
Sermon Archives

Coming Out of Babylon

Edwin Pope | August 7, 2004

Babylon represents the ways of this world. God tells us He is against Babylon and that it is His intent to destroy Babylon completely. We must flee this system and its evil ways or face total destruction ourselves. Therefore, it is critical that we come to understand what we must do to be free of Babylon’s destructive ways.

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Please, Take It Personally!

Dave Harris | July 31, 2004

We all need to see ourselves as God sees us. Living our lives in a self-satisfied way and doing what seems right in our own view is spiritually dangerous. Arrogance, pride and rebellious self-will are stumbling blocks to those who wish to follow the way of Christianity. In order to measure ourselves in the light of God’s Word and to have the ears to hear and the eyes to see as God views us, we must be willing to examine ourselves, to humble ourselves and to repent. These are issues that we must, indeed, take personally.

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Our Father

Norbert Link | July 24, 2004

Christ told us to pray to God, calling Him “Our Father.” When we address God as “Our Father,” what is all included with this phrase? What should we be thinking about, when we use this term? We must be careful not to say these words without realizing the deep meaning associated with them; otherwise, we might become guilty of using “vain repetitions.”

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Babylon's Ways – How You Are Affected!

Edwin Pope | July 17, 2004

According to God’s Word, the ways of Babylon have affected the entire world. These ways are contrary to God and to His Ways. Today’s world is under the jurisdiction of Satan the devil. God tells us that all nations have drunk of the wine of her fornication. In so doing, the world has become deceived into going the way of Satan and his angels (the demons). God says to those He is calling that we must come out of those ways or else will face with the world the plagues of Babylon. God will eventually destroy the entire system of Babylon and will establish His New Way in all the earth.

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All Brethren

Dave Harris | July 10, 2004

As potential members of God’s Spiritual family, those who are now baptized and have the gift of God’s Holy Spirit are brethren. Jesus Christ calls us brethren, and He shows that loving one another as He commands is a proof of this new relationship–a relationship that transcends even our physical families. The Word of God illustrates both good and bad brotherly relationships: Cain and Abel; Joseph and his brothers; the two brothers in the parable of the lost son; Jonathan and David as friends (showing selfless love); Jesus Christ and us; Us (that is, Christians); and, our future brethren who are yet to be converted and brought into the family of God.

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Who Is In Control?

Norbert Link | July 3, 2004

In times of personal and national uncertainties, trials and sufferings; in times of set-backs and sickness; in times of calamity and death; we may ask ourselves the question: Who is actually in control of our lives? Who directs our lives? Is there anyone out there who really cares?

Especially in times of doubt, it is important to review the clear teaching of the Bible on this subject. Even though it may not appear this way at times, and even though Satan is the god of and ruler over this world, God is in total control over this world’s affairs — as well as our own personal lives.

This sermon will explain and show how this is so.

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Do Not Become Negligent with God’s Truth

Edwin Pope | June 26, 2004

God’s Truth is very precious to Him. The world lives totally contrary to His Truth and His Way. We have learned that God’s Mercy goes forth with His Truth and those who live according to Truth have God’s Mercy as a blessing in their lives. When one turns from God’s Truth and His Way and refuses to repent of his error, God’s Mercy is removed as well.

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Do Not Become Negligent with God's Truth

Edwin Pope | June 26, 2004

God’s Truth is very precious to Him. The world lives totally contrary to His Truth and His Way. We have learned that God’s Mercy goes forth with His Truth and those who live according to Truth have God’s Mercy as a blessing in their lives. When one turns from God’s Truth and His Way and refuses to repent of his error, God’s Mercy is removed as well.

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God's Truth – Part III

Edwin Pope | June 19, 2004

God’s Truth is precious to Him. When those who have been called of Him turn away from His Truth and begin living and teaching – even by the example of their lives – contrary to His Truth, they profane His Holy Name! We must walk in His Truth. To do this, there must be developed within our hearts and minds a love of His Truth. Without this love for God’s Truth, we will not be able to be pleasing to Him nor continue in His Way!

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How Do You Know?

Dave Harris | June 12, 2004

Basing our belief in the Bible, we must know that what we believe is correct. The return of Jesus Christ serves as a case in point for us to consider. Up to this period some incorrect assumptions have led to unfulfilled expectations. Three areas are explored to answer how we have the beliefs we now hold: by deception and disobedience; by revelation from God; and, by obedience to God. The Bible plainly shows that the return of Jesus Christ is a foremost theme of God’s prophetic revelation. Christians must not become disheartened, because we have been warned that many both have and will stumble over the timing of Christ’s return. Our instruction is to remain faithful to the end.

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You Shall Be Perfect

Norbert Link | June 5, 2004

Can we ever reach perfection in this life? Is there a time when we can say, “Now I am perfect”? Is perfection static, or is it a process?

