Letter to the Brethren – June 30, 2003


Dear Brethren, Co-workers and Friends,

As we come to the end of the second full year for the Church of the Eternal God, we have so many blessings for which to be thankful. It is surely amazing how rapidly time has gone by and how much has been accomplished during this short time span. God has been merciful to us as a group, and we are also very grateful for your unswerving loyal support as we continue to jointly serve our God and those of His people who have decided to look toward us for guidance.

God, of course, has given us many words of encouragement which have helped us to move forward in spite of unforeseen trials. David wrote in Psalm 34:19, “Many are the afflictions of the righteous, But the LORD delivers him out of them all.” As long as we continue in the fundamental truths God has revealed to us, and we remain loyal to God’s Way as outlined in His Word, The Holy Bible, God will continue to be with us.

We are admonished in Proverbs chapter 3 and verse 9 to “Honor the LORD with your possessions, And with the firstfruits of all your increase,” and in verses 5 and 6 to “Trust in the LORD with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths.” This must be our approach as we continue now into this new, 3rd year of opportunity to serve Him!

We are very excited as this 3rd year begins. We are enclosing our 11th booklet in the two years we have been operating. This booklet is entitled “God Is a Family.” It covers in depth this subject, revealing all the Scriptures, which teach this truth; that God is not a trinity, nor a closed circle, which is not possible to become a part of. We know that the Scriptures do not reflect such a concept, but, that this whole idea is a satanic lie which has been fostered off on the Christian religions of the world in order to cover up God’s plain truth concerning His Great Plan.

The Scriptures clearly reveal that God is a Family and that He is calling certain people during this age to understand His clear intent; His firm desire to see His Family grow; and while Christ was the First of the “Firstfruits” to be called from physical life to become a born again member of the Family of God through a resurrection, there are other “firstfruits,” who will be called during this age, who through a similar resurrection at the second coming of Christ will become born again members of the God Family.

An even greater revelation is made in the Scriptures that this opportunity will be made available to all of mankind at a later time. All of this wonderful knowledge is covered in detail in our new booklet, “God is a Family.” Your copy, of course, is included in this mailing! We hope you enjoy reading it and that it will become a part of your regular study material as you continue to prove God’s Truths as revealed to His people at this end time.

Other booklets which are available now by writing to us; Church of the Eternal God, P.O. Box 270519, San Diego, CA., 92198; are:

1. Europe in Prophecy: The Unfolding of End-Time Events

2. The Theory of Evolution – a Fairy Tale for Adults?

3. The Gospel of the Kingdom of God-2-

4. Don’t Keep Christmas

5. Is God a Trinity?

6. Do We Have an Immortal Soul?

7. The Keys to Happy Marriages and Families!

8. And Lawlessness Will Abound…

9. The Great Tribulation and the Day of the Lord

10. God’s Commanded Holy Days

We are also offering a reprint article on “Biblical Meditation.” As we noted earlier, the enclosed booklet, “God Is a Family,” is our 11th booklet. Number 12, covering the subject of “Baptism,” has been written and is currently going through the first review cycle. We plan to publish at least two, perhaps three additional booklets before the end of this calendar year, including the baptism booklet.

Of course, our weekly “Update” (#100 coming up this week), is a regular publication of the Church. It includes a weekly editorial covering a pertinent subject of interest to our readership; a Biblical Q&A; a personal section relative to our membership, close friends and associates; plus a Current Events Section which discusses things going on in the world in light of Bible prophecy.

Our weekly Church services are available on the website, and past sermons are posted to the site. We have a regular Tape Program whereby sermons are mailed to those who desire them. Those not having computers with the ability to receive the messages posted are encouraged to write in for past sermons and to be added to the mailing list for future mailings.

Also posted on our website on a continuing basis is all our literature, including articles in German. We are desirous to post articles in French and in other languages. If you are fluent in any language in addition to English and interested in serving by helping us with translations, please contact us. We are also excited as we have begun our new internet program: Standing Watch, with Pastor and commentator, Norbert Link, bringing to our listeners a brief message concerning current happenings in the world as they relate to Bible prophecy.

Therefore, you can see why we are more thrilled as each week passes and God continues to bless our efforts. This gives us all an opportunity to have a part in doing an end time work that is certainly pleasing to Him; especially at a time when so many of our called-out brothers and sisters seem to be slacking off as the time rapidly approaches.

So, let us continue to remain faithful to our calling and to pray for Christ’s soon return at which time we’ll eagerly await to hear His Words: “Well done, good and faithful servant; you were faithful over a few things, I will make you ruler over many things. Enter into the joy of your lord” (Matthew 25:21).

In Christ’s service,

J. Edwin Pope

©2025 Church of the Eternal God