Current Events

by Norbert Link

We begin with insightful reports on the Security Conference in Munich, Germany, [please note our new StandingWatch program, titled, “Why are US-European Relationships at their Worst?”] showing an unprecedented and historical rift between Europe and the USA; speak on distressing and Satanic attempts to create a terrible European copyright law; further disconcerting developments in Austria and the Vatican; and the big surprise awaiting American tax payers who falsely thought the Trump tax cuts would help them; address the legal battle between President Trump and Democrats regarding the President’s national emergency declaration; [please note our recent StandingWatch program, titled, “Trump’s National Emergency… Will It Work?”]  the unparalleled national debt which no one cares about; and Trump’s political move to decriminalize homosexuality abroad, while lacking the same “zeal” for homosexuals inside the USA. We also address the shocking arrest of an insane US Coast Guard lieutenant.

We speak on the forming alliance between Russia and China; drone swarms and robots to be fighting in man’s wars; further news on the attempts and desires to build the prophesied Third Temple on the Temple Mount prior to Christ’s return and ongoing turmoil on the Temple Mount; and we conclude with man’s destruction of the animal world.

Throughout this section, we have underlined pertinent statements in the quoted articles, for the convenience and quick overview of the reader.

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