Sermon Archives
Meaning of the Last Great Day
Norbert Link | October 14, 2006
Death is man’s greatest enemy. Death must be conquered. God says that He did destroy it for us. He offers us the gift of eternal life. But how? Most people don’t know. Do you know? And further, Peter said that we can only be saved if we believe in and obey Jesus Christ. But what happens to those who die without having accepted Jesus Christ in their lives? Are they lost forever? Are they burning in purgatory or hell fire? Most people don’t know. Do you know?
The Meaning of the Last Great Day gives the answers. And God’s truth is so much more comprehensive, astonishing, revealing and comforting than most realize.
Bible Study & the Great Commandment
Paul Voss | October 13, 2006
In Deuternomoy 6:7, God commands us to teach His ways to our children, to speak of them when we are in our homes, when we got out into the world, before we go to sleep and when we wake in the morning. God’s says He AND His word must be central to our lives. But Bible study takes time. There is an easy way to dramatically increase our Bible study without dramatically altering our lives.
A Symbolic Story of our Lives
Michael Link | October 13, 2006
A young man is sent out into the world by his poor parents to seek a better way of life, only to find himself in many trials and tests, until he develops a change of heart by saving the ones he loves. Within this story there are many symbolic principles in relation to the Bible which can be applied personally and/or spiritually in our lives.
Be Strong and of Good Courage
Rene Messier (Canada) | October 12, 2006
Be Strong and of good Courage was the admonition God gave to Joshua prior to him going into the promised land because of the great responsibility he would face. In similar manner w need to be strong and of good courage as we live our Christian lives in this land until the return of Christ to set up the Kingdom which is our promised land.
Eric Rank | October 11, 2006
The practice of hacking has connotations with computers. However, even computer hackers generally agree that the act of hacking extends beyond the keyboard. We define hacking as taking a set of established rules, interpreting them creatively, and experimenting with our action to see what happens with the new interpretation. With this understanding, hacking seems harmless. However, when we hack with God’s laws, twisting them around to interpret them for our own benefit, the result is sin deserving of death. This message describes situations of hacking with God’s laws. The Sabbath is one area which is classically muddled with, by interpreting it to be on Sunday and by expanding the boundaries of appropriate behavior. The Bible also instructs us how to worship him correctly. The Israelites coming out of Egypt hacked with this command and worshipped God in their own way. David hacked with the instructions for transporting the arc, by putting it on a cart when it was supposed to be carried. Moses also hacked with God’s instructions by bringing water from the rock in the wilderness in his own way, rather than the way that God instructed. All of these examples of hacking are examples of sinful disobedience. We must make sure to follow God’s instructions carefully, and not to intermingle them with our own corrupt interpretations and desires.
Robb Harris | October 11, 2006
What can we learn from our heros of old in building our faith? They were not just heros, but Action -heros. Their faith wasn’t exemplified solely on their willingness to follow God’s way of life, but in taking actions that proved that willingness. Real faith also takes preparation. Our faith is tested not when the seas are calm and sunny, but dark and tumulteous. It’s then that we will be asked to step out into the water and have our faith truely tested. How we have prepared ourselves in growing closer to God, will be the deciding factor in how far our faith takes us.
Oh Jerusalem
Bill Grams | October 10, 2006
1)Names of Jerusalem, 2)Earliest History, 3)Under David and Solomon, 4)Greatest Glory, 5)War Torn, 6)The Destructions, 7)Importance Of, 8)In Muslim Hands, 9)Modern Day Jerusalem, 10)Jesus and Jerusalem, 11)End Time Prophecy, 12)Jerusalem World Capital.
The First Commandment
Brian Gale (United Kingdom) | October 10, 2006
The modern, so called gods, will be a thing of the past when Jesus returns. All of the culture of celebrity and worshipping anything and everything other than the Creator that pervades society today will become history. Establishing, developing and maintaining that personal relationship with the true and living God is the most important commitment we, as members of the true Church of God, can ever make. That is the primary focus of the first of the Ten Commandments in Exodus 20 v 3 which states very clearly and very simply: “You shall have no other gods before Me.”
