Current Events

In this issue, we are focusing on the desire to bring about conditions for the building of a Third Temple in Jerusalem (which the Bible indicates will occur just prior to the return of Christ); publish the strong opinion of the National President of the Zionist Organization of America regarding his take on the perceived motives of President Obama regarding radical Islam; address Dr. Ben Carson’s attempts to justify his research on aborted fetal tissue; speak about horrible practices by abortion clinics; debunk the idea that God is using Donald Trump as a trumpet; and point out Hillary Clinton’s ongoing email debacle which might even cost her the Democratic candidacy.

We report on continuing violence in Ukraine with expressed fears that Europe might be drawn into a full-blown military conflict; speak on the battle of European politicians to keep Greece in the Eurozone—against the wishes of the people—even if this means lying repeatedly to the people; report on the powerless role of the UK in Europe; and address the terribly demonic activities of the insane murderous ISIS radicals.

We point out morbid allegations of sexual child abuse within the ranks of the Jehovah’s Witnesses in Australia; report on millions of people—including many US government officials–using an online adultery website (which was hacked); address the arrival of human-like robots; and conclude with an article about the discovery of the possible home town of Mary Magdalene and the very synagogue in which Jesus would have preached.

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