Sermon Archives
Our Reward
Norbert Link | April 17, 2004
The so-called Christian world is deceived and confused regarding God’s gift (that of eternal life which is offered independent of works), and our reward, which is dependent on works. It is important how we live based on what we know — how well we perform.
Our reward has to do with rulership. We will be able to beautify life — to guide and to help others to live a peaceful and happy life, in accordance with God’s way. Ruling others means, helping them to live God’s way of life. We must develop the desire to do so today.
In times of trials, we must look beyond the present and focus on the future, as to how we can serve others on a great scale.
The Promised Land
Dave Harris | April 12, 2004
The really good news for each of us is that the struggle to keep sin out of our lives will have an end. In the Biblical account of Abraham and his descendants, we find both good and bad examples of those who sought to answer God’s calling. The lesson is one that transcends mere physical blessings of this life. The true promised land is the Kingdom of God–the end of our struggle and our final victory over sin.
Battle of the Mind
Norbert Link | April 12, 2004
A battle is going on — at least, it should be going on — in the mind of every converted Christian. It is very important to realize that our human carnal mind was hostile toward God before our conversion, largely due to Satan’s influence. Even after conversion, Satan will try to continue to bombard us with his evil thoughts. We must therefore refuse to permit evil thoughts to settle in our minds and our hearts. Instead, we must replace them with right thoughts. God’s Word, Faith and the Understanding that God knows every thought that we might think, can help us to win the battle of our minds.
Responsibility Regarding God's Purpose
Edwin Pope | April 10, 2004
God has called us to be involved in the fulfillment of His great purpose. We must be sure we understand that purpose and what we are to do to have a part in it.
Lest We Forget
Edwin Pope | April 6, 2004
How important are God’s Truths? How important is His Law, His Statutes, His Judgments? How important are the days He has established as Holy? The Scriptures tell us that our “eternal lives” depend on how we relate to these Truths!
Self Examination
Rene Messier (Canada) | April 6, 2004
The importance of self examination going into the days of unleavened bread to see how we are doing when compared to an employees performance review done annually by ones employer.
Christ's Death and Resurrection
Norbert Link | March 27, 2004
While the Church of God celebrates Passover and the Days of Unleavened Bread, the world, including Orthodox Christianity, celebrates Easter — that is, Good Friday, Easter Sunday and, in some countries, Easter Monday. Why do they do it, and why don’t we? Does it make any difference? This sermon will show that it makes a world of a difference. It is so important that we can safely say that it is a matter of life and death. It is a matter of accepting or rejecting Jesus Christ as our personal Savior. It is a matter of receiving forgiveness of sins, or of still living in sin, being cut off from God. If we believe in the Good Friday crucifixion and the Easter Sunday resurrection, we are rejecting the only sign that Christ gave to the people of His time that He was the Messiah — namely, that He would be for three days and three nights dead in the grave, and that He would afterwards raise from the dead.
Who Are The Saints?
Dave Harris | March 20, 2004
The commonly held definition of the word “saint” as generally used in both secular and religious settings is different than that of the Bible. The Bible reveals that “saints” is a designation to the company of God’s people and applies to ALL believers–that is, to all who live holy lives based on God’s calling and selection. As used in the Bible, the term saint or saints conveys righteousness or goodness as illustrated by godly and holy character along with consecration (being set apart by God as His own). Furthermore, along with the remarkable opportunity to be called at this time, Christians, who the Bible also describes as saints, bear a great responsibility and accountability to God.
How To Observe God's Holy Days
Norbert Link | March 13, 2004
Today, let us examine Biblical principles showing us HOW to keep God’s weekly and annual Holy Days. They are Feast days, to be kept holy. Our inward and outward appearance, especially while we are attending services, should reflect the holiness of those feast days. We should realize that God the Father, Jesus Christ and the holy angels are watching us, and that we are appearing before the God and Creator of the universe — a great King of splendor, beauty and quality. We are to dress up and we are to pay attention to what is being taught. We also need to prepare for the commanded eight-day-attendance of the Feast of Tabernacles, by carefully setting aside our Second Tithe for this purpose.
Quitting Lasts Forever
Brian Gale (United Kingdom) | March 6, 2004
A cycling super star who confronted, and beat cancer in the 1990’s made a simple but very profound and incisive statement that “Pain is Temporary but Quitting Lasts Forever”. This truly sums up the way of life that we’ve been called to. We can, and we all do get temporarily discouraged at times but we are not alone in this and the Christian way of life is a calling and a full time career – and if we permanently forsake it then we have, in effect, quit forever.
Why the Ministry?
Rene Messier (Canada) | March 6, 2004
This subject deals with why the ministry exist. It is to fulfill seven points of scripture from preaching the Gospel to the world to performing marriages and funerals to baptism to anointing both in baptism and raising one in the ministry.
