Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

“Abgoetterei im Buch der Richter” is the title of this week’s German sermon. Its English title would be: “Idolatry in the Book of Judges.” It also covers Christmas, Christmas trees, worship of the Queen of Heaven, speaks of Samson, Gideon, his ephod, and Jephthah, and discusses covetousness.

“Growing Antisemitism in Germany” is the title of our newest StandingWatch program and it is presented by Evangelist Norbert Link. This sobering video relates some of the ominous events in Europe that are developing and which will soon culminate in outright violence! Here is a summary: While German Chancellor Angela Merkel backs Israel and the Jewish people, many Germans are becoming more critical. The strong public support of a court decision banning circumcision in Germany is just one example. Antisemitism has had a long history, even though Jesus Christ, the early apostles and the early New Testament Church were Jewish. Sadly, recent Jewish reactions to imagined injuries have added to antagonistic German feelings. The good news is that once the Jewish people accept Jesus Christ as their God and King in the Millennium, anti-Semitism will become a thing of the past.
For those interested in even more details about Europe’s emerging role as a world power, please read our booklet, “Europe in Prophecy“–here is the Introduction:

“The Bible tells us to watch and be ready for the return of  Christ. But watch what? With so much going on in the world, how can we distinguish between important and unimportant news? Just where do we focus our attention?
“We see a European power bloc developing. We hear of right-wing activities in Germany and Austria. We listen to the Catholic Church proclaim that it is the only true Church of Christ. Some speculate that these developments could lead to a European economic superstate with one single currency, one political and military system, and even one religion. But would this be a good thing? Would such a Europe be on good terms with the United States of America? Just what does it all mean?
“As surprising as it may seem, what is developing in Europe has been foretold, and is happening exactly as prophesied in the pages of a very ancient book—­­the Holy Bible. God inspired the writings in His Book, and His prophecies are real. No man could have foreknown these things, nor could any man have had the power to direct such events to happen exactly as told. But Almighty God has done just that. And He has made it possible for us to know what He is doing in world affairs—past, present and future (Amos 3:7). Without viewing history through the pages of the Bible, we cannot correctly interpret current events. So let us see where God says these events are leading.”

Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

We are pleased to announce the launching of our newly refreshed AufPostenStehen site: This is the culmination of work by our technology team, and it will greatly facilitate our web presentations in Europe and specifically among the German speaking audience.

“The Christmas Tree’s Origin” is the title of our newest StandingWatch program. In this presentation, Evangelist Norbert Link challenges our acceptance of practices that actually are rooted in blatant paganism–here is a summary: Perhaps the most cherished Christmas custom of all is the Christmas tree. But did you know that the Christmas tree was a pagan object of worship long before the birth of Christ? Pagans believed that their gods were living in and actually changed into pinetrees. Does the Bible speak about Christmas trees? And if so, does it approve or condemn the custom of decorating pine trees at Christmas time?

“Der Ursprung des Weihnachtsbaumes” is the German language version of this program and it is posted at

“Don’t Keep Christmas” is a booklet we have produced which goes into even more detail on the topic of Christmas observance. Following are quotes from the Introduction:

“Were you shocked when you read the title of this booklet? Was your first thought that the publishers of this booklet either embrace a non-Christian faith, or that they are atheists? Surely, a person calling himself Christian would not possibly suggest to NOT OBSERVE such an important Christian holiday, you might say.  After all, it celebrates the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ!  Or, does it?  Have you ever questioned the validity of Christmas?

“Is Christmas a biblically commanded festival? Does the Bible even mention Christmas? Where did Christmas and its customs originate? How did Christmas become a Christian festival? What do Christmas customs have to do with the birth of Jesus Christ? And finally, what does God have to say about the celebration of Christmas? Does it matter to Him whether we keep Christmas? Does He approve of it? Or does He condemn it?  The answers may astound you!”

A new German sermon was recorded this week. The German title, “Gott Wird Herrschen” would say in English: “God Will Rule.” This sermon covers the concept as to how the Gentile nations will look for and seek Christ in the Millennium.

Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

The draft for our newest booklet, covering the timeline of prophecy and titled, “Biblical Prophecy From Now Until Forever,” has entered the first review cycle. Look for the publishing of this astonishing and biblically comprehensive booklet in the weeks ahead. If you would like to have a hard copy mailed to you, please contact us with your request.

Following up on his live sermon given last Sabbath (“The Trap of Idolatry”), Norbert Link has recorded a German sermon (“NEU! Goetzendienst im Christentum?“) covering the same topic. This will be played by the brethren in Germany this coming Sabbath.

“The Petraeus Scandal and the Fiscal Cliff” is the new StandingWatch program recorded by Evangelist Norbert Link–here is a summary: What is the real scandal behind David Petraeus’ marital infidelity and resignation? And why should you be concerned about the fiscal cliff and the entitlement cliff? Why do all these and other developments show that the signs of the downfall of the USA are obvious? Why the desire of the world to see America on its knees?

Other recent StandingWatch progams include: “Why I Don’t Vote!” and “Americans Voted for Nothing!”

