S. support yet for Tokyo’s effort to bolster its military as it faces off against a more assertive China… Hagel visits China, suspicious of Japan’s military intentions and where memories of Japan’s past militarism run deep, after Tokyo.

“Japan has been locked into a security pact for more than half a century that commits the United States to defend Japan should it come under attack. Japan’s Self-Defense Forces, however, are not allowed to aid U.S. ships or other military units that are fired upon… In its postwar pacifist constitution, written by the United States, Japan renounced the right to wage war… Japan eased its weapons export restrictions on Tuesday in the first major overhaul of arms transfer policy in nearly half a century in a move that alarmed China.”

All of this will backfire on the West, when Japan, Russia and China combine their forces. Note the next article.

Japan Loses Confidence in America

The New York Times wrote on April 5:

“When President Bill Clinton signed a 1994 agreement promising to ‘respect’ the territorial integrity of Ukraine if it gave up its nuclear weapons, there was little thought then of how that obscure diplomatic pact — called the Budapest Memorandum — might affect the long-running defense partnership between the United States and Japan. But now, as American officials have distanced themselves from the Budapest Memorandum in light of Russia’s takeover of Crimea, calling promises made in Budapest ‘nonbinding,’ the United States is being forced at the same time to make reassurances in Asia. Japanese officials, a senior American military official said, ‘keep asking, “Are you going to do the same thing to us when something happens?”’

“For Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel, who arrived in Tokyo on Saturday for two days of talks with Japan’s leaders, including Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, America’s longstanding promise to protect Japan against hostile nations — read China and North Korea — has suddenly come under the microscope. The American response to the Russian takeover of Crimea, which President Obama has condemned while at the same time ruling out American military action, has caused deep concern among already skittish Japanese officials… ‘If Japan is attacked, and the Americans decline to respond, then it is time from the Americans to pull out” of their bases here, [one analyst] said. “Without those bases, America is not going to be a Pacific power anymore…’”

USA to Send Warships to Japan

Deutsche Welle reported on April 6:

“After discussions with his opposite number in Tokyo, US Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel said on Sunday that the US would deploy two extra ballistic missile defense destroyers to Japan. Hagel said the two ships would be sent in response to North Korea’s ‘pattern of provocative and destabilizing actions,’ which he said were a violation of UN resolutions.”

European Communication Network?

Reuters reported on April 4:

“The United States on Friday criticized proposals to build a European communication network to avoid emails and other data passing through the United States, warning that such rules could breach international trade laws… Germany and France have been discussing ways to build a European network to keep data secure after the U.S. spying scandal… Deutsche Telekom has suggested laws to stop data traveling within continental Europe being routed via Asia or the United States and scrapping the Safe Harbor agreement that allows U.S. companies with European-level privacy standards access to European data.”

In light of America’s illegal spying activities in Germany and France, these countries would be most likely not that concerned about America’s interpretation that they might violate international law… Note the next article.

German Public Anger with USA over Spying Scandal

The Washington Post wrote on April 3:

“A chapter in trans­atlantic relations that Washington would sooner forget got a new lease on life Thursday as German lawmakers opened their first parliamentary hearings into the Edward Snowden scandal. Revelations of large-scale U.S. spying on Germans, up to and including Chancellor Angela Merkel, prompted an initial wave of outrage here last year. But now, the lengthy committee investigations could keep the spotlight on leaks by the former National Security Agency contractor for a year or two to come…

“The hearings also have the potential to provoke further anti­pathy. Indeed, a number of lawmakers here are demanding safe passage to Berlin for Snowden — who is living in self-imposed exile in Moscow — to testify before the eight-member committee. Any such move would likely outrage the United States, which is seeking to take Snowden into custody… the push to give Snowden his day here serves as another reminder that, even as the scandal appears to be dissipating in other parts of Europe, it remains at the top of the agenda in Germany…

“The committee is set to call dozens of witnesses and review piles of documents. But even its members appear to concede the limits of their effort, which is likely to be hampered by an anticipated lack of full cooperation by U.S. officials. It suggests that the hearings are being called at least in part for national catharsis and as an outlet for German rage.

“Parliament’s airing of the evidence began Thursday, even as fresh revelations continue to stoke public anger. In recent days, Germany’s Der Spiegel magazine published further details from the Snowden leaks, including evidence of an NSA dossier on Merkel that allegedly included more than 300 intelligence reports. Although U.S. snooping on Merkel is not new, the reports served as a continuing reminder for an already bitter German public…

“A top German prosecutor is still weighing whether to open a criminal investigation into the affair, which could further damage ties between Washington and Berlin. And there is no mistaking the lingering anger of German lawmakers, particularly those clamoring to bring Snowden to Berlin to testify. Such a move… would create fresh tensions at a time when Europe and the United States are trying to maintain a common front on the Russian-Ukraine crisis. But some here seem to think that bringing Snowden to Berlin is exactly the kind of thumb-nosing the Americans deserve.”

