Noah and the Flood

What happened after Cain murdered his brother Abel and people multiplied on Earth? Did they serve God and keep His Commandments? Everything turned out differently, and God decided to destroy the Earth and all life. Only one man found favor with God. In this story, we show how some people and animals were saved from the great flood.

* Video produced by Evelyn Gerz and Andreas Rätz for the Church of the Eternal God 

Cain and Abel – The First Murder

In this part of the story, we will show you how sin continued to spread, culminating in the first murder in human history.

Please note that the Bible does not say what the mark on Cain might have looked like.

* Video produced by Evelyn Gerz and Andreas Rätz for the Church of the Eternal God 

Middle Eastern and African Nations in Bible Prophecy

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Do you know the biblical identity of today’s nations and countries in Africa and the Middle East?

Many of those nations will be the focus of end-time events. Bible prophecies clearly name seven influential Middle Eastern and African nations that will play a crucial role in the not-too-distant future.  

Nations such as Egypt, Syria, Libya, Iran, Turkey, Ethiopia, and Saudi Arabia.

According to biblical prophecies, what significance do these nations have in the near future that will affect the whole world?

The Sin of Adam and Eve

What were the first people called and how were they created? In this video, we give you answers and explain how sin came into the world.

Attention: Please note that Adam and Eve were naked when they were created, which we have refrained from depicting in these videos.

* Video produced by Evelyn Gerz and Andreas Rätz for the Church of the Eternal God 

The Creation

In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. These words begin our video series through the Bible. In this video, we show you how the renewal of the earth is described in the first chapter of the Bible and how God made the earth, which had been destroyed by Satan, glorious and beautiful again in six days.

Attention: Please note that man was naked in the beginning. However, we have refrained from depicting this in these videos.

*Video produced by Evelyn Gerz and Andreas Rätz for the Church of the Eternal God/Kirche des Ewigen Gottes

God Is Our Destiny!

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All that exists has been created by God, including us.

Who and what IS God the Father?

Who and what was and is Jesus Christ?

Why are we here and what happens to us when we die? 

What does God have to do with our destiny?

In what way IS GOD our destiny? 

To see the proof of what God has promised for mankind, please ask for a free copy of this booklet!

The Rise and Fall of Germany and Europe

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The Bible has much to say about the future of Germany and Europe, and what this means for the rest of the world. Germany will rise again to become the leading nation of a conquering military power bloc. It will even attack and destroy the USA and the UK.  But ultimately, Europe, under Germany, will fall again and be defeated and destroyed by an alliance of Far Eastern nations.

What is the significance of Europe’s future and Germany’s role in biblical prophecy?

Biblical Prophecy Is Being Fulfilled Before Our Eyes!

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The following clips contain remarkable statements by Evangelist Norbert Link throughout the years in the light of Biblical prophecy. 

What can we do now to prepare ourselves for the times ahead?

These booklets will give us the answer!

Biblical Prophecy — From Now Until Forever

To Request a FREE hard copy of this booklet, please write to:

What does the Bible tell us about our future?

What will happen from now until the time of Christ’s Return?

What prophetic events does the Bible reveal that will occur very soon?

And what events will happen in the very distant future?

How can we prepare ourselves NOW so we can understand what the impending future holds?

Are Jews and Christians at Odds with Jesus Christ?

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Why were the various religious groups, who were all part of the Jewish establishment, at odds with Jesus when He was on this earth?

What is the modern Jewish perspective as it relates to Jesus and the biblical teaching about the coming of the Messiah?

Does traditional Christianity believe and accept the True Jesus today or do they believe in a counterfeit, thereby rejecting the Jesus Christ of the Bible?

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