Sermon Archives
Isaiah 58 – A Chapter for Modern Times
Kalon Mitchell | September 9, 2023
Isaiah 58 is an interesting chapter that speaks about some of the things that Christians need to be doing in their lives. It also talks about things that a Christian should be careful not to do. How exactly does this chapter find relevance in our modern times, seeing that this book was written sometime in the early 700s BC?
Know the Lord
Rene Messier (Canada) | September 3, 2023
Many claim to “know the Lord,” but never study His life and how He dealt with life’s challenging situations; nor do they know what He was really like. This sermon looks at His attributes and characteristics.
The First and Great Commandment
Paul Niehoff (Australia) | September 2, 2023
Jesus Christ answered a lawyer about which is the great commandment of the law. He quoted a passage in Deuteronomy chapter six which described this commandment and the physical benefits from obeying it. It is also very beneficial spiritually for us to obey it, remembering that only the Eternal God can give us eternal life. No other so-called gods are able to.
Learning to Follow Directions
Kalon Mitchell | August 26, 2023
What can we learn from teaching children? What lessons can we apply into our Christian lives?
The Mystery of Biblical Numbers – Part 2
Michael Link | August 26, 2023
In this second part of the series, we look at the meaning and symbolism of the biblical numbers 5, 6 and 7.
Eric Rank | August 19, 2023
Milestones mark the progressive achievements along a path. Christian growth involves reaching these demarcation points, one after the other, on a continual journey of conversion.
Hugging the Cactus
Frank Bruno | August 19, 2023
There are a couple of uses of this phrase that can be meaningful to a true Christian in the world today. One such use refers to the love we have for our children that can often be disregarded and unreciprocated. The other use is the idea of confronting that within each of us that is sinful and dealing with it so we can leave it in the past. In this sermonette, we explore Scriptures and examples that can help us taking the necessary action to move forward productively.
Europe’s War with America, Britain, Israel and Russia
Norbert Link | August 12, 2023
The soon-coming Great Tribulation includes the destruction and occupation of America, Great Britain and the State of Israel in a nuclear World War III. What is meant with the “abomination of desolation” which will be placed in the Third Temple? When will the prophesied war between Europe and Russia occur? And what IS the sign of Christ’s coming and the end of the world?
Alarming Developments in the USA, Germany and the Ukraine ⎯ Comments on News and Prophecy August 12, 2023
Norbert Link | August 12, 2023
Will an allegedly biased judge in the 2020 Election case against Trump recuse herself? Was the “odd” appointment of David Weiss as special counsel in the Hunter Biden case just a trick of Merrick Garland? Why do most Republican voters in Iowa think that the conduct of the Justice Department and the FBI “is reminiscent of Nazi Germany in the 1930s”? Are we facing coming climate and pandemics lockdowns? Is the US Army descending into a “hollow force”? Why do we need to wake up when Germans are extremely unhappy with their entire political system; when the country is in deep financial trouble; and when fear of war is widespread among German soldiers? And while Germany is hesitant to supply more arms to Ukraine, brutal mobilization by Ukraine military recruitment officers; the suffering of staggering losses; and the apparent failure of Ukraine’s counteroffensive give pause for alarm.
Our Self-Destruction Is Imminent!
Norbert Link | August 5, 2023
The Bible warns that the insane behavior of warring powers would lead to the total annihilation of mankind so that no one would survive the coming World War III, if Christ were not to intervene at the last moment to stop such insanity. How can this madness of seduced and seducing warmongers even happen? Christ describes in detail in the Mount of Olives prophecy how the phases of events will unfold and when the end of the world and Christ’s return will come. In the first part of this new series, we look at the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse and the Great Tribulation, with special emphasis on false Christianity and its unbiblical teachings, the persecution of true Christians, and how they will be protected from the terrible events to come.
Beware the Company You Keep
Brian Gale (United Kingdom) | August 5, 2023
The importance of keeping good company cannot be over-emphasized, and good and true friends can help us in achieving our goal of making it into the Kingdom of God. We must always keep in mind that “evil company corrupts good habits.”
In Despair
Eric Rank | July 29, 2023
Life can get pretty hard. We can learn from the examples in the Bible of those who groaned in despair because of their dire circumstances. By hanging on in faith that God will see us through even the most difficult situations, we will be able to overcome, even when things seem hopeless.
Dave Harris | July 29, 2023
Imagine, for a moment, a world in which love was the basis for all human interactions! God has planned for this, and He sent His Son, Jesus Christ, to lay the foundation for just such a world!
The Mystery of Biblical Numbers
Michael Link | July 22, 2023
When it comes to symbolism, the Bible is full of explanations and specific reasons for certain numbers, showing how the Bible complements each number. In this sermon, we will discuss the meaning of the numbers one through four.
Love for God
Rene Messier (Canada) | July 22, 2023
Even though many profess to have a love for God they deny that love by not keeping the first four commandments which demonstrate our love for God.
Cluster Bombs and Our Endless Wars—Comments on News and Prophecy, July 15, 2023
Norbert Link | July 15, 2023
Many years ago, Bob Dylan wrote the song, “Masters of War.” This song is as relevant today as it has ever been. We are now “perilously close to all-out, life-destroying nuclear war,” while the war industry is flourishing. We are being led “into World War III, which would be a nightmare beyond imagination—obliteration.” The horrific use of cluster bombs—now being given to Ukraine by Washington—is another step of killing mostly civilians and children and of rendering “affected areas uninhabitable” for decades to come. Will we ever learn?
Regeneration – To Create Again
Kalon Mitchell | July 15, 2023
The God family is a family of creators. They created everything and sustain everything. Sadly, due to Satan’s rebellion and man’s failures as well, there has been nothing but destruction ever since. Yet the God family is not done creating. There is more to their plan. How will their plans for regeneration affect us and all of mankind in the future?
Living the Dream
Eric Rank | July 10, 2023
In modern parlance when people talk of “living the dream”, invariably they refer to their way life is going. Whether stated in sincerity or sarcastically, this evaluation declares that life is so good that it couldn’t be better, being in pursuit of one’s dreams. To most, living the dream is an impossibility. What guidance can we find in the Bible that motivates us to truly be “living the dream”?
Selfish or Selfless?
Dave Harris | July 8, 2023
The Bible addresses the matter of selfishness with strong warnings. The Bible also teaches us how to be unselfish—to have the selfless character of Jesus Christ.
Christ and the Church
Dave Harris | July 1, 2023
Do you believe that Jesus Christ still guides the Church of God, today? If you do, are you keeping what He commands, and, most importantly, are you a member of the True Church of God that is revealed in the Bible?