Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

compiled by Dave Harris

“Did Hitler Have Jewish Blood?” is the title of a new StandingWatch program, presented by Evangelist Norbert Link. Here is a summary:

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov was condemned by Israel, as well as many others, for his recent comments that Nazi leader Adolf Hitler “had Jewish blood.” But where does this idea come from? And can it teach us something about the arrival of the coming beast mentioned in the book of Revelation and other prophetic biblical books?

“Hatte Hitler jüdisches Blut?” is the title of a new AufPostenStehen program, presented by Norbert Link. This program covers the same topic as described above.

“Geheimnisse offenbart! Unsere Auferstehung zum ewigen Leben,” is the title of this Sabbath’s new German sermon, presented by Norbert Link. Title in English:“Mysteries Revealed! Our Resurrection to Eternal Life.”

“Was sagt die Bibel über Krieg?”, the sermonette presented last Sabbath by Dmitrij Niemann, is now posted. Title in English: “What Does the Bible Say About War?”

We are very pleased to announce the ordination of Elder Eric Rank to the office of Pastor. This was done on the Sabbath by the ministry during our annual Church Conference. We will report on more details about the Conference in our May Member Letter.

“Impossible Without a Miracle,” the sermonette presented last Sabbath by Brian Gale, is now posted. Here is a summary:

This message contains some conjecture about the place of safety which is promised to the true church at the time of the Great Tribulation.  Scripture is clear about the event but neither the place nor the timing is known, nor are the travel arrangements!  Some speculative ideas are reviewed as to how this might happen.

“Equality with God in His Kingdom?”,the sermon presented last Sabbath by Norbert Link, is now posted. Here is a summary:

Is it our destiny to attain equality with God? Or just a certain resemblance? Is Christ equal to God or just similar to Him? What does it mean to inherit the Kingdom of God? What IS the Kingdom of God? Do we have to do something to inherit it? What is meant by “born again”? Who or what is God? IS God a Family, or does He just HAVE a Family? What is the connection between God, the God Family, and the Kingdom of God? What is the gospel of the Kingdom? And finally, what is the most important work of God on earth today?

©2025 Church of the Eternal God