
Sermon Archives

Are You A King?

Dave Harris | October 13, 2008

Jesus knew that His destiny was to rule in the Kingdom of God and that He would return to this earth as its King.  Can we, like Jesus Christ did, claim that the purpose we will fulfill is to rule in the Kingdom of God–some, even as kings?

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The Mystery of Righteousness

Norbert Link | September 30, 2008

When Christ returns, will He find faith or righteousness on this earth? Both belong together–one cannot exist without the other. But why is there so much confusion regarding true righteousness? Some think that they will enter the Kingdom of God because of their own righteousness. Others think that their conduct has nothing to do with their future–that God accepts them just the way they are. Both concepts are wrong. What, then, is the truth?
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Sermonette by Eric Rank

Eric Rank | September 27, 2008

God has a purpose for each one of us. Even though that purpose may not be revealed in clear detail, it is important to never allow self-doubt to discourage us from that purpose. God has chosen to use the small and quiet voices to proclaim his word. Even though there may not be an audience to hear these small voices now, there soon will be a receptive ear to hear God’s word proclaimed from these individuals, who are the experts in living according to His doctrines. 

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By Faith

Dave Harris | September 27, 2008

We have been going through a time of spiritual decline, and—for too many—faith is dying out, or it has failed. We are about to enter a time of persecution for what we believe—Jesus Christ and others have very clearly warned us beforehand that this would come. Our faith is about to be tested and refined even more!

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Your Philosophy

Kalon Mitchell | September 20, 2008

What is your Christian philosophy? Many times we just assume that God is real. But have we truly done the study to prove that the things we beleive to be true are actually in fact true?

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The Mystery of Justification

Norbert Link | September 13, 2008

Why are people confused about the biblical teaching of justification? Why do some believe that they are justified by their obedient “deeds of the law”? Why do others believe that their justification has nothing to do with how they live? Why can’t they accept the plain balanced teaching of the Holy Bible?
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A Miracle

Dave Harris | September 6, 2008

The Bible reveals miracles, and it gives us examples so that we can understand acts of God in the human realm that transcend our experience or ability to otherwise explain. The Word of God also warns of false wonders designed to deceive.

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The Mystery of Salvation

Norbert Link | August 23, 2008

Do you know what salvation is–and how to obtain it? Do you believe that you are already saved–or that your salvation is still in the future? Do you believe that salvation is a process? Do you think that salvation can be lost? WHY is there so much confusion about this most important question?
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What Shall I Do?

Dave Harris | August 16, 2008

The Bible records momentous events in the lives of individuals who had to make decisions to do or to not do things in their lives regarding following God’s way. For us, these lessons find application in our own lives and our opportunity to inherit eternal life.

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Eric Rank | August 16, 2008

4>Eric Rank | August 16, 2008

Download As Biblical prophecy indicates, Christians will be required to make quick decisions in their lives, especially as the end approaches. Agility, or the ability to change direction quickly, defines this ability to make a quick decision. In order to live life with agility, a solid foundation is required in order to guide decisions that need to be made quickly. Likewise, we need to ensure that we are not unnecessarily bound to anything in this life which might become a stumbling block for the correct path.

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The Book of Malachi

Norbert Link | August 9, 2008

The prophet Malachi addresses a regrettable situation in ancient Judah, but the book is also a prophecy for our time today. As ancient Judah had become indifferent, discontent, bored and unsatisfied, so we see today the same attitude towards God and His Law–even, to an extent, in the Church. We are to become zealous and dedicated Christians, rather than treating God’s requirements for us as a burden and contemptible.
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Kalon Mitchell | July 26, 2008

Although salt is a common mineral, it has played an enormous role in history. Salt also plays an important part in our christian lives. Salt is the opposite of leaven.  It helps to keep us pure from corruption.  It’s important to remember that true christians are to be the salt of the earth.

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Michael Link | July 26, 2008

There are two important decisions that one makes in their lives which show commitment: baptism and marriage.  Both correlate with each other since, to be married, we have to be baptized and receive God’s holy spirit.  If we want to be in God’s kingdom, we need to receive His holy spirit and be married to Him so we can receive everlasting life.

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The Good Samaritan

Norbert Link | July 19, 2008

Why did Christ’s “Parable of the Good or Merciful Samaritan,” as recorded in Luke, chapter 10, have such a tremendous impact on the society of His time? What was so revolutionary and provocative about this parable, which teaches us how to love our neighbor? Why is it still so relevant and meaningful for us today? Who were the Samaritans? Do they still exist? Why did many of the Jews hate them so much? And how did Jesus show that He refused to be a part of that kind of antagonism and prejudice?

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Bill Grams | July 19, 2008

Josiah’s evil father Amon–was assasinated.  Josiah’s grandfather Manasseh–ws one of the most evil men in the Bible.  Yet, Josiah feared God and under his reign Judah had peace, prosperity and reform–among the happiest years experienced by Judah!  We look at Josiah in 3 points:  1)background,  2)reign  3)death–by meddling.

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The Mount of Olives

Dave Harris | July 12, 2008

All around the world, people believe in extraterrestrials. When Jesus Christ returns, the Bible reveals that much of a deceived mankind will war against Him believing that He is an invading alien. However, Jesus will enter the earth’s realm with great majesty and irresistible power, and He will descend to the Mount of Olives. This location plays a prominent role in both biblical history and prophecy. Because it is an important focus point, understanding what the Bible reveals about the Mount of Olives is crucial for Christians.

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Real Power

Brian Gale (United Kingdom) | July 5, 2008

We recently celebrated the very special day of Pentecost when we should have reflected on the fact that we have been given the power of the Holy Spirit which enables us to know and understand truths that are hidden from the world at large.  God has not given His people at this time important positions in the world where they can exercise power and authority, and make far reaching decisions.   But in the Kingdom of God we will have real power – power and authority used for the right reason and used in the right way for the good of all humanity and that’s the power we should be looking forward to.

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Marriage – Physical and Spiritual

Norbert Link | June 28, 2008

How does a temporary physical marriage between a converted couple symbolize the eternal spiritual marriage between Christ and his Church? Why does Paul say that this is a mystery–which is only understood today by very few  people? Why is Christ called our bridegroom? Why and how are we betrothed to Him today? Why are we called virgins and the bride? What are the grounds for physical and spiritual divorce? How will Christ marry us upon His return? What about the marriage supper? And what does the Heavenly Jerusalem have to do with all of this?
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