Current Events

Christmas Deadliest Day for Americans

According to a study, published by Reuters on December 14, 2004, “Christmas is the deadliest day of the year for Americans with 12.4 percent more deaths than normal.” The report continued: “More Americans die from heart attacks and other natural causes on Christmas, the day after and on New Year’s Day than on any other days of the year, the researchers reported… In all, Phillips and colleagues counted more than 42,000 ‘extra’ deaths during the holidays over a 26-year period. Only two years did not see this phenomenon — 1973, when oil prices peaked and people tended not to travel, and 1981, when a severe recession also kept Americans at home…The report fits in with a study published in March that found heart attack patients sent to hospitals during the winter holidays are more likely to die than those admitted during the rest of the year. Clinics, emergency rooms and other health facilities do not operate at top efficiency over the holiday period, said Dr. Trip Meine, a cardiologist at Duke University in North Carolina, who led the study released at an American college of Cardiology meeting.”

Russia and China Form Power Bloc

On December 13, 2004, AP reported that “China and Russia will hold their first joint military exercise next year, the Chinese government said Monday, as President Hu Jintao called for an expansion of the rapidly growing alliance between the former Cold War rivals.The announcement came during a visit to Beijing by Russian Defense Minister Sergei Ivanov, who was expected to discuss expanding the Kremlin’s multibillion-dollar annual arms sales to China… The announcement of military exercises comes two months after Beijing and Moscow settled the last of their decades-old border disputes that led to violent clashes in the 1960s and ’70s.

“The agreement was signed during an October trip to Beijing by Russian President Vladimir Putin, who said relations had reached ‘unparalleled heights.’ That visit also produced a pact to jointly develop Russian energy resources… China has become the Russian arms industry’s No. 1 customer, and is expected to buy $2 billion in weapons this year. Russia is a key supplier for the Chinese military’s effort to modernize its arsenal and back up frequent threats to invade Taiwan, the self-ruled island that Beijing claims as its territory… The United States and the European Union have banned weapons sales to China since its bloody 1989 crackdown on pro-democracy protesters. But Moscow has supplied Beijing with high-performance Su-27 fighters and other top-of-the-line arms.”

The Financial Times reported on December 5, 2004, that “President Jacques Chirac has championed lifting the ban imposed after the Tiananmen Square massacre which the EU believes implies a near-pariah status China no longer deserves.” At the same time, according to the article, the United States is “fiercely opposed to lifting the ban.” Regardless, Biblical Prophecy shows that Russia and China will become a mighty military and economic power bloc, which will ultimately be at odds with the European Union. We are seeing now the beginnings of these developments.

The Wisdom of the World…

Associated Press reported on December 9, 2004, that “A British philosophy professor who has been a leading champion of atheism for more than a half-century has changed his mind. He now believes in God – more or less – based on scientific evidence, and says so on a video released Thursday.At age 81, after decades of insisting belief is a mistake, Antony Flew has concluded that some sort of intelligence or first cause must have created the universe. A super-intelligence is the only good explanation for the origin of life and the complexity of nature, Flew said in a telephone interview from England.

“Flew said he’s best labeled a deist like Thomas Jefferson, whose God was not actively involved in people’s lives… biologists’ investigation of DNA ‘has shown, by the almost unbelievable complexity of the arrangements which are needed to produce (life), that intelligence must have been involved,’ Flew says in the new video, ‘Has Science Discovered God?’… Flew told The Associated Press his current ideas have some similarity with American ‘intelligent design’ theorists, who see evidence for a guiding force in the construction of the universe. He accepts Darwinian evolution but doubts it can explain the ultimate origins of life.”

What a mixed-up world, where scientists — supposedly leaders in factual thinking — produce such nonsensical ideas. First atheists, some now believe in a god which is not actively involved in people’s lives. Although they may admit in a “first cause” for the existence of the universe, they also accept Darwinism, but may doubt that it can explain the ultimate origins of life! What incredible confusion and lack of true understanding. How relevant are the words of Paul in 1 Corinthians 1:20-21: “Where is the wise?… Has not God made foolish the wisdom of this world?… the world through [its] wisdom did not know God.”

Intruders in Your Home

On December 2, 2004, a frightening article was published by, stating that “Unprotected PCs can be hijacked in minutes.” The article continued: “Simply connecting to the Internet– and doing nothing else–exposes your PC to non-stop, automated break-in attempts by intruders looking to take control of your machine surreptitiously. While most break-in tries fail, an unprotected PC can get hijacked within minutes of accessing the Internet. Once hijacked, it is likely to get grouped with other compromised PCs to dispense spam, conduct denial-of-service attacks or carry out identity-theft scams…

” [The] results vividly illustrate how automated cyberattacks have come to saturate the Internet with malicious programs designed to take the quickest route to break into your PC: through security weaknesses in the PC operating system… Test results underscored the value of keeping up to date with security patches and using a firewall. Computer security experts say firewalls, which restrict online access to the guts of the PC operating system, represent a crucial first line of defense against cyberintruders. Yet, an estimated 67% of consumers do not use a firewall, according to the National Cyber Security Alliance… Each PC was connected to the Internet via a broadband DSL connection and monitored for two weeks in September. Break-in attempts began immediately and continued at a constant and high level: an average of 341 per hour against the Windows XP machine with no firewall or recent security patches, 339 per hour against the Apple Macintosh and 61 per hour against the Windows Small Business Server. Each was sold without an activated firewall.”

These abominable crimes committed by Internet intruders only show the depths of depravity this world has reached. Nothing is sacred anymore. And it will get much worse!

Is the U.S. Draft Coming?

On December 12, 2004, resurrected the discussion about a possible draft in 2005. The article pointed out that although some experts dismiss the idea, others are not so sure.

“‘It boils down to one thing, and that is Iraq and how long can we sustain the military deployment there,’ says Charles V. Pena, director of defense policy studies at the Cato Institute…With the troop levels in Iraq about to be increased to 150,000 and another 30,000 in Kuwait, that might not be too long, Pena argues. The volunteer military operates under what it calls a 3-1 rotation schedule, which requires two stateside units for every one deployed overseas so that troops can be rotated in and out of harm’s way. That means the armed services need three times as many troops as are actually deployed — 540,000 in the case of Iraq and Kuwait. More than 1.4 million men and women are on active duty, but just 499,543 of them are in the Army, which is handling the bulk of the fighting in Iraq. ‘And that does not take into account the other deployments we have around the globe,’ Pena says. ‘The active Army is not large enough to maintain a 3-1 deployment ratio, which is why you see the National Guard and reserves being used. ‘We’re stretched, and so the question will not go away: Does that mean we might have to resort to a draft?'”

Pena is not convinced that this has to be the case. As the article continued:

“If the situation worsens in Iraq, he thinks politicians might move toward mandatory national service, in which all young people are required to either perform some sort of community work or enlist in the military. The military component could be made more attractive by making it a shorter term than, for instance, emptying bedpans at a nursing home. The military option would also carry the added benefit of providing job training.”

This proposal would only implement what has been in force and effect in Germany for many years. Germany has had a mandatory draft, but conscientious objectors are permitted to perform some sort of community work (for example, working in hospitals or nursing homes), which term is longer than the required military duty.

Doctors: Yushchenko Poisoned with Dioxin

The Associated Press reported on December 11, 2004: “Dioxin poisoning caused the mysterious illness of Ukrainian presidential candidate Viktor Yushchenko, a doctor said Saturday, adding that the poison could have been put in his soup. ‘There is no doubt about the fact that Mr. Yushchenko’s disease has been caused by a case of poisoning by dioxin,’ said Dr. Michael Zimpfer, director of Vienna’s private Rudolfinerhaus clinic. Zimpfer said Yushchenko’s blood and tissue registered concentrations of dioxin–one of the most toxic chemicals–that were 1,000 times above normal levels. ‘It would be quite easy to administer this amount in a soup,’ Zimpfer said, adding that tests showed the dioxin was taken orally. ‘There is suspicion of third party involvement.'”

According to the Associated Pres of December 16, 2004, “Opposition leader Viktor Yushchenko said Thursday that he was sure he was poisoned by the Ukrainian government and believes it most likely happened at a dinner he had with the country’s top security service officials.” If proof for the source of this attempted murder can be established, the consequences in the Ukraine could be catastrophic.

“At the same time, he [Yushchenko] said Ukraine would move to integrate more closely into European structures and possibly aim at an associate membership in the European Union in three to five years,” according to AP.

Four Deadly Storms in the Philippines

AFP reported on December 11, 2004: “Four storms that struck the Philippines in one month left almost 1,800 dead and missing with 4.588 billion pesos (81.49 million dollars) in damage, the civil defense office said.The toll is expected to rise further as the search continues for victims of the last two weather disturbances, a tropical storm locally codenamed Winnie which hit on November 29 and typhoon Nanmadol which struck the country on December 2.”

45 Million Children to Die in Next Decade

OneWorld US pointed out on December 6, 2004 that, “Unless the world’s wealthiest countries comply with their past pledges, some 45 million children in the world’s poor countries will die needlessly over the next decade, according [to] a new report released Monday by British-based development group, Oxfam. Despite the fact that Group of Seven (G7) countries Germany, France, Italy, Japan, Britain, the United States, and Canada are richer than they have ever been, they are spending only half as much in real terms in development assistance as they did in 1960, according to the report, ‘Paying the Price.'”

The article continued: “And of the paltry assistance they do provide about US$50 billion a year only about 40 percent of the money is actually spent in poor countries; the rest of it is spent in the wealthy countries themselves. Even, then, much of the aid is late in arriving. … ‘The world has never been wealthier, yet rich nations are giving less and less,’ according to Jeremy Hobbs, Oxfams executive director. ‘Across the globe, millions of people are being denied the most basic human needs: clean water, food, health care and education. People are dying while leaders delay debt relief and aid.’… ‘Unless world leaders act now to deliver [an] historic breakthrough on poverty,’ said Hobbs, ‘next year will end in shameful failure.'”

Anglican Church Could ‘Self-destruct’ over Gay Clergy Issue

AFP reported on December 11, 2004: “The Anglican church is deeply divided and could ‘implode and self-destruct’ over gay clerics and other sensitive issues, a senior advisor to the Archbishop of Canterbury warned. Jayne Ozanne, in a private document to Archbishop Rowan Williams leaked to Saturday’s edition of The Times, predicted that the Anglican church would ‘fragment into various divisions over a range of internal issues’ and could wind up as an ‘underground movement’ comparable to World War II resistance groups.

“Williams late last month criticized conservatives within his worldwide church, with some 70 million followers, for their vocal hostility to homosexuals. … ‘I see a time of great persecution coming, which will drive Christianity all but underground in the West. I believe that this will primarily take the form of a social and economic persecution, where Christians will be ridiculed for their faith and pressurised into making it a purely private matter,’ she [Ozanne] wrote.”

Mixed Signals for Further EU Enlargement

EUOBSERVER stated on December 11, 2004: “As the EU looks set to open membership negotiations with Turkey at the end of next week, over a third of its citizens are opposed to further enlargement of the 25-nation bloc… Those against enlargement rises to 43% when citizens only from the 15 ‘old’ member states are considered, according to a eurobarometer poll published on Friday (10 December). Austrians and Germans have the highest percentages of citizens against enlargement (62% and 57% respectively) – both countries have common borders with new member states.

“In France, where President Jacques Chirac has been fighting rising sentiment against Turkish EU membership – fifty-one percent said they are against further enlargement…. The EU is expected to take on Romania and Bulgaria in 2007 while Turkey is not expected to join until at least 2015 – a decision on whether to open negotiations with Ankara will be taken at the EU summit on 16-17 December.”

Europe’s Far Right Consider Coalition

EUOBSERVER reported on December 10, 2004: “Europe’s far right parties are considering forming a pan-European movement together.Filip Dewinter, the leader of an extremist separatist party in Belgium, told the Vienna-based News on Thursday that they were considering creating an extreme right grouping in the European Parliament. This would encompass Austria’s Freedom Party, Italy’s Lega Nord, France’s National Front, the Dutch New Right Party and de Winter’s own Vlaams Belang – all strongly anti-immigrant. Mr Dewinter said he is considering Jörg Haider, leader of Austria’s Freedom Party, to be the head of the movement. ‘I’ve had several talks with Jörg Haider and have the feeling that he’s interested in this cooperation’, said Mr Dewinter. ‘I’m proposing to Jö;rg Haider that he be the top candidate of our movement’. Mr Haider became well known in Europe when, after doing so well in the 1999 elections in Austria, his party joined the centre-right government – resulting in sanctions by other member states against the country. If the talks come to fruition, the coalition would run on a single platform in the European elections in 2009.”

Romania Finishes EU Talks

EUOBSERVER reported on December 9, 2004: “Following a last minute diplomatic push, Romania managed on Wednesday evening (8 December) to close EU pre-accession talks. This is a technical achievement with the political closure of talks expected on 14 December, during a meeting of EU foreign ministers. Finishing negotiation on all parts of EU legislation was crucial ahead of the EU Summit next week, when Romania’s accession in 2007 is expected to be confirmed by leaders of the 25-nation bloc… Until 2007, Romania and Bulgaria will be under close observation following the introduction of a so-called safeguard clause that gives the EU the possibility of delaying entry for a year if commitments made by the countries during negotiations are not met… Romania has been lagging behind its neighbour Bulgaria, which already closed EU talks in June. Both countries are due to sign the Accession Treaty in spring 2005 paving the way to join the EU two years after that.”

Chirac and Schröder Push for Constitution “Yes” in Spain

EUOBERSERVER reported on December 9, 2004: “French President Jacques Chirac confirmed on Wednesday (8 December) that he and German Chancellor Gerhard Schröder will travel to Barcelona in the weeks before the Spanish referendum on the Constitution, to lend their support. The two leaders will attend a ‘teaching’ meeting to explain the Constitution on 11 February, according to Le Monde.

“The Spanish will be the first to put the Constitution to a popular vote — on 20 February. Mr Chirac said that the Spanish would be in the ‘first row’ of European integration and called on Spaniards to ‘show the way’ to other countries with a ‘massive yes’. Opinion polls consistently show that a majority of Spanish people are in favour of the Constitution. Confirming that he would ‘engage without holding back’ in the campaign, the French President also said the campaign should not be ‘ruined by internal politics’. Mr Chirac himself is set to have a difficult time persuading the French people to vote ‘yes’ to the Constitution as he tries to avoid the issue becoming entangled in the question of whether Turkey should become an EU member – a large section of the French population are against this.”

Current Events

2004 — a year of disasters

AFP reported on December 8, 2004, that “typhoons, earthquakes and war made 2004 one of the toughest years for aid workers… This year began with the aftermath of a powerful earthquake in Iran that killed more than 26,000 people, and is ending with a string of storms in the Philippines that have left more than 1,500 people dead… ‘It has been one of the most challenging years ever for the humanitarian community in part because we have had tremendous natural disasters,’ the UN deputy secretary general for humanitarian affairs [Jan Egeland] told a news conference… An announcement at the start of the year that the war-torn region of Darfur in western Sudan was the world’s worst humanitarian crisis remained true 12 months later, despite mammoth relief projects, he noted. Some 1.5 million people have fled fierce fighting that flared between government and rebel forces in the province in February 2003. A bloody conflict between rebels and government forces in northern Uganda has also triggered a humanitarian crisis, but hopes were rising for peace as both sides have opened discussions through mediators, Egeland said… In addition, the UN relief coordinator lamented the bloodshed in Iraq where an insurgency against the US-backed government claims lives daily. ‘We are very concerned for the situation of the civilian population and the continuous killings of civilians in Iraq,’ Egeland said.”

Russia’s Vladimir Putin

On December 13, 2004, Newsweek published a telling article about Russia’s Vladimir Putin. The magazine pointed out:

“Russia’s leader thought Ukraine was in his pocket — until Ukrainians showed how badly he had miscalculated. But the former KGB colonel still isn’t about to abandon his dream of bringing back the Kremlin’s glory days of worldwide influence.”

