Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

A new StandingWatch program (#160) has been posted on StandingWatch, Google Video and You Tube. It is titled, “Was Moses on Drugs?” In the program. Norbert Link points out that according to the widely publicized “findings” of a professor at the Hebrew University, Moses was under the influence of drugs when he saw the burning bush–and so were he and all the Israelites when the Ten Commandments were pronounced from Mount Sinai. Could this be true? Why is it important that we understand? What connection, if any, is there anyhow between the Old and the New Testament? Can we be followers of the true God of the Bible without believing all of the Holy Scriptures, as written both in the Old and the New Testament?

Please remember our annual conference in California, which will begin on March 28. Please pray for the success of the conference, as well as for safety for all those who will be traveling to the conference.

©2025 Church of the Eternal God