It’s Not Ideal

I would like to say that my life is ideal, but it’s not. Is that how you feel? Yet “hope springs eternal as we travel our way, in the hope that tomorrow is more blessed than today.” This “romantic ideal is not real, that we know, but it keeps us alive, so we can’t let it go.” Is that how you feel?

Central to the motivation of man is the belief that this physical life will get better. Emotively spoken by Martin Luther King were the words: “I have a dream.” They touched the nerve ends of those who had no dream, but needed one. It was the “promise” of something better.

Being able to visualize something that is not yet real is a unique gift. It is the first step to creating our dream. The great inventions that we rely on today were first visualised–at first they were only dreams. In other words, we are creative. Is that not ideal? We could answer yes! As far as it goes. It is certainly a God-like attribute! Yet, it has not led to the ideal life here on earth that man is looking for.

Chasing the ideal in our physical lives is nothing new, but is it attainable? Job wrote: “Yet man is born to trouble, As the sparks fly upward” (Job 5:7). Nevertheless, the quest for the ideal lives on, but it seems more elusive, as one gets older.

Down through time, the troubled spirit of man has looked to many philosophies, ideas and ideologies for guidance to find a life that is ideal. So often people look forward to retirement to be free from the burdens and cares of life. Unfortunately, during their retirement they get old, and getting old is not ideal. After getting old (and sometimes before), they die, but to be sure, death is not ideal.

So what about us? Do we believe we will find the ideal in this life? Certainly, the life of a true Christian will be more abundant, with many blessings. Jesus said it would be, and so did Solomon:  “The blessing of the LORD makes one rich, And He adds no sorrow with it” (Proverbs 10:22). At the same time, Solomon understood that there will be moments of dissatisfaction and disappointment, when we wish to embrace things which we have left behind or given up. But Solomon cautioned us: “Do not say, ‘Why were the former days better than these?’ For you do not inquire wisely concerning this” (Ecclesiastes 7:10).

What this shows us is that the ideal will not be found in this physical life. It will only be achieved when we have become perfect, but that’s not yet. This brings us to cause and effect. To create the ideal life, we will need ideal people!                                                     

The wonders of man’s creative ability have led some to believe that “we don’t need God.” Not understanding his own nature nor why his spirit is troubled, man seeks solace in physical things. In other words, “let’s seek a physical solution to a spiritual problem.” If attaining the ideal for ourselves in this life is the main focus, the real goal will become more and more elusive. It will drift further and further away. Herein lies the cause of many frustrations and disappointments.

Without realising it and unintentionally, the goal of pursuing the ideal in this physical life may become a selfish ambition. People often see this life as their only hope – their only opportunity to “get their dream.” But in order to obtain our ideal, we must be seeking for God’s Will to be done in our own personal lives, to prepare us for a better life to come.

What area of service has God given us to do? Is it “only to pray”? If so, remember that some of the greatest works of God have been achieved through prayer. We are wisely admonished: “In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He will direct your paths” (Proverbs 3:6).

We should take much comfort in the promise that God will provide all our needs. The condition is that we “seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these [physical] things shall be added to you” (Matthew 6:33). By experience we can say that God provides a great deal more than our needs!

Jesus said: “I go to prepare a place for you” (John 14:2). He is preparing for us, individually, a “place” or position of rulership. Yes – the ideal is coming! But it is coming from God, not from man and through man, and it will be GIVEN to us!

God is creating for us the IDEAL life!  A very high position, with great honors, to be born into His Family as immortal Spirit beings! We will be totally thrilled and astonished when it happens. At that time, we will have been MADE perfect! Anything less would not be ideal.

©2025 Church of the Eternal God