StandingWatch Radio ( also airs the audio portion of each video presentation. If you are in an area receiving these broadcasts, please tune in and give us your input–as we work to bring biblical truth to a world so desperately in need of the good news of the coming Kingdom of God!

Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

“How the Nations Will Learn!,” is now posted. In this sermon, given on the Sabbath of November 3, 2012, Evangelist Norbert Link examines eye-opening, prophetic statements from the Bible–here is the summary: When Christ rules on earth during the Millennium, how will the non-Israelite nations come to the point of repentance and acceptance of God’s Way of Life? Is it going to happen “overnight,” or will it require some time? How is God going to reveal Himself to them? Why and how will they seek God and learn the truth? Why are the events, which are depicted in Ezekiel 38 and 39, significant in this regard?

A new StandingWatch program, titled, “Why I Don’t Vote!,” has been recorded and is now posted; here is the summary: Should Christians vote in governmental elections? Some feel that they should not do so. However, many will try to argue that one must vote, even it is for the lesser of two evils. But what does the Bible say? In this program, God’s position on this important matter will be explained.

In this week’s German sermon, Norbert Link continues with the second part of the series on Ezekiel 38 and 39; this time, it covers Ezekiel 39–the title in English is “War During Christ’s Rule?, Part 2.”

Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

“Gottes Heiliger Sabbat”–is the title of our newest German booklet, and the text has been forwarded for finalization and posting on our website. This is a translation of the first part of our English booklet, “God’s Commanded Holy Days,” and it presents specific information on God’s commanded Sabbath observance.

“NEU! Krieg Waehrend Christi Herrschaft? (“War During Christ’s Rule?”),” is the title of this week’s German sermon, which is the first part of the attack by Gog and Magog, as described in Ezekiel 38 and 39. This part covers Ezekiel 38.

“Should Christians Observe Halloween?,” has been posted on our website and YouTube. In this StandingWatch program, Evangelist Norbert Link challenges viewers regarding why Christians would be observing this pagan practice–here is a summary: Halloween is dedicated to Satan the devil. Satanists celebrate it as one of Satan’s holidays. It is associated with the occult, with witches and paganism, and it is known as the festival of the dead. Trick-or-treat, masks and jack-o’-lantern are all ancient practices or symbols in connection with feared encounters with spirits of the dead, demons and damned souls. But some professing Christians argue that it is not wrong for them and their children to observe Halloween and participate in at least some of its practices. Does God agree?

Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

A new member letter has been written by the church ministry with reports from our two Feast sites–Pismo Beach, California, and Deganwy in North Wales. In this letter–along with reports for future plans regarding new Feast locations and next year’s Church Conference–we reflect on the terrible conditions this world faces as the time of great tribulation grows ever closer. This letter is available to read/download at our website.

Norbert Link recorded a German sermon, titled, “The end of Captivity,” addressing the end of the slavery for Israel and Judah, after Christ’s Return.

“USA—Global Power in Decline,” is the latest StandingWatch program–here is the summary: The October 22, 2012 presidential debate on foreign policy—which happened 50 years after John F. Kennedy’s Address to the Nation on the Cuba Missile Crisis—did not bring anything substantially new, except this: The two candidates revealed a global power on the decline and a crisis for a great nation, with foreign policy having to take a back seat for the USA in the future. In light of the highly praised but totally misunderstood developments of the Arab Spring, this vacuum will be filled. And it is Germany as the leader of the EU, which will fill it. But that is not good news.

Also, the recent sermon, “Satan Is Alive,” given by Norbert Link, has now been posted on YouTube.

Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

A new StandingWatch program titled, “Nobel Peace Prize for the EU?,” is now posted. Along with being available on our website and YouTube, this program will also be broadcast on radio, beginning Sunday, October 28.

Here is a summary of the program: “The decision to award the Nobel Peace Prize to the European Union has divided the continent” (compare Der Spiegel Online, October 13). While some claim that the award is well deserved, as the EU is allegedly “the most successful peace project in history,” others feel that the award is premature at best, as “we have no idea how the experiment to create an anti-democratic federation will end.” However, we can have an idea, as the Bible tells us how it will end.

Norbert Link recorded a new German sermon dealing with Satan’s rule on earth and our spiritual fight with him. The title is: “Satan lebt”, which can be translated as, “Satan Is Alive.”

Plans have been initiated to conduct our 2013 Ministerial Conference in Colorado after the Passover (evening of March 24) and the Seven Days of Unleavened Bread (March 26-April 1). The conference is scheduled to begin on Friday, April 12, through Tuesday, April 16. Norbert and Johanna Link intend to fly to Germany before the Passover, to conduct further meetings and campaigns, and to observe the Passover and Days of Unleavened Bread with the German brethren, while Brian and Jill Gale will travel to San Diego for the Passover and Days of Unleavened Bread.

Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

Reporting from Germany, Evangelist Norbert Link related that three people were baptized and others have expressed interest and are counseling for baptism. Mr. and Mrs. Link will soon depart for Deganwy, North Wales, to observe the Feast of Tabernacles and Last Great Day.