Germany Strongly Criticizes USA

Deutsche Welle wrote on April 6:

“German Interior Minister Thomas de Maiziere has strongly criticized the US over revelations about electronic surveillance by intelligence services. The minister complained that German questions have not been answered… the minister complained that Berlin’s fears about the extent of the agency’s operations – as revealed by whistleblower Edward Snowden- had not been allayed. Chancellor Angela Merkel is due to visit US President Barack Obama in Washington in May. However, de Maiziere said he held out little hope of concrete results… ‘My expectations about the success of further talks are low,’ said the minister.”

Superpower–But No Clout!

Bloomberg’s report on April 9, 2014, stated:

“Secretary of State John Kerry and members of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee agreed on one thing today: Being a superpower isn’t what it used to be.

“At a hearing on the U.S. State Department budget, Republicans and Democrats alike raised concerns about America’s limited ability to cope with global challenges, from Russian aggression in Ukraine to Iran’s nuclear program, China’s assertiveness in the Pacific and Syria’s civil war.

“While some Republicans blamed the administration for decisions that they say have eroded U.S. influence, Kerry pointed to a ‘changed world.’

“’The United States has power, enormous power,’ he said, ‘but we can’t necessarily always dictate every outcome the way we want, particularly in this world where we have rising economic powers — China, India, Mexico, Korea, Brazil, many other people who are players.’

“The two-hour Senate hearing was only one place where lawmakers and others challenged President Barack Obama’s foreign policy today. The jousting underscored the U.S. struggle to defend its global interests and allies as technology and the diffusion of economic and military power erode its post-Cold War position as the lone superpower.”

If the descendants of ancient Israel stopped obeying God, His clear warning was that His protection would be withdrawn. In so many ways, the United Kingdom and the United States are coming under these curses. One poignant example is found in Leviticus 26:19: “I will break the pride of your power…” You just might want to read the whole chapter of this Book of Leviticus, which is found in the Old Testament, to see how many other problems our nations will suffer!

United European Military Scheme

Carnegie Europe wrote on April 1:

“Just as the EU seemed powerless to prevent the rise of an aggressive Russia, a series of new EU security plans began leaking to the Brussels foreign policy crowd. The ideas, collected in a 73-page paper co-authored by the European External Action Service and the European Commission’s enterprise directorate, are dynamite… it reveals a shocking shift by European mandarins in their increasingly desperate attempts to boost the union’s lackluster military capabilities… The paper states: ‘The EU member states, the European External Action Service, and the European Commission welcome the pledges by leading European corporate entities to boost EU defense capabilities through targeted, high-volume financial contributions. . . . These contributions will enable the EU, within the period of its forthcoming budget, to build, train, integrate, and deploy its own supranational military task force.’

“In other words: since governments won’t buy the EU its own army, big business will. What nations seem incapable of offering will now be provided by a consortium of Europe’s capitalists… The core of the new initiative will be a Friendship Projection Force (FPF), comprising up to 31 naval vessels. Each will carry the name ‘EU Security Ship’ or EUSS. The first batch of ships will come from the French Mistral-class amphibious assault ships, originally earmarked for sale to Russia but now available as a corporate donation to the EU. They will be named EUSS Strasbourg and EUSS Helgoland.

“Plans for additional ships, including a helicopter carrier and four German-built submarines, are at an ‘advanced stage,’ according to EU officials. After a long, heated debate about where to put the EU flotilla’s naval base, the Ukraine crisis tilted the decision toward the historic former Lenin shipyard in Gdańsk, Poland, home of the anti-Communist Solidarność movement. A second, smaller naval headquarters will be built in Malta to cover the union’s southern flank…

“The document does not reveal all the companies involved in the new scheme, but Germany’s Siemens, Spain’s Telefónica, Italy’s ENI, and Gaz de France seem to form the core of the consortium. They will function as ‘shareholders’ of the new force, with no say over operational matters but some input into strategic discussions on individual countries and thematic priorities…

“Sources close to the deal stress that the switch to a commercial approach was necessary to finally get Germany behind the idea of a beefed-up European defense. They also claim that the idea was not so unusual within the broader European context…”

Global Banana Production Threatened

The Independent wrote on April 4:

“Scientists have warned that the world’s banana crop, worth £26 billion and a crucial part of the diet of more than 400 million people, is facing ‘disaster’ from virulent diseases immune to pesticides or other forms of control… Alarm at the most potent threat – a fungus known as Panama disease tropical race 4 (TR4) – has risen dramatically after it was announced in recent weeks that it has jumped from South-east Asia, where it has already devastated export crops, to Mozambique and Jordan.

