Current Events

The New Europeans

On April 26, 2005, the International Herald Tribune published an interesting article about “European feelings.” The article pointed out:

“A year after 10 new members joined the European Union, euroskepticism and doubts about the new European constitution may be dominating headlines. But beyond politics and institutional battles, the everyday reality of Europe’s open borders is quietly forging a EUROPEAN IDENTITY. A growing number of young Europeans… work and date across the Continent. Unlike their parents, who grew up within the confines of nationhood, they are multilingual and multicultural.

“Most of the EU citizens who say they feel ‘European’ still rank their national identity higher than their European one, opinion polls show. But among those aged 21 to 35, almost a third say they feel MORE European than German, French or Italian, according to a survey by Time magazine in 2001… According to a poll conducted by the European Commission in all 25 member states last year, more than two-thirds of respondents say they feel ‘ATTACHED’ to Europe. Fifty-seven percent see their identity as having a ‘European DIMENSION’ in the near future, up five percentage points from 1999, while 41 percent say their identity remains entirely national…

“Perhaps the most striking example of such [European] convergence is the wave of opposition to the Iraq war that swept across the Continent two years ago. Even if a number of governments–notably Britain, Italy, Poland and Spain–backed the United States on Iraq, European public opinion strongly opposed the invasion… Some say trans-Atlantic tensions around the Iraq war may have strengthened a sense of UNITY in Europe… others argue that the expansion of the EU is what is paving the way to a true European IDENTITY.”

Partially Human and Partially Animal?

On April 30, 2005, CNN reported about “mingling human cells with lesser beings.” The article explained that “on a farm about six miles outside this gambling town [of Reno, Nevada, there is] a flock of about 50 smelly sheep, many of them possessing partially human livers, hearts, brains and other organs.”

The article continued:

“In fact, the Academies’ report endorses research that co-mingles human and animal tissue as vital to ensuring that experimental drugs and new tissue replacement therapies are safe for people… Doctors have transplanted pig valves into human hearts for years, and scientists have injected human cells into lab animals for even longer. But the biological co-mingling of animal and human is now evolving into even more exotic and unsettling mixes of species, evoking the Greek myth of the monstrous CHIMERA, which was part lion, part goat and part serpent. “In the past two years, scientists have created pigs with human blood, fused rabbit eggs with human DNA and injected human stem cells to make paralyzed mice walk. Particularly worrisome to some scientists are the NIGHTMARE scenarios that could arise from the mixing of brain cells: What if a human mind somehow got trapped inside a sheep’s head?… In January, an informal ethics committee at Stanford University endorsed a proposal to create mice with brains nearly completely made of human brain cells.”

Great Britain vs. the Euro

The Daily Mail reported on April 28, 2005: “Mr. Blair conceded last night that his dream of being the Prime Minister who takes Britain into the Euro is all but DEAD. He suggested there was almost NO CHANCE of a referendum on entry into the single currency in the next Parliament. Mr. Blair has often said he would like Britain to join if the conditions for entry can be met. But Gordon Brown [Chancellor] has repeatedly [said] they have not [reached that point].”

Haider in Germany

On April 30, 2005, reported about Austria’s Joerg Haider’s recent visit in Mannheim, Germany. Haider stated that he still wants to become Austrian CHANCELLOR. He also said that the people should be able to decide via referendum, whether to accept the EU constitution, as the EU constitution is a bad document. According to Haider, the proposed Constitution takes away rights from the people and gives them instead to the “colorless” bureaucrats in Brussels.

Doctrinal Decisions by Cardinal Ratzinger

On April 29, 2005, the Catholic News Service published a Timeline of principal doctrinal decisions, issued by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith from 1981 to 2005 [formerly called, “the Inquisition”], when Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger was prefect of the office. He was elected Pope Benedict XVI April 19, 2005.

Among the interesting and note-worthy decisions were the following:

— Nov. 26, 1983: “Declaration on Masonic Associations,” saying Masonic principles and rituals “embody a naturalistic” religion incompatible with Christianity. Those who knowingly embrace the principles or attend the rituals are involved in serious sin and may not receive Communion.

— Feb. 22, 1987: “Instruction on Respect for Human Life in Its Origin and on the Dignity of Procreation,” clarifying the church’s position on assisted fertilization techniques and other biomedical issues, reaffirming teaching that an embryo is human from the moment of conception and that conception is moral only in the context of sexual intercourse within marriage.

— Feb. 16, 1989: Note regarding the moral rule of “Humanae Vitae” and pastoral duty, saying couples who find it difficult to follow church teaching about birth control of any kind “deserve great respect and love,” but the church is firm in teaching that contraception is an “intrinsically disordered act” that is prohibited without exception.

— Oct. 15, 1989: “Letter on Certain Aspects of Christian Meditation,” cautioning Catholics about using Buddhist, Hindu and other meditation techniques that place the focus of prayer on the self rather than on God.

— July 23, 1992: “Some Considerations Concerning the Response to Legislative Proposals on Nondiscrimination of Homosexual Persons,” saying, “It is not unjust discrimination to take sexual orientation into account” when making laws concerning “adoption or foster care, in employment of teachers or athletic coaches and in military recruitment.”

— Sept. 14, 1994: “Letter to Bishops Regarding the Reception of Holy Communion by Divorced and Remarried Members of the Faithful,” saying the church cannot ignore Jesus’ clear teaching on the indissolubility of marriage and reaffirming that divorced and civilly remarried Catholics may not receive Communion.

— Oct. 28, 1995: Response to questions about the doctrine contained in the apostolic letter, “Ordinatio Sacerdotalis,” saying the church’s teaching that women cannot be ordained priests belongs “to the deposit of faith” and has been taught “infallibly.”

— Aug. 15, 1997: Publication of the final Latin “typical edition” of the “Catechism of the Catholic Church,” including a stronger condemnation of the death penalty and an acknowledgment that science has not determined the cause of homosexuality.

— Oct. 31, 1998: “Considerations on ‘The Primacy of the Successor of Peter in the Mystery of the Church,'” saying that “the full communion desired by Christ among those who confess to be his disciples requires the common recognition of a universal ecclesial ministry,” and the Catholic faith holds that that ministry belongs to the pope.

— May 31, 1999: Notification regarding School Sister of Notre Dame Jeannine Gramick and Salvatorian Father Robert Nugent, barring the U.S. team from further pastoral ministry to homosexuals, saying they advanced “doctrinally unacceptable” positions “regarding the intrinsic evil of homosexual acts and the objective disorder of the homosexual inclination.”

— June 26, 2000: Publication of a 43-page booklet containing the complete “Message of Fatima,” including the so-called “third secret” given to three Portuguese children in 1917. In his commentary, Cardinal Ratzinger said the third part of the message is a symbolic prophecy of the church’s 20th-century struggles with evil political systems and of the church’s ultimate triumph. In that writing, he stressed that only the ministerial hierarchy of the Catholic Church has the right to interpret the meaning of the “Message to Fatima.”

— Aug. 6, 2000: “Dominus Iesus,” a declaration on the “exclusive, universal and absolute” value of Jesus Christ and his church for salvation, that is, the “Catholic Church.”

— Jan. 16, 2003: Doctrinal note on the participation of Catholics in political life saying that while Catholics are free to choose among political parties and strategies for promoting the common good, they cannot claim that freedom allows them to support abortion, euthanasia or other attacks on human life.

— July 31, 2004: “Letter to the Bishops of the Catholic Church on the Collaboration of Men and Women in the Church and in the World,” saying the subjugation of women is the result of original sin and not of God’s original design for creation.

— Feb. 11, 2005: Statement and commentary reaffirming church teaching that only priests can administer the anointing of the sick and saying the doctrine must be “definitively” accepted by Catholics.

Pope Benedict XVI’s Future

On April 25, 2005, The Globalist published an insightful editorial about the election of Pope Benedict XVI. The paper stated the following:

“The new pope is certainly equipped to engage in these [ethical] debates. He has been a leading intellectual on ethics questions for decades. In his previous capacity in Rome, he was a forceful and articulate defender of church doctrine. Now he is challenged to move beyond being an enforcer to being an enabler… The power of religious institutions… remains as much POLITICAL as it is spiritual… The POPE is therefore a very POLITICAL force, as is the CATHOLIC CHURCH ITSELF.. As a WORLD LEADER now, he will need to carry on that dialogue with one billion Catholics and the five billion others who share the world’s future… “HOW LONG Pope Benedict will reign is UNKNOWN. When the first chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany was sworn in, in 1949, he was only five years younger than the pope is today. And he stayed in office for 14 years, guiding the new republic in its first stages after the war. How Benedict shapes the agenda of his Church will be no less crucial for its future. THE RESULTS MAY BE FAR DIFFERENT THAN ANYONE CAN NOW KNOW FOR CERTAIN.”

Religious Persecution?

As AFP reported on May 5, 2005, “An Italian website that published a photo montage of Pope Benedict XVI dressed in a Nazi uniform was told to suspend its activities on Wednesday for OFFENDING the Roman Catholic religion, court officials said. Rome prosecutors accuse the Indymedia Italia site, which is part of a network of alternative media websites, of causing OFFENSE to the Catholic religion by publishing the photo montage alongside the caption ‘Nazi pope.’ Under Italian law, the offense is punishable by up to ONE YEAR IN JAIL… Italy’s largest press union, FNSI, slammed the decision as an ‘unacceptable attack on critical and satirical freedom.'”

Iran and the Bomb

According to an article by Reuters, dated May 3, 2005, “Iran vowed on Tuesday to press ahead with nuclear activities that could be used to make weapons and accused the United States and Israel of threatening international peace with their own atomic arsenals… In a comment clearly aimed at the European Union’s three biggest powers — France, Britain and Germany — [Foreign Minister Kamal]Kharrazi said ‘no one should be under the illusion’ that abolishing its nuclear fuel enrichment program would provide what he called an objective guarantee Tehran would not pursue the bomb.”

Russian Orthodox Church and Easter

On May 1, 2005, The Associated Press reported about the celebration of Easter by the Russian Orthodox Church. The article stated: “The Russian Orthodox Church, all but banned under the Soviet Union, has experienced a MAJOR RESURGENCE since 1991, with an estimated two-thirds of Russia’s 144 million people believed to be observant… Orthodox churches use a different calendar than the Roman Catholic and Protestant churches, which celebrated Easter on March 27… In his Easter greetings, Putin said the country was undergoing a SPIRITUAL REVIVAL. ‘On this festive spring day, I’d like to point to the growing positive influence of the Russian Orthodox Church and other traditional Christian confessions on molding the spiritual and moral climate in Russian society,’ the president said.”
The article continued:

“In Ukraine, where the country’s sizable Roman Catholic population marked Easter nearly a month ago, President Viktor Yushchenko sent Easter greetings to Orthodox believers, telling them Ukraine received DIVINE HELP during last year’s pro-democratic ‘Orange Revolution’ that brought him to the presidency. ‘We see our FUTURE TIED with the future of other EUROPEAN NATIONS … I wish that this Easter marks the beginning of a new and better life for everyone,’ Yushchenko said. Almost 90 percent of Ukrainians are members of the Orthodox church….

“In Turkey, Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew I spoke out against terrorism and killing in the name of religion as Orthodox faithful gathered early Sunday at the seat of the Greek Orthodox Church in Istanbul to celebrate Easter. Bartholomew [is] the spiritual leader of the world’s Orthodox Christians and a longtime advocate of harmony between different religions…”

Current Events

More on the New Pope

The Bible predicts that the last pope, at the time of Christ’s return, will work closely together with a strong political and military leader of German descent. This will occur at a time, when continental Europe has united (but quite likely without the UK), and when the Jews will have begun to bring sacrifices in Jerusalem — quite possibly at a newly-erected temple. We are told that the final pope will strongly emphasize Catholicism, including the concept that he is ruling “in the place of” God, as God’s representative on earth, and that he will be able to influence people all over the world, through his miracle-working powers, convincing them to follow the political leader.

Could the new pope be the prophesied last one?

We are presenting the readers with the following facts and news reports:

Bild Online reported on April 22 about comments made by Cardinal Ratzinger in the past, before he became the new pope. Ratzinger had stated his clear position against the pill and condoms; and that God was mysterious and distant, even for the pope. Ratzinger defended the inquisition, but voiced his opinion that there had been some wrong judgments in the history of the inquisition. Ratzinger made it clear that Catholic priests must not conduct communion with other denominations. He had also stated that communion must not be granted to divorced and remarried Catholics; but according to La Rupubblica, this position is now being reconsidered by the pope. Ratzinger had stated that there is no time and chance for anyone, so that everything is guided by God and predestined. He made it, of course, very clear that priests are not allowed to marry.

Bild reported on April 23 that a postcard from 2000 surfaced, purportedly written by Ratzinger, stating that the postcard was sent “by the future pope Benedict XVI.” Experts say that they are 99% sure that the card is genuine, while the Vatican says that it is a 100% forgery.

Bild also reported that a painting or a statute of Christ, which is placed in the pope’s domicile, shows the facial figures of Pope John Paul II.

The Guardian pointed out that the parents of Ratzinger are named Joseph and Mary.

The Independent reported on April 23, 2005, that the pope’s “first papal Mass, containing a message of openness and reconciliation, was delivered on April 20, Hitler’s birthday.”

AFP reported on April 23 that “Pope Benedict XVI launched a media charm offensive a day ahead of his solemn inauguration, telling journalists in four languages that thanks to them the ‘entire world’ had been focused on the Roman Catholic Church.”

News Telegraph stated on April 25, 2005:

“Cardinal Ratzinger particularly infuriated Anglicans five years ago with a document, Dominus Jesus, which asserted the superiority of Catholicism over other faiths and described Protestantism as ‘deficient.’ He also angered them in 1998 when he claimed that the Catholic Church’s refusal to accept Anglican priests as validly ordained was effectively an infallible teaching.”

The Independent wrote on April 20, 2005:

“By choosing Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger as the new pope, the cardinals in the Catholic Church were opting for down-the-line continuity in the harsh doctrine and philosophy for which the Church has become known and against all dissent by Catholics… The cardinals of the Roman Catholic Church have elected as Pope perhaps the most controversial, divisive and reactionary of all the plausible candidates.”