September 26 (Wednesday) is the Day of Atonement; October 1-7 (Monday through Sunday, with observance beginning the evening of Sunday, September 30) is the Feast of Tabernacles; and, October 8 (Monday) is the Last Great Day. Due to our observance of these Fall Holy Days, the weekly Update will not be published until our return.

A reminder for those wishing to attend the Feast of Tabernacles with us for 2012–please review details posted on our website under the “FEASTS” heading. Our locations for this year are Pismo Beach, California, and Deganwy, North Wales.

Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

Norbert and Johanna Link left on Wednesday, September 12th, for Germany. We have had several requests for visits and baptisms from our German audience–those watching our AufPostenStehen videos along with posted sermons and booklets from our German website, Mr. Link will also conduct services while in Germany and then travel to Deganwy, North Wales, for the Feast of Tabernacles observance.

The latest member letter, written by Brian Gale, can now be found at:

We are quickly approaching the fall Holy Day season for 2012: September 17 (Monday) is the Feast of Trumpets; September 26 (Wednesday) is the Day of Atonement; October 1-7 (Monday through Sunday, with observance beginning the evening of Sunday, September 30) is the Feast of Tabernacles; and, October 8 (Monday) is the Last Great Day.
Talent Show and Dinner Dance:
For those attending the Feast of Tabernacles with us at our Pismo Beach, California, location, several activities have been planned. One will offer an opportunity to participate in our Talent Show. If you can sing, play an instrument or otherwise contribute to this event, please contact Kalon Mitchell right away. He can be reached at
The theme for the Dinner Dance will be “Animation.” Dress up as any cartoon or Disney character, or anything that has that animated look to it, full costumes, masks, whatever you desire. When it comes to decorations, we’re leaning more towards that Disney look/feel, like centerpieces for the tables, posters, balloons, props, cardboard cutouts, etc… If anyone has ideas, questions, any way to contribute, please share with Michael Link at Children of ALL ages welcome, and since we’re all children, we’re all going to have a blast… so get ready.
If you have not yet sent your response regarding the Dinner Dance buffet, please do so at your earliest convenience, by emailing it to
A reminder for those wishing to attend the Feast of Tabernacles with us for 2012–please review details posted on our website under the “FEASTS” heading. Our locations for this year are Pismo Beach, California, and Deganwy, North Wales.

Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

Our newest booklet, written by Norbert Link, titled “Middle Eastern And African Nations In Bible Prophecy,” has been printed and is now posted on our website for viewing and downloading. In addition, these booklets will be distributed at the Feast sites this fall, together with our special Feast magazine and the Feast brochure. The booklets will be sent to our general readership after the Feast.

Our member letter for September, written by Brian Gale, will be sent via email this coming week (and posted on our website). In this, Mr. Gale reminds us of the warnings of Jesus Christ to not let our love grow cold–to stay faithful in our calling–and to carefully consider the terrible world conditions we now face.

“The World Against Israel” is the title of the new StandingWatch program. The summary for this program is: The media reported that Israel and the USA don’t trust each other anymore, and that America is pushing Israel into a dangerous corner. Anti-Semitism is rampant in Europe, and a shocking report will open your eyes as to what is going on. The dangers must not be underestimated. (The video can be seen on YouTube and at:  Also, this program will be aired on radio, beginning Sunday, September 16).

Norbert Link recorded a new German sermon, titled, “Search For A Sign?” In it, Mr. Link discusses “dreams” and “signs” and human misinterpretations and wrong conclusions, when viewing individual circumstances.

We are quickly approaching the fall Holy Day season for 2012: September 17 (Monday) is the Feast of Trumpets; September 26 (Wednesday) is the Day of Atonement; October 1-7 (Monday through Sunday, with observance beginning the evening of Sunday, September 30) is the Feast of Tabernacles; and, October 8 (Monday) is the Last Great Day.
Talent Show and Dinner Dance
For those attending the Feast of Tabernacles with us at our Pismo Beach, California, location, several activities have been planned. One will offer an opportunity to participate in our Talent Show. If you can sing, play an instrument or otherwise contribute to this event, please contact Kalon Mitchell right away. He can be reached at
The theme for the Dinner Dance will be “Animation.” Dress up as any cartoon or Disney character, or anything that has that animated look to it, full costumes, masks, whatever you desire. When it comes to decorations, we’re leaning more towards that Disney look/feel, like centerpieces for the tables, posters, balloons, props, cardboard cutouts, etc… If anyone has ideas, questions, any way to contribute, please share with Michael Link at Children of ALL ages welcome, and since we’re all children, we’re all going to have a blast… so get ready.
If you have not yet sent your response regarding the Dinner Dance buffet, please do so at your earliest convenience, by emailing it to
A reminder for those wishing to attend the Feast of Tabernacles with us for 2012–please review details posted on our website under the “FEASTS” heading. Our locations for this year are Pismo Beach, California, and Deganwy, North Wales.

©2024 Church of the Eternal God