Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

Here is a run-down on the most popular StandingWatch programs (the recent SW program on “Ukraine in Prophecy” has been viewed in excess of 9,000):

“When Will Russia Attack Israel” has by now topped 146,000; followed by “How Germans Really Feel” (45,000); “Germany Is Back–Why Now?” (37,000); “Coming–The Great Depression” (almost 36,000); “New Great Depression In 2012?” (almost 36,000); “Is The Fourth Reich Coming?” (34,000); “When Will Israel Attack Iran?” (25,000); “Food Shortage In The USA” (23,000); “666–Number Of The Beast’s Name” (20,000); “Why Atheists Are Wrong” (almost 19,000); and so on.

Additional popular programs include the one on “A Singular Nuclear Bomb Could Destroy America” (13,000); “WHY Is Christ’s Return Near?”(over 10,000) and “Germany’s Trier Much Older Than Rome?” (almost 11,000); also, the one on “The Bible and the Mahdi” (almost 8,000)–followed by programs in the 7,000 range, 6,000 range, 5,000 range, etc.

“Let’s Count Our Blessings in the USA!,” is the title of a new StandingWatch program presented by Evangelist Norbert Link. Here is a summary:

Even though we are committed to warn our nation of impending disaster, if we don’t change our ways, we need to be thankful for the freedom we still have in the USA. This program gives you some stirring eyewitness examples of attacks on individual liberties in Germany and Europe, serving as a warning that we, as a nation, do not fall into the same trap. At the same time, we are rectifying a common error about Europe’s unification, which some hold because of a misunderstanding of biblical prophecies. We are offering our free booklet, “The Ten European Revivals of the Ancient Roman Empire.”

“Wie Weise Sind Sie Wirklich?,” is the title of this week’s German sermon–title in English: “How Wise Are You Really?”

“Christ’s Parables in the Book of Luke,” presented last Sabbath by Norbert Link, is now posted. Here is a summary:

Less than two months ago, we discussed many of the parables in the Book of Matthew. In this sermon, we will address those parables in the book of Luke, which are not addressed in the book of Matthew. They include, among many others, the parable of the good Samaritan; the rich fool; the great supper; the lost son, the unjust steward; the Pharisee and the tax collector; the minas; and of course the mostly misunderstood parable of Lazarus and the rich man.

We have also posted a recent sermon by Pastor Brian Gale (United Kingdom), given during his recent visit to the U.S. The title is “No Hiding Place.” 

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