Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

A new StandingWatch program, titled, “A Single Nuclear Bomb Could Destroy America,” was posted on StandingWatch, GoogleVideo and YouTube. In the program, Norbert Link asks the question whether the Obama Administration is still willing to provide American leadership to the Western World. How should we explain Mr. Obama’s giving in to German-French demands at the G-20 summit? How should we understand Mr. Obama’s acknowledgment of Europe’s leading role in world affairs? And how should we interpret Robert Gates’ comments regarding North Korea and Iran? But do we understand that a nuclear attack on America with the potential of killing 90% of all Americans is a distinct possibility?

A German program was recorded, titled, “Ist Amerika noch bereit zu führen?” [“Is America Still Willing to Lead?”]. It discusses the G-20 summit, North Korea’s satellite, Robert Gates’ comments on North Korea and Iran, and the fact that the EU will fill the vacuum left by the USA. It is posted on our Website (“”) and on You Tube.

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