Does it matter whether or not we strive for perfection? If it is true that we can never become perfect in this human flesh, why should we even try?

Does God command us to be perfect? If He does, does He command us to do something that He knows is impossible for us to achieve?

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The Feast of Firstfruits

Edwin Pope | May 30, 2004

The Feast of Firstfruits is one of the most important days in the overall Plan of God. God gave His Truth to Israel and established the Old Testament Church on the day of Pentecost while in the process of leading them (in that first year of the Exodus) out of the land of Egypt. And on the first Pentecost after Christ’s death, burial, and resurrection from the dead, after having been accepted by the Father as the First of the Firstfruits, God sent His Spirit as a help to those He would call in this lifetime, upon repentance of their past sins, baptism, and the laying on of hands by His ordained Ministry.

If those called of God are successful in their calling, remaining true to God and His established Way of life, they will be among those referred to as the Firstfruits of the Lord, Jesus Christ being the First of the Firstfruits.

The day of Pentecost pictures these Firstfruits of the Lord. Pentecost can be viewed as their day!

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The Way of Righteousness

Dave Harris | May 30, 2004

Christians need to understand how well they are living their lives. A question to explore this is, “Am I truly living in the WAY of righteousness?” Jesus Christ revealed a pattern of living. In fact, this lifestyle early on became known as a “way” of living, and its adherents were easily recognized in contrast to the worldly way of living. Furthermore, it takes God’s help through His Holy Spirit and by that gift we may actually have the mind of Christ in us. We can have great assurance in all of this, because both the Father and Jesus know to whom the Spirit is given, and they know who is practicing righteousness.

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God's Power

Norbert Link | May 29, 2004

On the Day of Pentecost, God gave His Spirit to the New Testament Church. God sent His Spirit with a sound from heaven, as of a rushing mighty wind. It is therefore no surprise that God describes His Holy Spirit many times as a Spirit of Power. This is so, as God is identified with Power. God wants to share His power with us. To a limited extent, God’s powers are already available to us today. We need to prove to God, in the way in which we use those powers today, that we will never abuse God’s limitless power in the future.

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The Truth – Part II

Edwin Pope | May 22, 2004

God is concerned for those He has called into His Truth – His Way of Life. He tells us we are to grow in the grace and in the knowledge of the Truth. David illustrates that Truth belongs to God. Yet, God sends forth His mercy and His Truth. We who have been called into this Way of Truth are to abide in God’s Truth.

No man can come to Christ and God’s Way unless the Father calls Him. Yet, today, God is not calling all men to His Way. But God is not a respecter of persons, and every person who has ever lived or who will live in the future will have his opportunity to eternal life by receiving God’s Truth. God will, however, deal with each person based upon His time schedule (1 Cor 15:23).

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The Truth – Part I

Edwin Pope | May 15, 2004

When we in the Church of God think in terms of “The Truth”, we have in mind God’s “Way of Life.” This Way is discussed in God’s Word, “The Holy Bible”! While the Bible does speak of truth in the more conventional terminology; 1) whether or not facts given are true or false, and 2) the truth as an attribute of one’s character, we generally think in terms of the more frequent usage of the terminology used in the Bible, “the Truth” as it relates to the very Character of God and of His Way of Life.

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Worship God

Dave Harris | May 8, 2004

The Bible warns against false worship over and over again. Christians need to be certain that their worship is true and acceptable. Who we worship is very critical matter. Examples of worship in the lives of Abraham, David and Jesus Christ show the tremendous rewards of true worship. The Bible also speaks of grave and fateful warnings of a coming time of enforced false worship. We are to prepare now by making certain that our worship is true, and we are to teach and warn others of these things. Regardless of what we face, we must worship God.

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Your Will Be Done

Norbert Link | May 1, 2004

Christ taught us to pray: “Your Will Be Done, On Earth, As It Is In Heaven.” In order to ask God in a meaningful way that His will be done on earth – -and especially in our lives, we have to meet certain requirements. Otherwise, we cannot expect an answer to our prayers. These requirements include knowing and understanding God’s will, agreeing with it and desiring to do it, and, receiving God’s strength to do it. When we submit to God, He will see to it that His Will is done.

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The Time of Jacob's Trouble

Dave Harris | April 24, 2004

The modern descendants of the house of Israel will suffer devastating punishment and national captivity for their sins prior to the return of Jesus Christ. The Bible contains very specific conditions for blessings from God as well as His warning of severe punishment for disobedience. In spite of warnings from God, the history of Judah and Israel was that they ignored the message of the prophets who were sent to them. Along with preaching the gospel of the Kingdom of God, a warning of punishment is to be given in our generation–both to Israel and to the nations of this world.

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