Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

New StandingWatch program

A new StandingWatch program was posted on StandingWatch, GoogleVideo and YouTube. It is titled, “Israel’s War with Iran’s Proxy Hamas.” In the program, Norbert Link points out that in attacking Hamas, Israel struck Iran! How and why was it done? Will this war escalate? Will other groups such as Hezbollah get involved? What about other countries? And if so, which ones will try to intervene?

New Member Letter

A new member letter was written and has been posted on the Web. In the letter, Norbert Link discusses current world events in the light of biblical prophecy for us today, and he reminds all of us of the importance of the Work of God in these very end times.

Recent Comments from our Readers

I see where Israel has “bisected” Palestine and surrounded Gaza City, with the same spirit of determination to put an end to terrorist strikes, so reminiscent of us marching into Baghdad, only to “die there” as Saddam predicted, and Hamas now also predicts for Israel. In considering the whole panorama of the history of humankind, I’m glad it’s near the end of Satan’s rule and the beginning of Christ’s rule. 

The update was quite informative this week  and more alarming news all the time.  We get more news from the CEG updates than we ever do from the TV.  Whoever puts them together really does a complete and great  job of keeping us informed on world events.

Recent Comments from our StandingWatch Viewers:

Is Homosexual Conduct Sinful?:

Although it should come as no surprise, I am always astounded when “Christians” dismiss the Old Testament Scriptures stating they are no longer valid. Perhaps their Bible is missing Matthew 5:17? Thanks for addressing the issue of homosexuality head on instead of dancing around it like many so-called Christians do.

Israel’s War with Iran’s Proxy Hamas:

I recall from the Update from July 2008 that you had said it was inevitable that Israel would strike Iran. I appreciate the time you take to watch the world events and present them in an unbiased manner in light of biblical prophecy. I particularly like the Current Events Section in the weekly Update.

Halleluiah! Thank God we will see the coming of the Lord in Glory soon. These events which seem catastrophic and are/will be, are in a way very positive since they will complete the Biblical prophecies and herald in the second coming of Christ. I can’t wait to greet HIM

Thank you for letting us know what is truly happening and how this coincides with what the Bible prophecies. The United States is becoming less and less popular and it is clear to see that. It’s hard to believe that things are going to get better, but as long as we believe in and DO what the Bible says, we will be protected.

It appears that we are now entering the beginning of the time of the end of this age, and soon European armies will surround Jerusalem. Then we will see the fulfillment of Matthew 24:15. It is time to be studying the Bible, and understand we are very near this time Christ warned about.

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