“A United Nations agency told The Independent that the spread of TR4 represents an ‘expanded threat to global banana production’. Experts said there is a risk that the fungus… has also already made the leap to the world’s most important banana growing areas in Latin America, where the disease threatens to destroy vast plantations of the Cavendish variety. The variety accounts for 95 per cent of the bananas shipped to export markets including the United Kingdom, in a trade worth £5.4bn…

“According to one estimate, TR4 could destroy up to 85 per cent of the world’s banana crop by volume…  the crop – and many other banana varieties – have no defence against TR4, which can live for 30 years or more in the soil and reduces the core of the banana plant to a blackened mush. It can wipe out plantations within two or three years… Such is the virulence of soil-based fungus, it can be spread in water droplets or tiny amounts of earth on machinery or shoes…”

Clinton: Space Aliens Possible

NBC News wrote on April 3:

“Former President Bill Clinton said he ‘wouldn’t be surprised’ if Earth was eventually visited by aliens… However, Clinton also explained that he had reviewed the subject during his time in the White House and found no evidence of alien life. ‘We know from our fancy telescopes that just in the last two years more than 20 planets have been identified outside our solar system that seem to be far enough from their suns and dense enough that they might be able to support some form of life, so it makes it increasingly less like that we’re alone,’ Clinton added.”

However, according to the Bible, there is no alien life form anywhere in the universe; the earth is the only place where God created life. Mr. Clinton argues from human wisdom, leaving God out of the picture.

Current Events

“Pentagon Alarmed as Troops Mass Near Ukraine Border”

The Wall Street Journal wrote on March 28:

“Russian troops massing near Ukraine are actively concealing their positions and establishing supply lines that could be used in a prolonged deployment, ratcheting up concerns that Moscow is preparing for another major incursion and not conducting exercises as it claims, U.S. officials said. Such an incursion could take place without warning because Russia has already deployed the array of military forces needed for such an operation, say officials briefed on the latest U.S. intelligence.

“The rapid speed of the Russian military buildup and efforts to camouflage the forces and equipment have stoked U.S. fears, in part because American intelligence agencies have struggled to assess Russian President Vladimir Putin’s specific intentions. The troop movements and the concealment—involving covering up equipment along the border—suggest Mr. Putin is positioning forces in the event he decides to quickly expand his takeover of the Crimea peninsula by seizing more Ukrainian territory, despite Western threats of tighter sanctions…

“The U.S. believes Russia now has nearly 50,000 troops in position for possible operations, including those participating in the declared exercises along the Ukrainian border and those already inside Russian-controlled Crimea, officials said… A senior Ukrainian official said Thursday that the number of Russian troops in the area was closer to 100,000… Another senior military official said the Pentagon was increasingly worried that the Russians have moved into place additional supplies including food and spare parts that could both support an exercise or a military incursion into Ukraine. Putting in place the logistics support could allow Russian forces to sustain themselves if they were to cross into eastern Ukraine.”

How Russia Plays with the West

Deutsche Welle reported on March 31:

“The Russian Defense Ministry said in a statement carried by Russian news agencies Monday that after completing maneuvers in the Kadamovsky range in the Rostov border region, a battalion from the central military district’s 15th motorized infantry brigade would return to its home region of Samara on the Volga… During a call Monday, Putin informed Merkel of the partial withdrawal that he had ordered, the chancellor’s spokesman said in a statement… German Defense Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier said Putin’s partial withdrawal order was ‘a small signal that the situation is becoming less tense.’”

The naivety of the West is astonishing and frightening at the same time.

BBC News added on April 1: “Nato is not seeing a Russian troop pullout from the border with Ukraine, the military alliance’s chief has said.”

The Washington Times wrote on April 2: “NATO’s top military leader warned Wednesday that Russia was ready enough to move on Ukraine that troops could be across the border within 12 hours of receiving the order to attack.”

Putin Calls Obama—No Mention of Crimea

The New York Times wrote on March 28:

“President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia reached out to President Obama on Friday to discuss ideas about how to peacefully resolve the international standoff over Ukraine, a surprise move by Moscow… But it remained uncertain whether Mr. Putin was seriously interested in a resolution that would go far enough to satisfy the United States, Ukraine and Europe, or instead was seeking a diplomatic advantage at a time when he has been isolated internationally. While the White House account of the call emphasized the possible diplomatic movement, the Kremlin’s version stressed Mr. Putin’s complaints about ‘extremists’ in Ukraine and introduced into the mix of issues on the table the fate of Transnistria, another pro-Russian breakaway province outside his borders.

“Neither American nor European officials expect Mr. Putin to easily reverse his seizure of Crimea, the largely Russian-speaking Ukrainian peninsula Moscow annexed last week after Russian troops took control there. Indeed, the Kremlin statement made no mention of Crimea, suggesting Mr. Putin considers the matter a fait accompli that is no longer up for discussion…”

No leader in the Western World is remotely as shrewd as Vladimir Putin. But at least some understand his tactics and actions better than others. See the next article.