On April 22, 2005, the paper reported: “Ratzinger’s election will also raise questions about the dubious role played by the Catholic Church during the Nazi era. The extent to which leading Catholics felt obliged to reach compromises with the regime is outlined by the stance taken by Ratzinger’s mentor, Cardinal Michael von Faulhaber, one of the Pope’s most important early influences. Documented evidence shows that the cardinal visited Hitler’s mountain retreat during the 1930s and was entertained to lunch by the Führer in person. During their meeting, Von Faulhaber is on record as telling Hitler that the Church saw him as an ‘authority chosen by God, to whom we owe respect.'”

The reporting of the English press has angered the Germans — as vividly expressed by the boulevard tabloid Bild (which could be compared with the National Enquirer in the USA). The daily wrote with apparent indignation: “Britain libels German pope,” and, “Shut endlich up” (that is, “Shut up finally.”) The paper, which had formerly strongly criticized Ratzinger, now claimed that the British agitated against “our” pope.

Japan stated correctly that “national pride reigns in Germany.” It has also been noticed that in recent days, the overall German reporting, which was originally very critical, has become more and more friendly toward the new pope.

The Independent even wondered on April 23, 2005, whether the election of the German pope could influence German politics and the German government. The paper stated:

“Ratzinger is close to the Christian Democrats, particularly former Chancellor Helmut Kohl… His presence… will be felt in the bitterly contested elections next month in North Rhine-Westphalia, where the Christian Democrats hope to wrest control of the state from Chancellor Gerhard Schröder’s Social Democratic party. Such a victory could, in turn, threaten the government’s survival. The glow from the Vatican may give the Christian Democrats a decisive boost. That would be interesting. It would also demonstrate that a German pope is a complex issue, in more ways than one.”

According to an article in Hamburger Abendblatt, of April 7, 2005, “bishops and cardinals from the Federal Republic exercise more power than ever in the Vatican… [They are] disproportionately well-represented in important decision-making positions.”

In a related article, the Independent said: “Benedict [XVI], even more than his predecessor, saw the history of Europe through the lens of Catholicism… Like John Paul, Benedict, while he was a cardinal, felt it both his right and duty to intervene in European politics, injecting Christianity into public life because of Europe’s religious past.”

The Times stated on April 23, 2005:

“Rome is gearing up for another huge influx of pilgrims to celebrate the enthronement of Pope Benedict XVI tomorrow… The enthronement ceremony, which dates from medieval times, used to involve a papal tiara, or crown, being placed on the new Pope’s head, but this was sold during Paul VI’s papacy to raise money for the poor on the ground that ‘monarchical’ symbolism was inappropriate to the modern age… [Now he] sits on the papal throne before a plain altar flanked by the Gospels in Latin and Greek.” The paper continued to explain that the new pope is addressed by the Cardinal Deacon, in Latin, as follows: “May you reign gloriously through many years of earthly light.”

The paper also pointed out:

“The Chief Rabbi of Rome, Riccardo Di Segni, said the Pope had also invited him to attend the enthronement. He was unable to do so because it coincided with the Jewish Passover, but the invitation had brought ‘surprise, pleasure and hope for the future.’ The Pope had sent him a letter invoking ‘the help of the Almighty’ to ‘strengthen collaboration with the sons and daughters of the Jewish people.'”

Der Spiegel Online stated on April 25, 2005, that the pope arrived late for his first public meeting with German pilgrims. He said, jokingly, that as a German, one must be punctual, but that he had already become Italian. He told the German youth that he was excited about visiting the world youth day in Cologne, Germany — his first trip as pope. He also stated that he has remained Bavarian, even as the bishop of Rome.

The Associated Press reported on April 26, 2005: “Benedict XVI is not just German — he’s Bavarian. ‘Catholicism i
s part of the Bavarian identity and culture,’ said Rainer Kampling, a theologian at Free University in Berlin. ‘It’s not just religion, it’s a part of living, a part of the family.’ Germany as a whole is largely secular and has as many Protestants — 34 percent of the population — as it does Catholics. In Bavaria, however, even for those who aren’t particularly religious, Catholicism sets the tone. All the major holidays are religious holidays, and a crucifix is a typical wall decoration in public schools.”

AFP reported on April 27, 2005: “Pope Benedict XVI stressed Europe’s ‘inalienable’ Christian roots in the first general audience of his pontificate… Speaking to a joyous crowd of 15,000 pilgrims, the new pope revealed he had chosen the name Benedict to follow the ideals of Benedict XV ‘a courageous and authentic prophet of peace’ who led the Catholic Church during the dark years of World War I. He said he also chose the name because Saint Benedict, founder of the Benedictine order, is one of the patron saints of Europe. ‘Saint Benedict is therefore much venerated in Germany and in particular, in Bavaria, my native land; constituting a fundamental point of reference for the unity of Europe, and a strong call to the inalienable Christian roots of its culture and civilization.'”

Haider’s New Party

Der Spiegel Online reported on April 11, 2005:

“By splitting his party from above [that is, from the top — Haider — down], Joerg Haider forestalled his own loss of power and put himself back on the national stage of Austrian politics last week. But now the country’s government once again finds itself at the mercy of the right-wing populist… Haider is now threatening to bring down Schuessel and his entire cabinet in a vacuum of humiliation and disgrace…. In signing the document, the cabinet ministers who are members of Haider’s orange movement, as well as the future party’s members of parliament in the National Council, will be committing themselves to continue to support the coalition and not jeopardize the EU presidency. This isn’t a problem for Joerg Haider, who says he has always supported Europe. In fact, he says, he’s in favor of Turkey joining the EU. But then a more threatening note creeps into the Carinthian native’s voice, as he adds that he has no intention of allowing himself to be muzzled. It’s always been that way, and that’s the way things will stay.”

Another Nuclear Disaster?

Pravda reported this week about the possibility that “A serious catastrophe is likely to occur on the Chernobyl nuclear power plant in 2006. The disaster may become even more serious than the world-known blast of the station, which occurred on April 26th 1986. Specialists installed a sarcophagus around the nuclear reactor that year — the sarcophagus was supposed to protect the world from the harmful influence of radiation coming from the remnants of the hazardous production for 20 years. The warranty period has already elapsed: Chernobyl might become the center of another ecological disaster next year. Experts say that the protective housing of the reactor may collapse — the destruction of the nuclear storage might lead to lamentable consequences… No one knows what is happening with 20 tons of nuclear fuel inside the construction. According to the Versia newspaper, the technical condition of the sarcophagus has worsened considerably according to the results of a recent external examination, which specialists of the nuclear power plant conduct on a regular basis. They particularly said that cracks appeared in the walls, whereas the ceiling of the construction slumped.”

Hamas and Jerusalem

According to a report of WorldNetDaily of April 26, 2005, “Hamas warned yesterday against any American attempt to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, saying such a move, currently being debated by the U.S. Congress, would spark immediate violence throughout the Middle East… Hamas also announced yesterday it will ignore calls from Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas to disarm following legislative elections July 17… The Palestinian chairman gave no indication he would forcefully disarm the group, as both the U.S. and Israel have demanded of him.”

The United States of Europe

The Associated Press reported on April 27, 2005, that “The leaders of France and Germany joined forces Tuesday to try to save Europe’s embattled constitution, warning French voters they could set back European ambitions if they reject the charter in a referendum… Chirac said a ‘no’ would leave France on the sidelines of a Europe it helped to build. ‘France would find itself on the edge of the platform as the train went past,’ he said. ‘If we vote “no,” we will be responsible for interrupting 50 years of European construction.’ Schroeder promised that his government will do everything possible to back French ratification. ‘We will reproach ourselves later if we let this historic opportunity to advance Europe slip by,’ Schroeder said. Germany, the most populous EU member with 82 million people, is submitting the charter to lawmakers for approval and does not plan a referendum.”

On the other hand, even a French “no” would not necessarily mean the end, for the foreseeable future, of a United Europe. As the EUobserver reported on April 22, 2005, “EU member states should press ahead with efforts to ratify the Constitution even if France says ‘no’ in its 29 May referendum, the European Commission has urged…. Brussels pointed out that an appendix to the draft treaty already contains a mechanism for dealing with ratification problems… ‘The declaration [in the appendix] is not legally binding, but it leaves the door open for this Constitution to be approved even if some of the countries reject it,’ EU legal expert, Klaus Heeger, commented. In practise, this would lead to a MULTI-SPEED EU, with the new treaty having a legally binding force in some states but not in others.”

Current Events

Turmoil at the Temple Mount

As WorldNetDaily reported on April 18, 2005, “A group that led a Jewish protest at the Temple Mount last weekend in hopes of reclaiming the site from its Islamic custodians told WorldNetDaily this morning it will hold monthly protests until Jewish sovereignty is restored, while over 100,000 Indonesian Muslims rallied yesterday for continued Islamic dominance over the Mount. ‘The police blocked most of the people we tried to bring to the Temple Mount last week, so we will continue every month until Jews have a right to pray again at our holiest site,’ said David Ha’ivri, director of Revava, a group with the stated mission of ‘restoring self-esteem to the state of Israel by restoring national pride and values.’

“Revava had announced plans to bring 10,000 Jews to the Mount April 10, prompting Palestinian groups, including Hamas and the Islamic Movement, to threaten violence if a large group of Jews ascended the holy site. Only about 200 Jewish protestors were allowed past intense security, which included over 3,500 Israeli police stationed at checkpoints and entrances throughout the Old City, the walled section of Jerusalem that houses the Temple Mount… Still, over 10,000 Palestinians, including a top Hamas terrorist, made it last week to the Al Aqsa Mosque, where Muslim leaders vowed violent confrontations with any Jews who ascended the Mount. Islamic Jihad issued a press release claiming Jews were planning to ‘attack’ the Mount, which they said would explode the entire region and open an unprecedented confrontation with the ‘Zionist entity.’ … ‘The situation is simply intolerable,’ said Ha’ivri. ‘This is a Jewish state. The Temple Mount is the most holy Jewish site. We’re not going away until Jews can once again pray there unrestricted.”

Haider’s New Party

As the BBC reported on April 17, 2005, “Far-right politician Joerg Haider has launched a new party in Austria after a split in the Freedom Party he once led which threatened the ruling coalition. The new Alliance for Austria’s Future elected Mr Haider as its leader in Salzburg, and it looks set to remain in office with the majority conservatives. All Freedom Party cabinet ministers have defected to the new party…. Chancellor Wolfgang Schuessel, leader of the conservative People’s Party, said he had received sufficient guarantees to work with the new Alliance.”

European Constitution

As the EUobserver reported on April 15, 2005, French president Jacques Chirac is facing opposition to the Constitution from within his own ranks, as well as fighting an uphill battle to win the sympathy of the French people. ‘If this Constitution wins, it is the end of Europe,’ Niclolas Dupont-Aignan, a French MP from Chirac’s own UMP party, declared in Copenhagen on Friday (15 April)…. ‘The system has been built without the will of the people and they will revolt within ten years if this [treaty] is passed. We see it already with the Bolkestein directive and with Turkey’s possible entry into the EU,’ he warned. ‘The EU must adapt to the new world. We don’t want a return to nationalism, but we need a Europe based on democracy.'”

The AFP reported on April 16, 2005, that “The European Union struggled to contain mounting alarm at signs that French voters could reject the EU constitution, in what would be a devastating blow for the expanding bloc… The constitution, which aims to streamline decision-making in the expanded 25-member European Union, must be ratified by all member states. A rejection in France, one of the EU’s largest countries, would effectively kill the treaty. French President Jacques Chirac, alarmed at a series of polls indicating a ‘no’ vote [on May 29], launched a personal effort to persuade voters this week, warning on television that France would be turned into the ‘black sheep’ of Europe.”

In the meantime, Greece ratified the EU Constitution on Wednesday. It was the fifth country to do so (following, for example, Italy and Hungary). Spain was the first country in which the Constitution was accepted via referendum, but the Parliament still has to ratify it. In Germany, the Parliament will vote on May 12, after it was argued that a referendum of the people was “unconstitutional.”

The New Pope

Cardinal Ratzinger (the German “Panzerkardinal,” who was in charge of the office formerly known as the Inquisition) was elected as the new pope. A German paper reportedly stated recently that if Ratzinger was elected, the Inquisition would start again. As reported in this article, Ratzinger talked on Monday about the worst enemies of the Catholic Church, listing “sects” as number 1. Ratzinger recently wrote a paper, stating that one must belong to the Catholic Church in order to be saved, and that all the Protestant “daughter” churches must return to the fold of the “mother church.” He also stated that the core issues of orthodox Christianity are the observance of Sunday and Christmas.

It is also noteworthy that Benedict XV was elected just prior to World War I. Ratzinger adopted the name of Benedict XVI. According to the Washington Post, he elected the name to honor “Saint Benedict, the patron saint of Europe, and Benedict XV, the pope who tried to stop the First World War.”

Also, the late pope, John Paul II, had recently stated, that Satan had been cast down from heaven, and that the Great Tribulation was about to begin.

As AFP had already reported, prior to the election, on April 16, 2005, “Vatican intrigue intensifies as conclave looms to elect new pope.” The article continued: “Ratzinger, who turned 78 on Saturday, was John Paul II’s prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith — his theological ‘enforcer.’ He has come from behind in the sweepstakes as a potential new pope, despite his age, uncertain health and a bloc of cardinals, including fellow Germans, who consider him too conservative…The identity of the next pope is critical to the Church as it struggles to retain influence in an increasingly secular world. John Paul II took a strongly conservative position on issues ranging from abortion, divorce, contraception and euthanasia to the ordination of women. Many in the Church, however, want his successor to adopt a more liberal stance in line with changing social values, notably on contraception — particularly in the fight against AIDS — and women.”