Two Ways of Living
Norbert Link | October 9, 2006
We are celebrating the Feast of Tabernacles 2006. We are experiencing a foretaste of how the world will be like in a few years from now–a world of peace and truth and love. If we make it into God’s kingdom, we will be teaching God’s Way of Life to the world. We will be educating misguided people about how to live. Do we practice today what we are to preach to others tomorrow?
We Are Here!
Dave Harris | October 7, 2006
We are here in the appointed feast days of God–holy convocations. We need to consider God’s instructions for this time, and we need to understand more deeply what God reveals about this very special part of His plan of salvation.
Several Aspects of Peace
Brian Gale (United Kingdom) | October 7, 2006
This sermon discusses several different areas about peace. Periods of peace in the history of Israel; the world not knowing the way to peace; peace in the World Tomorrow; the personal peace that we can have at this time and the important concept of peace between brethren now.
What It Will Be Like to Be God
Norbert Link | October 7, 2006
How will it be like for us, when we are born-again members of the Family of God? When we are Spirit beings, unable to die or to sin, and no longer subject to physical limitations? What exactly does our future hold? Why is our potential worth striving and fighting for?
Let Us Be Glad
Brian Gale (United Kingdom) | October 6, 2006
By living according to God’s way, we can avoid so many of the problems experienced by those who ignore it. Our life can be more fulfilling and enjoyable because of our faith – not grinding out this life before we enjoy eternity. Those of us who have been called to understand God’s master plan as revealed through His holy days are of all people most blessed, and the Feast of Tabernacles is a wonderful time to enjoy both now and what the reality holds for us in the future.
The Purpose of Fasting
Norbert Link | October 2, 2006
We are commanded to “afflict our souls” on the Day of
Atonement. Does this really mean that we must fast for 24 hours? And if so, do
we fast by just abstaining from solid food during that time, or do we also have
to abstain from liquids? What are some of the reasons and purposes for
fasting? On the other hand, what are some of the motives which we should not
have when we fast? Does fasting have rewards? Can we fast in vain? And what is
the connection between reconciliation or at-one-ment and fasting?
The Angel Lucifer
Edwin Pope | September 30, 2006
When Lucifer rebelled against the Almighty God he had a specific, all consuming purpose in mind for what he did. That purpose is still his major objective today. He continues to work toward that all consuming objective.
A Day of Change
Dave Harris | September 23, 2006
We speak of how things change–usually it is over time. But the Feast of Trumpets focuses on a period when sudden, catastrophic occurrences will be happening with mind-numbing speed! The good news of this Day is that Jesus Christ will return to this earth to change the government of this world and to establish peace. Reviewing the examples and meaning of the Feast of Trumpets will help us prepare for what lies ahead.
Freedom From Slavery
Norbert Link | September 23, 2006
The Feast of Trumpets is a memorial–a day of blowing an awakening blast. We are warned that literal slavery is coming upon the modern houses of Israel and Judah, as well as parts of God’s Church. Upon repentance, the returning Jesus Christ will bring freedom from slavery. Today, we can become worthy, in God’s eyes, to escape the yoke of captivity, as well as the spiritual slavery of sin and death, by submitting to the will of God, and by fulfilling, individually and collectively, God’s commission to His Church to be “spiritual trumpets.” God offers us protection from the Great Tribulation, but it is not received automatically, just because we may be “in” the Church of God.
The Gulf Between God and Man
Brian Gale (United Kingdom) | September 23, 2006
Seven areas where the gulf between God and man is inestimable are discussed in this sermon, that of Time, Space, Wealth, Vision, Power, Perfection and Love.
The day celebrating the Feast of Trumpets is an exciting glimpse into the future when those who have been faithful to the very end, will become members of the family of God. There is a massive, unbridgeable gulf between God and man at this time – in every way. We’re human now, but when we are members of God’s family as spirit beings in the future, we will have the same attributes and capabilities that God now has.