Putin’s Actions Parallel Hitler’s Conduct

Der Spiegel Online wrote on March 31:

“On Monday, German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schäuble said he saw parallels between Vladimir Putin’s annexation of Crimea and Adolf Hitler’s land grab of Sudetenland. As Germany’s Mr. Euro, Wolfgang Schäuble is one of the country’s best-known politicians abroad. When the finance minister speaks, people generally tend to listen…

“Russian officials claim ethnic Russian residents of the peninsula are threatened by Ukraine. The Nazis argued similarly in… 1938 that ‘ethnic Germans’ in peripheral regions of what was then Czechoslovakia required protection.”

On the other hand, most Americans are as blind as most of their leaders, paralleling the ignorance of most citizens in other Western countries. Note the next article.

The Blindness of the Nations

CNN wrote on April 2:

“The vast majority of Americans say Vladimir Putin’s not honest or trustworthy, but according to a new national poll they don’t compare the Russian president’s actions in Ukraine with the land grabs in the years leading up to World War II by Germany’s Adolf Hitler.

“A Quinnipiac University survey released Wednesday indicates that only 24% of the public equates Putin’s annexing last month of neighboring Ukraine’s Crimea peninsula with Hitler’s actions, with 51% saying that’s too strong a comparison. Just over one in five admitted they don’t know enough about pre-Second World War history to answer the question.

“Early last month… at a fundraiser in Long Beach, California, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton compared Putin’s military intervention in Crimean to Hitler’s European aggression ahead of World War II.”

That Putin’s actions can be compared with Hitler’s “land grabs” leading up to World War II, there can be NO DOUBT. And as Hitler did not stop with just the “Anschluss” with Austria, so Putin will not stop with just the annexation of Crimea. He may patiently wait a little while until his opportunity presents itself. Note the next article.

Putin Won’t Stop with Crimea

National Journal wrote on March 30:

“Russian President Vladimir Putin will try to seize more territory beyond Crimea, a slim 54 percent majority of National Journal’s Security Insiders said. ‘There is nothing about the international response so far to his actions in Crimea that would discourage Putin from annexing additional portions of Ukraine,’ one Insider said. After Russia annexed Ukraine’s Crimea, National Journal’s pool of national security experts believe Putin is eyeing more territory that was formerly under Moscow’s control. ‘Putin will make every attempt to secure his gains in Crimea by adding predominantly ethnic Russian territories in Ukraine and, quite possibly, Transnistria from Moldova,’ one Insider said. ‘Now that he has an appetite for conquest, Putin may find the idea of seizing further territory irresistible.’

“Poltava, another Insider noted, the site of Peter the Great’s victory over Charles XII of Sweden that established Russia as a major force, is in eastern Ukraine. ‘If Putin can grab Crimea for historical reasons, than Poltava can’t be far behind.’”

Will Putin Invade Finland?

The Independent wrote on April 1:

“After annexing Crimea and with troops massed on the border of Ukraine, Vladimir Putin will not stop trying to expand Russia until he has ‘conquered’ Belarus, the Baltic states and Finland, one of his closest former advisers has said. According to Andrej Illarionov, the President’s chief economic adviser from 2000 to 2005, Mr Putin seeks to create ‘historical justice’ with a return to the days of the last Tsar, Nicholas II, and the Soviet Union under Stalin.

“Speaking to the Swedish newspaper Svenska Dagbladet, Mr Illarionov warned that Russia will argue that the granting of independence to Finland in 1917 was an act of ‘treason against national interests’. ‘Putin’s view is that he protects what belongs to him and his predecessors,’ Mr Illarionov said…

“Mr Illarionov has helped draft a host of Russia’s economic policies in recent years, and served as Mr Putin’s personal representative at a number of G8 conferences. He is now a senior fellow at the Cato institute’s Center for Global Liberty and Prosperity in Washington. Finland is not a Nato member, meaning a Russian invasion would not be considered an attack against the alliance… The Scandinavian nation was part of the Russian empire for 108 years as an autonomous Grand Duchy.”

