Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

A new StandingWatch program, titled, “Why Most Americans Disapprove of Obama Administration,” was posted on StandingWatch, GoogleVideo and YouTube. In the program, Norbert Link points out that Mr. Obama’s approval rating is dropping. As the Wall Street Journal revealed, the overwhelming majority of Americans disagrees with his course of action, and this was even before the most recent scandal involving AIG bonuses. But many don’t even realize that the Obama Administration has begun attacking protection of speech, individual conscience and free exercise of religion.

An additional new StandingWatch program, titled, “Beware of the GIVE Act,” was posted on StandingWatch, GoogleVideo and YouTube. In the program, Norbert Link explains that on March 18, 2009, the House of Representatives approved “The Generations Invigorating Volunteerism and Education Act,” or the “GIVE Act.” Why should America be concerned? What is this Act all about? Is it a move towards socialism, as some claim? Is it part of a frightening agenda of the Obama Administration to indoctrinate our young people and compel them to perform mandatory national service, as others fear?

Norbert Link’s new sermon, titled, “Bible Study–It’s Easter Time Again,” dated March 21, 2009, was posted on our Website and on Google Video.

Norbert Link’s new German version of the above-mentioned sermon, titled, “Warum kein Ostern in der fruehen Kirche” (“Why no Easter in the early Church”), dated March 24, 2009, was posted on Google Video.

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