The Associated Press had added on April 18, 2005: “German Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, considered a top contender to be the next pope, lashed out Monday at what he called threats to the fundamental truths of the Roman Catholic Church as he sought to set a conservative tone for the conclave to elect a new pope…. It was a clear message that Ratzinger wanted his fellow 114 cardinal electors to pick a new pope who will hold fast to the strict doctrinal line that John Paul charted and that he upheld as the powerful prefect of the Congregation of the Doctrine of the Faith. Ratzinger ticked off the threats facing the church and the next pontiff: sects and ideologies like Marxism, liberalism, atheism and agnosticism, collectivism, and what he called ‘radical individualism’ and ‘vague religious mysticism.'”

Finally, on Tuesday, April 19, 2005, it was announced that Joseph Ratzinger had been elected the new pope. The Associated Press reported:

“Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger of Germany, the Roman Catholic Church’s leading hard-liner, was elected the new pope Tuesday in the first conclave of the new millennium. He chose the name Benedict XVI and called himself ‘a simple, humble worker.’… Benedict XV, who reigned from 1914 to 1922, was a moderate following Pius X, who had implemented a sharp crackdown against doctrinal ‘modernism.’ He reigned during World War I and was credited with settling animosity between traditionalists and modernists, and dreamed of reunion with Orthodox Christians… Ratzinger served John Paul II since 1981 as head of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. In that position, he has disciplined church dissidents and upheld church policy against attempts by liberals for reforms…It was one of the fastest elections in the past century: Pope Pius XII was elected in 1939 in three ballots on one day, while Pope John Paul I was elected in 1978 in four ballots in one day. The new pope was elected after either four or five ballots over two days. ‘It’s only been 24 hours, surprising how fast he was elected,’ Vatican Radio said.”

The Times on Line wrote on April 19, 2005:

“In 1981 he became Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, formerly the Inquisition, where he earned the nickname ‘The Enforcer,’ and Dean of the College of Cardinals in 2002. He and the late Pope were referred to as ‘intellectual bedfellows.’ … Pope Benedict XVI is the eighth German pope. His accomplishments are many, he speaks ten languages and likes to play Beethoven on the piano. But it is in his enforcement of Church doctrine that he has made so many enemies around the world. He said it was ‘an enormous mistake’ to allow Turkey to join the European Union, has described rock music as a ‘vehicle of anti-religion’ and believes cloning is a more serious threat to humanity than weapons of mass destruction. He believes the ban on women priests is necessary to safeguard doctrine, is against multiculturalism and believes that the Church of England is not a proper church. Other religions he regards as deficient and homosexuality in his view is an ‘intrinsic moral evil.'”

In a related article of The Associated Press, it was pointed out:

“… opinion about [Ratzinger] remains deeply divided in Germany, a sharp contrast to John Paul, who was revered in his native Poland. A recent poll for Der Spiegel news weekly said Germans opposed to Ratzinger becoming pope outnumbered supporters 36 percent to 29 percent, with 17 percent having no preference… Many blame Ratzinger for decrees from Rome barring Catholic priests from counseling pregnant teens on their options and blocking German Catholics from sharing communion with their Lutheran brethren at a joint gathering in 2003…”

At the same time, as Bild Online reported, German political leaders welcomed the election of Ratzinger. German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder, a Protestant, and Angela Merkel, Protestant leader of the CDU-opposition party, remarked that the fact that a German was elected pope “fills us with honor and pride,” and that it was “a great honor for our country.” The German tabloid Bild Online, originally very critical of Cardinal Ratzinger, wrote on the front page, in big letters: “We Are Pope!” According to Der Spiegel Online, American Catholics are not overwhelmingly enthusiastic about the election of Ratzinger (As a CNN report showed, the reasons can be seen in Ratzinger’s conservative position and his remarks of an alleged conspiracy within the US press regarding the recent U.S. sexual child abuse scandal, involving Catholic priests). In Russia, according to the magazine, they don’t like him, either. The magazine added that the relationship between the Roman Catholic Church and the Russian-Orthodox Church is “chilly,” and that it will remain that way. In addition, the magazine wrote that many British papers are “fuming.”

The Independent in the UK wrote on April 20, 2005:

“… the softly spoken, courteous, Bavarian cardinal is the iron fist in Catholicism’s velvet glove. Nicknamed ‘God’s rottweiler’ and the ‘Panzerkardinal’ he takes the same unyielding stance on issues such as artificial contraception, abortion and homosexuality — which he has personally called ‘intrinsically evil.’ He called for pro-abortion politicians to be denied communion during the US election campaign. He has argued that Europe should be re-Christianized and that Turkey should not be admitted into the European Union.

“In many areas he is more hardline than his predecessor. He undermined Pope John Paul II’s attempts at reconciliation with the Orthodox churches. After the last pope visited Athens to apologize for the Great Schism of the 11th century, Cardinal Ratzinger issued a document insisting that the Catholic Church was the ‘mother’ of other Christian denominations as opposed to a ‘sister,’ the more common description in ecumenical circles. It wa
s typical of his stance as a more rigid outrider to the positions adopted by John Paul II.”

MSNBC stated on April 20: “The line between religion and politics isn’t clear, but the papacy of Benedict XVI could erase it altogether… If the denial of Communion — the central sacrament of Catholicism — was a weapon used only occasionally before,… it will be more widely used now. In his writings and interviews, the former Cardinal Ratzinger declared that politicians who support abortion rights should be turned away — and that it is a sin for Catholic voters to support a pro-choice candidate if their main reason for doing so is the candidate’s abortion views. We are eons away from the days when John Kennedy wanted to assure voters that the Vatican would hold no sway over his actions. Now everyone frankly acknowledges the Holy See’s role in the American public square. The question is: How will the electorate view the advent of a new Church Militant?”

Der Spiegel Online published an interesting article about the German popes — pointing out that none of Ratzinger’s predecessors were too fortunate on the Roman Catholic throne. Gregory V (996-999), the first German pope, had to flee from Rome naked and without financial means. Shortly after he returned, he died of Malaria. Clemens II (1046-1047) died of poisoning within a year. Damasus II (1048) died within 23 days of Malaria. Leo IX (1049-1054) was captured by the Normans, and under his rule, the Catholic Church split into the Eastern and Western Churches. Victor II (1055-1057) was compelled by the emperor to become pope, but he never gave up his office of bishop in Germany. Stephen IX (1057-1058) died within eight months, while traveling. Finally, Hadrian VI (1522-1523) was unable to prevent the Reformation under Martin Luther.

The future will show how close we have now come to the return of Jesus Christ. Surely, tumultuous and frightening times are ahead of us.

Current Events

Bush and Clinton on Pope’s Legacy

The Associated Press reported on April 8, 2005, that “President Bush on Friday said that attending the funeral of Pope John Paul II was ‘one of the highlights of my presidency’ and made clear that he disagrees with former President Clinton’s assessment that the pontiff leaves a mixed legacy. Bush, the first U.S. president to attend a papal funeral, led a U.S. delegation to the 2 1/2-hour funeral Mass… Bush talked about his time in Rome in extraordinarily personal terms, saying it strengthened his own belief in a ‘living God.’ … As he viewed the pope’s body, Bush said, he felt ‘very much at peace’ and ‘much more in touch with his spirit… I knew the ceremony today would be majestic but I didn’t realize how moved I would be by the service itself,’ the president said. ‘Today’s ceremony, I bet you, was a reaffirmation for millions… No doubt in my mind the Lord Christ was sent by the Almighty,’ Bush said.”

Russia, China and India?

The Russian newspaper, Pravda, reported on April 12, 2005, that “India, China and Russia [are desirous] to create [a]new alliance to challenge USA’s supremacy.” Even though the article pointed out that especially India is reluctant to create such an alliance, as it does not want to jeopardize its friendly relationship with the USA, an extremely important trading partner, the article continued: “It was reported on Monday, however, that India and China concluded a strategic partnership agreement. Details of the new document were not exposed, although it is known that the parties came to agreement on the issues of the long-standing border dispute, bilateral trade relations and… economic cooperation. Indian and Chinese prime ministers stated that the document would boost diplomatic and economic links between China and India and help the two states resist ‘global threats.’ For the time being it is not known if Russia is going to have at least something to do with the ‘strategic partnership’ of India and China.”

Outbreak of Deadly Marburg Disease in Angola

The New York Times reported on April 9, 2005, about a new deadly virus in Angola. The article stated: “The death toll in Angola from an epidemic caused by an Ebola-like virus rose to 174 Friday as aid workers in one northern provincial town reported that terrified people had attacked them and that a number of health workers had fled out of fear of catching the disease. International health officials said the epidemic, already the largest outbreak of Marburg virus ever recorded, showed no signs of abating. Seven of Angola’s 18 provinces have now reported suspected cases and several neighboring countries have announced health alerts. ‘It’s becoming a huge problem,’ said Dick Thompson, a spokesman for the World Health Organization… ‘We clearly don’t know the dimensions of the outbreak.’ …

“There is no cure or vaccine for the highly contagious virus. Victims suffer a high fever, diarrhea, vomiting and severe bleeding from bodily orifices and usually die within a week…. The disease is spread through bodily fluids, including blood, excrement, saliva and vomit… Allarangar Yokouidé, an epidemiologist with the World Health Organization, told reporters that more than 80 percent of those who contracted the virus in Angola had died, a mortality rate that surpassed previous Ebola epidemics in the region. ‘Marburg is a very bad virus, even worse than Ebola,’ he said. .. A cousin to the Ebola virus, Marburg is named for the town in Germany where it was first identified in 1967 after laboratory workers were infected by monkeys from Uganda. … Scientists do not know the source of the virus or how the current outbreak began, but they suspect that the virus was transmitted from an animal, possibly a bat. Health experts say that to control the epidemic, medical workers must check everyone who had contact with a victim after the first display of symptoms. That can mean 10 or 20 people to follow for each suspected case, each of whom should be checked once a day… In one Ebola outbreak, he said, epidemiologists had to track 3,000 people a day… The task may be especially daunting in Angola, with its rutted dirt roads, teeming townships, remote villages and countryside still littered with land mines from decades of conflict.”

U.S. Trade Deficit at All-Time High

The Associated Press reported on April 12, 2005, that “The U.S. trade deficit… soared to an all-time high of $61.04 billion in February… Trade deficits of this magnitude have raised worries among economists about America’s ability to continue to attract the foreign financing needed to cover the shortfall between exports and imports…. Demand for foreign petroleum products shot up 10.3 percent to $18.2 billion, the second highest level on record, surpassed only by $19.6 billion in imports of petroleum last November. The February increase reflected higher prices as crude oil climbed to $36.85 per barrel, compared to $35.25 in January, offsetting a drop in the volume of oil imports. Analysts said America’s foreign oil bill is likely to climb even further in months ahead, reflecting further increases in global oil prices.”

Volcano Eruption in Indonesia

As AFP reported on April 12, 2005, “A volcano spewed into life on Indonesia’s disaster-blighted Sumatra island, spreading new panic after the recent tsunami and earthquakes and driving thousands from their homes… More than 20,000 people have been evacuated from the volcano’s slope.” Reuters added that “Mount Talang’s eruption was likely triggered by a series of earthquakes that have rocked Sumatra in recent weeks, including one on March 28 that killed more than 600 people on outlying islands… The mountain is among at least 129 active volcanoes in Indonesia, the world’s largest archipelago nation. The country is part of the Pacific ‘Ring of Fire’ – a series of volcanoes and fault lines stretching from the Western Hemisphere through Japan and Southeast Asia.”

Lebanon in Crisis

Reuters reported on April 12, 2005, that “Lebanon slipped deeper into a political vacuum on Tuesday after bickering among officials held back the formation of a new government and made a delay in general elections set for May almost inevitable… The United Nations and Washington have led calls for the polls to be held on schedule after Syria finishes withdrawing its military and intelligence forces from Lebanon by the end of this month.

“A senior military source said 10,000 troops had left Lebanon since the withdrawal began on March 8. He expected the remaining 4,000 soldiers to return home before April 30. Top pro-Syrian officials failed again on Monday to form a government, six weeks after Prime Minister Omar Karami resigned under popular pressure over the killing of his predecessor. But he was reappointed days later and tried, but failed, to persuade Lebanon’s anti-Syrian opposition to join a unity cabinet alongside pro-Syrian loyalists.”

EU Constitution in Jeopardy?

The EUobserver reported on April 12, 2005, that “A top German economist has warned of serious economic consequences if there is a No to the EU Constitution in the 29 May referendum in France.The chief economist at Deutsche Bank, Norbert Walter, told FT [Financial Times] Deutschland that a French No might cause a currency crisis in the new member states… ‘One problem is that the EU has absolutely no strategy about how to react to a failure in the Constitution referendum,’ Mr Walter indicated. He added that a debate about closing the eurozone to any more new members is also conceivable. Several countries are planning to have a referendum on the Constitution. Successive polls have predicted that the Treaty will fail in France and beyond, but the importance of France as a pioneer of European integration means that a French No could have grave implications for the 25-strong bloc.”

Earthquakes in California

Edison International issued the following press release on April 11, 2005: “April is Earthquake Preparedness Month… Southern California Edison (SCE) is reminding its customers that April is Earthquake Preparedness month and a good time to plan for disaster preparedness. ‘California is not only known for its golden beaches and snow-capped mountains, but for its earthquakes, which can create widespread damage and extended power outages,’ said Rose Pearson, manager of consumer affairs. ‘We’re encouraging our customers to take steps now to ready their families should a strong earthquake strike.'”

On April 12, 2005, around 4:00 a.m., an earthquake with the magnitude of 4.0 on the Richter scale struck Southern California. It was centered near the city of Santee, close to San Diego.

Current Events

Haider in the News

As The Associated Press reported on April 4, 2005, “[Austria’s] Joerg Haider and his supporters broke Monday with the once-powerful populist Freedom Party to form a new movement meant to reflect the former rightist firebrand’s turn toward relative moderation… The party’s fall in popularity has been accompanied by growing infighting among party pragmatists and the rightist fringe that extends to those with links to neo-Nazi publications.”