Germany’s Big Business with Russia

Bloomberg wrote on March 30:

“Chancellor Angela Merkel’s deputy chided Siemens AG Chief Executive Officer Joe Kaeser for traveling to Moscow, saying German companies shouldn’t sell out European values to protect business with Russia… While the European Union and the U.S. seek to punish Russia for annexing Crimea, many German corporate leaders view Putin as an economic partner… While Merkel has said Germany could withstand the economic impact of European economic sanctions against Russia, the heads of Adidas AG, ThyssenKrupp AG and Deutsche Post AG questioned the need for sanctions…

“ThyssenKrupp CEO Heinrich Hiesinger said ‘Russia felt cornered.’ Deutsche Post CEO Frank Appel said the U.S. and its allies had meddled ‘in the front yard of another big power’ and questioned calls by EU leaders including Merkel to review Europe’s energy ties with Russia…

“Kaeser said meeting with Putin showed that Munich-based Siemens, Europe’s biggest engineering company, ‘won’t be overly influenced by short-term turbulences’ involving Russia…”

This short-sighted and highly questionable approach by some of Germany’s powerful economic companies (including Krupp which has the controversial reputation of having conducted big business with Hitler) is, to an extent, mirrored by equally short-sighted and totally unrealistic and false statements by former German Chancellors Schmidt and Schroeder, trying to justify, explain or at least downplay Putin’s illegal actions. Note the next article.

German Shortsightedness and Anti-Americanism

Der Spiegel Online wrote on March 31:

“Is it acceptable for a person to be sympathetic towards or have an understanding for Russia’s actions in Crimea? Are Moscow’s claims justifiable? Did the West provoke Russian President Vladimir Putin? For weeks, this debate has dominated the public discussion in Germany like no other…  Nothing, it seems, is as polarizing as the question of whether Moscow’s annexation of Crimea was a justifiable reaction to NATO’s expansion into Eastern Europe or if it was acting in violation of international law, thus making any sympathy for the move unacceptable.

“Those expressing understanding for Russia’s move are clearly dominating the Internet forums and talk shows. One former German chancellor, Helmut Schmidt, even declared that the situation in Ukraine is dangerous ‘because the West has gotten so terribly worked up about it.’ The question of whether Putin’s actions were legitimate didn’t even seem to interest him. ‘I find it entirely understandable,’ he said. Another former chancellor, Gerhard Schröder, admitted that he himself hadn’t always respected international law…

“The soft-heartedness for Russia’s iron hand has many origins — some historic, some current, some idealistic and others material. The most obvious are the interests of business, because companies want to continue trading with Russia and therefore oppose sanctions. Other influencing factors include fears of a new cold or even hot war, historic ties to Russia and anti-American sentiment that is widespread in Germany…

“Klaus von Dohnanyi… is a conservative Social Democrat and enjoys widespread respect among CDU politicians as well. He is the personification of Germany’s political center… In an interview at a hotel in Berlin, Dohnanyi says that it wasn’t wise of Putin to annex Crimea. It would have been better, he continues, if the Russian president had used the referendum results to force Ukraine to become neutral. Nevertheless, he believes that the West must show Russia respect.

“Dohnanyi’s understanding for Russia is one side of his worldview. The other is his criticism of the United States. ‘The Americans often don’t have a sense for diplomacy and for Europe’s geopolitical problems,’ he says. The longer one listens to him, the greater the impression becomes that the Americans are the problem and not the Russians. ‘What has the situation produced? The situation has produced an attempt to bring Ukraine into NATO,’ he said in a talk show…

“As a consequence of so much understanding for Russia, the interests of Eastern European countries are often ignored… Today, it is the Ukrainians who are being sacrificed on the altar of sympathy for Russia. When the Polish government imposed martial law in 1981 and stepped up its fight against the opposition, the US initiated sanctions against the Soviet Union and Poland. Then-German Chancellor Helmut Schmidt of the SPD refused to join…”

German Anti-Americanism clouds the issues and ignores the real dangers. Germany will bitterly pay for such false ideologies.

Russia Is Winning in the Middle East

The Mosaic Magazine wrote on March 26:

“On March 19, Russia’s Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov warned that if the West imposed sanctions over the annexation of Crimea, Russia would retaliate by exacting a much greater price: it would throw its support to Iran in the nuclear talks…  the Kremlin sees itself as the great-power patron not just of the Assad regime but also of Iran and Hizballah—the entire Resistance Alliance… [Putin] will never sell out Tehran and Damascus in order to win compliments in Washington; if forced to choose, he will always side with the former against the latter, and will certainly leave them in no doubt that Russia is their most dependable friend in the United Nations Security Council. It is this fact that makes Russia a revisionist power in the Middle East and the permanent adversary of the United States…

“Putin has a strong track record of supporting some actions designed to prevent an Iranian bomb… he also has a strong track record of building the Iranian nuclear program and of providing security assistance to the Iranian military… On the key issue of stopping Iran from acquiring a nuclear weapon, he is never so supportive as to be taken for granted…

“No matter which course the president follows, the Ukraine crisis has damaged the prestige of the United States in the Middle East. America’s Arab friends in the region, who are on the front line against Iran, Syria, and Hizballah, already feel the pinch, and are deeply uncertain about how to respond…

