Connecting the Dots

On the flight to the USA in early April this year for the church’s annual conference and to keep the Passover and the Days of Unleavened Bread with the brethren in San Diego, two items in the Independent newspaper that I was reading grabbed my attention.   The headline was “Response to Kezia Dugdale’s news shows we’ve come a long way”.   Let me quote excerpts from the article:

“It is 31 years since a young politician told a rally: ‘My name is Chris Smith.   I’m the Labour MP for Islington South and Finsbury, and I’m gay.’   With those words – which received a five minute standing ovation – the future Culture Secretary became the first British MP to come out of the closet.”

It says something about the state of the nation where perversion is so applauded.

Continuing with the article: “The latest is the Scottish Labour leader, Kezia Dugdale, who disclosed over the weekend that she was in a relationship with a woman.   ‘I don’t talk about it much because I don’t feel I need to,’ she said.   She joined Ruth Davidson, the leader of the Scottish Conservatives, David Coburn, leader of Ukip Scotland, and Patrick Harvie, leader of the Scottish Greens, in coming out as LGBT (Lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender).   Scotland is now thought to be the only country where the majority of its mainstream party leaders are not heterosexual.   South of the border, 35 Labour, Tory and SNP MP’s have come out, giving Westminster what is believed to be the highest proportions in any national parliament.”

Over a couple of pages in this same newspaper was the headline “Most Scots are now atheists as churchgoing hits 15 year low.   The latest Scottish Social Attitudes survey found that 52% of those living in Scotland consider themselves to be atheist, compared with 40% when the survey began in 1999.”

If these two items were not bad enough, the entertainment on offer on the aircraft was appalling.  I chose one of the films to watch and in less than 3 minutes I had switched it off due to foul language.   Another film I chose without knowing what it was about had a “lesbian” theme and so that was another no-no.   In some of these films the blasphemy is simply shocking and, again, is to be avoided.

In a very short space of time I was vividly reminded of the cesspit of immorality that true Christians have to battle on a daily, minute by minute and second by second basis.   The societies we live in reflect all of this evil on a previously unimaginable basis.

In this same newspaper were many reports on the troubles that beset the world and almost everyone seems to be oblivious to what is happening.   They are simply unable to connect the dots.

We have been privileged to be called out of this quagmire of evil doing and to understand biblical principles that evade the intellect and understanding of those in political office and influential positions in this world’s society.

Cause and effect ignored.   Sowing and reaping ignored.   God’s instruction in His Word ignored.   The law of God ignored.   Ignoring instruction leads to ignorance.

We understand that “not many mighty now are called” (1 Corinthians 1:26-28; Matthew 11:25).   We understand the promise of blessing and retribution (Leviticus 26 and Deuteronomy 28) which are principles still operational today, and we know that better times are ahead.   In the meantime, we need to make our calling and election sure (2 Peter 1:10) so that we can then help those who today are blind to what is happening, and teach them the right way of living in the Kingdom of God.

©2025 Church of the Eternal God