Prince Rainier of Monaco Dies

As the Associated Press reported on April 6, 2005, “Prince Rainier III [Europe’s longest-reigning monarch of Europe’s longest-ruling royal family, the Grimaldis], whose fairy-tale marriage to Hollywood star Grace Kelly brought elegance and glamour to one of Europe’s oldest dynasties, died Wednesday, nearly a month after he was hospitalized with a lung infection. He was 81… Rainier, who assumed the throne on May 9, 1949, had to endure the tragedy of his wife’s death and relentless scandals — including international criticism of the principality’s tax laws — that plagued the final two decades of his rule… Britain’s Queen Elizabeth II sent a message of condolence to the family. Rainier’s death means the queen [Britain’s Queen Elizabeth II], who acceded to the throne in 1952, becomes the longest-serving monarch in Europe.”

European Visas Required?

As AFP reported on April 6, 2005, “New US passport rules ‘threaten business relations'” between the USA and European countries. The article stated: “Sir Digby Jones, director-general of the Confederation of British Industry, said US demands for visitors to hold passports containing biometric information would cause ‘enormous problems’ for UK business… The UK is one of several countries expected to miss an October 26 deadline to start issuing the high-tech passports, which include a digital photo embedded with a chip. Only six European countries — Belgium, Germany, Austria, Finland, Sweden and Luxembourg — are expected to meet the deadline. People with passports issued after the deadline without biometric features will need a visa to enter the US.”

However, the Austrian-based “Networld” reported on April 5, 2005, that Austria might not be ready to issue the required new passports by the deadline, and that the USA would be unwilling to extend the deadline.

It should be noted, though, that in the rising heat of the discussion, an important aspect is overlooked. As AFP pointed out: “The new rules apply only to new passports issued after October 26, meaning that people with documents issued before the deadline will still be able to enter the US without a visa or biometric information.”

EU “Retaliates” Against USA

The EUobserver reported on March 31, 2005, that “The European Commission… intend[s] to impose an extra 15 percent duty on some types of paper, textiles and machinery from 1 May after ‘the continuing failure of the US to bring its legislation into conformity with its international obligations’…’The level of retaliation… is slightly below US $28 million,’ says a statement by the Commission…. The EU’s move is likely to raise transatlantic trade tensions… The European Commission’s decision has to be approved by member states before it can come into effect on 1 May — but no opposition is expected.”

In the USA, the decision of the European Commission has been sharply criticized by the media — including CNN. In a special report, CNN questioned what the EU is expecting of the USA — given the high amount of trade with the USA, which is already enormously benefiting the EU.

The Death of Pope John Paul II

With the death of Pope John Paul II, speculation is running high as to who his successor is going to be. Will it be the last pope in the history of the Catholic Church — a black pope perhaps (such as Cardinal Francis Arinze of Nigeria), and will he adopt the name of Peter, as Nostradamus and other “seers” have prophesied? In the annals of the Catholic Church, there has only been one black pope before.

Will it be a European — a German, perhaps? Could it be Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger (77)? Time magazine felt, at the beginning of this year, that he was the top candidate — something like a transitional pope. He has been presiding over the Office responsible for religious questions — formerly known as the Inquisition. He is described as “highly intelligent” (Bild Online, April 3, 2005). Whether or not it will be Ratzinger, he has already become known as the “creator of popes,” as Bild Online stated on April 6, 2005.

One thing is certain — this new election will be of tremendous prophetic importance. It is interesting that the new election process of 117 cardinals (under 80 years) — or 116 cardinals, as the Cardinal from the Philippines, Jaime Sin, fell sick and might be unable to attend — will begin on April 18, 2005 — exactly 16 days after the pope’s death, and less than a week before Passover. And, that during the burial of the pope, there will be a partial solar eclipse (as The Associated Press reported on April 6, 2005). The late pope’s testament “did not name the mystery cardinal he created in 2003… ending speculation that a last-minute cardinal might join in the April 18 start of the conclave [the papal election process],” according to The Associated Press of April 6, 2005.

To be able to elect a new pope, the cardinals, in sequestered meetings at the Sistine Chapel, have to agree on one candidate with a two-thirds majority (plus one). If there have been 33 unsuccessful attempts (ballots are cast each day, two in the morning and two in the afternoon, as AFP reported on April 4, 2005), the cardinals are allowed to elect a pope with a simple majority, or to agree on the most likely candidate, choosing from the two who had received the most votes. The longest election process occurred in 1268, when it took three years to elect a new pope (Bild Online, April 1, 2005). The shortest election took place in 1978, when Pope John Paul I was elected. He only ruled for 33 days, before he died (Bild Online, April 3, 2005). Some believe that he did not die of natural causes.

When the cardinals decide on a candidate, the traditional white smoke that for centuries has announced the selection of a new pope to the world will be joined by the tolling of bells (The Associated Press, April 6, 2005).

On April 6, 2005, Bild Online published an article, stating, “Not Every Pope Died in His Bed.” The article pointed out that Pope John XII (937-964) was killed by a jealous husband, after he had transformed the Vatican into a house of prostitution. Pope Benedict IX (1020-1055) died in battle, when he fought against a German “counter-pope.” Pope Paul II (1417-1471) died while he had sexual relationships with another man. Pope Innocence VIII (1432-1492) died, after having violated his eight daughters, when a blood transfusion from a boy failed. Pope Leo X (1475-1521) died of syphilis, after he had had sexual relationships with boys, men and women.

Der Spiegel Online pointed out on April 4, 2005, that historically, “many conclaves were dictated by intrigue and corruption.”

The Scotsman added on April 4, 2005:

“The world is on the brink of witnessing an ancient rite, one redolent with history, power and intrigue… Yet the late John Paul II could be responsible for initiating a long conclave. He ordered the construction of Casa Santa Marta, a £12 million, 134-room hotel, which will permit the cardinals to deliberate in comfort, 108 of them in three-room suites.”

Bild Online even went so far as to state, on April 6, 2005: “There is already a power and election struggle going on in the Vatican… Intrigues, conspiracies, cheating… Is every method acceptable? Mysterious organizations, which could be decisive as to who might be the next pope, are: Opus Dei, the army of the pope, also known as the Italian Mafia; Communione e Liberazione, a powerful Italian lay member movement; Sant’Egidio, a community similar to an order; and the Fokolaries, a ultra-conservative youth group, which very strongly worships Mary. About one-third of the 117 cardinals sympathize with one or the other of those groups. Whether it’s Opus Dei or the Fokolaries, they all are extremely rich… and run universities and seminaries for priests — in which cardinals are forged.”

Unknown to most is the fact that every baptized Catholic male can be elected pope — he does not even have to be a priest. But since 1378, only cardinals were elected popes (Bild Online, April 3, 2005; AFP, April 4, 2005).

The worldwide reaction to Pope John Paul II’s death was stunning. President Bush said that he had been “a hero for all times — a fighter for peace and freedom” — even though he had been strongly opposed to the Iraq war. Former German Chancellor Helmut Kohl said that Pope John Paul II was instrumental in the fall of the Berlin Wall and the end of the division in Germany and Europe. More than 100 governmental officials, as well as many more prominent figures, are planning to attend the funeral, from virtually every country around the world. Pilgrims are flocking into Rome by the millions. Even the wedding of Prince Charles was postponend (reportedly much to the anger of Prince Charles), as it would have coincided with the pope’s funeral.

Bild Online reported on April 6 about miracles that the late Pope John Paul II had allegedly performed during his life — including the healing of blind people; of individuals sick with cancer; and of lame and paralyzed persons. The paper stated that the Vatican is already considering sanctifying or canonizing the pope — a process which normally could last decades, if not centuries, except for popular demand of the masses. For instance, Franz of Assisi was sanctified as early as two years after his death (in 1226).

Der Spiegel Online discussed in its article of April 2, 2005, titled, “The Testament of the Lion,” why the late pope enjoyed such popularity–given the fact that he was extremely conservative. The paper pointed out that he did not compromise, and that he demanded unquestioned obedience. “His stance regarding abortion was terribly against the Zeitgeist [the commonly accepted view of the time]… He looked for reconciliation between Catholics and Jews — while declaring that the Catholic way was the only true one… The media loved this pope so much that they did not understand his radical stance on social issues… He could not prevent the Iraq war, but his resistance against it brought him admiration and love.”

The Bible prophesies that the final pope of the end-time will be able to perform miracles and propagate the Catholic way as the only true way — and he will do so in such a convincing manner, that most people will follow his lead. At the same time, important commandments of God will be ignored and neglected. For more information, please read our free booklet, “Europe in Prophecy.” Have we now reached this final phase of human history, which will end with the return of Jesus Christ to this earth?

One has to be struck by the unending news coverage and the — overall — unquestioning admiration by the nations and people of the world for the late Pope John Paul II, and his religion. Only the tiniest mention is ever made about the deeply held beliefs embodied in Catholicism, and beyond that, only scant coverage of the recent problems of child molestation uncovered among so many priests of the Catholic Church.

In reading Revelation 13 and what is stated about the final
global impact of Catholicism, one has to be impressed how the world, more than ever before in recent times, is galvanized around Rome and the religious figure-head of this time!

Right now, the true Church of God — the spiritual body of Christ — seems indeed very small, very scattered and, overall, little prepared for what is coming…

Current Events

Australia vs. USA

As reported on March 29, 2005, “Australians are just as concerned about United States foreign policy as Islamic extremism and regard the US as more dangerous than a rising China, according to a new poll.” According to the poll, “57 per cent of Australians were ‘very worried’ or ‘fairly worried’ about the external threat posed by both US foreign policy and Islamic extremism… More than two-thirds–68 per cent–said Australia took too much notice of the US in its foreign policy deliberations.”

Germany — Still Divided?

As Reuters reported on March 27, 2005, “Nearly a quarter of western Germans and 12 percent of easterners want the Berlin Wall back–more than 15 years after the fall of the barrier that split Germany during the Cold War, according to a new survey. The results of the poll, published Saturday, reflected die-hard animosities over high reunification costs lowering western standards of living and economic turmoil in the east… The Berlin Wall was breached on November 9, 1989, paving the way for the unification of Communist East Germany with the West on October 3, 1990. But billions of euros (dollars) spent rebuilding the east have failed to prop up the depressed region, which is plagued by high unemployment and a shrinking population. The poll also found that 47 percent of the easterners agree with the statement that the West ‘acquired the east like a colony,’ while 58 percent of the westerners back the statement that ‘easterners tend to wallow in self-pity.'”

Make War, Not Peace?

An appalling editorial was published in WorldNetDaily on March 22, 2005, in connection with the Church shooting by a parishioner in Wisconsin. Although this may be hard to believe, the editor actually recommended the following violent strategy to prevent further shootings in schools or churches:

“If just one other member of that congregation were carrying a gun, lives would have been saved. And that’s the real answer to this kind of murder and mayhem… I’m advocating that law-abiding people carry firearms wherever they go – especially in places where guns are thought to be unnecessary, especially in schools and other ‘gun-free zones,’ especially in the high-crime cities where guns have already been banned. It’s a matter of life and death… That way, when the next inevitable attack comes – whether it is at a movie theater, a school, a church, a shopping mall, and no matter who the perpetrator is – there will be return fire. That’s called deterrent. That’s called civil defense. That’s called common sense.”

Sadly, in our violent societies which place guns and weapons over trust in God’s protection, even this incredible recommendation might be welcome by some deceived supporters. What we would see then is that violence will lead to more violence, and if that kind of recommendation would be followed by everyone, we would pretty soon have an armed camp — with freedom and peace gone forever. We only pray that true Christians don’t fall for such God-defying and God-denying concepts. As Paul wrote in 2 Timothy 3:1-5: “But know this, that in the last days perilous times will come. For men will be… brutal, despisers of good, … headstrong… having a form of godliness BUT DENYING ITS POWER. AND FROM SUCH PEOPLE TURN AWAY!”

The Death of the Dollar? wrote on March 18, 2005:

“Caesar was supposed to be a god. Julius Caesar was killed on the Ides of March. (March 15th). Today, we don’t make men gods. Instead society has made our financial system into a false god. On March 15th, 2005, (the Ides of March) we may have just witnessed the beginning of the death of our financial system as General Motors stock took a nosedive from $34/share down to $30…GM’s stock price decline is like a dagger right into the heart of the U.S. financial system, and the dollar itself!… Apparently, someone in power did the equivalent of shouting ‘the emperor has no clothes’ and people woke up, and are beginning to see more clearly! The media decided it was time to expose the truth that GM is nearly insolvent, and will expect to lose $1.50/share in the first quarter alone!
“But the story is worse than that! GM has $300 billion in debt… The implication is clear–that GM is headed towards bankruptcy, and will default on the bondholders, who will then own a company worth less than $16 billion dollars!… So, therefore, GM will soon be a $300 billion dollar blow-up! How big is that? It’s bigger than Enron, Global Crossing, LTCM, K-Mart, and the IRAQ war all put together! … $300 billion going belly up is a big enough event to topple the U.S. government! How so? It will shake the confidence in the entire financial system… Either way, the dollar is dead. Long live gold and silver!”

Never-Ending Problems in Iraq

As The Associated Press reported on March 29, 2005, “Iraq’s fledgling parliament failed Tuesday to agree on who would be its speaker, with the interim prime minister and president storming out of the chaotic session that exposed deep divides among the National Assembly’s Shiite, Sunni and Kurdish members. The short session – mostly held behind closed doors after leaders kicked out reporters and cut off a live television feed – adjourned until this weekend… The Shiite-led United Iraqi Alliance and the Kurdish coalition, which finished first and second in the landmark elections, have reached out to the Sunnis and to members of Allawi’s coalition, hoping to form an inclusive national unity government. But haggling over the level of participation of the Sunnis, as well as jockeying for Cabinet posts and efforts to resolve differences between the various groups, have left Iraq without a government almost two months after the 275-member National Assembly was elected. Lawmakers have until mid-August to draft a permanent constitution.”

