Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

Dave Harris’ new member letter and a recent Editorial were sent out this week. Both are also posted on the Web.

A new StandingWatch program was posted this week on StandingWatch and YouTube. It is titled, “Why the Fort Hood Massacre?” In the program, Norbert Link asks, Why are the mass media and the government unwilling to acknowledge Maj. Hasan’s radical Muslim faith as “the dominant factor” in his decision to mount his attack? Is there an overlooked connection between the desire to be “politically correct” and the President’s belief system and his goal of strengthening U.S. ties with Muslim nations, while distancing himself from Israel? And what does any of this have to do with biblical prophecy?  

Norbert Link’s new sermon (“Letter to the Galatians, Part 5“) was posted on the Internet and on our Webpage.

Our new German sermon, titled, “Was ist das Paradies?” (“What is Paradise?”) was posted on the Web.

Our new German StandingWatch program has been posted on the Web. It is titled, “Homosexualität–Religion und politisches Programm?” (“Homosexuality–Religion and Political Platform?”)

©2025 Church of the Eternal God