Just Around the Corner

In the early summer of this year, the UK experienced some of the worst floods that this small island had ever seen. After a very warm start to the summer, the British did not realize what was just around the corner. Many people lost their homes, and many others had much damage to their properties.

Very recently, terrible fires have engulfed parts of the general San Diego and Malibu areas in Southern California, apparently–according to some reports–the worst on record. Once again, people were going about their daily business, not realizing what was just around the corner. Many have, again, lost their homes, and others will be living with the consequences of this disaster for a long time to come.  

In these two examples, floods and fire have been the cause with all the attendant problems that they bring in their wake. People were living normal lives in New York until 9/11 happened. Those living in that area had no idea of the coming calamity. And in many other areas of the world, serious problems have arisen that were just not foreseen, but were just around the corner, waiting to happen.

On a smaller scale, but no less importantly, are those events that happen unexpectedly in our own personal lives. One day we can be going along just fine and then, just around the corner, things can happen that turn our world upside down. How do we react? How do we cope? We have to make sure that we have a solid foundation (Matthew 7:24). We have to resolve that no matter what life has to throw at us, we will remain loyal to God and His way–being convinced that God knows what is best for us and will not allow us to be examined or tested beyond what we are able to bear (1 Corinthians 10:13).

Whatever lies ahead should not cause us to falter, because God wants us to win and make it into His Kingdom. Let us never forget what a marvelous future God has in store for those of us who come through all the tests and trials that we experience, many of which may still be just around the corner!

©2025 Church of the Eternal God