The article continued: “The last thing Putin wants to see is another chunk of the old U.S.S.R. disappear down the maw of the ever encroaching West. (Yushchenko has indicated he might try to bring Ukraine into the European Union, and possibly follow the Baltic states into NATO.) Ever since Putin rose to the presidency in 2000 pledging to crush Chechnya’s separatists, he’s sought to halt further disintegration of the former Soviet superpower and its sphere of influence.”

In a related article of the Associated Press, dated December 6, 2004, it was reported that “President Vladimir Putin said [in Turkey] Russia was willing to work with whoever is elected in Ukraine’s new presidential runoff, but strongly warned the West on Monday not to try to force its vision of democracy on other nations.”

The article continued: “Putin said countries were welcome to help mediate Ukraine’s crisis, but should not meddle…Some Western countries have issued veiled criticism of Russia for what they contend was meddling in Ukrainian politics… Putin rejected Western accusations, saying Russia acted ‘absolutely correctly’ in disputes throughout the former Soviet Union. He suggested forces in the West were seeking to create new divisions in Europe for their political purposes.”

Russia’s Missiles

AFP reported on December 6, 2004, that “Russia revealed it was fitting its strategic bombers with cruise missiles capable of delivering a massive precision strike thousands of miles away… ‘We have broken the US monopoly on the use of long-range conventional cruise missiles,’ an unnamed senior air force commander told ITAR-TASS. The technology appears to be similar to cruise missiles that the United States has long attached to its own intercontinental bombers…”

The article continued: “Russia has been developing a range of new missiles capable of penetrating US defenses as a result. Generals announced earlier this year the successful tests of a hypersonic intercontinental missile that has no officially-confirmed rival in the United States. Moscow is also believed to be developing a multi-stage intercontinental ballistic missile that uses cruise missile technology to zigzag and avoid being shot down once it re-enters the earth’s atmosphere. Finally Russia announced that it was making its most feared and powerful trans-Atlantic missile mobile within the next two years… ‘These cruise missiles have a range of more than 3,000 kilometers (1,800 miles) and can miss a target by no more than a few meters while carrying a warhead of hundreds of kilotons,’ the source said.”

Earthquake in Germany

On December 5, 2004, Associated Press reported that “An earthquake struck western Germany near the French border early Sunday, but there were no immediate reports of damage or injuries, officials said. The magnitude 4.9 quake, with an epicenter near the German town of Waldkirch [in the Black Forrest], occurred about 2:52 a.m., France’s national seismological center said.” Bild Online reported on December 5 that the earthquake reached in fact the magnitude of 5.4 on the Richter scale, and that several people were injured.

Second Earthquake in Japan

Following the powerful earthquake with the magnitude of 7.1 that struck Japan last week, another earthquake hit the main island of Hokkaido on December 6, 2004. The quake reached a magnitude of 6.8 or 7.0, according to Bild Online and Der Spiegel Online. When the quake hit last week, it was stated by the Japanese government, according to Der Spiegel Online, that such a strong earthquake “only happens once within 10 years.” How wrong human predictions can be!

Typhoons in The Philippines

We received the following report from a subscriber in The Philippines:

“We appreciate your prayers for the Filipinos especially in Real Quezon that have been directly hit by three consecutive typhoons. The government is doing its part, and many volunteer to help the victims. But your prayers are greatly appreciated.”

Europe and Africa

According to Zenit of December 2, 2004, “Europe has a key role in Africa’s development, even though the Old World seems to have lost its own Christian identity, says Archbishop Laurent Monsengwo Pasinya of Kisangani, Congo.” He also stated in the interview: “Where is Europe going, legitimizing homosexual marriages? Where is it going, taking steps forward and backward? This already existed in Sodom… Africa needs not only the Europe of material goods but above all the Europe of values, such as work, the sense of research, the price of the eternal value of our life on earth, because when one keeps them in mind, one cannot remain seated.”

Europe and Russia

According to the EUobserver of December 3, 2004, “The European Union is too reliant on gas supplies from Russia, the International Energy Agency (IEA) has warned. According to the Financial Times, the IEA said that the EU’s energy security is at risk due to a growing dependence on Russian gas supplies piped through politically unstable Ukraine… Russia is the world’s largest gas producer. EU countries buy 40 percent of their gas imports from the former Soviet Union…The IEA’s call for diversification follows confirmation this week that Berlin was actively encouraging German energy companies to invest in the Russian oil sector.”

Italy’s “distant” past?

A recent article posted by discussed the recent appointment of Gianfranco Fini as Italy’s new foreign minister. Adar Primor stated in the article: “Fini, who in 1987 inherited the leadership of the neo-fascist Movimento Sociale Italiano, who in 1992 marched in front of tens of thousands of people, who with a raised-arm salute marked the historic march of Benito Mussolini on Rome, and who in 1994 still considered Il Duce the ‘most important personality of the 20th century’ — that same Fini is now in charge of Italian diplomacy, and the sky isn’t falling. On the contrary. It seems that everyone — both in Europe and in Israel — is reacting positively.”

The article continued: “I met Fini for the first time in the summer of 2002. As someone who kept track of the representatives of the extreme right, the vestiges of Nazism and fascism in Europe, with great interest, I had interviewed Jorg Haider, Jean-Marie Le Pen, Rolf Schlierer (the head of the extreme-right Republikaner Party in Germany) and Gerhard Frei (his colleague-rival, the head of the German People’s Party).”

As the article pointed out, by the time of the described meeting, Fini had turned 180 degrees. “He shook himself free of Mussolini, condemned fascism and anti-Semitism, expressed enthusiastic support for Israel, and primarily, he declared that if he was permitted to come to Jerusalem, he would accept there the responsibility for the crimes of fascism and would ask forgiveness of the Jewish people. The Italian press was very excited. It considered his words ‘a historic turning point,’ ‘the breaking of the taboo that had paralyzed national memory in Italy.’ It compared his declarations to French President Jacques Chirac’s acceptance of responsibility for the crimes of the Vichy regime. The press, like Fini, understood that the way to Jerusalem had been paved. And, in fact, a year later Fini came on an official visit to Israel. At Yad Vashem he once again condemned the horrors of the Holocaust and the ‘disgrace of the 1938 racial laws.’… [At] a press conference that he held later… Fini condemned the Salo Republic – the puppet government established by Hitler in 1943, headed by Mussolini – and defined it as ‘one of the most disgraceful chapters in the history of our nation.’ In reply to a question, he even agreed to call fascism ‘absolute evil.’… The Italian media were beside themselves again. They spoke of a ‘victory for Italian democracy’ and of ‘a final reconciliation between Fini and the Jewish people.’ Alessandra Mussolini [Benito Mussolini’s granddaughter] slammed the door in Fini’s face and left his party in anger. Fini’s path — this time to the ministry of foreign affairs in Rome — had been paved.”

The article concluded with some interesting predictions. It stated, by first quoting Fini: ‘When we first met, I was still considered by some as the enemy of the Jewish people. Two years later, they are already calling me Israel’s best friend in Europe.’ Fini knows that his chances of serving as the prime minister of Italy are greater today than ever before. His way to the Palazzo Chigi looks like clear sailing.”

EU and Britain

AFP reported on December 7 about comments made by Great Britain’s Foreign Secretary, Jack Straw, which might have reached almost prophetic proportions and significance. According to the article, “Britain will be ‘weak and marginalized’ within Europe if it fails to ratify the EU constitution in an expected 2006 referendum, Foreign Secretary Jack Straw said.” The article continued:

“‘If we approve this constitution, we will be making our kind of Europe, a Europe in which Britain is strong,’ he told a seminar of lawyers, diplomats and business executives… ‘If we reject it, we will end up with a weak and marginalized Britain in a worse kind of European Union.’.. Opinion polls consistently show the British electorate to be hostile to the EU constitution, a sentiment that the main opposition Conservative Party is keen to exploit… ‘History shows that we have shaped Europe in our interests when Britain has been strong, engaged and influential,’ he said. ‘When we have resorted to a policy of blocking and wrecking, we have lost out.'”

As AFP reported, critics labeled Straw’s speech and comments as “utter nonsense.” However, Straw’s predictions may come much closer to the Biblically prophesied truth, than they realize.

Iraq and Iran

On December 8, 2004, posted the following on their Website: “Insurgents launched assaults around the city of Samarra on Wednesday, trading gunfire with U.S. forces, attacking a convoy, and blowing up a police station after looting its armory. The Pentagon said the number of U.S. combat deaths climbed to 1,001… The military also said a Marine died in a vehicle accident in western Baghdad. The two deaths brought the number of U.S. military who have died since the beginning of the Iraq war in March 2003 to 1,278, according to an Associated Press tally.”

The article continued: “The developments in Samarra show that the insurgents still remain a force in a city where American forces launched a large-scale operation several months ago in a bid to end the militants’ control there. The U.S. military hailed its September-October operation to retake control of Samarra as a success, but violence there has persisted. American and Iraqi forces have killed 127 fighters and 20 civilians.”

The article also pointed out the following: “Jordan’s King Abdullah II and Iraq’s interim president, both Sunni Muslims, singled out Shiite Muslim-dominated Iran, accusing it of trying to influence the elections, in which Iraq’s majority Shiites are expected to perform strongly. Abdullah told The Washington Post in an interview published Wednesday that more than 1 million Iranians have entered Iraq, many to vote, and said they were being encouraged by the Iranian government. Iran has said it has no interest in fomenting instability in Iraq and it tries to block any infiltration into Iraq by insurgents – while noting that the borders are hard to police. But Iraq’s interim president, Ghazi al-Yawer, sees things differently. ‘Unfortunately, time is proving, and the situation is proving, beyond any doubt that Iran has very obvious interference in our business,’ al-Yawer told the Washington Post.”

Current Events

Dolphins Protect Swimmers

On November 22, 2004, Reuters reported the following:

“A pod of dolphins circled protectively round a group of New Zealand swimmers to fend off an attack by a great white shark, media reported on Tuesday. Lifesavers Rob Howes, his 15-year-old daughter Niccy, Karina Cooper and Helen Slade were swimming 300 feet off Ocean Beach near Whangarei on New Zealand’s North Island when the dolphins herded them — apparently to protect them from a shark. ‘They started to herd us up, they pushed all four of us together by doing tight circles around us,’ Howes told the New Zealand Press Association (NZPA). Howes tried to drift away from the group, but two of the bigger dolphins herded him back just as he spotted a nine-foot great white shark swimming toward the group…. ‘They could have sensed the danger to the swimmers and taken action to protect them,’ Orca [Research’s] Ingrid Visser told NZPA.”

More from Cardinal Ratzinger

Zenit reported on November 25, 2004, that “In the face of Europe’s ideological laicism, Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger thinks that the way religious freedom works in the United States is a model worth studying.” The article continued to quote Ratzinger, as follows: “‘… we still don’t know where Europe will go, but the Constitution of the European Union might be a first step toward a new conscious search of its soul,’ the cardinal said…. In comparing U.S. and European attitudes to diverse religions, Cardinal Ratzinger added: ‘I think that from many points of view the American model is the better one… People who did not want to belong to a STATE CHURCH, went to the United States and intentionally constituted a state that does not impose a church and which simply is not perceived as religiously neutral, but as a space within which religions can move and also enjoy organizational freedom without being simply relegated to the private sphere,’ he explained. On this point, ‘one can undoubtedly learn from the United States,’ as it is a ‘process by which the state makes room for religion, which is not imposed, but which, thanks to the state, lives, exists and has a public creative force,’ the cardinal said. ‘It certainly is a positive way.'”

Sadly, the Bible clearly predicts that in the future, Europe WILL experience a new version of the age-old historical concept of a “state church” — a church that will enforce its will on the state.


On November 25, 2004, Zenit pointed out that Catholic theologians declare the concept of limbo to be a human invention. The article stated: “On the specific topic of limbo, Father Ladaria, a professor at the Gregorian University, stressed that it would be studied ‘in the light of God’s mercy.’ He affirmed that ‘limbo is not the problem; in fact, it was a HISTORICAL ATTEMPT to proffer a solution in the face of the death of a child who has not been baptized… What is interesting is to study this topic in the light of God’s universal saving will…,’ he said.”

The Horrors of War

On November 27, 2004, WorldNetDaily published an interesting report of a platoon leader in Iraq. The article contains some grim descriptions of the horrors of war, so be warned. This eye-witness account may perhaps help some to think a little bit harder, before they applaud the “glory of war”:

“Well, I’m here in Iraq, and I’ve seen it and done it. I’ve seen everything you’ve ever seen in a war movie. I’ve seen cowardice; I’ve seen heroism; I’ve seen fear; and I’ve seen relief. I’ve seen blood and brains all over the back of a vehicle, and I’ve seen men bleed to death surrounded by their comrades. I’ve seen people throw up when it’s all over, and I’ve seen the same shell-shocked look in 35-year-old experienced sergeants as in 19-year-old privates. I’ve heard the screams ‘Medic! Medic!’ I’ve hauled dead civilians out of cars, and I’ve looked down at my hands and seen them covered in blood after putting some poor Iraqi civilian in the wrong place at the wrong time into a helicopter. I’ve seen kids with gunshot wounds, and I’ve seen kids who’ve tried to kill me… I’ve seen, sadly, that men who try to kill other men aren’t monsters, and most of them aren’t even brave. They aren’t defiant to the last; they’re ordinary people… I’ve seen a man without the back of his head and still done what I’ve been trained to do – ‘Medic!’ I’ve cleaned up blood and brains so my soldiers wouldn’t see it – taken pictures to document the scene, like I’m in some sort of bizarre cop show on TV… “I’ve seen men stacked up outside a house, ready to enter – some as scared as they could be, and some as calm as if they were picking up lunch from McDonald’s. I’ve laughed at dead men and watched a sergeant on the ground, laughing so hard he was crying, because my boots were stuck in a muddy field, all the while an Iraqi corpse was not five feet from him… I’ve heard men worry about civilians, and I’ve heard men shrug and sum up their viewpoint in two words… I’ve seen people shoot when they shouldn’t have, and I’ve seen my soldiers take an extra second or two, think about it, and spare somebody’s life… That’s combat, I guess, and there’s no way you can be ready for it. It just is what it is, and everybody’s experience is different. Just thought you might want to know what it’s really like.”

Attack on USA “Inevitable”?

On November 29, 2004, WorldNetDaily reported that, according to an expert, a massive WMD attack on the USA is “inevitable.” The article stated: “The United States is losing the war on terrorism and faces an ‘inevitable’ al-Qaida attack with weapons of mass destruction that will be worse than 9-11, according to a counter-terror expert. ‘All of the warnings we have today indicate that a major strike – something more horrible than anything we’ve seen before – is all but inevitable,’ said Yossef Bodansky, former director of the U.S. Congressional Task Force on Terrorism and Unconventional Warfare, in an interview yesterday with the Jerusalem Post.” The article continued: “… the re-election of President Bush has set the stage for a massive attack with non-conventional weapons, Bodansky believes. … Though some debate and doubt may linger, the planning for an attack is finished, Bodansky believes.”

