Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

Terry McQuire’s Funeral

Terry McQuire’s funeral took place on Monday, December 15, at Beeston Cemetery Chapel, near Nottingham, England. Terry, who was 72, had been a faithful and loyal member of the Church of God since the 1960’s. Brian Gale officiated at the service, which was followed by interment at a nearby cemetery. Terry was buried alongside his wife, Jean, who died in June of 2005 from a brain tumor. Terry is survived by two children, Kathryn and Mark, and 4 grandchildren. 

The chapel for the service was full, with all the standing room at the back of the chapel completely occupied which is an indication of the love and esteem in which he was held. He will be greatly missed.

Terry had said that the Feast of Tabernacles at Chatsworth House just a few weeks ago was the best Feast he had ever had. Even though he was terminally ill at the Feast, he shared his chalet with others and was still of service to everyone, as he had always been. During the Feast he, alongside with John Dunn, was interviewed by Norbert Link for the StandingWatch program (“Comfort in Terminal Sickness”), which can be seen on our Website and on Google Video and YouTube.

Norbert Link’s sermon, “Bible Study: Live in Peace,” dated December 13, 2008, has been posted on Google Video and on our Websites.

The German video program on Christmas was posted on our Web ( and on YouTube.

Our Technical Team is developing an outstanding new layout and design for our StandingWatch Website. More information will be announced very soon.

Recent Comments from our StandingWatch Viewers:

— Thanks for another great program [on No Christmas in the Early Church]. This message needs to be heard in the whole world. I’ll keep praying that these programs find their way to those that have an ear to hear.

— Good job. As a Christian I have not celebrated it for twenty two years, and I abhor it more and more every year.
— Fear mongering has its place in the rhetorical toolbox; however, you shouldn’t use it [referring to Food Shortage in the USA]. You sound too much like Hitler. Sorry.

— He sounds like Stalin, but he is right about the self-destruction caused by those who break and rebuild the structures and the systems of the nations and the world [and] the life of the poor.

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