Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

New Sermons posted on Google Video:

Norbert Link, “Bible Study–The Biblical World of Animals, Part 1,” October 25, 2008

Norbert Link, “Bible Study–The Biblical World of Animals, Part 2,” November 1, 2008

A new StandingWatch program was posted on StandingWatch, Google Video and YouTube. It is titled, “Can Mr. Obama Deliver and Save Us?”  In the program, Norbert Link points out that the world reacted with great euphoria and optimism to Barack Obama’s “historic election” as the 44th President of the USA. International governmental leaders and reporters expressed hope for “change” and the “dawn of a new era.” But can Mr. Obama fulfill his promises in light of unparalleled “seismic challenges”? Guantanamo Bay, Iraq, terrorism, climate change, Afghanistan, Iran, healthcare, unemployment, financial recession and depression are just some of the issues to be addressed. Is our hope and trust in a human leader totally misplaced?

A new StandingWatch program in the German language was posted on AufPostenStehen and YouTube. In the program, Norbert Link discusses the question whether abortion is EVER justified, and when the life of a human being begins.

Recent Comments from our StandingWatch viewers:

Mr Obama is faced with very challenging problems for the nation of USA. Like you say, his success and that of the country depends on obedience and TRUST in God. For example, think of how much money could be reallocated from the defense budget if the nation had faith and trusted in God for deliverance. Imagine what the healthcare industry would look like if all trusted God for healing. Unfortunately, these concepts are so foreign to most and seem ridiculous.

I think everyone will sober up when he starts appointing his cabinet. Things are going to start getting very strange after that. We will see how far left this country can go. Check Mr Obama’s voting record. Left always, more than anyone else in the senate ever.

It looks like the American way of life — including greed, which you rightly point out — is no longer serving us well. It’s comforting to know there’s a better future ahead.

wow these are the events of before and to world war 2 all over again 🙁

It is true that things are not going to get better, no matter who the president is and no matter what type of “solution” is going to be tossed out there. You are right when you say how the Bible prophesies what is going to happen, what is happening right now in the world. All hope is not lost however, thanks to these informative programs on what we all NEED to be doing! Well Done!!

As you have recommended watching the [StandingWatch program] “Comfort in terminal sickness”, I did and I believe it is true and it is also biblical that the fervent prayer of the believers in Christ will help heal a sick person… I am no longer interested in physical healing. I am more interested in my own spiritual healing and my family’s salvation. Pray for our salvation. Salvation is to me more important than physical healing. Physical healing will come second, after spiritual healing and salvation. That is what I am looking for. I know that my time will end soon. The degeneration has already reached my neck. I know that it will just be a matter of time before it reaches my brain and I will lose my mobility at first… We know now that becoming a true Christian is not that easy. It takes time and effort to become one with God. I am more concerned about my family than myself.

Continue enjoying your “punchy” deliveries on StandingWatch.

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