
I recall Mr Herbert Armstrong saying that ingratitude was one of the worst sins we could commit. It is certainly a major failing in anyone purporting to be a Christian.

This is the time of the year in the Gregorian calendar when many may be contemplating making some New Year’s resolutions. Perhaps some may think about appreciating their family, friends and standard of living more than they have in the past. However, those who have been called to God’s way of life shouldn’t need one of the world’s festivals to remind them about something that should be an ingrained Christian habit.

When we hear about and maybe receive letters from brethren in other countries who don’t enjoy all of the amenities, the standard of living, the freedom that we have and many other things that we may take for granted, does this jolt our conscience and, perhaps, only temporarily, stir us to action?

When we read about ancient Israel, we may find it difficult to understand how ungrateful they were at times, particularly after seeing many heart-stopping miracles and manifestations of God’s great power on their behalf. And yet, if we had to go days without food as happened to them on occasion, wouldn’t most of us be just as complaining?

Ingratitude must be something that we have left behind, or are strenuously working at leaving it behind. Are we grateful for our calling, first and foremost, and for the teaching we are constantly given for the way of life that sets us apart from the world? We should give God thanks for the food we have in such abundance, and the protection and help that HE gives us, but does it stop there?

This editorial is part of the weekly Update which takes many hours to compile, and quite a number of people to put together and publish. Do we take this for granted? Do we take the new booklets and the monthly letters for granted?

And do we just sit and listen to sermons and sermonettes without thanking those who give them and for their help, instruction, guidance and teaching that they have presented and who may have spent many hours of time in researching and preparing those messages? It can be easy just to sit in a congregation, listening to these messages and, after services, not even think of giving thanks to those who may have put in so much effort. An e-mail, letter or phone call thanking someone for what they have done can be so encouraging.

Let us ALL be more grateful for all the good gifts that God gives us and never take anything for granted. And when we succeed, we may then not be found guilty of the sin of ingratitude, which is so prevalent in our societies today.

©2025 Church of the Eternal God