Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

A new StandingWatch program (#154) was posted on StandingWatch, Google Video and YouTube. It is titled, “Bobby Fischer’s Life and Death.” In the program, Norbert Link explained that Chess genius Bobby Fischer died on January 17, 2008. His high IQ did not prevent him from adopting and promoting false ideas. At the same time, some reporters should be embarrassed about their ignorance, when resurrecting an inaccurate claim that Fischer was a member of a “sect” or “cult” in California, which allegedly taught wrong doctrines. What is the truth regarding Fischer’s association with that church, and what are some of the church’s teachings, which upset reporters?

Several video-recorded sermons were posted on Google Video:

The video recordings of Edwin Pope’s sermons, “As We Examine Ourselves,” (April 8, 2006) and “No Other Gods” (August 5, 2006), were posted on Google Video. Edwin Pope’s sermon, “Sin–A Powerful Enemy” (December 3, 2005), had already been posted previously on Google Video.

In addition, Norbert Link’s Feast of Tabernacles sermon for 2007 (September 28, 2007) was posted on Google Video, under the title, “The Mystery of God and Man.” Also, his sermon, “Pentecost and You” (May 27, 2007) was posted on Google Video as well.

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