Current Events

by Norbert Link

We begin with reporting on the terrible mass murder at a Texas church, which has been described as the “worst massacre at a place of worship in American history.”

We continue with developments in Germany and Europe and concentrate on a decision by Germany’s Supreme Court, which appears to be in violation of Germany’s Constitution guaranteeing freedom of religion, but which is, in any event, deeply disturbing and unsettling for members of God’s Church; address the ongoing difficult coalition talks in Germany; and quote interesting articles about a “revival” of the Habsburg Empire; the prospects of a two-speed Europe; and the parallels between the ancient Holy Roman Empire and the EU.

We point out Christian concerns and warnings about events in Israel, which might lead to significant prophetic developments; and Pope Francis’ warning that mankind may be committing nuclear suicide.

We continue focusing on North Korea and President Trump’s impressive speech in South Korea; and address the Middle East and developments in Saudi Arabia and Lebanon; and speak on sad political and economic developments in the USA, as well as the unsuccessful Paris Climate Accord.

We report on the potential for further turmoil in the Catholic Church; and conclude with articles about prophetic expectations of Christian Zionists regarding momentous events pertaining to the state of Israel before the end of the year; and a young Russian claiming to have lived on Mars before being reborn on Earth.

Throughout this section, we have underlined pertinent statements in the quoted articles, for the convenience and quick overview of the reader.

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