Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

Norbert Link’s Feast message was video-recorded this week. It will be played in the USA during the Feast of Tabernacles.

A new StandingWatch program was posted on the Web, titled,  “US Leadership–Out of Touch With Reality”: The Financial Times wrote on July 28 that “the public image of the president” is one “who is out of touch with the grim reality on the ground.” Other reports agree, focusing on issues such as “Obamacare”; the Gulf of Mexico oil spill; the Afghan war; and Michelle Obama’s costly “vacationing” in Spain. But are our political leaders the only ones who are out of touch with reality?

Norbert Link’s video-taped sermon, “To the Ephesians, Part 7,” was posted on the Web.

A new German sermon was posted on the Web, titled, “Sex in der Bibel, Teil 5” [“Sex in the Bible, Part 5”].

Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

A new StandingWatch program was posted on the Web, titled, Why America’s Loss of Worldwide Influence?:  Wars and rumors of wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, Iran, Israel, Lebanon… Arab nations don’t care whether America approves of their conduct… Does the Bible tell us why other nations disregard America’s lead, and why the American and British Empires are in decline? Who ARE the American and British peoples in biblical prophecy? And what IS prophesied for their immediate future?

A new German AufPostenStehen program was posted on the Web, titled, “Sodom’s Loveparade” [“Sodom’s Love Parade”].

A new German sermon was posted on the Web, titled, “Sex in der Bibel, Teil 4” [“Sex in the Bible, Part 4”].

We received the following note from the Philippines: “Today, Wednesday, exactly at 12 noon, we received the booklets [“The Authority of the Bible”]. We are going to distribute them this coming Sabbath, and will produce some for scattered believers.”

Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

Our new booklet, “The Authority of the Bible,” was posted on the Web. Hard copies were sent out this week.

A new StandingWatch program was posted on the Web, titled, Watch Europe!” Germany is once again Europe’s “economic motor”–the “number one.” Why? German business confidence reached its highest monthly gain since German reunification 20 years ago. Why? The confidence in the euro has been restored. Why? Most German economic giants flee Wall Street. Why? Could it be that a little-known prophecy in the book of Habakkuk holds a key as to “why”?

A new German sermon was posted on the Web, titled, “Sex in der Bibel, Teil 3” [“Sex in the Bible, Part 3”].

Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

A new StandingWatch program was posted on the Web, titled,  Our Economic Demise–Why?:  The economic downfall of Great Britain and the USA is inevitable, and the Bible has long ago prophesied that it would occur. Why is this going to happen, and what are the spiritual reasons for it?

A new German sermon was posted on the Web, titled, “Sex in der Bibel, Teil 2” (“Sex in the Bible, Part 2”).

Our booklet, “Europe in Prophecy,” has been translated into German. It will soon be finalized and posted on the German Web ( Translation work into German is also being conducted for our booklets, “Are You Predestined to Be Saved?” “Baptism–a Requirement for Salvation” and “Jesus Christ–A Great Mystery.”

Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

A new StandingWatch program was posted on the Web, titled, Our Great Depression and Healthcare Debacle:  Alarmed financial experts are telling us that we are entering another Great Depression–or that we are already in it — while outrageous and costly provisions within the new healthcare law come to light. Why are we experiencing such an unparalleled economic disaster?

A new German AufPostenStehen was posted on the Web, titled, “Obamas Misserfolge” [“Obama’s Failures”].

A new German sermon was posted on the Web, titled “Sex in der Bibel, Teil 1” [“Sex in the Bible, Part 1”].

Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

A new member letter was sent out this week and posted on the Web. In the letter, Brian Gale describes the horrible situation in Great Britain and elsewhere and reminds us of the conditions in the world to come.

A new StandingWatch program was posted on the Web, titled, Babylon and the Mark of the Beast: What is Mystery, Babylon the Great–the fallen woman riding a scarlet-colored beast with seven heads and ten horns? Is it America or Islam?  What is the mark of the beast which one must have to be able to buy or sell? Is it an electronic chip? Most people are totally confused when it comes to the biblical meaning of these concepts.

Norbert Link’s video-recorded sermon, “To the Ephesians, Part 5,” has been posted on the Web. 

Norbert Link’s video-recorded German sermon, “Der Tag des Herrn” [“The Day of the Lord”] has been posted on the Web.

Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

A new StandingWatch program was posted on the Web, titled, “America–Wake Up or Perish!” Problems without solutions… war in Afghanistan; leaking oil in the Gulf of about 2.5 million gallons a day; almost 10 percent unemployment nationwide; sales of new homes drop to lowest level in four decades; rising government indebtedness; and dismantling of America’s family values and democratic system… the list is endless. WHY? Why is it that virtually no politician, no newscaster and no religious commentator is pointing at the only solution for our nation?

Norbert Link’s video-recorded sermon, “To the Ephesians, Part 4,” was posted on the Web.

In response to our ongoing Internet advertising campaign, we have sent out in the USA about 100 copies of our free booklet, “Do We Have an Immortal Soul?”

A new German sermon was posted on the Web, titled, “Die Oelbergprophezeiung” [“The Olivet Prophecy.”]

Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

Norbert Link’s video-recorded sermon, “To the Ephesians, Part 3,” was posted on the Web.

A new StandingWatch program was posted on the Web, titled, “Current Catastrophes and Bible Prophecy.” Are we close to Christ’s Second Coming? The Examiner, in reporting about the Gulf Oil Spill, wrote: “… we have never experienced anything like this before.” The Associated Press said: “In Revelations, it says the water will turn to blood. That’s what it looks like out here [in Florida]…” Nasa warns of a Space Storm in 2013, saying it could cause twenty times more economic damage than Hurricane Katrina. And the Independent says that the next asteroid slamming into Earth could end it all, stating that “it could happen any time.” HOW NEAR IS CHRIST’S RETURN?

The text of our new booklet, “The Authority of the Bible,” was sent for finalization to our graphic designer, Shelly Bruno.

Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

Special Music for the Feast
Anyone who is interested in participating in special music for the Feast may contact Phyllis Bourque at, who will again be coordinating this program. Choir music will be sent out to all who request it. The Feast is fast approaching, and now is a good time to be practicing, whether for choir or for individual performance.

A new StandingWatch program was posted on the Web, titled, “Israel’s Worldwide Isolation.” Israel’s deadly attack on a flotilla heading towards Gaza was met with universal condemnation. Especially Turkey has been playing a dubious role in this affair. What can we expect to happen soon?

A new German AufPostenStehen program was posted on the Web, titled, “Das liebe Geld der Kirchen” (“The Dear Money of the Churches”). The program discusses the new German austerity measures in light of the unique (and untouched) situation that the German government is paying huge amounts of money to Protestant and Catholic priests and clerics–and that in addition to the church tax (about 9% of salary) of church members, which the German government collects for and then transfers to the churches.

A new member letter was posted on the Web and sent out this week. In the letter, Norbert Link reminds all of us why God has created man and why He revealed His truth to His disciples in this day and age.

A new German sermon was posted on the Web, titled, “Das Evangelium und Sie, Teil 4” [“The Gospel and You, Part 4.”] It is discussing the gospel of the Kingdom of God, according to Matthew, and issues like “kingdom of heaven,” “keys of kingdom of heaven” and “binding and loosing.”

©2024 Church of the Eternal God