They Bring Out the Good

by Manuela Mitchell

Before I had my son, I participated in events that involved dogs and their owners.  I enjoyed socializing with those that had similar interests to mine. When I had my son, I participated in classes such as breastfeeding and general baby care, and I realized that the support and friendships I received with my baby, was phenomenally different than that with dogs. 
People treated me as if my baby was the only baby in the world, and everyone wanted to help and talk to us. Brethren and people outside the church shared a common interest of lending a helping hand and voice, and it didn’t matter if they believed different things, because when it came to loving babies, everyone was the same.

This experience has made me think about how it will be in the kingdom, when everyone will be kind and helpful to every person they meet, just as they are to babies. I realized how babies can change people, and I saw how my little Sam–like other babies–make people laugh, they make people happy, they bring back sweet memories to people, they make people harmless and innocent. Yes, I began to see that babies can definitely bring out the good in people.

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