Another Powerful Earthquake in Indonesia

As The Associated Press reported on March 29, 2005, “Indonesians searched through smoldering rubble for survivors on Nias island Tuesday and relatives wept over the bodies of the dead after an 8.7-magnitude earthquake hammered the region, triggering a tsunami scare and killing at least 330 people. Some officials said the death toll could rise as high as 2,000… The earthquake – which occurred along the same tectonic fault line as the massive 9.0-magnitude temblor that caused the Dec. 26 disaster – triggered panic in several Asian countries.”

The German press reported that scientists fear for additional powerful earthquakes in the region. It was pointed out that the December earthquake was three times stronger than the quake on Monday, but that Monday’s quake was not an aftershock of the December quake, but an entirely new one.

Jurors Without the Bible

As The Associated Press reported on March 29, 2005, “Ruling that juries cannot turn to the Bible for advice during deliberations, a divided Colorado Supreme Court threw out the death penalty for a convicted murderer because jurors discussed verses from Scripture.” This latest decision follows a long line of cases, ruling in effect that jurors have to ignore or violate their own conscience, when they become jurors, as they have to unconditionally and without reservation obey the judge’s instructions. This alone should be reason enough for any true Christian to be conscientiously opposed to participating in jury duty.

U.S. Sovereignty Tested?

As The Associated Press reported on March 29, 2005, “The Supreme Court, confronting a case that tests the effect of international law in domestic death penalty cases… [heard arguments regarding the] violation of a U.S. treaty that requires consular access for Americans detained abroad and foreigners arrested in the United States… Several justices seemed wary of deciding who has final say on interpretation of that treaty – state or federal courts, the U.S. president or an international tribunal – after President Bush last month ordered new state court hearings for [51] Mexicans on death row… The case, which has attracted worldwide attention, is seen as a test of how much weight the Supreme Court will give in domestic death penalty cases to the International Court of Justice, or ICJ, in The Hague, which ruled last year that the 51 convictions violated the Vienna Convention… The administration also announced it was withdrawing from a section of the Vienna Convention that gave the ICJ authority to hear U.S. disputes, to avoid future questions about the role of international tribunals in domestic death penalty cases.”

Terri Schiavo Died

As The Associated Press reported on March 31, 2005, “Terri Schiavo, the severely brain-damaged woman who spent 15 years connected to a feeding tube in an epic legal and medical battle that went all the way to the White House and Congress, died Thursday, 13 days after the tube was removed. She was 41… Schiavo suffered severe brain damage in 1990 after her heart stopped because of a chemical imbalance that was believed to have been brought on by an eating disorder. Court-appointed doctors ruled she was in a persistent vegetative state, with no real consciousness or chance of recovery. She left no written instructions…”

The article continued:

“Florida lawmakers, Congress and President Bush tried to intervene…, but state and federal courts at all levels repeatedly ruled in favor of her husband [to remove the tube]. The case focused national attention on living wills and stirred a furious debate over the proper role of government in end-of-life decisions. It also led to allegations that Republicans in Congress were pandering to the religious right and violating their own political principles of limited government and states’ rights. In Washington, the president said he was saddened by the death. ‘The essence of civilization is that the strong have a duty to protect the weak,’ Bush said. ‘In cases where there are serious doubts and questions, the presumption should be in favor of life.’ In Rome, Cardinal Jose Saraiva Martins, head of the Vatican’s office for sainthood, called the removal of the feeding tube ‘an attack against God.'”

The article concluded, as follows: “Schiavo’s feeding tube was briefly removed in 2001. It was reinserted after two days when a court intervened. In October 2003, the tube was removed again, but [Florida’s] Gov. Jeb Bush rushed ‘Terri’s Law’ through the Legislature, allowing the state to have the feeding tube reinserted after six days. The Florida Supreme Court later ruled that law was an unconstitutional interference in the judicial system. Nearly two weeks ago, the tube was removed for a third and final time.”

Current Events

Easter 2005

As you may be aware, the Church of the Eternal God and its corporate affiliates in Canada and the UK do not celebrate Easter, for Biblical reasons, as taught both in the Old and in the New Testament. For a full explanation, please re-read our
Editorial in Update #89 (for the week ending April 18, 2003), titled, “Why We Don’t Celebrate Easter.”

A Temple in Jerusalem?

In our last Update, we discussed from the Scriptures, whether the Jews will build a temple in Jerusalem prior to Christ’s return. We saw that the Scriptures indicate that they might do so.

In this light, the following report by the BBC is quite remarkable. As was stated on March 15, 2005, on, “Jewish extremists are plotting to take over the Temple Mount in an attempt to thwart Israel’s withdrawal from Gaza, an Israeli TV station has reported. Channel Two showed a video of the plotters, including rabbis and far-right extremists, in a meeting to discuss ways to occupy the holy site… The meeting took place at a secret location in the Old City of Jerusalem, the TV station said. It involved representatives from 30 different groups. Palestinian Prime Minister Ahmed Qurei has appealed to Israel to stop any action against the compound. ‘We warn that the region will explode if there is any attack against al-Aqsa,’ Mr Qurei told reporters.”

The article continued to point out: “The Temple Mount compound, in the old city in East Jerusalem, covers an area of 35 acres. The site is holy to Jews because it is the site of the First and Second Temple in ancient times. It is known in Jewish tradition as the ‘abode of God’s presence.’ The same area is known to Muslims as the Haram al-Sharif (the Noble Sanctuary). It is of deep religious, political and national significance to Palestinians and to Muslims around the world.”

In this context, another article posted on, which is dated March 18, 2005, is quite interesting. The rather lengthy article is titled, “Preparations for a Third Jewish Temple.” In the article, it is pointed out:

“Number 20 of the 613 commandments in the Torah (according to Maimonides) calls for the building of a Temple… in Jerusalem if one does not exist or orders the maintenance of a Temple if it exists. Orthodox Jews during the diaspora call for the eventual building of the Temple in Jerusalem.”

The article continued: “For centuries the Jews did not possess their homeland—they were forced to wander as strangers and vagabonds across the face of the earth. Deep within the Jewish heart has been a longing for a return to the land and a rebuilding of the Temple. The Temple is also a symbol of prosperity granted them from heaven, and a reminder of better days that the nation had in the days of David and Solomon. Desire for the restoration of the Temple has been the prayer of the Orthodox Jew since the destruction of the Second Temple in AD 70.

“A rebuilt temple could also be a unifying force for this small beleaguered nation… In 1982, after years of disagreement about methods of approach, three groups of devout Jews, The Jerusalem Temple Foundation, To the Mountain of the Lord, and The Faithful of the Temple Mount combined their forces to plan for and build the Third Temple. More recently The Temple Institute has begun to build the sacred vessels to be used in the Third Temple… If a new Temple is to be constructed then there must be a functioning priesthood to perform the proper rites and ceremonies. Such a priesthood is now in the works…

“The problem of restoring the sacrificial system is one that devout Jerusalem Jews have been researching with great zeal and diligence…. According to Rabbi Goren, a 1967 survey of the Temple Mount shows the exact location of the First and Second Temples as well as the site of the Ark of the Covenant. By elimination, the rabbi determined the exact areas on the Temple Mount where a Jewish sanctuary could be constructed without violation of the ancient decree not to tread on holy soil… Most Orthodox Jewish believers in Jerusalem who are working towards the building of the Third Temple believe that the Ark of the Covenant is safely hidden in a chamber under the Temple Mount. They feel certain God has preserved the Ark for 25 centuries and that it will be available when the Temple is restored…”

In addition, as we reported before, a Sanhedrin was also recently re-established, which is another interesting development in light of the possibility for the rebuilding of a Third Temple.

Earthquake in Japan

As The Associated Press reported on March 20, 2005, “a powerful earthquake jolted southern Japanese islands on Sunday… The magnitude-7.0 temblor, which hit west of Kyushu Island at 10:53 a.m., was centered at an unusually shallow depth of 5.5 miles below the ocean floor, the Japanese Meteorological Agency said. At least one aftershock with a magnitude of 4.2 was recorded. Minutes after the shaking began, the agency warned of the possibility of a 20-inch tsunami triggered by the seismic activity. Such waves can grow to towering heights as they approach land, and authorities cautioned residents near the water to move to higher ground. But the agency withdrew the warning after about an hour…. On Dec. 26, a magnitude-9.0 quake triggered a massive tsunami that devastated Asian and African coastlines in nearly a dozen nations, killing at least 174,000 people… On Oct. 23, a magnitude-6.8 earthquake struck Niigata, about 160 miles northwest of Tokyo, killing 40 people and damaging more than 6,000 homes. The jolt was the deadliest to hit Japan since 1995, when a magnitude-7.3 quake killed 6,433 people in the western city of Kobe.”

US vs. Europe?

On March 21, 2005, the EUobserver reported about yet another controversy between the United States and Europe. It titled its article: “EU-US air row escalates.” The report continued: “The EU and US dispute over the state subsidies to major aircraft producers has escalated over the weekend. Newspaper reports indicate that an hour-long tense phone call between the EU trade commissioner Peter Mandelson and outgoing US Trade Representative Robert Zoellick ended abruptly on Friday evening (18 March), with both of them suggesting the other had finished it unexpectedly. Both parties are now threatening to take their case to the World Trade Organisation, despite their previous deal to avoid a costly legal clash over the government support for Airbus and Boeing. The tension is rising mainly due to the impending deadline–11 April–for finding a compromise solution that the two parties agreed on in January. US officials are complaining that the Europeans are not sufficiently willing to eliminate subsidies. On the other hand, the Europeans suggest that they want ‘an equivalent contribution’ from the US for putting on the table the launch aid it provides for the development of Airbus aircraft, according to AFP.”

Drug Treatment of Depression?

In a controversial article, Dr. Nathaniel S. Lehrman maintained that “The Drug Treatment Of Depression Is One Of The Greatest Fallacies In The History Of Medicine.” In his article, which was published on August 15, 2002, on, he pointed out:

“Depression is not a disease, such as pneumonia or malaria. Rather, depression is usually a psychophysiological reaction to an individual’s current psychosocial interactions. Depressive reactions are also seen in animals exposed to continuing levels of stress from which they cannot escape. When thinking of depression, think of fever, which is also a reaction of mind and body to a set of complex conditions… It has been known for centuries that talking with a caring counsellor can help depressed people. If the counsellor is cheerful and confident (which seems less frequent today), and conveys that confidence to his client, the latter’s chances of relief will be greater. Religion and its officiants have provided these services over the years. And personal caring has been seen as an essential part of the doctor-patient relationship and is known to have a considerable impact on medical interactions; in psychiatry, that impact may be even greater… I found depressed patients relatively easy to treat after we established the current causes of their distress.”

Dr. Lehrman continued to point out the importance of the counsellor’s correct diagnosis of the patient. He explained that a correct diagnosis necessitates, or may depend on the patient’s interaction with a doctor, rather than on just biology. Unfortunately, according to Dr. Lehrman, this fundamental premise has been more and more overlooked or ignored by medicine in recent years. He pointed out in his article:

“Today’s psychiatrists listen less to patients’ problems, focus more on their reactions (anxiety, depression, disorganization), and then, on the basis of those reactions, ‘diagnose’ – and medicate – much more quickly. But while these drugs may make patients feel better (too often they have the opposite effect), they will not help the patients in the long run unless they produce more effective energy in the patients so they can then solve their problems better. And this is quite rare.”

Dr. Lehrman concluded his article, as follows: “We find ourselves in this increasingly difficult situation because psychiatry has badly mishandled depression in its all-consuming reliance on drugs as the first line of treatment.”

Israel Erased from Canadian Passports

It almost sounds like a scene from a bad science fiction movie. But it appears to be incredible reality! As WorldNetDaily reported on March 15, 2005, “Under a new passport policy in Canada, ‘Israel’ cannot be specified as the country of birth for Canadian citizens born in Jerusalem. Canadian Jews are being told by their government to surrender their passports so the word ‘Israel’ can be removed if it appears next to the name of the Jewish state’s declared capital, according to a report by Israel National News.” The article continued to point out:

“A 2004 ruling by the U.S. District Court in Washington, D.C. mirrors the Canadian policy. The court ruled American consular offices in Israel need not register the birthplace of an American citizen born in Jerusalem as ‘Jerusalem, Israel,’ but merely as ‘Jerusalem.”’

The unanswered question is, “Why?” What is the motive and rationale behind this strange policy?

A Time to Mourn

We reported in our last Update about the terrible mass murder in Wisconsin during a church service. One of the best editorials in newspapers and magazines,which we have seen, was published on March 13, 2005, in the Journal Sentinel. We are bringing you the following excerpts from that editorial:

“Words are inadequate to describe the horror that took place Saturday at the Sheraton Hotel in Brookfield. Some 80 people came together from communities scattered in southeastern Wisconsin and northeastern Illinois to worship, as they were wont to do on Saturdays, when a member of their ranks pulled out a pistol and started firing. Eight died, including the assailant, who turned the pistol on himself. Another four were wounded. The tragedy brings to mind Ecclesiastes, which says there is a time and a place for everything. This is the time to mourn, rather than to make sense of it all. In truth, this tragedy makes no sense, except perhaps to the gunman…

“Now we express our most profound sorrow to the survivors, in the spirit of the strangers who spontaneously expressed their condolences by decorating a snowbank on the hotel grounds with flowers – a gesture that symbolizes the pervasiveness of hope amid bleakness. Notably, some who left the flowers told reporters they did not know those attending the service.

“Saturday’s incident goes to show that gun madness may erupt anywhere. Surely, few situations feel as safe as a church service, where you put yourself in the hands of a higher power in communion with others. Yet a gun-wielding man disturbed that sacred haven and rained down death and destruction on the congregation.

“Saturday’s carnage followed on the heels of two other shooting incidents that got national play. A man who held a grudge against the judicial system allegedly shot to death the mother and husband of a Chicago federal judge and then shot himself to death last week as police were closing in on him in West Allis. And in Atlanta a man being brought to court for a rape trial overpowered a deputy and took her gun, then entered the courtroom and killed the presiding judge and court reporter, a deputy who tried to stop him and a federal agent during his flight from authorities.

