Sermon Archives
Pentecost and You
Norbert Link | May 27, 2007
Why does God call you to the truth in this day and age? Why does God call only a tiny minority to salvation today, while the vast majority remains blinded to the truth? How does the Feast of Pentecost explain the awesome purpose which God has for you–as well as for the rest of mankind?
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The Spirit of God
Rene Messier (Canada) | May 27, 2007
Twelve points on what the Spirit of God does for a converted Christian in the New testament age outlining both the benefits and looking at the future reward for remaining faithful.
The Son
Norbert Link | May 19, 2007
Who was Jesus Christ? What does the Bible say about His identity? Why is it important that you know and understand? Or, is it important? Does it make any difference? In order to learn who Jesus Christ was and who He is today, we must turn to the Biblical evidence. Human viewpoints, interpretations and explanations are of no help, if they contradict or if they are not supported by God’s Word, the Bible.
The Image of God
Dave Harris | May 12, 2007
For the vast majority of people, what is indelibly a part of their professed Christianity is a mental image that is NOT Jesus Christ–but a humanly devised and Satanic counterfeit! However, the Bible actually does have much to say about the image of God, and it reveals what God allows us to understand about His appearance and the approach we should take in this matter.
Why the Ministry?
Norbert Link | May 5, 2007
Do we really need the ministry? What role and function, if any, does the ministry perform in God’s Church? Why is it critical that you know and understand?
Alas, Sinful Nation
Dave Harris | April 21, 2007
Our national sins have come before God, and he will execute His judgment. Prophecy both warns us and also identifies WHY our nation will face a future time of unimagined trials! Considering the sins of ancient Israel and the warnings to the modern house of Israel will help us understand the times in which we are living as well as providing a real hope for the furure.
Sin – Do Not Judge Too Harshly
Norbert Link | April 14, 2007
Orthodox Christianity is quick to condemn unrepentant sinners to an ever-burning hell fire, which will torture them for all eternity, without ever being able to die or to be freed from such pain and suffering. This concept of hell is a terrible deviation from the truth and denies God’s mercy and compassion. Those who understand the correct Biblical teaching on the subject of hell will not condemn someone to an everlasting punishment in hell fire. But could it be that they might be quick to condemn someone to a hell fire with everlasting and eternal consequences?
Bill Grams | April 14, 2007
Are the Apocryphal writings: inspired? authorized? quoted? 5-Points: 1)The Catholic claim. 2)Why called the Apocrypha? 3)Scriptures given to the Jews. 4)Which books to be preserved? 5)Apocrypha never quoted in scripture.
Dave Harris | April 9, 2007
We know that the Feast of Unleavened Bread pictures coming out of sin and into a relationship with God–no longer separate and walled out of His presence! This important theme appears throughout the Bible, and there are other examples of walls that affect our association with God.
How Does God Look at Your Sin?
Norbert Link | April 9, 2007
We all sin and fall short of the glory of God. But we can repent and ask for forgiveness, and because of Christ’s Sacrifice, we CAN be forgiven. When you see a brother or sister struggle with sin, you can and should pray to God that He would help him or her, and give him or her strength to overcome and to continue. However, what did John mean when he said that we should not pray for those who commit sin “leading to death”? What is this sin–and is there nothing we can do in such a case?
Human Nature
Kalon Mitchell | April 7, 2007
God has given man 6000 years to test his own way’s of living. So, how has man done so far? Human nature is inherently in all of us. But, what does it do? How do we aquire it? And most importantly, how do we get rid of it?
Understand Why
Dave Harris | April 3, 2007
Do you perceive and comprehend the significance of the Feast Days of God? Do you understand why we are to observe this introductory season–the Passover and seven days of the Feast of Unleavened Bread?
Abomination Of Desolation
Bill Grams | March 31, 2007
Regarding Abomination of Desolation–Jesus warned, “Let him understand.” 7-points: 1)Overview Scriptures, 2)Old Testament Precursors, 3)Antiochus Epiphanes–the Forerunner/Prototype, 4)Time of Maccabees to Time of Jesus Christ, 5)1st of 3 aspects of Endtime “Abomination of Desolation” namely–ARMIES surrounding Jerusalem, 6)2nd Aspect–IDOL in the Temple, 7)3rd Aspect–MAN OF SIN in the Temple Holy Place claiming HE IS God.
The Life of Gideon
Norbert Link | March 24, 2007
What can we learn from Gideon’s life? How can we apply the lessons that he had to learn–how to trust God completely; how to be made strong out of weakness; how to avoid the pitfalls of doubt and fear; and how to avoid slipping back into sin and repeating past mistakes.
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The Church of God – A Great Mystery Part 2
Norbert Link | March 3, 2007
The Church of God can be compared with a spiritual hospital. Many don’t take advantage of the help that Christ is offering us through His Church. But rather than trying to “make it” on our own, we must realize that God has decreed only one way how we can be cured from our spiritual sickness and obtain salvation–and the Church fulfils a necessary role in that process. Without the Church, we cannot understand God’s Word, receive the Holy Spirit, and move toward perfection.
The Work
Dave Harris | February 24, 2007
What is God doing now? Does He work, and is there really a work of God at the present time? The Bible reveals that God is engaged in a great endeavor that He watches over, guides and blesses. This most important activity also involves those who have become a part of the Church of God, and the clear meaning is that we have a job to do!
A Question of Balance
Brian Gale (United Kingdom) | February 17, 2007
One of the greatest problems that people in general have, is that of balance which is not being extreme in any way. There are three ditches that we can fall into – that of being a Pharisee or nitpicker, that of being a liberal, and that of being a critic. None of these three areas will do us any good at all in our Christian lives. God has given human beings various abilities and powers but all too often we can, and do, neglect or abuse these attributes. But with the help of God’s Holy Spirit, we can use the abilities that we have been given, in a right way ensuring that we don’t fall into these various ditches.
Rene Messier (Canada) | February 10, 2007
Gentleness is one characteristic of the fruit of the Holy Spirit, which was so evident in the life of our senior pastor, Edwin Pope. Gentleness is a character trait, which all of us must emulate.
Be Steadfast – Or Else!
Brian Gale (United Kingdom) | February 10, 2007
Steadfast is defined by one dictionary as: firmly fixed in place; immovable; not subject to change; firm in belief, determination or adherence. These are the qualities that are a must for all true Christians. There are many things that can threaten our steadfastness. We have tests and trials – something that we are promised – and some may give up or compromise; a spouse dies and the one left can be so upset that they can drift away; the local group dissolves as members die, move away or stop attending so that the group is longer viable; there is no group or church locally; members can move from one part of the country to another due to their job or family – and to an area that has no Sabbath services. Excuses can be made about attendance where there is a group. These are just some of the dangers that can threaten our steadfastness. And being steadfast to the truth is an essential requirement in making it into God’s Kingdom. It is just that serious.