Member Letters
The Church of the Eternal God publishes a monthly Member Letter.
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Letter to the Brethren – September 13, 2019
Dear Brethren and Co-Workers,
Here we are at the time of year when we make the last big push before the Fall Holy Days begin. The Feast of Trumpets is on Monday, September 30th. The Day of Atonement is on Wednesday, October 9th. The Feast of Tabernacles begins Monday, October 14th, lasting for 7 days, culminating with the Last Great Day on Monday, October 21st. All of these days begin, of course, with the previous evening, at sunset. With only a few short weeks away, now is the time when we make sure all of our arrangements are in…
Letter to the Brethren – August 5, 2019
Dear Members, Co-Workers and Friends,
In 1961, I was partaking of a track meet in Langley, British Columbia, as the second leg of a four-by-one-hundred-yard relay. The race started off well and by the time the first runner reached me, we were in second place. After the passing of the baton, I had to put all my effort into catching up to the first runner, and about halfway, I actually passed him. The pass-off to the third runner went smoothly and now being in first place, I thought we would come in first, and it looked like a sure…
Letter to the Brethren – July 10, 2019
Dear Brethren, Co-Workers and Friends,
With the plethora of man’s differing beliefs, there doesn’t seem to be an end to the growing polarization of ideologies. We see impassioned speeches, peaceful gatherings and civil unrest—all to further particular points of view. But mankind only grows further apart because the efforts to sustain beliefs are based upon false wisdom. Paul warned Timothy of such reasoning, “O Timothy! Guard what was committed to your trust, avoiding the profane and idle babblings and contradictions of what is falsely called knowledge—by professing it some have strayed concerning the faith” (1 Timothy 6:20-21).
It is easy…
Letter to the Brethren – June 18, 2019
Dear Members, Co-Workers and Friends,
Even those who are not familiar with or interested in biblical prophecy begin to realize that this world, as we know it, won’t be able to survive much longer. Scientists moved their doomsday clock to 2 minutes to midnight, with midnight designating a global catastrophe and potentially the end of mankind.
Among the many threats to human survival, nuclear war and a bioengineered pandemic are listed as leading candidates. The growing threat to wildlife and millions of species is mentioned as well. We also hear about the real possibility of huge earthquakes striking many…
Letter to the Brethren – May 28, 2019
Dear Brethren, Co-Workers and Friends,
The subject of sustainability is being used a lot when talking about saving natural resources or referring to business practices. The word “sustainability” has the following connotations: “The ability to be maintained at a certain rate or level, such as: ‘the sustainability of economic growth’”; or “the avoidance of the depletion of natural resources in order to maintain an ecological balance: ‘the pursuit of global environmental sustainability.’”
In essence, when something is sustainable, it means there is no fluctuation, but rather stability. In gardening, there is a concept such as sustainable gardening. This means, the…
Letter to the Brethren – April 30, 2019
Dear Brethren and Friends,
The past several weeks have been a very busy and productive time. The annual Church Conference (2019) was conducted during the first week of April. Norbert Link, Dave Harris, Rene Messier, Brian Gale, Michael Link, Eric Rank, Robb Harris and Kalon Mitchell were the ministers who were able to attend. Meetings were conducted in Escondido, California.
Following a review of the Minutes for the 2018 Conference, summaries for activities in the USA, Canada, the UK, continental Europe, Australia and Africa were presented.
Many details were discussed regarding the various Church websites. We especially focused on upcoming promotions…
Letter to the Brethren – March 21, 2019
Dear Members:
The time is approaching once again as we move towards an occasion and a decision that is the most important in our personal lives. Those of us who are baptized and became begotten Children of God—those of us who made at that time the lifelong commitment to be obedient to Him—will make the decision to take the Passover in a worthy manner. Yes, it is a choice, just as it was a choice we made to become baptized in the first place—just as God chose US to come out of this world, by revealing to us His…
Letter to the Brethren – February 15, 2019
Dear Brethren and Friends,
As I write this letter, the UK is consumed with Brexit, with a country, families and politicians split on where their loyalties should lie. There has been, and still is, antagonism at all levels of society where even the politicians of all parties are not united within their own group. This all follows the result of the referendum on 23rd June 2016 where the result to leave the European Union was 52% against 48% who wanted to remain.
Since that time, negotiations have been ongoing between the UK and the EU with a withdrawal scheduled to…
Letter to the Brethren – January 14, 2019
Dear Members, Co-Workers and Friends,
“Expect the unexpected” is a saying commonly used as preparation advice for unpredictable circumstances and situations. Traveling to new places or beginning a new commitment in life that disrupts our current patterns are examples of events for which we might apply such advice. By expecting the unexpected, we can theoretically prepare ourselves to adapt when we need to change direction at short notice.
However, in this age, applying the tenet of expecting the unexpected is exercised less and less. When life is going along according to normal routine without any plans for change or impending…
Letter to the Brethren – December 20, 2018
Dear Brethren and Friends,
There is a glaring difference between those who are faithful to Jesus Christ and those who merely appropriate Him. That difference is Truth! However, in this world, falsehood reigns, and it is the enemy of Truth. This has been prophesied about our time:
“Justice is turned back, And righteousness stands afar off; For truth is fallen in the street, And equity cannot enter. So truth fails, And he who departs from evil makes himself a prey…” (Isaiah 59:14-15).
Have we come to the point where Truth is so powerful in our lives that we are able to…
Letter to the Brethren – November 16, 2018
Dear Brethren and Co-Workers,
There seems to be a dramatic shift in terrible events and awful occurrences in the last few months which strongly indicate that Satan is very active and that we are closer to the return of Christ than some may perceive or suspect.
For example, a disturbed individual sent pipe bombs by mail to political figures and news outlets. We observed the largest massacre of Jews at their synagogue in U.S. history, worshipping on the Sabbath, with eleven people brutally murdered by a mentally deranged hateful individual. Then, a former veteran killed twelve people at a bar…
Letter to the Brethren – October 29, 2018
Dear Members and Co-Workers,
We have returned from another year keeping God’s commanded Feast of Tabernacles. The peace and comradeship amongst God’s people made these festivals a needed respite from the troubles that increasingly plague this godless world. We returned to see one of the most powerful hurricanes in U.S. history drive deep inland and cause massive destruction in the Florida panhandle. The ire of Satan is upon this world and increasingly directed towards God’s people as prophesied events unfold. The kind of devastation throughout those southern states is only a hint at what this unrepentant world will soon…