“At a later time, we must try to decipher the lessons of the tragedy. The authorities should trace how [the assailant in Wisconsin] got his gun. Did he do so legally? Are there any safeguards that can be put in place to keep guns out of the hands of would-be mass killers? Gun violence has dropped in America. Can it drop more drastically? Can the nation improve the detection and treatment of mental illness to the point of preventing mass killings? Those are questions to explore in the future. But right now we mourn.”

More Senseless Murders in Minnesota

As The Associated Press reported on March 22, 2005, “A heavily armed teen accused of killing his grandparents [actually, he killed his grandparent, a former police officer, and his female companion] later smiled [a survivor subsequently denied this and stated that the killer did not smile, but that he had a mean face] and waved during a rampage at a high school as he gunned down seven more people, brushing off pleas to stop and asking one of his victims whether he believed in God… [The killer subesquently took his own life.] The rampage at Red Lake Indian Reservation in far northern Minnesota was the nation’s worst school shooting since the Columbine High School massacre in 1999 that left 13 people dead. When the rampage was over, 10 people were dead, including the gunman’s grandfather; a woman who may have been his grandfather’s wife or girlfriend [in fact, she was his girlfriend]; a school security guard; a teacher; and five other students. At least 14 others were wounded, officials said… Relatives told the St. Paul Pioneer Press that Weise was a loner who usually wore black and was teased by other kids. Relatives told the newspaper his father committed suicide four years ago, and that his mother was living in a Minneapolis nursing home because she suffered brain injuries in a car accident…. The rampage in Red Lake was the second fatal school shooting in Minnesota in 18 months. Two students were killed at Rocori High School in Cold Spring in September 2003. Student John Jason McLaughlin, who was 15 at the time, awaits trial in the case.”

It was also reported in the national and international news that the killer, 16-year-old Jeff Weise, posted numerous messages in 1984 on a talkboard hosted by a Neo-Nazi organization, identifying himself as “Todesengel” (angel of death). He admired Hitler and his ethnic cleansing program, loved to watch video games and listened to punk rocker Marilyn Manson, according to Bild Online, Der Spiegel Online and Stern Online. Survivor Cody Thunder stated in a televised interview on March 24, 2005, that Weise had talked about guns and shooting people, and that he wore, on occasion, his hair like “devil’s horns,” to “appear to be evil.”

EU and China

As Reuters reported on March 22, 2005, “China’s tougher stance on Taiwan threatened to derail European Union efforts to boost ties with Beijing on Tuesday and delay lifting the EU’s arms embargo… Any delay would be warmly welcomed by the United States, which has pledged to defend Taiwan in the event of an attack and urged the EU to retain the ban… French President Jacques Chirac sees boosting trade and diplomatic ties with China as a way of counter-balancing U.S. power in the world and won the backing of other EU leaders last December to prepare the lifting of the embargo by June 30… Opposition to the move is strong in Germany, with rights groups and others pointing to continued abuses in China. ‘This is no time to open up arms trade to China. There should be no withdrawal of the embargo because of the human rights situation,’ Elmar Brok, a German conservative in the European Parliament, told Reuters.”

However, as The Associated Press reported on March 23, 2005, “Maintaining the European Union’s 15-year arms embargo against China… is ‘unfair,’ and European leaders are leaning toward lifting it, the bloc’s foreign policy chief said Wednesday… Washington, meanwhile, has hardened its opposition to European arms sales to China and urged the EU to maintain the embargo in the wake of Beijing’s new law authorizing a military attack on Taiwan.”

This development is not surprising at all, given the fact that economic interests seem to play a major role in European thinking. As the Associated Press remarked:

“Chirac, in an interview published in Wednesday’s editions of the Japanese newspaper Asahi Shimbun, said lifting the embargo was aimed at improving relations with the Asian economic giant, not selling weapons.”

This issue could, however, become another nail in the coffin of deteriorating U.S.-E.U. relationships.

Legal Battles Surrounding Ms. Terry Shiavo’s Fate

As AFP reported on March 23, 2005, “A federal appeals court turned down an emergency request by the parents of a severely brain-damaged woman in Florida to have her feeding tube reinserted [Subsequently, the U.S. Supreme Court refused to overturn the federal appeals court’s decision, and a Florida state court refused to grant custody to the state of Florida for the purpose of reinserting her feeding tube]… The US Congress passed an extraordinary bill over the weekend changing the jurisdiction of the case from state to federal courts, which President George W. Bush signed into law early Monday. The law allowed Schiavo’s case to go before a federal judge.” In an interview with Fox on March 24, 2005, Judge Robert Bork called this bill “highly problematic,” as it was singling out the Terry Schiavo situation.

Emotions are running high in this case, which lead to renewed discussions, nationally and internationally, on the correct or incorrect conduct in cases like the one of Ms. Terry Schiavo. Schiavo suffered severe brain damage 15 years ago. Her husband says Schiavo told him that she wouldn’t want to be kept alive in a vegetative state. Her parents say she needs treatment and another opportunity for life.

The above-mentioned article continued:

“Throughout the dispute, political leaders have brushed aside concerns of overstepping their constitutional limits and government intrusion into family affairs with the passage of the bill. A CNN/USA Today/Gallup poll found that Americans supporting the decision to stop feeding Schiavo outnumbered those opposed by 56 to 31 percent. A nationwide poll conducted for ABC News found that 70 percent of Americans considered Congress’ intervention in the case ‘inappropriate.’

On March 22, 2005, Maggie Gallagher published an editorial on the Web, discussing some of the complex issues of this case. Apart from the disagreement as to what Ms. Schiavo’s wishes were or would have been, the question still remains about what Ms. Schiavo’s health conditions really are. Gallagher voiced the following opinions:

“‘Persistent vegetative state’ was a diagnosis invented in order to cope with patients who are not brain-dead, but severely mentally disabled. The claim is that such people have no cognition, no self-awareness at all, but of course we cannot know for sure what such patients experience. The fact that a number of patients have emerged from persistent vegetative states after many years ought to be a flashing warning sign: There’s still someone there, even if that person is unable to communicate. Does that person have a right to life? Is her life sacred too? Or if we find her condition sufficiently repulsive, do we have the right to kill her?

“Nor is there agreement that Terri is in a vegetative state right now. Her family disputes it, saying she sometimes responds to their loving gestures and words. Their perceptions are dismissed as wishful thinking. But a neurologist who was nominated for the Nobel Prize in 1999 (and who examined Terri Schiavo several years ago) told BP News that Terri is not in a vegetative state. She sometimes responds. Terri (he says) has been able to swallow pudding in the past, and can swallow her own saliva right now. With therapy, she might not even need the feeding tube. ‘They are truly withholding food from a person who is awake, alert, and can eat and swallow.'”

At the same time, the Miami Herald stated on March 22, 2005, in its editorial that Congress probably violated the U.S. Constitution:

“Congress’s intervention in the Terri Schiavo case is an extraordinary and probably unconstitutional intrusion into a personal family matter that traditionally has been the province of state courts. Simply put, Congress and the president didn’t like the outcome of a case that already had been fully vetted in state court. So they challenged the case in federal court, alleging a violation of Ms. Schiavo’s civil rights… Congress’ action is disturbing in many ways.

“Anyone even superficially aware of the Schiavo case knows that it involves a family’s most difficult decision: When to terminate medical support to a loved one who cannot sustain life on their own… for most, the decision to stop or continue life-sustaining support is made without public fanfare by a surviving spouse, child, parent or relative… On its face, Congress’ decision seems to violate a basic division of our governing structure, which assigns certain duties to the state and others to the federal government. The state court, not Congress, is empowered to hear family and probate matters. Yet Congress has passed a law, applicable to one person, without having considered the factual evidence on which the courts’ decisions were based… For Congress to intrude so wantonly in a family dispute is astonishing. For Congress to substitute its judgment — unvarnished by the evidence and facts of the case — for that of Florida’s courts is wrong.”

On March 22, 2005, the Catholic Church issued a formal statement on the case, as reported by The Associated Press: “The Vatican pressed its campaign to keep Terri Schiavo alive Tuesday, saying that pulling the plug on the brain-damaged Florida woman amounted to capital punishment for someone who has committed no crimes. In a front-page editorial, the Vatican newspaper L’Osservatore Romano… said [the federal court] had condemned Schiavo to an ‘atrocious death: death from hunger and thirst.’ ‘After all, Terri’s destiny appears not unlike that of many men and women who in the United States get capital punishment for their crimes,’ said the paper. ‘But Terri has committed no crimes, if not that of being “useless” to the eyes of a society incapable of appreciating and defending the gift of life. Of any life,’ said the paper.”

The discussions in this highly controversial case will continue. However one may want to look at this issue — it is very important that one makes his or her wishes known ahead of time, in a formal document, such as a “living will,” so that at least no doubts remain in that regard. As experts have pointed out, it is important to state in the document, not only what not to do in such a case, but also, what to do.

Current Events

Continental Europe and England

On Saturday, February 26, 2005, the Daily Mail published an insightful article about the future relationship between continental Europe and England. The rather cumbersome headline read: “Birth Certificate for the United States of Europe — Germany lets the cat out of the bag over what the EU constitution really means.”

The newspaper continued to state:

“The new EU constitution was heralded as the ‘birth certificate of the United States of Europe’ last night… Hans Martin Bury, Germany’s Europe minister, said the constitution was more than just a ‘milestone.’ ‘I think the EU constitution is… the framework for… an ever closer union.’ His remarks contradicted those of Jack Straw, who claimed earlier this month that the constitution would mark an end to the transfer of British sovereignty to Brussels… Shadow Foreign Secretary Michael Ancran said: ‘Once again a European politician [Mr. Bury] has told the truth… The EU constitution would mean the beginning of the end for British independence…’ Neil O’Brian, director of the Vote No campaign, said: ‘…The reality is that the constitution would mean even more power for officials in Brussels who are not elected…'”

The article continued to point out:

“In 2003, German foreign minister Joschka Fischer said it [the EU constitution] was ‘the most important treaty since the formation of the European Economic Community.’ He has referred to a ‘single European state bound by one European constitution.’ Former European Commission president Romano Prodi has spoken of ‘a change of centuries of history.'”

As Bible prophecy reveals, there will arise on the world scene a mighty and powerful United States of Europe. We are seeing its beginning stages developing in front of our very eyes. The Bible also indicates that England will NOT be part of Europe’s final configuration. In this light, England’s resistance to the adoption of the EU constitution is highly remarkable.

Germany a New Leader?

As reported in early March, “the German government would like to break US resistance to Germany’s receiving a permanent seat on the UN Security Council and will offer military compromises in return… Berlin is prepared to make a ‘substantial’ military ‘increase’ and relieve US strain, if Washington is willing to pay the price. To underline this military preparedness, the German Minister of Defense announced (in the wings of the Munich Conference) supplementary overseas deployments of the German military. In repeated allusions to Berlin’s demand for a permanent seat on the Security Council, Schröder and Fischer hinted that NATO ‘is not the principal setting for transatlantic partners to consult and coordinate their strategic intentions.’ The international ‘challenges’ are more of a political nature. Because Germany sees itself as ‘co-responsible for international stability and order’, it must also insist upon having ‘its say’ in political matters. ‘Our aspiration for a permanent seat on the UN Security Council arises from this context of attaining legitimization’, Schröder said on February 22… Washington boycotted German attempts to gain big-power status in the UN Security Council and the attempt to politically enter the league with the USA, Russia and the Peoples Republic of China. Washington is also supported by Italy and Poland, who are suspicious of German endeavors aimed at hegemony.”

Even though the publication seems to be motivated, to an extent, by a desire to propagate anti-German propaganda, it is remarkable that the article correctly points at Germany’s future. As Bible prophecy reveals, Germany will become the most powerful and influential European country in a few years from now.

Europe — a New Military Superpower?

On March 2, 2005, published another insightful article, titled, “High-tech weapons help Europe to close military gap with US.” In the article, the following was pointed out: “The European Union is to develop unmanned drones, new armoured vehicles and advanced communication systems in a strategy to become a military superpower and close the defence technology gap with the United States. The programme involves setting up a joint EU fighter-pilot training programme and co-ordinating the testing of military equipment on proving grounds and in wind tunnels. The initiatives from the newly-created European Defence Agency represent the EU’s first step in military research and development. They are aimed at transforming the EU from being solely a political power, in charge of policies such as agriculture and trade, to a military one, capable of sending troops around the world to enforce a foreign policy agreed by its member states.”

Again, we are seeing the beginning of a MILITARY European super power, as clearly prophesied to happen in Scripture.

Europe vs. the USA?

Another remarkable commentary was published on the webpage of, on March 1, 2005, titled, “Perfect Storm Warning.” The article stated:

“Imagine a world where Russia and the European Union of 25 nations, and Russia and China, and the EU and China, all find more in common with each other than with the United States. Unimaginable, you correctly say. But the seeds of such an anti-U.S. entente were planted in Europe last week.”

The article continued to point out that the USA wants France, Germany and the UK to continue negotiating with Iran, as the USA could not give legitimacy to the Iranian clerics to do so. The Bush administration also stated that it would leave it to Europe to deal with China, and that it would await the outcome of their action, according to the article. The article continued: “On the third front – Russia’s democracy deficit… Democracy, as understood in Washington, is not on Mr. Putin’s agenda. Nor could it be after 1,000 years of authoritarian rule, including 70 years of totalitarian communism.”

The upshot is, of course, that Russia will continue developing a totalitarian regime, as envisioned by Putin. The world will stand by and watch. As prophesied, Europe will at first have economic ties with Russia and China. But ultimately, a seemingly friendly relationship between Europe on the one hand, and Russia and China on the other hand, will become hostile. At the same time, world influence of the United States will steadily decrease.

