Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

A new Member Letter (February 16, 2016) has been written and mailed to our subscribers. In this letter, Norbert Link addresses the looming trouble the world faces as events grow more difficult in the year ahead. Mr. Link also warns of the danger of compromises and that the Church of God must continue to powerfully preach the gospel message—as a witness and warning to the entire world!

Rundschreiben vom 16. February 2016, is our new German “Rundschreiben,” (Member Letter), which was sent out via email to about 130 recipients. The first part contains much information about services and activities during Passover and Days of Unleavened Bread, as well as comments for potential baptisms, and the second part is a German translation of the English February member letter.

“Why Would Apple Resist the FBI?” is the title of the newest StandingWatch program presented by Evangelist Norbert Link. Here is a summary:

Is Apple hundred percent wrong, as Donald Trump said, for not cooperating with the FBI in the fight against terrorism and for not obeying a court order compelling Apple to turn over electronic data?  But does this narrative reflect the issue at hand? We need to understand what Apple’s concerns are; what the federal magistrate actually ordered Apple to do; why the industry’s biggest names, including Google, Facebook, Microsoft, Twitter, WhatsApp and others, are supporting Apple; and why there are worldwide security concerns if Apple were to lose this fight.

“Wir sind unter der Gnade,” is the title of this week’s German sermon. Title in English: “We Are Under Grace.”

“SW Talking Points: Baptism — A Requirement for Salvation?” is a new video presented by Pastor Rene Messier. Here is a summary:

Is baptism necessary for salvation? Should you be baptized?  What is acceptable to God: immersion, watering ,sprinkling?  Some think it’s not necessary for salvation. Our booklet on Baptism covers all these details about what truly is acceptable to God.

“Stay Close,” the sermonette presented last Sabbath by Dave Harris, is now posted. Here is a summary:

Our relationship to the Father and Jesus Christ depends on staying close to them—otherwise, we fail!

“Inside Out,” the sermon presented last Sabbath by Dave Harris, is now posted. Here is a summary:

Christians are challenged to examine themselves as to whether or not their Christianity is true! This testing will not succeed if it is only superficial. The vital key for us is to have God’s help in the process.

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