Current Events

by Norbert Link

As this is the last Update before Christmas Eve and Christmas Day 2018, we selected a few articles to show you the complicated American history and sometimes frightening status of today’s Christmas celebrations by Christians and non-Christians alike. It is of course our position that we must not keep Christmas if we want to follow the teachings of the Bible. Please be sure to view our new StandingWatch program, “Does God Bless Our Christmas Celebrations?”

We also address, among other things, the White House’s highly controversial announcement to withdraw all troops from Syria; Turkish President Erdogan’s hypocritical words and actions; President Trump’s defeat on the issue of the border wall and his billion dollar gift to Mexico; the attempt of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church to break away from Russia; American and German reactions (or the lack of them) to the murder of an American journalist by the Saudis; developments in Germany; Belgium and Italy; the intensifying fight for and against Brexit; and the perceived need for Europe to become an independent nuclear power bloc.

Throughout this section, we have underlined pertinent statements in the quoted articles, for the convenience and quick overview of the reader.

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