Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

New StandingWatch program and German Sermon

A new StandingWatch program was posted on StandingWatch, GoogleVideo and YouTube. It is titled, “Is Homosexual Conduct Sinful?” In the program, Norbert Link pointed out that Pope Benedict declared this week that saving humanity from homosexual behavior was just as important as saving the rainforest. The reaction of portions of the gay community was swift and predictable. The Pope’s words were characterized as “agitating,” “threatening,” “totally irresponsible” or “absurd.” What does the New Testament say about this question? Many have misunderstood the biblical teaching in this regard.

Norbert Link recorded a sermon in German (“Gedenke des Sabbattages…”), which was posted on Google Video and on our German Website, AufPostenStehen. The sermon discusses the Sabbath in general and especially the Sabbath covenant in Exodus 31; the creation of the Sabbath for man; the reinforcement of the Sabbath in relationship with the giving of the Manna; and the pronouncement of the Ten Commandments; and it quotes many admissions from Catholic and Protestant commentators to the effect that the Sabbath was not abrogated in the Bible, and that Hebrews 4:9 enjoins it for Christians today.

Recent Comments from our StandingWatch Viewers

Program on “Is Homosexual Conduct Sinful?”:

— A truly balanced presentation with real answers and hope.

— To be homosexual is NOT a sin. It is mentioned less than 5 times in the Old Testament – and these are injunctions against male prostitution/concubines/gross hedonism. Jesus DID NOT condemn or even mention gays! Yet – there are hundreds of biblical injunctions against RAPE, ADULTERY, DIVORCE, INCEST, and hetero hedonism. Which is the more serious problem? The answer becomes obvious – and obvious that the church has persecuted gays unjustly!

— The view presented is not a popular one in today’s world where continued acceptance and tolerance is the norm. If the Bible only said once that being homosexual was wrong, that would be enough for me.

— God did not make anyone homosexual anymore than He made someone a thief, or an adulterer, this is why we need to repent and be baptized in the name of the Lord the Bible says for the remission of sins, if you do not believe that then stop pretending to believe the Bible.

— It is good to hear the truth of God’s words from the Bible, it is the only real guide to making the changes in our lives that will lead us in to the coming kingdom of God. Keep proclaiming the Bible truths.

— It’s clear to me how God views homosexuality. Marriage is meant for a man and a woman, and His creation is beautiful.

— The views of the Pope is that of an uneducated person who comes from the middle ages. The Bible is NOT written by God. It is written by man for those (the masses) who had no formal education. It guided the people at the time however we have since moved on. I am an Atheist!

— You handled the latest Standing Watch in a gentle, delicate and restrained manner. You will get criticized no matter what you speak on since man is hostile towards God’s laws. 

Program on “Our Terrible Healthcare System“:

— Thanks again for another “tell it like it is” video! We truly are sick from the head down. Until we repent and turn to the True God and begin to obey Him we will only continue to spiral down to our demise. He alone is the only One who can heal us physically and spiritiually! Keep telling it like it is! Maybe someone will get the message.

Program on “No Christmas in the Early Church”:

— Thanks again for another great program of telling the truth the way it is. It is absolutely amazing how this particular holiday has become a worldwide celebration – in all it’s different forms. Guess we know who is behind that, eh? Anything to get man to take their eyes away from the True God and what He has decreed to be His True Holy Days. Thanks again!

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