Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

A new member letter was written for December. In the letter, Dave Harris discusses several prophecies dealing with the future of the USA and Britain, as well as the endtime Church of God, and concludes with a challenging warning for God’s people.

The following new sermon was posted on Google Video and on our Website:

Norbert Link, “Bible Study–Stubbornness, a Sure Way to Destruction,” November 15, 2008

Set forth below are recent comments from our readers and StandingWatch viewers:

I have watched the website. It’s really a great blessing for us as we could understand about the prophecies in the Bible. I just want to have a copy of The Gospel of the Kingdom of God. And if you can send some more booklets which may be helpful to us, please do send us, so that we can spread the word. (Viewer from England)

Circuit City is closing hundreds of their stores. When that happens. people will lose their jobs. When people lose their jobs, they have no money to spend. When they don’t have money to spend, companies will have to go bankrupt or just close down their businesses (Viewer from the USA)

Thank you for your lovely teaching about the word of God, more especially the teachings of holy days of God. I have been a member of… conference church but I have never heard this wonderful teaching [as explained on] your web site [church of the eternal God]. Friends, because of this truth which I have found on your web and I believe that even if I can take this teaching to the church…, I know they will reject the message, but the coming Sabbath I will give it a trial to see if they will accept your message, and I will let you know next week. Be continually blessed in the Christ, and I request you to send to me the literature of [Mr. Herbert W.] Armstrong to help me to understand more of the truth (“Elder” from Kenya)

I want to thank you for all the strength you give me in my knowing [for] sure that Jesus Christ is my only savior (Reader from Holland)

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