Blessed Are the Merciful
Edwin Pope | February 28, 2004
Our God is a merciful God. We must all come to understand just how merciful our God is and realize that this point of Character which is typical of His Mind is a quality He would have His people develop in their lives. Christ tells us in Luke 6:36 to “… be merciful, just as your Father also is merciful.” And in Matthew 5:4 He taught that if we are merciful, God will be merciful with us.
Love covers all sin!
The Trial of Jesus
Norbert Link | February 21, 2004
Throughout the pages of the Bible, we read that Jesus committed no sin; that no deceit was found in His mouth; that He did do no violence; that He came into sinful flesh, becoming sin for us; and that He was numbered with the transgressors for our sakes. It is clear that He did not transgress God’s law — He never sinned even once. But what about man’s law? Was He properly sentenced to death according to the Jewish and Roman law that was in effect at His time?
Some have erroneously concluded that He was, neither knowing the law of man nor the Scriptures. Others have rightly pointed out that Jesus’ execution was nothing more than premeditated murder. The Bible, as well as the relevant provisions of the applicable human law, make this fact very obvious.
The Spirit of Unity
Dave Harris | February 14, 2004
In the face of the prevailing attitude of division that is so much a part of society whether in nations or families or even the Church of God, the people of God must be careful to not allow this approach in their own lives. As a test of Christian unity, we must examine and test where we stand. Do we possess and are we growing in the spirit of unity that God has established in His Church
Why Suffering?
Norbert Link | February 7, 2004
All of us suffer of trials, tribulations, and persecutions. In fact, the Bible tells us that everyone who is a true Christian and who wants to live godly in Christ Jesus WILL have trials. Sometimes, it may appear that our difficulties are more than we can possibly endure — and we might be tempted to throw in the towel. Tragically, many have done so in times past. But, when we go through trials, we should understand why there are trials. That will help us to look at them, and especially the ultimate outcome, in a much more positive light. When God allows trials to come upon us, it is for a reason. And, it is for our ultimate good.
The Tribe of Judah
Dave Harris | January 31, 2004
The Bible has much to say about the tribe of Judah – both their history and their future. It is important for Christians to understand Judah’s role in the plan of God. It is into the line of Judah that the Messiah, Jesus Christ, was born, and prophecy shows that Jerusalem will be the seat of government upon His return to this earth. The Old Testament reveals the emergence of Judah as a nation, and the selection of David as an enduring king over the house of Israel. Although chosen to rule, the house of Judah has been the target of violent persecution because of enemies, and the Bible shows that the Jews have failed to obey God and have rather allowed their religious practices to become polluted with human traditions. The Bible also shows a bright and enduring future for the tribe of Judah once the Kingdom of God is established.
Repentance and Forgiveness
Edwin Pope | January 24, 2004
What Does God Require?
God requires repentance of those who seek His Way of life. Sin is always against God, whether we sin against a neighbor or whether we break one of the first four commandments, which are direct obligations to Him. Sin is the transgression of God’s Law.
And, if a brother sins against us and repents for that sin, we are obligated to God and to our brother to forgive him.
This sermon examines the principles involved.
Who Was Jesus?
Norbert Link | January 17, 2004
The question who was Jesus has been terribly misunderstood by orthodox Christianity. Even some Sabbath-keeping Church of God organizations don’t have a correct understanding of this topic. However, we must understand correctly, as otherwise, we might be in danger of rejecting the sacrifice of Jesus Christ.
Some teach that Christ was truly God and truly man. Others say that He was fully God and fully man. Some teach that He was fully God, but not man. Some teach that He was fully man, but not God. Some say that He did not exist before He came to this earth. Some say that He existed as an angel. Others teach that He has always existed as God.
What is the Biblical truth?
Are You Deceived?
Dave Harris | January 10, 2004
Being called our this world is a kind of awakening from God. It is being brought from deception into a knowledge of the freedom of truth. However, Satan still seeks to deceive and to enslave any who would believe his lies. Christians need to continually be on guard understanding that these lies are masquerading as truth. Believing and acting on this kind of deception can lead to death. On the other hand, following Jesus Christ, resisting Satan, overcoming the world, avoiding false doctrine and false teachers and not deceiving ourselves are some of the ways in which we can avoid being deceived.
I Was In Prison…
Norbert Link | January 3, 2004
When we hear that someone is in prison, or that he or she had been in prison, we immediately think or assume that the person must have done something terribly wrong. At times, we may hear that somebody was sent to jail who was innocent, and that after years of having served the prison term, his or her innocence was proven. When that happens, we still pride ourselves with the illusion that the system works — and that the innocent person was just a necessary casualty of the system. We need to be careful not to loose sympathy and empathy for prisoners. The Bible has quite a bit to say about innocent righteous prisoners that ended up in the jails of this world. They were jailed because they stood up for God and His way of life. At other times, they were imprisoned because others envied them, wanting to take advantage of them, coveting what they had. God allowed that His servants be jailed. He allowed it for a reason. This is important to understand as the Bible prophesies that many of God’s servants will be imprisoned in the future — before Christ’s return.