Current Events

by Norbert Link

We report on the American presidential election, increasing violence in the USA related, in part, to the presidential elections; and an insightful article explaining the dilemma of people who take the concept of voting very seriously.

We speak on Europe’s move towards a powerful force; while, ironically and seemingly contradictorily, second lockdowns are announced in the UK and continental  Europe. But this only appears to be a discrepancy when we understand that the real goal and motive behind these measures—whether realized or not—is to push people into the acceptance of dictatorships, even though there is at this point growing opposition in the UK and, to some extent, in continental Europe to governmental restrictions and some medical voices are warning against the uselessness or even dangers of lockdowns.

However, if history is a guide, we know that resistance and disagreement will ultimately be silenced and crushed by autocratic governments. A stunning and must-read article by Dr. Ron Paul explains this astonishing movement towards horrible dictatorship and state surveillance and paints a frightening and almost prophetic scenario. Please view our new StandingWatch program in this regard, titled, “Consequences of Mandatory Vaccinations against Corona.” 

We also speak on censorship in the USA; a “clarification” by the Vatican on same-sex marriages and civil unions; and a growing movement for mandatory vaccinations against the coronavirus.

Throughout this section, we have underlined pertinent statements in the quoted articles, for the convenience and quick overview of the reader.

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