Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

Long-time Evangelist Raymond F. McNair and a pioneer in the modern era of the Church of God died on the Sabbath of October 11, 2008, after a five-year fight with cancer. Mr. and Mrs. Rene and Delia Messier from Canada were staying in Escondido, on their trip to Arizona, and were able to visit Eve McNair and spend time with her and the family. Mrs. McNair stated in a letter to family and friends that Mr. McNair “trusted God knowing he would be delivered either through death or divine healing. ‘Not my will, but yours O Lord,’ were words he often repeated.” In the letter, Mrs. McNair thanked “all who have so kindly and passionately reached out to comfort me in my distress.”

Three new StandingWatch programs were posted on the Internet. Set forth below are summaries of the programs:

A New World

God created man to preserve the earth. Overall, man has done a terrible job in destroying and polluting the environment. The Bible predicts that it will get much worse. Because of man’s lack of right knowledge, the “beasts of the field and the birds of the air” and “even the fish of the sea will be taken away.” And still, man’s ultimate potential to beautify the earth will be fulfilled–in a few years from now. Learn how, in this program.

Watch this now on StandingWatch or Google Video or YouTube.

Comfort in Terminal Sickness

In this special on-location program, we are interviewing two people who are suffering from terminal sickness. You will be moved by their candid statements and expressions of faith in God–knowing that they are beyond medical help. If you are suffering from a serious sickness–or know someone who does–you NEED to watch this program.

Watch this now on StandingWatch or Google Video or YouTube.

Why Christians Keep “Jewish” Feasts

Annually, tens of thousands of Christians in all the world observe a little-known festival for over a week, called in the Bible the “Feast of Tabernacles.” Most outside the Jewish community have never heard of this Feast, but the Bible shows that within a few years from now, EVERYONE will observe it. Please join us in this special on-location program, which was taped in England during the festival, and listen to a Christian pastor explaining the biblical meaning of that little-understood Feast.

Watch this now on StandingWatch or Google Video or YouTube.

Recent Comments from our StandingWatch Viewers:

This man speaks the truth, but too bad most people don’t listen until it is too late.

… the America[n] way is coming to an end

Excellent video…..I agree…..I lived in Europe for 18 years working for the US government…and now live in the North West United States….many of my friends call me a “minimalist” but with the exception of a few years during my life….I’m not a very materialistic person… it’s poison…and it really will come to “own you” through work, spending, stress…it’s a big lie. America is over as we know it. Broke banks… broke government. $12 trillion debt….printing $700 billion in paper…

… his words coming true..

… living like this guy is talking about is just no fun. lust greed gluttony is fun stuff. yee-haah!

New sermon posted on Google Video:

Norbert Link, “Bible Study–Mystery of Righteousness,” September 30, 2008

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