“The ally who most immediately feels the fallout is Israel. On March 17, Defense Minister Moshe Yaalon described, with unusual bluntness, the consequences of what he called the ‘feebleness’ of American foreign policy. The Obama administration’s weakness, he argued, was undermining the position not just of Israel but also of America’s Sunni allies. ‘The moderate Sunni camp in the area expected the United States to support it, and to be firm, like Russia’s support for the Shiite axis,’ Yaalon lamented. Yaalon spoke no less despairingly of Obama’s ability to make good on his pledge to prevent Iran from acquiring a nuclear weapon…

“Whether Israel actually has the political will and military capability to launch an independent strike against Iran is anybody’s guess. But two facts are undeniable. First, Putin’s muscular foreign policy and Washington’s timorous response have increased the pressure on Israel to strike independently. Second, Obama has lost influence over the Israelis—just as he lost influence over his Arab allies when he refused to back them on Syria.

“Adrift in Machiavelli’s no man’s land, neither a true friend nor a true enemy, Washington is left with the worst of both worlds, treated by its adversaries with contempt, charged by its friends with abandonment and betrayal… in the Middle East, Russia and its clients are winning and the United States, despite huge natural advantages, is losing.”

It is sad that when decisive American leadership is needed, the same is lacking or non-existent.

Catastrophic Consequences of Regional Nuclear War

CBS wrote on March 26:

“With an estimated 17,000 nuclear weapons in the world, we have the power to exterminate humanity many times over. But it wouldn’t take a full-scale nuclear war to make Earth uninhabitable, reports Live Science. Even a relatively small regional nuclear war, like a conflict between India and Pakistan, could spark a global environmental catastrophe, says a new study…

“Firestorms would belch over 5 million tons of ash into the sky. The ash would absorb the sun’s rays, causing deadly cooling on the surface… Rainfall and other precipitation would be reduced by about 10 percent, triggering worldwide droughts and leading to wildfires in the Amazon, which would spew more smoke into the atmosphere. The sky ash would heat the stratosphere and accelerate the chemical reactions that destroy the ozone layer. The intense ultraviolet radiation that would get through to the surface would be a dramatic threat to human health and damage fragile ecosystems on land and sea.”

Press Freedom Under Serious Attack

Daily Caller wrote on March 24:

“New York Times reporter James Risen called the Obama administration ‘the greatest enemy of press freedom that we have encountered in at least a generation’ on Friday, explaining that the White House seeks to control the flow of information and those who refuse to play along ‘will be punished’…

“Risen made the remarks while speaking at Sources and Secrets conference — a meeting of journalism, communication and government professionals held in New York City. The foreign policy reporter, who is currently fighting a fierce court battle with the federal government over his protection of a confidential source, warned that press freedom is under serious attack in today’s America… And the media has been ‘too timid’ in pushing back against the onslaught.”

Hollywood’s “Noah” and the Bible

Newsmax wrote on March 31:

“People expect to see literalism in Bible movies, says Fox News Channel’s Bill O’Reilly, so it isn’t surprising there has been adverse reaction to Darren Aronofsky’s blockbuster ‘Noah.’ On his show Monday, O’Reilly noted that conservative talk show host Glenn Beck had called the movie ‘dangerous disinformation.’…

“Chicago Sun-Times film critic Richard Roeper countered that ‘Noah’ is a big-budget picture that has to have a lot of elements to succeed, including the stone giants who protect Noah and help him build the ark… EWTN’s Arroyo said people were willing to give the film a chance, but then once they saw it on screen they were hit with Noah’s trying to kill his grandchildren because he thinks it is what God wants him to do. O’Reilly noted that the story in the Bible is dark. God is vengeful and says humans have spit in his face, he said.”

Stone giants protecting Noah? Noah trying to kill his grandchildren? Enough said.

Ongoing NSA Spying Scandal

AFP wrote on March 29:

“According to German news magazine Der Spiegel, the US National Security Agency kept a spy database on more than 100 world leaders. This included 300 files on German Chancellor Angela Merkel… The list was 122 names long, but only 12 of these names were shared with Spiegel…

“The Spiegel story also indicated that Britain’s GCHQ intelligence service infiltrated German internet firms and that the US National Security Agency (NSA) obtained a court order to spy on Germany.”

France’s Move to the Right

Deutsche Welle reported on March 31:

“The shake-up of Hollande’s deeply unpopular government comes after nationwide local elections on Sunday in which both the far-right National Front (FN) and the mainstream opposition party Union for a Popular Movement (UMP) made historic gains, while Hollande’s Socialists suffered some of their worst losses ever.

“The UMP, the party of former president Nicolas Sarkozy, snatched a number of towns long considered Socialist bastions, a performance that bodes well for its chances in national elections scheduled for 2017. The FN under Marine Le Pen also put it its best showing at the grassroots level of French government, winning control of 11 towns and more than 1,200 municipal seats nationwide.

