Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

We are sad to report that Terry McGuire, a long-time faithful Church member in England, died Thursday morning after a short battle with cancer. This was not the outcome we all hoped and prayed for, but we must submit to God’s Will. Thank you all for your prayers.

Terry’s last interview for the StandingWatch program (“Comfort in Terminal Sickness”), which was recorded during the Feast of Tabernacles in October, can be watched on StandingWatch, Google Video and YouTube.

A new StandingWatch program was posted on StandingWatch, Google Video and YouTube. It is titled, “Insane–Bailouts Topping $8.5 Trillion.” In the program, Norbert Link asks the question: What else must happen before we realize that our leaders don’t seem to have a clue as to how to solve our financial problems–that we are facing an inevitable and unparalleled disaster, unless we change course immediately? It is as if a spirit of intoxication had swept the land. Don’t you become victim of it. There are solutions, but you won’t find them in the political arena.

The following new sermon was posted on Google Video and on our Websites:

Norbert Link, “Bible Study–When the Sons of God Saw The Daughters of Men,” November 29, 2008

We received the following comment to the above-mentioned sermon from a prospective member:

“This last Sabbath, Mr. Norbert Link tackled one of the most important issues and it is about the interpretation of Genesis 6. We were very glad to hear all angles and interpretations about the former and the book of Enoch. Yes, Mr. Link perfectly explained all about the mistranslation of Genesis 6 and the erroneous information about the book of Enoch. Most people will disagree with it, but what can we do, it is what it is. It is the truth. I had asked so many pastors regarding the subject and had [received] so many different interpretations.”

We are currently advertising, for the month of December, the following booklets over the Internet:


Human Suffering–Why…and How Much Longer?
And Lawlessness Will Abound
Don’t Keep Christmas

With the booklet on Christmas, we also offer the following additional booklets:

Angels, Demons and the Spirit World
Jesus Christ–A Great Mystery
God’s Commanded Holy Days


And Lawlessness Will Abound

With that booklet, we are also offering:

Angels, Demons and the Spirit World
The Gospel of the Kingdom of God
Jesus Christ–A Great Mystery

Great Britain and Europe:

Europe in Prophecy
Don’t Keep Christmas

With the booklet on Christmas, we are also offering:

Angels, Demons and the Spirit World
God’s Commanded Holy Days
Jesus Christ–a Great Mystery

©2025 Church of the Eternal God