WTO Penalties on USA

As AP reported on November 27, 2004, “The World Trade Organization imposed penalties Friday on U.S. exports ranging from apples to textiles, escalating a trade dispute the Bush administration has struggled to defuse by unsuccessfully urging Congress to repeal legislation aimed at protecting American steelmakers. The administration signaled it would accept the penalties short term, but also warned that the United States would aggressively protect its own trading interests and expects fair treatment from the WTO… In Geneva, the 148-nation WTO, which referees global commerce, approved punitive taxes long sought by the European Union and other countries because of a law they say unfairly protects U.S. steel companies and other industries… American officials said Friday that the United States would comply with the ruling that declared the law illegal. But WTO members expressed skepticism about the compliance promises… The value of the sanctions hasn’t been determined, but trade officials estimated them at more than $150 million a year. That compares with the $2 billion in sanctions the EU threatened in its successful bid to force the United States to lift illegal tariffs on foreign steel last year. The EU was joined in the complaint by Brazil, Canada, Mexico, South Korea, Japan, India and Chile. Other products on the strategic target list include U.S. cod, glassware, cigarettes, mobile homes and heavy machinery made by companies such as Caterpillar Inc., based in Illinois…”

Earthquake in Japan

Associated Press reported on November 28:

“A powerful earthquake with a preliminary magnitude of 7.1 struck Japan’s northern island of Hokkaido early Monday, injuring at least 13 people, swaying buildings and triggering a small tsunami wave that reached the shore… The quake was centered off Hokkaido’s east coast, about 550 miles northwest of Tokyo, 30 miles below the sea surface. The rocking was felt throughout northern Japan, including Hokkaido’s largest city, Sapporo, and Kushiro, on the island’s eastern shore… Last month, a magnitude 6.8 earthquake and several large aftershocks in the prefecture of northern Niigata killed 40 people and damaged more than 16,000 homes. That quake was the deadliest in Japan since 1995, when a magnitude 7.2 quake killed 6,000 people in the western city of Kobe.”

EU Constitution and God

On November 26, 2004, posted an article, stating that “More than a million people from all over Europe are to deliver a petition to Tony Blair and fellow EU leaders calling for changes to the constitution which explicitly recognize the Christian religion in Europe’s heritage.”

The article continued: “A Christian coalition is demanding that each EU state publish its version of the constitution’s preamble, with references to God if desired. Already armed with 1,149,000 signatures and with thousands more pouring in from Holland since the murder of the film-maker Theo van Gogh, the group claims that most states want some reference to Christianity but were blocked by France. The move is keenly backed by Pope John Paul II, who has repeatedly condemned the ‘moral drift’ of Brussels. ‘One does not cut the roots to one’s birthright,’ he told pilgrims this summer.

“However, it is not being supported by more radical Christians who believe that a separation of religion and Government is desirable and point to the mistakes that institutional religion has made in the past.”

One must question why Christians, who rightly point out “mistakes” made by “institutional religion,” are referred to and labelled as “radical” in the article. It appears that their view point, at least in referring to the “mistakes” or better “atrocities,” if not “crimes,” committed in the name and under the disguise of religion, is not “radical” at all. Rather, it is the correct one.

Germany and Islam

DPA and Expatica published the following article on November 30, 2004:

“While Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder has stepped-up a campaign calling on the country’s big Muslim community to fit with the country’s laws and its democratic principles, leading political figures in the nation have claimed that multiculturalism has failed in Germany.This comes in the wake of a mass demonstration of Muslims in Germany against terror and growing alarm in the country over the torching of mosques, churches and schools in the Netherlands following the van Gogh killing… With 3.4 million Muslims comprising 4 percent of Germany’s population, the question was put this way by a banner headline in the conservative Bild newspaper: ‘Is the hate going to come here?’ asked the biggest selling tabloid… “Germany’s tough-minded interior minister, Otto Schily, spoke at the weekend of ‘a danger’ to the country despite successes in integrating the majority of immigrants. Schily drew headlines earlier this year with a harsh warning to Islamic fundamentalists: ‘If you love death so much, then it can be yours.’…

“Meanwhile, Opposition chief Angela Merkel has declared the multicultural society a failure.This was echoed by former Social Democrat Chancellor Helmut Schmidt in comments published in a German newspaper. ‘Multicultural societies have only … functioned peacefully in authoritarian states. To that extent it was a mistake for us to bring guest workers from foreign cultures into the country at the beginning of the 1960s,’ Schmidt said…. Germany’s Verfassungschutz – the domestic intelligence service – estimates there are 31,000 radical Islamists living in Germany, of whom several thousand are prepared to use violence… The number of reported crimes carried out by foreign extremists in Germany almost tripled last year compared with 2002, warns the Verfassungsschutz.”

Especially the comments by former German Chancellor Helmut Schmidt have started a big debate in the German press, with many prominent personalities disagreeing with Schmidt. Especially some Catholics, Social Democrats (Schmidt’s party) and Greens claimed that they were “offended” by Schmidt’s statements.

Economic Armageddon

On November 23, 2004, published the following report:

“Stephen Roach, the chief economist at investment banking giant Morgan Stanley… met select groups of fund managers downtown last week, including a group at Fidelity. His prediction: America has no better than a 10 percent chance of avoiding economic ‘Armageddon.’… In a nutshell, Roach’s argument is that America’s record trade deficit means the dollar will keep falling. To keep foreigners buying T-bills and prevent a resulting rise in inflation, Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan will be forced to raise interest rates further and faster than he wants.The result: U.S. consumers, who are in debt up to their eyeballs, will get pounded… Twenty years ago the total debt of U.S. households was equal to half the size of the economy. Today the figure is 85 percent… The dollar is hitting fresh lows against currencies from the yen to the euro. Its parachute failed to open over the weekend, when a meeting of the world’s top finance ministers produced no promise of concerted intervention. It has farther to fall, especially against Asian currencies, analysts agree.”

Bild Online predicted on November 26, 2004: “Our Euro will become the world’s currency.” In the article, the tabloid stated: “Analysts expect that within a few years, the Euro will replace the U.S. Dollar as the world’s strongest currency.”

Current Events

Chaos in Ukraine

Sunday’s presidential elections in Ukraine caused an international uproar which might have repercussions and consequences that could reach far beyond Ukraine. While Russia’s Vladimir Putin congratulated pro-Russian Viktor Yanukovich on his “decisive victory,” most international observers reported widespread fraud.

On November 22, 2004, the EUobserver stated: “EU-Ukraine relations are in turmoil following Sunday’s presidential elections, which international observers said did not meet democratic standards. Meeting on Monday in Brussels, EU foreign ministers expressed their ‘great concern’ that the official results showed pro-government candidate Viktor Yanukovich ahead amid widespread reports of fraud… In a sign of their frustration, EU member states said that they would be summoning all Ukrainian ambassadors to ask them to ‘review procedure and results’ of the elections.” According to Der Spiegel Online, German Foreign Minister, Joschka Fischer, already summoned the Ukrainian ambassador to express to him his great concern regarding the apparently fraudulent election in Ukraine.

Associated Press reported: “A fiery election protest is taking place on a freezing night in Ukraine’s capital. Tens of thousands jammed into downtown Kiev on Monday night, denouncing the presidential runoff as a fraud… A group of international observers described Sunday’s election as severely flawed, with multiple voting reported. One U.S. senator [John Lugar] said there was ‘a concerted and forceful program of election-day fraud and abuse.’ …The U.S. State Department is calling on Ukraine’s government to investigate the allegations or risk damaged relations with Washington. State Department spokesman Adam Ereli said Ukrainian officials must ‘act to ensure an outcome that reflects the will of the Ukrainian people.’ He said that doesn’t mean new elections — just ‘quick action’ to address concerns.”

AFP reported on November 23, 2004 (emphasis added): “Ukraine’s opposition leader declared himself president Tuesday as tens of thousands of his supporters massed in front of parliament, deepening the political crisis in this bitterly divided nation after elections [were] widely condemned by the West as fraudulent. With his hand on a Bible, Viktor Yushchenko swore to ‘defend the rights and liberties of Ukrainian citizens’ at an emergency session of parliament called to discuss the turmoil… Ukrainian parliament speaker Vladimir Litvin refused to recognize the oath of office, and the parliamentary session was attended by too few deputies to make any binding resolution…. Earlier, Yushchenko called on the international community to recognize him as the real winner of an election seen by some observers as the MOST IMPORTANT in Eastern Europe since the 1991 collapse of the Soviet Union. A victory for him would PULL the STRATEGICALLY IMPORTANT Eastern European nation of 48 million people OUT OF RUSSIA’S AGE-OLD EMBRACE and eventually put it INTO THE FOLD OF THE EUROPEAN UNION and maybe even NATO, shifting liberal Europe’s center of gravity closer to Russia’s borders… The dispute has split this former Soviet republic down the middle, with the Ukrainian-speaking west mainly behind Yushchenko and the Russian-speaking east backing Yanukovich…

“Ukraine now threatens to ADD TO THE STRAINS ALREADY EVIDENT BETWEEN RUSSIA AND THE EU heading into a bilateral summit Thursday in The Hague between Putin and Balkenende, the EU’s current chairman. Putin, who openly supported Yanukovich in the election campaign, contacted the prime minister Monday to congratulate him on his ‘open and honest’ defeat of Yushchenko. Speaking from Lisbon Tuesday, Putin slammed as ‘inadmissible’ the doubts expressed by the EU and the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe over the election outcome.”

Reuters added on November 22, 2004: “Putin’s backing for Yanukovich shows the stakes are high for Russia which wants to keep its influence in its former empire after last year’s election of a pro-Western leader in Georgia.”

On November 25, 2004, AFP reported (emphasis added): “Ukraine’s supreme court gave the opposition a glimmer of hope by delaying publication of results of a disputed presidential vote, as Polish Nobel peace laureate Lech Walesa mediated in the escalating political crisis. The court gave the pro-West opposition its first victory by ruling that poll results announced by the central election commission Wednesday, handing victory to the Kremlin-backed prime minister, could not be published until it reviewed an opposition appeal. Official publication would make the outcome final and pave the way for Prime Minister Viktor Yanukovich’s inauguration. Opposition leader Viktor Yushchenko’s claim will be heard Monday at 0900 GMT… Russian President Vladimir Putin… told EU leaders — who for their part said they could not recognize election results that failed to meet international standards — ‘We have no moral right to push a major European country to mass mayhem.’… The battle for Ukraine has brought back echoes of the COLD WAR STANDOFF between Moscow and the West, with Russia refusing to see its allies lose power in a country that serves as a buffer between it and an expanding European Union, which Moscow views with GROWING DISTRUST. Analysts say the Kremlin further fears that a win by the pro-West opposition in Ukraine could prompt other former Soviet republics to RISE AGAINST pro-Moscow rule.”

Europe Without God?

Arch-conservative German Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger claimed an aggressive secularism in Europe threatens even the mention of God. Reuters reported on November 19, 2004, that “Freedom of religion is being threatened in Europe by an aggressive secularism which has made the mention of God ‘almost indecent,’ a top adviser to Pope John Paul said in an interview published on Friday. ‘We have gone from a Christian culture to an aggressive secularism with intolerant traits,’ Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger told la Repubblica daily.”

Reuters described Ratzinger as “the powerful head of the Vatican department in charge of safeguarding and interpreting doctrine.” Reportedly, that department was formerly known as the Inquisition. Ratzinger was quoted as saying: “A struggle exists and we must defend the freedom of religion against the imposition of an ideology that presents itself as the only voice of reason.”

Reuters continued: “The censure last month of Rocco Buttiglione, an Italian conservative Catholic politician who came under a storm of criticism by the European Parliament for his views on gays and women, has raised questions about religion in Europe. Buttiglione said homosexuality was a sin and marriage existed so that women can have children and the protection of a male mate. He was eventually forced to step down as a candidate for EU commissioner over the row. ‘In the political sphere it seems almost indecent to talk about God, almost as though it were an attack on the freedom of those who don’t believe,’ Ratzinger said in the interview. He also defended crosses in the classroom in countries with a Christian tradition like Italy, and warned against legalizing gay marriage. ‘If we deem this union more or less equivalent to marriage, we have a society that no longer recognizes the fundamental character of the family,’ he said.”

We might agree with much of what Ratzinger was quoted as saying. However, it is also evident that Ratzinger is identifying Christianity with Roman Catholicism — and herein lies a great danger. The question of history is simply this: Once the Catholic Church’s view of “Christianity” becomes extremely influential in Europe, will it be as tolerant toward other religious viewpoints, as it now demands toleration from “aggressive secularism?” Sadly, history, as well as Biblical prophecy, doesn’t paint a very hopeful picture in this regard.

America Without God?

The following alarming and incredible article was published on November 22, 2004, by “Maryland public school students are free to thank anyone they want while learning about the 17th century celebration of Thanksgiving – as long as it’s not God. And that is how it should be, administrators say. Young students across the state read stories about the Pilgrims and Native Americans, simulate Mayflower voyages, hold mock feasts and learn about the famous meal that temporarily allied two very different groups. But what teachers don’t mention when they describe the feast is that the Pilgrims not only thanked the Native Americans for their peaceful three-day indulgence, but repeatedly thanked God.”

Europe, the U.N. and the USA

On November 19, 2004, reported that “French President Jacques Chirac continued a fence-mending but at times edgy state visit to Britain Friday by reaffirming that the United Nations should decide on foreign interventions. ‘It’s not for any given country to consider that a situation is open to stepping in and interfering,’ he told a question-and-answer session with students at Oxford University, according to the UK’s Press Association. ‘It’s up to the international community to do so and particularly the U.N., which alone has the authority to interfere,’ he said in remarks apparently aimed at the United States. The French president — who backed a U.N. solution over Iraq — added that if countries took such action of their own accord, it would ‘throw the door wide open to hosts of reasons to wage wars under the guise of legitimate interference.’… Chirac stressed the importance of dialogue between Europe and ‘the world’s major poles’ — China, India, Brazil, Russia and various trading blocs.”

CNN continued to report on Chirac’s vision regarding the relationship between Europe and the United States. Considering his former words and actions, some might doubt, however, the sincerity of those comments. Chirac said the link [between Europe and America] is “strong and cannot be challenged by anybody… North America and Europe … I think are predestined to work together because they share history, the same background and values.”

Biblical prophecy reveals that ultimately, Europe and North America will work together in peace and harmony. But this time will be preceded by a terrible, soon-coming war between those two power blocs. We need to watch world news so that these events don’t catch us unawares.

EU Military

“The European Union is expanding plans to set up several elite battle groups for rapid deployment to international trouble spots,” according to the Associated Press of November 19, 2004. AP explained that “the original plan was to have nine such groups of 1,500 troops ready by 2007, but EU military officials said an enthusiastic response from nations wanting to contribute forces meant that at least 12 would now be set up. Of that, four – led by France, Britain, Italy and Spain – should be in place next year… They are also set to expand an EU police training mission in the Congo, widening its role in setting up a 1,000-strong force drawn from various forces previously in conflict with each other in the African nation’s civil war.”

AP reminded the reader that “France, Britain and Germany developed the battle group idea early this year to give the EU more military reach by allowing it to intervene quickly in international crises before they spin out of control. Smaller EU nations will be taking part in joint groups, often with their larger partners.”

US and Germany

An interesting piece of information was published last Sunday by the New York Times. The article stated: “Add another entry to the list of how Americans and Europeans are parting ways. Several German companies, who rushed to list their shares in the United States during the bull market of the late 1990s, are now seriously thinking about abandoning the market. The Germans are disenchanted by the United States as a source of capital, and offended by what they view as oppressive new regulations adopted in the wake of Enron and other corporate scandals. With trading volumes in America that are, in most cases, a small fraction of their level in Europe, they are less willing to bear the legal costs, liability, and red tape of complying with the rules.”

The article continued: “German newspapers reported that Siemens was considering whether to delist its shares from the New York Stock Exchange, where it has traded since 2001. Siemens refused to confirm or deny the report. But the mere suggestion that a household name, with 70,000 employees in the United States, would take such a step has increased the debate.”

The Sinking Dollar

In an article of the New York Times of November 20, 2004, “Alan Greenspan came to the home of the euro on Friday and warned anxious Europeans to expect little relief from the dollar’s relentless decline against their currency. In a speech to a banking congress here, Greenspan, the chairman of the Federal Reserve, said the persistently high U.S. current-account deficit posed a risk to the dollar’s value, as foreign investors would eventually resist buying more American assets…. Greenspan likened predicting the dollar’s path to ‘forecasting the outcome of a coin toss.’ But the implication of the speech was clear to this audience of European bankers, who laughed nervously at his metaphor: The dollar, which has fallen to record lows against the euro this week – giving fits to European politicians and business executives – is likely to fall further still.”

