The Two Goats

Leviticus 16 describes for us a remarkable ceremony that took place in Old Testament times, on the Day of Atonement, also called the Fast. This day is known today as Yom Kippur. On that day, two goats were chosen by golden lots. One lot was called “For the Lord,” or “La Adonai,” and the other lot was called “For Azazel,” or “La Azazel.” The first goat, the “La Adonai” goat, was offered as a sin offering. The second goat, the “La Azazel” goat, was sent away alive into the wilderness, after the high priest had laid both hands upon the head of the goat, confessing over it all the iniquities and transgressions of the Israelites. The “La Adonai” goat pictured Jesus Christ, the Messiah, who gave His life as a sin offering and as a sacrifice for all of mankind. The “La Azazel” goat symbolized Satan the devil. What does this ancient ceremony on the Day of Atonement mean for us today?

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