Beware of Church Magicians

I love to watch “magicians.” To be sure, I don’t like fakes or charlatans–or hypnotists or those whose performances make you wonder whether they are under some kind of spiritual influence or have “extra” help–especially if they claim that this is the case.

But I like to watch those who are really good “illusionists.” I know that there is an explanation for their tricks, but I am baffled by the way they present them–apart from the fact that I can’t really figure out how they do it.

Then, of course, there are “magicians” who put on a bad performance. Their “tricks” are easily discernable and predictable. We can quickly see through them–especially when they make mistakes, such as pulling a white rabbit out of a hat when it should have been a white dove.

However, I don’t like to watch or listen to ANY of the church “magicians” or “illusionists.” Most of their performances are poor or just plain fakes. Some claim that they may have special speculative insight information, but I wonder about the source–especially when their speculation contradicts Scripture. There are those who like to dazzle others with their “unique” understanding, proclaiming that their mere human speculation is tantamount to godly revelation. Many times, we can immediately see through their illusions and magic tricks, but at other times, they seem to be more subtle.

In my last Editorial (“The Day of Christ’s Return“), I showed that Jesus Christ, in the Holy Bible, proclaims that only the Father knows the “day” or the “hour” or the “times” or the “seasons” of Christ’s return. If we can believe it–not even Christ knows the exact year of His Second Coming. In fact, trusting in the accuracy of Christ’s very own words, His return will come as an UNEXPECTED surprise to everyone–including His disciples.

It was noted that someone responded to my editorial by writing on the Internet: “I am not claiming that I know the exact year… just that Jesus likely does… When will Jesus return? 2018 or 2019?”

Can we see through this cheap magic trick? Jesus “likely” does know? So does He, or doesn’t He? And insofar as the self-proclaimed humility of that “magician” is concerned, he does not claim that he knows–except that, with a revealing twinkle in his eye, he suggests that he does know–it’s 2018 or 2019!!!

If you are not convinced yet, why don’t you join the circus of church illusionists and toss or pick up some more coins. Because competing church magicians have postulated other years–2012 or 2014 or 2017. Some recently announced a year for Christ’s return, which by now has already passed. So, their illusions were just that–illusions!

By default, somebody will happen to be correct one of these days, as we know, from the signs of the time, that Jesus’ return IS near. But some, with great swelling words of emptiness, are even trying to become hypnotists, attempting to draw a following after themselves due to their “humbly” professed “insight” knowledge.

What many of those church magicians, illusionists, performers, hypnotists or plain fakes don’t seem to realize is that they need to focus on something altogether different–as we all must do. Rather than trying to be a self-proclaimed recipient of “hidden knowledge” as to the exact year and month and day of Christ’s return (which knowledge is restricted to the Father), they should concentrate on what it takes to be able to stand before Christ when He returns. Many, I fear, are forgetting the weightier matters of the law. To be a church magician or illusionist, merely pulling black rabbits of speculations out of a little shabby hat, won’t cut it. We must not forget that obedience and faith is much more important than “insight” knowledge. And those who believe that they can disbelieve the Father’s and Jesus’ words and still be in God’s Kingdom, may have a surprise awakening coming.

PS You might want to read my Editorial from June 5, 2009, titled, “The Last Days…”

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