“The results reflect the growing discontent in France with Hollande’s government, which came to power in 2012. Critics say it has been helpless in the face of a stagnant economy, persistently high unemployment and falling living standards in many quarters.”

Outbreak of Deadly Ebola Virus in Africa

BBC News reported on April 1:

“The WHO says 83 people in Guinea have died in suspected cases of Ebola, which is spread by close contact and kills between 25% and 90% of its victims. It has now spread to neighbouring Liberia, as well as Guinea’s capital, Conakry, which has a population of two million people… The traditional handshake is no longer a part of salutations in Guinea as people are really terrified of being infected with Ebola… The disease originated in the southern Forest Region where bats, a local delicacy, are thought be carriers of the virus. Their sale and consumption has been banned…

“‘We are facing an epidemic of a magnitude never before seen in terms of the distribution of cases,’ said Mariano Lugli, a co-ordinator in Guinea for the medical charity. ‘This geographical spread is worrisome because it will greatly complicate the tasks of the organisations working to control the epidemic.’… Sierra Leone has also reported five suspected cases, none of which have yet been confirmed, while Senegal, which also borders Guinea, has closed its land border. Saudi Arabia suspended visas for Muslim pilgrims from Guinea and Liberia on Tuesday, in a sign of the growing unease about the outbreak… The tropical virus leads to haemorrhagic fever, causing muscle pain, weakness, vomiting, diarrhoea and, in severe cases, organ failure and unstoppable bleeding.”

Big Los Angeles Earthquake Just a Preview?

The Los Angeles Times wrote on March 28:

“The 5.1 magnitude earthquake that rattled Southern California on Friday night raises the possibility that a larger quake is on the way, seismologists said. The swarm of earthquakes began at 8:03 p.m., when a 3.6 earthquake hit. That ended up being a foreshock of the largest earthquake to hit, a magnitude 5.1 at 9:09 p.m. At least two more aftershocks hit, a 3.4 at 9:11 p.m. and a 3.6 at 9:30 p.m.… The quake was felt over a large swath of the region…”

The Los Angeles Times added on March 30:

“Experts say a bigger earthquake along the lesser-known fault that gave Southern California a moderate shake could do more damage to the region than the long-dreaded ‘Big One’ from the more famous San Andreas Fault. The Puente Hills thrust fault, which brought Friday night’s magnitude-5.1 quake centered in La Habra and well over 100 aftershocks by Sunday, stretches from northern Orange County under downtown Los Angeles into Hollywood — a heavily populated swath of the Los Angeles area.

“A magnitude-7.5 earthquake along that fault could prove more catastrophic than one along the San Andreas, which runs along the outskirts of metropolitan Southern California, seismologists said. The U.S. Geological Survey estimates that such a quake along the Puente Hills fault could kill 3,000 to 18,000 people and cause up to $250 billion in damage. In contrast, a larger magnitude 8 quake along the San Andreas would cause an estimated 1,800 deaths…

“Part of the problem with the potential damage is that the fault runs near so many vulnerable older buildings, many made of concrete, in downtown Los Angeles and Hollywood. And because the fault, discovered in 1999, is horizontal, heavy reverberations are likely to be felt over a wide area.The shaking from a 7.5 quake in the center of urban Los Angeles could be so intense it would lift heavy objects in the air…”

Big Earthquakes Will Strike

The Christian Science Monitor wrote on March 28:

“John Dvorak, a geophysicist who now works at an astronomical observatory in Hawaii, warns that a quake break can just be the calm before the earthquake storm… As he notes in an interview, plenty of other parts of the country are vulnerable to earthquakes, including the Northwest, the Midwest, the South and – yes – even the Big Apple… earthquakes, even large ones, tend to cluster in time and space. An earthquake storm is when there is a cluster of large earthquakes in a region occur over a period of several decades.

“The best examples are the earthquakes that are now happening in northern Turkey along the North Anatolian fault. The storm began in 1939. Since then there have been 13 major earthquakes, and scientists expect at least one more major earthquake is yet to happen at the west end near Istanbul… The last major earthquake to strike Istanbul was in 1509.  The next one is expected in the next few decades.

“There is also an earthquake storm happening at the eastern end of the Indian Ocean. It began in 2001 with a magnitude-7.9 event and includes the disastrous December 2004 earthquake that struck Sumatra. In total, there have been seven major earthquakes there since 2001, and at least a few more are expected…

“Most of the motion between the Pacific and North American plates occurs along coastal California. In the last hundred years, there has been only one significant earthquake along those plates: the 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake, also known as the World Series earthquake. But during the previous hundred years before that, there were five significant earthquakes along the California coast, in 1812, 1838, 1857, 1868, and 1906. Large earthquakes are the major means by which seismic energy gets released after building up between the two tectonic plates. And so one or more large earthquakes are in California’s future. It is a matter of when…

“Alaska is the most seismically active place in the United States, followed by California. In third place is Utah, fourth is Hawaii. And there is a big seismic potential in the Pacific Northwest. There is also the New Madrid area in southeast Missouri where a series of four major earthquakes struck in 1811 and 1812. A repeat of those events will cause major damage in Missouri, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Tennessee, Mississippi and Arkansas. There’s also New York and New England. The largest historic earthquake in New York occurred beneath New York Harbor in 1884. It was felt along most of the East Coast. The largest New England earthquake occurred in 1755 off the coast at Cape Ann. It is still a mystery why earthquakes occur in these areas.”

