Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

A new StandingWatch program was posted on the Web. It is titled, “The State of the Union Address and No Solutions…”

In the program, Norbert Link points out that we do NOT experience a recovery of the U.S. economy. Sales of homes are down; unemployment is up; and the economic activity in 2009 showed the sharpest drop since 1946. USA Today commented: “The U.S. is broke.” Hope in U.S. leadership is at an all-time low, as the national and international reactions to the President’s State of the Union address demonstrated. Two quarters of Americans believe that their federal government is not working. The Telegraph wrote: “Barack Obama gets an F for world leadership.” Nobody seems to present workable solutions. Aren’t there any?

A German sermon, titled, “Ehre Vater und Mutter” [“Honor Father and Mother”], was posted on the Web.

A German sermon, titled, “Das Neue Jerusalem” [“The New Jerusalem”], was posted on the Web.

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