Lebanon in Uproar

As WorldNetDaily reported on March 14, 2005, “An estimated 800,000 rallied this afternoon in central Beirut in the largest anti-Syrian protest in Lebanon since the assassination of former Prime Minister Rafiq Hariri, and one of the largest protests in recent Middle East history. Crowds from across Lebanon gathered in Martyrs’ Square in central Beirut, a few miles from Hariri’s grave, to demand the immediate withdrawal of Syrian troops [from] the country, the firing of Syrian-backed intelligence forces, and an international inquiry into Hariri’s killing…

“Some were worried the protests could spill over into violence. There have been reports from the opposition that Syrian-backed forces have been shooting in civilian areas to provoke a conflict and precipitate a deteriorating security situation that would require Damascus to delay removal of its nearly 20,000 troops from Lebanon… Political sources told reporters Lebanese authorities were pondering a ban on future demonstrations to be enforced by the country’s army… Today’s rally follows protests yesterday and last week organized by Hezbollah forces in which hundreds of thousands packed into a central Beirut meeting square, chanting support for Syrian troops to maintain positions in Lebanon and denouncing America in what has been called a massive show of strength by pro-Syrian elements.”

In an additional article, The Associated Press stated, on March 14, 2005: “Hundreds of thousands of anti-Syrian demonstrators flooded the capital Monday in the biggest protest ever in Lebanon, surpassing the turnout for an earlier pro-Damascus rally organized by the Islamic militant Hezbollah. In a show of national unity, Sunnis, Druse and Christians packed Martyrs’ Square as brass bands played and balloons soared skyward. The rally, perhaps the biggest anti-government demonstration ever staged in the Arab world, was the opposition’s bid to regain momentum after two serious blows: the reinstatement of the pro-Syrian prime minister and a huge rally last week by the Shiite group Hezbollah…

“As Syria pulls its troops toward the border for an eventual withdrawal from the country it has controlled for decades, both the pro-Syrian government and the opposition have been whipping up crowds in a duel of people-power one-upmanship… The Shiite group has organized large rallies in the past, but its showing last week was a sign of its determination to make sure no future Lebanese government would consider peace with Israel or pressure Hezbollah to disarm… The large Sunni turnout also suggests many in the community were shaken by the size of the Hezbollah rally and wanted to show their own strength. Shiites make up about a third of Lebanon’s population, and Hezbollah is the country’s best armed and best organized faction. Sunnis form the country’s third biggest group after the Shiites and the Christians.”

As can be clearly seen from these reports, the situation in Lebanon is highly explosive. Will the situation be resolved peacefully, or will the powder keg explode, setting the whole region of the Middle East on fire?

Mass Murder in Wisconsin

As The Journal Sentinel and many other publications around the world reported on March 12, 2005, “A man neighbors described as quiet and devout opened fire on a group of men, women and children attending a weekly church service [of the Living Church of God] Saturday at a Brookfield hotel, killing eight people – including himself – and seriously wounding four others.” The shooter was later identified as Terry Ratzmann, 44, who lived with his mother and sister in New Berlin.

Speculations ran and are still running high, as to why Ratzmann committed these horrible crimes. Much has been written in the press. Some assumptions have been made as if they were statements of fact — which are not supported by the evidence, as officially released by governmental investigators. Sadly, some reports have suggested that Ratzmann’s horrific crimes were somehow related to the teachings and practices of his church. Again, there has not been shown any credible connection in this regard, and some of the allegations and rumors have been expressly denied by officials of the Living Church of God. As Edwin Pope points out in this week’s editorial, the real culprit of this terrible atrocity is none other than Satan the devil, the “god of this age” (2 Corinthians 4:4), whom the Bible also identifies as the “destroyer” (compare Revelation 9:11, referring to Satan as “abaddon” in Hebrew, meaning “destruction,” and “Apollyon” in Greek, meaning “destroyer”), and as a “murderer from the beginning” (John 8:44).

On March 13, 2005, the Living Church of God published a press release, stating: “‘We are also saddened by the loss of Pastor Randy Gregory, his youngest son James, and all those who died. Our thoughts go out to his wife Marjean, who is fighting for her life and is in critical condition at a local hospital, and to her family and all those who were injured; we are praying for their recovery,’ Crockett said.” Crocket is director of business operations and spokesman for the Living Church of God. The press release also pointed out that its “Members believe that they should ‘live peaceably with all men’ (Romans 12:18).”

We are also quoting the following excerpts from a report by Mike Hanisko, Pastor of the United Church of God congregation in Milwaukee, WI:

“As you can well imagine, the events that took place at the Living Church of God services this past Sabbath have shaken the entire community here. The emotional impact on both the LCG [Living Church of God] and UCG [United Church of God] congregations has been devastating… As in many metro areas, most of our UCG members know most of the LCG members and have maintained a good relationship with them. I personally knew all those who were killed except for the shooter. Randy Gregory and I have had several joint counseling sessions with member families where one mate was a UCG member and the other a LCG member… I have spent a good part of the last two days at the hospital where the victims were taken and where many LCG and UCG members have been gathering. Sheldon Monson, who pastors for LCG in the Twin Cities, has also been here, and he and I have been talking with the members and together anointed Matt Kaulbach last night. Church members from both LCG and UCG congregations have been providing food and other help to all the families directly affected by the tragedy… The local community has been very supportive, and as often happens in these kinds of tragedies, a makeshift memorial has sprung up near the hotel where the shootings took place. Many have left flowers, cards and other mementos at that location.”

We are also publishing excerpts from a moving report by Jon Gregory, of March 14, 2005. Jon’s dad, Pastor Randy Gregory, and Jon’s brother, James, were murdered during the shooting, and his mother, Marjean, is in the hospital, in critical condition. Jon writes: “Thank you for your prayers, love, and support. These are very trying times on us all. The most important thing you can do now is pray. Pray for all the victims’ families including mine. To give you an update on my mom, she is making a miraculous recovery…Today, Mr. [Charles] Bryce [Director of Church Administration of the Living Church of God] and Mr. Monson were there to help me tell my mom the news, which she was already somewhat aware that my little brother and Dad had been shot and killed… Keep praying that she has the faith and the strength to get through this. For me, pray that I have the faith and wisdom to get through tough decisions and seemingly insurmountable problems. God will never give us more than we can handle, and my friends and family have helped me through this so much along with the victims’ families who are also dealing with this tragedy.”

Let us keep the families of the deceased and the injured in our minds and prayers. We are listing their names below, as we have received them from various reports:

Killed were:

Randy Gregory, Pastor of the Milwaukee LCG congregation
James Gregory, Randy’s son, age 17
Gerald Miller
Gloria Critari
Bart Oliver, age 15
Harold Diekmeyer
Richard Reeves

Wounded were:

Gloria Critari’s 10 year old granddaughter, Lindsey, who was treated and released.
Marjean Gregory, Randy’s wife who is in critical condition
Angel Baricak, a 20 year old lady. She is in satisfactory condition.
Matthew Kaulbach, 21 years old. Matthew is in satisfactory condition and is expected to be released from the hospital in a few days.

Our prayers and hearts go out to these innocent victims of a Satanically-inspired act. As mentioned, some sensational newspapers and reporters have tried, and will continue to try, to somehow connect this horrendous crime with the teaching of God’s Church, especially in regard to end-time prophecies. Of course, a world cut off from God does not and cannot understand the signs of the times (compare Matthew 16:2-3). But those who do understand (compare Matthew 24:32-35), have a compelling duty to proclaim God’s Word, in season and out of season (2 Timothy 4:2), “as a witness,” and THEN the end WILL come (Matthew 24:14).

Current Events

Germany and the Arab World

On March 10, 2005, published a remarkable article, titled, “German Chancellor Schröder’s business trip to the Gulf States.” The article pointed out:

“US President George W. Bush had hardly finished his four-day European tour when German Chancellor Gerhard Schröder began a seven-day tour of the Arabian peninsula. He travelled to seven Gulf States, five of which had never before received a visit from a German head of government. Schröder’s journey casts into sharp relief the reasons for the INCREASING TENSIONS between the US and Germany, which were barely concealed during Bush’s stop in Mainz. At stake are naked ECONOMIC and STRATEGIC interests — not peace, stability, liberty or democracy, as the official propaganda of both sides would have one believe.

“The Gulf possesses the world’s largest supplies of oil, the most important strategic raw material for the economy of the twenty-first century. Moreover, thanks to the billions of dollars that flow into their coffers as a result of the high price of oil, those in power in the Gulf States are among the biggest international investors and purchasers of Western products. Schröder’s journey was aimed at cashing in on German reservations towards the Iraq war and US policy in the Middle East. To some extent, the German chancellor was acting as a poacher in what is usually considered Washington’s preserve — a region that the US endeavours to keep firmly under its influence economically and politically. The billion-dollar contracts for the reconstruction of war-torn Iraq went nearly exclusively to American companies and, to a lesser degree, British firms… According to Ulrich Schäfer, writing in the Sueddeutsche Zeitung, Schröder’s message read: ‘Our vacuum cleaner can do everything. The German economy sucks up everything.’

“America’s aggressive actions in the region have UNSETTLED many Arab regimes. They fear the loss of their power if the US further DESTABILIZES the region or brings about further ‘regime changes’ — as is presently being attempted in Lebanon, Syria and Iran. Washington’s close collaboration with ISRAEL is also a cause of constant tension.

“Schröder’s offering of German products, investment in German companies and the redenomination of foreign currency holdings out of dollars and into euros represents an attempt to lure the Gulf States with an alternative strategic orientation — AWAY FROM THE US and TOWARDS GERMANY. The German government attaches ‘great strategic significance’ to the region, according to the correspondent of Germany’s leading financial daily, the Handelsblatt, who accompanied the chancellor on his journey. A comment in the Sueddeutsche Zeitung makes this even clearer. ‘The chancellor is using the economic power of German enterprises for a second mission,’ the newspaper writes. ‘He wants to entrench the Federal Republic of Germany as a CENTRAL POWER IN WORLD POLITICS…'”

The article concluded with the following remarks:

“Schröder’s journey to the Gulf States makes clear that his demands for more power and influence for Germany, which he aired at the Munich Security Conference last month, were meant seriously… [T]he growing rivalry between the great powers in the struggle for markets and economic influence must inevitably lead to INCREASING INTERNATIONAL TENSIONS AND THE GROWTH OF MILITARY CONFLICTS.”

The Bible reveals that there WILL BE a confederacy between Germany and certain Arab nations in the Middle East. It is also prophesied that that alliance will be in competition, BOTH ECONOMICALLY AND MILITARILY, with the United States of America, Great Britain and the state of Israel. Mr. Schroeder’s business trip to the Gulf States could be a step toward the fulfillment of those Biblically prophesied developments.

Old and New Europe

The International Herald Tribune reported on Friday, March 4, 2005, that “‘New Europe’ renews its links with the old.” The article stated: “Frustrated by travel restrictions and uneasy about the war in Iraq, citizens of Central Europe who once pledged allegiance to the United States are now recalling their European roots and looking to a united Europe for their economic and political futures… A decade ago, Central Europe was heavily focused on getting into the U.S.-dominated North Atlantic Treaty Organization and assuring their security in the region. At that time, Hungarians, Poles, and Czechs spoke worriedly about the possibility that Russia might be a menace to its neighbors again.

“But now, Central Europeans are paying attention to building their economies and making their mark in a united Europe… Western Europeans are buying Budapest real estate, and the local newspapers are owned largely by Swiss and German interests… The cultural and political differences between Europe and the United States are present as well. Europeans in general are at odds with Americans on matters such as the death penalty, the environment and the roles of international institutions and religion… Hungarians and Czechs overwhelmingly oppose the war in Iraq, despite the support from their governments. Polish popular opposition to the war, muted at first, has grown.”

Based on Biblical prophecy, we can safely say that “old” and “new” Europe will unite and that they will, in time, develop a mighty power bloc in competition with and hostile to the United States of America. For further information, please read our free booklet, “The Great Tribulation and the Day of the Lord.”

Israel’s New Sanhedrin

On March 8, 2005, reported about startling developments within the state of Israel. The article stated:

“The reestablished Sanhedrin has concluded extensive deliberations on the disengagement plan, rejecting it as a contradiction to the Torah of Israel. The current format of the Sanhedrin is the renewal of the historic Sanhedrin, Judaism’s highest legal-religious tribunal during Holy Temple times. The 71-man assembly convened in one of the Holy Temple chambers, and existed from several decades before the Common Era until roughly 425 C.E. The renewed body was launched last year in Tiberias, and convenes in Jerusalem.”

This renewed body, which might gain strong influence in Israel, issued the following proclamation on Monday:

“The disengagement plan, involving the uprooting of Jewish communities in Gaza and Samaria and the abandonment of these areas to a foreign entity, is in direct contradiction to the Torah of Israel, and is null and void. Future governments of Israel will have to re-conquer the areas in question… The Government of Israel and the Knesset, in their present form and power structure, are institutions that have no authority according to Jewish Law to render decisions that contradict the Torah of Israel… Any Jew–including a soldier or policeman–who supports the uprooting, whether directly or indirectly, whether by voting in its favor, or by giving counsel, or by supplying vehicles or materials, and certainly anyone who actively participates in the uprooting, thus transgresses a large number of Torah commandments, such as not standing idly by one’s neighbor’s blood (Lev. 19,17)… By this declaration, the Sanhedrin, as the link of continuity of the Torah received by Moses at Sinai, hereby expresses the stance of Israel’s Torah… The Sanhedrin, as the representative of the Jewish people throughout history, hereby affirms that the Jewish people — regardless of this or that government — does not relinquish, and is not entitled to relinquish, so much as the span of a solitary man’s foot of the Land of Israel according to its Biblical boundaries, for it is [God’s] land.”

Lebanon and Syria

On March 8, 2005, The Associated Press reported about most recent and unsettling developments in Lebanon. The article stated: “Hundreds of thousands jammed a central Beirut square Tuesday, chanting support for Syria and anti-U.S. slogans in a thundering show of strength by the militant group Hezbollah–a rally that greatly outnumbered recent demonstrations against Syria’s presence in Lebanon. The demonstration came hours before Syria began redeploying its troops within Lebanon to an area closer to the two countries’ border. President Bush, who rejects this as a half-step, said Tuesday that ‘freedom will prevail in Lebanon’ and demanded that Syria withdraw completely. But that was not the sentiment among the protesters in Riad Solh square.”