It was also announced on Tuesday, November 23, and on Thursday, November 25, 2004, that the U.S. dollar hit its all-time low against the British pound and the Euro.

On November 22, 2004, the Christian Science Monitor wrote (emphasis added): “The sinking US dollar in recent weeks has raised what is suddenly a top concern from Washington to Berlin and Beijing… The good news for Americans: It’s getting easier for manufacturers to sell products overseas, and more likely that tourists from Germany will flock to US National Parks. But the DOWNSIDE COULD BE SIGNIFICANT. America, the world’s leading importer of goods, is now buying them at higher prices. And if the dollar’s dive makes foreign investors wary, US interest rates may have to rise to attract buyers of federal debt. More broadly, it’s a shock to the global economy. Sunday in Germany, officials from the Group of 20 industrial and major developing countries called for the United States to cut its federal deficit, which is seen as a key factor in the dollar’s fall… The dollar is now down 50 percent against the euro since October 2000, and hit its lowest level since 1995 against a basket of foreign currencies last week.”

The article continued to describe the worldwide negative effect of the sinking dollar, as follows: “Chinese citizens were lining up outside the Bank of China in downtown Shanghai last week to exchange US dollars for their own currency, the yuan, according to The Wall Street Journal. They fear an official revaluation of the yuan, which if it happens would cut into the value of their dollar savings. Sunday’s statement from the G-20 finance ministers called for more flexible exchange rates in Asia. Europeans, meanwhile, worry that the dollar’s fall will harm their weak economic upturn by making their exports more expensive in the US or in other economies tied to the dollar.”

Major Earthquake in New Zealand

As AFP reported on November 23, 2004, “An earthquake measuring 7.2 on the Richter scale has rocked southern New Zealand but there are no reports of serious damage. A Geological and Nuclear Sciences (GNS) spokesman says the quake hit at 7:26am AEDT about 240 kilometres off the south-west coast of New Zealand at a depth of 33 kilometres… A woman in the southern city of Invercargill told Radio Newstalk ZB that the quake hit so hard that her husband was physically thrown from the chair he was sitting on.” A reader sent us the following additional note: “Fortunately the South Island cities are not as populated as the North but Invercargill is of a fair size. 7.2 is a big one and I’m glad it was so deep and far off shore! In 1989 I was sitting in a rocking chair in Foxton (which would have felt this shake because it, too, is on the same faultline) and it began violently rocking with the dog, cat and me in it, and the quake only measured 6.7.”

US and EU on Collision Course?

According to Great Britain’s “Observer” of November 21, 2004, “Washington and [the] European Union [are] on [a] collision course over how to neutralise Tehran’s nuclear capabilities.” The article continued: “Pentagon hawks have begun discussing military action against Iran to neutralise its nuclear weapons threat, including possible strikes on leadership, political and security targets… [Sources] have disclosed that the latest Pentagon gaming model for ‘neutralising’ Iran’s nuclear threat involves strikes in support of regime change. Although the United States has made clear that it would seek sanctions against Iran through the United Nations should it not meet its obligations, rather than undertake military action, the new modelling at the Pentagon, with its shift in emphasis from suspected nuclear to political target lists, is causing deep anxiety among officials in the UK, France and Germany.”

Evolution Out?

Although many scientists aggressively and almost fanatically teach the false “doctrine” of evolution, most Americans don’t believe in it! As CBS reported on November 22, 2004, “Americans do not believe that humans evolved, and the vast majority says that even if they evolved, God guided the process. Just 13 percent say that God was not involved.” Before those who believe in the Biblical teaching of Creation rejoice too quickly, listen to this astonishing position: “But most would not substitute the teaching of creationism for the teaching of evolution in public schools.”

Shocking as this inconsistency appears to be, WHY would not those who don’t believe in evolution prefer the teaching of the truth in public schools? Are they ashamed of the truth? Does it matter to them? Have they become victims of a falsely understood and proclaimed “Separation of Church and State”?

The article continued: “Overall, about two-thirds of Americans want creationism taught along with evolution. Only 37 percent want evolutionism replaced outright.”

But WHY would one want to teach truth WITH error? Are those who don’t believe in evolution not totally CONVINCED that it is wrong? They SHOULD know! YOU need to know! For more information, please read our free booklet, Evolution — A Fairy Tale for Adults!”

Current Events

Ohio Recount?

WorldNetDaily reported on November 15, 2004, that “Ohio Recount” is all “but certain.” The article pointed out:

“Two third-party presidential candidates say they’ve raised enough money to file for an official recount of the vote in Ohio, which President Bush won on Nov. 2 and where some observers claim there were irregularities and fraud in the election… Bush won Ohio by a vote of 2,796,147 to John Kerry’s 2,659,664. Despite reports of irregularities and outstanding provisional ballots, Kerry conceded Ohio and the election on Nov. 3.”

The article also stated that once the vote is certified (on December 3 at the latest), the candidates can file for the recount.

Christians No Right to Vote?

WorldNetDaily published a rather strange article on November 15, stating: “Speaking in the aftermath of the presidential election, Democrat radio host Garrison Keillor says he is on a quest to take away the right of born-again Christians to vote, saying their citizenship is actually in heaven, not the United States.” The article explained that Keillor made his comments in jest. However, he correctly addressed the problem with true Christians voting in Presidential elections. That is why we have consistently stressed that true Christians should not vote in Presidential elections. We are to be ambassadors of Jesus Christ, and of a better world to come. Ambassadors don’t vote in foreign elections. Neither should we.

France an Enemy of the US?

On November 18, 2004, WorldNetDaily published an article with the following headline: “French nation is U.S. enemy?” The article stated: “A new poll reveals most Americans do not hold the nation of France in high regard, with almost a third believing the European country is an enemy of the U.S. in the war on terror… The numbers stand in stark contrast to feelings about Great Britain… More than four out of five Americans – 83 percent – view the UK as an ally in the war on terror… Germany, Russia, and the United Nations fall in between the extremes. Forty-four percent of Americans have a favorable opinion of the U.N. while 42 percent have an unfavorable view… Forty percent of voters have a favorable opinion of Germany, while 34 percent have an unfavorable view. For Russia, the numbers are 33 percent favorable and 38 percent unfavorable.”

In a related article which addressed the “love-hate” relationship between France and the USA, as well as Great Britain, Reuters stated on November 17: “Last year’s U.S.-led invasion of Iraq and ousting of President Saddam Hussein has, if anything, made the world more dangerous, French President Jacques Chirac said on the eve of a state visit to key U.S. ally Britain… Chirac, whose strong opposition to the war prompted Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld to dismiss France as part of ‘Old Europe,’ has questioned what Blair has gained from his unstinting support of the invasion… In a newspaper interview Tuesday, Chirac said he had urged Britain before the invasion to press President Bush to revive the Middle East peace process in return for London’s support for the war. ‘Well, Britain gave its support but I did not see much in return,’ Chirac was quoted as saying in the Times. ‘I am not sure that it is in the nature of our American friends at the moment to return favors systematically.’… Blair’s support for the war prompted bitter faction fighting inside his ruling Labor Party and torpedoed his public approval ratings ahead of elections expected by mid-2005. A poll in the Independent newspaper Wednesday showed that 64 percent of the British public believed that having good relations with continental Europe was more important than maintaining close ties with Washington… The French leader questioned whether Britain could act as a bridge between the United States and Europe to help heal the transatlantic rift.”

An additional article by Reuters stated on November 16, 2004:

“In other remarks that will sting the Bush Administration, he [Chirac] again outlined his vision of a ‘multipolar’ world in which a united Europe would be equal with the US, and mocked Donald Rumsfeld, the US Defence Secretary, for his division of Europe into old and new… [Chirac also said:] ‘I am not sure, with America as it is these days, that it would be easy for someone, even the British, to be an honest broker.'”

New U.S. Secretary of State

When the news was received that Colin Powell resigned and Condoleezza Rice would replace him in the office of Secretary of State, the reactions, especially in Europe, were mixed. Associated Press wrote on November 16, 2004:

“In Europe, it’s hard for some to think of Condoleezza Rice – Colin Powell’s expected replacement as U.S. secretary of state – without recalling the low points in trans-Atlantic relations that grew out of the war in Iraq. After all, it was Rice who raised eyebrows last year with her Machiavellian suggestions for how Washington should treat European opponents of the U.S.-led invasion. ‘Punish France, ignore Germany and forgive Russia,’ Rice was widely quoted as telling associates in the spring of 2003… Many in Europe, Asia and the Middle East believed Rice will add a more conservative, hawkish bent to U.S. diplomacy after Powell, seen by many as a moderating voice in a Cabinet of hawks… World leaders, meanwhile, lavished praise on Powell, hailing his efforts to build international consensus. To many, particularly in Europe and China, Powell was seen as a multilateralist influence in a U.S. administration seen as too willing to act on its own.”

In a related article, Associated Press added on November 16, 2004: “German Foreign Minister Joschka Fischer, who was visiting New York, told reporters that Powell knew Germany well because of the years he spent there in the U.S. military and said the government had an ‘excellent’ and ‘friendly’ relationship with him. ‘I want to thank and wish him the best for the future,’ said Fischer, whose government opposed the war. ‘We operated very closely even in the most critical issues.'”

Ethiopia and Italy

Reuters reported on November 16: “Italy finally looks set to heal a feud with Ethiopia by returning one of its most cherished relics, the obelisk of Axum, taken by fascist invaders almost 70 years ago… The 24-meter obelisk, believed to be at least 2,000 years old, was split into three and hauled off when fascist Italy invaded Ethiopia in 1937. After the fall of the dictator Benito Mussolini and his nascent Italian ’empire,’ Rome signed an accord in 1947 agreeing to return stolen relics and art works to Ethiopia. Another accord was signed in 1956 and another in 1997, but the obelisk with its geometric designs remained in Rome, in front of what had been the Ministry of Italian Africa. Two years ago, Ethiopia threatened to sever diplomatic ties, eliciting a fresh pledge… A national holiday has been promised for the day it is finally returned home. ‘Until the obelisk is returned to Ethiopia, Mussolini will be laughing at us from his grave,’ said Richard Pankhurst, a British historian living in Addis Ababa who has led the demands for the return of Ethiopian treasures.”

EU, USA and Iran

AFP reported on November 16, 2004: “The EU deal that got Iran to freeze key nuclear activities puts the United States on the spot since Washington must now decide whether to continue confronting Iran as an enemy or join Europe in trying to engage it… The United States charges that Iran is secretly developing nuclear weapons and wants Tehran to be brought before the Security Council. But Iran’s agreement to suspend uranium enrichment to prove its peaceful intentions, and the IAEA’s inability to find a ‘smoking gun’ proving Tehran’s alleged atomic weapons intentions after a nearly two-year investigation, leave the United States with almost no chance of convincing the 35 member states of the IAEA’s board of governors to punish Iran. The pressure, in fact, will be on the United States to change its policy.”

However, the Washington Post stated on November 18, 2004, that “the United States has intelligence that Iran is working to adapt missiles to deliver a nuclear weapon, further evidence that the Islamic republic is determined to acquire a nuclear bomb, Secretary of State Colin L. Powell said Wednesday. Separately, an Iranian opposition exile group charged in Paris that Iran is enriching uranium at a secret military facility unknown to U.N. weapons inspectors. Iran has denied seeking to build nuclear weapons… Powell’s comments came just three days after an agreement between Iran and three European countries — Britain, France and Germany — designed to limit Tehran’s ability to divert its peaceful nuclear energy program for military use. The primary focus of the deal, accepted by Iran on Sunday and due to go into effect Nov. 22, is a stipulation that Iran indefinitely suspend its uranium enrichment program… Iran has long been known to have a missile program, while denying that it was seeking a nuclear bomb. Powell seemed to be suggesting that efforts not previously disclosed were underway to arm missiles with nuclear warheads.”

Russia’s Secret Weapons

Associated Press reported on November 17, 2004, that “President Vladimir Putin said Wednesday that Russia is developing a new form of nuclear missile unlike those held by other countries, news agencies reported… No details were immediately available, but Defense Minister Sergei Ivanov said earlier this month that Russia expected to test-fire a mobile version of its Topol-M ballistic missile this year and that production of the new weapon could be commissioned in 2005. News reports have also said Russia is believed to be developing a next-generation heavy nuclear missile that could carry up to 10 nuclear warheads weighing a total of 4.4 tons… Earlier this year, a senior Defense Ministry official was quoted as telling news agencies that Russia had developed a weapon that could make the United States’ proposed missile-defense system useless. Details were not given, but military analysts said the claimed new weapon could be a hypersonic cruise missile or maneuverable ballistic missile warheads.” In a related article, A.P. pointed out: “The White House reacted cautiously Wednesday to Russian President Vladimir Putin’s statement that his country is developing a nuclear missile ‘of the kind that other nuclear powers do not and will not have.’ [White House press secretary Scott] McClellan suggested that close ties between Bush and Putin makes alarm unnecessary – but doesn’t eliminate Washington’s concern.”

Fastest Airplane

AFP reported on November 17, 2004: “A US hypersonic experimental scramjet, the X-43A, raced into the record books, flying at a world-record speed nearly 10 times faster than sound, NASA confirmed… The 230-million-dollar (177-million-euro) project spans 20 years of research. Other countries, including France and Japan, are also exploring scramjet technology. The US Air Force is seeking to develop an airplane capable of reaching any point on the globe in under two hours while transporting six tonnes of bombs or cruise missiles.”

Locusts in Egypt

Reuters reported on November 17, 2004, that “Swarms of pink locusts swept through Cairo on Wednesday that recalled the plague of biblical Egypt, flying high above tall towers and scaring pedestrians who stamped on them or ran for cover. The swarms arrived from neighboring Libya after devouring the countryside in central and western Africa in past months… The locust swarms have already traveled on the wind from North Africa to Cyprus. They can form swarms of tens of millions, occupying hundreds of square kilometers (miles). In the Old Testament, locusts were the eighth of 10 plagues which God brought on the Egyptians before Pharaoh, their ruler, relented and let the enslaved children of Israel go.”

EU and Turkey

In an article published by Yaleglobal Online in May, the question was raised whether Turkey might or might not join the EU. It was stated: “Critics also claim that the entry of a country as big as Turkey will destabilize current EU power politics, giving the country as many votes as current EU giant Germany in the bloc’s decision-making machinery. In fact, on current demographic trends, by 2020, Turkey, with a population of about 70 million could have more people than Germany, which currently counts 80 million people. Given its size and still largely under-developed economy, there is also concern that Turkish accession will mean additional burdens on already cash-strapped EU budgets.”

In March, the same organization posted an article, pointing out that the German “finance ministry published a study concluding that Turkey is not ready to join the European Union. ‘Despite major reforms, it is unlikely that the country will be able to fulfill the required political criteria by the EU Commission’s next progress report,’ the study says. The report also says that Turkey would cost the European Union around EUR14 billion ($17 billion) without a major overhaul of Brussels’ subsidy rules. A recent Emnid survey shows that 47 percent of Germans are for, and 47 percent against, Turkish accession, while other surveys have said that as much as 59 percent of the population is against letting the country become a full member.”

Presently, most European governments are favoring full-fledged EU membership of Turkey. Based on Biblical prophecy, it appears that Turkey will not become one of the final ten “core members” of the EU, as mentioned in Revelation 17:12-13. On the other hand, Turkey — or Edom — will play an important role in the future, and will find itself in hostility with the modern nations of Israel, as the book of Obadiah clearly reveals.

Current Events

Halloween Christian?

Not only the United States is celebrating Halloween. Germany, for example, began several years ago to adopt this terrible custom. The weekly magazine MAX reported: “Halloween is finally absolutely ‘in’ in Germany… During the night of November 1, vampires crawl out of their graves… Halloween… has its roots in Britain. The Celts kept it 5,000 years ago. This makes it one of the oldest festivals of man…. It was the time when the living were able to communicate with the dead…[ and when] the dead and ghosts appeared.”

