Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

From all reports received, the Feast of Tabernacles 2009 in England and California was a great success. From what we can tell, all attendees arrived back home safely. We will discuss the Feast in more detail in an upcoming member letter. For now, here are a few excerpts from comments received:

Our Feast was very fulfilling. There wasn’t enough time for close visits with everyone, but, then again, perhaps next year!

The Feast was excellent! It was so good seeing everyone and all the messages were fantastic. One of our best Feasts ever!

It was a great Feast for sure.

Everyone seemed pleased with our Feast at Chatsworth. It was good to meet, finally, the Zehrung family.

We are back home safe and miss you all!! It’s amazing how fast the Feast went by

Thanks again for a GREAT Feast…

The Feast was over all too soon and time to return home.

Awesome Feast. We — linking into the internet FOT services — thank and appreciate the Tech-Team who provide us with the opportunity to be with you all.

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