Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

A new StandingWatch program, titled, “Safe Air Traffic?”, was placed on the Web.

Our new booklet, titled, “The Fall and Rise of Britain and America,” was sent to the printer in England. It was also posted on the Web.

A new booklet is being written, discussing concepts such as predestination, prophecy, God’s heavenly books, the unpardonable sin, and related topics.

We are pleased to announce that Betty Bourland was baptized on Saturday, August 20, 2005. Edwin Pope officiated over the baptism ceremony, which was conducted in Ramona in the presence of several Church members.

In a technical update for the months of January until July, 2005, it was pointed out that the unique visitors (each individual person or group of persons is an “individual visitor,” regardless of how many times the Website is visited) for the US Websites (COG NetServices; Church of Eternal God; and StandingWatch) have either been consistent (with the highest number of 236 in June for COG, and of 2040 in May for CEG), or they have shown a steady growth for StandingWatch (with the highest number of 203 in July).

We have recently begun to video-record sermons given in San Diego. Paul Voss, a long-time deacon in the San Diego congregation, has recorded 20 video sermons thus far. Ten sermons have been mailed to England, four with four DVDs each, and six with two DVDs each. DVDs were also sent to congregations in the US.

Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

A new StandingWatch program will be recorded on Friday.

The Global Church of God in England celebrates their 10th anniversary on 20th August 2005. They had their inaugural service on the 19th August 1995 with 11 in attendance. This was held in the home of Brian and Jill Gale and continued for 3 months until a suitable hall was found. On 11th November 1995, services were transferred to the Friends Meeting House (Quakers) in Derby where they have been held, with very few exceptions, ever since.

Bob Devine, the Pastor at Derby since the inception of the Church, died prematurely in early 2002 and has been sadly missed. There have been many visitors in the last 10 years, and 212 different people have attended–some of whom also attended the Feast of Tabernacles in England. Brian Gale was ordained a deacon at Pentecost in 1996 by Evangelist Colin Adair and Elder Bob Devine. He was later ordained an Elder at the Feast of Tabernacles 2002 by Evangelist Norbert Link. The current deacon is Michael Downs who was ordained on January 31st 2004 by Norbert Link, who was the guest speaker at Derby on that Sabbath, and Brian Gale. Whilst the current congregation is small, they are holding fast diligently to the truth.


A new member letter has been written and will be sent out early next week. In his letter, Edwin Pope discusses our attitude of generosity and our preparation for the Fall Festival Season.

Our new booklet, titled, “The Fall and Rise of Britain and America,” has been finalized and will be sent shortly to the printer in England.

Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

A new StandingWatch program, titled, “Right or Wrong?”, was placed on the Web.

The text for our new booklet on the Ezekiel warning, titled, “The Fall and Rise of Britain and America,” has been sent to our Graphic Designer, Mrs. Shelly Bruno, for finalization of the booklet.

Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

A new member letter has been written by Dave Harris. It was sent out on Wednesday. The letter discusses the incredible purpose of our calling.

A new StandingWatch program was recorded and placed on the Web. Its title is: Noisy Neighbors.

An article was submitted to the Journal, as follows:

The Church of the Eternal God (CEG) recently concluded its first Public Bible Lecture in Arcadia, California. Mr. Norbert Link spoke to 32 people on the subject, “Europe is Uniting — What Does This Mean To You?”

It was very exciting to be dealing with people directly after having put most of CEG’s efforts into other mediums, noted one attendee.

More lectures are being planned around the U.S. as finances permit. Until then, CEG is making CDs available of the initial address. Also made available on a CD are current StandingWatch programs, addressing diverse topics, such as, life after death, the resurrection, peacemaking, attitude, hope, Christ’s return, the Church, and accountability. In addition, CEG’s new booklet, “Should You Fight in War?” is ready for distribution. As usual, all of these are free for the asking. Simply send an email to, or write to:

Church of the Eternal God
PO Box 270519
San Diego, CA 92198

Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

We have entered the final review cycle for our new booklet on the Ezekiel warning message.

A new StandingWatch program has been recorded on Thursday and will be posted on the Web soon. It’s title is: “Why the Terror in London?”

The German translation of our booklet, “The Keys To Happy Marriages and Families,” has been finalized and can be found on the Web.

Norbert and Johanna Link, as well as Norbert’s mother and Michael, are planning to be in Colorado for the Sabbath of July 16. Mr. Link is scheduled to give the sermon that day. If anyone would like to attend services in Colorado and needs further information as to the time and place, please contact us.

Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

The Global Church of God in the UK sent out a letter in May and June to the entire mailing list of over 2,400, with an offer to receive booklets, to be put on the list to automatically receive all new booklets, to receive the Statement of Beliefs, audio sermon tapes, member and co-worker letters and the weekly Update. The mailing produced an additional 103 people, not church members, being added to the circulation list to receive one booklet, or a combination of new booklets, tapes, letters and updates. Dozens of Statement of Beliefs were sent out together with hundreds of booklets. Responses are still being received.

Below are some of the comments received following this mailing.

“Very many thanks for the informative and very interesting booklets which you are kind enough to let me have and which I am happy to show to acquaintances and friends.”

“Thank you for your letter and offers of God’s truth. I would like some of your booklets (seven are listed) and sorry to ask for so many plus tapes and Statement of Beliefs. Do you charge for the tapes? I yearn for the Word of God. You are right–the world is on a self-destruct way of life and yes, we do need Jesus Christ to set up His Kingdom of God on earth. Man seems to be getting more and more selfish and not keeping God’s Commandments. Thanking you again.”

“May I convey my thanks for your booklets that you sent upon my request. I am horrified to find that I (as well as many others) have been led astray in many respects and aspects from the true path/way that God has set out for us: paganistic practices allowed in certain areas concerned with Christian values and so on. Also the keeping of God’s Holy Sabbaths and weekly Sabbaths on and at the correct times. There is far more that struck me as I continued my studies of your booklets. In some instances, I found that my ultimate conclusion about God always having been, and is and shall be forever, was in one of your booklets in black and white. This gladdened me very much.”

“Please find enclosed a contribution. Many thanks for your superb booklets.”

“Thank you for your letter. Please note that I do not believe on the Trinity and I have no church as most churches regard this as a heresy. So if you are different, I’d love to hear from you.”

“I received your books, ‘Europe in Prophecy’ and ‘America and Britain in Prophecy’ and found both very interesting and thought provoking. With the recent election of the new Pope (a German religious leader) it got me thinking again about the prophecies, so I joined your mailing list on the internet. I would like to ask that if you have any other free books or any other future publications please could you send them to me.”

“Thank you very much for your letter and tape (sermon). They were very welcome. As an ex-member of Worldwide, and now struggling alone, I am happy to receive all the materials I can get. Once again thank you and God bless you all and the work.”

“I have read many of your booklets in the past and think they are excellent and they have been very helpful indeed in helping to understand the meaning of Scripture.”

“I recently received a few of your books and found them very interesting. I was amazed to realize that most of the Christian churches don’t take the Bible literally. I am a member of (Church mentioned) and now rethinking their teachings on the Holy Ghost as the third member of the Godhead and their holy days. I would love to read the rest of the books I never ordered. Please send me the booklets listed on the opposite page. Thank you.”

Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

A new StandingWatch program was posted on the Web, titled, ‘What’s Going On in Europe?”

We are pleased to make available to you, upon request, a free CD, containing the audio recording of the recent public bible lecture about the developments in Europe. If you would like to receive a copy, please send your request via email to, or via letter to Church of the Eternal God, P.O. Box 270519, San Diego, CA 92198.

©2024 Church of the Eternal God