As we mentioned before, Halloween is clearly a festival to worship the devil. Unbelievably, there are those, claiming to be Christians, who don’t seem to care, and who even try to justify its celebration. On October 29, 2004, The Californian published an editorial, titled, “Halloween works for Christians.” The article stated: “I believe that there is indeed an evil one. However…, the one thing Satan cannot stand is ridicule. And to have little kids running around in spooky costumes, dressed as ghoulies and ghosties and things that go bump in the night parodies the powers of darkness, thus insulting them.”

We may ask, how can anyone be so naive as to think that Satan will flee when little kids dress up in costumes, picturing the powers of darkness? The article continued:

“Some are put off by the fact that Halloween has roots in pagan religion, which is absolutely true — Samnhain was about darkness… And ‘All Saints Day’ was truly the Catholic Church’s way to adopt and change the holiday…”

One would think that with this kind of understanding, the author would come to the only right conclusion, that is, to strongly speak out against the celebration of Halloween. However, he continued:

“But if we’re to avoid holidays with Pagan origins, then we’d better forget about Christmas, for nobody really knows when Jesus was born, and at the time we celebrate Christmas near the winter solstice the Romans had a very raucous holiday called Saturnalia. Likewise, while we do know that Christ died during the Passover, the Church appropriated ‘Eostre’ — a celebration of an ancient goddess of fertility.”

So true! But what should be the consequence? Obviously, to AVOID the celebration of Halloween, AS WELL AS Christmas and Easter. However, that is not the conclusion of the article. Rather, the author argued as follows: “So, having Christian convictions doesn’t necessarily preclude celebrating Halloween… avoiding a cultural festival is not a way of doing it.”

Incredible! There is indeed a way that seems right to a man, but in the end, it leads to death (Proverbs 14:12). For more information, please read our free booklet, “Don’t Keep Christmas!

The Second Amendment and Firearms

Several years ago, a member of the Global Church of God in England wrote to the Criminal Division of the U.S. Department of Justice in Washington, D.C., and received an interesting response. In the reply, it was stated: “We consider violent crime, especially crimes committed with guns, to be one of our predominant law enforcement concerns… Despite the arguments of opponents of gun control that the Second Amendment guarantees the right to possess firearms, the federal courts, including the Supreme Court, have consistently rejected this argument. These courts have uniformly held that the Second Amendment protects only against federal attempts to disarm or abolish organized state militia, and does NOT confer upon an INDIVIDUAL the right to own or possess firearms.”

In addition, the same member wrote to the Home Secretary of the British Government. In their response, it was stated: “… the United Kingdom has a comparatively low rate of violent and armed crime compared with other countries in Europe and the rest of the world. We believe that in part this is due to our strict controls on firearms… As a matter of long-standing practice, firearms are not issued to civilians for personal protection.”

The Bible predicts that a time will come when the nations will destroy their weapons of war and violence, beating their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks (Isaiah 2:4). They will set on fire and burn their weapons (Ezekiel 39:9). This time has not yet arrived, but as ambassadors for Christ and as pioneers of that better world to come, we must show the way in our conduct and teaching.

US Citizens Immigrating to Canada?

On November 5, 2004, Reuters reported: “The number of U.S. citizens visiting Canada’s main immigration Web site has shot up six-fold as Americans flirt with the idea of abandoning their homeland after President George W. Bush’s election win this week… On an average day some 20,000 people in the United States log onto the Web site, — a figure which rocketed to 115,016 on Wednesday. The number of U.S. visits settled down to 65,803 on Thursday, still well above the norm. Bush’s victory sparked speculation that disconsolate Democrats and others might decide to start a new life in Canada, a land that tilts more to the left than the United States. Would-be immigrants to Canada can apply to become permanent residents, a process that often takes a year. The other main way to move north on a long-term basis is to find a job, which requires a work permit… Canada is one of the few major nations with a large-scale immigration policy. Ottawa is seeking to attract between 220,000 and 240,000 newcomers next year.”

Mount St. Helens

Associated Press reported on November 6, 2004, that the fear of an eruption of Mount St Helens is far from over. It stated: “A lava formation inside Mount St. Helens’ crater has a new, glowing protrusion the size of a 30-story building. The protrusion, which glows red at night, has risen by 330 feet in the past nine days, pushed up by magma, or molten rock, within the volcano, scientists said Friday… The overall lava formation began building last month and has grown to roughly the size of an aircraft carrier, 900 feet long and 250 feet wide. Magma is reaching at the surface at the rate of 7 to 8 cubic meters, about one large dump truck load every second… Like the old lava dome, formed in the six years after St. Helens’ devastating May 18, 1980, eruption, the new formation is made of a type of volcanic rock called dacite… Temperatures on the new protrusion can spike as high as 1,200 degrees Fahrenheit. The volcano rumbled back to life Sept. 23, with shuddering seismic activity that peaked above magnitude 3 as hot magma broke through rocks in its path. Molten rock first reached the surface Oct. 11, marking the resumption of dome-building activity that had stopped in 1986. A more explosive eruption, possibly dropping ash within a 10-mile radius of the crater, is possible at any time, scientists have said.”

Does the U.S. Need Europe?

On November 5, 2004, Reuters reported about further European reactions relating to the re-election of President Bush. It was stated:

“The European Union urged re-elected President Bush on Friday to make a fresh start in transatlantic cooperation, but internal EU differences over ties with Washington refused to die down…. But the future of relations with the United States prompted a fresh outbreak of public sparring by European rivals Britain and France at an EU summit in Brussels. British Prime Minister Tony Blair rubbed salt into wounds opened by the Iraq war by saying that some leaders, whom he did not name, were in ‘a state of denial’ about Bush’s victory. In the anti-war camp, President Jacques Chirac said France would not forget its differences with the United States and believed a stronger Europe was the natural response to U.S. foreign policy assertiveness in ‘an ever more multipolar world.’… Dutch Prime Minister Jan Peter Balkenende, who chaired the summit, appealed to Bush to realize in his second term that he needed European help to meet global challenges from fighting terrorism, AIDS and poverty to stabilizing the Middle East… Several of the leaders who supported Bush in Iraq, including the Danish and Polish leaders, urged him to reach out to the whole of Europe and make more of an effort in his second term to promote Israeli-Palestinian peace.”

U.S. Isolated?

OneWorld reported on October 25, 2004: “In addition to setting the stage for the 1997 Kyoto Protocol’s entry into force early next year, Friday’s overwhelming ratification by … Russia’s lower house of Parliament underlines the degree to which the administration of President George W. Bush has isolated the United States from its industrialized partners… With Russia’s ratification, the only remaining holdouts are Australia and the United States, which signed the accord under former President Bill Clinton but then withdrew from negotiations surrounding its implementation under Bush. Bush defended his decision by insisting that any attempt to reduce emissions as required by the treaty would unduly damage the U.S. economy.”

The article continued: “In 1990, the United States was responsible for more than [a] third of global greenhouse emissions, Europe for more than a quarter of emissions, while Russia claimed about 17.5 percent. Under the treaty’s terms, a minimum of 55 countries, whose combined emissions came to more than 55 percent of global emissions, had to ratify the treaty for it to take effect. All member states and aspiring members of the European Union (EU), which has been the treaty’s foremost champion, ratified the treaty, as did Canada, Japan, New Zealand, and all non-EU western and northern European nations. Altogether, however, the ratifies accounted for a total of only 44 percent of global emissions. With the U.S. boycotting the treaty, the only country that could put the Protocol into effect was Russia.”

Berlin Wall

On November 9, 2004, Associated Press reported about unified Germany – 15 years after the fall of the Berlin Wall. The article pointed out: “Germans marked a subdued 15th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall on Tuesday, with high unemployment in the formerly communist east and a sense in people’s hearts that the nation has not yet fully reunited. No big celebrations, parades or fireworks recalled Nov. 9, 1989, the day East Germany’s communist regime opened the wall almost by accident and set off national euphoria that peaked with German reunification 11 months later… As time has passed, Germans have focused on the staggering cost of rebuilding the east, not the peaceful revolution that toppled the wall and the Stalinist rulers who built it… The east’s jobless rate – 17.5 percent – is more than twice that of the west… Jewish leaders marked Nov. 9 for another reason. It’s also the anniversary of the Nazis’ 1938 Kristallnacht pogrom, or Night of Broken Glass, when synagogues and Jewish businesses across Germany were attacked.”

Violence at Ivory Coast

On November 9, 2004, CNN reported that “South African President Thabo Mbeki has flown to Ivory Coast to launch an African effort to reign in chaos here, amid four days of sudden mob and government confrontations with French troops that have wounded more than 600 and killed at least 20 others…. The bloodshed began when Ivory Coast warplanes killed nine French peacekeepers and an American aid worker in an air strike on the rebel-held north. France, Ivory Coast’s former colonial ruler, wiped out the nation’s airforce on the tarmac in retaliation, sparking massive anti-French rampages by mobs of thousands in the fiercely nationalist south… At the United Nations, Security Council diplomats weighed a French-backed draft resolution for an arms embargo on Ivory Coast and a travel ban and asset freeze against those blocking peace, violating human rights and preventing the disarmament of combatants.”

The fact that the Security Council of the United Nations has not authorized France’s use of force prompted CNN to criticize, in a broadcast on November 9, 2004, the “incredible hypocrisy of France.” The newscast stated that France condemned the U.S. for invading Iraq without a Security Council’s resolution, while it is now doing exactly the same.

EU Sanctions US and Canada

As Euobserver reported on November 8, 2004, “The EU on Monday (8 November) announced the launching of WTO action against the US and Canada. Both countries are refusing to lift trade sanctions on the EU amounting to 116 million US dollars per year plus 11 million Canadian dollars per year, which were imposed after the EU slapped a ban on importing hormone beef. The World Trade Organization (WTO) deemed the EU ban illegal because it was not based on proper scientific research. The EU consequently conducted an independent scientific research project and changed its laws to comply with the WTO ruling. But the US and Canada have still not lifted their sanctions, prompting Monday’s action.”

The Netherlands and Muslims

The New York Times reported on November 11, 2004, about growing problems with The Netherlands’ Muslims. It was pointed out:

“Anger toward the Netherlands’ Muslim community percolated among the crowd that gathered outside the funeral for the Dutch filmmaker Theo van Gogh, who was killed by an Islamic extremist a week ago. The public debate over how conservative Islam fits into Europe’s most tolerant, liberal society had already become a no-holds-barred affair before the killing of van Gogh, who had publicly and repeatedly used epithets against Muslims. But his killing has now polarized the country, giving the rest of Europe a disturbing glimpse of what may be in store if relations with the continent’s growing immigrant communities are not managed more adeptly. The anger is such that for the second time in two days an Islamic elementary school was attacked Tuesday, this time in Uden, part of what Dutch authorities fear are reprisals after van Gogh’s killing, The Associated Press reported. The authorities said that Muslim sites had been the target of a half-dozen attacks in the past week, The AP reported. In apparent retaliation, arsonists attempted to burn down Protestant churches in Rotterdam, Utrecht and Amersfoort, the news service quoted the police as saying. The attacks have scratched the patina of tolerance on which the Dutch have long prided themselves, particularly here in their principal city, where the scent of hashish trails in the air, prostitutes beckon from storefront brothels and Hell’s Angels live side by side with Hare Krishnas. But many Dutch now say that for years that tradition of tolerance suppressed an open debate about the challenges of integrating conservative Muslims.”

The article continued:

“For many years, such criticism of Islam and Islamic customs, even among Dutch extremists, was considered taboo, despite deep frustrations that had built up against conservative Islam in the country. Many here say that began to change after the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks in the United States, when the Netherlands, like many countries, began to consider the dangers of political Islam seriously. The debate fueled an anti-immigration movement and helped propel the career of the populist politician Pim Fortuyn, who was murdered by an environmental activist shortly before national elections in 2002.”

The Inquisition Overrated?

As Associated Press reported on November 9, 2004, “Church, academic and cultural experts will work together to gather documentation on religious and civil trials for witchcraft, heresy and other crimes against the faith during the Inquisition, the Vatican said Tuesday… Earlier this year the Vatican presented researchers’ findings that victims of torture and burning at the stake during the Inquisition were far fewer than widely thought.”

This last statement is incredible. As the article continued to point out: “Starting in the Middle Ages, the Inquisition was a systematic crackdown by church officials intent on defending doctrinal orthodoxy. Catholics suspected of being heretics… or others considered of dubious faith, including Muslims and Jews who had converted to Catholicism, were among the targets.”

History has established the terrible pain and suffering inflicted by the Catholic Church on countless victims who did not share the official orthodox “Christian” belief. It is only hoped that any attempts to “re-write” history and in some way belittle the horrors of the Inquisition will fail.

EU Constitution Signed

Although this fact did not receive much attention in the United States, the members of the EU signed their first Constitution. Even more remarkable, perhaps, is where it was signed. On October 29, 2004, pointed out:

“The EU leaders signed the document at the Campidoglio, a Michaelangelo-designed complex of buildings on Rome’s Capitoline Hill. Also present at the ceremony were the leaders from Romania, Bulgaria, Turkey and Croatia — four candidates for EU membership… The constitution foresees simpler voting rules to end decision gridlock in a club that ballooned to 25 members this year and plans to absorb half a dozen more in the years ahead. It includes new powers for the European Parliament and ends national vetoes in 45 new policy areas — including judicial and police cooperation, education and economic policy — but not in foreign and defense policy, social security, taxation or cultural matters. [It also created the office of a powerful European Foreign Minister, in addition to the office of the European President]. The constitution was signed in the sala degli Orazi e Curiazi, the same spectacular hall in a Renaissance palazzo where in 1957 six nations — Germany, France, Italy, the Netherlands, Belgium and Luxembourg — signed the union’s founding treaty.”

The place where the Constitution was signed has great symbolic significance. Euobserver stated on October 29:

“EU leaders from the 25 member states will arrive in Rome today for the formal signing of the new European Constitution – officially starting the two-year ratification period. Symbolically, the ceremony will take place in the same room as the signing of the original Treaty of Rome by the then six member states – France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Belgium and Luxemburg – in 1957. Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi fought a hard battle to get the document signed in Rome – although Italy failed to get the document agreed under its EU Presidency in the second half of last year. It was eventually agreed under the Irish EU Presidency in June.”

The EU Constitution was signed in the same room in Rome where the original Treaty of Rome was signed, which gave BIRTH to the European Unity. That all of this happened in Rome is highly significant. The Bible shows that a final resurrection of the ancient Roman Empire will occur in Europe, just prior to the return of Christ. And the very foundation of that final resurrection will be a city which is built on seven hills — Rome (compare Revelation 17:9, 18).

For more information, please read our free booklet, “Europe in Prophecy.

The Constitution must still be ratified by the 25 member states. What happens if not all ratify? The article of Euobserver continued to point out:

“There is much speculation over whether a no vote in a small country would be allowed to sink the whole ship. However, a no vote in a larger country or in several countries would be difficult to overcome and could send politicians back to the drawing board. In any case, Europe is entering a new two-year phase today of national ratification – the Constitution will enter into force on 1 November 2006, provided it has been ratified in all 25 member states.”

IF the target date of November 2006 can be met, then this, too, might have some interesting significance. It would be exactly 49 years (7X7) after the Treaty of Rome was signed. In the Bible, the number 7 stands for completeness.

Euro at All-Time High

On Wednesday, November 10, 2004, the dollar fell to an all-time low against the euro, with analysts forecasting more declines to come. The euro crossed the “magical line” of 1.30 dollars. As Der Spiegel Online reported, the euro is now more expensive than ever before since its creation in January of 1999. Reasons given for this unprecedented climb were the fragile state of Arafat at that time and the re-election of George Bush to the U.S. Presidency.

