Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

A new member letter has been written and was sent out on Monday. Dave Harris discusses in the letter our ongoing need to watch, rather than falling asleep, and to zealously stay committed to the Work of God.

A new StandingWatch program has been recorded and will be on the Web shortly. In the program, titled, “What Is Happening in Germany?”, Norbert Link encourages the viewers to watch world events, in the light of Biblical prophecy, and explains why the current events in Germany are of deeply significant importance.

From Our Ad Campaign in England:

Our recent advertisement campaign of our booklet, “The Fall and Rise of Britain and America,” has prompted about 1,600 responses. We are quoting below some of the comments received:

“Thank you for the free booklet you sent me on ‘The Fall and Rise of Britain and America’. It was such good reading. I have passed it on to a friend. We noticed that there are more titles. Please could you send us ‘Don’t Keep Christmas’ and ‘Angels, Demons and the Spirit World’. It would be much appreciated. Thank you for your kindness. God bless you and your ministry.”

“Dear Global Church of God. Many thanks for the excellent book ‘The Fall and Rise of Britain and America’. Very interesting and informative. Can you send me a copy of ‘America and Britain in Prophecy’. I would also like information on your church. Where can I make a donation? I don’t believe in a free lunch.”

“Having already requested and received ‘The Fall and Rise of Britain and America’ I wonder if it would be possible to request, all at once, all of the titles listed at the back of that publication? I found that publication so compelling and easy to understand. I was recently given a new English version of the Bible thinking it would be easier to understand, unfortunately not. Your booklets give me a greater understanding of the impending doom of sinners worldwide. Things are indeed coming to a head and people continue to bury their heads in the sand. Having recently had my house blessed, on talking to the vicar, even he doesn’t think it is a matter of great urgency that we all repent! Just a bland acceptance of falling congregation numbers! Sad, eh? That much used cliché – ‘A Sign of the Times’. We need world peace, yesterday!!!”

“Thank you for your book ‘The Fall and Rise of Britain and America’. Reading your book I could understand the Bible better.”

©2025 Church of the Eternal God