Major Earthquake Strikes Chile

BNO News reported on April 2:

“A major earthquake with a preliminary magnitude of 8.0 struck off the coast of northern Chile on Tuesday evening, prompting tsunami warnings for Pacific coastlines in the region, seismologists and officials said. The 8.0-magnitude at 6:46 p.m. local time was centered about 83 kilometers (52 miles) northwest of Iquique, the capital of the Tarapaca Region in northern Chile. It struck about 10 kilometers (6.2 miles) deep, making it extremely shallow, according to the United States Geological Survey (USGS).

Reuters added on April 2:

“A major earthquake of magnitude 8.2 struck off the coast of  northern Chile on Tuesday, causing five deaths and triggering a tsunami that pounded the shore with 2-meter-tall waves.”

This earthquake was followed on Wednesday, April 2, by a 7.8 earthquake.

The Ring of Fire

ABC News added on April 2:

“The 8.2 earthquake that shook northern Chile and surrounding countries late Tuesday night was one of a string of recent earthquakes along what is known as the ‘Ring of Fire,’ a circle of quake-prone areas on the Pacific Rim. A magnitude 5.1 quake hit Los Angeles last week, followed by aftershocks along the California coast… Both cities lie along the so-called Ring of Fire, where two plates underneath the earth’s surface occasionally bump up against other plates… The 9.0 magnitude quake that hit Japan and cause the Fukushima meltdown in 2011 was on the Pacific’s Ring of Fire… The most susceptible areas on the Ring of Fire include such populated cities as Santiago, Chile; Los Angeles and San Francisco, California; Seattle, Washington; Tokyo, Japan; and Lima, Peru.”

Powerful Earthquake at Yellowstone

NBC News reported on March 30:

“A 4.8 magnitude earthquake rocked Yellowstone National Park in Montana early Sunday…the quake, which hit at 6:34 a.m. local time, was centered almost in the middle of Yellowstone National Park, near the Norris Geyser Basin… Jessica Turner, a geophysicist with the U.S. Geological Service, said the quake was the most powerful to hit the park since 1985…”

Is Yellowstone’s Supervolcano About to Blow?

Epoch Times wrote on April 2:

“A number of bloggers are posting videos that show bison and other animals allegedly leaving Yellowstone National Park, prompting theories that as earthquakes ramp up the seismic activity will set off the Yellowstone supervolcano. Two of the main bloggers behind the discussion stress that there’s no way to know when the supervolcano will go off but note that the 4.8 magnitude earthquake that hit on March 30 seemed to set off a reaction from the animals, who are moving for a reason…

“A series of smaller quakes have hit the region over the past few weeks, and those quakes have been linked to the recent 5.1 magnitude quake (and aftershocks) that hit in the Los Angeles region. Tom Lupshu, who describes himself as a “noted Ohio survivalist and search-and-rescue expert,” said on YouTube that nearly one quarter of the northern elk herd at Yellowstone National Park are missing, according to the annual winter count… ‘The more the Earthquakes in the region, the more are the chances of the volcano being activated from its dormant state. Last time an earthquake struck in 1980…’

“Researchers recently discovered that the supervolcano is far bigger than previously thought, about 2.5 times… The findings point to the potentially disastrous consequences if the volcano were ever to blow… the Yellowstone Volcano is still active, and… nothing can be done to prevent an eruption.”

The Great Alaska Earthquake

Quartz wrote on March 30:

“Fifty years ago this week, the Great Alaska Earthquake ravaged the Pacific Northwest, killing more than 100 people. Nine-tenths of those weren’t caused by the earthquake, though, but by a series of tsunamis that pummeled the coast, one of which towered 219 feet (66 meters) high. They come taller than that, though. The 1958 tsunami that ripped through Lituya Bay, a sleepy fjord near the Gulf of Alaska, was eight times bigger…

“Calamity struck at 10pm on July 9, 1958, when a 8.0-Richter-scale earthquake rammed the Alaskan coast up and northward. That impact shook free between 40 million and 60 million cubic yards (30.6 million and 46 million cubic meters) of rock and ice that rimmed the Lituya basin, dumping it 3,000 feet into the bay below. The 1,720-foot monster that reared up as a result shot through the bay at 100 miles per hour (161 kilometers per hour)…”

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