Joerg Haider Speaks… Again

Some have been waiting for Joerg Haider’s official response to the re-election of President Bush. Although, reportedly, a friend of California’s governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, who supported Bush during the election campaign, Austria’s Joerg Haider has been an outspoken critic of Bush. News Networld published Haider’s statements, as follows:

“With Bush’s victory, a prolonged continuation of American politics of arrogance and self-aggrandizement has been assured. The consequence will be a world of additional radicalism and increasing fanaticism. The trenches between the Western and the Muslim world will become deeper, and the threat of terrorism will remain evident. In addition, the relationship with Europe will continue to be tense, as Bush carries out his politics without consideration for international treaties and cooperation. The tendency of a basic anti-American feeling of society will be strengthened. The re-election of Bush could have unimaginable consequences for the world. In particular, the danger of war in the Middle East is great.”

Cat Stevens Honored with Peace Award

In what might be viewed as a direct response to the recent bizarre events involving the refusal of the United States to allow Cat Stevens to enter the country, the famous singer received a peace prize for his humanitarian efforts. As AFP reported on November 10, 2004:

“Former Soviet president Mikhail Gorbachev presented singer-songwriter Yusuf Islam, formerly known as Cat Stevens, with a peace prize, two months after he was refused entry to the United States on ‘national security grounds’. The ‘Man for Peace 2004’ prize was presented at a ceremony in Rome city hall marking the opening of the Fifth World Nobel Summit, an annual gathering here of Nobel peace laureates led by Gorbachev, who won the prize in 1990. The award is given annually ‘to a distinguished personage of culture and entertainment for peace messages, fraternity and integration between nations.'”

Reuters added the following:

“Yusuf Islam, the pop star formerly known as Cat Stevens, says he has received ‘more apologies than you can count’ from Americans embarrassed after their government deported him over potential terrorism links…. ‘So, I’m quite satisfied with the spirit of most people and probably it was a mistake. But let’s hope it will be solved soon. The lawyers are looking into it,’ he said…. The citation [as ‘Man for Peace 2004’] commended Islam ‘for having condemned terrorism’ and contributing to charities that helped victims of the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks in the United States.”

Arafat – Dead At Age 75

AFP reported on November 11, 2004:

“Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat… died at the age of 75, plunging the Middle East into a new era of uncertainty… Fears of violence were underlined when the radical Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades… urged its fighters to attack Israel to avenge the ‘Zionist assassination’…Israel, which has long accused Arafat of being the main obstacle to peace in the Middle East, did not try to mask its delight at his death.”

Bild Online asked the question: “Will Violence Explode in the Middle East?”

According to AFP, Tony Blair is flying to the USA to discuss with President Bush the “international community’s highest priority” to create “peace in the Middle East,” following Arafat’s death.

Associated Press reported about the condolences received from world leaders:

“Egypt called him a ‘historic leader’ who strove for ‘peace, security and stability.’… Condolences came from as far away as China, where President Hu Jintao said Arafat was ‘an outstanding leader of the Palestinian cause.’ Japanese Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi praised Arafat’s efforts on behalf of peace and his people, citing his signing of the 1993 Israel-PLO accord that gave him control of most of Gaza Strip and 27 percent of West Bank. ‘Yasser Arafat spent his entire life for the Palestinian cause. We pray that his mission is completed after his death,’ Pakistani Information Minister Sheikh Rashid Ahmed told The Associated Press from Saudi Arabia, where he was performing the Muslim pilgrimage.

“German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder credited Arafat with striving to lead the Palestinians to independence, regretting that ‘it was not granted to Yasser Arafat to complete his life’s work.’ Russian President Vladimir Putin said the Palestinians had suffered a heavy loss, and his Foreign Ministry called for the international community, Israel and the Palestinians to redouble peace efforts. French President Jacques Chirac, who had visited Arafat days before his death, called him a ‘man of courage and conviction who, for 40 years, has incarnated the Palestinians’ combat for recognition of their national rights.’ Praise also came from the European Union, the Arab League and U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan, who said Arafat had ‘expressed and symbolized in his person the national aspirations of the Palestinian people.’

“Even Arafat’s critics acknowledged his death was ‘a significant moment in Palestinian history,’ as President Bush put it. Bush, who had accused Arafat of blocking peace with Israel, expressed condolences to the Palestinian people… British Prime Minister Tony Blair, expressing his condolences to Arafat’s family and to the Palestinian people and noting that Arafat was a Nobel Peace laureate, also looked ahead… Australian Prime Minister John Howard said history would judge Arafat harshly. Arafat could have helped secure Middle East peace by accepting a deal in 2000 that would have resulted in the Israelis ‘agreeing to about 90 percent of what the Palestinians had wanted,’ Howard said. Howard said he also found it hard to believe that Arafat could not have done more to restrain terrorists.”

Der Spiegel Online published the following additional comments:

“Josef Lapid, Israel’s Minister of Justice, said during a radio broadcast: ‘I hated Arafat…’ Former leader Shimon Peres said, ‘It was Arafat’s biggest mistake to move toward terrorism… He accomplished the most when he tried to create peace.'”

Current Events

The 2004 U.S. Election

The U.S. election — the arguably most important election in this generation — has been decided. President George W. Bush has been re-elected for another four-year term. International reactions to this result were mixed. While most politicians and commentaries stated a desire for peace and reconciliation between the power blocs, caution and concern were expressed at the same time. AFP ran the following headline on November 4, 2004: “World leaders hail Bush’s re-election, call for healing of global divisions over Iraq.”

The article stated: “World leaders rushed to congratulate US President George W. Bush on his re-election to a second four-year term and pledged cooperation with Washington to heal deep divisions over a host of international issues, notably Iraq and the Middle East. In Brussels, the European Union’s executive arm extended ‘warm congratulations’ to Bush on his re-election and pledged Europe’s renewed commitment to the transatlantic link.”

The article continued: “‘Together, Europe and the United States face many critical challenges in the years ahead. As in the past, our best hope for success lies in common action,’ EU foreign affairs chief Javier Solana said in a statement. Congratulatory messages also poured in from UN Secretary General Kofi Annan and leaders from Austria, Belgium, Canada, France, Germany, Ireland, Poland and South Africa, among others. Annan said… that he was ‘committed to continuing to work with President Bush and his administration on the whole range of issues facing the United Nations and the world.'”

Reactions by International Leaders

AFP expressed the following on November 4: “French President Jacques Chirac, a strong opponent of the US-led war in Iraq, expressed hope that Bush’s second term ‘will provide an opportunity to reinforce France-American friendship’ and the transatlantic partnership. ‘On behalf of France, and on my personal behalf, I would like to express to you my most sincere congratulations for your re-election to the presidency of the United States of America,’ Chirac wrote in a letter to Bush. ‘I hope that your second term will provide an opportunity to reinforce the Franco-American friendship.'”

In spite of these words and letters of congratulations, concern and worries remain. As the article continued to point out: “Many countries remain worried about Bush’s foreign policy and its implications for the Middle East … especially given fears of international terrorism. Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak said from Bonn that he hoped the new US government ‘would help to bring peace to the Middle East.’… Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan, whose country is a wary neighbor of Iraq, expressed hope that the Bush re-election would contribute to world peace. In Madrid, Spain’s Socialist Prime Minister Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero said his government ‘wishes to contribute to effective and constructive cooperation with the Bush government.’… In Israel, a top foreign policy adviser said: ‘Israel and the free world has every reason to rejoice over this result.’… ‘The Americans have made a clear choice,’ Portuguese Foreign Minister Antonio Monteiro told national news agency Lusa. ‘For Portugal there is no change. We would work with any US administration although with this one we have come to establish a very close working relationship.’ In Italy, President Carlo Ciampi reaffirmed the need for renewing ‘the spirit of transatlantic solidarity’ because ‘terrorism is far from weakened.’ ‘Italy is at the side of the United States in …the struggle against the common enemy, in the determination to work together for the security of our nations and the stability of world order,’ he said in his message to Bush.”

Before Senator Kerry gave his concession speech and President Bush declared his victory, Associated Press had reported the following, on November 3, 2004:

“President Bush’s allies in the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan cautiously welcomed signs Wednesday that he could be re-elected in America’s tight presidential race. But on the streets outside the United States, many people were disappointed. Most foreign governments took care not to make comments that could be interpreted as favoring one candidate over another… ‘This is a catastrophe for the rest of the world,’ said Syafii Maarif, chairman of Muhammadiyah, a mainstream Muslim group in Indonesia, the world’s most populous Islamic country. ‘We have already seen that Bush has made a mess of the world over the last four years.’

“In Europe, governments said that the election was a chance to repair ties strained by Bush’s decision to go to war despite opposition from European powers such as France and Germany. ‘I hope that a re-elected President Bush would use the chance offered by his re-election for a new beginning in European-American and German-American relations,’ German Foreign Ministry official Karsten Voigt told ARD television. French Foreign Minister Michel Barnier said: ‘We have lots to do on current crises: Iraq, the Middle East, Iran, the challenges of the African continent, to rebuild, to renovate trans-Atlantic relations.'”

In a related article, Associated Press added on November 3, 2004, prior to the declared victory of President Bush:

“As President Bush edged close to an election victory against Sen. John Kerry, France, Germany and other European countries he alienated during his first four years promised Wednesday to work with the new U.S. administration. Some European leaders expressed hope that Bush would reach out to the continent in his second term. But others gloomily forecast no major tack in White House policy and continued trans-Atlantic bickering…

“Russian President Vladimir Putin hailed Bush as a ‘predictable partner’ and said that if his slim lead in the U.S. election is confirmed, it would mean the American people had not given in to the threats of international terrorists. ‘If Bush wins, I would feel happy that the American people have not allowed themselves to be scared and made the decision they considered reasonable,’ Putin said… [According to Putin,] U.S.-Russian relations have improved under Bush’s presidency ‘for the benefit of our peoples and global security.'”

Other leaders did not agree. A.P. continued:

“Swedish Prime Minister Goeran Persson predicted that Bush would not revamp his policies, and the sniping between Europe and the United States would continue. ‘This means that we could have a very dramatic situation ahead of us, not least in Iraq,’ said Persson, who opposed the Iraq war. ‘Sweden and Europe will continue to criticize Bush the same way as earlier. But I do not believe that he will be more willing to listen to it.’ Finland Prime Minister Matti Vanhanen, whose country also opposed the war, said a growing number of international issues will require trans-Atlantic and global cooperation. ‘General stability, terrorism, environmental issues, energy, social development and similar issues will come increasingly to the fore and to solve them we need good companionship between Europe and the United States,’ Vanhanen said.”

Reuters elaborated on November 3, 2004:

“‘Terrorism has to be rejected in today’s world and in this respect George Bush is a very decisive leader who is right, simply right,’ said Polish President Aleksander Kwasniewski. ‘From Poland’s perspective continued cooperation with George Bush is really good news.’… Germany… opposed the Iraq war. There, Interior Minister Otto Schily said: ‘Despite the issue of our differing positions in the past, we all have to contribute to ensuring that the situation in Iraq stabilizes.’ But Karsten Voigt, Germany’s top official on relations with Washington, called on Bush to move toward the Europeans. ‘I hope for gestures, for offers to work together,’ he said.”

In a related article by the Associated Press, dated November 3, it was stated: “Europe Allies Extend Olive Branch to Bush.” It continued: “European allies alienated by President Bush’s first four years in power offered Wednesday to let bygones be bygones, saying they want to work with the new administration and seeking, right from Day 1, to get the new White House to listen more to overseas opinion… German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder, who… clashed with Bush over Iraq, wrote the president a congratulatory letter expressing ‘great expectations’ for renewed cooperation. ‘The world stands before great challenges at the beginning of your second term: international terrorism, the danger of weapons of mass destruction, regional crises – but also poverty, climate change and epidemics threaten our security and stability,’ Schroeder wrote. ‘These challenges can only be mastered together.'”

On the other hand, as stated above, Schroeder’s recent statements don’t coincide with political views of his own party members. As the Independent pointed out, “several German politicians reflected widespread popular dismay at [the] result. Michael Möller, the deputy parliamentary leader of Chancellor Gerhard Schröder’s ruling Social Democrats described Mr Bush as a ‘fundamentalist’ and added [while the election results were still being counted]: ‘If he wins it will be neither good for the world, nor for democratic America.'”

The article also stated: “Election interest in Europe was intense, as was the disappointment many felt over Bush’s victory. Some saw it as proof that Europe and the United States are farther apart than ever… [Some] worried that Bush, strengthened by a bigger win than in 2000 and backed by a Republican Congress, would turn a deaf ear to world concern

AFP added on November 4, 2004: “Prime Minister Tony Blair warmly congratulated his war ally US President George W. Bush on being re-elected, saying he hoped the ‘unique bond’ between their countries would prosper over the next four years. But Blair also served notice that he plans to pressure the American leader over the Middle East during Bush’s second term, calling peace in that region ‘the single most pressing political challenge in our world.'”

Reactions by International Press

The German press voiced cautious optimism, combined with a stern warning directed at President Bush. As far as can be ascertained, the only major influential daily newspaper, which reported positively about Bush’s re-election, was the weekly tabloid, Bild. The paper published a commentary by Lord George Weidenfeld, who, according to Bild, “is viewed as one of the most brilliant thinkers in the world.” The commentary stated:

“Beginning of a New Chapter. The people in America have spoken, the new President is the old one: George W. Bush. The nation has given him a clear mandate. The believing Christian Bush has worked out his victory, but he also prayed for it: ‘God bless America,’ as it is also stated in the National Anthem. Bush should give his best in this hour of his triumph, so that the old coalition can be resurrected with old trust. We in Europe must finally take the President seriously. We must cease to defame him, make fun of him, or libel him. Europe and the USA must work together, in order to build a new and free society in Iraq. We must open a new chapter of reconciliation on both sides of the Atlantic — without winners and losers. As was once the case with Ronald Reagan, who had been underestimated and belittled during his first term in office, George W. Bush has now received a mandate for a second term from the American people. He has now — just as Reagan — the chance to become one of the greatest Presidents in the history of the world.”

The popular German weekly, Die Zeit, stated: “We have to wish that Bush ceases to be Bush. This means: less aggressive and self-righteous, more willing to listen, even in his own interest. For, whatever America is trying to accomplish within the next four years, close and true friends will be needed. Those friends want not only an open ear, but also respect.”

The “Sueddeutsche Zeitung” wrote: “America has become strange and hard to understand for many Europeans. The current election has only confirmed this impression… Bush represents the majority of his country, which has adopted political division as their goal… The world should not become affected by this explosive atmosphere.”

The Bonner General Anzeiger wrote: “It is now the duty of Europe to deal sensibly with [that approach of] America, which has been chosen by the Americans… Europe has to be able to live with America — even an America under George Bush.”

The “Rhein-Neckar Zeitung” (Heidelberg) wrote: “George Bush convinced his American [followers] with simple and partly false concepts, that Iraq had been the logical result of September 11, 2001. And so, he was re-elected — the strong man, the commander-in-chief, who is not to be replaced during a war, the one who stands for determination and security. Fear voted, too.”

“Neues Deutschland” (Berlin) wrote: “The majority of the voting Americans chose war… Bush is no longer the president of the minority. This makes the result of this election so frightening.”

“Kieler Nachrichten” stated: “Most Germans would have preferred Kerry… No other American president is viewed here with so much disfavor as George W. Bush.”

Der Spiegel Online asked in its lead article: “How could it happen?” It continued: “That America voted the first time for George W. Bush… is explainable and excusable. But twice?” The liberal and highly influential weekly magazine stated that most observers did not realize how “unique” Americans are: “America is a foreign country, with its own values… They [the observers] did not realize how much the Americans want a strong leader who gives clear direction in times of fear, and who follows that direction, even if it is the wrong one. And they have underestimated how easily simple messages can become highly effective.”

