Current Events

by Norbert Link

We focus again on the prophesied European desire to build a real army (please view our recent StandingWatch program, “Coming—A European Empire with a Real Army; address the perceived need for Europe’s prophesied (final) “revival” in light of alleged American “threats”; and we speak on Europe’s and China’s dissatisfaction with America’s financial power and Europe’s attempts to circumvent US sanctions against Iran.

We continue with the fear of an economic collapse in the USA; Britain’s political chaos due to a controversial proposed Brexit “deal” between Britain and the EU which is expected to fail; address the uncertain future of Benjamin Netanyahu; and focus on the questionable “friendship” between Germany and Israel, which never really existed in the first place. We also talk about increasing anti-Semitism in Europe and address the debunked “Alternative Temple Theory,” falsely claiming the Second Temple was not built on the Temple Mount. This has of course great consequences for the location of the massive Third Temple which the Bible shows WILL BE BUILT prior to Christ’s Second Coming. For PROOF, please read our free booklet, The Fall and Rise of the Jewish People.

We speak on a (temporary) legal defeat for President Trump regarding immigration and the ongoing war between President Trump and the “fake” media which has been famously labeled as “the enemy of the people”; continue with Trump’s highly controversial decision pertaining to Saudi Arabia; the shocking news that half of Americans and over 70 percent of conservatives consider themselves nationalists; report on California’s new perils; and ask the question whether the horrible massacre at Jonestown, Guyana, which occurred 40 years ago, could happen again.

Throughout this section, we have underlined pertinent statements in the quoted articles, for the convenience and quick overview of the reader.

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