Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

A new Standing Watch program was recorded and placed on the Web, including on Google Video. The program is titled, “The Don Imus Circus.”

Set forth below is a brief summary of the program:

Don Imus’ inappropriate use of language, maligning young female Basketball players, prompted an ongoing and seemingly never-ending flood of responses. The resulting Imus circus has empowered opportunists and sensationalists to promote their own agendas. But has the undue attention given to the Imus’ statements done more harm than good?

Norbert Link’s video-recorded sermon “How Do You Look at Sin?” was placed on Google Video.

Our booklet, “The Gospel of the Kingdom of God” has been translated into German and has entered the review cycle.

Our new booklet on the “Meaning of God’s Fall Holy Days” will shortly be entering the second review cycle.

We have commenced an Internet ad campaign in England, promoting one booklet, and are working on similar ad campaigns for the USA and Canada.

This week, Norbert Link sent a special update on the Work to our membership via email. We would like to state portions of the same in this Update:

“We would like to share with you some exciting news. Our income has been very sound and stable, and our current balance is very encouraging. In light of this good development, for which we thank God and all of you, we were able to buy a new computer, to be used for the transmission of our live Sabbath and Holy Day services, and a new camera, to be used, together with the new computer, for the StandingWatch programs and perhaps additional programming under discussion. In addition, we purchased another computer which will enable us to continue the production of video sermons, to be placed on DVDs and on Google Video and possibly others.
“When setting up the new equipment for the new format of the StandingWatch programs [to be soon implemented], we realized the need for a small recording studio. As a consequence, we have begun the task of building such a studio, and the progress already achieved is just amazing. This studio will enable me to record programs any time I want, without having to go through the sometimes laborious task of setting up and taking down the equipment, arranging and adjusting lighting, etc.”

Also, our technical team is exploring possibilities as to how to increase the effectiveness and dynamics of the StandingWatch programs, including alteration of the “extro,” by adding text, a voice over and music. The team is also looking at trying Norbert in a few different positions with a few different backgrounds. We have a couple of good ideas that look great in the mind’s eye, but will have to see how that comes out on the big screen.  We are evaluating some software packages that will accomplish these things. After we get the lighting setup in our small studio, which is being built, we will continue exploring these and other possibilities.

©2025 Church of the Eternal God