Especially much of the British press voiced disappointment and consternation. The left-wing Daily Mirror asked on November 4, 2004: “How can 59,054,087 people be so dumb?” It ran several articles about the “U.S. Election Disaster,” stating, “On the world stage, we can expect some sort of showdown with North Korea and Iran over nuclear proliferation – and who knows where that will take us. In the Middle East we can only hope that Bush finds his way again on the Road Map to Peace… Polls show Bush won Florida largely through the Jewish vote, because of his strong backing of Israel. But he mustn’t show any favours if he is to live up to his promise of the establishment of two separate states, one Palestinian, one Israeli. On the environment, Bush’s record is terrible and don’t expect it to get much better. Apart from kissing goodbye to the Kyoto global warming accord, you can also expect Alaska’s National Wildlife Refuge to be opened up for oil drilling. Clean air laws will be scrapped and moves to cut pollution from power plants left to the ravages of the market place… But the most worrying thing for most people will be what [Bush] will do about terrorism. Nobody knows where his policy of ‘staying on the offensive’ against al-Qaeda will take us. ‘Axis of Evil’ countries like Syria, Iran and North Korea are still out there, defying Washington to whip them into line. The one consolation is that with Iraq in such a mess, America just doesn’t have the troops to get bogged down in another theatre of war. If you think Iraq was bad, it would be a picnic compared to Iran.”

In a possible response to those allegations, British Foreign Secretary Jack Straw said that it would be “inconceivable” that the US “would attack Iran over its nuclear programme,” according to AFP of November 4.

Bild Online published a summary of the most telling comments of the international press. Here are a few excerpts:

“Basler Zeitung, Switzerland: ‘Against the rest of the world’… Berner Zeitung, Switzerland: ‘After this election there is reason for concern’… Gazetta Wyborcza, Poland: ‘Bush’s victory not good news’… Blikk, Hungary: ‘Four more years, four more wars?’… The Daily Telegraph, Great Britain: ‘Triumph of freedom…’ La Repubblica, Italy: ‘Bush is finally grown up…’ Adevarul, Rumania: ‘Bush has won out of defeat.'”

Time will tell what the future holds. According to Biblical prophecy, this world will not become a safer place, prior to the return of Christ, and wars and rumors of wars will increase. It is also clear from Biblical prophecy that the relationship between Europe and America will consistently deteriorate. We need to watch and pray that coming events don’t surprise us and find us unawares.

Current Events

Germany’s Economic Interests

On October 18, 2004, Spiegel Online reported: “Chancellor Gerhard Schröder is hurriedly redefining the priorities in German foreign policy. Human rights have become a subordinate issue, business is the way to maintain influence. First Turkey, then China and most recently Libya — what started off as a vague outline is now assuming concrete shape: an about-face in German foreign policy. Instead: the focus lies on promoting German economic interests. The new strategy does not only include the demand for a permanent seat on the United Nations Security Council; the portfolio also comprises a new attitude towards German arms exports and overall a more relaxed approach to Germany’s own interests.”

In a related article, Associated Press reported on October 26, 2004: “The euro hit an eight-month high against the U.S. dollar on Tuesday, with fears over high oil prices weighing on the greenback. The euro traded at $1.2841 Tuesday morning, the highest since a record of $1.2927 on Feb. 18 – the peak since the shared currency came into existence in 1999.”

The Bible reveals that in the very last days, a United States of Europe under German leadership will emerge. This power bloc is prophesied to be very strong politically, economically and militarily. Revelation 18, in particular, describes the enormous and wide-ranging economic influence of this soon-coming power bloc.

The U.S. Presidential Elections and Germany

On October 26, 2004, the German mass tabloid, Bild, has become the first — and so far, the only European newspaper or magazine that endorsed an American candidate as president. Under the headline, “Why George Bush Is the Better President,” the tabloid listed 10 reasons for its endorsement, as follows: (1) Bush’s priorities are clear — he views Islamic fundamentalism as the greatest danger in the world; (2) Bush has learned the lessons from history — that one must fight with military strength against fanatics; (3) Under Bush, mostly the US will carry the costs and responsibility in the “Holy War” against Islamic fundamentalists; (4) Bush will do everything to prevent that new nuclear powers develop; (5) Bush will seek international cooperation, without being dependent on Syria or Iran; (6) Bush knows that Europe has no means of helping the U.S. militarily and won’t therefore ask for their help; (7) Under Bush, America will be a reliable partner of Israel; (8) Bush will support free trade; (9) Bush made mistakes, from which he learned; and (10) We know what to expect from Bush.

Der Spiegel speculated what Bild is trying to accomplish, given the fact that Germans don’t vote in American elections, and that, according to the poll by the weekly, Der Stern, 75% of Germans are favoring John Kerry as the next President. Could it be that Bild, on behalf of Germany, wants to tell Bush that not all Germans are against him, should he be re-elected?

Churches and the IRS

Tax-exempt churches and religious organizations must be careful that they don’t violate IRS regulations, when they are tempted to endorse a political candidate for the U.S. Presidency. As WorldNetDaily reported on October 28, 2004, “In a letter of clarification requested by a traveling minister, the Internal Revenue Service has declared people gathered in tax-exempt churches can’t pray for President Bush to win the election on Tuesday.” In addition, the Pittsburgh Tribune reported on October 27, 2004, that “A watchdog group [Americans United] that pushes separation of church and state claims that ministers at churches in Pennsylvania and Ohio are abusing their tax-exempt status by supporting Democrat presidential candidate John Kerry from their pulpits. Under the Internal Revenue Service code regulating tax-exempt organizations, churches can be cited for a violation if they endorse political candidates… Americans United says churches that support or oppose a candidate may face an IRS audit, fines and loss of tax-exempt status.”

More Money for War

On October 26, 2004, the Washington Post reported: “The Bush administration intends to seek about $70 billion in emergency funding for the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan early next year, pushing total war costs close to $225 billion since the invasion of Iraq early last year, Pentagon and congressional officials said yesterday… In making cost estimates for the supplemental budget request, Pentagon officials have distanced themselves from the Bush administration’s public optimism about trends in Iraq. Instead, they make the fairly pessimistic assumption that about as many troops will be needed there next year as are currently on the ground… Yale University economist William D. Nordhaus estimated that in inflation-adjusted terms, World War I cost just under $200 billion for the United States. The Vietnam War cost about $500 billion from 1964 to 1972, Nordhaus said. The cost of the Iraq war could reach nearly half that number by next fall, 2 1/2 years after it began.”

What a world it will be, when all nations recognize the futility of war and when they, as prophesied in Isaiah 2:4, “beat their swords into plowshares, And their spears into pruning hooks; Nation shall not lift up sword against nation, Neither shall they learn war anymore.”

Murder Rate High in the U.S.

On October 25, 2004, Associated Press stated: “After reaching a low point in 1999 of about 15,500 homicides, the number has crept up steadily since then to more than 16,500 in 2003 – or almost six murders for every 100,000 U.S. residents… James Alan Fox, criminal justice professor at Northeastern University, said the recent rise in murders is partly traceable to an upsurge in urban youth gang violence. The FBI report indicates there were 819 juvenile gang killings last year, compared with 580 in 1999… The report showed more than two-thirds of last year’s murders were committed with a firearm, roughly the same portion as every year since 1999.”

Especially young people are growing up with violence and without hope for the future. Easy access to firearms is a terrible indictment against a society which is unable to control its fears and to eradicate capital crime, such as murder.

Biological Weapons Biggest Threat

On October 26, 2004, reported: “The threat posed to the world by biological weapons is now far greater than that from nuclear and chemical because of the ‘riotous’ development in biotechnology, a leading scientist [Professor Malcolm Dando, the head of Peace Studies at Bradford University] has warned. He said if nothing is done, bio-weapons technology could be harnessed by terrorists to target specific ethnic groups to release devastating diseases, such as the 1918 Spanish flu. Among the biological weapons with the potential to wreak havoc are genetically engineered anthrax and a synthetic version of the polio virus.”

Halloween, Witchcraft, All Saints and Guy Fawkes Days

On October 27, MSNBS reported about Halloween and its connection with witchcraft, All Saints Day and Guy Fawkes Day:

“Over the weekend, millions worldwide will adorn a witch’s hat, cape, and broom or some other outlandish garb, but how do real witches celebrate Halloween? And where did the holiday originate?… The Catholic observance of ‘All Hallows Day’ — or ‘All Saints Day’ — now lends its name to the occasion. But, the holiday is actually rooted in a harvest festival first celebrated around five centuries before the birth of Christ by the Celts who lived in what are now Ireland, Britain, and northern France. The Celtic summer officially ended on the last day of October and the New Year, called Samhain (pronounced Sow-en), began on the first of November. On the night between years, the Celts believed that the living and the dead could interact with each other. And most modern-day witches believe they can too…

“While the modern American version of Halloween — which has recently been exported back to Britain — is a potluck of Celtic, Roman, and Christian tradition, heavily infused with its own commercial traits, practitioners of witchcraft relate more closely to the original celebration of Samhain… Until 1951, witchcraft was illegal in Britain. Since then, the ancient religion has crept out of the occult and into the mainstream… Although Halloween has its origins in Celtic Britain, until recently the holiday was largely celebrated here in unison with Guy Fawkes Day — the Nov. 5 anniversary of a conspiracy to blow up the English Parliament and King James in 1605… From Britain’s most haunted city of Exeter to its mysterious stone circles, thousands of witches and pagans will be gathering to commune with the dead this Oct. 31.”

Current Events

Halloween — the Feast of the Devil!

On October 15, 2004, ran an interesting article regarding this year’s celebration of Halloween, as it falls on a Sunday. Many claim that Halloween, as a celebration for the devil, should not be kept on Sunday, the “Lord’s Day, the Day of Jesus,” but should be kept on Saturday, instead. The interesting fact is that Saturday, NOT Sunday, is the “Lord’s Day” (compare Mark 2:28), and that Halloween is recognized as Satan’s feast. We must ask: Why, in the world, would ANYONE want to celebrate Halloween, recognizing the fact of WHO is worshipped on that day? CNN reported:

“Across the Bible Belt this Halloween, some little ghosts and goblins might get shooed away by the neighbors — and some youngsters will not be allowed to go trick-or-treating at all — because the holiday falls on a Sunday this year. ‘It’s a day for the good Lord, not for the devil,’ said Barbara Braswell… Some towns around the country are decreeing that Halloween be celebrated on Saturday to avoid complaints from those who might be offended by the sight of demons and witches ringing their doorbell on the Sabbath… ‘You just don’t do it on Sunday,’ said Sandra Hulsey of Greenville, Georgia. ‘That’s Christ’s day. You go to church on Sunday, you don’t go out and celebrate the devil. That’ll confuse a child.'” At least for those true Christians and others, who refuse to celebrate Halloween, this debate might help them. As CNN stated: “With so many towns split over when Halloween should be celebrated, many are going with a porch-light compromise: If people do not want trick-or-treaters, they simply turn off their lights, and parents are asked not to have kids knock there.”

Halloween Madness

“According to the National Retail Federation’s (NRF) 2004 Halloween survey, total Halloween spending is estimated to grow 5.4 percent to 3.12 billion from $2.96 billion last year” (cnnmoney 10/16/04).

This article, appearing on CNN/Money’s web site continues with these astounding statistics: “The report said Halloween is the sixth-largest spending holiday of the year. The winter holidays top the list at $219.9 billion in sales followed by $12.79 billion spent on Valentine’s Day, $10.47 billion spent on Easter, $10.43 billion spent on Mother’s Day and $8.04 billion for Father’s Day.”

All of this is occurring in the United States. In this light consider the results of a Pew Research Center for the People & the Press survey report from December 19, 2002: “Religion is much more important to Americans than to people living in other wealthy nations. Six-in-ten (59%) people in the U.S. say religion plays a very important role in their lives. This is roughly twice the percentage of self-avowed religious people in Canada (30%), and an even higher proportion when compared with Japan and Western Europe” (

One must wonder at the commercialism of what passes for religion in America. God reveals that the modern descendants of Jacob’s birthright would indeed talk about religion: “‘Hear this, O house of Jacob, Who are called by the name of Israel, And have come forth from the wellsprings of Judah; Who swear by the name of the LORD, And make mention of the God of Israel, BUT NOT IN TRUTH OR IN RIGHTEOUSNESS'” (Isaiah 48:1).

You can find the Biblical truth of these practices and about what Christians should and should not observe in our free booklets: “God’s Commanded Holy Days,” and “Don’t Keep Christmas.” In addition, please note our comprehensive discussion on Halloween in the Q&A of Update #114, dated October 24, 2003. All of these are available at

God’s Word No Place in the EU?

On October 11, 2004, reported about the EU’s rejection of “the nomination of the proposed new commissioner for justice because of his views on homosexuals.” The article explained: “The parliament’s civil liberties committee voted by 27 to 26 to reject the nomination of Italy’s Rocco Buttiglione, a devout Roman Catholic, as Justice, Security and Liberty commissioner in the new 25-member college that takes office at the end of this month. During confirmation hearings Buttiglione outraged some members of the parliament with his views on homosexuality, which he called ‘a sin’…”

Most shocking is the way in which this incident was reported. For instance, the German tabloid Bild castigated Buttiglione for having voiced such an antiquated view, stemming from the Middle Ages. German politicians were quoted as saying that such a viewpoint does not belong in today’s Europe. This might not be that surprising, as there are several high-ranking politicians in Germany, who are known to be homosexuals. In other words, what is being told to us is that God’s Word, the Bible, must be rejected and does not belong in today’s Europe. This is an interesting assessment, indeed!

Iran’s Missiles

On September 25, 2004, WorldNetDaily published a frightening report about the capacity of Iran’s nuclear missiles. The article stated: “Iran said today it has successfully test-fired a long-range ‘strategic missile’ and delivered it to its armed forces, saying it is now prepared to deal with any regional threats and even the ‘big powers.’ Iran’s new missiles can reach London, Paris, Berlin and southern Russia, according to weapons and intelligence analysts…. The news comes shortly after Iran’s elite Revolutionary Guards staged military maneuvers near the border with Iraq, seen as a signal to Washington Tehran is prepared to fight back against any attempts to prevent the development of a nuclear reactor that could be used to make weapons-grade plutonium.”

How England’s Press Views Iraq

The British newspaper, The Week, published the following article on September 25:

“For once, Tony Blair is ‘telling the unvarnished truth,’ said the Daily Mail. We are indeed engaged in a horrific new conflict in Iraq. But if Iraq is now the ‘crucible’ of the war on terror, it is Blair who has helped make it so by joining America’s reckless invasion in the first place. Be that as it may, said The Independent, ‘Blair’s judgment is sound on one point’. This is not the time for anyone to ‘wobble’ over the election timetable. ‘Having so abysmally failed in our promises to bring peace to Iraq, the very least we can do now is stick to our pledge on elections.'”

The article continued: “If the coalition is to achieve that formidable task, said The Times, it will need all the help it can get from the U.N. To that end, Kofi Annan has not helped matters by ‘raking over the past with his highly debatable and essentially irrelevant comments about the legality of the intervention’. We should be looking forward, not back, said the Washington Post. In his relentlessly upbeat speech, he [President Bush] refused to admit to the worsening situation on the ground, still less give any clue as to how he proposes to respond to it. This ‘duck-and-cover’ strategy may play well politically, ‘but it is also deeply irresponsible and potentially dangerous.”

In a related article, the paper stated:

“Iraq: the warnings Blair ignored… A cache of secret documents, leaked to the Daily Telegraph last week, has revealed that some of Tony Blair’s closest advisors warned him repeatedly of the perils of invading Iraq… There was, after all, no real justification for it — as Peter Rickens, the Foreign Office policy director, bluntly informed Blair. ‘Even the best survey of Iraq’s WMD programmes will not show much advance in recent years,’ he wrote. ‘Military operations need clear and compelling objectives. For Iraq, ‘regime change’ does not stack up. It sounds like a grudge match between Bush and Saddam.’… ‘No one has satisfactorily answered how there can be any certainty that the replacement regime will be any better,’ [Foreign Secretary Jack Straw] warned. ‘Iraq has no history of democracy, so no one has this habit or experience.'”

