Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

The text for our new booklet on suffering was sent to our Graphics Designer, Shelly Bruno, for finalization.

A new StandingWatch program was recorded, titled, “What’s in Store for America?” Set forth below is a brief summary of the program:

Hussein was convicted and sentenced to death by an Iraqi court. While
the U.S. welcomed and supported the sentence, the Europeans were united
in their opposition to it. The Iraqi court rendered the judgment at the
eve of the U.S. Midterm Elections, but it did not help President Bush
and the Republicans. Democrats have gained a convincing majority in
both the House and the Senate. In the wake of the election, Secretary
of Defense Don Rumsfeld resigned. However, most observers feel that
this power shift and Rumsfeld’s resignation will not substantially
change American politics in Iraq. Does the Bible have anything to say
about the future of America?”

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