Hezbollah has been labeled as a terrorist organization by the U.S. Administration. They are a Shiite group, while the former prime minister of Lebanon, Rafik Hariri, who was recently murdered, was a Sunnite.

Some have claimed that the above-mentioned demonstration was a hoax. The WorldNetDaily stated on March 9, 2005: “The giant Hezbollah rally that drew nearly half a million purported supporters of Syria’s occupation of Lebanon actually was a staged hoax with non-Lebanese citizens, Syrian workers, students and municipal employees coerced into joining the protest, former Lebanese Prime Minister Michel Aoun told WorldNetDaily in an exclusive interview this morning.”

Whether WorldNetDaily’s report is correct or not, it is clear that Hezbollah — a militant Shiite group–is supportive of Syria, and it can be expected that they will not stand idly by, if Syria should withdraw its troops.

Which Ten Commandments?

On March 8, 2005, and Newsweek published a controversial article about the public display of the Ten Commandments. As the article pointed out, “The state of Texas has a statue of the Ten Commandments on the grounds of the capitol building, similar to thousands of Ten Commandment plaques hanging all over the country. An Austin lawyer challenged the Texas display as a violation of the First Amendment’s rejection of government sponsorship of religion… Last week, the Supreme Court finally heard the case, along with a suit against two Kentucky counties that have been displaying the Commandments. During the oral arguments, the Bush administration and Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott argued that the Ten Commandments is such a fundamental part of our national culture and heritage that they are, effectively, non-religious. Even Justice Antonin Scalia, who openly expressed his support for public displays of the Commandments, mocked Abbott’s argument. ‘If you don’t believe that it sends a religious message, you’re kidding yourself’, he said. (The Supreme Court’s decision in the cases is pending).”

The article then pointed out the crux of the matter, by stating:

“I also found that nobody knows all 10 of the Ten Commandments. ‘Honor your parents, don’t covet your neighbor’s wife, don’t lie, don’t kill, don’t steal, um, um, how many is that’ said Kristen, a woman from Brooklyn. ‘Don’t steal, don’t bear false witness, don’t kill, don’t commit adultery, and honor your parents,’ said Olga, who was smoking a cigarette outside her office. ‘Don’t kill, don’t commit adultery, don’t covet thy neighbor’s stuff, don’t steal, and honor your parents,’ said Dan, who rents out a six-seat ‘party bike’ in Times Square. No matter whom I interviewed, the same five or six commandments kept coming up. And no matter whom I interviewed, I heard the same thing: ‘They should be displayed,’ said Dan. ‘They’re just the basic rules that everyone can agree on.’ And then I reminded them about the other four or five commandments. One: I am the Lord thy God. Two: Thou shalt have no other gods before Me. Three: Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain. Four: Keep the Sabbath. And then people started changing their minds… Besides, there’s hardly any unanimity about what the Ten Commandments even are. The Protestant and Jewish decalogue is basically the same, but the Catholic Church got rid of the ‘make no graven images’ commandment…, so the Church split the 10th commandment–don’t covet your neighbor’s wife or stuff–into separate commands.”

Of course, even the Protestant and Jewish Decalogue is not the same! It may READ the same, but Protestants and Jews have totally different ideas as to what it says. Most professing Christians, Catholics and Protestants alike, have replaced the Fourth Commandment (instructing us to keep the Sabbath holy) with their human tradition to keep Sunday holy. Sunday, however, was never a day which was holy to God. It was set aside by pagans to worship the sun god Baal and other sun gods. The Bible calls this practice an abomination. For more information, please read our free booklets, “Don’t Keep Christmas,” and “God’s Commanded Holy Days.”

When we hear the argument that this country must publicly display the Ten Commandments, let’s ask the question first: “Which Ten Commandments?”

Current Events

Crisis in Lebanon

The Associated Press reported on March 1, 2005:

“Hundreds of protesters blowing whistles and chanting anti-Syrian slogans returned to central Beirut on Tuesday after forcing out the pro-Damascus prime minister, and Lebanon’s president sought candidates for a new government. About 400 people marched through downtown demanding the resignation of pro-Syrian President Emile Lahoud and the withdrawal of Syrian soldiers. On Monday, 25,000 flag-waving demonstrators demanded – and got – Prime Minister Omar Karami’s resignation…

“Elsewhere in the country, shops, businesses and banks reopened after a one-day strike Monday to protest the Feb. 14 assassination of former prime minister and billionaire businessman Rafik Hariri, whose killing was the catalyst for the massive, peaceful protests demanding Syria release its military and political hold on Lebanon. Syria keeps about 15,000 troops in Lebanon and all key political decisions get a stamp of approval from Damascus, but pressure from Lebanese as well as from abroad, including the United States, has led to talk of a troop withdrawal…

“The dramatic developments – reminiscent of Ukraine’s peaceful ‘Orange Revolution’ last year — were broadcast live across the Arab world, including Syria, where some people have access to satellite TV. They could provoke a strong response from Syria and perhaps plunge this nation of 3.5 million back into a period of uncertainty, political vacuum OR WORSE.”

AFP added on March 1, 2005: “Lebanon faced an uncertain future after the dramatic resignation of pro-Syrian Prime Minister Omar Karameh in the face of massive public protests sparked by the murder of his predecessor Rafiq Hariri… The anti-Damascus opposition which spearheaded the campaign against the government hailed the move but vowed it would not stop its protests until Syria was out of Lebanon… Since the bombing, international pressure led by the United States has mounted on Syria with suspicion it may have had a hand in the Hariri bombing. Hariri’s killing had raised fears of a return to the sectarian strife that ripped the country apart during the 1975-1990 civil war, but the murder served to unite various religious and political groups in their calls for an end to Syria’s domination.”

On March 2 and 3, 2005, additional news items were reported pertaining to the crisis in Lebanon. According to an article of The Associated Press, which was published on March 2, “President Bush increased pressure on Syria Wednesday, demanding it withdraw its troops from Lebanon.” In a follow-up article, The Associated Press stated on March 3, that “Syria has told Arab countries it needs to keep 3,000 troops and early-warning stations inside Lebanon to maintain its security despite international pressure for a full withdrawal, an Arab diplomat said Thursday. At a meeting in Cairo, meanwhile, Arab leaders publicly urged Syria to follow through on a 1989 accord to withdraw its troops from neighboring Lebanon, with no timetable set – even as they negotiated behind the scenes to push Syria to move quickly. Syria, which has 15,000 troops in Lebanon, has said it would comply with the accord.”

In addition, Reuters reported on March 3 that “Russia and Germany joined an international chorus of demands for Syria to leave Lebanon… ‘Syria should withdraw from Lebanon, but we all have to make sure that this withdrawal does not violate the very fragile balance which we still have in Lebanon, which is a very difficult country ethnically,’ Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov told the BBC late on Wednesday… German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder, visiting Yemen, also called on Syria to take its troops out immediately. ‘Lebanon should be given an opportunity for sovereignty and development and this can only be achieved by compliance with Security Council resolutions that stipulate immediate Syrian withdrawal from Lebanon,’ Yemen’s state news agency quoted him as saying at a meeting with his Yemeni counterpart on Wednesday.”

The AFP published an article on March 3, 2005, titled, “Lebanon in political limbo as screws tighten on Damascus.” The article continued: “Lebanon’s embattled president was struggling to find a new premier after the opposition insisted on a Syrian pledge for a troop pullout before it would hold talks on joining a new government.”

Crisis in the United States

The “Executive Intelligence Review” reported on February 25, that “A series of international conferences… has led to the open airing of panic within the international financial elite. Top on the agenda is concern over the U.S. dollar, which declined about 30% between early 2002 and early 2004, but, equally importantly, the debt-drowned condition of the U.S. economy, which an increasing number of bankers believe cannot be sustained.”

Austria and Hitler

On February 28, 2005, China Daily reported about Austria’s past dealings with Hitler and Nazism. The article pointed out: “The latest look at the country’s relationship to Hitler is through the melodic looking glass of ‘The Sound of Music’ — the first full staging in Austria of a musical beloved the world over but virtually unknown in the nation it portrays. After years of denial, official Austria has turned in the past two decades from depicting itself as a victim of Adolf Hitler to acknowledging its key role in the Holocaust. But some Austrians remain sensitive to the country’s Nazi past, and Saturday’s premiere in German, with actors dressed as Nazi storm troopers standing guard in the audience, a theater box filled with mock Nazi dignitaries, and a huge swastika banner draped onstage dredged up painful memories…

“Still, Joerg Haider powered his rightist Freedom Party into the government in 2001 with populist rhetoric sometimes tinged with anti-Semitism. Though he has toned down his comments in recent years and his Freedom Party has lost much of its support, it still has an extreme right-wing element known to admire Hitler. Last year, a poll showed that more than a third of Austrians believe the Nazi era was in some ways positive.”

In other news, the EUobserver stated on February 20, 2005, that “A large majority of Austrians are in favour of a common European army, a poll has found. The survey, presented on Thursday (19 February) by the Austrian society for European Politics, found that 75% of those asked would like such an army. Of these, 42% would be in favour of just having a European army to replace all national armies. Austria, along with Finland, Sweden and Ireland, is one of the neutral member states of the European Union.”

USA and Europe

On February 27, 2005, published a remarkable article about an indifferent and somewhat arrogant approach of Americans and US governmental institutions toward the rising power bloc of Europe. The article was titled: “U.S. can sit back and watch Europe implode.” It continued to state, in light of President Bush’s visit in Europe:

“And at the end what’s changed? Will the United States sign on to Kyoto? No. Will the United States join the International Criminal Court? No. Will the United States agree to accept whatever deal the Anglo-Franco-German negotiators cook up with Iran? No… Until the shape of the new Europe begins to emerge, there’s no point picking fights with the terminally ill. The old Europe is dying…”

The truth is, the “old” Europe is not dying, but emerging! The final and last resurrection of the ancient Roman Empire, which later became known as the Holy Roman Empire, under Catholic leadership, IS happening right now! And the United States of America will NOT find itself on friendly terms with that new emerging power bloc, but in fierce competition. For more information, please read our free booklets: “Europe in Prophecy” and “The Great Tribulation and the Day of the Lord.”

Iraq and the Sabbath

The following article may pose the question, as to whether the US has inadvertently created a “Frankenstein monster” in Iraq. As The Associated Press reported on February 27, 2005, “Iraqis are complaining about their first-ever weekend break, and some high-school students even went to class Saturday to protest a decision introducing a second weekly day off that coincides with the Jewish Sabbath… ‘We don’t want Saturday! It’s a Jewish holiday!’ students chanted as they marched in protest last week to the governor’s office in Baqouba, 35 miles northeast of Baghdad… ‘We will keep going to school with determination and persistence’ on Saturday, sixth-grader Nassen Dawoud said. ‘We can’t be like Jews. Saturday is a Jewish holiday and I hope the government listens to us,’ sixth-grader Nada Alwan said. The influential Sunni Association of Muslim Scholars, believed to be close to the insurgency, said that by making Saturday a weekend ‘the invaders, the occupiers are trying to impose their principles’ on Iraq… In Ramadi, the heart of the insurgency in the so-called Sunni Triangle, the head of Anbar University decided to change the weekend on its own. ‘The official weekend is Thursday and Friday,’ the university announced.”

US Nuclear Weapons in Germany

On February 10, 2005, the China News reported that: “The United States still keeps as many as 480 nuclear weapons at air bases across Europe… Short-range nuclear bombs are stored under American control and regulated by secret military agreements at eight bases in Germany, Britain, Italy, Belgium, Turkey and the Netherlands, the study said. American and allied air forces regularly rehearse nuclear bombing missions at training ranges in Europe in the case a war calls for striking nuclear, chemical or biological weapons sites or command posts in countries that threaten to use unconventional arms, the study said. Military officials confirmed that the training continued as part of prudent military contingency planning.The stockpile’s presence and its long-term fate have caused simmering tensions among senior NATO political and military officials, the officials were quoted as saying. “

The EUobserver added: “Germany tops the list hosting some 150 US nuclear weapons at two locations: Ramstein and Büchel. France and the United Kingdom, in addition, have approximately 350 and 185 nuclear weapons respectively but the United States is the only country that has nuclear weapons outside its own territory.”

The big question is, of course, whether in the case of a future crisis, Europe will use some of these US weapons against the United States? Has the US created a “Frankenstein monster” in Europe as well?

The New Europe

In a recent article, titled, “A fatal blow for liberty,” the EUobserver warned against the ratification of the EU Constitution. It stated: “The draft constitution contains… critical changes, argues Roland Vaubel, professor of political economy at Mannheim University… Finally and irreversibly, the parliaments of the member countries would lose control over the distribution of competencies between the union and its members. The constitution marks the end of their sovereignty in the union.”

Biblical prophecy reveals that 10 European “core” nations or groups of nations will ultimately “give their authority” to a central power (compare Revelation 17:12-14) — thereby giving up their individual competencies and sovereignties.

In this context, the following report, which was published on March 1, 2005 by, may be interesting: “Plans have been drawn up to create an ad-hoc ‘core’ of countries determined to pursue closer integration, in case Britain rejects the draft treaty establishing a European constitution, it was claimed yesterday [by] [s]enior officials close to the German chancellor, Gerhard Schröder… They [the core nations] would work on eight or nine chosen goals, such as merging their armed forces and embassies. France and Germany would lead the core, inviting Belgium, Luxembourg, and other pro-integration EU states to join them. Britain would become increasingly irrelevant.”

The Pope’s New Book

The Pope’s new book has angered Jews and other interest groups. In the book, the Pope compared the Holocaust with today’s abortions. Jewish leaders in Germany and elsewhere sharply criticized the Pope for “belittling the Holocaust.” Cardinal Ratzinger was quick to “explain” that this had not been the Pope’s intention. The added the following comments about the Pope’s book, on February 23:

“The Pope published a new book yesterday strongly attacking the ‘negative’ society of the West, calling it a godless ‘anti-Gospel and new totalitarianism’ masquerading as democracy… John Paul II’s fifth book, printed first in Italian, blames the moral permissiveness of the West for undermining society with divorce, free love, abortion, euthanasia, and genetic manipulation.”

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