Tony Blair in Trouble

The British newspaper, Daily Express, commented on October 8, 2004, on Tony Blair’s attempts to create an army in Africa. The paper stated: “Tony Blair was accused of ‘living on another planet’ yesterday when he committed the over-stretched British Army to new foreign missions. The Prime Minister pledged to put up to 1,500 troops on permanent standby to be raced into African war zones to ‘hold the fort’ for up to 210 days. They will form part of a European force ready to dash into trouble spots at 10 days’ notice. Mr Blair made the announcement in Addis Ababa.'”

In a related article, titled, “Blair’s African Absurdity,” the paper said: “Whenever Tony Blair is in trouble at home, as now, he slips into the role of world statesman. This time, he is trying to solve the problems of Africa… It all sounds so noble. But the number of soldiers involved is too small to make much difference in Africa. However this crazy plan will place an extra burden on our already under-manned and under-resourced British army, as well as putting more of our soldiers in mortal danger. Mr Blair’s meddling has involved us in many conflicts around the world but, he has cut it. Our army is already stretched to breaking. What would happen if more forces were needed in Iraq or if there was renewed unrest in Afghanistan or Northern Ireland? It is possible that an entirely new conflict not currently on the military’s radar could begin. Britain’s forces are too small for us to take on the role of world’s policeman.”

Rift Between Washington and Europe Widens

The Week reported on September 25: “Paris Snubs Washington. The rift between Washington and ‘old Europe’ widened still further last week when France and Belgium blocked an American plan to establish a Nato military academy in Iraq… [Reportedly] Germany and Spain backed the French stance. The move was widely seen as a strong signal to the US that it should not ask for more help from Nato to help control the violence in Iraq.”

In a series of related articles, the German weekly magazine, Focus, on October 11, 2004, addressed the issue of the widening rift between Washington and Europe, as well as within the United States, and asked the question whether an election of John Kerry as the next President would help or hurt the relationship between the two power blocs. The magazine stated:

“Both candidates exemplify the seemingly incurable rift within the American people. It is a rift that has polarized the people in the USA within the last two years into two political worlds. Rarely has a president divided the nation before so much as President Bush… Frightening questions loom at the horizon: Will Bush start additional wars, if he wins?… But if one thinks that Kerry is a dove, he is mistaken. ‘Iran and North Korea are more dangerous than ever before,’ he warns. ‘I don’t know yet whether we have to act in a preemptive manner, but I will keep my watchful eye on them.’ Contrary to Bush, Kerry wants to bring the traditional allies back on board.. Some of it is wishful thinking. France has clarified that they will not send troops to Iraq, even under Kerry [In the meantime, Germany has said the same.].”

In an interview with the magazine, former German Minister of Defense, Rudolf Sharping, stated that the relationship between the US and Germany might even get worse and more difficult under Kerry. The magazine pointed out that a German refusal to send troops to Iraq might be viewed by Washington, under Kerry’s leadership, as an even greater and more serious affront than under Bush.

The International Press on Putin

The Press in Great Britain, France, Russia and the United States condemned Putin’s recent “unambiguous step towards tyranny.” As The Week reported on September 25, “The Russians expected draconian action following the terrorist outrage in Beslam. And they got it, says… Le Monde (Paris), but not quite as they imagined… President Putin simply tightened his grip on power, ending the system of direct elections for regional governors and abolishing the first-past-the-post contents to Russia’s parliament… Even President Bush, who has praised Putin as an ally in the war on terror, was moved to protest at this undermining of democracy… Our would-be dictator has made his move, says… the Moscow Times… Of course Russia must take action to fight terrorism, says… The Washington Post. But the changes Putin has imposed aren’t directed at that: they’re an ‘unambiguous step towards tyranny.’ Bush was right to speak out against them; but he must go further, and put pressure on Putin to preserve democracy. ‘Did the US help undo Soviet Communism only to watch tyranny take its place?'”

Israel Fears Strong EU

Deutsche Welle reported on October 14, that Israel is concerned about a strong and powerful EU. The article, titled, “Israel Fears Strong EU,” stated: “A confidential report from the Israeli Foreign Ministry has predicted relations with the European Union could further deteriorate in [the] future, hitting Israel economically and diplomatically… The EU and Israel have been at loggerheads for months over the implementation of a Middle East peace plan and the construction of Israel’s security barrier. Israel also regards Europe as a bulwark of pro-Palestinian sentiment and has long complained of what it sees as growing anti-Semitism in Europe… The report also warns that influence over world politics by the US, Israel’s most important ally, could diminish as the EU’s role grows, German daily Berliner Zeitung reported on Thursday… Though Europe is Israel’s major trading partner, they have very definite differences of opinion over Mideast peacemaking. Earlier this week, EU foreign ministers criticized Israel’s use of force in Northern Gaza… In the security area, the EU is said to be considering a police mission on the ground to help train Palestinian security services in the event of an Israeli withdrawal [from Gaza in 2005], in co-ordination with the Egyptian government. ”

Beatification of Karl I

On October 3, 2004, reported about the recent beatification of Austrian Emperor Karl I. The article pointed out: “Another newly beatified figure stirring controversy was Karl I, who led the Austro-Hungarian Empire in the final years of World War I. Also known in the West as Charles I, he took the throne in 1916 and worked for peace, abdicating at the end of the war, a few years before his death in 1922. Critics have said the Vatican had no business honoring a monarch who commanded troops who used poison gas in the conflict. The pope hailed Karl as a model ‘especially for those who have political responsibility in Europe today.'”

The article continued:

“John Paul declared Oct. 21, the date of Karl’s marriage in 1911 to Princess Zita, as Karl’s feast day. ‘He was a man of peace,’ said the Rev. Ivan Csete, a pastor of St. Thomas Aquinas Church in Forestburgh, N.Y., who rode to the ceremony in a city bus crowded with Hungarian students. ‘History would have been different had he succeeded in 1916’ in his efforts to end the war, added Csete, who said he fled his native Hungary after participating in the ill-fated 1956 uprising there against Communist rule…. The Vatican ruled that the required miracle for beatification included the recovery… of a Brazilian nun whose varicose veins were healed after she prayed to the monarch, who died in 1922. The church was ridiculed for the miracle it attributed to Karl’s intercession.”

In a related matter, Bild, on October 16, 2004, asked the surprising question whether Germany and Austria will return to a monarchy. The paper said: “Otto von Hapsburg (91), oldest son of the last Emperor of Austria [Karl I], stated to the TV station Phoenix that he perceives the possibility that Germany and Austria will once again embrace a monarchy.”

Cat Stevens a Terrorist?

In a bizarre development of events, Yusuf Islam, formerly known as the famous pop-singer Cat Stevens (“Morning Has Broken,” “Peace Train,”) was refused entry to the United States during the week of September 25. He was informed that he had been placed on a “watchlist for terrorists,” and that he was not allowed entry for reasons of security. The British citizen had been on a United Airlines flight from London to Washington. In mid-flight, the plane was diverted to Bangor airport, Maine, and, after a brief interview, Stevens was returned to Great Britain.

On September 30, 2004, the LA Times published the following letter from Cat Stevens, aka Yusuf Islam, introducing the same as follows: “Something Bad Has Begun.The former Cat Stevens says he hasn’t changed but the U.S. has.”

In the letter, Stevens wrote: “I was flying to Nashville last week with my 21-year-old daughter to explore some new musical ideas with a record label there. Ironically, I was trying to remain low-profile because of the speculation that it might have raised in the music world about a return of ‘the Cat.’ Media attention was the last thing I wanted. But it seems God wanted otherwise. Toward the end of our journey from London to Washington, the plane was diverted. The captain announced something about ‘heavy traffic.’ After landing in Bangor, Maine, six tall, blue-uniformed officers boarded and surrounded me and my daughter. ‘Is your name Yusuf Islam?’ they asked. ‘Yes,’ I confirmed. ‘Do you mind coming with us and answering a few questions?’

“At that point my heart stopped, and my daughter’s face turned aspirin-white. This was the start of the nightmare. Three FBI agents escorted me away from my daughter and asked me questions. At first, it sounded like they might have me mixed up with somebody else, as they repeated the spelling of my name. ‘No. Y-u-s-u-f,’ I carefully spelled out. The agents looked a bit puzzled. As they continued asking questions, some of their queries were obviously not related to me, so I thought this must be a matter of simple mistaken identity. Whether it was a mix-up or not remained unclear because they weren’t under any obligation to give me a reason; the green visa waiver form I had so neatly filled in earlier had effectively denied me any right to appeal or answers. It was only when an immigration official read out to me a legal reference number that he mentioned some implication with ‘terrorism’ — no further details necessary.

“The most upsetting thing was being separated from my daughter for 33 hours — not knowing how she was or when and where we might be united. Because my phone was confiscated, I couldn’t contact my family… Is this the same planet I’d taken off from? I was devastated. The unbelievable thing is that only two months earlier, I had been having meetings in Washington with top officials from the White House Office of Faith-Based and Community Initiatives to talk about my charity work. Even further back, one month after the attack on the World Trade Center, I was in New York meeting Peter Gabriel and Hillary Rodham Clinton at the World Economic Forum! Had I changed that much? No. Actually, it’s the indiscriminate procedure of profiling that’s changed. I am a victim of an unjust and arbitrary system, hastily imposed, that serves only to belittle America’s image as a defender of the civil liberties that so many dearly struggled and died for over the centuries.

“Need I say that any form of terrorism or violence is the antithesis of everything I love and stand for? Anyone who knows me will attest to this. I have spent my life in the search for peace and understanding, and that was mirrored clearly in my music. Since becoming a Muslim, I have devoted my life to education, charity and helping children around the world. Consistently I have condemned the attacks of 9/11, stating that the slaughter of innocents, the taking of hostages and coldblooded killing of women and children have nothing do with the teachings of Islam. I’ve openly and publicly repudiated the actions of groups that resort to such acts of inhumanity — whatever their names. Any allegations to the contrary are fabricated. The Koran equates the murder of one innocent person with the murder of all of humanity.

“Ever since I embraced Islam in 1977, people have regularly tried to link me with things I have nothing to do with. Take the Salman Rushdie case as an example, or the regurgitating of the accusation that I support groups like Hamas. I am a man of peace, and I denounce all forms of terrorism and injustice; it is simply outrageous for anyone to suggest otherwise. The fact that I have sympathy for ordinary people in the world who are suffering from occupation, tyranny, poverty or war is human and has nothing to do with politics or terrorism.

“Thank God my daughter and I were relieved of our ordeal and delivered home safely. I also thank all those who prayed for me and supported me through this dark episode; I have never harbored any ill will toward people of God’s great Earth anywhere — and wish the reverse was also true.”

Since then, Cat Stevens has tried to have his name removed from the watch list, and he has asked for an explanation as to how he ever got on the list. It has not been reported, so far, whether his attempts have been successful.

Current Events

“A Real Ecological Catastrophe”

These are the latest charges against U.S. influence in the world–made by French President Jacques Chirac.
As reported in, “The outspoken French president warned that the world’s different cultures could be ‘choked’ by US values. This, he said, would lead to a ‘general world sub-culture’ based around the English language, which would be ‘a real ecological catastrophe.’ “

This speech was made in Hanoi, Vietnam–a former French colony. Mr. Chirac insisted that France was correct to stand up for “cultural and linguistic diversity.” The article also noted that among businessmen English is a very valuable and practical second language.

The well-publicized animosity that has emerged between France and America over the U.S. fight against terrorist continues unabated.

85 to 1 reports that “The United States has refused to join 85 other heads of state and government in signing a statement that endorsed a 10-year-old U.N. plan to ensure every woman’s right to education, health care, and choice about having children.” This Associated Press article continues: “President Bush’s administration withheld its signature because the statement included a reference to ‘sexual rights.’ “

Following up on statements from U.S. Deputy Assistant Secretary of State Kelly Ryan, the article noted: “Ryan did not elaborate on the Bush administration’s objections to the phrase ‘sexual rights,’ but at past U.N. meetings U.S. representatives have spoken out against abortion, gay rights and what they see as the promotion of promiscuity by giving condoms to young people to prevent AIDS.”

In explaining the purpose of this current statement which is designed to support the original U.N. plan, we note this comment: “While progress has been made, the statement says the world is facing an exponential increase in HIV/AIDS, a growing gap between rich and poor, persistently high death rates related to pregnancy and childbirth, and inadequate access to family planning services.”

Indeed these are real issues in a world going headlong in rebellion against the laws of God. Fixing these problems will never result from greater and greater rebellion by mankind to the will of God. Unfortunately, we are witnessing the closing stages of a world without God and the marvelous blessings that come from obedience.
The cure to all of these ills is found in the statements of God’s Word–this is the document upon which this world needs to “sign-off”. We encourage those who have not yet done so to carefully study our enlightening booklets explaining in detail the promises of God for a future time of peace and abundant blessings–please look for this material at

Ten Commandments on Trial

“The Supreme Court said Tuesday it will consider whether the Ten Commandments may be displayed on government property, ending a 25-year silence on a church-state issue that has prompted bitter legal fights around the country” (Rocky Mountain News, Associated Press, 10/13/04).

Ten Commandments displays are found throughout the U.S.–even in the courtroom where the justices will hear arguments in this case! In an ever increasing departure from some of the rudimentary aspects of Biblical influence in America, liberal and non-religious factions are pitted in bitter opposition to the core of citizens who openly espouse a role for religion in their lives.


A report on Comcast’s site and from apnews 10/13/2004 states: “Israel said Wednesday it would severely limit the access of Muslim worshippers to Jerusalem’s holiest site during the holy month of Ramadan, claiming it could collapse. Violence flared overnight as a series of Israeli airstrikes left five Palestinians dead in Gaza.”

The Al Aqsa Mosque compound holds about 250,000 people when filled to capacity. It was the riots in 2000
against Ariel Sharon’s visit to this temple site that has now led to such unrestrained bloodshed in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

We note that the land of Israel, and Jerusalem in particular, will continue to plague world stability. What happens there has sweeping international implications. Biblical prophecy shows that dramatic future events will culminate in a worldwide conflict–all focused on Jerusalem! Note the first 9 verses of Zechariah 12 which also reveal that this end-time event will include the intervention of God in human affairs. It is at this period of time that Jesus Christ will return to establish God’s rule over the entire earth.

A New Evangelization

This headline appeared in (10/04/2004): “European Bishops Eye Ways to Re-evangelize Continent.” Quoting from this article: “Catholic leaders from 34 European countries have met for the first time in England to discuss the role of Christianity in Europe.”

The significance of this meeting is profound–even from the perspective of its historical reference: “The event–a four-day assembly of the Council of the Bishops’ Conferences of Europe (CCEE) at Hinsley Hall, Leeds–has been the largest gathering of senior Catholic bishops in Britain since the Synod of Whitby in 664, more than 1,300 year ago.”

“In a message to the meeting, John Paul II said he would pray that ‘you will guide your respective peoples to rediscover their common spiritual roots and the enduring wisdom of their Christian heritage.’ “

We find that the main theme, as introduced by Archbishop Jean-Pierre Ricard of Bordeaux, was: “the significance and role of Christianity in Europe today.” The Archbishop also “…pointed out that there are moral toxins which Europe has to fight and reject for the sake of its harmonious development: the slide into secularization, with the phenomena of individualization and mass production; the tendency to consider religion as a hindrance; and the rise of fundamentalism and terrorism.”

One particularly insightful paragraph shows how the role of religion in Europe will soon emerge powerfully to dominate the lives of its citizens: “Three practical engagements were formulated: to strengthen the dialogue with contemporary culture; to look for a closer dialogue with the Islamic communities in Europe, especially in universities; and TO CAMPAIGN FOR THE DEFENSE OF SUNDAY AS A DAY DEDICATED TO GOD” (emphasis added).

As Europe grows more unified, indeed, the Catholic Church will play an ever increasing role. That influence will ultimately spill over the boundaries of Europe itself to capture the attention of the whole world. These events are leading to the fulfillment of Biblical prophecies, and they are setting the stage for shocking changes in the world as we now know it!

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